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I “ Fais ce qiCil faut, arrive ce qu’H pourra yobi scssssit. smxDiif ovauNrn at* ossa. itsw m s-sr©. woo. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGAR SNOWDEN, it9 ^llars PER ANNUM. PAYABLE_HALF YEARLY 41E\IndITFa gazette (FOR THE COUNTRY) IS PUBLISHED REGl LARLY OX TPFSDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY .^DOLLARS PER ANNUM, PAY ABLE IN ADVANCE. Tjrau0f Uvertisinz:—Advertisements neat . Li conspicuously inserted at the rate ofom Idlar oe? square for the first three insertions d r^tv-fi ve cents for every subsequent mser A reasonable deduction will be made lr ne case of yearly advertisers. L'. Si advertisements appear in both papers FOR AMSTERDAM. Thir superior coppered Ship YIRGl jtt) v/1 'c W Turner, master, wilt sail about KfOclober. and take 200 hogsheads of to toco or small stowage on freight, on which an K-mm will be made if required. Apply to »JvjncV W. FOWLE & CO. Alexandria, Sept. 9, 1S:U._ "poK'NORFOLK AND RICHMOND. _ The Schooner VISES ARD. Jackson, if&master. carries over 3000 bushels, and will C77ulv for a cargo to-morrow. Apply to : GEO. JOHNSON a CO. ->OR FREIGHT, _ The Schooner POTOMAC, Asa Bears, master She carries about 950 barrels, „d ,?ow ready for - FOR FREIGHT. — The good Schooner MARS, Young, tb&master. carries lltm barrels, will be ready for cargo in all this week, and take freight to mv Eastern port. Apply to LAMBERT & MckENZIE, oct2 Union wharf. "ALEXANDRIA A NI > NEW ORLEANS PACKETS. rf* Brig TRIHCXE, Captain Smith, and ‘^VBrig rVC.LST, Captain Boush, will resume their regular trips on the 20th of October; one of which will leave this port every thirty days throughout the shipping season. They are ves sels of the first class, commanded by experien ced masters in the trade, will at all times go up the Mississippi by steam, anil every exertion used to promote the interest of shippers anil comfort of passengers. Apply to the captains onboard, or to _ FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. aug 30—t20thOct ___ NOTICE. The Steamer COLUM HI A, Capt. James Mitch ell, having resumed her regular trips between Bal timore and the District of Columbia, will, dur ing the season, leave Baltimore for the District of Columbia every Saturday, at 4 o’clock, P. M.; and returning, will leave Washington at b, and Alexandria at 7 o’clock, A. M. every Wed nesday, for Baltimore. Passage S2. sept 18—tf __ FOR NORFOLK. The Steamboat CHE SA PE. I EE, Capt Wilson, will be run as a regular packet between Alexan dria and Norfolk; leaving Alexandria on Tues days and Fridays, at 1 o’clock, and arriving in Norfolk in time to put passengers for Richmond on board the Patrick Henry. Returning, leave Norfolk on Wednesdays and Sundays, at 2 P. M., taking passengers from tV Patrick Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on Mondays .and Thursdays, at 10 A. Nl. Passen Jts for Baltimore can be carried through the Mme day. Fare from Alexandria to Norfolk, $b, exclu of meals, or $7, meals included. From Nor f"‘k to Baltimore, $$, exclusive of meals; $9, meals included. The Chesapeake is a weir Boat, particularly adapted to this route; is coppered, copper-fas tpned, has a strong copper boiler, ami is, in all respects, entitled to the confidence of travellers. Parties of pleasure and families will only be charged >> for^e trip to Norfolk or Old Point indback. J. WILSON, Captain, jept It—tf CHOPPAS. bases Fancy Choppas, of extra quality, re * ceived pet brig Metamora. for sale by _ w. fowle & co. TIMOTHY SEED, Ac. *} Tierces New Timothy Seed * 5 boxes Colgate’s superior Starch lb do Mould Candles, 6’s and 10’s lb do Yellow Soap •» . ... '.._C*_ I'liiur wiiuc navaiin ^ 'ust received per schooner Washington, and 01 sale hy ANDREW J. FLEMING, 0*1On Irwin’s wharf. SODA FOR WASHING. I\(1A Lbs. just received and for sale by !!w 10tkmo8th WM. ST ABLER. _ WINDOWGLASS. J XA Boxes of Window Glass, S * 10, jusl received, will be sold very low in lots 7ROBERT H. MILLER. COFFEE AND PIMENTO. JjA A|k|i Pounds prime Green Jamaica 10 bags Pimento binding from schooner Palestine, from Jamai i- and fur sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE. YOUNG HYSON TEA. 2ft Chests Young Hyson Tea, Roman’s car v go, for sale by mi mWD DALNGERFIELD. ; MOLASSES AND CHEESE, g |g Hogsheads New Orleans Molasses 5 casks Goshen Cheese Received per schr. Virginia, and for sale by oct 7 STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf. GUNPOWDER AND IMPERIAL TEA, &c 1 g || Half Chests ( Gunpowderand Imperial J. U 20 13 lb boxes \ Tea, represented as fine 50 lbs fresh Nutmegs [qualitiee 50 lbs best Spanish F. Indigo 24 dozen bottles super British Blacking 50 dft boxes do Paste do 20 do bottles do Black Ink 33 bbls Rosin, Madder, Chipped Log wood, Glue, Copperas, and Spanish "Whiting Received per schooner Virginia, from New York, and for sale by WILLIAM N. McVEIGH, oct 6 Prince street wharf. TENERIFFE WINE. g p^ Quarter Casks Old L P. Teneriffe Wine, J- of superior quality, just received and for sale by oct 0 S. MESSERSMITH. POTATOES AND VINEGAR. W|g Barrels Eastern Potatoes, in prime order 4 vf 10 do Pickling Vinegar Just received and on sale by ANDREW J. FLEMING, oct 6 On Irwin’s wharf. GLADES BUTTER. O Q Kegs Glades Butter, suitable for table use & •# 7.000 Pickles, very good Just received and for sale by J. & M. SNYDER, Upper enu King street, third uoor west uia ind uct l gonal 1'iinip._ LONDON BROWN STOUT. A FURTHER supply of “ Dunbar’s” Lon don Brown Stout, Quarts and Pints, just received and for sale by oct 4S. MESSERSMITI-I. PLASTER PARIS. | Tons Plaster Paris, just received and IvrtJ for sale by oct 4_WILLIAM N. McVElGII. PLASTER OF PARIS, AFLOAT. | Tons Plaster, tlie cargo of the brig 1. 4 Stranger, for sale by oct 3__W. FOWLE & CO. LIME. OQ|~k Casks Fresh Thomaston Lime, the O uU cargo of schooner Mary, Capt. Young, for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, oct 2 * Union wharf. NEW ENGLAND RUM. Hogsheads, received per brig Wankinco, £\J from Boston, this day landing, and for sale by oct 2 W. FOV\ LF. & CO. SICILY MADEIRA WINE. Quarter Casks “ Ingham’s” Sicily Ma £\J deira Wine, received per brig Wankinco, for sale by oct 2 W. FOWLE & CO. SUGARS, MOLASSES, TEAS, Ac. -g /• Hhds N. O. and prime St. Croix Sugars 1U 12 do N. O. if English Island Molasses 7 boxes prime white and brown Havana Sugar 3 do Lump Sugar 12 half chests Y. H. Jf- Gunpowder Teas, of prime retailing quality ]0 bags Porto Rico Coffee 2 do African do 1 bale high flavored Mocha do 3 bags old Java do 5 frails Almonds 4 bales English Walnuts 6 kegs Malaga Raisins 2 bags Pimenta 20 dozen Corn Brooms 10 boxes Mould Candles IS do Plug Tobacco, (I2’s) 1 case English Mustard 5 boxes Chocolate 10 bbls Prime Pork, (N. Y. City Inspec tion) 10 do No. 1 Boston Beef 7 casks superior Goshen Cheese Now landing from on hoard schr. President, from New York, ami will he sold on reasonable terms, by ANDREW J. FLEMING, sept 20 On Irwin’s wharf. SUGARS, MOLASSES, COFFEE, TEA, &c. Hhds Orleans and Porto Rico Sugar •111 10 boxes { white and brown Havana do 30 barrels S 80 hhds } New Orleans and West India 30 bbls $ Molasses and Nruvitas Syrup, a superior article 110 bags Co flee, Rio, Cuba. Green Porto Rico, Maracaibo, Liberia and Java 100 chests, half chests and boxes Teas, Gunpowder, Imperial, Ilyson. Young Hyson, and Pouchong, chiefly very late importation and tine qualities ^ 60 barrels superior Old Whiskey, part 5th proof Old Monongahela 2 hogsheads Cherry Bounce Wines, Liquors, and general Grocery assort ment, as usual. F’or sale. septS SAMUEL B. LARMOUR & CO. v s T he above T A V EIIN has been rented by IlilLthe subscriber. It is well known as having been long occupied by Mr. Augustine Newton; is now in good repair, and every comfort that the traveller needs can be had. The Table is everyday supplied with the delicacies, as well , as the substantial of life. The Bar is well fitted with the best Liquors, and private parties can be accommodated in the most delightful man n',r. JOHN WEST. N B. Beltzhoover’s Line of Stages arrive and depart daily from this House; and Gigs, Horses and Hacks, can be had on the most reasonabh terms ___nov 5~d ALEXANDRIA MUSEUM OPEN, daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. ant from 3 to 9 !*• M- jan 24 TOBACCO MANUFACTORY, AND SNUFI AND SEGAR STORE, Corner of Prince # Water Streets, Alexandria SAMUEL V. HILL respectfully informs hi; friends and the public that he has on hand and will constantly keep, a supply of th< finest CHEWING & SMOKING TOBACCO and also an assortment of the various kinds o SNUFF; and the best Spanish and Americar SEGARS. Chewers, Smokers, and Snuffers are therefore requested to call at his Store, cor ner of Prince and W'ater streets, near the Far mers.’ Bank, and purchase these articles, of the best quality, on the most reasonable terms. _oct 11—3m__ STANDARD MEDICAL WORKS. EBERLE’S Practice of Medicine. A Trea tise on the Theory and Practice of Medi cine, in 2 vols Svo; by John Eberle, M. D. Pro fessor of Materia Medica and Obstetricks in the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. “ This is one of the most valuable works on the Pr ac tice of Medicine that has ever issued from the American press.” The Practice of Physic, by W. P. Dewees, M. D. Adjunct Professor of Midwifery in the Uni versity of Pennsylvania, 2 vols Svo. A Compendious System of Midwifery, chiefly designed to facilitate the inquiries of those who may be pursuing this branch of study; in Svo, ! with 13 plates; 5th edition, corrected and en larged; by W. P. Dewees, M. I). Dewees on the Diseases of Females, 3d edi tion; with additions, in Svo. Do on the Diseases of Children, 4th do, Svo Just received and on sale by net 11 AUG. JACOBS. LAND FOR SALE A TRACT OF LAND in the County o Prince William, Virginia, called “ Hazle Plain,” containing about 550 acres. ; A TRACT, adjoining the above, called “ Brown’s,” containing about 40S acres. A TRACT on Bull Run, containing about 1075 acres. A TRACT on Cedar Run, called “ Fitz , hugh’s,” containing about 575 acres. A TRACT on Slater’s Run, containing about 010 acres. A TRACT called “ Champs,” containing7G5 acres. A TRACT in Fauquier County, called “ Hale’s,” containing about 1400 acres. With several smaller TRACTS, containing from 100 to 250 acres. On all these Tracts are good and sufficient Dwelling and Out-Houses, i All of which will be sold on favorable terms, upon application to Bernard Hooe, Esq. or the subscriber, in Alexandria. jy 31_WM. II. FOWLE. WHEAT FANS, &c. LG. & H. GRISWOLD have nowon hand, . and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King I and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng* ; lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; | Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters, Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; ail of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufactures and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. fTr* TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass. may 28—ly _ J E It E MIA11 W. S A T T RRWH1T E, CAM SET MAKE It, RESPECTFULLY informs Ins friends and the public generally that he has commenc ed the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, in all its various branches, at the north corner ol Kimr and Columbus streets, in the house for merly occupied by James &■ Jacob Douglas, where he hopes, by perseverance and industry, in connection with an experience in the above business for the last eight or ten years, to meril a share of public patronage. His FURNITURE will be made by experien ced journeymen, after the latest fashion, and in the most durable manner, which he will warrant to be equal to any manufactured in the District of Columbia. jan 2 tf TO THE GREAT FALLS. * - Tlio Pfina -Packet Boal • G E O If G £ l WASHING' I 7Y),V has commenced her regular tups, or Tuesdays and Fridays, for the Great Falls 01 Crommelin, starting fiom Frederick Street | Bridge, (Georgetown) at S o clock, A. ^1., anc returning the same day at or before sunset. Fart to and from Crommelin, 50 cents. The Canal is now in fine order, and thecoun try presents a beautiful appearance. To thost who are fond of a short excursion, and desire a short relaxation from business, a trip to the Great Falls offers a most delightful tieat. SCj* Parties, on anv other days of the week can be accommodated, by giving a short notice or application to the proprietor, living on Thirc street. Georgetown. _Z. M. ObMJ 1 -BANK NOTES WANTED. T S NICHOLLS wishes to purchase Bank 1. Notes of all the Banks which have stopped specie payment within the Distiict of Columbia and will give the highest prices in specie-80 tc 85 cents. Washington, may fi—dtf -WHITE LEAD~ Just received, per Sloop Milter, -g iNgN Kegs pure White Lead I.UU 100 do No. 1 do Roberts’ brand, Philadelphia, and for sole hj I JAMES W. SCOTT, oct 3—tf Onion street. NEW GOODS. i FALL GOODS. WH. THOMPSON & CO. offer for sale, • at moderate prices, an extensive assort* I ment of French, Italian, English, and American f Goods, received by late arrivals, and are now , opening. Among them are the following: i Black, blue black, and col’d Gro dc Naples Do and do Poult de Soie Black Italian Lustrings, Florences, and black Mode Blond Veils, Thread Laces and Edgings Jet black and blue black Lyons Velvets Black and colored Italian Crapes Plain and figured Swiss Muslins Linen Cambric and Linen Cambric Hdkfs Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Hosiery Gloves of every description New style Dark Cambric Prints A Iso, Cloths, ol every shade and price, very cheap Cassimeres, Cassinetts, and Flannels Rose, Point, and Duffle Blankets Green Baizes, Drab Kerseys, <jr Negro Cloths 6-4 English and French Merinos 3-4 black and colored Merino Circassians With every variety of Goods in our line, suit able for the Fall and Winter. We invite our customers and purchasers to give us a call, and see for themselves, as we are determined to sell at a small advance on the met sent 29 NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. J UST received a large supply of Fall and If inter Goods, which will be sold unusually low, viz: 50 pieces blue, black, brown, claret, green, mulberry, olive, mixed and drab Cloths and Cassimeres 5 pieces Wilkins’ super 8 4 twilled Cloth 5 pieces Petersham, some extra 10 pieces real Goat’s Hair Camblet 100 do Sattinetts i 1 truss, containing 70 pair 9-4 to 14-4 Rose Blankets I GO pieces white, yellow, and red Flannels, some very fine 20 pieces 6-4 French Merino j 20 do do English do 30 do Dlnck and colored Circassians and Bombazets ! 20 pieces black Bombazine, very cheap 5 do 5-4 French do ' 30 do Furniture Calico 15 do Twilled do a new article j 20 do Oil-dressed do i so do Fall Prints, in great variety 6 cases low priced Calicoes 10 pieces black Gingham 10 do Extracted do 5 do Plain do 50 dozen white and black, silk, worsted, and cotton Hosiery I Gent’s Lamb’s-wool Hose and half Hose Do do Shirts and Pants 1 bale Russia Diapers 1 do Crash, for Towelling Damask Table Cloths, Diapers, and Nap kins, very cheap Bird-Eye Diaper Russia Sheeting and Brown Holland Irish Sheeting, some 12-4 wide 30 pieces Irish Linen 100 do Cotton Fringes 50 lbs white, black, and brown Thread 100 do Orrell’s Cotton Balls < 50 dozen Parsons’ Spool Cotton I Gilt, Pearl, and Bone Buttons ; Furniture Binding I Madras Handkerchiefs; Prussian Shawls . 30 pieces Linen and Linen Cambric Hdkfs i 6 dozen Hemmed-stich do do 5 do Colored Bordered do Bishop’s Lawn; Mull, Plain and Figured i BOOK anu owiss musnus Plain and figured Booinet and Greciannet Bobinet $ Greciannet Footings f Edgings Thread and Cambric Edgins Insertions 1 20 pieces assorted colored Crapes 10 do black Italian Crape 10 dozen Corded Skirts Ladies’ best Kid, Beaver Silk Gloves Gent’s Buck, Beaver, Kid, Berlin, and Worsted Gloves 1 10 pieces black and colored Silk Velvet 5 do Tabby Velvet 20 do Quilted, Valencia, Satin-faced, and 1 other Vestings 30 do Silk Handkerchiefs tj do plain India Silk do Black Italian Cravats ! Bombazine, Silk, and Velvet Stocks 1 Silk, Elastic, and Nett Suspenders 5 dozen black and colored Bead Bags 'o 20 do figured, watered, velvet Belting 1 50 pieces Lutstring Ribbons 200 do David’s best Galoons I Jaconet Cambrics, Jaconet Muslins. Plaid | Muslins, Cambric f Furniture Dimity 15 pieces Curtain Muslins 20 do damask and watered Moreans 1 10 do new style Cotton, very handsome Aten, 20 pieces plain and fig’d Silks, very rich 20 do black Italian Mateom % Lutstnngs 5 do Gro de Indies Gro de Constantine, pink and white 5 pieces black Mode I 6 do English Silk Serge : 20 do Florences and Satins Black Lace Veils I 6 doz Blonde Gauze Veils and Hdkfs , Hernani and other Fancy Shawls <jf Hdkfs i, Thibet Shawls and Hdkfs. in great variety i, Merino Shawls, Scarfs, and Hdkfs I Cashmere do do do 10 doz Thibet Barage Hdkfs Together with a general assortment of Brown, Bleached, and Colored Domestics. Also, 2 caseslarge braid cottage-shape Dunstables j , sept 26 WILLIAM II. MOUNT & CO. JOB PRINTING executed at this office NEW GOOJ)S. NEW FALL GOODS. pi EORGE S. HOUGH has just received a very handsome and well selected assort ment of SEASONABLE DRY GOODS to ivhich he would respectfully invite the attention jf his friends and customers. They consist, in mrt, as follows: 3 H 1 Extra superfine and low priced blue black Do do Dahlia Adelaide, and olive brown do Do fav, n drab do, for box and over coats Superfine plain f striped London Cassimeres Do and medium Sattinets Do patent white Flannel, (warranted not to shrink) Red, yellow, green Flannels Printed Floor eioth and Booking Baise Black Florentine" and Velvet Vesting Super black Sattin do Swansdown. fig’d Velvet f Valencia Vesting Super London Witches, for vests, (a hand ^ some article) v erench, English, and German Merinoes and i nmns 10 4> ^lankes’ and 13 4 Rose and w*>itney Point and Duffield do, of all dimensions and |04 Russia and Damask Diaper of) pieces Undressed Long Cloth .Shirtings Russia and Irish Sheetings S Brown Damask Table doth Cloth Table Covers Lambs’ wool Shirts and Hosiery Super black white, and col’d Corded Skirts o tuiltei. Canton hlannel do (a new article) American, French, and English Calicoes and Chintzes A large assortment of plain and striped Lin eys, Kersey, and Flushings, for servants: toge her with a general assortment of American and 1 oreign Staple Goods. Fancy Hoods. Rich Italian Lustring and Poult de Soie Do Gro de .\aps, Sattins and Florences Embossed and Painted Thibet Shawls _ , do Hernani do Super white Embossed Thibet Shawls and Hdkfs (a new and plain article) Blonde, Hernani, and Silk Muslin Hdkfs Plain, embossed, and open work Silk Hosiery 5 boxes Bead Reticules (some all black) Super Sdttin and Gro de Berlin do worked with beads, (very handsome)* Bishops Lawn, Linen Cambric, figured and plain Swiss Muslins Green Berrege and Gauze Veils Super and low priced Linen Cambric Hdkfs Ladies and Gentlemen’s super Iloskin, Bea ver, hilk, and French Castor Gloves Long white Kid do Together with almost every article in the ancy line. Also, 0 non Ihj v_ _ --- .— _ lum mo ju AUCTION SALES. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. PUBLIC SALE. BY a virtue of two several deeds of trust re corded in the U. S. Circuit Court for the bounty of Alexandria, Lib. O, No. 2, fol. 99, and jib. It, No. 2, fol. 92, I shall, on Wednesday, the ’Oth day of November next, offer at public sale, or cash, A LOT OF GROUND in the town of Mexundria, beginning 57 1-2 feet from the cor ier of Princess and Union streets; thence South vith Union street to Conway’s line; thence East A'ith said line, and parallel to Princess street, ntn the River Potomac; thence North with tha River to the line of John Adam; thence with his ine to the beginning. Should the proceeds of sueh sale be insuffi cient for the purpose of the trust, I shall then iroceed to sell, for cash, 1. A LOT OF GROUND on Water and Princess streets, 1 IS feet on R ater street, and I .‘hi on Princess street. 2. A LOT opposite the same, (1) on Prin ;ess street ami an alley, 48 feet by 46 feet. 3. A LOT OF GROUND on Oronoko st., ieing 1-4 of a square, running through the cen re to Pendleton street, and opposite the late Wordecui Miller’s Bake House. 4. One halfofan undivided II Af.F SQUARE, ess sixty feet, on Oronoko, Royal, and Pitt 4reels, where the old Catholic Chapel stood, md opposite Holliushury’s late brick yard. 5. A LOT OF GROUND on Wolfe street, ipposite the residence of John C. Vowell, and routing on Wolfe and Pitt streets, 1-8 of a square. The sale will commence at the first mentioned liece of property, and will then proceed on the iremisesof each lot as advertised. Should the sale be prevented on that day, it vill take place the next fair day, and be con inued from day to day until finished. W.M. LUDWELL HODGSON, sept 24—GOd Trustee. TRUSTFjE’S SALE. THE subscriber, having been appointed by the Superior Court of Fairfax County, Va. o act as Trustee, under a deed executed on the Id January, 1821, by the late George Mason. 5sq.. of Gunston, will, with the consent of the amily of Mr. Mason, offer at public sale, for ’ash, at Mr. Samuel Catts’ Tavern, West End, lear Alexandria, on Wednesday, 22d Oct. next it 11 o’clock, A M., a part of THE SER VANTS conveyed in said deed, consisting of FOUR MEN AND ONE WOMAN RICHARD SMITH. Trustee. sept 20—rlts WM. D. NUTT. Auct. TIMOTHY SEED! TIMOTHY SEED* THE subscriber has just received from 'the upper country a supply of New Timothy Seed, very clean and heavy, which he offers for sale, sept 24 J^MES D, KJtUR,