Newspaper Page Text
THE PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. No Philadelphia papers were received b yesterday’s mail. The passengers in the steam boat arrived at Baltimore, however, brough several of the morning papers, from two c which we copy the following accounts of th election, and the riots which followed it, attend with, bloodshed and destruction of life am operty. Some of the passengers in the steam boat report that as many as eight lives wen lost in the riot: yrom the Philadelphia Herald, Oct. 15. Philadelphia City Ticket—Congress. Jackson. lames Harper, 5544 I James MLinnard, 371< J 11. Ingersoll, 5739 | Henry Horn, 367: Senate. U7, Jackson. Oo. W. Toiand, 5543 | Samuel B. Davis, 370t VW would be happy could our account stoi • re but alas, it cannot. In Moyamensing, at ft erupt was made by the Jackson party to cur the' Whie Head Uuarters and Liberty Pole Thev were unsuccessful. The Whigs then at t rked the Jackson Head Uuarters, and cu , ,,vn the hickory pole. The Jacksonmen now reinforced fiom other quarters of tht rmntv renewed the attack upon the W hq Head Uuarters, and with stones and clubs bea in the windows. Fire arms were now producec L we are sorry to state that 13 were wound and one killed. A gentleman just from tht * . 0f rioting, inlorms us that he saw five oi wounded men laying in one apothecary .‘ The Wliig Head Uuarters, with 5 othei new and handsome three storv brick dwellings lately erected, were tired and completely de stroved"’ The hose of the fire companies was cot in many places and several of the firemen seriously injured while attempting to work theii engines. Manv companies were compelled tc return liome without throwing a drop ol watei on the fit*1- "e have not yet been on the around but we have received the above parti culars from several very respectable gentlemen of both parties, and we presume they are near lv correct Our county has lost its good name f.,r peace ami order, and we sincerely hope tht re may never be a repetition ol these dis graceful proceedings. Prom the Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 15. Whig Victory in Philadelphia.—The gene ral election took place throughout the State ol Pennsylvania yesterday. The Whips hurt srhiered a glorious victory in the city—have elected their whole ticket by an average majori tv of eighteen hundred votes. When it is ie ineniheied that last year the Whig majority was less than two hundred votes, the value of the result may be correctly estimated. The Cointy.—We have not the complete re turns from the county’, but sufficient to rendet it certain that both Ash and Sutherland (Jack son) have been elected to Congre s. Sutherland and Ash (the Jackson candi dates) are elected by 12 or 1400 majority each The Jackson triumph in the 2d and 3d Con gressional District is complete. SCENES UK THE INIUHI. We regret to be compelled to state that scene? of the most alarming character occurred ir Moyamensmg last night, after the polls were closed. Several persons were shot—eighteen itissaiJ. and we fear more than one life lost.— A person who was on the ground states that he saw one fireman carried off apparently dead, and a number of other individuals borne from theground severely injured. It is impossible for u>at this time to give a correct account nl the origin of the affray, so contradictory are the reports that have reached us. Neither wil we attempt at this time, with the public mind al ready inflamed, and the passions of hundreds greatly excited, to cast censure upon either par tv. the object of all good citizens should be tc allay rather than exasperate the excitement—tc restore order and decorum, and then to inves UMte all the circumstances and punish the guil tv. Several houses were burnt to the ground, the furniture scattered through the streets, and bro into fragments. At one time there c«»ul»J h-’t have been le>s than five thousand persons ir the immediate vicinity. The events we havr thus hastily recorded, occurred immediately in ' vtt i>t th ■ Moyameiising (’ommissioners’ Hall place where the election w as held. We be l>*ve that the houses destroyed were inhabited, a"'l the inmates were compelled to escape for their lives e forbear to add a word of comment. The >:| >‘ct niU't excite the most melancholy feel •ngs in every patriotic bosom. POSTSCRIPT. Il'ill Past Three, A M — We have just lef *’ 'c,’ne of riot. Five three story brick build >:>"s have been burned to the ground. There ar»^a'.>-iui two thousand persons assembled to P*‘f“>T at tVs time. They are not engaged ir “'>• <cvu-< ot riot, but seem rather as excited via tors of the ruins before them. 1 e tru't that tiiere will be no further disturb j* K’N The city authorities are on duty, and ‘ u ‘ taken .1 i| proper measures of precaution tc • uu? |.race ana property ui mt? wuj . ”' ’‘lowing returns were handed yesterda) ^’t'letapt.iiuof the steamboat at Chester, am 0r,'ught on by a passenger; ^ei-vware County—Complete Returns. n Jackson 1 Arlington - 1321 1 Dick - - 1°"1 , Senate. Junes - . isos | Hunt - - 104: . . Assembly. •'ndetson - 1253 | McKeever - 1025 p. Sheriff. nen - - 12491 Baldwin - 111* la Chester County, the whole Whig ticket ha: deeded. York County ^ >e report from York County is, that the re ;“c'i°n of Mr. Barnitz, the present Whig mem 3tr* been defeated by a Jackson majority °/*« hundred. Charles James Faulkner, of Berkeley p'1, be supported as a Representative for th< Obsessional District composed of Hampshire * ^'^rick, Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan. Captain John A. Thompson will be sup ported as a Representative for the Congression n "“trict composed of Hampshire, Frede Berkeley. Jefferson, and Morsan. "k MARRIED, On Tuesday, the 7th instant, at Presque-Isle, Culpeper county, Va., by the Rev. A. D. Pollock, Mr. William Harvey Conway, of Orange coun ty, to Miss Marion, daughter of John Glassell, Esq. _ DIED, In Washington, on Saturday, the 11th inst., f in the 33d year of her age, Mrs. Eliza Dcnn, . wife of Mr. James C. Dunn, of that city. The illness which preceded her death was protract ed and distressing, and was borne with that pa f tient resignation which the religion of Christ i inspires By this dispensation of Divine Pro . vidence, six young children have been depriv . ed of a devoted mother, her husband of a most atfectionate and prudent wife, and the circle of - her acquaintance of a friend whom none can » fail to lament. At Belmont, King George county, Va., on the 6th inst., Miss Harriet J. Fitzhugh, in the 23d year of her age, daughter of the late Dr. Geo. Fitzhugh. Amiable, candid and sincere, she was a dutiful daughter and an affectionate sis ) ter. Her death will be deeply regretted by a > large circle of friends, but they will not sorrow as those “ without hope;” for she had, for two or three years past, maintained the character I of a consistent Christian, and in her last illness was perfectly resigned to the will of her heaven ly Master. “ Blessed are the dead who die in 1 the Lord.” ' -Mt SHIP NEWS.@ POUT OF ALEXANDRIA, D. C. Akkived, October 16, Schr. Alexandria, Britton, N. York; Freight for the District. Schr. Hickory, Occoquan; Flour to J. A J. H.Janney. Schr. Accotink Packet; Flour to Jonathan Janney. Steamer Chesapeake, Norfolk; Passengers. Sailed, , Schooner Red Rover, Duncan, North Carolina. PLASTER OF PARIS. Tons Plaster Paris, just received and * for sale by _oct 17-3t JOS. HARRIS A SON WINE AND CHEESE, f O *nd*an Barrels Marseilles Madeira Wine I Vf 25 boxes prime Cheese Just received per schr. Alexandria, and for sale, low, by JOS. HARRIS A SON. OCt 17 —3t_ SUGAR, TEAS, COFFEE, SALT, Ac. Just Received, 200 do Wrapping do Also, daily e.rpeeled, 15 hhds St. Croix Sugar 26 do Orleans do part prime 2S boxes Refined Loaf Sugar J'! !,.hds . / prime West India Molasses 10 tierces y 1 s I'bls* ( suPer*or Sugar House do 115 bags Rio, St. Domingo, Java and Ma nilla Coffee 30 chests fine Young Hyson Tea ]5 haU chests \ fine ,mPerial d» 14 half chests fine Gunpowder do 15 boxes Pine Apple Cheese 40 casks prime Cheese 67 boxes do do 3 pipes and 3 half pipes Brandy 1 pipe Holland Gin 20 hhds New England Rum 15 qr casks Marseilles Wine 2 qr casks fine Lisbon do 7 bales soft shell Almonds 1 bale shelled do 2 bbls English Walnuts 2 bbls Palm Nuts 1 case Citron 10 boxes white Soap 10 do variegated do 10 do shaving do 100 dozen Brooms 4 dozen Sugar Buckets 50 quintals Codfish 300 sacks Fine Salt 200 do Ground Alum 4000 bushels do 5" barrels i „ , Macktrrt IS half do \ 91 barrels No. 2 do 59 do No. 3 do Which, added to a large stock now in store, will comprise a very extensive assortment. All of which we offer at low prices. DAVIDSON & DODGE. Georgetown, oct 17—lit __ NEW BOOKS. rill IE TOKEN f*r ISJ5, with 13 highly finish ! X ed engravings. History of England, by Sir James Mackintosh, i 1 volume octavo. | Belgium and Western Mrs. rrol • lope. I volume octavo. The Doomed, a novel. 2 volsduo; Recluse of Norway, do do; Cecil Hyde, do do; Gale Mid dleton, do do. Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine and Surge ry, part 5th. ' Penny Magazine, No. 27, a most interesting number. . Stewart’s Sketches of Society and Manners in the British Isles; and Cottom’s Virginia Almanac for 1835. Just received for sale by oct 17—eo3t E. KENNEDY. COMBS AND BEAD RETICULES. riiHE Subscriber respectfully informs the la X dies of Alexandria that he has just received a splendid assortment of Comb# consisting of Tortoise and Brazilian Tuck Oornbs, in great variety; Tortoise and Brazilian Side do, and ’ Neck Combs; Dressing and tine Ivory do. Al . so. Bead Reticules, both knit and sewed. He has still on hand several plain Guitars, of . very tine tone; which, with the above, he is de ' | termined to sell low. oct 17 AUG. JACOBS. INDEPENDENT BLUES. * A MEETING of the Company will be held on | j\. Saturday evening, the 18th instant, at 7 o'clock, at the room adjoining the Council Chamber. Punctual attendance is requested, ’ as the election of a Captain, and other business of importance, will be before the Company. By order: T. M. WHITE, Sergeant, oct 16—3t __ : CHINA, GLASS, AND EARTHENWARE. HUGH C. SMITH has on hand a large stock of CHINA, Ac. improved and augmented • by the latest importations, and comprising eve 1 ry article in the line. All for sale, wholesale and retail, on the lowest terms. Just Hec fired, i A full assortment of INDIA DINING CiUNA. __4 1 4 -—— IN COUNCIL, OCTOBER 13, 1834. Ordered, That the application of Bontz dfc Harrison, and Jno. D. Harrison, be referred to the Assessors Ordered, That the application ofG. H. Smoot for a remission of tax as retail merchant, be re ferred to the Assessors. Ordered, That the application of Charles Mankins for the remission of one tythe, be re ferred to the Assessors. Ordered, That the application of John Shakes for the remission of a tax on one carriage, a horse, and one cow, be referred to the Asses sors. Ordered, That the application of Mr. Himo dinger be laid on the table. The Committee on the state of the Market made a report, which, on motion, was laid on the table. Ordered, That the Superintendent of Police do forthwith proceed to nil up the causeway on the south end of Water street, between Green street and Davis’ Point, to a sufficient height to exclude the w’ater at high tide from flowing over it; provided the said Davis supplies the said Su perintendent of Police with the necessary planks to protect the earth from the ordinary wash ings of the tide, free from cost to the Corpora tion; and provided the expense to the Corpora tion does not exceed one hundred dollars. Ordered. That Messrs. Cohagan, Brockett, and Miller, be a Committee to examine into the application of Alexander Veitch. On balloting for a Messenger to Council, in the place of John Johnston, resigned, Isaac Kell was duly elected. Extract: I. P. THOMPSON, 0. C. FOR BOSTON. The Schooner POTOMAC, Asa Bkahs, master, w’ill have despatch, and can take 4 or 500 barrels on freight. Apply to the master on board, or to oct 17 S. MESSERSM1TH. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARIER, The Schooner WASHINGTON, Capt. 5£&a£BnowN. She is a good vessel, and carries about 1300 barrels, and is now ready for a car go. Apply to S. MESSERSM1TH. oct )6 FOR BOSTON. rffi - The superior coppered Brig META %&i£MO/IA, Hallet, master, will have de spatch. Apply to W. FOWLE <fc CO. oct 13_ TURKS ISLAND SALT-AFLOAT. A J M U I Bushels, the cargo ol the schooner Catharine, Captain Howe, from Turks Island, for sale by oct 11_WM. D. NUTT. PHILADELPHIA AND DISTRICT OF CO LUMBIA PACKETS, (HAND'S LINE-VIA CANAL.) A vessel of this line will leave Philadel ^I-^phia for the District of Columbia on the Thursday of each week for the balance of the season. For freight or passage apply to JOSEPH HAND, No. 7, North wharves, Philadelphia, or to STEPHEN SHINN, sept 22—2awj0w Alexandria. MADDER. ICask Dutch Madder, of good quality, just received and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENKIE, oct 14 Union u'harf. PUTTY-PUTTY. -f AAA Pounds of prime Putty, for salrby ilFUU oct 14 WM. N. McVElGH. CEDAR WARE. -g XfY Nests iron and wood-bound Cedar 1 Ox." Ware, for sale very low by oct 14_WILLIAM N. McVElGH. PORTER BOTTLES, «tc. 1 n Groce Pint Porter Bottles lU^Cn(D-yoh«s Received per brig Metamora, from Boston, and for sale by HUGH C. SMITH, oct 14 __ LARD, CHEESE, AND INDIGO. 40 , cl ‘ l Received and for 10 do Cheese 5 SI,|e by 1 ceroon tine Indigo ) oct 13 SAM!L. B. LARMOUR & CO. SUGAR AND MOLASSES. Hogsheads Retailing Molasses uU 50 barrels Porto Rico Sugar 10 lilids Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar. For sale bv oct 11 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. RIO COFFEE. ilO Bags good Green Rio Coffee, just re ^50 ceived ami for sale by oct II _S. MESSERSMITH. SHOT, ALL sizes, constantly on hand, and for sale by oct 11 8. MESSERSMITH. “PAPER RULING AND BOOK BINDING. HAVING furnished my Bindery with a good Ruling Machine, and complete setts of Ruling Pens, with a stock of the best Binding materials, 1 am now prepared to execute RUL ING and BINDING, in all their varieties, with neatness and despatch. Blank Books of any quality will be made to suit the wants of custom nes, who will find that 1 will supply them for the quality as low as they can purchase in the Dis trict Blank, Russia, Morocco, Calf and Law Binding, will have particular attention from my self. oct 15 AUGUSTUS JACOBS. HAIR TRUNKS, CALF BOOTS, &c. JH. WHITE has just received (per sloop . Union) an invoice of HAIR TRUNKS, which will he sold, either by the single one or dozen, very cheap A (so, a further * apply of Men’s Calf Sewed BOOTS, 1st and 2d quali ty; together with a considerable addition to his stock of SHOES.oct 14 nr\n CATV That valuable PROPERTY at the inter fill section of King and Pitt streets, partly oc cupied by Mrs. Crook as a Millinery Store. It consists of two Dwelling Tenements, the Store, and a two-story Brick Warehouse in the rear. The proprietor, intending to remove from the District, will sell it very low for cash; or, to suit the convenience of a purchaser, wonld, up on receiving one-third in hand, give a credit of one and two years on the remainder of the pur chase money. Apply to _ __ oct 13—eo3t_ROBT. H. MILLER. THOMAS T. FAUNTLEROY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WILL practice in the Courts of the District of Columbia, and in the Superior and In ferior Courts of the neighboring Counties in Vir ginia. He will be in Alexandria by the 20th instant, and may always be found in the office formerly occupied by T. W. Hewitt, Esq. after the first day of October next. _ * 10 -————— NEW GOODS. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN H. BRENT has received, by tbe late arrivals from New York, a general assort-1 ment of GOODS, suited to the season; consist-' ing, in part, of 37 pieces Broad Cloth, blue, black, brown, 1 invisible green, claret, mulberry, Dah lia, olive, mixed, and drab 10 pieces Flushing and Lion Skins ‘ 107 pair Rose Blankets, English and French 200 do Point and Duffil Blankets 40 do Whitney and Cradle do 54 pieces Flannel, assorted colors 6 do Goal’s Hair and Boiled Camblets 73 do English Merino, 3-4 and 6-4 8 do French Merino Cloth 60 do Bombazette, bl’k and ass’d colors 8 do Bombazine, French and English 220 do Prints, English, French and Ame rican 36 do Oriental and Furniture Prints 30 do Ginghams, dark and mourning 40 do Checked Cambric, English, Irish, and French < 70 do Bishop Lawn, Book and Mull 1 Muslins ] 96 do Cambrics and Jaconets | bO do Linen, Irish and Silecia \ 25 do Sheeting, Irish, Silecia, Scotch. < and Russia i 21 do Table Covers, Cloth and others 62 do Diaper, Damask, Bird’s-eye, and ] Russia j 48 do Table Cloths, various sizes t 140 do Casinet. blue, green, bl’k if mixed ( 67 do Negro Cloths if Linsey W oolseys 230 do Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs t 3500 do Dotpestic Cotton, brown, bleach- < pH nnH piilnrsH / 100 do Silk Hdkfs, Bandanna, Flag, Pongee, and Spittalfield ] 120 pair Hose, cotton, silk, mohair <fj- worsted i 8 ps Italian Lustring and Silk Camlet 5 do Gro de Rhein and Gro de Swiss 150 Shawls, Merino, Thibet, Valencia, and J Prussian 230 Fancy Hdkfs, Chally, Thibet, Gro de Ete, Hernani, 4c. 24 Blond Gauze Veils * 360 pair Gloves, Hoskin, Silk, Chamois, and ' Pic Nic 141 Linen Cambric Hdkfs, some H. S. 72 pair superior French Shoes 300 ps Ribbon, Lustring and Belt 64 do Edgings, Thread, Cambric, Bobinet, and Blond 06 Tippets and Comforts 12 pieces Bobinet, 4-4 and 5 4 j 18 do Crapes, colored and black 8 do Silk Velvet, black and colored 8 dozen Stocks, some very superior 10 do Silk Cravats, black and col’d '< 1 do Bead Bags Fine Yarns and Worsteads I Best Sewing materials, all kinds Fine, super, and extra superfine Kiddermin ster CARPETING, daily expected. The above goods will be sold unusually low -J for cash or to punctual customers. oct 13 , SPLENDID GOODS. French Thibet Merinos, Embroidered Thibet j Shawls and Ildkfs, and Figured Satins. WILLIAM H. MOUNT 4, CO. have this day received I 20 pieces French Thibet Merino, very superior 1 5 dozen Thibet Shawls and Hdkfs, some 1 beautifully embroidered 14 pieces Rich Figured Satins oct 13 JAMES W. SCOTT HAS just received, and offers for sale, very low, for cash, or on the usual time to punc tual customers— I Porto Rico Sugars, in hhds, of good quality I Teas, Gunpowder & Young Hyson, in chests, I catty boxes, and canisters, latest impor- l tations, and very fine 1 Malaga Raisins, in boxes j L. P. Madeira Wine, in qr casks and cases ■ Whiskey in bbls, said to be very good 1 White Lead, Roberts’ manufacture, Phil’a < Blue Cloths, extra super and low priced Steel mixt Cloths, various qualities Satinets, indigo blue and steel mixt Calicoes, handsome dark colors, for the fall ' Brown Domestic Sheetings,very stout f heavy l Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings Bed Ticking and Plaids Brown Scotch heavy Burlaps <$ Osnaburgs Bleached Scotch Linen, or Crequellas Wrapping Paper Also, Cotton Yarn, Seine Twine, and Carpet Chain, of superior quality and reputation, from the Occiu/uan Factory. oct 11 FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF ALEX ANDRIA. ON Monday, the 3d of November next, an Election of twelve Directors, to serve in this Institution for the ensuing year, will be held : at the Office of the Company, from 10 o’clock, A. M. to 2 I’. M. The transfer hooks will be closed on Friday, \ the 31st instant, until after the election. NATA’L. WATTLES, Scc’y. oct 11—2awt3dNov _ WAS COMMITTED TO the Jail for the County of Alexandria, District of Columbia, on the 2d of October, 1 1833, as a runaway, a yellow woman, who says j her name is REBECCA SMITH. She appears to be about 35 years of age, 5 feet G inches high, i ] stout and well made. She says that she belongs | to a Mr. Freeman, a negro trader from the t South. The owner is thtjrefore requested to ;1 come forward, prove property, pay charges, 1 and take her away; otherwise she will be sold 1 ! out to the highest bidder, on the 2d day ol De j cember, 1834, in front of the Court House door, i as the owner has been notified before this ac | cording to law. D. MINOR, Deputy Marshal, and Jailer for the County of • SOpt 12—2awt2dDec Alexandria, D. C. DrTt. WHITE’S VEGETABLE TOOTH-ACHE DROPS,; A VALUABLE specific offered to the public from which a permanent and radical cure may be obtained of that disagreeable pain, the TOOTH-ACHE, with all its attendant evilr, such as fracturing the Jaw in extracting the ! Teeth, which often proves more painful than the 1 Tooth-Ache itself, and cold passing from the decayed Teeth to the Jaw, thence to the head, • producing a Rheumatic affection, with many j' other unpleasant effects, 6uch as a disagreeable : breath, and taste in the mouth, &C.; all of which i are produced from foul or decayed Teeth. %* Certificates of Dentists and Physicians— 1 also, Directions for using, accompany each bot tle. WM. rfARPER, Druggist, june 11—wly Fairfax Street. Alexandria. MNiiHiMMI AUCTION SALES BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. SALT AT AUCTION. ON Monday next, (20tb instant) at U o’clock, will be sold at Rumney’s wharf, without ■eaerve, in lots to suit purchasers, about 5,000 BUSHELS TURKS ISLAND SALT, he cargo of the schooner Catharine, Captain 3owe, Irom Turks Island. Terms at sale. WM. D. NUTT, oct 17 Adm’r of Joshua Yeaton, dec’d. Immediately afterward*, 110 Bundles Screwed Hay 1 Spy Glass; Patent Balance 2 Writing Desks; lot Vinegar, Ac. oct 17W. D. N. Auct HATS AND CAPS. HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. JOHN T. EVANS respectfolly informs his old customers and the public generally that lelms on hand a splendid asuorlmeht o/SUPE RIOR BLACK HATS, of all shapes and qua ities. manufactured by journeymen of long and veil tried experience, as he keeps no apprenti ;es; he can therefore with confidence recoin nend any work which may leave his shop. He has just received, by the last arrivals from loston and elsewhere, CAPS of the latest fash uns and best workmanship and materials, imong them will be found Youth’s and Mea’s 'loth and Fur Caps, of a variety of patterns. He continues to keep LADIES’ FURS of very kind, such as Fur Stocks, Boa Constrict irs, dec.; and FUR SKINS, lor Gentlemen’* dollars, of every description. He is now manufacturing LADIES’ BEAVER SONNETS, ol the latest fashion and best mate* ini- 19 Qm JOHN T. O. WILBAR, 1A TTER FURRIER, at the corner of King and Royal Streets, Alexandria. [AM now manufacturing HATS that 1 can confidently offer to the public—knowing, for olor, durability, and taste, they cannot be ex* jelled in any State. Good Bargains may be •xpected, and shall be had. Come with <J. 8. iaper, Yellow Jackets, or common cash. If. >eing without all, I lend you as much as will )uy a hat, you’ll be sure to come. In Store, HATS made expressly for Country wear, with arge brims, stout and strong. To my old Fair raj• customers I most respectfully solicit their avor. and in return will give good work. CAPS! CAPS! A rich and splendid supply of CAPS, embra icing the fashions of our four principal cities. L’he above article was laid in under my inspeo ion, and for beauty of style cannot be surpas s'd. The price shall be moderate. Also, CAPES, and some very handsome BOAS, or the Ladies. CLOAK COLLARS, Ac. *** Hourly expected, a handsome supply of SILK HATS. COUNTRY HATTERS! You can get Beaver, Muskrat, Otter, Hal Bodies, Spirits of Wine, Gum Shellac, Banda tnd Bindings, at the Baltimore prices. llj* Customers’ Hats kept in order gratia. Did Hats taken in part pay. Cash paid for ?UR. oct 11— 3m ] DUCATION BROOKVILLE ACADEMY. rpHE Trustees of this Institution, situated in X Brookville, Montgomery County, Mary and, about 20 miles from Washington, and 28 rom Baltimore and Frederick Cities, deem it iroper to inform the public that they have en raged Nathan C. Brooks, A. M. as Principal of his Academy. Mr. Brooks is a gentleman o noM unexceptionable character, of high standf ng as a scientific and classical scholar, and of ’ery considerable experience in the education if youth, having been very advantageously mown for some years past as the Principal of franklin Acudemy at Reisterstown; and the ligii reputation which that school attained un« ier him, is strong evidence of his qualification* or such a station. The central position and convenient distance if Brookville Academy from the cities of Wash ngton, Baltimore, and Frederick; its retired *i uation ami location in a healthy, moral, and ntelligent neighborhood, in which the retail of spit itous liquors is prohibited by an express act ifthe Legislature, and where there is, conse quently. less danger of the youthful mind beco ming contaminated by tin; frequent observa lion of vice and immorality; together with the high moral and scientific qualifications of Mr. Brooks, th»' Board of Trustees flatter themselves will give their Academy claims upon public pa tronage which are surpassed by none, and per laps equalled by very few, similar institution* n the State. Mr. Brooks will enter upon his duties in the Academy on the 8th September next, and will je assisted by three gentlemen well qualified to nstruct the pupils in their respective depart ri o n I c The terms for tuition in English, Mathema tics, and Ancient Languages, Board, Washing, Rent, and Fuel, 330 37$ cents per quarter. Tho undent languages are 86 per quarter each. No noney will be required in advance, for either toard or tuition; but respectable reference* mist be given to the President of the Board of rrustees, on application for admission. For a more detailed statement of the course >f studies, regulations, <Jtc. of this Institution, he Board will refer the public to the uccompa* tying prospectus of the Institution. HENRY HOWARD. M. D. President WM. B. MAGRUDER, M. D. Treasurer. ALLEN B. DAVIS, Secretary. THOMAS RIGGS, REM AS RIGGS, RICHARD B. DORSBY, IGNATIUS WATER8. References: Bai/timore—Philip E. Thomas, Sheppard C. Leakin, John J. Donaldson, Geo. F. de la Roeho, Vernon H. Dorsey, Esq. Washington—James Lamed, GraneUkf ft Farqubar, Dr. R. S. Stabler. Georgetown—Dr. B. 8. Bohrer, Georg# £ Washington, Esq. Robert Barnard, Bsa, * Frederick— Dr. Robert E. Dorsey, WilltgBi fohnson, Esq. LiBEaTYTowN—Dr. R. L. Dorsey. Cambridge—Dr. A. C. Thompson. A prospectus of the Institution may hg h*4 from either of the above gentlemen. *■ sept 4—w8w 1 =s=esm LITTLE RIVER TURNPIKE ROAD STOCK