MudestV-—A Captain in the U. States Infan
‘ tt-hen serving with General Jackson against
India ns, was put under arrest, and not being
brought to a court martial for a considerable
he tendered his resignation. The follow
* the concluding passage in his letter ‘ In
n°win(y the service, I am not abandoning the
Ie*,‘ of Republicanism, but yet hope to bran
ch the glittering steel in the field, and carve my
lav to a name which shall prove my country’s
wajL.t. and when this mortal part shall be clos
nn the dust, and the soul shall wing its flight
. he'regions above, in passing by the pale
moon I shall hang my hat on brilliant Mars
i m-ike a report to each superlative star! and
'rrivTng at th? portal of Heaven’s chancery,
hall demand of the attending angel to be usher
SeS into the presence of Washington.’’
Important Invention.—W e have just seen the
model of a vessel, constructed on the princi
T0fa steam-packet, propelled by paddles,
K fr„m its peculiar mechanism, it completely
JlSes the necessity of steam. The given
rower is communicated by four revolving sails
[criirot shape.) placed over the centre of the
which are acted upon by the wind from
point whatever, without in the least inter
rupting the progress of the vessel. The seri
al consequences often arising from the effects
of sudden squalls are hereby completely obvia
ted from the accelerated horizontal action which
sails acquire, one counteracting the weight
of the other in a direct ratio. This invention
” a|S0 ^ of infinite utility in the construction
of mills used in every description ol manufac
ture In fact we deem it one of the most im
rtant discoveries of modern times. The in
ventor Mr John Willis, of whose talent and
Lnius we have often spoken, intends taking
U a patent for the discovery.
W exford Independent.
One of the late Philadelphia papers relates a
most melancholy instance of depravity, termi
mtin* fatally, in infancy, at a moment when
fortune was prepared to shower her favors up
on the hapless victim of evil associations. It
was the case of a lad from the country, of most
respectable and worthy connections, who had
been reared in habits of innocence and virtue,
until apprenticed to the printing business in
that city, and who, by ignorantly at first going
out into the streets at night to play with other
bovs was gradually led "on to the formation of
pverv evil habit, which he expiated by an ear
lv and disgraceful death in a foreign land, just
at the time when he might have inherited a
handsome estate. t
This is no uncommon incident, and the chro
nicles ol our jails, penitentiaries, and alms-hous
es abound in similar narratives.
Amongst our philanthropists who are busy in
forming societies and plans for the suppression
of vice and immortality, none has yet directed
attention to this fruitful source of crime and con
sequent misery. Can there be no plan devised
for keeping boys off the streets at night? Can
not those "assemblages at the corners, the fire
engine houses, and other places of resort, be
dispersed. Is there no mode of preventing them
from parading our streets at all hours of the
night and disturbing the sleep of others by their
noisy and tumultuous uproar? If the police can
not suppress this nuisance, certainly it is incum
bent upon the parents, guardians and masters
to employ or retain these minors at home. Can
those to whom the government of youth is con
fided, sleep soundly whilst their charges are
thus spending their nights in disgraceful and de
moralising rioting and debauchery? Christians
Patriots. Parents, what says conscience!!!
Balt. Gaz.
Outrage.—On Saturday evening last, an in
famous outrage was committed by some person
or persons unknown, in the Free Church, in this
city. While the minister of that Society was
delivering his Sermon, as usual, to his congre
gation, a tremendous explosion, equal to that of;
a twelve pounder, took place within the build
ing, not in the audience room, but in the enclos
ed passage to the north aisle. The sash of the
window near the explosion was broken out, and
a man near the door was somewhat injured.—
Much fright and some fainting was occasioned,
but happily no great actual injury sustained.—
The explosion was of gun powder prepared
like that of a petard.
During the same evening, as we hear, a mob
collected near the meeting house of the African
M>»thodi<ts, and disturbed the worship of the
people assembled there. One colored man is
said to be seriously injured. Other outbreak
ing* of lawless violence have repeatedly taken
place of late in this city. Are there no means
to repress these disorders, and to secure our fa
milies, and dwellings and churches from the
danger and barbarous malignity of such as*
saultsl—Hartford Elector.
A Vw Engine of H«r.—A new instrument or
machine has been invented by Mr Toplis, of the
Museum of National Manufactories in London,
which he considers calculated to put an end to
WarN and to prevent civilized nations from
engaging hereafter in the work of mutual de
Mr. Toplis has constructed an engine, which,
according to his views, will render armed mul
t tudes powerless against any people disposed
defend themselves; a score of men, with this
a'*Xiiiary power, being competent to annihilate
m* army which could he collected. The
jmgme is portable, and, without its casing, might
^ carried bv two men; mounted on its proper
carriage, it can be moved w ith celerity into any
situation where horses or men can go; it is rea
L>'for action in a moment, and can be made, at
Wl'h to pour out, for any desired time, a conti
nuous stream of bullets, which can be di
rected towards any point or object, with the
mtie facility as the stream of water from a fire
rigine and with perfect precision; whilst the
men who direct it are sheltered in entire secu
f,!.v- Mr. Toplis looks forward with so much
confidence to the moral influence which this new
* eighty power must exercise upon the world,
lt denominates his engine the Pacificator.
JOHN T. EVANS respectfully informs his
V °*d customers and the public generally that
_*h,us on hand a splendid assortment of SUPE
KI°R BLACK HATS, of all shapes and qua
'es. manufactured by journeymen of long and
tried experience, as he keeps no apprenti
ce; he can therefore with confidence recom
m?nd any work which may leave his shop.
He has just received, by the l ist arrivals from
^ston and elsewhere, CAPS of the latest fash
';n« a°d best workmanship and materials.
J..n'°n£ them will be found Youth’s and Men’s
^ and Fur Caps, of a variety of patterns.
H? continues to keep LADIES’ FURS of
fVery kind, such as Fur Stocks, Boa Constrict
Ac.; and FUR SKINS, tor Gentlemen’s
£jlars, of every description.
Rr\»ri?now manufacturing LADIES’ BEAVER
'JANETS, of the latest fashion and best mate
nal oct 13—3m
In Washington, on the 20th instant, after a
short illness, Mr. William Lambert, an old and
respectable inhabitant of that city, and formerly
Chief Clerk in the Clerk’s Office of the House of
Representatives of the United States.
In Baltimore, on the 19th inst, at a quarter af
ter 11 o’clock, A M. the most Rev. James Whit
field, Arch Bishop of Baltimore. He was
born at Liverpool in England, on the 3d of No
vember, 1770. Hts father, James Whitfield, a
respectable merchant of that city, gave him the
advantages of a liberal education. At the age
i of seventeen, he was bereaved of his father,
and became the protector of his mother. To
assuage her grief and to restore her sinking
health, he accompanied her to Italy. On his
return from that country, where he had been for
some time engaged in mercantile pursuits, he
: found himself in France at the time when Napo
leon had decreed that every Englishman in
France was a prisoner. He spent the greatest
part of his exile in Lyons, where he became
acquainted with Ambrose Marechal, the late
Arch Bishop of Baltimore, who was then pro
fessor of Theology in the Seminary in that city.
The piety of his youth inclined his mind to the
sacerdotal state, and he commenced the study
of divinity under the direction of his learned
and pious friend. He distinguished himself by
his solid judgment and persevering industry,
and his illustrious professor has often been heard
to relate the anecdote, that his fellow students
would frequently request him to cause the young
Englishmen to recite, so much were they taken
with the elegance of his diction, and the perspi
cuity of his arguments. In the year 1809 he
was ordained priest in the city ol Lyons. After
the death of his mother he returned to England,
and was employed in the discharge of paro
chial duties in the town of Crosby.
When Dr. Marechal was elevated to the Arch
episcopal see of Baltimore, he wrote to Mi Whit
field, earnestly soliciting him to give his assist
ance to the flock which Providence had placed
under his charge. He complied with the re
quest of his former friend, and landed on our
shores on the 8th Sept. 1817. He was immedi
ately appointed one of the pastors of St. Peters,
and performed the duties annexed to that office
with zeal and piety. In 1825, by a specal indult
he received the degree of Doctot of Divinity
from the Court of Rome. At the death of the
most Rev. Arch Bishop Marechal, his name was
first on the list which was sent to Rome to re
ceive the sanction of his holiness, and he was
soon after consecrated Arch Bishop of Balti
more in the Cathedral in this city. His career
in this elevated station was marked with pru
dence and zeal. It was through his solicitude
that was held the first provincial council, which
spread universal satisfaction through the catho
lic congregations of this country. His fortune
was considerable, and it was generously conse
crated to the purposes of religion. The Cathedra
experienced his liberality, and the beautiful edi
fice of St. James’s in our city is a lasting monu
ment of his munificence. Of him may be said,
what can be said of few, he entered the career
of honors in wealth, and left it poor. Such was
Arch Bishop Whitfield: “ he has fought the good
fight, he has finished his course, he has kept the
faith;” for the rest is left to him a crown of jus
tice, which the just Judge will render to him.
Balt. Amer.
It is with feelings of deep regret we announce
the death of Thomas S. Grimke, Esq. of South
Carolina. Travelling on last Saturday (11th
inst.) from Cincinnati to this city, he was seized
with sudden illness in the stage-coach, (his at
tack being, it is supposed, of cholera.) and una
ble to proceed further, he was left at Anderson’s
tavern, twenty-four miles west of Columbus, un
der the care of its inmates, where he expired on
the following day.
It is consoling to remark, that his eyes were
not closed solely amidststrangers. His brother,
the Hon Judge Grimke, of this State, being in
Columbus, to meet him on his arrival, was early
enough apprized of the melancholy occurrence
to reach the bedside of the deceased on the eve
ning of his attack, and thus to alleviate his suf
ferings till his last moments. His remains were
brought to this city on Monday evening, ac
companied by several of our most respectable
citizens, and consigned to the silent tomb. In
the decease of T. S. Grimke, Learning has lost
her brightest gem and Eloquence her chasest
ornament!—Columbus (Ohio) Sentinel.
Columbian Insurance Office, )
Alexandria, Oct. 18, 1334. S
NOTICE is hereby given to the Stockholders
ofthis Institution, that an Election for ele
ven Directors will be held at the Office, between
the hours of 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. on Monday,
the 3d of November next,
oct 18—t3dNov R. VEITCH, Sec’y.
NOTICE is hereby given the Stockholders of
11 the Bank of Potomac, that an Election for
Directors to serve the ensuing year, will be held
at their Banking House on Monday, the 3d of
November next, from 10 o’clock, A. M. to 3 o’
clock. P. M. CHARLES PAGE,
oct 4—wt3dNovCashier.
rriO work by day and night, (at stated inter
1 vals or watches) on the Coffer Dam of the
Aqueduct of the Alexandria Canal, opposite
Georgetown. Liberal wages will be allowed,
and promptly paid.
Immediate application to be made at the works
to WM. TURNBULL, or \ Engi
W. M. C. FAIRFAX, $ neers.
oct lb—dtf___
8300 REWARD.
El SCAPED from Fairfax Jail, on Sunday
4 night last, three Negro Men—GEORGE,
a mulatto, 32 years old, about 6 feet high: JO
SHUA, a dark mulatto, 22 years old, about 5
feet 10 or 11 inches high; has lost a finger from
one of his hands: BILL, or BILLY STEEL,
30 or 35 years old, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high,
dark complexion, stout made; a cook and gar
dener by profession. Bill was recently pur
chased from Daniel F. Dulany, of this county
George, who is a good carpenter, cooper, and
rough shoemaker, we purchased from Mr. John
Dtilin. also of this county: George has a white
wife living in Alexandria, where we think he
will make some short stay, and then endeavor
to get to some free State, perhaps accompanied
by his wife. Joshua was purchased from Col.
Wm. Elzey, of Leesburg, Loudoun county.
The above reward of 3 hundred dollars for all,
or one hundred dollars will be paid for each or
either of said negroes, if taken in any free State
so that we get them again; or twenty dollars
for Bill, and fifty each for George and Joshua,
if taken elsewhere. C. P. POOL,
oct 7—iaw2m Fairfax Court House, Va.
a Casks Lard ) Received and for
10 do Cheese > gale by
oct 13 ^^AM’l/p- £ ARMOUR * CO.
Brig Ranger, Ryder, hence at Boston 17th.
Brig Amulet, Nickerson, hence at Halifax
7th discharging.
rfK The good Schooner RICHMOND, Hay
SfcU^oEN, master, burthen 800 barrels, will be
ready for cargo on Friday, and take freight to
any port. Apply to
oct 21 _W. FOWLE & CO.
The good Schooner CATHARINE,
sH&^Howe, master, will take 500 bbls. freight.
Apply to the captain on board, or to
oct 22—3tWM, D. NUTT.
rfK The good Sloop INDEPENDENCE,
gtiARooERs. master, burthen six hundred bar
rels. For freight apply to
oct 22—6tJ. & W. H. IRWIN.
A CARGO of Bright and Heavy St. Ubes
Salt, daily expected.
in Store,
2000 bushels Turks Island ) g
300 sacks extra size Liverpool Fine $
oct 22 For sale by W. FOWLE &■ CO.
rtQ Bales stout 37 inch Brown Domestic
£iO Sheetings, just received, for sale, very
low, by oct 22 JAMES W. SCOTT.
-| Q Casks of pure Winter-strained Sperm Oil
J. 20 boxes Sperm Candles
Just received from (the manufacturei) Nan
tucket, and for sale by
oct 22WM. D. NUTT.
m My FARM not being sold on the 4th of
HI last month, when it was advertised at pub
lic sale, 1 now offer it at private sale a great
Rose Hill, near Alexandria,
oct 22—w3w [D3- Nat. Int. w3w.]
jg\ A two-story Brick DWELLING HOUSE
Hilon Cameron, between Fairfax and Royal
streets, directly opposite the Market House, and
adjoining Isaac George’s three-story brick house
on the west. Possession on the 8th November.
MThe FLOUR STORE on Cameron street,
next door to Mr. W. Harper’s, lately occu
pied by Gerard Plummer. Possession immedi
ately. Inquire of ISAAC ROBBINS,
oct 22—d3tJt2aw4w Agent.
«r*c The superior Packet Schooner JAS
Howes, master, having part of her
cargo engaged, will have despatch. For terms
apply to oct 18 W. FO\N LE & CO.
The good Schooner JULIA $ MAR
JSjJtHA. Pinkham, master, burthen-tons,
will be ready for a cargo in a few days. Ap
ply to oct 18 W- FOWLE & CO.
The good Schooner STEPHEN OL
$tXj>NE Y, Godfrey, master, burthen 170 tons,
will be ready for cargo in a few days. Apply to
oct IS W. FOWLE & CO.
rfK The Packet Schooner IfA SUING TON,
c££fr?PKNriELD. master, can take some light
freight, and will sail on Saturday. Apply on
board, or to STEPHEN SHINN,
oct 18Janney’s wharf.
.rgr The Schooner POTOMAC, Asa Bears,
d&AJr. master, will have despatch, and can
take 4 or 500 barrels on freight. Apply to the
master on board, or to
-g xr|n Bushels, on board schooner Cathe
J. «3 vf v rine, in lots to suit purchasers, if ap
plied for immediately, for sale by
oct 21—3t LAMBERT & McKENZIE.
6 Hogsheads New Orleans Sugar
15 do Retailing Molasses
119 kegs Nails. Now landing, for sale by
oct 20 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO.
Barre,s Tar»in g°od order, just received
Oi/ and for sale by
nct 20 Union wharf.
AAA Pounds Green Rio Coffee, re
ceived per schooner Jasper, for
sale by oct 13 W. FOWLF, & CO.
Tons, on board schooner Stephen 01
juU\J ney, for sale by
oct 18 _W. FOWLE & CO.
Hogsheads Retailing Molasses, received
OO ner schr. Jasper, for sale by
oct 18 W. FOWLE & CO.
I Cask Dutch Madder, of good quality, just
received and for sale by
oct |4 Union wharf.
-g AAA Pounds of prime Putty, for sale by
llfUU oct 14 WM. N. McVElGH.
2 Shares, for sale by _
oct 14_WILLIAM N. McVElGH.
JH. WHITE has just received (per sloop
• Union) an invoice of HAIR TRUNKS,
which will be sold, either by the single one or
dozen, very cheap
Also, a further supply V
Men’s Calf Sewed BOOTS, 1st and 2d quali
ty; together with a considerable addition to his
stock of SHOES. _oct 14
ON Monday, the 3d of November next, an
Election of twelve Directors, to serve in
this Institution for the ensuing year, will be he d
at the Office of the Company, from 10 o’clock,
A. M. to 2 P. M. _ , „
The transfer books will be closed on Fnday,
the 31st instant, until a/teMhe elpction.
oct 14—2awt3dNov
We stop the press to communicate the follow
ing intelligence, which we received last night re
ative to the result of the election in Ohio Wecan
only say, that the information is obtained on
good authority and we trust may prove fully
correct in all its particulars.
We have heard either fully, or sufficiently for
our satisfaction, that a majority of Whig mem
bers of Congress are elected. Lytle, Mitchelli
Allen, McLene and Webster, present Jackson
members, are all beaten—the first named by
156 majority. Corwin, Whittlesey, Sloan, Span
gler and Vinton Whigs, re-elected, and a Whig
in Vance’s place resigned.
Findlay has doubtless been elected Governo r
by a large majority.
THE Trustees of this Institution, situated in
Brookville, Montgomery County, Mary
land, about 20 miles from Washington, and 28
from Baltimore and Frederick Cities, deem it
proper to inform the public that they have en
gaged Nathan C. Brooks, A. M. as Principal of
this Academy. Mr. Brooks is a gentleman o
most unexceptionable character, of high standf
ing as a scientific and classical scholar, and of
very considerable experience in the education
of youth, having been very advantageously
known for some years past as the Principal of
Franklin Academy at Reisterstown; and the
high reputation which that school attained un
der him, is strong evidence of his qualifications
for such a station.
The central position and convenient distance
of Brookville Academy from the cities of Wash
ington, Baltimore, and Frederick; its retired si
tuation and location in a healthy, moral, and
intelligent neighborhood, in which the retail of
spiritous liquors is prohibited by an express act
of the Legislature, and where there is, conse
quently, less danger of the youthful mind beco
ming contaminated by the frequent observa
tion of vice and immorality; together with the
high moral and scientific qualifications of Mr.
Brooks, the Board of Trustees flatter themselves
will give their Academy claims upon public pa
tronage which are surpassed by none, and per
haps equalled by very few, similar institutions
in the State.
Mr. Brooks will enter upon his duties in the
Academy on the 8th September next, and will
be assisted by three gentlemen well qualified to
instruct the pupils in their respective depart
The terms for tuition in English, Mathema
tics, and Ancient Languages, Board, Washing,
Rent, and Fuel, 330 374 cents per quarter. The
modern languages are 86 per quarter each. No
money will be required in advance, 4or either
board or tuition; but respectable references
must be given to the President of the Board of
Trustees, on application for admission.
For a more detailed statement of the course
of studies, regulations, &c. of this Institution,
the Board will refer the public to the accompa
nying prospectus of the Institutibn.
HENRY HOWARD. M. D. President.
WM. B. M AGRUDER, M. D. Treasurer.
ALLEN B. DAVIS, Secretary.
Baltimore—Philip E. Thomas, Sheppard C.
Leakin, John J. Donaldson, Geo. F. de la Roche,
Vernon H. Dorsey, Esq.
Washington—James Lamed, Granville 3.
Farquhar, Dr. R. S. Stabler. _
Georgetown—Dr. B. S. Bohrer, <*eorge C.
Washington, Esq. Robert B*"*ard, Esq.
Frederick—Dr. Robert E. Dorsey, William
Johnson, Esq.
Libertytown—Dr. R. L. Dorsey.
Cambridge—Dr. A. C. Thompson. ...
A prospectus of the Institution may be had
from either of the above gentlemen,
sept 4—w8w
£3* We are authorised to announce to the
voters of the Congressional District composed
of the counties of Westmoreland, Richmond,
Northumberland, Lancaster, King George Staf
ford and Prince William, that John Taliaferro,
Esq., has, in compliance with the wish of many
voters, consented to become a candidate at the
next election of a Representative for that Dis
trict in the Congress of the United States.
53* We are requested to announce Philip N.
Amiss as a candidate to represent the County of
Rappahanock in the next General Assembly of
of Virginia.
H3* Charles James Faulkner, of Berkeley,
will be supported as a Representative for the
Congressional District composed of Hampshire,
Frederick, Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan.
53-Captain John A. Thompson will be sup
ported as a Representative for the Congression
al District composed of Hampshire, Frede
rick, Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan.
BY the Jasper and Alexandria, from New
York and Boston, I have received a fur
ther supply of CAPS and SILK HATS—a
beautiful article. All which will be sold, whole
sale or retail, on accommodating terms,
oct 18 JOHN T. O. W1LBAR.
THE TOKEN for 1835, With 13 highly finish
ed engravings. „
History of England, by Sir James Mackintosh,
1 volume octavo.
Belgium and Western Germany,by Mrs. Trol
lope, 1 volume octavo.
The Doomed, a novel, 2 vols duo; Recluse of
Norway, do do; Cecil Hyde, do do; Gale Mid
dl Cyclopedia of PraoUcal Medicine and Surge
ry, part 5th.
Penny Magazine, No. 27, a most interesting
^Stewart’s Sketches of Society and Manners in
the British Isles; and
Cottom’s Virginia Almanac for 1835.
Just received for sale by
oct 17—-eo3t E. KENNEDY.
OPEN, daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. and
from 3 to 5 P. Mjan 24
JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this office
THE subscriber, having obtained letters #f
administration on the personal estate of
1 the late Rebecca Mills, deceased, will sell at
I public auction, on Wednesday, the 29th ins teat,
| commencing at 10 o’clock, A. M., at her lata
residence on Cameron street, between Fairfax
and Royal streets, all the HOUSEHOLD AND
KITCHEN FURNITURE of which the dece
! dent died possessed; consisting in part of Side
I board, set Dinner and other Tables, Bureaus,
I Chairs; several Feather Beds, Bedstead*, and
Bed Fnrniturc; Andirons, Shovel and Tongs;
I several Carpets; one large Cooking Stove, with
! necessary apparatus complete; with a variety of
I Kitchen Furniture.
I Terms of sale: For all sums of and under
$20, cash; over $20, and not exceeding $50,60
days; over $50, a credit of 4 months, for appro
ved endorsed notes.
oct 22 GEO. WHITE, Auctioneer.
ON Thursday, 23d instant, at 11 o’clock, will
be sold, in front of the Auction Store of
Mr. George White, A YOUNG SERVANT
WOMAN and her two CHILDREN, belonging
to the estate of the late 0 P. Finley.
By order of the Orphans’ Court:
oct 22 W. D. NUTT, Adm’r.
ON Thursday, the 23d instant, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., will be sold, in front of my Auc
tion Rooms, a variety of HOUSEHOLD AND
KITCHEN FURNITURE; to which will bo
added the Furniture of a gentleman, (about to
remove from the suburbs of the town) said to
be nearly new and of good quality; such as
Beds, Bedsteads, Hair Mattrasses, Bureaus, La
dy’s Uorkstand, Andirons, Shovel and Tongs,
Table and Teaware, twoGlass Showcases.
Ac. Ac. Also, one GIG and HARNESS.
Articles ready for examination on the
morning of the sale.
oct 18GEO. WHITE, Auctioneer.
THE subscriber, having been appointed br
the Superior Court of Fairfax County, Va.,
to act as Trustee, under a deed executed on the
3d January, 1821, by the late George Mason.
Esq., of Gunston, will, with the consent ot the
family of Mr. Mason, offer at public sale, for
cash, at Mr. Samuel Catts’ Tavern, West End,
near Alexandria, on Wednesday, 22d Oct. next
at 11 o’clock, A M., a part of THE SER
VANTS conveyed in said deed, consisting of
sept 20—dts WM. D. NUTT, Auct.
AO. DOUGLASS, intending to remove to
. the country, has sold out his BINDERY
to Mr. John Fleming, who will continue the
Blank Book Manufacturing and Book Binding
Business as usual.
In tendering his grateful acknowledgements
fo this community for the liberal patronage he
has received for fifteen years past, he feels great
pleasure in recommending his successor, who
has had the advantage, for several years past,
of acquiring a thorough knowledge of the Busi
ness, in one of the largest establishments in Phi
ladelphia. In view of this fact, and from person
al observation, A. O. D. feels assured that he will
give entire satisfaction to ail who may employ
THE subscriber informs his friends and the
public that he has commenced the above
business on King street, two doors east of Roy •
al, where he intends keeping constantly on hand
a handsome assortment of BLANK BOOK*5*
every description ordinarily in use, si«;n ®3 ,
gers. Day Books, Journals; Lettr** Cash, In
voice, Memorandum Books. «*-y a . , _ .
Merchants’ Account "ll,ce> A School Books,
ruled and bqi'--' l° Pntlern> at the shortest no
tice p^a Binding, in every variety of style,
.ouiiy and substantially executed, by
oct 21—tfJOHN FLEMING.
PRESENTS himself to the public in his pro
fessional character. His office on east side
of St. Asaph street, between King and Prince
streets.oct 20—tf
rvI!# u ociii j
OFFERS his professional services to the pub
lic. His office is in the room adjoining
the Clerk’s Office. oct lf>——tf
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens and
visitors of Alexandria that he may be con
sulted at Mr. A. Newton’s Hotel on the third
Wednesday in every month, from 9 o’clock
A. M. until 4 P. M. All letters addressed to Dr.
G. at his Office, between the United States,
Bank and the President’s House, Washington
City, or left at Mr. Newton’s Hotel, Alexandria,
will be punctually attended to.
jan 2—eWedtf
A VALUABLE specific offered to the public
from which a permanent and radical cure
may be obtained uf that disagreeable pain, the
TOOTH-ACHE, with all its attendant evils;
such as fracturing the Jaw in extracting the
Teeth, which often proves more painful than the
Tooth-Ache itself, and cold passing from the
decayed Teeth to the Jaw, thence to the head,
producing a Rheumatic affection, with many
other unpleasant effects, such as a disagreeable,
breath, and taste in the mouth, dec.; all of which
are produced from foul or decayed Teeth.
%* Certificates of Dentists and Physicians—
also, Directions for using, accompany each bot
tle. WM. HARPER, Druggist,
june 11—wly Fairfax Street. Alexandria.
A The subscriber, having determined to
leave town, is desirous of selling the HOUSE
he now occupies, on Prince street, between Pitt
and St Asaph streets— being central and plea
santly aituultd, in fee simple, and in pretty good
repair. The terms would be very liberal, both
in price sod time, so as to make it a profitable
investment even at the present reduced rates,
oct 16—tfR. S. BOWIE.
MI wish to sell a TRACT OF LAND In
the County of Fairfax, containing about
800 Acres, seven milea from Alexandria, and .
one mile south of the Little Rivpr Turnpike
Road, formerly the residence of the late Dr.
Craike. It adjoins the lands of Daniel Minor
and William Moss. I will sell the whole or a
i part a great bargain.
1 oct 14—w6w W. a THOMPSON.