OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, November 11, 1834, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1834-11-11/ed-1/seq-1/

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“ Fats ce qiCil faut, arrive ce qiCil pourra
ftfb. Xtarfi VHBXDtftV MUnOi mFWMM&S, as. 08841. JT1W sumacs T®B. ^-4T©. MOB*
dollars PER annum, payable half yearly.
i I F \ AN blUA GAZ E T T E
r | Ivertitinz:—Advertisements neat
. and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one
i Rir nor square for the first three insertions.
.Itientv five cents for every subsequent inser
, \ reasonable deduction will be made in
n^case of yearly advertisers.
• • vil advertisements appear in both papers.
On the20th next month, (November) the
® Packet Brig 77f//ft'.VE,Captain William
ST, Persons wishing to ship will please make
" ... -unification to the captain on board, or to
Oft 2 wdtJOth N ov_________
The fast sailing copper-fastened Brig
'M)\I\KYKEIt \ I^MJohn Beetly, master,
Self her first voyage, will stow about 1300
barrels and can be ready to receive cargo on
The Steamer COf.I’M
III A, Capt. James Mitch
ell, having resumed her
regular trips between Bal
tuBore and the District of Columbia, will, dur
ing the season, leave Baltimore for the District
t'oliiuihia every Saturday, at 4 o clock, l*.
M , and returning, will leave \V ashington at 6,
and Alexandria at 7 o’clock, A. M. every Wed
nesday, f>r Baltimore. Passage S-J.
sept 1*4 — tf______
The Steamboat Cl IE
A • SAPtJAKL', Capt. W 1LSON,
will he run as a regular
s2£Sis58£ffl*5 packet between Alexan
dra and Norfolk; leaving Alexandria on Tues
days and Fridays, at 1 o’clock, and arriving in
N->rf<dk in time t*» put passengers for Richmond
w board the Patrick Henry.
Returning, leave Norfolk on W ednesdays and
Sundays, at 2 P. M.. taking passengers Irom
the Patrick Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on
Mondays and Thursdays, at 10 A. M. Passen
(tors fur Baltimore can he carried through the
Fare from Alexandria h* Norfolk, SO, exclu
,»fmeals. <*r >7. meals included. From Nor
futn ltiuimoie, SS, exclusive of meals; -S'J
ni'Mls mclialed.
Th.* Chesapeake is a ne«r Boat, particularly
liipt.-l to tjfis route; is coppered, copper-fas
t'M I, h is a strong copper boiler, and is, in all
I-.',.-, k entitled to the confidence of travellers.
Parties of pleasure and families will only he
i hiryd $s for the trip to Norfolk or Old Point
J WILSON, Captain.
rp UK cargo of the ship Potomac, from Liver
l pool, consisting of
1 \ 4 x j k Bushels Ground Alum Salt
|,imio sucks Blown (filled 10 to
ton) Salt
1>oo bushels of host Orrel Coal
1.210 yards half bleached Sacking
nov l
2.) half boxes $ llasins’ boring’s brand
•Ju>t received and for sale bv
STEPHEN SHINN, Janney’s wharf.
i * i > r»f TT»n n ia
i i» • «• t i i » v • t i rm.
\l i ld>s. Fresh Roll Butter
Too do prime Firkin do
Just recenvtI aiul |inr sale by
Kiii» street, tliird door west of the old
Diamuial Pump.
]Ai| Pwh:.*s assorted uunibers, “Colt’s”
, I'otTon Duck, received per schr. Ro
■n Gordon, for sale by
1A Ho^shea,N. ” Luther Felton’s” brand, re
ceivetl per bfisr 'A'aukinco, for sale by
j*t 3fl \VM. FOWLE & CO.
additional supply of Taylor & Masons
1 inimitable Challenge Blacking, warranted
a'line. iu<t received and for sale ai reduced
IA fresh Brazil Nuts, just received from
^ New \ ork, per schooner Robert Gordon,
. together with an assortment heretofore re
ol Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, &c. Ac.. are
• red for sale, bv ANDREW J. FLEMING,
. Irwin’s wharf.
I received, per Sloop Miller,
lllfk pure White Lead
v 100 do No. I do
K ibertv brand, Philadelphia, anti for sole by
Union street.
H ’’ SMITH bison hand a large stock
^ ol CHIN A, &c. improved anil augmented
^ e ‘‘‘h'st importations, and comprising eve
'a the line. All for sale, wholesale
‘ rptail, on the lowest terms,
i Jtuft Received,
lU ‘ assortment of INDIA DINING CHINA.
HAS received from New York, and is now
opening, in the house lately occupied by
Messrs. James McKenzie & Co. (two doors be
low the Franklin Hotel.) an unusually large
and eery general assortment of
l) it y a o o i) s.
Having been purchased on the most advanta
geous terms, and selected with the greatest care,
as regards style, quality, and cheapness, he is in
duced to say that he will sell them at a small
adrance, by wholesale oa ketail.
lie invites his friends and the public to call
and examine bis stock, before purchasing—
which consists, in part, of the following articles,
which are of the latest importation—
Extra superfine black and blue Cloths
Common do, of all colors, some very cheap
Parsons’ Grey, Millers’ Mix’d, and Drab do,
for over coats
Heavy brown and blue Flushings, Coatings,
and Petersham, for dodo
Black, blue, grey, drab, and other col’d Cas
Super black and bufTCassimere, for vests
13-4, 12-1, 11-4, 10 4, 9 4, S-4 heavy Rose Rlan
kets, very cheap and good
Point, Whitney, and Duflill Blankets
Flannels, assorted colors
White Gauze do, very thin and fine
Scarlet Spotted do
White do, of the very finest quality, warrant <
ed not to shrink 1
4-1 super single and milled ,
Blue and brown real Goats’ Hair Camblet (the 1
Simon Pure)
French, German, and English 6-4 Me- 4
rinos, all colors \ |
French and English 3 l do, all colors .r <
Do do 3-1 bl’k 4- col’d Bombazets j u j
Single and double width black and blue black ,
Black and blue bl’k Simla, a very handsome
Cuss i net Is, all colors, some very low priced <
Do a heavy and cheap article for i
boys and servants [ >
White and colored Canton Flannels
Printed Floor Cloth and Bucking Baize
Blue, green, and drat) Frieze
A large variety of twilled and plain French,
English and American Calicoes, of all prices.
Super and common Swansdown, Valencia,
ami fig'd and plain Silk Vesting
Bl’k Florentine, satin face, extra q’y. for vests
Do do diagonal and corded do do |
Extra black, blue black, and brown Silk Vel-!
vets, lor vests
Common do do do. and other colors |
Black and col’d and fig’d Cotton Velvets
Bird's-eye, Damask, and liu-sia Diaper
l I to I 1 l Damask Table Cloths
Bleached 4’ tinbleaeh’d lluchaback tf Crash
Extra fine Irish Linens, and common do, ve
ry cheap !
Irish 4- Kus«m» Sheetings and Brown Hollands
Cheeked Cambi ics and Bishop Lawns
Book, Mini 4- Jaconet Muslins, lig'd ami plain ;
Handsome figured ami plain Swiss Muslins, I
very rich patterns
Cambrics, colored and white, .5 I to *‘>-4
Linen Cambric, Linen t ainbric iidkis, and
Long Lawns, some extra fine
Bandana. Flag, Pongee, Spittalfield, $ other
Silk lldkfs
India Company <lo. US inches square, old style
Black Italian Cravats, extra quality and size,
some 10 inches
Fancy Italian Cravats
Bombazine, Velvet, Satin, and other first rate
Super English embroidered, ribh’d, and plain
Silk Hose and Half Hose, bl’k and white
I)n French do do do do do do do
5 threaded English Cotton Hosiery, some ve
ry line; Common do do
Black, lead-colored, and white Mohair and
Worsted Hose
Black, white and grey Lambs’-wool and An
gola Hose and Half Hose
Misses’ and < 'hildren's Hose and Half Hose
Ladies’super and common Kid, Beaver, and
Berlin Gloves
Do Fur-top and lined do do
Do Long white Kid do. and Misses' bl k j
and colored Kid do
A few dozen Ladies’ Pallia colored do
Gentlemen’s Beaver, Buck, Woodstock, Kiu, J
and Woollen do
White, black, and col'd Merino fringes, lor >
Shawls .
Shawls, long and square, of all kinds, some ■
extra quality Merino
A large variety o( black and colored Merino ,
and Fantv Hdkfs
Worsted, Lambs’-wool and Angola Gurnsey
Shirts, some very fine
Do do and Cotton Drawers
Travelling Caps; Scotch Bonnets and Com-I
forts and Vandikes
Gum Rlastic and other Suspenders
Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, some extra quali
ty and size
Silk Cords and Tassel for Cloaks
A large variety of Lustring and Satin Rib
bons. from No. \2 to 22
Figured Satin Gauze ltibbons and Cords for
Figured and Plain Silk Velvet and other Belt- ;
Black and colored Silk Braids, Cords, Pipings
and Wire
Ladies’ Worsted Comforts and Over Shoes
A few handsome dark Boas
Black, white, and gieen Gauze > eils and Ba
ra ge do
Green and black Barage for Veils (Luuers
best) . .
Plain and spotted Bohbinet for do
Silks. 9
Plain black, and colored Gro de Naps
Figured do and do do do
Black Gro de Rhine, a very handsome lus
tred Silk
Mateoni’s best black Italian Lustring
Common do do do very cheap
Black Gro de Berlin
Blue black Poult de Sole
Black India Satin Levantines
Black, pink, green, straw, and other colored
Satins and Florences
White Satins, some extra quality, for dresses
A large quantity first quality black, blue black
and colored Sewing Silks
Spool and Ball Cotton, and colored and W.
B. Threads
A large quantity super r*sd common Pins and
Black, white, and colored Italian Crapes and
black Hat do
Black and colored Nankeen, and Mandarin
Crapes and Pongees
A large assortment Cami^ic, Thread, Bobbi
nett and Grecianett Edging & lnsertings
Thread and Bobbinett Laces
Bobbinetts, plain and figured, and Grecianett
Bobbinett and Grecianett Quillings
Cotton Fringes, very cheap.
Furniture, Carpet, and other Worsted Bind
Knotted and other Quilts
Knitting Cotton, from No ]4 to 40
White and colored Yarns and black and co
lored Worsteads
Rugs and Cotton Carpeting, cheap; *tc. &c.
Together with a general assortment of bleach
'd. brown, and colored DOMESTICS; Colton |
Jznahurgs; Linen Burlaps and Ticklenburgs, ]
Stc. Ac. Comprising almost every article in j
he Dry Goods line.
Suffice it to say, his stock is as lar?e ami as
cell assarted as any noe.se in this place; and !
vill he sold as low as they can he found where ,
I is stock will he kept up by frequent receipts 1
iom New York. _ _oet 2-3 1
JOHN H. BRENT has received, by the late I
arrivals from New York, a general asscirt
nent of GOODS, suited to the season; consist
ng, in part, ot
37 pieces Broad Cloth, b!ne. black, brown,
invisible green, claret, mulberry, Dab-•
lia, olive, mix'*d, and drab
10 pieces Flushing and Lion Skins
lu7 pair Rose Blankets. English and French
200 do Point and Didfil Blankets
40 do Whitney and Cradle do
51 pieces Flannel, assorted colors
0 do Goat’s Hair and Boiled Caniblets
73 do English Merino, 3-4 and 6-4
8 do French Merino Cloth
00 do Bombnzette, bl’k and ass’d colors
8 do Bombazine, French and English
220 do Prints, English, French and Ame
;{i> ,l,i Oriental and Furniture Prints
30 do (lini'hams, dark ami mourning
in do Checked Cambric, English, Irish,
and French
711 do Bishop Lawn, Book and Mull
•«, do (’ambriesand Jaconets
t,n do Lim n. Iroli and Silecia
25 do Sheeting, Irish, Silecia, Scotch,
and Knssiu
2i do Table Covers. Cl'ith and others
02 do Diaper, Damask, Bird’s-eye, and
48 do Table Cloths, various sizes
140 do Casinet. blue, green, bl’k «jr mixed ;
07 do .Negro Cloths ^ Linsey W oolseys
230 do Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs
3.500 do Domestic Cotton, brown, bleach
ed, and colored
100 do Silk lldkfs, Bandanna, Flag,
Pongee, and Spitlalfield
120 pair Hose, cotton, silk, mohair worsted
8 ps Italian Lustrine; and Silk Camlet
5 do Gro de Rhein and Gro de Swiss
130 Shawls. Merino, Thibet, Valencia, and
230 Fancy lldkfs. (Tally, Thibet, Gro de
Etc. Hernani, Ac.
21 Blond Gauze Veils
3oo pair Gloves. Hoskin, Silk, Chamois, and
Pic Njc
111 Linen Cambric lldkfs, some II. S.
73 pair superior Fr nch Shoes
300 ps Ribbon, Lustring and Belt
01 do Edgings. Thread, Cambric, Bohinet,
ami i.mmi
90 Tippets and Comforts
12 pieces Robinet, 1-t and 5-1
18 do Crapes, colored and black
8 do Silk Velvet, black and colored
8 dozen Stocks, some very superior
in do Silk Cravats, black and col’d
1 do Bead Bags
Fine- Yarns and M orstends
Best Sewing materials, all kinds
Fine, super, and extra superfine Kiddermin
ster CARPETING, daily expected.
The above ixoods will be sold un^tsunlIy loir
for cash or to punctual customers. _nct |:»
Iftis this day received and opened
-g Pieces Superfine Cloths, in addition to his
X former stock; consisting of Blue, Black,
Invisible Green, Dahlia, Russel Brown, Mulher
y, Adelaide Double Mill’d Drabs and Mixtures,
.vhich makes his assortment in this article very
splendid. Also. Super and Common Cabmen s
ind Cassinets, which will be sold low; Black Si k
Plush. Velvets, and Fancy Vestings; Lamb s
svool Hose and Shirts; White Merino Hose; En
glish and French Merinos; Super Shawls and
Hdkfs. Also, splendid new style Gilt Coat But
tons.nnv 3
IS N1CHOLLS wishes to purchase Bank
. Nbtes of all the Banks which have stoppea
specie payment within the District ofColumhidl
ind will give the higltfst prices in specie 80 to
35 cents. Washington, may 6—dtf
French Thibet Merinos, Embroidered Thibet
Shaxrls and Ildkfs, and Figured Satins.
WILLIAM II. MOUNT & CO. have this
day received
20 pieces French Thibet Merino, very superior
5 dozen Thibet Shawls and Ildkfs, some
beautifully embroidered
11 pieces Rich Figured Satins oct 13
JUST received a large supply of Fall and
If inter Hoods, which will be sold unusually '
low, viz:
50 pieces blue, black, brown, claret, green,
mulberry, olive, mixed and drab Cloths
and Cassimeres
5 pieces Wilkins’ super 8 4 twilled Cloth
5 pieces Petersham, some extra
10 pieces real Goat’s Hair Camblet
100 Tin Sattinetts
1 truss, containing
70 pair 9-4 to 14-4 Rose Blankets
GO pieces white, yellow, and red Flannels
some very line
20 pieces 6-4 French Merino
20 do do English do
30 do black and colored Circassians and
20 pieces black Bombazine, very cheap
5 do 5-4 French do
30 do Furniture Calico <
15 do Twilled do a new article
20 do Oil-dressed do
SO do Fall Prints, in great variety
6 cases low priced Calicoes
10 pieces black Gingham
10 do Extracted do
5 do Plain do
50 dozen white and black, silk, worsted, and
cotton Hosiery
Gent’s I, a mb’s-wool Hose and half Hose *
It.. .1., Si I. i f -- or,,I
1 bale Russia Diapers
] do Crash, for Towelling
Damask Table Cloths, Diapers, and Nap- {
kins, very cheap
Bird-Eye Diaper
Russia Sheeting and Brown Holland
Irish Sheeting, some 12-1 wide
30 pieces Irish Linen
100 do Cotton Fringes
50 lbs white, black, and brown Thread
100 do Orrell’s Cotton Balls
50 dozen Parsons’Spool Cotton
Gilt, Pearl, and Bone Buttons
Furniture Binding 1
Madras Handkerchiefs; Prussian Shawls 1
30 pieces Linen and Linen Cambric Ildkfs 1
0 dozen Ilemmed-stich do do
5 do Colored Bordered do *
Bishop’s Lawn; Mull, Plain and Figured
Book and Swiss Muslins
plain and figured lloninet and Greciannet I
I tobiiiet 4* (Iiveiauuet Footings 4* Edgings *
Thread and Cambric Edgins 4* Insertions I
20 pieces assorted colored Crapes *
in do black Italian (Tape
III dozen t 'nrded Skirts
Ladies' best Kid. Beaver Silk Gloves
Gent’s Biu k. Beaver, Kid, Berlin, and
U'ofsled < doves
pi pieces hla< k and colored Silk \ civet
5 do Tabby Velvet '
20 do limited, Valencia, Satin faced, and '
other Vestings
30 do Silk Handkerchiefs
6 do plain India Silk do
Black Italian Cravats
Bombazine, Silk, and Velvet Stocks
Silk, Elastic, and Nett Suspenders
5 dozen black and colored Bead Bags
20 do figured, watered, 4* velvet Belting
50 pieces Lutstring Ribbons
200 do David’s best Galonns
Jaconet Cambrics, Jaconet Muslins. Plaid
Muslins, Cambric 4- Furniture Dimity
15 pieces Curtain Muslins
20 do damask and watered Morcans
10 do new style Cotton, very handsome
20 pieces plain and tig’d. Silks, very rich
20 do black Italian Maleoui 4* Lutstrings
5 do Gro de Indies
Gro do Constantine, pink and white
5 pieces bla< k Mode
G do English Silk Serge
20 do Florences and Satins
Black Lace Veils
G doz Blonde Gauze Veils and Ildkfs
Heniani and other Fancy Shawls 4- Ildkfs
Thibet Shawls and Ildkfs. in great variety
Merino Shawls, Scarfs, and Ildkfs
Cashmere do do do
10 doz Thibet Barage Hdkfs
Together with a general assortment of Brown,
Bleached, and Colored Domestics. Also.
2 cases large braid cottage-shape Dunstables
sept 2l> U II. LI A.VI H.
HAS just received, and offers for sale, very
low, for cash, or on the usual time to punc
tual customers—
Porto Rico Sugars, in hlids, of good quality
Teas, Gunpowder 4 "Y oung Hyson, iu cliest>,
catty boxes, and canisters, latest impor
tations, and very fine
Malaga Raisins, in boxes
L P. Madeira Wine, in qr casks and cases
Whiskey in bbls. said to be very good
White Lead, Roberts’ manufacture, Phil’a
Blue Cloths, extra Super and low priced
Steel mixt Cloths, various qualities
Satinets, indigo blue and steel mixt
Calicoes, handsome dark colors, for the fall
Brown Domestic Sheetings.very stout f heavy
Bleached Sheetings and Shirtings
Bed Ticking and Plaids
Brown Scotch heavy Burlaps Osnnburgs
Bleached Scotch Linen, or Crequellas
Wrapping Paper Also,
Cotton Yarn, Seine Twine.and Carpet Chain,
of superior quality and reputation, from the j
Occo'/uan Factory. oct 11
DU. HOUSTON’, successor of the late Dr.
John Thayboi.d, Fellow of the Koyal Col
ege of Physicians of Persia, tenders his profes
sional services to the citizens of Alexandria. D.
C., and the public in general, and is ready to be
•ousulted (i I(A I IS in all cases of disease inci
lent to the human frame, but more especially in
hat virulent and almost yet unconquerable dis*
*ase the LANCER, as unquestionable authority
•an prove the cure of the most aw ful case which
•ver afflicted one of the human family. To
hose afflicted with this direful scouige, with
lundreds of others, he particularly refers to the
rare of JAMES BOND. fsee engraving below]
i slave lot men) the propc ny ol f
.•riflith, ol this city, whose desperate siluution,
hough lor a series ol years laboring under this
Miction, yielded to his skill, tiioiigli it had bai
led the science ol most el the b acuity. liope
^ss ol relief, in a rediu ed situation—abandoned
iy his blends, and seeking alms ol the public,
,hose eye must revolt at a sight which would
hock the liner feelings of mankind—at tins
ime, fortunately for this object ol pity, pr. H.
i-lt confident that be w as Ins Creator’s instru
ment to effect his cure, and is now a living wit
less of the truth of this assertion, by proper nre
licine, properly applied.
To which, five cases ol CANCER, and ma
iy other inveterate sores, ot long standing,
night be added—all •>! which have been effec
ually cured by Dr. Houston, in this city, w ithin
lie last four mouths. Satisfactory reference to
he persons will be given, on application.
Dr. II. is ready to receive all orders, post
mid, at his OlliCe. ;it the Hoarding House of
'aptuin Nevitt, opposite the Market House,
late Mrs. Mills’ residence,) Cameron street, Al
"rili/ical' >>f Mr. Itulml lihnn, Mill Slune Ma
ii n I ii< l u i > r, \ lr.ru ml mi) 1). C.
Knr the heiirlit ol lla* alllich'd. This is to eer
ily that I was greatly troubled with a most
lie.idlul sol •* h * l* . up w a ids of thirty years; that
•very thing the Incult) could devise was done to
•fled a cure in St. Tliouias' I lospital, in the Isle
• I W ight. England, ami in the East India Com
lany's Hospital in Hengal, but without any vi
able improvement of my condition. 1 have al
a> been attended by oilier physicians, but all to
no purpose. Email), I applied to Dr. A. Hous
;un, and, forsaking all othei.s, I confided myself
to Ins advice and attention only; and do celtify
that by his >kill and judgment as a Surgeon, he
has made a perfect cure of the disorder with
which I was so long afflicted.
In witness whereof I have hereunto subscrib
ed my name, this 3d day of November, 1834.
n 13 w c; o o n s.
J'UST received. 10 pieces line and extra su
perfine lviddenniii>ter CARPETING, of
■superior quality and rich patterns.
Also, a handsome assortment of BROAD
CLOTHS, him*, black, and various other colors.
ALo. very - p-T.nr ROSE BLANKETS, anti
GOODS for Negro Cloth.ng of every descrip
tion. JOHN H. BRENT.
Alexandria, 28th f h tober, 1834
Ur II. THOMPSON & CO. offer for sale,
. at moderate prices, an extensive assort
ment of French, Italian, Fiifrlish, and American
floods, received by late arrivals, and are now
opening. Among them are the following:
Black, blue black, and colM Gro de Naples
Do and do Poult de .Soie
Black Italian Lu-tiings, Florences, and black
Blond Veils, Thread Lares and Edgings
Jet black and blue black Lyons Velvets
Black and colored Italian Crapes
Plain and figured Swiss Muslins
Linen Cambric and Linen Cambric Ildkfs
Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Hosiery
Gloves of every description
New style Dark Cambric Prints
Cloths, of every shade and price, very cheap
Cassimeres, Cassinetts, and Flannels
Rose, Point, and Duffle Blankets
Green Baizes, Drab Kerseys, % Negro Cloths
6-4 English and French Merinos
3-4 black and colored Merino Circassians
With every variety ol Goods in our line, suit
able for the Fall and Winter.
\\ e invite our customers and purchasers to
give us a call, and >ee for themselves, as we are
determined to sell at a small advance on the
cost* sept 29

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