Newspaper Page Text
THE GAZETTE. By EDGAR SNOWDEN. Terms. Daily paper - - - - S3 per annum. Country paper 5 per annum. The ALEXANDRI A GAZETTE forthe coun try is printed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. All advertisements appear in both papers, and are inserted at the usual rates. Memoirs or the Life and Correspondence of Hannah Moore; by Wm. Roberts. 2 vols.— New York: Harper Brothers.—We hastily mentioned these volumes last week, and have since looked into them with much interest; though to say truth, there is something too much of them. The great charm of them is the collection of letters from conspicuous persons, with whom, during a period of nearly sixty years, Hannah Moore lived on terms of great familiarily and friendship. These present a lively and striking view of the times: they are full of anecdote, nay gossip; and on that very account, as viewed in contrast with the character,—in later life almost ascetic,—of the lady, and with that of her liter ary labors,—are the more striking. Garrick, Johnson, Walpole., Burke, of a past age, with Wilberforce and all his virtuous asso ciates of our day, constitute a few of the bright names that grace these pages. We have heretofore made extracts from these volumes. We now add a few more; and first from Garrick’s sprightly pen.—N. Y. Amer. JLsscx, July y, 17 i 7. My Dearest of Hannahs.—You must have thought me lost, mad, or dead, that 1 have not seat you a morsel of affection for some time.— I have an excuse. If there can be any for the neglect of such a friend! We are now with Mr. Rigby and some ladies, our particular friends, by the sea-side; and while l ain writing this in my dressing room, l see no less than tifty ves sels under sail, and one, half an hour ago, sa luted us with thirteen guns. Among all the news, foreign and domestic, that travels through and about Bristol, have you not heard that Mrs. Garrick and / were separated? Tell the truth, dear Nine, and shame you know whom. To our very great surprise, a great friend of ours came from London; and to his greater surprise, found us laughing over our tea under our walnut-tree; he took me aside, and told me it was all over the town, from Hyde Park corn er to White chapel dunghill, that I had parted with Mrs. Garrick. You may easily suppose this was great matter of mirth to us. We im agined somebody had had a mind to joke with our friend, but upon inquiry we found that such a report had been spread; but, to comfort your heart, be assured that we aie still as much unit ed as ever, and are both so well, that there is a prospect of dragging on our clogs for some years to come. Colman is preparing his come dy of four acts, called the “Suicide.” a very dangerous subject, but the actors say it must have great success. My theatrical curiosity diminishes daily, and iny vanity as an author, is quite extinct; though by the by, I have w’ritten a copy of verses to Mr. Baldwin, the member for Shropshire, upon his attack upon me in the House of Commons. He complained that a celebrated gentleman was admitted into the house when every body else was excluded, and that I gloried in my si tuation. Upon these last words my muse has taken flight, and with success. 1 have describ ed the different speakers, and, it is said, well, ano strong and true. I read them to Lord North. Lord Gower, Lord Weymouth, Mr. Rig by. &c., and they were all pleased. If I have time before 1 am obliged to send away this long letter, you shall h ive the first copy, though you must take care not to suffer them to go from your own hands. I have, upon my word, given them to nobody. Burke and Mr. Townshend behaved nobly upon the occasion. The whole house groaned at poor Baldwin, who is reckon ed pur excellence, the dullest man in it; and a question was going to be put to give me an ex clusive privilege to go in whenever I pleased.— In short, 1 am a much greater man than I thought. Whenever l receive your story I shall coin over most unmercifully. My wife this moment tells me that 1 must send you a double portion of her love; and she has added, that if the vinegar is but half ns sharp as your pen, or as your tem per is sweet, she shall be most thankful for it. There is German wit for you. I shall deliver the overflow ings of your heart to her in all the puri ty of affection. We are going to Lady Spen cer’s, for ten days, in half an hour. Our loves to all about you. Most affectionately and faithfully yours, L). Garrick. Adelphi, Ocr. 17, 1777. Shame! shame! shame! You may well say so. my dear madam; but in deed 1 have been so disagreeably entertained with the gout running all about me, from head to heel, that 1 have been unfit lor the duties of friendship, and very often tor those which a good husband, and a good friend, should never fail performing. I must gallop over this small piece of paper; it was the first 1 snatched up, to tell you that my wife has your letter, and thinks it a fine one and a sweet one. I was at court to-day, and such work they made with me, from the Archbishop of Canter bury to the Page of the Back Stairs, that I have been suffocated with compliments. We have wanted you at some of our private hours.— Where’s the Nine? we want the Nine! Silent was every muse. Cambridge said yesterday, in a large compa ny at the Bishop of Durham’s, where I dined, that your ode to my house-dog was a very witty production; and he thought there was nothing to be altered or amended except in the last stanza, which he thought the only weak one. 1 am afraid that you asked me to do something for you about the parliament; which, in my mul titude of matters, was overlooked; pray, if it is of consequence, let me know it again, and you may be assured of the intelligence you vant. , The last new tragedy, Semiranus,” has,1 though a bare translation, met with great suc cess” The prologue is a bad one, as you may read in the papers by the author, the epilogue is grave, but a sweet pretty elegant morsel, by Mr. Sheridan; it had deservedly great success. Mr. Mason’s Caractacus is not crowded, but the men of taste, and classical men, admire it much. Mrs. Garrick sends a large parcel of love to you all. I send mine in the same bundle. Pray write soon, and forgive me all niy delinquences. | 1 really have no time to read over my scrawl, so pray decipher hers’, and excuse me. Ever yours, most affectionately, D. Garrick. Hannah Moork was excessively anxious for the establishment of religious schools. The fol lowing letter shows some of the difficulties she met with. “ I was told we should meet with great oppo sition if I did not try to propitiate the chief des pot of the village, w ho is very rich and very brutal; so I ventured to the den of this monster, in a country as savage as himself, near Bridge water. He begged 1 would not think of bring ing any religion into the country; it was the worst thing in the world for the poor, for it made them lazy and useless. In vain 1 represented to him, that they would be more industrious as they were better principled, and that, for my 1 own part, I had no selfish views in what I was doing. He gave me to understand, that he knew the world too well to believe either the one or the other. Somewhat dismayed to find that my success bore no proportion to my sub missions, I was almost discouraged from more visits; but I found that friends must be secured at all events, for if these rich savages set their faces against us, and influenced the poor peo pie, i saw that nothing but hostilities would en sue; so 1 made eleven of these agreeable visits; and as I improved in the art of canvassing, had better success. Miss YYilberforce would have been shocked, had she seen the petty tyrants whose insolence 1 stroked and tamed, the ugly children 1 praised, the pointers and spaniels I caressed, the cider I commended, and the wine i swallowed. After these irresistible flatteries, I inquired of each if he could recommend me to a house; and said that I had a little plan which 1 hoped would secure their orchards from being robbed, their rubbits from being shot, their game from being stolen, and whicli might lower the poor-rates. If effect be the best proof of eloquence, then mine was a good speech; for I gained at length the hearty concurrence of the whole people, and their promise to discourage or favor the poor in proportion as they were at tentive or negligent in sending their children.— Putty, who is with me, says she has good hope , that the hearts of some of these rich poor ' wretches may be touched: they are as ignorant ' as the beasts that perish, intoxicated every day before dinner, and plunged in such vices as i make me begin to think London a virtuous place.” The passage was written in 1789. Thirty four years elapsed, -and she was among the j scorners of the Schoolmaster. The age hud outgrown her. “Our poor are now to be made scholars and philosophers. I am not the champion of ig norance; but l own I ain alarmed at the vio lence of the contrast. Even our excellent C-seems to me to refine too much but my friend F-is an Ultra of the first magni tude. The poor must not only read English, but ancient history, and the sciences are to be laid open to them. Now, not to inquire where would they get the money, 1 ask, where would alaboring mangel the time? Time is the for tune of a poor man: and as to w hat they would gain from Grecian history,—why, they would learn that the meanest citizen of Athens could determine on the merits of a tragedy ol Lu ripides; to do which, they must always live in a playhouse, as indeed they almost always did; they were such critics in language as to detect a foreign accent to a great philosopher, &e.; and yet history does not speak of u more turbulent, unmanageable, profligate people. * If you are not quite tired of me and my senili ties, I will proceed to a few* facts to illustrate my theory. Not only in the great national schools, but in the little paltry cottage seminaries of threepence a week, I hear of the most ridicu lous instances of the affectation of literature — A poor little girl of this stamp was in my room one day when a gentleman was sitting with me. He asked her what she was reading at school. “Oh, Sir the whole circle of sciences!” ‘ In deed,’said he, ‘that must be a very large work!’ ‘ No, Sir, it is a very small book, and 1 had it for half a crown.’ Aly friend smiled, & lamented that what had cost him so much time and money was of such easy attainment. 1 asked a little girl, a servant’s child, the other day, what she was reading, and if she could say her Cate chism? ‘O no, Madam, I am learning Syntax.” What I am going to add, you will ihink an ex aggeration, if notan invention, but it is a literal fact. A girl in the next parish being asked what she learnt, answered, I learns geogrephy, and the hearts and senses.” “ In many schools, I am assured, writing and accounts are taught on Sundays. Thisa regu lar apprenticeship to sin. He who is taught arithmetic when a boy, will, when a man, open his shop, on a Sunday, Now, in my poor judg ment, all this has a revolutionary as well as ir religious tendency; and the misfortune is, that the growing ultraism on the side of learning, falsely so called, w ill irritate and inflame the old bigotry whicli hugged absolute ignorance as i hidden treasure, not to be parted with; while i that sober measure of Christian instruction I which lies between the tw*o extremes, w ill be re | jected by both parties.” I Who would have expected to find Cobbett | and Hannah Moore maintaining the same opin i ion respecting the inexpediency of educating the ' poor? A few anecdotes shall close. Precocious Princecraft.—“ I have since dined with Bryant at Mrs. Montagu’s, and we are be come great friends. He ‘ bears his facultiesso meekly,’ and has such simplicity of manners, that l take to him as 1 did to Hermes Harris, whom every body must regret, that hud the plea sure and advantage of knowing him. Only Bry ant is the pleasanter man. He told me an amusing anecdote olone of the little Princes.— He hail been that morning to Windsor to present his book, lie was met in the ante chumber by the youngest of them, who begged to look at it. When it was put into his hands, he held it upside down, and glancing his eyes for a moment over the pages; returned it with an air of important graciousness, pronouncing it cx cellent!” A singular friend for a pietist.—“ Poor Ayrey dropped down dead a few’ days ago! he was the j only Atheist 1 ever knew; but what 1 thought j particularly argued a wrong judgment in him j was this, that he was an honest good-natured | man,—which certainly he should not have been on his principles. He was a fatalist; and if he snuffed the candle, or stirred the fire, or took snuff, he solemly protested he was compelled to j do it; and it did not depend on his own discre- j tion whether he should buckle his shoe or tie his j garter. If 1 had not known him well, I would not have believed there had existed such a cha- ! racter. He always confessed he was a coward; I and had a natural fear of pain and death, j though he knew he should be as if he had lie- j ver been. I cannot think of him w ithout horror J and compassion.—He knows by this time whcth-1 er a future state was really such a ridiculous in-' vention of priestcraft and superstition, as he al ways said it was.” zi Moravian Repartee.—Miss Hamilton told us a pleasant anecdoteof Hutton, the Moravian, who has the honor ol being occasionally admit ted to the Royal breakfast table. ‘ Hutton, said the King to him one morning, ‘ is it true that you Moravians marry without any previous knowledge of each other?’ * ^ es may it please your Majesty, returned Hutton, ‘ Our marriages are quite royal.’ ” Death-bed of an Ambassador.—111 believe I mentioned that a foreign ambassador, Count Adhemar, had a stroke of the apoplexy, and that he was to have had a great assembly on the night of the day on which it happened: it is shocking to relate the sequel. It was on a Sun day. The company went—some hundreds. The | man lay deprived of sense and motion; his bed i chamber joins the great drawing room, where was a faro-bank heid close to his bed’s head. Somebody said they thought they made too i much noise. ‘ Oh no!’ another answered,4 it will i do him good; the worst thing he can do is to i sleep.’ A third said, ‘ 1 did not think Adhemar I had been a fellow' of such rare spirit: palsy and faro together is spirited indeed; this is keeping it up!’ 1 was telling this to Mr. W alpole the other day. and lamenting it as a national stigma, 1 one of the worst signs of the times 1 had met with. In return, he told me of a gentleman at Paris, who being in the article of death, had just signed his will, when the lawyer who drew ; it up was invited by the wife, to stay to supper The table was laid in the dying man’s apart ment; the lawyer took a glass of w’ine, and ad | dressing himsell to the lady drank, a la saute dt 1 notre aimable asronisant.*”_ Neapolitan Claims.—From the following ex i tracts of a letter from the Agents of our Go ! vernment at Paris to the Agents of the Govern i ment at New York for the Neapolitan claims, we are gratified to perceive that the Govern ment of Naples has performed, with good faith, the stipulations of its treaty, and has proudly arid honorably shown that it will allow no pre cedent to give sanction to a violation of the sa cred principles of honor and integrity, which, j among nations, constitutes the only peaceful obligation of compacts. The American Agent in Paris writes: “ Our last respects were of the lOtli ult. \\ e have now the pleasure to announce that we, four days since, received information that the hill we drew upon the Neapolitan Minister of Finance was duly honored, and to-day, that it has been integrally paid; we shall, accordingly, in a few days, receive here the amount thereof, which is fl,333,868.” » By this first instalment being thus paid, with the gross interest, the principle which had been before acknowledged is now fuilv con firmed. The difference which we in our Iasi mentioned that this makes in favor of the clai mants, was calculated only at 4 per cent, per annum, simple interest; even at that rate, with the accumulating interest, which ought to lie also calculated, liiis difference amounts to f220, 000.” a By the next packet, the Uljone, to sail on the 16th, we shall expedite to you f.500,000 in Napoleons, which is the extent of the amount which you have directed us to send by any one vessel. By the packet of the 24th, we shall ex pedite an equal sum, and the balance by the packet of the 1st November.” We have no doubt that the fidelity with which Naples has executed her engagements with our country, will lead to much more intimate and profitable commercial relations between the countries than have heretofore subsisted. We should not be surprised to see the appointment of a representative of our Government at the Court of Naples, authorized by Congress, for the purpose of extending and facilitating our commercial intercourse with Italy generally, which we learn from American gentlemen who visited Italy, and have given special attention to the commerce of the countries in its present state, might be greatly increased and with mu tual advantage.— O'lobe. The FrenchCommissiou.— We neglected, at the time, tostate that the Board of Commissioners, under the act to carry into effect the late treaty with France, met in this city on Monday, the 27th ult., pursuant to adjournment. We understand, that having disposed of all the memorials filed during the vacation, the Boa id called uii the docket of cases set for luai ing, according to their previous orders, that they mi«'ht proceed with the examination of them on their merits. But it was found that the clai mants were not ready with their testimony, to try their cases, and at their special instance, the Board agreed to postpone taking up the cases in the order in which they are set for hearing, according as the rules required, until the 17th instant; at which time it is understood, that the cases will be positively taken up, in regular or der, and disposed of as justice may require. In the meantime, the Board are engaged in such cases as the claimants have prepared for inves tigation. We would call the attention of the claimants, in the ditferent parts of the country, to the importance of preparing their cases and the evidence to support them as soon as possi ble—for although the Board may be disposed to 1 show every indulgence, yet the approach <>l the period within which they must terminate their labors, requires that the cases and testimony he laid before them at an rjirly day, and espe cially since the recent arrival of the Imperial decisions of the Councils of State and of Bri zes from Paris, leave the claimants no excuse for delay; and if their cases are jeoparded or lost by their negligence, they can have no one to blame but themselves.— (Hole. Tlie Cholera (Oct. ISth) has just finished its career of destruction at Halifax, where it has driven a fatal car, seeking out particularly for its victims the poor, the miserable, the unfortu nate, and intemperate, and with some few ex ceptions, sparing all others. T he military it first seized, and they were its victims till they’ broke up their encampment in the town, and pitched their tents in the country. The popula tion of Halifax in 1828 was 11,439.—Probably it was not so great when the Cholera broke out, from the fact, that its trade has not been very prosperous the year past, and that the other towns in Nova Scotia made free ports have in terfered with its trade, a trade which it for a long time exclusively enjoyed. The population many now say is not over 10,000, arid of these, the Hoard of Health have reported over 600 deaths, and many contendlhat a thousand have died. If this be so, the pestilence has indeed car ried death on its wings. .4 new removal.—W e understand that P. O. J. Smith has succeeded at last, and procured the removal of Mr. Mitchell, the Postmaster of this city, which is to take place in January. No ap pointment of a successor has yet been made, but we presume that "good hearted man ’ Mr. Todd is to be paid with the appointment, as a matter of course, as a sort of copartner in i Smith's concern.— Portland Advertiser. 1 NEW YORK ELECTIONS. Returns come in but slowly from the country but they come sufficiently fast to shew that tin Jackson ticket has prevailed by an unascertain ed majority, and much larger, as is concedet on all hands, than the most sanguine calculator of that party had anticipated. The Whig can didate for sheriff in Albany County, Mr. Me Duffie, is understood to be chosen by a majori ty of 10 over the Jackson candidate, Mr. Niles. Twenty six counties are heard from, whicl give Marcy a majority of 15,500. This is abou 1200 less than he received in the same countie in 1832. Washington County has given a Whig ma jority of about 1400. In the 17th District (Oneida and Oswego Beardsley and Turrill are elected—majority saic to be 700. We have returns, which we deem essentially correct, from 26 counties, as follows: 1S34 1832 . \Wiig Jack. Whig Jack Counties. maj. maj. maj. maj. i Greene - - — 80S — 8b: ' Orange - — 850 — 130 ' Dutchess - * — lull — .UP Columbia - - — ^52 — 26; Albany * - — 100f — 45 Saratoga . - — lOOf — 95 Rensselaer - - — 25 — !'• Delaware - — 1350f — 90 Montgomery - — 800| — 104t Herkimer - — 12001 — 102/ Westchester - — 724 — 78t Kings - — 555 — 485 Queens — 139 — 161 1 Suffolk - - — 1134 — 112. I Richmond - - 63 — — 1* i Putnam - — 3S5* — 48' New York - — 2337 — 523. Schenectady * — 50 — 9i Washington - llOOt — 2311 — Sullivan - - — S63 — 12. Rockland - •• — 809 - 595 Ulster - * — 1750f — 1801 Oneida — 100| — 5I» Otsego - — 1200f — 73. Chenango - — 655 — 9( Onondaga - — 800 — 57 1463 17787 2311 1900t 1463 17781 848 1215 846 Jackson loss since 1832 - 37! * Congressional majority, f Partly estimates. .Members <j Congress elected.—The following persons are ascertained to be elected to the 24il Congress: Those in italics are \\ higs. 1st Distrrict—Abel Huntington. 2nd Samuel Barton. f C. C. Cambreleng. , J Campbell P. White. "j John M’Keon. (.Eli Moore. 4th Aaron Ward. 5th Abraham Bokee, 6th John W. Brown. 7th Nicholas Sickles. S Aaron Vanderpool. 1 ( Valentine EfTner. 9th Hiram l*. Hunt* 10th Garrit Y. Lansing.J 11th John Cramer. 12th Da rid Hassell. 13ih Dudley Karlin. 15th Mathias J. Bovee. 16th Ahijah Mann, jr. { Samuel Beardsley. ( Joel Turrill. 19th Sherman Page. 20th William Seymour. , S William Taylor. ( William K. Fuller. * By about 20 majority. { By 72 majority. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 21 for IKj l To be drawn at the City Hall, in the City oi Washington, on Tuesday, November 11 H PRIZES OF $ 10,000 each! Tickets 45 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25 fjij"" 1st or 2d drawn No. 49; 3d or 4th, 88.&c. On sale in great variety by .I ts. HIOKDtX. Uncurrent Notes and Foreign Gold pur chased. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 21 for I S3-!. To be drawn at the City Moll at Washington, on Tuesday, November 11 2 PRIZES OF $10,000 each! Tickets 85 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 2-5 jlj?- 1 st or 2d drawn No 89: 3d or 4th, 88, &c, To be had in a variety of numbers of .1. COItSE, F.otfrry if Exchange /tinker. Alexandria. Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 21 for 1834 To be drawn at the City Hall, in the City of Washington, on Tuesday. November 11 2 PRIZES OF $10,000 each! Tickets $5 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25 rd^lstor 2d drawn No. $9; 3d or 4th, §8, &.c. To be bad in a variety of numbers of J. W. VIOLETT, Lottery and Exchange Broker, Near the corner of King anil Fayette Streets, Alexandria, I). C. Lost, on Wednesday last, between Fay ette and Washington streets, a Red Morocco Pocket Book, containing 832 in notes, and 50 cents silver. The finder will be suitably reward ed by leaving it at Violetl’s Lottery Office. j Grand Consolidated Lottery, Class 21 for 1834, To be drawn at the City Hall, in the City of Washington, on Tuesday, November 11 2 PRIZES OF $10,000 each! Tickets S5 00; halves 2 50; quarters 125 jl^lst or 2d drawn No. 89; 3d or 4th, 88, &c. For sale, as usual, in great variety, by JOS. Iff. ELAKKE, (Sign of the Flag of Scarlet and. Gold.,) King st. Alexandria. I). C. GEO. S. HOUGH Han thin day received and opened -| Pieces Superfine Cloths, in addition to his 1 former stock; consisting of Blue, Black, Invisible Green, Dahlia, liussel Brown, Mulber ry, Adelaide Double Mill'd Drabs and Mixtures, which makes his assortment in this article very splendid. Also. Super and Common Cassimeres and Cassinets, which will be sold low; Black Silk Plush, Velvets, and Fancy Vestings Lamb's wool Hose and Shirts; White Merino Hose; En glish and French Merinos; Super Shawls and Hdkfs. Also, splendid new’ style Gilt Coat But tons. • nov 3 , _ ALEXANDRIA** | TUESDAY MOIINING, NOV. n, \ Phogress or Free Principles in Ecrope-i ’ | 1322, Alexander H. Everett, of Massachu^ —then our Minister at the Court of Spam , published a work entitled “ Europe, or a o» ral survey of the principal powers, uithV l jectures on their future prospects.” In tliiswori t it was zealously maintained, and the 0pin 8 fortified by an elaborate train of reasoning. * i on ascertained facts and the obvious tend n/. ! of affairs, that the progress of civilization, am j the diffusion of liberal political principles whc. ( results from it, would naturally bring at> • j the substitution of liberal for arbitrary government in a short time, and tliat vioie 1 attempts to prevent this change would only rr der it more dangerous. Since then, all this i been abundantly verified in the history of £iUiU|ican miiciua, * uuii*;t'S in lilVOf i •* liberal principles have taken place in Franc* I England, Portugal and Spain—particularly the latter country, of which, at the time Mr. 1 rett wrote, there seemed, upon the surface of | tilings, to be no probability of a regener itioa. i In addition, too, to the changes in the form u » well as the spirit of the governments we have ; mentioned, the subtle, unseen, but felt and ac ! knowledged influence of liberty has penetrated i the heart of Germany—insinuated itself jnt) • Italy—and reached even Turkey itself,— 1 Testing its presence by dilferent circumstance! • and in a variety of forms, but giving evident* that its spread is sure and onward. To us, < ’ sounds strange, to hear of Constitutions, and 1 Popular Assemblies—License of Printing—Elec tions, &c. &c. in such an ancient, rigid, and it tra monarchy as Spain. It is equally as strange to hear of the Sultan’s newspaper at Constan tinople, and the innovations that he has made I upon Mahommedan customs. And yet. bod! results are, undoubtedly, the effects of the <am* ■ cause—operating in the one case upon the j minds of people and rulers, and in the other up on the mind of an able monarch—the most i able, by far, of any now any where seated on a throne. Whilst we ardently hope for the ton tinned extension of this same spirit, until it works out the political redemption of the whole world, we as sincerely desire that it may every where carry’ peace and healing on its wiip that it may not merely prove “ a fear of chanft, perplexing nations,” but be, in all cases, the moderate, rational, peaceable substitution of Law and Liberty for Arbitrary Power and Pn ; vilege. We bad no news yesterday’of the Aeronaut though it is altogether probable, that he landei in safety, and may now be in Washington. The Charleston papers received last night give an account of a perilous descent made near that city a few days ago by Mr. Elliot, whose [ balloon became entangled in a pine forest, and he was near losing Ids life. The good people of Newark, (X. J.,) have a marvel in the case of a young woman, who when [ever she goes, raises “a thumping” about the bouse w liich alarms the inmates. Scientific gen tlemen haveexammed into the subject, but the ; affair still remains a “marvel.” The Jackson party in tin* Albemarle, ('*•) ; Congressional District, have had a convention, and nominated Mr. Garland ns their candidate to oppose Gen. Gordon for Congress. . A Duel.—We have heard a rumor, says A* Mobile Itegister, that the Siamese I wins ha'* ! had a falling out with each other, and that a Jo*-l ! would have ensued some time since.lmt thepsr i *ies could not agree upon the distance. Th’ ! quarrel originated from theinter ferenceoff bang ■ in a love intrigue of his twin brother Lug. L |S to be hoped the allair will Ire so adjusted, as t<» prevent a division between friends hitherto closelv united. [l.'U.M.Mr.NK'ATKD J THE PRESIDENT AND MU. KX SPEAK ER STEVENSON. “The first, and certainly not the'east, im portant step towards the sunjngation "I a berate body, is t«> render its «dlii-ei> >uh'«TVii*nt The Speaker of the House of Itrpie-'-ntatno may give to its own proceedings, even « the majority of the House is against Inal, H‘u“' of the tone and color of his own widies. I* may. tjy an artful construction ol tlieruk'^ ! the House and of the Ir.r p/irliunn)dm-in. *■' •' the desired direction to its business—may | essentially to facilitate party measure'. w':,iL have been duly prepared out of the 11"“^ ; mav, by convenient deafness and short sig.'te^ ness, exclude from debate dangerous oppam’8^ and, above all, may, by the appointment * < standing and occasional committees. a<*'an or impede almost any measure at discreti*’ When the majority of the House is with him, a.I this may be done, not only with impunity, txij j with reputation and eclat. The dar„ stain°* 1 turpitude is almost invisible in the glare of j cess. The Clerk, too, of the House, though *® an inferior degree, is not without his parly uV ! The individual if elected a member, on whom 1 the choice of the House would fall, or might o* j directed, as Speaker, was well known, anli ‘ ! would seem to have been early resolved bv ta ! Executive, to secure his allegiance by <**>tf. liens which the passions of hope and fear cou weave round an ambitious mind. To this*8 dividual the most important diplomat c static \ in the gift of the President, was proposed, c \Jidentially, on the 15th March, 1K13, before * i election to the next Congress, This assura8^ of appoin tment was kept secret, lest it sho * viur his election to Congress and to the . ilC ; er’s chair. Under a secret promise, thereto_i "f a high office, the consideration could 1,0 for a simrle moment misunderstood, f*ei as . designated servant of the Executive, a seat in Congress, and the Speaker’" c a ’ and presided when a bill was jiassed approf ating for hirnself an annual salary ol c‘j ilars and an outfit of a like sum. ^.,,r , gr , I this time, the important mission to Great