Newspaper Page Text
. henceforward quite the ton. Miss Moy «“* amotionless almost for some time, smiling gtooa a<virre!v inelinimr her head more ■*°°t ® iv but scarcely inclining her head more Mandarin image, while we, with our than bows, and attitudes and gesticulations, 1111111 t unite ludicrous in an attempt to be ex Polite. Her quiet demeanor and im ceS?!rahle composure quite overpowered us.— El then walked without much seeming dtfficul . her cushioned chair on the platlorm, and tV t0e sat m silent and quiet repose for us to gaze tnere She is short, but rather robust in stature; futures are pleasing, her forehead high and W iSiit a"J Caci! rounii alul ru“' wUh Pr0,l,„..ut,hins black eyes placed with the pe i Jr obliquety of the outer angle, which cha C nrizes the Mongolian variety of the human from which this people are descended. Miss uis as may be gathered from the above, ex •Jin^ly taciturn, even with an interpreter; but doubtless she understands the language of me. if her young and spiritual cuunte t • does not belie her. Those exquisites who ;an>tl) ,nake an impression on this young la ,st be particularly cautious and delicate •'their approaches. She is, it is said, much in 11..! with our country, and not at all home P''T' She* passes her life at her toilette, or at Sr tanibour, sleeps much and eats as we do; " „ct a- onally with chop slick*, it is presumed. \i-er sitting a short time in state she retired. We would ii'k the Alexandria (iazette to con , ^tu'einent in relation to a school which it Rioses to exist for the blacks in Concord. • ‘ * e no school of the kind here, and none ! - i w is ev**r contemplated to our knowledge !_n ,r do we believe the idea of an amnlgamu ,of blacks and whites ever entered the heads i of the most visionary of our philanthropists, j TVr** <ue probably not a dozen blacks in our whole population; our people never encouraged tw introduction here. We assure the editor of the Gaz-tte that he does injustice to t he peo- | Bleoffoueordin his rein ukson this subj ct.— j ■p ,.re is a school ost ibiished. or about to be es tahii'hed. at Canaan, in this state, where it is j t) educate intelligent free blacks—not | nirver. f >r the purpose of qualifying them to t)'. ^Ilt as incendiaries among the colored popu lt;()n „f the south, but to take care of them U\vs. by inculcating moral sentiments and r. )>o hah; s of industry which will prevent their s. 'conuur burdens and pests to society. The ilea of umal^amatiun is as abhorient to the ;e of the north, as it can be to those of the Lutli.-.V. II. Slut is man. We found the information on which we coin minted in one of the Northern papers and gladly give place to the counter statement of the N. H. State in an.—Alex. Gaz.]_ Atki-hnt—A gmriunism— I un Harenism—and K ndaUisnt.—These isms are at present all uni ted ami constitute a party. We have seen it open I v pronounced in Huston, by a Jackson press, that 1 theism and Democracy were svnon vtvmk ami so was Whigism and the belief in a i, i!. We have seen Agrarianism in .New York it-; own candidate to Congress, along the V m liuren candidates. v\ e see \ an Barvni'in in the universal corruption pervading «vry thing which the administration touches. An !. is»o Kendalism, no one ever pretends to j* ignorant of what that is. It is, however, issurae a new shape; still, however, in conjunction with ail its allies which we have last mentioned. The readers of the Globe may have reirmrk *,) ;ri that paper two numbers of an article on P tical Economy. We were expecting the i,si*araiice o! something ot the kind some time before they did appear, and we understood that lend all was about establishing a paper, we think in Philadelphia, to support his agrarian principles, which are to be develop'd in these essays on Political Economy, the proper name for which, if we have been rightly informer! of its character, will be the Hogue's Political Econo my. we!; worthy of a philosopher ot the Jona than Wild school. IS li»>* situs cnnuir ofRobespierre ha 1 always on their tongue’s fii1 !■' y turiv so the finin' pnnpl<! is the burthen of the song of Kendall’s Political Eco nomy. Kendall's is not, however, the pure UjrarianUin of the New York school. It ap proaches nearer to the St. Simonianism of France, which being found too demoralizing bv the good people of France and England to Bake much .wav in those countries, the prop i ri'ors of its principles have gout* to Euypt to #ry their In k anioi e that enlightened race. Kn.n the accounts we have of the doctrines nf our St. Simoniau, the sum and suhstanre is. tit 11 the expenses of < f > veil mien t. both State Federal, of all puhlic institutions, of all v 's, academies, and colleges; and, in tine, J • i1 ■.io expenses are to be borne liy those who '!•iiropet;v hevond a certain amount: This vint we ifider«*tand, our St. Simon has fixed *’ "''dollars(five thousand dollars!) Ail be v uro to be exempt from in xution.aml they are ' ix mlli’iiht n the fortunate individuals whose '• t-’iv lus increased their store to the amount lamed. "hv the sum of five thousand dollars has tix**« 1 on as the minimum at which taxation ®commence, we know not. unless by fixing it v I'sh there will be a greater number interest “1 m carrying out the plan. Calculating that ■ ’t avarice and selfishness of the democracy I make each man willing to throw the bur t supporting the Government from himself 01 'hose who were a little more fortunate in th-rworldly affairs. vr'!.uv; as we ;ire to bring Religion into ""ticai contests, vet we cannot refrain from if facts before out readers. When we see :m' ;. »n assumed by a portion of the Jack "■ ‘rtv,in Boston; when wo hear them open ‘flint ATHEISM and DEMOCRACY ^ *ni"; when we see the agrarians, the Aright men of \ew York, and theabo T ■ ftnatics all i allying around the banner of v ^ur we cannot but call the attention ■ •* r^lierious and moral to the undoubted fact. , w iv is it that these incendiary factions are ' 'in love with Van Burenism? Can it be -i-wno than that they see in it, the prospect at instruction of social order, to which they „ ' K the only means of gratifying the basest "^‘ns. And why that Mr. Van Boren “‘'iso successful in rallying around him ^. irious parties of social disorganizes? Is t o-n a common sympathy existing be in their feelings, and in their ob Telegraph ITEMS. »> ,' was going to Scotland; a violent >r ‘ *r Ke- Her ladyship was calmly dressing hr *r w-hen the steward knocked at the ca . ‘ v>r~~“ My lady." said the man, “1 think V * y°u there is every chance of our ^ ~ rowned.” ‘:l)o not talk tome, you im 1r. ’nt fellow, about drowning!” said her r*r*tical ladyship, perfectly unmoved— 1 'the captain’s business, and not mine?” Bui icer's France fc. During the lute run on Sir William Forbes’ | bank, a nuin who had some money in the house i ran as fast as he could there, and produced his voucher, and demanded his money. The clerk I asked him if he would take bullion or paper: he ( chose the last, which was paid him in the notes at Sir William’s house. As soon as he had put j the notes safely in his pocket, he grinned in the , cleik’s face, and said, *‘Now, d—n you, you may break as soon as you like.” The Dumfries Courier says, the Reporters! who furnished Lord Grey’s speech, at a dinner in Edinburgh' to the Times, in a day and a half from the time of its delivery, travelled in post chaises, by express, and with lights and desks inside extended their notes as they travelled along, at the rapid rate of 13£ miles per hour.— This beats all natur, as Major Downing would say. A prisoner who was taken up for most disor derly conduct in London, excused himself to the magistrate, upon the grounds that he had been to the funeral of a very dear friend, and felt bound to drink a little something with the un dertaker. Thunder and Lightning.— A fellow was lately swinging iit the Imug hole of a gallon keg, with all the ardor of one who really loved its con tents. The keg in reply to his drafts, went dug, dug, dug—on which an anxious expect ant standing by, remarked: “Jim, you’d better stop, don’t you hear the thunder?” “ No,” re plied Jim, •' but l see the keg begins to lighten/” Halt. Visitor. In the list of persons licensed to shoot birds in Yorkshire, England, are the names of sixty clergymen. Coffee is thought a remedy for lowness of spi rits. A lady learnt the other day that her hus band had been killed in battle. “Ah, unhappy that 1 am!” said she, “quick, bring me a cup of coffee!” Clerical Conundritm..—In a certain large town, w hich shall be nameless, one of the rev. gentlemen to whom the spiritual instruction of the inhabitants has been confided, is very fond of requesting some of his brethren to officiate for lum in his church. " Pray,” asked an ob server, "why is Mr. So-and-so like England? L'o you give it up? Uecause he “expects eveiy man to do his duty.”— Literary Gaz. Extraordinary Incident.—A gentleman ir. the neighborhood of this city, in riding across his farm a few days since, was suddenly surprised and aiarmed to find his horse gradually sink ing into the earth. He instantly leaped from the animal, and by so doing his own life was providentially saved. The horse continued to sink lower and lower into the earth, until he descended one hundred and fifty feet. At this point, he became wedged between two masses of ivck. and w as crushed to death. The chasm or fissure, we are told, appears to have been formed by the separation o| the earth and rock j in some convulsion of nature. The width of the fissure at the surface we have not learned, but it was covered with a thin surface, which I commenced giving way as soon as the weight of the gentleman and his horse was added to 1 it.—Lexington (A// ) Observer. Anecdote of Sik Himpurey Davy.—It wastl»e ( custom of this scientific individual annually to j visit Dally^hannon (Ireland,) merely to enjoy the fine li-hing, for which the river is so cele brated—a sport of which he was excessively fond. Having, after many fruitless attempts, owing to the inapplicability ol his flies, for lie was an excellent fisher, succeeded in landing a tine salmon, he called to his servant, and desir ed him to take it to his hotel. John reluctantly obeyed, for having no basket, lie did not much relish convening the h>h hi his hand. He luul ./one but a very short distance indeed from him nf the safety-lamp notoriety, when lie offered sixpence to any one to do the business for him. Sir Humphrey hearing him, brawled out, “111 take your money, Sir,” J> hn apologized, beg ged pardon, and stammered an excuse. *‘.\o, no.” -ays the ma-ter, -give me the sixpence, John—1 insi>t mi it,” and took the fish from him, and walked with it in his hand through the street, the servant bowing and apologizmg the whole way, in momentary expectation of being dismissed. In this, however, the phijosopher agreeably di>appointed him; he did not dis charge him, but contented himself with depriv ing him of the sixpence, and lecturing him free ly on the folly of such preposterous conduct in a waiting man. CU.U.MKKCML. Thr Mmkt'l.—Cottons sell freely at full pri ces. One of the hut sales was a parcel of North j Carolina, at IGA cts. per lb. Flour is heavy, Western. S ut f>[. Coffe is a shade better. Nut megs have declined — V. V. Jour. Com. 1 l//i inst. M A Kit IK D. On Wednesday evening last, by the Kev. James Walls.John Davemm'HT. Esq., attorney j at law,o| Charlestown, to Miss Euzaiie rn Catha ■ kink Heaton, daughter ol Col. Gcorjjo Ornck, of Winehestor. \ a. i*o/i7* or Alexandria, i). c. Akinvei). November 13. Schooner Whig, Allen, Bladensburg; To bacco for Baltimore. Schooner Thom is Chilton, Coats, Bladens bur*r Tobacco for Baltimore. Sc hr. Accotink Packet, Tobacco to Jonathan Janney. „ , A Scln*. Counsellor, Howes, Bucksport; Pota toes to Win. Fowle & Co. Schr. Ceres, Knowles, Camden; to Henry Daingerlield. Schr. Virginia, Judson, New \ ork; Freight for the District. MEMORANDA. Capt. Wilson, of the Piney Point packet, re ports a large square rigged vessel below Rag ged Point, bound up. = Ship John Marshall, Bacon, cleared at St. Ubes for this port, Oct. 6. Schooner Robert Gordon, Stanham, hence, I at New York Nov. It. I Schooner Jane. Allen, from Georgetown, D. C.. at New York Nov. 11. & ship FOR JAMAICA, rfTc A fine coppered brig will sail for Jamai cT-dfoea in all next week, if the bulk ofoOObbls. can t>e obtained on freight; which will be taken at a »>ry lour rate. Apply t° „ _ \VM. FOW LF. & Ce. COTTON OS.NARl’lUiS, AND KERSEYS. tL'^T received by the subscribers, afresh J supply ofthe Petersburg Cotton Osnaburgs, a superior article. Also, on_hand. three ales Negro Kerseys. A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. nov 14 $100 REWARD. RAN AWAY from the subscriber on the road,' near Stafford Court-house, Va. two negro men, viz: JESSE HARRIS, a black man, 35 or 40 years of age, about 5$ feet high, small eyes, and a down look when spoken to. Also, FRANK MASON, of dark yellow complexion and red eyes, about 5 feet 8 inches high, 40 years of Hire, and a little grey; formerly owned by David Keen of Fairfax County. For the ap prehension and safe keeping of said negroes, so that I get them again, I will pay a reward of $50 dollars each. Those who are fortunate enough to merit the reward, will please give information to H. G. Daniel, Alexandria, D. C. who will forward the intelligence to me. OLIVER GORMAN. nov 14 _3t BOAT FOUND. WAS picked up, on Saturday last, in the Po tomac river, between Sandy Point and Aquia Creek, A NE W BA TTEA UX, about 23 feet long. In the boat was a tin basin. Apply to Capt. Poor of the schoner Emigrant, nnv 14 3t WANTED. A TANNER with a small family, who can come well recommended and who is capa ble of carrying on the business in all its various branches, may get employment by applying to the subscriber at Snicker’s Ferry. None need apply but those who can produce certificates of good character and capacity for business; to such liberalwages will be given, anda good house and garden furnished. CHARLES M’CORMICK. Frederic ct., Va,, Nov. 14 1831.3t WllAKF & WAREHOUE TO KENT. TO rent, for the present year, that spacious and accommodating wharf, known by the name of “Rumney’s Whaff,” with the brick warehouse thereon. Apply to JOSIAH H. DAVIS v If the warehouse cannot be rented, I would Mi he pleased to store goods in it at a reasona ole rate. J. H. D. nov 14 FOR PHILADELPHIA, ( Via Canal,) prsc The packet sloop UNION, Hewitt, mas will sail on Saturday. Eor freight ap ply on board, or to STEPHEN SHINN, nov 13 Janney’s Whaif. POTOMAC RANK STOCK 1HAVE fourteen shares of Potomac Bank Stock, for sale at present rate. WM. H. IRWIN. nov 13—tf HERRING. A Q BBLS. No. 2 herring received per Schr. 40 Baltimore, from Eastport, and for sale by nov 13 S. MESSER SMITH. FOR BAKBADOES. irrs. The Schooner PAMELA, Capt. Small, now loading for Barbadoes, to sail on Sunday next, can take the bulk of 100 barrels on freight. Apply to the Captain on board, or to A. C. CAZENOVE& Co. nov 12 HOOTS A.\L> SHOES. A. I). 11ARMOX HAS JUST RECElMZD 1 PA I it prime coarse brogans, part JL vF t_F\F double souls, a good aiticle lbr win ter wear Mens’ Kip and Call'Bootees, nailed, pegged and sewed Mens’Calf Boots, sewed and pegged “ Kip do stout do do “ Seal do pegged and nailed Thick water proof boots sewed & pegged Bovs and childrens coarse and one bootees and shoes Ladies French kid slippers ALSO, Hair Seal Trunks—all of which are offered cheap, wholesale or retail. nov 12___ FOB BOSTON, /r.j-K The Packet Schooner SlOL XT 1 LR tf&ft.VOV- Marston, Master, is now ready to receive cargo, and will take freight low. For terms apply to „ ,v nov n HENRY DAINGERFIED. POTATOES. BUSHELS Mercer Potatoes hour oUUU ly expected, for sale by nov 11 W M. FOW LE & Co. KETA1LI.NG MOLASSES. /'k/'w Hhds prime retailing Molasses, landing O vF front Brig Dunlap, for sale by nov 11 WILLIAM FOWLE & CO. BRAZIL NUTS. | Bags fresh Brazil Nuts, just received from £ vF New York, per schooner Robert Gordon, and, together with an assortment heretofore re ceived, of Groceries, Fruit, Nuts, &c. &c., are offered for sale, by ANDREW J. FLEMING, oct 27 Irwin’s wharf. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, rfR TIIE Schooner LAFAYETTE, Snow, Muster, carries eight hundred barrels, and is in complete order for any voyage. For terms apply to HENRY DAINGERFIELD. 2300 Bushels of first quality of Mercer Pota toes, forsule onboard said vessel. Apply as above. _»ov 11 FOR FREIGHT OR CHAKTER. the superior coppered Ship IJ()TO VAC, L. Makbury, Master, will be ready to receive cargo ina few days. For terms apply to HENRY DAINGERFIELD. nov 1 ] PLASTER. HERRINGS, <fcc. 1 O/* Tons Plaster Paris LJmV) 120 bills Herrings, of superior quality 29 casks f Nova Scotia Blue Pota 48 barrels $ toes On board schooner Baltimore, from Eastport, and for sale by S. MESSERSMITH. nov 8 MACKEREL AND POTATOES. 7X Barrels No. 2 Mackerel tj 37 half do do do \ 8 barrels No. 3 do 25 kids No. 1 do 25 do No 2 do 400 bushels Chenango Potatoes Received perschr. Jnlia Ann, from Portland, ror sale by WM. FOWLE & CO. nov 8 _ PLASTER AND HOPS. /N Tons Plaster, and a few bales fresh Hops, of the Boston inspection, now landing •om the schooner Pamela, Capt.a~ifor ale bv nov 6 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. WHEAT AND GROUND rLAo J bn. m HE highest market price will be given for 1 .rood v' HEAT, at Accotink Mills, eight milee'Yroro Alexandria; also al the Cameron Mill near Alexandria; where GROLND PLAS TER may be had,a j op; a TH A hTJ A°NNEY. ' 200 by KERSEY. ~~ Yards Strong Kersey, manufactured at Quantico, just received and for sale nov 8 GEO. JOHNSON & CO. MACKEREL, CANDLES, AND RUM. QX Half Barrels of Mackerel U J 80 boxes Mould Candles 10 barrels New England Rum Received per schr. Mount Vernon, for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. Also, 12 boxes Lump Sugarnov 8 PORTO RICO MOLASSES. Oft TierCf>s prime Retailing, received per Lr schooner President, for sale by nov 3 WM. FOWLE & CO. * PAPER AND QUILLS. A /N/N Reams superior Wrapping Paper W 100 do Cap Writing, assorted do 100 do Letter do do do 10,000 Quills, of various qualities and prices. Just received on sale by WM. M. MORRISON. Shopkeepers would find it to their advan tage to examine the above goods and their pri ces. nov 3 COTTON DUCK. | Aii Pieces, assorted numbers, “ Colt’s” JLvrv Cotton Duck, received per schr. Ro bert Gordon, for sale by oct 30 WM. FOWLE & CO. FOR BOSTON. rfTEv The superior Packet Brig AMULET, $l£4^G. G. Nickerson, will have despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accommo dations, apply to . nov 3 WM. FOWLE & CO. FOR EASTPORT, rfTv The Schooner HALTIMOIiE, Waide, master. She will take a few hundred bar rels on freight, at a low rate. Apply to nov 8 S. MESSER SMITH. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, The good Schooner EAMELA, Capt. Small, burthen about 750 barrels, now ly ing at Cameron street wharf. One foi the West Indies or South would be preferred; but if none offers immediately, she will load for Boston. Apply to nov 6 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. 27 OLD WHITE COFFEE. Bags Old White Coffee, represented to be a handsome article, landing and tor sale nov 8 S. MESSERSMITH. by_ N. E. RUM. 1 n Hogsheads N. E. Rum, received per 1U schr. Mount Vernon, from Boston, for sale by nov 8 WM. FOWLE & CO. NAILS. Casks, assorted sizes, received per schr. Mount Vernon, for sale by WM. FOWLE &. CO. 200 nov 8 POTATOES FOR SALE. Bushels first rate Eastern Potatoes, on board brig Albert, at Wm. Fowle & Co.’s wharf nov 4 300 VENETIAN RED. Barrels English Venetian Red, received 1U per ship Potomac, from Liverpool, and for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, nov 4 Union wharf. MAHOGANY. 1 ^ Feet Mahogany, $ to 2 inches and * c/'x tJ upwards, landing from steamer Co lumbia, and for sale by nov 4 WM. D. NUTT. CHEESE. 9 Casks good quality Cheese, just received per schr. President, from New York, and for sale by ANDREW J. FLEMING, nov 3 FASHIONABLE HATS AND CAPS. OZEN JOSSELYN, Agent, north-east cor ner of King and Itoyal streets, respectfully informs his old customers and the public gene rally that he is prepared to furnish them with ELEGANT BLACK HATS, got up in the first style, of the best materials, and by experienced and faithful journeymen. Also, Brown and Seal colored Hats. CAPS. Gentlemen’s, Youth’s, and Children’s Fur, Cloth, and Hair Seal Caps, ol the various qua lities and patterns. WOOL HATS, iic. Every exertion will be used to please, anil all favors thankfully received. N. B. Old Hats taken in part pay for new ones. All kinds of FUllS purchased as above, nov 4— 3m__ Cl IIC U S AN n CAI1AVA N UNITE I >. MESSRS. CRANE & ELDKEED most re spectfully inform the ladies and gentlemen of Alexandria that they will exhibit their splen did COLLECTION OF ANIMALS and CIR CUS, together, in Alexandria, on Monday and Tuesday, November 17 and IS, at 1 o’clock, P. ! M.; also at 6 o’clock in the evening. Good Mu | sic will attend ttie Exhibition, and seats prepa red expressly for the Ladies. Every attention I will be given possible, to render the performance agreeable and interesting to those who may : please to give them a call. Admittance 25 cents; children half price, nov t—rlt 18th_ DOCTOR WEDDERBURN, AT his shop on King street, next above Mor rison’s Book Store, has just received a fresh supply of GENUINE MEDICINES.— Amongst them are a few bottles best Castor Oil, of the lust growth, and a number of other articles suitable for the season. W. WEDDERBURN. November 4, 1S3S. NEW <fc INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS. PASTOR’S Testimony; Preble’s Christian Year; The Nun, by Wrs. Sherwood; Mrs Sherwood’s Complete Works, (uniform edition); Helen, by Miss I- dgeworth; Mrs. Sigourney’s Sketches; Barnes’Notes on Acts; Portable C y clopedia; Father’s Book; Knapp’s Tales; 1 odd’s Lectures; Delingcourt on Death; The Connec- J tion of the Physical Sciences, by Mrs. Somer-1 ville; Necessity of Popular Education as a Na tional object, with Hints on the Treatment of i Criminals, and Observations on Homicidal In- j sanity, by James Simpson. The above just re-, ceived on sale by nov 6 WM. M. MORRISON. RUNAWAY CATTLE. LEFT Alexandria on Saturday, 1st instant, THREE LARGE STEERS, viz:—one a very dark or black; another a red; and the other a lead colored pied. They were seen in the neighborhood of the Factory that afternoon.— The black»one had, when he went away, a short rope tied on his horns. They were brought from the farm of Mr. N. Grigsby, in Fauquier. To secure them in a pasture, and give me infor mation, or deliver them at my pasture, near Town. I will give a suitable reward, nov 6-tf WM. D. NUTT. ' AUCTION SALES. BY GEORGE WHITE. REAL ESTATE, DRY GOODS, &C. AT AUCTION. THE Subscriber, intending to change her residence, will sell at public auction, on Saturday, the 29th instant,—at her Store House on King street, between Columbus and Alfred street, a part of her Stock of seasonable DRY GOODS: also, a variety of Household f Kit chen Furniture. At the same time and place, The HOUSE and LOT at present occu JiiJLpied by her will be offered for sale, on a credit of 6, 12, and 18 months. If not sold, it will be rented. She will also sell upon the same terms, at private bargain, The HOUSE and LOT on Duke street, between Water and Fairfax streets. REBECCA TAYLOR, nov 13—ts GEO. WHITE, Auct. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT On SATURDAY^ \5th November next. TRUSTEES’ SALE OF REAL ESTATE, UNDER the authority of a Deed of Trust from the Mechanics’ Bank of Alexandria to the subscribers, they will offer (or sale the re sidue of the VALUABLE PROPERTY con yeyed to them, viz: No. 1. A three-story Brick Dwelling 1.1 House and Lot, one door east of'Washing ton street, on the north side ofKing street, about <!0 feet front on King street, with right of an al ley, in depth about 45 feet, under rent to Mrs. Catherine Fleming, at $114 per annum, in fee simple. No. 2. Al'tiei, IKv. ! -ig House and Lot JijjjLon King sheet. ninth -id-. between Colum bus anil Alfred sirens, now nn npied by Copt. 1 lioinas Miintoi*, at a rent id 2100 per annum under a rent in fee of $20. MNo. 3. A Brick Dwelling House and Lot on the north sideof King street, between Patrick and Henry streets, now occupied by John P. Cowman, at $80 per annum, under a rent in fee of $38 12 1 2. No. 4. One Acre, or Haifa Square ofGround, on the north side of Oronoko street, and west sideof fit. Asaph, at their intersection, on which is erected a large and convenient Brick Dwel ling House, with back buildings, now occupied by Mrs. Portia Hodgson, subject to an annual rent in fee of $t56 07. The premises are of first rate materials and workmanship, marble man teK &e. &c. and cost the gcntlemun who built it for his private use at least $15,(100. No. 5. A Lot of Ground, about 20 feet front, on Fayette street, north of D. Cawood’s Flour Store, binding on an alley, on which is erected a Bri. k liable, subject to an annual rent in fee of $20 l No. 6. \ Vro'nnf Lot, on the north side of Prince sheet, and cast side of Fayette street, at their intersection, subject to light of dower of Mrs. Rebecca Taylor. No. 7. A Vacant Lot ol Ground, on the east side of Fayette street, and south side of Came ron street, at their intersection, subject to un an nual rent in fee of $41 07. No. 8. One undivided third part of a Lot of Ground and the three-story Brick Warehouses erected thereon, on the north side of Fayette street, and on the south-east side of Commerce street, in front on Fayette street 150 feet, on Commerce street 95 feet; the whole subject to an annual rent in fee of $02. No. 9. i he Sebastian Spring Tract of Land, in Alexandria County. This valuable Tract contains 227 acres, 2 roods, 13 poles, exclusive of the Alexandria Canal that will pass through it. and of the Washington and Alexandria Turn pike, also the Columbia Road, is divided into six separate Lots, containing from 15 to65acres each, with two very fine springs of water. Its situation so near to the Washington Bridge, now free of toll, renders it an object lor im provement. The sand on a part of one of the lots can !»«• sold at high prices to builders in the City of \\ aslrington. Fiats can be seen by ap plication to Thomas Voweli, Cashier of the Me chanics’ Bank, at his office on Fairfax street. •Sale Jo commence at 10 o’clock, at Lot No. 1, on King street. The terms will be made known. K. I. TAYLOR, 'i TIJOS. VOWELL, | GEO. BRENT. ^Trustees. ROUT. BROCKETT, | LOUIS BEELER, J oct 4—Oct4;law6tSthNov&dtl5th!Vov In addition to the above list of property, MThe two-story Frame DWELLING HOUSE, on the north side of King street 16 feet front, with the privilege of a four feet alley, between this house and Lot No. 1, will be sold by , the Trustees. oct 30 BY WILLIAM I). NUTT. PUBLIC SALE. BY a virtue of two several deeds of trust re corded in the U. S. Circuit Court for the I County of Alexandria, Lid. O, No. 2, foj. 99. and Lib. It, No. 2. fol. 92, I shall, on Wednesday, the 2Gt!i day of November next, offer at public sale, for cash, A LOT OF GROUND in the town of Alexandria, beginning 57 1-2 feet from the cor ner of Princess and Union streets; thence South with Union street to Conway’s line; thence Last with said line, and parallel to Princess street, into the River Potomac; thence Noitli with the River to the line of John Adam; thence with his line to the beginning. Should the proceeds of stu b sale be insuffi cient for the purpose of the trust, I shall then proceed to sell, for cash, 1. A LOT OF GROUND on Water and Princess streets, lib feet on Rater street, and 13G on Princess street. 2. A LOT opposite the same, (I) on Prin cess street and an alley, 48 feet by 46 feet. 3. A LOT OF GROUND on Oronoko st., being 1-4 of a square, running through the cen tre to Pendleton street, and opposite the late Mordecai Miller’s Rake House. 4. One lialfofan undivided HALF SQ.UARE less sixty feet, on Oronoko, Royal, and Pitt streets, where the old Catholic^Chapel stood and opposite Hoilinstmry’s late brick yard. 5. A LOT OF GROUND on D'olfe street, opposite the residence of John C. Vowell, and fronting on Holfe and Pitt streets, 1-8 of a square. The sale will commence at the first mentioned piece of property, and will then proceed ou the premises of each lot as advertised. Should the sale be prevented on that day, it will take place the next fair day, and be con tinued from day to day until finished. ICr* Sale to take place at 12 o’clock, M. WM. LUDWELL HODGSON, sept 24—6hd Trustee. 85 REWARD. STRAYED from the subscriber, about the '20th of last monh, a RED BUFFALO COW with a white lace. Th*» above r •• will be given for returning her t*» H-e sut« »• lt nov tf ®EO. BILEKT. * •