Newspaper Page Text
fistk ¥Q “ Fnis ce q\Cil faui, ftrrive ce qu'U pourra rtf&* saaav. ^TEsesrjssaw&'i &wmrnyrj&» sTOTaafeara m* ass®. surer scesiss v®ak s-ro, «ni. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGAR SJYOJVDEjX, Ar3 DOLLARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLE HALF YEARLY. ILEX an dr I a gaz ette (FOR THE COUNTRY) 13 PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, vT5 dollars PER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. 7V/M of .l-lcertising:— Advertisements neat . ina conspicuously inserted at the rate of one dollar per square for the first three insertions, and twenty-five cents for every subsequent inser tj.m. A reasonable deduction will be made in .case of yearly advertisers. All advertisements appear in both papers. VESSEL WANTED. A good VESSEL, of about 1000 bar is wanted, to loud at Fredericksburg i“alifaX, N. s. Apply to nov IS AVM. FOWLF. & CO. Tor FREDERICKSBURG. ~ THE Schooner COUNSELLOR, Howes jrT> master, will sail on last of the week, and) take Freight low. Apply to nov IS \VM. FOAVLF. A Co. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER. The coppered Schooner HOPE, Thomp Master, carries about S50 round bar rel'. A freight to West Indies or South Ameri ca would be preferred. She will be ready for a cargo in a few days. Apply to noT l5 GEO. JOHNSON & CO. "for"charleston and savannah. fTK The Sloop DEIDAMIA will carry about yi|> 400 barrels and can be dispatched in a few jays For freight or passage, having an excel lent cabin, apply to noV 15 GEO. JOHNSON & CO. for freight or charter. ii7v The fast sailing coppered Brig CO/t S.4IP Byka.m, master, carries about 1100 barrels—will be ready for cargo <*n Wednesday next. Apply to VV. FOW LR x CO. nov 17 _ FOR JAMAICA, A fine coppered brig will sail for Jamai i^oain all next week, if the bulk of 500 bbls. can be obtained on freight; which will be taken at a rerw fair rate. Apply to nov 14 W M. FOW EE 4 Co. FOR BARBADOES. ofk The Schooner PA W£.7j.1, Capt. Small, g£|£now loading for Barbudoes, to sail on Sunday next, can take the bulk of 100 barrels on freight. Apply to the Captain on board, or to [nov PdJ A. C. CAZENOVE &. Co. FOR PHILADELPHIA, ( fta Carnal,) j/k The packet sloop UNION, Hewitt, mas i^fier, will sail on Saturday. Eor freight ap ply on board, or to ST El* HEN SHIN N, nov 13 Janney’s VVhatf. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, a THE superior coppered Ship POTO MAC, E. M AKBt'HY, Master, will be ready to receive cargo ina few days. For terms apply to [nov 11J HENRY DAINGERFIELD. FOll BOSTON, rfK The Packet Schooner St OUST VER \L-0\()V Marston. Master, is now ready to receive cargo, and will take freight low. For terms apply to nov n HENRY DAINGERFIED. FOR FREIGHT OR CHAR IKK, The good Schooner PA MEEA, Capt. sk^m\i.u burthen about 750 barrels, now ly in. .it Cameron street wharf. One for the \V est Indies or South would be preferred; but if none etf*r$ immediately, she will load for Boston. A;\>!v to noil 6 A. C. QAZENOVB & CO. FOR BOSTON. jr'K The superior Packet Brig A MUEET, fcsigG. G. Nickerson, will have despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accommo- j dations, apply to WM. FOWLS ft CO. FOR RA8TPORT, The Schooner liAET/MORE, Waide, xal master. She will take a few hundred bar Ms on freight, at a low rate. Apply to bovS “ S. MESSER SMITH. for FREIGHT OR CHARTER, FHE Schooner EAEAYETTE, Snow. fciae Master, carries eight hundred barrels, and hin complete order for any voyage. For terms apply to HENRY DA1NGERFIELD. Bushels of first quality of Mercer Pota ■3. tor sale onboard said vessel. Apply as _nov 11 FUR NORFOLK. The Steamboat CHE SAPEAKE, Capt. Wilson, will be run as a regular 1 packet between Alexan* •:“and Norfolk; leaving Alexandria on Tues 3' and Fridays, at 1 o’clock, and arrivin ' in • orfjik in time to put passengers for Richmond °n board the Patrick Henry. Returning, leave Norfolk on Wednesdays and Sundays, at 2 P. M., taking passengers from Patrick Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on o°ndays and Thursdays, at 10 A. M. Passen ers for Baltimore can be carried through the ^medav. ^are from Alexandria to Norfolk, $6, exclu *ve°f meals, or $7, meals included. From Nor ‘ Baltimore, $3 exclusive of meals; $9 included. The Chesapeake is aneirBoat, particularly ,a apMl to this route; is coppered, copper-fas _ n^“d. has a strong copper boiler, and is, in all 'P^cts, entitled to the confidence of travellers, arties of pleasure and families will only be ^ faf the tr*P to Norfolk or Old Point n<lba<*. J. WILSON, Captain. NEW DRYGOODS. WASHINGTON T. HARPER HAS received from New York, and is now opening, in the house lately occupied by Messrs. James McKenzie & Co. (two doors be low the Franklin Hotel,) an unusually large and eery general assortment of FOREIGN 4r DOMESTIC STAPLE & FANCY D II Y GOO I) S. Having been purchased on the most advanta geous terms, and selected with the greatest care, as regards style, quality, and cheapness, he is in duced to say that lie will sell them at a small advance. by wholesale or retail. He invites his friends and the public to call and examine his stock, before purchasing— which consists, in part, of the following articles, which are of the latest importation— Extra superfine blade and blue Cloths Common do, of all colors, some very cheap Parsons’ Grey, Millers’ Mix’d, and Drab do, for over coats Heavy brown and blue Flushings, Coatings, and Petersham, for dodo Black, blue, grey, drab, and other col’d Cas simeres ouper outcK ana uuii uasstmere, tor vests 13-4, 12-4, 11-4, 10 4.9 4.8 4 heavy Roseltlan kets, very cheap and good Point, Whitney, and Duffill Blankets Flannels, assmted colors White Gauze do, very thin and fine Scarlet Spotted do White do, of the very finest quality, warrant ed not to shrink 4-4 super single and milled Blue and brown real Goats’ Hair Camblel (the Simon Cure) French, German, and English G-4 Me 'i ^ 1 rinos, all colors { French and English 3-4 do, all colors I > J Do do 3-4 bl’k 4* col’d Bombazets J ° Single and double width black and blue black Bombazines Black and blue bl’k Simla, a very handsome article C'jssinetts, all colors, some very low priced Do a heavy and cheap article for boys and servants - White and colored Canton Flannels Printed Floor Cloth and Bucking Baize Blue, green, and drab Frieze Calicoes. A large variety of twilled and plain French, English and American Calicoes, of all prices. Super and common Swansdown, Valencia, I and fig’d and plain Silk Vesting j Bl’k Florentine, satin face, extraq’y. for vests j Do do diagonal and coided do do i Extra black, blue black, and brown SilkVel-1 vets, for vests Common do do do, and other colors Black and col’d and fig’d Cotton Velvets Bird’s-eye, Dama-k, and Russia Diaper 4 4 to 14 4 Damask Table Cloths Bleached $ unbleach’d Uuchaback 4* Crash Extra fine Irish Linens, and common do, ve ry cheap Irish 4- Russia Sheetings and Brown Hollands Checked Cambrics and Bishop Lawns Book, Mull + Jaconet Muslins, fig’d and plain Handsome figured and plain Swiss Muslins, very rich patterns Cambrics, colored and white, 3-4 to G-4 Linen Cambric, Linen Cambric Hdkfs, and Long Lawns, some extra fine t>_I ..... L'l.... I).i.iifmk Snltl illiul.l .C iitlim UUUUmiu. * I-1 J Silk Ililkfs India Company do, 33 inches square, old style Black Italian Cravats, extra quality and size, some 40 inches Fancy Italian Cravats Bombazine, Velvet, Satin, and other first rate Stocks Super English embroidered, ribb’d, and plain Silk Hose and Half Hose, bl’k and white Do French do do do do do do do 5 threaded English Cotton Hosiery, some ve ry fine; Common do do Black, lead-colored, and white Mohair and Worsted Hose Black, white and grey Lambs’-wool and An gola Ilose and Half Hose Misses’ and Children’s Hose and Half Hose Ladies’super and common Kid, Beaver, and Berlin Gloves Do Fur-top and lined do do Do Long white Kid do, and Misses’bl’k and colored Kid do A few dozen Ladies’ D.dlia colored do Gentlemen’s Beaver, Buck. Woodstock, Kid, and Woollen do White, black, and col’d Merino Fringes, for Shawls . . Shawls, long and square, of all kinds, some extra quality Merino ... A large variety of black and colored Merino and Fancy Hdkfs Worsted, Lambs’-wool and Angola Gurnsey Shirts, some very fine Do do and Cotton Drawers Travelling Caps; Scotch Bonnets and Com forts and Vandikes Gufh Elastic and other Suspenders Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, some extra quali ty and size Silk Cords and Tassel for Cloaks A largp variety of Lustring and Satin Rib bons, from No. 12 to 22 Figured Satin Gauze Ribbons and Cords for Bonnets Figured and Plain Silk Velvet and other Belt ings . Black and colored Silk Braids, Cords, Pipings and Wire Ladies’ Worsted Comforts and Over Shoes A few handsome dark Boas Black, white, and gieen Gauze Veils and Ba ra ge do Green and black Barage for Veils (Layer’s best) Plain and spotted Bohbmet for do Silks. Plain black, and colored Gro de Napa Figured do and do do do Black Gro de Rhine, a very handsome lus tred Silk Mateoni’s best black Italian Lustring Common do do do very cheap Black Gro de Berlin Blue black Poult de Soie Black India Satin Levantines Black, pink, green, straw, and other colored Satins and Florences White Satins, some extra quality, for dresses A large quantity first quality black, blue black and colored Sewing Silks Spool and Ball Cotton, and colored and W. B. Threads A large quantity super and common Pins and Tapes Black, white, and colored Italian Crapes and black Hat do Black and colored Nankeen, and Mandarin Crapes and Pongees Edgings. A large assortment Cambric, Thread, Bobbi nett and Grecianett Edging & Insertings Thread and Bobbinett Laces Bobbinetts, plain and figured, and Grecianett Bobbinett and Grecianett Quillings Cotton Fringes, very cheap. Furniture, Caipet, and other Worsted Bind ings rviiuueu nuu uuiei w,ums Knitting Cotton, from No. 14 to 40 White and colored Yarns, and black and co lored Worsteads Ruga and Cotton Carpeting, cheap; &c. &c. Together with a general assortment ofbleach ed, brown, and colored DOMESTICS; Colton Ozuaburgs; Linen Burlaps and Ticklenburgs, &.c. &c. Comprising almost every article in the Dry Goods line. Suffice it to say, his stock is as large and as veil assarted as any house in this place; and will be sold as low as they can be found where , STABILITY OF PRICES IS OBSERVED. Ilis slock will be kept up by frequent receipts from Ne w York. oct 25 ! FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN II. BRENT has received, by the late arrivals from New York, a general assort ment of GOODS, suited to the season; consist-, ing, in part, of I 37 pieces Broad Cloth, blue, black, brown, invisible green, claret, mulberry, Dah lia, olive, mixed, and drub 10 pieces Flushing and Lion Skins 107 pair Rose Blankets, English and French 200 do Point and Dutfil Blankets 40 do Whitney and Cradle do 54 pieces Flannel, assorted colors G do Goat’s Hair and Boiled Camblets 73 do English Merino, 3-4 and 6-4 8 do French Merino Cloth 60 do Bombazette, bl’k and ass’d colors 8 do Bombazine, French and English 220 do Prints, English, French and Ame rican 36 do Oriental and Furniture Prints 30 do Ginghams, dark and mourning 40 do Checked Cambric, English, Irish, and French 70 do Bishop Lawn, Book and Mull M aslins 96 do Cambrics and Jaconets GO do Linen, Irish and Silecia 25 do Sheeting, Irish, Silecia, Scotch, and Russia 21 do Table Covers, Cloth and others 62 do Diaper, Damask, Bird’s-eye, and Russia 18 do Table Cloths, various sizes 110 do Cusinet, blue, green, bl’k 4 mixed 67 do Negro Cloths 4 Cinsey Woolseys 230 do Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs 3300 do Domestic Cotton, brown, bleach ed, and colored 100 do Silk Ildkfs, Bandanna, Flag, Pongee, and Spittalfield 120 pair Hose, cotton, silk, mohair 4 worsted 8 ps Italian Lustring and Silk Camlet 5 do Gro de Rhein and Gro de Swiss 150 Shawls. Merino, Thibet, Valencia, and Prussian 230 Fancy Ildkfs, Clially, Thibet, Gro de Etc, Hernani, &c. 24 Blond Gauze Veils 360 pair Gloves. Iloskin, Silk, Chamois, and Pic Nic 141 Linen Cambric Hdkfs, some II. S. 72 pair superior French Shoes 300 ps Ribbon, Lustring and Belt 64 do Edgings, Thread, Cambric, Bobinet, and Blond 06 Tippets and Comforts 12 pieces Bobinet, 4-4 and 5-4 18 do Crapes, colored and black 8 do Silk Velvet, black and colored 8 dozen Stocks, some very superior 10 do Silk Cravats, black and col’d 1 do Bead Bags Fine Yarns and Worsteads Best Sewing materials, all kinds Fine super, and extra superfine Kiddermin ster CARPETING, daily expected. The above goods will be sold unusually lore for cash or to punctual customers. oct 13 FASHIONABLE HATS AND CAPS. OZEN JOSSELYN. Agent, north-east cor ner of King and Royal streets, respectfully informs his old customers and the public genc rallv that he is prepared to furnish them with ELEGANT BLACK HATS, got upin the first style, of the best materials, and by experienced and faithful journeymen. Also. Brown and Seal colored Hats. CAPS. Gentlemen’s, Youth’s, and Children’s Fur, Cloth, and Hair Seal Caps, of the various qua lities and patterns. WOOL HATS, &c. Everv exertion will be used to please, and all favors thankfully received. N B Old Hats taken in part pay for new ones. All kinds of FURS purchased as above, nov 4—3m NEW GOODS. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JUST received a large supply of Fall and Winter Goads, which will be sold unusually low, viz: 50 pieces blue, black, brown, claret, green, mulberry, olive, mixed and drab Cloths and Cassimeres 5 pieces Wilkins’ super 8 4 twilled Cloth 5 pieces Petersham, some extra 10 pieces real Goat’s Hair Cumblet 100 do Sattinetts 1 truss, containing 70 pair 9-4 to 14-4 Rose Blankets 60 pieces white, yellow, and red Flannels some very fine 20 pieces 6-4 French Merino 20 do do English do 30 do black and colored Circassians and Bombazets 20 pieces black Bombazine, very cheap 5 do 5-4 French do 30 do Furniture Calico 15 do Twilled do a new'article 20 do Oil-dressed do SO do Fall Prints, in great variety b cases low priced calicoes 10 pieces black Gingham 10 do Extracted do 5 do Plain do 50 dozen white and black, silk, worsted, and cotton Hosiery Gent’s Lamb’s-wool Hose and half Hose Do do Shirts and Pants 1 bale Russia Diapers 1 do Crash, for Towelling Damask Table Cloths, Diapers, and Nap kins, very cheap Bird-Eye Diaper Russia Sheeting and Brown Holland Irish Sheeting, some 12-4 wide 30 pieces Irish Linen 100 do Cotton Fringes 50 lbs white, black, and brown Thread 100 do Orrell’sCotton Balls 50 dozen Parsons’ Spool Cotton Gill, Pearl, and Bone Buttons Furniture Binding Madras Handkerchiefs; Prussian Shawls 30 pieces Linen and Linen Cambric Hdkfs b dozen Hemmed-stich do do 5 do Colored Bordered do Bishop’s Lawn; Mull, Plain and Figured Book and Swiss Muslins Plain and figured Booinet and Greciannet Bobinet 4 Greciannet Footings 4 Edgings Thread and Cambric Edgins 4 Insertions 20 pieces assorted colored Crapes 10 do black Italian Crape 10 dozen Corded Skirts Ladies’ best Kid, Beaver 4 Silk Gloves Gent’s Buck, Beaver, Kid, Berlin, and Worsted Gloves 10 pieces black and colored Silk Velvet 5 do Tabby Velvet 20 do Quilted, Valencia, Satin-faced, and other Vestings 30 do Silk Handkerchiefs 1 6 do plain India Silk do Black Italian Cravats Bombazine, Silk, and Velvet Stocks Silk, Elastic, and Nett Suspenders 5 dozen blac k and colored Bead Bags 20 do figured, watered, velvet Belting 50 pieces Lutstring Ribbons 200 do David’s best Galoons Jaconet Cambrics. Jaconet Muslins. Plaid Muslins, Cambric <Sf Furniture Dimity 15 pieces Curtain Muslins 20 do damask and watered Moreans 10 do new style Cotton, very handsome Also. 20 pieces plain and fig’d Silks, very rich 20 do black Italian Mateoni # Lutstrings 5 do Gro de Indies Gro de Constantine, pink and white 5 pieces black Mode 6 do English Silk Serge 20 do Florences and Satins Black Lace Veils 6 doz Blonde Gauze Veils and Ildkfs Hcrnani and other Fancy Shawls Hdkfs Thibet Shawls and Ildkfs, in great variety Merino Shawls, Scarfs, and ildkfs Cashmere do do do in doz Thibet Barage Ildkfs Together with a general assortment ofUrown, Bleached, and Colored Domestics. Also, 2 caseslar^e braid cottage-shape Dunstables sept 20 WILHAM H.' MOUNT & CO. BOOTS AND SHOES. A. D. HARMON HAS JUST RECEIVED 'S PAIR prime coarse brogans. part J. UUU double soals, a good article for win ter wear Mens’ Kip and Calf Bootees, nailed, peggedand sewed Mens’ Caif Boots, sewed and pegged « Kip do stout do do “ Seal do pegged and nailed “ Thick water proof boots sewed &- pegged Boys and childrens coarse and fine bootees and shoes Ladies French kid slippers ALSO, Hair Seaf Trunks—all of which are offered cheap, wholesale or retail. nov 12___ SPLENDID GOODS. French Thibet Merinos. Embroidered Thibet Shawls and Hdkfs. and Figured Satins. WILLIAM H. MOUNT & CO. have this day received 20 pieces French Thibet Merino, very superior 5 dozen Thibet Shawls and Hdkfs, some beautifully embroidered 14 pieces Rich Figured Satins oct 13 ’ COTTON DUCK. -g aa Pieces, assorted uumbers, “ Colt’s” IUU Cotton Duck, received per schr. Ro bert Gordon, for sale by oct 30 WM. FOWLF. <L CO. LIVERPOOL SALT 4 COAL AFLOAT. THE cargo of the ship Potomac, from Liver pool, consisting of X Bushels Ground Alum Salt X- 1,000 sacks Blown (filled 10 to ton) Salt 1,800 bushels of best Orrel Coal 1,250 yards half bleached Sacking For sale by HENRY DAINGERF1ELD. nov 1 COTTON OSNABURGS, AND KERSEYS. JUST received by the subscribers, a fresh supply of the Petersburg Cotton Osnaburgs, a superior article. Also, on hand, three bales Negro Kerseys. A. C. CAZENOVE 4 Co. nov 14 VENETIAN RED. 1 A barrels English Venetian Red, receive*’ X" per ship Potomac, Iroin Liverpool, and for sale by LAMBERT 4 McKENZlE,. nov 4 Union wharf. M A HOG ANY. “ X K4 X Feet Mahogany, | to 2 inches and A upwards, landing from steamer Co lumbia, and for sale by nov 4WM. D. NUTT. PLASTER AND HOPS. A A ^ons Blaster, and a few bales fresh Hops, yJvX of the Boston inspection, now landing from the schooner Pamela, Capt. Small, and lor sale by nov 6 A. C. CAZENOVE 4 CO. QUILLS! QUILLS! ‘3 A AAA QUILLS, of fairquallty, fur sale j OJJUl/U by GEORGE WHITE. I nov 15 POTATOES FOR SALE. OAA Bushels first rate Eastern Potatoes, on board brig Albert, at Wm. Fowle &, Co.’s wharf. nov 4 PORTO RICO MOLASSEsT OA Tierce* prime Retailing, received per schooner President, for sale by ! nov 3_WM. FOWLE & CO. PAPER AND QUILLS. A Reams superior Wrapping Paper xl/l/ too do Cap Writing, assorted do 100 do Letter do do do 10.000 Quills, of various qualities and prices. Just received on sale by' WM. M. MORRISON. JC/5' Shopkeepers would find it to their advan tage to examine the above goods and their pri ces. nov 3 OLD WHITE COFFEE. O W Bags Old W hite Coffee, represented to be Li 4 a handsome article, landing and for sale by nov 8 S. MESSERSM1TH. N. E. RUM. 1 O H°"s''eads N. E. Rum, received per J."" sciir. Mount Vernon, from Boston, for sale by nov 8 WM. FOWLE & CO. NAILS. rtf'A Casks, assorted sizes, received per &UU sciir. Mount Vernon, for sale by nov 8 WM. FOWLE & CO. POTATOES. BUSHELS Mercer Potutoes hour ly expected, for sale by nov 11 WM. FOWLE & Co. MACKEREL, CANDLES, AND RUM. QK Half Barrels of Mackerel U J 80 boxes Mould Caudles 10 barrels New England Rum Received per schr. Mount Vernon, for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE 4 CO. Also, 12 boxes Lump Sugar nov 8 THE RELIGIOUS SOUVENIR,FOR is: Just received on sale by IF. M. MOHRIS(K\. embellishments: I. Frontispiece—Mrs. Wolff—Engraved l Ellis If. Vignette—by Geo. B. Ellis III. Sunday morning—by W. E. Tucker IV. Destruction of Sodom—by J. Smilie V. Invasion—by Neagle VI. Frederick and Ellen—by A. Laws. VII. Early Piety—by Geo. B. Ellis VIII. Calumet, or the Christian Ind Tucker._ n WHEAT FANS, 4c LG. 4 H. GRISWOLD h’ve now .and will constantly keep, or m to order, at their Establishment, corns and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch lish improved WHEAT FANS; Coci and Rolling SCREENS, for Flour Window Screens, Riddles, Sillers, Mu Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of whic. dispose of upon the most reasonable t. They guarantee them to be made of the uevt materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufacturers and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 1“ years old, of good and steady habits. N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 28—Iy BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. THE subscriber informs his friends and the public that he has commenced the above business on King street, two doors east of Roy • al, where he intends keeping constantly on hend a handsome assortment of BLANK BOOKS, of every description ordinarily in use, such as Le gers. Day Books, Journals; Letter, C&9h, voice, Memorandum Books, 4c. Merchants’ Account, Office, 4 School Books, ruled and bound to pattern, at the shortest n tice. Book Binding, in every variety of sty. neatly and substantially executed, by I oct 21—tf JOHN FLEMING