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.. . in aoricultu.'ul JUtrlcts, are regarded a> I r maintuples of internal trade and the chief theoaajn tQ the artificial channels by •0<*r*f;h® v are transported to market, supplied ^bichtnej inthe ,astyear> notwitstand °n'I'harriver descends to the second city of the ing ,na* . through a highly cultivated coun Cnrtji*uB tons: "or very little more than a JSentiethof the entire tonnage of this very pro ^mtalVengthte 103 miles, or within a mile of extent of the nearly completed por the f .he Chesapeake and Ohio canal, exclu tlon ° the basin of slack water above its high ttTonsists, however, of but 62 miles crl wn .lsof various extent, united by 28 guard orcana .^h navigabIe ponds of slack water, in the bed of a river, by ddin sacross f°rtn: nnel These artificial ponds or ba i iU Cire denominated pools, in the annual re Sts of the company, and constitute 46 of the miles of navigation, connecting Philadel k a with Mount Carbon, in one of the three Cat coal districts of Pennsylvania. In its as g from the tide, this line of improved navi Ct n in ovorcmnes an elevation of 583 feet; which g edstlie elevation ol the entire eastern sec fin of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal. Its b- ne 120in number, of which 92 are lift 0Lt* constructed of rough stone walls, lined -.h niaiik These have been found, according last annual report of the directors, to “re W.«iuravy outlay for repairs;” and for that £.on. the report announces, that, while cor vl tin-another error in the original pi .n of this r irk Its President and Directors propose “in doubling the locks, wherever there is more than a „ "leone to construct the new locks of cut stone. X liu'lronlic cement.” The wooden locks are mi bv 17 feet in their chamber, while those re :,ntl'v constructed of stone, are 80 by 13$ feet nlv ain >ag the advantages of this reduction „f the breadth of the lock, the report comprises -the saving of water.” One reservoir, 41$ feet deep has been already provided; anil another k iiiiitcnipiateJ, in order to supply a possible defect of water in a part of this line navigation. Th‘report suggests that “bv the doubling of the lock, more lock-tenders will be requited;” and he number ol the houses for their accommoda ion being, at present, but 65, a n mber exceed in • very little that of half the locks, indicates that two or more locks have been frequently com billed in their construction, and placed under •hecare of a single attendant. The locks, both new and old,admit of hut four feet depth of water, noon their mitre sills, and that is, consequent ly presumed to be the depth, also of the various canals a depth which, conbined with the length and breadth ofthe new locks, affords a construc tion of b ;th, udap-ed to the use of boats of 40 tons drawn by two horses, aided by two men and a boy; the complement of force, sufficient f.Tr propelling a boat ol 100 tons, on the Chesu peakeand Ohio canal. ... , The cost of this line of 103 miles of improved navigation has been, according to the last an nual report made to its proprietors,$>2,974,65969, a sum exceeding the ascertained c o -t of the cor ns,) indent portion of the canal, on the Potomac, now nearly completed, provided a due allow ance be made for the difference in their plans and constructions. Frmu these views of the progress of the Schuylkill Company, and the comparison or the uses of the Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, 1 think it may be considered very moderate to as sume that, in the course of lhe second yearglter the completion ofthe C inal (if not the fiist) that the tonnage of the Chesa peake and Ohio C anal will reach one half the amount of that of the Schuylkill. Assuming this as the basis ofthe calculation, and that the Canal will cost $$6.000,000 when fin ished to Cumberland it can be made apparent that the receipts of our Canal will then be equal to four per cent upon its cost; and, an increase of its tolls, at a ratio far below that of the Schuylkill in its infancy, will soon produce a sum that will reach the limits of the dividend which the charter allows, viz. fifteen per cent. A. t_ - [communicated.] Mr. Snowden:—I see by the papers there is pretty considerable of a scrimmage between the School masters in Washington; and 1 see one chap in the lute ligencer of Thursday lays it on like a whaler to one of our Alexandria Latin teachers and to the Washington Arithmetic teachers at the same time. I remember our old Connecticut schoolmas ! ter Zerubbahel Haystack, used to keep two questions ready pickled and preserved for the use-use of such rambling teachers as called our wav—the one. for the mathematicians, was, * What is the exact distance, by solar or linear measure, between the first day of April and the east foot of Hartford Bridge?’—and the Other. t«»r the classics, was, 4 Saeerdos nuns erat sep t**m qui porcos hubebat?* And I remember, al - so, he used generally to add, ‘ Them as can t turn that into Hexameter verse don’t know no hina • Salmagundi. t *’ --— Party Dicipunr —Mr. V an Bureirs system ot Tegufar nominations is utterly at variance with republican principles. Their operation is to enable a minority, through caucus operations, to defeat the majority—than which no position can be more decidedly anti republican. The success of the Tory party in this state have been doubtless owing more to the action of this sys tem than to any other cause, for the last thirteen years. A baser, mote degrading, or more dis honest principle cannot be introduced among Us. ft |S n,,t only at war with republicanism, but it saps the foundation of public morals. . In evidence of this we quote the following disclaim er, written on the back of a Tory Assembly ticket, which was deposited in the ballot-box of the eighth ward poll, during the late election;— ‘‘In voting this ticket entire. I support the in valuable principle of regular nominations. The dullness of Ringgold, the federalism of Roose velt, the questionable honesty of VY etmore, the vanity and entire want of talent on the part of » Rice, I do not support.” Here we see a poor slave to party discipline prostituting the right of suffrage, and violating ■ bis duty, not to say his oath, bv voting against bis conscience for men whom he disapproves, for one man whom he designates as “ dull”—for another stigmatized as a federalist; for a third ftfquestionable honesty; anil a fourth whom he describes to be a -—? These men he says "I lo not support”—and yet he votes for them! Although he evidently smarted under the com punctious visitings, yet he had not me courage to burst the collar and act the part of an honest uian and independent citizen. What he nas an onymously avowed, thousands of others have *^'t| and in this instance of a profligate surren der of his duty to his country at the shrine of par ty discipline, we have a proof of the tendency of tb<* Van Buren policy in bold relief.— .V. Y”. Com. COMMERCIAL. Price of Produce in Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and Vessels. Flour, new wheat, bbl $4 62$ a $4 65 Wheat, per bushel, 0 90 a 0 98 Corn, - do 0 67 a 0 70 Rye, - do 0 65 a 0 70 Oats, from wagons, bush 0 33 a 0 35 Dc from vessels, do 0 30 a 0 32 Corn Meal, white, do 0 80 a 0 00 Do do yellow, do 0 75 a 0 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 0 27 a 0 30 Bacon, per cwt. - 10 00 a 10 50 Butter, fresh, per lb. 0 15 a 0 00 Do firkin, do - 0 10 a 0 12$ Lard, do - 0 09 a 0 00 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 4 50 a o 00 Wagon Pork, - - 5 00 a 0 00 Flour.—Yesterday and Thursday, the wagon price of Flour has been $4 62$ a 4 65.—Receipts tolerab'y heavy: SHIP JNEWS.j^ PORT OF ALEXANDRIA, I). C. Arrived. November 28. Sloop Fortitude, M’Kenna, Nomini; Wheat, Corn, <fc Rye to William N. McVeigh. Sailed, Nov. 2S, Steamer Chesapeake, for Norfolk. MEMORANDA, The Fredeicksburg passed the ship Harvest below the narrows, bound up. Schr. Victory, Wilson, cleared at New York for tliis port 25th. LOST, SOME time ago, a plain GOLD RING, en graved on the inside “From my Mother.” The finder is requested to leave it at this office, and the owner will give a suitable reward, nov 29—3t_ FOR HIRE. A COLOR ED BOY about 15 years old,ofgood character, and capable of being a House Servant, having acted in that capacity lor seve ral years. Wages law—apply at this office, nov 29—eo3t_ falTTand WINTER GGODS. WILLIAM H. THOMPSON & Co. have this day received a further supply of seasona ble Goods, among them are the following:— 15 pieces Blue, Black, and ColM Cloth, re ry cheap 70 pieces Sattinetts. at all prices 20 “ 6-4 French and English Merinos 7 “ Black and Blue Black Italian lus trings 10 pieces Black Italian Crapes White, Red and yellow Flannels Bleached and Col’d Canton do 50 pair 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12-4 Rose Blankets 200 “ Fancy and Striped do 2 Cases low priced Calicoes 14 Bales Brown and Bleached Domestics Cotton Oznabui gs and Colored Cambrics Plain Linsey, &c. with a great variety of other Goods, all of which we will sell at Re rimed Price*. nov 20 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Alexandria, County, Set. October 7 enn, 1834. Edward Stabler’s administrator'l and administratrix i, Chancery. AGAINST | Jonathan Butcher and others. J rflHIS cause now coming on to be beard on 1_ the Complainants’ bill and exhibits as to all the said defendants except the said Jane Kirby, administratrix of Samuel Bland, and as to her on the Complainants’ bill, her answer and the pxhibts filed; the Court doth thereupon order and decree, that Master Commissioner Auld do take an account of all debts due from the Co lumbian Factory Company, in the proceedings mentioned, to the creditors tbeieof, including therein the debts due to the creditor partners of the said Company, as well as those due to others:—of all debts due to the said Company, as well from the debtor partners as from others, designating such as are separate:-—of all the property and funds of the Company of every description; and of all such othei matters and things connected with the atfairs of the said Company, as to the parties concerned or any of them shall seem necessary, to enable the Court to pronounce a final decree providing for the payment of the debts of the said Company, closing the copartnership and disposing of their property, debts and effects, amongst the credi tors and cop.irtners according to their respect ive rights. And it is further ordered, that the said Commissioner do give six weeks’ notice, by publication in the Alexandria Gazette and National Intelligencer, of the time and place at which lie will proceed to take the account here by directed, and warning the creditors of the said Company to exhibit their claims, with pro per proofs and vouchers to him, on or before the day be shall so appoint. A copy test: EDM. I. LEE, C. C. COMMISSIONER’S OFFICE, Alexandria. Nov. 28, 1834. ALL persons interested in the subject matter of the foregoing order, will please take no tice, that I have appointed the fifteenth duy of February next, at 10 o’clock. A. M. On or be fore which .lav they are required to exhibit their claims, with the necessary proofs and vouchers to support and substantiate the same; and all books and documents shewing the transactions i.nd property of the said Columbian Factory Company. COLIN AULD, M. C. • nov 29—3t _[Nut. Int. 3i.J _ - DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ) County of Alexandria, to wit: $ DAVID REF.D has applied to the honora ble James S. Moisell, Assistant Judge of the Circuit Court of the District of Columbia, to be discharged from imprisonment, under the I act for the relief of insolvent debtors, within the District of Columbia, on Friday the 5th of De cember next, at 10 o’clock, A. M. at the Court Room; when and where his creditors are re quested to attend. E. I. LEE, C. c. nov 29—3t__ 33- The Drawing of the Virginia State Lot tery lor the Benefit of the Dismal Swamp Ca nal Company, Class 23. for 1834, will take place THIS DAY, at 3 o’clock, P. M. at West End, (Alexandria. Virginia.) YATES & McINTYRE, Managers. nov 29 —It_ 33» The Savings Fund Institution open eve ry Saturday afternoon, from half past 3 too o’clock, under the direction of a Committee of the Managers, at their Room on Fairfax, a few doors north of Prince street.--Those to whom it would be more convenient, may make their denosites on any other day of the week, with William Stabler, Apothecary, &c. Fairfax street DRAWS THIS DAY Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co. Class No 23 for 1834, Will be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, (West End,) Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, Novem ber 29, at three o’clock, HIGHEST PRIZE $25,000. Tickets 810; halves5 00; qrs2 50; eighths l 25 CCj’First drawn number $18, second 16, dec. To behad in a variety of numbers of J. DORSE' lottery Exchange Broker. Alexandria. I)R A WS TH/S DA Y Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co Class No 23, for 1834, Will be drawn at West End, Va. on Saturday, November 29, at 3 o’clock, P. M. HIGHEST PRIZE $25,000. Tickets 10; halves 5 00; qurs. 2 50; eighths 1 25 5Ct*First drawn number 818, second 15, 4c. On sale in great variety by JAS. RIORDAN. Uncurrent Notes and Foreign Gold pur- , chased. __ DRA WS TII/S DA > Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co. Class No. 23 for 1834. To be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, West End, on Saturday, November 29 . HIGHEST PRIZE $25,000 Tickets 10; halves 500; qrs.2 50; eighths 1 25 jT^-First drawn number 818, second 16, 4c. For sale, as usual, in great variety, by JOS. M. DLARKF' (Signof the Flag of Scurlel and Gold,) King si Alexandria, D. C. ha A It'S THIS DA Y Virginia State Lottery, For the benefit of the Dismal Swamp Canal Co. Class No. 23 for 1834, To draw at Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday, November 29 CAPITAL PRIZE $25,000, Tickets $10; halves5 00; qrs. 2 50; eighths 1 25 rd’First drawn number SIS, second 16, *tc. To be had in a variety of numbers of J. W. VIOLETT, Lottery and Exchange Broker, Near the corner of Kin it and Fayette Streets, Alexandria, DLC._ TIMOTHY' SEED. THE subscriber has just receieved. and of fers for sale, a further supply of Clean and Heavy Timothy Seed. JAMES D. KERR. nov 29 __ CENTREVILLE RACES. WILL be run over the Centreville course on Friday the 28th of November, a match race, one mile out. for one hundred dollars. On Saturday, the 29th, a similar race will be run over the same course, for the same sum. Centreville, Nov 19—eot29 __ CHARITY SERMON. The Annual Charity Sermon in behalf of the St Andrew’s Society will be delivered, with Divine permission, on next Lord’s Day, at half past 3 o’clock in the First Presbyterian Church, by the Chaplain ol the Society, Rev. E. Harrison;—the Collection taken up to be dis tributed to the Poor of the town generally, nov 28—2t __ ST. ANDREW’S SOCIETY. THE Members of this Society will please take notice, that the Anniversary Meeting will be held at Newton’s City Hotel, on Monday Morning, the 1st December, at 10 o’clock; at which time the election of Officers will take place. Members are particularly requested to be punctual in their attendance. l. McKenzie, nov 28—3t__Secretary. " HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. rnHE Members of this Society will please X take notice, that a Quarterly Meeting will be held next Monday Evening, 1st December, at 7 o’clock, in the room over ihe Hydraulions. Bv order: CHARLES MURRAY, nov 28—3t Secretary. NOTICE. HAYWARD FOOT. Esq. administrator, of R. Foot, deceased, who advertises Ne groes for Hire, is not William H. Foot of Fair lax. This notice is inserted to prevent mistakes, as the latter has lately received several applica tions in relation to said negroes, which should have been made to Mr. Foot, of Prince William. nov 28—3t _ NOTICE. ALL persons are forewarned from buying or selling, or being concerned in buying or sell in*'. the land formerly belonging to Horatio Smoot in Charles County, Md., and left by him to Mary Elizabeth Smoot, as long as she remained single, and. at her death, or marriage, to his sons, nov 28—3t ^1ARY' E. SMOOT. FURS FOR THE LADIES. PELERINE and Round Capes, a beautiful article; Links, and other Boas, extra fine. Also, a large and goneral assortment of Su perfine Caps: for comfort and richness they stand unrivalled. Hair Caps of every pattern. In store, the Don’s much admired Silk Hats: for a continuance of lustre and beauty they are not equalled. Together with a stock of Hats, of my own manufacture, that will give satisfaction { so licit a call. JOHN T. O. YY 1LBAR. nov 28—tf_____ TO RENT, . The BRICK HOUSE, next to Mr. James 1M Norris’, Prince, between Fairfax and Union streets, at present occupied by Mr. John Morgan. Possession can be given 24th Decem ber.6 JOSiAH H. DAVIS. nov 27__ FOR RENT. A comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, 1M on Water street, near the residence of Jos. Haris Esq. well calculated fur a genteel family, having seven rooms. To a good tenant the rent will be low, and possession given forthwith. Apply to SAM L LlNDoAx. nov 27 ____—__ BRANDY. Q,r. casks Brandy, received per schoon „VvX V"‘ase’f°r“mrowLE & ca_ --- FOR SALE. msk The brick DV\ ELLING IIOUE and JM LOT, formerly the residence ol the late i Daniel McLean, at present in the occupancy ol Mr. Hugh C. Smith. There is no property in town more desirable as a residence. The im provements are good, and the lot spacious fronting upwards of 100 feet on Alfred s rect and running through the square, parallel with Kn?v”7C<>1“,nbU”lree,'jAMrESnDS’Ki?&L FOR KINGSTON, JAMAICA, rffc The superior coppered Brig CORSAIR, tM>W. H. Brysane, master, wants 200 barrels on freight, which will be taken at a very low rate. Apply to tV. FOWLE & Co. nov 28 _ _ FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, rfrv The new schooner CERES, Knowles, Master, one thousand barrels burthen, will be ready to receive cargo in a few days.— For terms, apply to nov 28 HENRY DAINGERFIELD. FOR NEW ORLEANS. HTT On the 20th next month (December) the e&spacket brig UNCAS, Captain Nathaniel Boush Persons wishing to ship will please make ",ake ear,y “Tfrankun a armfield. nov 28—t20thdcc__ FOR NEW YORK. trfr The Schooner LAFAYETTE, Snow, Master, has the principal part of her car go ready to go on board, and will be despatch* ed on Monday. Two hundred bbls., or the hulk of it will be taken on freight, apply to nov 23 HENRY DAINGERFIELD. KOK PORTLAND. The Schooner WILLIAM AND NAN ££>CY, w ill lake 400 barrels on Freight, and have dispatch. Apply to _ LAMBERT &. MckENZIE, nov 24 Union wharf. FOR RIO JANEIRO, rfrc The new coppered brig MARY BER $aS2NARD, Ueetly master—to sail on Monday next, weather permitting. For passage only having a spacious cabin—apply to nnv 21 _GEO. JOHNSON & Co. FOR SAVANNAH, to Sail on the 27th instunt. The Brig DU SLAP, Sturdivant, Mas antler, wants the burthen of 500 barrels, and can comfortably accommodate a few passen gers. Apply to WM. FOW LE »fc CO. nov 19 _____ FOR BOSTON. rf-K The fine Packet Schooner VILLAGE, SS&SNewcomb, Master, having most of her cargo ready to go on board, will have despatch. Apply to WM. FOWLE & CO. nov 19 __ TAR. k a BBLS. Tar, received per schooner North OU America, and for sale by STEPHEN SHINN, nov 25 Janney’s Wharf. PRIME BEEF. c Bbls. Prime Beef (Reynold’s brand) just J. received and for sale by nov 22 WM. D- NUTT. CHEESE, -g Casks, said to be of good quality, receiv lU ed per shooner Alexandria, from New York, for sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, nov 25 Union Wharf. TEAS. -g A Half chests Imperial ) T 1U 4 do Gunpowder $ 1 of superior quality, landing from schooner Al exandria. from New York, and for sale by nov 25 EDWARD DA1NGERFIELD. SALT, CHEESE, WHISKEY, &C. 4 4} A A Bushels Ground Alum Salt 700 sacks fine do 10 casks prime quality Cheese Boxes Pine Apple do 6 hhds Whiskey Wines, Liquors, and Groceries, as usual, nov25 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. TIIE AMERICAN MINSTREL, A MUSICAL Periodical price S3 50 per ann. the numbers semi-monthly. Subscriptions are respectfully solicited, by nov 20___E. KENNEDY. ""WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS, Second door ll est of Brown's Hotel, Pennsylva nia Avenue, Washington, HAS just returned from Philadelphia and New York, with a new and splendid as sortment of Watches, Jewelry, Silver Work, and other articles in his line, carefully selected, by himself, which he offers for sale at New York prices. N. B. All kinds of gold and silver work made and repaired at the shortest notice. nov 26—3t_____ FOR SALE, ON moderate terms, a second hand Cooking Stove. WM. STABLER. 11 mo 26___ GLADES BUTTER. OA KEGS just received and for sale by GEO. JOHNSON. nov 27 __ SICILY MADEIRA WINE. 5 Quarter-casks ) gjcj|y Madeira Wine, 1 half-pipe ) just received and for sale by nov 27 WM. N. McVEIGH. WHEAT, &C. 1 CONTINUE to pay the highest Cash price for Wheat, delivered at the Triadelphia Mills, of in Alexandria. I wish to purchase Rye and Flaxseed ut my Store, on Union, be tweeen King and Prince streets. nov24 SAMUEL LINDSAY. LATEST FASHIONS. MRS. SOLOMON respectfully informs the la dies of Alexandria and its vicinity, tha: she has received her supply of Bonnets, and fashions for the present season. She tenders her sincere acknowledgements for the public share of patronage, and hopes, by strict attention, to merit a continuance. Ladies ore invited to call. Ali orders from the country attended to with promptness, neatness, and despatch, nov 27—3t___ THEOLOGICAL BOOKS. AN Introduction to the Critical study and Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.-By Thomas Hartwell Horne. M. A. of St.John’s College, Cambridge. Fifth American edition, illustrated with numerous maps and facsimilies of biblical manuscripts. The History of the Re formation of the Church of England, by Gilbert Burnet, D. D., Late Lord Bishop of London, in six volumes. , Sermons on Duties belonging to some of the Conditions and Relations of Private Life by John G. Palfrey, A. M. Professor of Biblical 1Li Se'bT U,C M&C8TUS JACOBS nov25______ FOR SALE. MTho two story brick house and lot, fee simple, situated on Duke and Royal street, now occupied by Mr. James McKenzie. Appli cation to be made to Mr. Thomas Poincy, or to the subscriber. J. C. GENERES. nov 17 POlm AUCTION SALES. THIS DA Y. BY GEORGE WHITE. REAL ESTATE, DRY GOODS, JtC TBE Subscriber, intending to change her residence, will sell at public auction, on Saturd ty, the 29th instant,—at her Store Houce on King street, between Columbus and Alfred street, u part of her Stock ol seasonable DRY GOODS: also, a variety of Household 4 chen Furniture. At the same time and place, The HOUSE and LOT at present occu* Jllpied by her will be offered for sale, on a credit of 6, 12, and 18 months. If not sold, it will be rented. She will also sell upon the same terms, at pr.vate bargain, A The HOUSE and LOT on Duke street, between Water and Fairfax streets. REBECCA TAYLOR, nov 13—ts GEO. WHITE, AucL THIS DA y. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT, SEBASTIAN SPRING LAM)S AT AUCTION. ON Saturday next, 29th inst., at 12 o’clock, will be sold, in front of the house of Mr Richard Mason, near the South end of the Po tomac Bridge, that valuable TRACT OF LAND, known as the Sebastian Spring Tract, containing, by survey, 227 a 2 R 13 P. It is di vided into six lots as per plat, (which can be seen at Jesse Browns’s Hotel, in Washington.) The Alexandria Canal will pass through it. It is bounded by the Georgetown Road, the Alex andria and Washington Turnpike, and the Co lumbia Road from Potomac Bridge. There are on it two fine Springs, and an abundance of Clay and Sand, convenient for house builders, in Washington, Terms at sale. R. I. TAYLOR, THOS. VOWELL, GEORGE BRENT, ROBT. BROCKETT, LOUIS BEELER. Trustees of the Mechanics’Bank of Alexandria. Nat. Int. will publish the above 3t, viz: 25, 27, and 29 Nov. 24 3t—24. 26 & 29 N HATS AND CAPS. THE subscriber respectfully return* hi* thanks to the citizens of Alexandria for their former patronage and inform* them that he has recently returned from the North, where he has selected, and by the late arrivals receiv ed. a handsome and extensive assortment of goods in his line, which in addition to his former stock, enables him to offer great inducement* to dealers, wholesale or retail, consisting of OKA VER HA 7'S, !«/, 2d, and 3d quality. Long and Short Naps, Imitation Beaver, and low putt’d Hats, ol all the various shupesthat are wanted. SILK HA TS, A very handsome article, large and small brims, made particularly to order. TRAVELLING CAPS. Sea Otter, Fur, Seal, Mock Otter, Hair Seal Cloth Caps, in all their variety. THOMAS L.. MARTIN. Three doors West of Brown’s Hotel, Washing ton City. _nov 24—7t THIS IS TcTGIVE NOTICE TIlHAT the subscriber of Alexandria County, X in the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Orphan’s Court of said County, letter* of administration on the personal estate of Ed ward McLaughlin, late of said County, deceas ed. All persons having claims against said de cedent are hereby warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber on or before the 15th day of November, 1835. or they may by law be exclud ed from all hem-fit to said estate. Given under my hand, this 15th Nov., 1834. EDWARD SHEEHY, Administrator of E. McLaughlin, nov 15—eo4w RUNAWAY. A REWARD of ten dollars will be paid for the apprehension and securing in jail a negro boy named SIMON. He is well known in Alexandria, having lived the present year with Mr. Hugh Leddy, the baker, from whom he absconded. Simon is 17 or 18 years of age, slender made, black complexion, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, and cairied with him a variety of clothing, needless to describe. Those in ordi nary use show evidence of the bake house, nov 22—eo3t JULIA TERRET, Fairfax ronnty. Va. WAS COMMUTED mO the Jail for the County of Alexandria, X District of Columbia, on the 2d of October, 1S33, as a runaway, a yellow woman, who say her name is REBECC A SMITH. She appear to be about 35 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, stout and well made. She says that she belong* to a Mr. Freeman, a negro trader Irom the South. The owner is therefore requested to come forward, prove property, pay charge*, and take her away; otherwise she will be sold out to the highest bidder, on the 2d day ol De cember, 1S34. in front of the Court House door, os the owner has been notified before this ac cording to Jaw. D. MINOR, Deputy Marshal, and Jailer for the County of sept 12—2awt2dDec Alexandria, D. C. VALUABLE PROPERTY ON LEASE. HE subscriber, being desirous of leaving l the District of Columbia in the spring, will lea-ethe premises on which he at present resides. This valuable property is so well known Jlliito the inhabitants «f the District (by the name of MILBURN’S LANDING,) that a mi nute description is not necessary, ft w ill be suffi cient to say, that to a person ol capita! and enter prise, there are a variety of pursuits, all of which may prove profitable—such as fishing a winter and spring seine, making brick, (there being an inexhaustible bank of clay of the best kind;)— the shore being bold, and the water deep, per sons could ship them at a small expense; tend ing a large market garden, Ac. Ac. There is a variety of Fruit on the premises. The princi pal Dwelling is of brick, as are principally all ' the other buildings. This property is not more than fifteen minute’s walk from the Market* House. MOSES HEPBURN. £3- I will sell any of my property in the tow a of Alexandria, or the City of Washingtui, or Fairfax County. MOSES HEPBURN, nov 7— eotf A STRAY HEIFER. Came t»the Union Farm, (near Mount Vernon,) sometime since, a young RED HEIFER, with a bell _ion her. The owmer is requested to take her away, and pay all coats and charges. Apply to Samuel Shuster, on said farm, nov 22—eo3t BLANKS AND PAMPHLETS Pirated, with neatness A despatch, at this office