Newspaper Page Text
44 Fnis ce nil’ll font, art'ive ce qu^il pourra IlOMISfA SKiO^IIlil^ <tt» UML ' HjaTP SEK-SJEHS! S—ST©, S3©8, IL E X A N D it IA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGAR SXOJVDEX, laRS per annum, payable half yearly. 41 F \ AND K fv G AZ E T T E A ‘ (ynn THE COUNTRY) ,s PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON TI F^DAY, THURSDAY A SATURDAY, ^douarspeh annum, payable in advance. Tjr,li0f {leer tin bn*:—Advertisements neat ,Jnd conspicuously inserted at the rate of one Iff Zt Jq.ure for the tirst three insertions, d ixentv-fivecents for every subsequent inser a,ia \ reasonable deduction will be made in •hecase of yearly advertisers. • • All advertisements appear in both papers. KINGSTON, JAMAICA. — The superior coppered Brig CORSAIR, JmW ii Brysane, master, wants 200 barrels Skw. *'••«•*v^mVa,!,rr7-,io* rate Apply to rOn Lh «. go. nov 2$ ___ FOIt FREIGHT OR Cll ARTER. The new schooner CERES, Knowles, Muster, one thousand barrels burthen, Si be ready to receive cargo in a few days.— h ‘,V 11KNIIY PAINQBRF1ELP. FOR NEW ORLEANS. _ On the 20th next month (December) the iiv nack.»t brig INC AS. Captain Nathaniel g,„,,, persons wishing to ship will please make mike earlv application to FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. nnv 9^-t20thi!ec _ FOR NEW YORK. iffy The Schooner LAFAY E T l E,, Snow, Master, has the principal part of her car gu ready to go on board, and will be despatch w! on Monday. Two hundred bbls.. or the bulk of it will betaken on freight, apply to nor. 28 HENRY DA IN G ER FI ELD. ' cult PUti 1LA.U*. r--?; The Schooner WILLIAM AND NAN will take 400 barrels on Freight, and have dispatch. Apply to LAMBERT & McKENZIE, nov 91 Union wharf. FOR RIO JANEIRO, rfK The new coppered brig MARY BER- j Alto. Beetly imi'ter—to sail on Monday next, weather permitting. For passage only— haring a spacious cabin—apply to nov 21 GEO. JOHNSON A- Co. FOR SAVANNAH. /<• Snil on the 21tli inntunt. dK The Brig DL'SL \fJ, Sturdivant, Mas ifij^ter. wants the burthen of 500 barrels, and can comfortably accommodate a few passen gers. Apply to' WM. FOYVLE & CO. oov 19 FOR BOSTON. tfR The fine Packet Schooner VILLAGE, HkNewcomb, Master, having most of her cargo ready to go on board, will have despatch. Apply to ‘ W M. FOWLE & CO. n*»v 19 VESSEL WANT EOT gK A good VESSEL, of about 1000 bar SJc'pIs. is wanted, t<» load at Fredericksburg !"r Halifax. N. S. Apply to . "°r IS _WM FOWI.F. A CO. for fredf.rTcksburg. fHE Schooner COUNSELLOR, Howes master, will -ail on last of the week, and bke Freight low. Apply to _WM. FOYVLE A Co. __ FOR FREIGHT OR CH ARTER. 1 he Coppered Schooner HO RE. Thonip Master, carries about S50 round bar V freight to West Indies or South Auieri Cl * 11 he preferred. She will be ready for 1 « 'HID in a few da vs. A pply to GEO. JOHNSON & CO. ruK CHARLESTON AN1) SAVANNAH. JjJv rheS]...,p Dl'jit i 1//.-I will carry about barrels and can be dispatched in a few | L»r freight or pass ige, having an excel •^nt cabin, apply to ° J!2Li£_GKO. JOHNSON & CO. FOU FREIGHT OR CHARTER. I be fast sailing coppered llrig COR H//, Bvram. master, carries about 1400 ' ‘"~W|I| be ready f. »r cargo on Wednesday n'v,-pply to ’ VV. FOWLE £ CO. OAa v . KERSEY. ‘,ir,L Strong Kersey, manufactured bv ut Uuantico. just received and for sale GEO. JOHNSON & CO. FOR NORFOLK. i ne Meamooat ( iit. A* 11* AM A* A’, Ca pt. W i usox, ~x— ?"■ T'~ will be run as a regular between Alexan lexandriaon Tues ck, ;«id arriving in gers for Richmond 'niv* ” r" ‘ «n Wednesdays and N p ' al ~ P- M., taking passengers from V ,, CK , nr-v- an'l arrive at Alexandria on r,lui*sdays, at 10 A. M. Passen 1 ,tln>ore can be carried through the *'<rptt> | > \ »k """ '* ,,rr,c oiiai, particularly f*>,j h ,ls r°ute; is coppered, copper-fas res?ectSu o, copper boiler, and is, in all fcurHp' ntltIed to the confidence of travellers. 1 ^ pleasure and families will only be fcii bar1-* °r the triP to Norfolk or Old Point J. WILSON. Captain. NEW DRY GOODS. WASHINGTON T. HARPER HAS received from New York, and is now opening, in the house lately occupied by Messrs. James McKenzie &, Co. (two doors be low the Franklin Hotel,) an unusually large and rerif central assortment of FOREIGN if DOMESTIC STAPLE if FANCY 1) It V (i () () I) S. Having been purchased on the most advanta geous terms, and selected with the greatest care, as regards style, quality, and cheapness, he is in duced to say that he will sell them at a small ad ranee, by wholesale ok ketail. He invites his friends and the public to call and examine his stock, before purchasing— which consists, in part, of the following articles, which are of the latest importation— Extra superfine black and blue Cloths Common do, of all colors, some very cheap Parsons’ Grey, Millers’ Mix’d, and Drab do, for over coats Heavy brown and blue Flushings, Ooatiugs, and Petersham, for dodo Black, blue, grey, drab, and other col’d Cas si meres Super black and bufTCassimere, for vests 13- 4, 12-4. 11-4, 10 4,9 4.8 4 heavy Rose Blan kets, very cheap and good Point, Whitney, and Duflill Blankets Flannels, assorted colors White Gauze do, very thin and fine Scarlet Spotted do White do, of the very finest quality, warrant ed not to shrink 4-1 super single and milled Blue and brown real Goats’ Hair Camblct (the Sinion Pure) French, German, and English G-4 Me-') ^ rinos, all colors ! French and English 3-1 do, all colors ; Do do 3-4 bl’k \ col’d Bombazets J u Single and double width black and blue black Bombazines Black and blue bi’k Simla, a very handsome article Cassinetls, all colors, some very low priced Do a heavy and cheap article for boys and servants White and colored Canton Flannels Printed Floor Cloth and Bucking Baize Blue, green, and drab Frieze Calicoes. A large variety of twilled and plain French, 1 English and American Calicoes, of all prices, i Super and common Swansdown, Valencia, { and fig’d and plain Silk Vesting Bl’k Florentine, satin face, extraq’y. for vests ' Do do diagonal and corded do do Extra black, blue black, and brown Silk Vel- ! vets, fur vests Common do do do, and other colors Black and col'd and fig’d Cotton Velvets Bird’s eye, Damask, and Russia Diaper i 4 4 to 11 1 Damask Table Cloths Bleached unhleach’d Huchabuck ^ Crash I Extra fine Irish Linens, and common do, ve- ' ry cheap Irish if- Russia Sheetings and Brown Hollands Checked Cambrics and Bishop Lawns Book. Mull 4r Jaconet Muslins, fig’d and plain Handsome figured and plain Swiss Muslins, very rich patterns Cambrics, colored and white, 3-4 to 6-4 Linen Cambric, Linen Cambric Hdkfs, and Long Lawns, some extra fine Bandana. Flag, Pongee, Spittalfield, other Silk Hdkfs India Company do. 3S inches square, old style Black Italian Cravats, extra quality and size, some 40 inches Fancy Italian Cravats Bombazine, Velvet, Satin, and other first rate Stocks Super English embroidered, ribb’d, and plain Silk Hose and Half Hose, bl’k and white Do French do do do do do do do 5 threaded English Cotton Hosiery, some ve ry fine; Common do do Black, lead colored, and white Mohair and Worsted Hose Black, white and grey Lambs'-wool and An gola IIo<e and Half Hose Misses’and Children’s Hose and Half Hose Ladies’stip»*r and common Kid, Beaver, and Hornn Gloves Do Fur-top and lined do do Do Long white Kid do, and Misses’bPk and colored K id do A few dozen Ladies’ Dallia colored do Gentlemen’s Beaver, Buck. M oodstoi k, Kid, and Woollen do White, black, and col’d Merino Fringes, for S h a w Is Shawls, long and square, of all kinds, some extra quality Merino A large variety of black and colored Merino and Fancy Hdkfs Worsted, Lambs’-wool and Angola Gurnsey Shirts, some very fine Do do and Cotton Drawers Travelling Caps; Scotch Bonnets and Com forts and Vandikes Gum Elastic and othpr Suspenders Silk and Cotton Umbrellas, some e.rtra quali ty and size Silk Cords and Tassel for Cloaks A large variety of Lustring and Satin Rib bons, from No. 12 to 22 Figured Satin Gauze Ribbons and Cords for Bonnets Figured and Plain Silk Velvet and other Belt ings Black and colored Silk Braids, Cords, Pipings and Wire Ladies’ Worsted Comforts and Over Shoes A few handsome dark Boas Black, white, and green Gauze Veils and Ba rage do Green and black Barage for Veils (Luner’s best) Plain and spotted Bobbinet for do Silks. Plain black, and colored Gro de Naps Figured do and do do do Black Gro de Rhine, a very handsome lus tred Silk Mateoni’s best black Italian Lustring Common do do do very cheap Black Gro de Berlin Blue black Poult de Soie Black India Satin Levantines Black, pink, green, straw, and other colored Satins and Florences White Satins, some extra quality, for dresses A large quantity first quality black, blue black and colored Sewing Silks Spool and Ball Cotton, and colored and W. B. Threads A large quantity super and common Pins and Tapes Black, white, and colored Italian Crapes and black Hat do Black and colored Nankeen, and Mandarin Crapes and Pongees Edgings. A large assortment Cambric, Thread, Bobbi nett and Grecianett Edging & Insertings Thread and Bobbinett Laces Bobbinetts, plain and figured, and Grecianett Bobbinett and Grecianett Quillings Cotton Fringes, very cheap. Furniture, Carpet, and other Worsted Bind ings Knotted and other Quilts Knitting Cotton, from No. 11 to 10 White and colored Yarns, and black and co lored Worsleads Rugs and Cotton Carpeting, cheap; &c. &.C. Together with a general assortment of bleach ed, brown, and colored DOMESTICS; Colton Oznaburgs; Linen Burlaps and Ticklenburgs, Sec. Sec. Comprising almost every article in the Dry Goods line. Suffice it to say, his stock is as large and as irel! assarted as any house in this place; and will be sold as low as they can be found where STABILITY OF PRICES IS OBSERVED. His stock will be kept up by frequent receipts from Arew York. oct 25 FALL AND WINTER GOODS. JOHN H. BRENT has received, by the late arrivals from New York, a general assort ment of GOODS, suited to the season; consist ing, in part, of 37 pieces Broad Cloth, blue, black, brown, invisible green, claret, mulberry, Dah lia, olive, mixed, and drub 10 pieces Flushing and Lion Skins 107 pair Rose Blankets, English and French 200 do Point and Duflil Blankets 40 do Whitney and Cradle do 54 pieces Flannel, assorted colors 6 do Gout’s 1 lair and Boiled Camblets 73 do English Merino, 3 4 and 0-4 8 do French Merino Cloth 00 do Bombazette, bl’k and ass’d colors 8 do Bombazine, French and English 220 do Prints, English, French and Ame rican 36 do Oriental and Furniture Prints 30 do Ginghams, dark and mourning 40 do Checked Cambric, English, Irish, and French 70 do Bishop Lawn, Book and Mull Muslins 96 do Cambrics and Jaconets 60 do Linen, Irish and Silecia 23 do Sheeting, Irish, Silecia, Scotch, and Russia 24 do Table Covers, Cloth and others 62 do Diaper, Damask, Bird’s-eye, and Russia 48 do Table Cloths, various sizes 140 do Casinet, blue, green, bl’k <f mixed 67 do Negro Cloths «f Linsey Woolseys 230 do Burlaps and Cotton Os n a burgs 3300 do Domestic Cotton, brown, bleach ed, and colored 100 do Silk Hdkfs, Bandanna, Flag, Pongee, and Spittalfield m 120 pair Hose, cotton, silk, mohair if worsted 8 ps Italian Lustring and Silk Camlet 5 do Gro de Rhein and Gro de Swiss 150 Shawls. Merino, Thibet, Valencia, and Prussian 230 Fancy Hdkfs, Chuily, Thibet, Gro de Ete, Hernani, &c. 24 Blond Gauze Veils 300 pair Gloves. Hoskin, Silk, Chamois, and Pic Nic 141 Linen Cambric Hdkfs, some II. S. 72 pair superior French Shoes 300 ps Ribbon. Lustring and Belt 61 do Edgings. Thread, Cambric, Bobinet, and Blond % Tippets and uotritons 12 pieces Bobinet, 4-4 ami 5-4 IS do Crapes, colored and black S do Silk Velvet, black and colored 8 dozen Stocks, some very superior 10 do Silk Cravats, black and col’d 1 do Bead Bags Fine Yarns and Worsteads Best Sewing materials, all kinds Fine, super, and extra superfine Kiddermin ster CAIW’ETI.NG, daily expected. The above goods will be sold unusually lore for cash or to punctual customers. oct 13 FASHIONABLE HATS AND CAPS. OZEN JOSSELYN. Aeent, north-east cor ner of King and Royal streets, respectfully informs his old customers and the public gene rally that he is prepared to furnish them with ELEGANT BLACK HATS, got tip in the first style, of the best materials, and by experienced and faithful journeymen. Also, Brown and Seal colored Hats. CAPS. Gentlemen’s, Youth’s, and Children’s Fur, Cloth, and Hair Seal Caps, of the various qua lities and patterns. WOOL HATS, &c. Every exertion will be used to please, and all favors thankfully received. N. B. Old Hats taken in part pay for new | ones. All kinds of FURS purchased as above, nov 4—3m LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office, Alexandria, D. C., December 1, 1834. JCf* Persons applying foj* letters in the fol lowing list, will please say they are advertised, or they may not get them. A IlevChas VV Andrews James Alston Leonard Adams B James Ballenger Richard Barton Thomas Berry Lawrence P Bayne—2 Mrs Ann Buckner Samuel Briggs Rev R T Boyd Bontz & Harrison—2 Capt Francis Bell Clement A Breast Joseph Boyden John TBevans C I Hugh Carolin John H Clarvoe ! Leonard O Cook D Turner Dixon—5 Nicholas H Dreese Thomas Doing Francis K Davidson Joseph Durham E Charles Eslick F John Fisher T T Fauntleroy Wm Ford Samuel Furgison James Ford Mrs A Fenwick Catherine Fairfax Wm T Frost G Oliver Gorman—2 Geo W Gruber H Charles Hawkins Francis Hoy Burton Hull Dr Harrington T P Ilooe John Heill Upton Herbert Daniel Hepburn Mrs Rosinu A Hart Henry H Halley Joseph Hackney Catherine Hurley John D Harrison E Hamblin Peter Hall Wm W Herbert Wm Hubball J Joshua Jones Miss Jane Johnston David Jurboe G Johnson Capt N Jenkins Rev M A Jones K Mrs Susan Kenslow Patrick King L Barton Linch YVm A Linton—3 Mr Lafferty Daniel W Lewis Alexander Lammond M Miss Emily V Mason Richard B Mason Robert Marshall Mrs Maria Morris Richard B Mitchell—2 Win J B Massie Joseph McClean Win Mankins 0 Capt Ebenezer Otis P Miss Louisa Parks Miss Mildred Palmer Wm Price Mrs Sarah Pearson R Miss Mary B Ratcliff Dr J S Reese B Rotehford Thomas Rose S Dr Alox’r T Suter—2 Mrs Mary E Suter Miss Ann C Suter John F Smith Jesse Skidmore T Jonah Thompson (tan- Mrs Judey Tomberlin ner) Samuel Templeinan Mrs Sarah Talbot V L Violett Win C Veitch W Geo Watiss J H Wilson Elijah Waller John atson Richard Windsor dec 2—3t DANIEL BRYAN, P. M. BOOTS AND SHOES. .1. I). UAH MON HAS JUST RECEIVED— 1 HDD PAIR prime coarse broguns, part 1 UUU double souls, a good aiticle for win ter wear Mens’ Kip and Calf Bootees, nailed, pegged and sewed Mens’Calf Boots, sewed and pegged “ Kip do stout do do “ Seal do pegged and nailed “ Thick water proof boots sewed & pegged Boys and childrens coarse and line bootees and shoes Ladies French kid slippers ALSO. Hair Seal Trunks—all of .Which arc offered cheap, wholesale or retail. n ov 12_ _ _ CHARLES BENNETT HAS for sale, 5 bales best Bridport line shad and herring seine twine, a consignment' which will be sold low, and is of the first quality A ease of ladies cotton hose of bcstquality, will be sold by the dozen One bale common shoe thread A bale best patent tailors’ thread, XV. B. and blue 3 bales Virginia cotton osnaburgs 1 bale mixed Lowel kerseys A few pieces 6-4 flushings & coarse wollens A case common and fine gilt London pins 1 case 4 4 Irish Linens, in whole and half pieces, real good quality, nov 20 _ TEAS. -f 4“k Half chests Imperial ) T 1U 4 do Gunpowder $ of superior quality, landing from schooner Al exandria, from New York, and for sale by noy 25 E I) \V ARP DAI NGK R FIE LD. SALT, CHEESE, WHISKEY, &C. 4 01 Hi Bushels Ground Alum Salt ^UU 70 sacks fine do 10 casks prime quality Cheese Boxes Pine Apple do 6 hhds Whiskey Wines, Liquors* and Groceries, as usual. nov25 SAM L. B, LARMOUR & CO. BLANKS AND PAMPHLETS Pirnted, with neatness & despatch, at this office MOLASSES AND TEA. | HIIDS. prime retailing Molasses 20 half chests Young Hyson Tea Just received and for sale by _nov 24_WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. BUNCH RAISINS! "~T” 1 BOXES fresh Bnnch Raisins, of fine “ Equality—received per schr Village—for SflIe by WM. FOWLE & Co. nov 19 COFFEE. 99000 POUNDS green Rio Coffee, re r u,uu ce,ved per Schooner Village, for sale by WM. FOWLE Co. nov 19 BL!J;KWHEAT, APPLES AND CHEESE? SUoLk). j 10 half do [ BUCK WHEAT 10 qur. do ) 25 bbls Pippin Apples 10 casks Cheese, landing from schr Virginia and for sale by STEPHEN SHINN, Mnv 15Janney’s Wharf LIFE OF HANNAH MOKE. JUST received on sale, by WM. M. MORRISON, Life of Hannah More, in 2 vols. Also, ma ny other new and useful publications, nov 18—tf TAR. ! BBLS. Tar, received per schooner North i *J\J America, ami for sal** by STEPHEN SHINN. _ nov 25_ Janney’s \\ hal f W11A R F & WaREHOUE TO RENT. TO rent, for the present year, that spacious and accommodating wharf, known by the name uf'linmney’s Wharf,” with the brick warehou c tin icon. Apply to * JOSIAH H. DAVIS MIf the warehouse cannot be rented, 1 would be pleased to store goods in it at a reasona i ole rate._[nov 14] J. H. D. DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, > „ Alexandria County. £ Circuit Court U. States.—October Term, 1834. Lewis McKenzie, Benjamin H.'l Lumber! and Thomas Ferrall, | Complainants, j . against f 1,1 Chancery. George W. Delaplain and Wil- J liam II. Stewart, Defendants.; THE defendant, George W. Delaplain, not having entered his appearance to this suit, and given security according to the statute anc rules of the Court, and it appearing to the satis faction of the Court that the said George "W. Delaplain is not an inhabitant of the District of Columbia; on the motion of the complainants, by their counsel, it is ordered, that he appear here, on or before the first day of the next May Term of this Court, and enter his appearance to this suit and answer the complainants’ bill, and give security for performing the decrees of the Court; and that the resident defendant, Wil liam B. Stewart, do not pay, convey away, or secrete, the debts by him owing to, or the mo ney, property, and effects, in his hands, belong ing to, the said absent defendant, until the fur ther order and decree of this Court: and that a copy of this order be forthwith published, for two months successively, in the Alexandria Ga zette, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of said County. Test: EDM. I. LEE, C. C. nov 26—2in DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, i s< Alexandria County, j *c‘* Circuit Court U. States.—October Term, 1834. Barbara Ilellrigle & Cathe-'j rine Minatre, Complain- | against \ '"Chancery. i Jacob O. Ilellrigle & Thom- | son F. Mason, Defendants J rpHE defendant, Jacob C. Ilellrigle, not hav J- ing entered his appearance to this suit and given security, according to the statute and the rules of this Court, and it appearing to the sa tisfaction of the Court that he is not an inhabit ant of the Distiict of Columbia; on the motion of tin* complainants, by their counsel, it is or dered, that he appear here, on or before the first day of the next May Term of this Court, and answer the complainants’ bill, and give se curity for performing the decrees of the Court; and the resident defendant, Thomson F. Mason, do not pay, convey away, or secrete, the debts by him owing to, or the money, pro perty, or effects, in Ins hands, belonging to, tin* said absent defendant, until the further order and decree of the Court: and that a copy of this order he forthwith published, for two months successively, in the Alexandria Gazette, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of said County. Test: EDM. I. LEE, C. C. nov 26—2m WH1SAT FANS, dec. LG. & II. GRISWOLD have now on hand, • and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; Window Screens, Riddles, Sifters, Mil. Shakes, Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; und hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufacturers and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. , N. B. Repairing done on the shortest notice. ’i3“ TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass, may 28— ly