Newspaper Page Text
8g^KXAN1>KIA: r|rvTMORNlNG. DECEMBER 5, 1834. i;!ir^eivedbyThe ,ast Southern mail the ' e or 0f Virginia’s Message, and com mits publication to-day. Saturday’s Ga ®eD for the country will contain it entire. - 'raI communications on hand will be at tn. as soon as the press of the public do over-_ The Baltimore and Ohio Kail Hoad was open in jUe form, to Harper’s Ferry, last Monday. G KKS8. " IN SENATE—December 4, 1834. Mr Leigh, of Virginia, and Mr. Sprague, of u, „e appeared, and took their seats. A message was received from the President, .aompanying a copy of the Declaration of In ,^-vndence, on copper, bequeathed to tins coun ts- bv Lafayette. Mr E*ing brought in a bill to settle the nor boundary line of Ohio. TV resolutions offered yesterday by Mr. Poindexter, calling for information relative to recent sales of public lands, were agreed to. On motion of Mr. Kane, The Senate then adjourned to Monday next. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. tv House w as in session but a few minutes, livl adjourned over to Monday next. L>O.M KSTIC S L' MM A R Y. T ,e project of a new Bank, to be called the _ ; i'hmhstiiii, l<as been started in that ' |j is .lesigoe.l to have a capital of two mil 2* a „i the privil. ge. if necessary, of increas mo four miilion*. Banking operations to be commenced when half the capital shall be pin! in .Navigation still open.—From a gentleman w..Vrn* down last night from Albany,we learn thatb.'th th** river and the Canals were still free fi-mu ice.—.V >*• Am. Dec.2 At* American Novel.—We learn from the \\ York Murror, that Theodore Kay, Esq. has completed a novel, the name of which is not mentioned, but the -cone is said to be laid first in y*»Y -ik. and subsequently in Italy. The work, »•!) eh is in two volumes, may be soon expected frn;n the London press. Niw Orleans—Rev. Mr. Parker. —The Rev. Mr P.irk’ i t‘H)k passage lor .New-Orleans, in the packet sb :* Nashville, which sailed on the — th ultimo. U e regret to perceive by the New-Oi Ica.e p.i|*er>. that the excitement in that city, on tnc >ur>j**ct of Mi Parker’s return, appears to be on the increase. Mississippi.—It is -tated in the Jackson Missis n'ppan. that <«*v Runnels has issued writs of election t«> a number ufihe new counties, from which it wiiiild .tppe.ii an extra session of the Legislature w II take place the ensuing win ter The prim ipal object of this extra session, vepresume, wil the election of a U. States Senator, to supply the vacancy which will be created on the Ith of Mutch, by the expiration of Ur. Poindexter'' term of office. FolcERt.—The Boston Mercantile Journal st.' *-. that S>*th Sumner, a respectable dry goods dealer in Hanover sheet, apprehended on Wednesday, on a charge of having appended the signature of Southgate. Blake A C’o, of that city, to two notes for $ti)UO. ami also of having forged two other notes to tin* amount of about 1-500, one a gainst a dry goods dealer in Boston— the other against a respectable firm in.Xantucket He is committed for trial at the next term of the Municipal Court. F. K. Avery.- Our readers will remember th?report in circulation a few days since, that this m iij had made a full and unequivocal con fession of the murder of Sarah Maira Cornell, j Th* Providence J«»u nal of Thursday last, a pa p*r almo't oa t!ie spot, in alluding to this vague, i *ni in nli probability t«»t illy Unfounded rumor, »)u < the I >iio a mg oh't'i vations: ‘ Had such a ck)|(-"h>h been m ole, it would have been pro tlione ! in a;l lirections. yet we hear nothing of it*\ rough the Republican. The proba bly i*. that the ii.formation is erroneous.” Tm Pirates — The Boston Centinel savs that ■ ■' ■ n - ntion ofthe I’ounsel lor the Pirates, >,,'r inn id tv non ning. to move for a new trial mh.-hilfol the convicts. Should the applica t ’naat he successful, it is presumed that sen- i !.* “ . ’* Will tlien be passed against them. i* tire men of the Panda, w ho were acquitted, it provided with board in Ann street, and are *t>n Jaily i» the street* about tin* city. rtn* Pliiladelphia Firemen, have accepted the CiUilenge nf the Ncw-York Firemen, to try the p1**) ».f thi-ir respective engines—and offer, ^reaver. t» meet the New-Yorkers half-way, if a' *11 ^ ‘,,C01,venient for them to go to Phil '* o u.u \t uiricAtmn.— 'rlie* legislature and I 1''** "I diis State seem determined to go all ' in haugintr the ('lierolcees—tin* seques ™wn of their property — and in bulding defi ■ ** to the Supreme Court ol the Cubed States. ‘e • X'viuion <>t Graves, in direct and coidu h,. i! ' ' f'r' ~ 11°f Judge Baldwin's citation, ' '1 ’ I'wo I by a determination, on the t to-* legi'la'iii e, taKen on the ISth ultimo, SmJr an''l!'^r Cherokee by the name of J. H. »rv i ^ *on?und spirited Protest against the F ** ‘ ni the case of I raves was entered I y • an a trity, on the journals of the House of U •,r’*'t‘iitatives on tlit* 8th uit.. signed by Geo. tt;ii b j ]y * 3l1^ ,,eurLv fifty other members of m; u.:' i'*r'tand that a publication will be cem ent waL-' '*.asi'ingtoii, <n the course of the pre -l J .^ 01 -l l,?Vt*^ character for this country talwlllk!^ r>H'C’i*ter'*r^’ ^asbi°nable and satin tlj- Record of a Washington winter—for bp tokin»r off the fashions, fa-hiona *li Pi r"*' i ^C'i m:i^'ng itself entertaining by oi-rV- 'i '• 0n''n ni° ,!,s* There is abundant Sqci. k|, .ln R'*e great metropolis for making b“ . 1'r ?'H>^ ;,nd good we have reason to so;ie w 1 1 A personal acquaintance with I'hrarv ! ^ave ;i in getting up this ii \ .,fl- ■ enul*'es us to speak thus much ^ '°.j *a anticipation.— Hich. Camp. Holder.— A “poor, but hon f-ip . ; H 1 af- 'n the neighboring Niagara Rev anj ;‘ was in office as Deputy Collector, J'ickv) -v opposed to the election of Andrew H an i* ^ incumbent was soon reform at Denu^r*^*0", Co,leclor aPPoinletl — Pfiticinio . , ‘earing” removal, and wanting sn> !!, a , "Anting bread, bargained for » f crooked the cringing knee, became a warm partizan of Gen. Jackson, supported his j re-election, and has ever approved all his mea sures. It seems that this -Deputy Collector,” who receives from Government 81200 per an num for his traitorship and disinterestedness, ottered his vote at the recent election, was chal- ' lenged, and proved to be an Alien; haring for years fraudulently rated as an American citizen! | Buffalo Patriot. Thi:Jail—There are about twenty unfortu nate prisoners in jail for small debts, and hav ing nothing but water allowed them, and that j too Manhattan water—no wood, no bed, no bread, and they subsist upon what they can beg j from day to day from their more fortunate bre- j thren in adversity. Of what use is it to boast that we have abolished the law to imprison for debt? Here is the palpable contradiction. He who can obtain bail for his appearance, can go at large; but tie who has no residence or friends, must be locked up, and in the Bridewell too.— Will not the charatable look into (lie condition of these poor caeatures, and provide in some manner for them, t>» prevent their starving with cold and hunger? We had a society once to ' ' try and settle their debts, and release them; 1 j but we pi esuine it has merged into some politi- j cal cabal. It is a shame to allow such things j in a land of plenty.—jV. V. Star. The Globe excuses the withholding of the ; message from the other newspapers in the city, 1 on the pretence that the President could have no confidence that the “contents of the Message , would not he communicated by letter to the Bank or such other stock jobbers and specula tors as can a fiord to pay well for illicit intelli- ! gence.” Here is an admission, that there are specula tors who make a profit on 'illicit intelligence.’— To whom would such speculators apply?—To those who are well iufoimed; who have the first inte-ligence—or to those who must themselves obt tin it at second hand. Ifsuch intelligence! lias been well paid for, who lias received the money? The very proposition points to the mercenary who has received the money. The very proposition points to the mercenery who writes for hire, and prostitutes himself for pay. Telegraph, j \\ e learn by the Raleigh papers that another ; most abominable attempt was made not long since to set fire to that town—already a most seveie sufferer from incendiarism. A coal of fire was found deposited in a heap of combusti bles, in the rear of a house in Fayetteville street. The vile intention of the incendiary was frus trated by a timely discovery of the fire; which was extinguished before it had made much pro- j gress. Mobile was visited by a tremendous thunder : storm on the 16th nit., and the house occupied by Mrs. Williams, in Joaquin) street, was strick en by the lightning—which instantly killed Miss Marv Ann Haggerty, a young lady residing in it. Every inmate of the house was more or | less affected. The young lady killed was in bed at the time, tint whether upon a feather or some other bod, is not mentioned. The “ Anxious Seal” is the title of a new paper about to be published in New Orleans whieh is to be devoted to the dissemination of truth as to the moral condition of the South and Most. RAi.ri.MonF. Pathiot Office, ^ Wednesday, 1 o’clock, P. M. ^ Flour.—The Flour Market is without change, except the operations are rather more languid. The uniform price from wagons is §4 75, and sales from stores 4 S7A. i>on r of .i j. i:x\ xnnia. n. c. MFMon.ixnx Brig Otranto, Fowler, cleard at New York for this port 2d inst. Sehr. Repeater. Wool ford, with coal, cleared from Richmond for this port 1st inst. Sehr. Samuel, Berry, hence at Charleston 2Stl> ult. FREIGHT OFFERED, j.rr: Vessels bound to or Irom Richmond, Pe Y-^tersbuin and Norfolk to this place, can have 40 Bates Cotton at City Point, and 20 at Noi folk, which the subscriber wants brought to Alexandria; and for which a fair freight will be paid — it may be shipped on deck. Apply to dec 5—.‘U JAMES W. SCOTT. BACON HAMS. LADD’S Hams, received and for sale fLOObv WM. H. MILLER, dec 5—tf __ CEDAR < »K LOCUST POSTS WANTED, •'/uv CEDAR or Locust posts, l»v JUU A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. dec 5 _ BRAN AFLOAT. J UST arrived. 2800 bushels BRAN, which will b>- sold low, if taken from onboard, at Vowell’s Wharf. Application must be made immediately, else it will be put in store, dec 5—3t THOMAS DAVEY. ” TOM CRINGLE’S LOG J UST received, Tom Cringle’s Log; a new edition, revised and corrected; in 3 vols.: _ and for sale by AUGUSTUS JACOBS, dec 5 __ SUPERIOR WINES, Ac. r|1 HE subscribers otter for sale the following A assortment ''f QENC INE & ELL SE LECTED WINES, in casks and cases:— L. P. Madeira, pale and red, Murdoc & Co. L. P. do do Newton, Gordon A Co. L. P. do Tinta. vintage of 1821 L. P. do Sercial, vintage of 1819 L. P. do Dual, do 1827 L P. do Burgundy, do 1825 L. P. do East India, per Brahmin L. P. do Payne A Co. Gordon’s pure Grape Juice Superior Old Brown and Straw Coloured She1 ry Wine, Woodhouse A Co. London. Choice Old Sherry, gold, pale and blown, Duff. Gordon A Co. Do Burgundy Port; do Dry Port, Harris A Son Old Hoc k, Dry Lisbon. Canary and Smyrna St. Julian. Modoc and Montferrend Claret i Hermitage and Suuterne Champaign. Taragona, Ac. Choice Old Brandy, Rum, Ac. Fine London Brown Stout, and Porter Pints and Quarts With a general assortment of GROCERIES, Ac. All of which will he sold on moderate terms. GUY ATKINSON A SON, (jcc 5_Cotf Fairfax street, Alexandria. NEW GOODS. WILLIAM H. MOUNT & CO. have just received— 30 pair Rose Blankets, some 14-4 10 pieces Point and Duffill Blankets Devonshire Kersey, Linseys, and other Goods, for negro clothing 30 pieces Sattinetts, extra and common quality 10 pieces Cassimeres 10 “ Quilted, Cut Velvet, and other Vestings Blue, black, brown, green, mulberry, ade laide,claret, and mixed Cloths 20 pieces Thibet, German, and English Me rino 3 bales Cotton Oznaburgs 5 “ Brown Shirtings 3 “ 5-4 Sheetings 4 cases Bleached do . On Huml— Super Kidderminster Venetian and other Carpetings Rugs, in great variety A large assortment of plain and figured Silks and Satins Blonde Gauze Veils Blonde Lace do Black Lace do Blonde Gauze Handkerchiefs Twisted Silk do Thibet Shawls, plain and embroidered, ve ry cheap Which we are determined to sell very low, wholesale or retail. dec 5 i) ha u ^ to-mokkow Virginia State Lottery, Fur the bent jit of the Town of Wheeling, Class No. 13, To be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, West End, on Saturday, December 6, HIGHEST PRIZE $20,000. Twenty of $1,000, one of $6,000, Ate &c. Tickets S5 00; halves 2 50; quarters 1 25. To be hail in a variety of numbers of .1. CO USE, T,atlery$ F rchnwre Broker. Alexandria. 1)B A US TO MOKKOU Virginia State Lottery, For the Benefit of the Toirn of Wheeling, Extra Class No. 13, To draw at Alexandria, Virginia, on Saturday, December 6, CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000, Twenty of $1,000, one of $6,000, Ate. Ate. Tickets S5 00; halves 2 50; quarters. 1 25. For sale, as usual, in great variety, by JOS. M. CLAItKK, (Sign of the Flag of Scarlet and Gold,) King st Alexandria, D.C. DR Airs TO-MORROW Virginia State Lottery, Tor the Benefit of the Town of Wheeling, Class No. 13, Will be drawn at Catts’ Tavern, (West End,) Alexandria, Va. on Saturday, Decem ber (i, at three o’clock, HIGHEST PRIZE *20,000 DOLLARS. Twenty of $1,000, one of $6,000, &c. &c. Tickets $5 00, halves 2 50, quarters 1 25. On sale in great variety by •IAS. RIORDAX. H3* Uncurrent Notes and Foreign Gold pur chased. _ POWDER, SALTPETRE, AC. | XQ KEGS of Dupont’s Powder I tiO Eagle Powder, in half kegs, for 1 duck ing’ 20 casks Refined Salt Petre 40 boxes Double, Single, and Lump Re fined Sugar Landing and for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. Also—ISO boxes Mould Candles 120 “ best sperms 400 casks of Cut Nails and Brads, as sorted dec 4 LAMBERT AND MCKENZIE, Union Wharf hove in Store for sale aa HALF chests Young Hyson Tea £\j 15 Q.r. casks Marseilles Madiera wine 1 ca«k Dutch Madiera 10 Barrels Venetian Red 75 Boxes German Pipes, very low 4 cases German Toys, each comprising a general assortment 1 case Looking Glasses. ^ Snuff Boxes 50 reams Wrapping Paper 40 pieces Heavy and Ravens and Russia Duck. dec 4 GROUND ALUM SALT. 3X|~W'| BUSHELS Liverpool Ground Alum Salt 300 sacks .Fine Blown Factory Filled For sale by DANIEL CAW OOD & CO. dec 4—eo6t LOST, YESTERDAY, on Washington street, or be tween Washington and Henry streets, or King street, a blade Bombazine Dress, rolled in a black Circassian long shawl. The finder will be suitably rewarded t'v returning it to dec 4 W1LLL1 AM D. NUTT. HOUSE SERVANT WANTED, FOR the ensuing year, a colored boy of 14 to 16 years of age, who has been accustom ed to house work, and can bring good recom mendations from his last place, dec 4 — if NOTH E. VLL persons are hereby forewarned • from hunting, shooting, or trespassing in any manner whatever, on that part of the Mount Ida Farm to the east of the Washington road, and now in my possession. The law will hence forth he strictly enforced on all offenders, dec 3—3t W. F. ALEXANDER. STRAYED AWAY, FROM Alexandria, about the 1st November, a very large red COW, about nine years old; no marks recollected—no part white, ex cept the bag: probably has a calf by this time. A suitable reward will be given it brought home, dec 3—3t CLEMENT A. BREASi. SUGAR MOLASSES, 4c. 5HIIDS. P. R. Sugar 5 do retailing Molasses 21 bags Java and Rio Coffee Bunch and Muscatel Rai sins 5 sacks Almonds 5 kegs ground Pepper 25 reams Wrapping Paper 1 half pipe superior French Brandy 15 barrels old Whiskey 5 hhds. Baltimore Whiskey 2 pipes country Gin Together with a general assortment of Slr.p Chandlerv for sale low by _ (jec 3_3t JOS. HARRIS & SON. JOB PRINTING neatly executed at this office MADEIRA WINES. OLD L. P. Madeira 'j In quarter and halfqr. Sercial do ! casks, and in bottles put Tinto do j up in cases of one and Burgundy do J two dozen bottles each. Extra Good Old L. P. i In cases contain Madt»ira,& Madeira fing some one and Grape Juice, ) some 2 duz. bottles The above mentioned Wines were imported direct from Madeira by the subscriber, and on ly require a suitable oppoitunity to recommend themselves. For sale, on moderate terms, by PHINEAS JANNEY. Who has in Store, and offers For Sale— 4S5 tons Swede and English IRON, consisting of flat, round and square bars. Plough Plates and Land Sides, comprising a complete assort ment. 12th mo 4th—7t WANTED. AT a moderate price, a pair of brisk-walking Oxen, or a single one of the above descrip tion. JOSIAH H. DAVIS, dec 3_ CANDLEW1CK. 8 BALES from Wilmington, just received per Sloop Miller, and for sale by GEO. JOHNSON & Co. In Stohe.—A few Bales Cotton, Yarn of as sorted numbers. Pound Lump-Chewing Tobacco 20 to 50cts. Single plug do 12 to pound do 1G do And some very old Cavendish in pounds and quarters. dec 2 SEINE TWINE AND SHOE THREAD. BALES Bridport Shad Herring Twine & * J 5 do Shoe Thread Recently imported and will be sold low. dec 1 * WM. FOWLE & CO. NEW GOODS. JOHN H. BRENT has just received, and will sell very low,— Superfine and Common Cloths Rose and Point Blankets English and French Merino Calicoes and Ginghams Superfine and Common Flannel Canton Flannels and Fur Chintz Checked and Plain Cambrics Flag, Bandanno and Spitalfield Hdkfs Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Silk and Cotton Hose Thread, Bobbinett, and Cambric Edging Cassinets, fine and superfine Frilled Cloths and Linsey Woolsey Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs Bed Ticks, Plaids Bleached and Brown Sheetings With various other Goods, for sale cheap, dec 3 WINES, RAISINS AND COFFEE. O X Casks Marseilles Madeira ) Wi 40 15 do Sweet Malaga \ 30 boxes Fresh Raisins 20 hags White Coffee This morning landing from schooner Victory, from New Yoilt, and for sale by dec 2 WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. SUGAR, COFFEE, Ac. 6IIHDS. St. Croix Sugar (part prime) 10 do Porto Rico do 5 do N. Orleans do 30 bags St. Domingo Coffee 16 do old white Laguira do 10 boxes Lump Tobacco, 12’s 5 do pound lump do 5 kegs twist do 25 reams Wrapping Paper 20 bbls prime Pork 10 do do Beef Landing, and for sale bv STEPHEN SHINN, dec 2 _Janney’s Wharf. PORTO RICO SUGAR. 8HHDS. of excellent quality, just received per Columbia, and for sale by • dec 1 GEORGE JOHNSON & Co. ~C H OCOL A TE~ HALF Boxes VV. B. No. 1 Chocolate Ov/ 20 do do VV'. Baker No. 1 do 5 Boxes prepared Cocoa—just landed from the ship Harvest, and for sale by dec 2 S. MESSERSMITH. FALL AND WINTER GGODS. WILLIAM II. THOMPSON &. Co. have this day received a further supply of seasona ble Goods, among them are the following:— 15 pieces Blue, Black, and Col’d Cloth, ee ry cheap 70 pieces Sattinetts, at all prices 20 “ 6-4 French and English Merinos 7 k; Black and Blue Black Italian lus t rings 10 pieces Black Italian Crapes White, lied and yellow Flannels Bleached and Col’d Canton do 50 pairS, 9, 10, 11 and 12-4 Rose Blankets 200 “ Fancy and Striped do 2 Cases low priced Calicoes 14 Bales Brown and Bleached Domestics Cotton Oznaburgs and Colored Cambrics Plain Linsey, Ac. with unreal variety of other Goods, all of which we will sell at /te dnced Price*. nov 29 SERVANTS WAN I’ED. A MALE House Servant, and a Woman /V Cook—both advanced in life would be preferred. For suitable ones of good character liberal prices would be given by the year. Those from the country would be preferred. Enquire of the Printer. dec 1 TIMOTHY SEED. THE subscriber has just rcceieved, and of fers for sale, a further supply of Clean and Heavy Timothy Seed. JAMES D. KERR, nov 29 cheese, I s* Casks, said to be of good quality, receiv lO ed per shooner Alexandria, from New York, for sale hv LAMBERT & McKENZIE, nov 25 Union Wharf. THE A V1ERICAN MINSTREL, A MUSICAL Periodical price 83 50 per ann. the numbers semi-monthly. Subscriptions are respectfully solicited, by nov 20 E. KENNEDY. GLADES BUTTER. KEGS just received and for sale by ZU GEO. JOHNSON. nov’27 __ NOTICE. ALL persons are hereby cautioned against crediting the crew of the Scotch Brig “ St. James,” as no debts of their contracting will be paid by Master or Consignees. dec 2 SICILY MADEIRA WINE. \ ^uarJ®r pasks { Old Sicily Madeira Wine, 1 halfpipe \ J * just received and for sale by • nov 27 WM. N. McVElGH. AUCTION SALES. PUBLIC SALE. BY virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued out of the office of Adam Lynn, Esq. to ine di rected. and in favor of Thomas Wilson, vs. Wm. Herbert, I shall proceed on Saturday the 13th instant, at 10 o’clock, A. M. on the wharf com monly know n by the name of Tucker’s w harf, to sell for cash, to the highest bidder, the Schooner ALBION, as the property ofWra. Herbert, taken and le vied on by me in virtue of the aforesaid writ. dec 3- eolw E. BURCH ELL, Const’e. DRUGS, &C.—LATELY RECEIVED. PURIFIED Camphor Best English Mustard, a choice article Dr. S. II. P. Lee’s Patent New’ London Bi lious Pills, direct from the Patentee Dye Siutrs of best quality Pure Jamaica Ginger in powder and race, very superior Henry’s Magnesia Genuine French Sulphate of Quinine Superior Gum Arabic Florida Water Weller’s Vegetable Rheumatic Compound, Rheumatic Liniment and Indian Pa nacea Swaim’s Panacea, direct from Swaim’s Laboratory Indelible Ink Pearl Ash and Sal Bratus of the best qua lities Sponge of very fine quulity English Wafers • Refined Borax Spanish Arnotte Castor Oil of the best quality, refined Jebb’s Liniment Relfe’s Botanical Drops An Instrument combining a cupping set, a stomach pump, a pump for discharging coagulated blood Irom the bladder, a breast pump, and an injection or lave ment apparatus, at a moderate price. This instrument has been examined mm appiuveu uy many physicians ill the North Soda for w ashing arid Soda for medical use of very line quality Shell Lac and Alcohol Selected Gum Myrrh Best fresh and clean white Mustard Seed A valuable remedy for the Tic Douloureux Carrageen or Irish Moss Jujube Paste Liquorice Ball Wistar’s Cough Lozenges Jackson’s do do Cuxe’s Hive syrup, prepared in the best . manner.— This is a valuable remedy for bad Coughs, Asthma and Cruu|) Senna Syrup 1 , « , Horn hound Syrup \ for Cough, Compound Syrup of Liverwort )■ bvVheTub Cayenne Lozenges, for hoarse- | „ ness and sore throat j briber. Moxons’ and Butler’s Effervescing Magne sium Aperient MORRISON’S PILLS (genuine) An assortment of best English fancy Soaps German Cologne (Karina’s) genuine Florida water do Ginger. Peppermint and Fruit Lozenges Lilac, Blue and Pink Saucers Chlorine Tooth Wash Do do Paste English Tooth Brushes Preston Sails Robinson’s Groats and Bai ley African Pepper Mexican Black Lead f Superior articles for German do do $ cleaning Stoves. Pratt’s Patent Nipples Bernard’s Renovating Liquid, &c. Fresh Salad Oil (Bordeaux) and AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP, a va luable article f»r children cutting their teeth. 'I’his is an English preparation imported expressly for the subscriber fJ^Carefiil and unremitting attention is paid to the selection and preparation ofevery article 12th mo 2d. 1834 WM. STABLER. WILLIAM A. WILLIAMS, Second door West of llroirn't) Hotel, Pennsylva nia Avenue, Washington. HAS this day opened a new and splendid assortment of SILVER PLATE, consist ing of Finely finished and Silver Edged Tea Sets, new patterns Beautiful Silver Mounted Waiters, from 6 to 18 inches Finely wrought Silver Edged Cake Baskets, Candlesticks, and Snuffers and Trays ^£5= Solid Silver Ware, of every descrip tion, of his own manufacture, constant ly on hand, or made to order, in the ve ry best style He has now on hand 50 dozen Silver Table, Tea, and Dessert Spoons, with an excellent as sortment of Ladles, Butter Knives, Forks, A,c. PI ated on Steel, Table and Dessert Forks Ladles, &c. and Get man Silver do. dec 2—3t AN ESTRAY. CAME to the Plantation of R. 13. Mason, south end Potomac Bridge, on about the 25th November last, an estray. a white horse, about 15 hands high, supposed eleven or twelve years old, short necked, witli some maiksof the col lar. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay the cost of this advertise ment, and other charges, and take him away, dec 2 — 3r FURS FOR THE LADIES. PELERINE and Round Capes, a beautiful article; Lynx, and other Boas, extra fine. A Iso, a large and goneral assortment of Su perfine Caps: for comfort and richness they stand unrivalled. Hair Caps of every pattern. In store, the Don’s much admired Silk Hat*: for a continuance of lustre and beauty they are not equalled. Together with a stock of Hats, of my own manufacture, that will give satisfaction. I so licit a call. JOHN T. O. W1LBAR. nov 28—tf SUPERIOR CHEWING TOBACCO. -| W BOXES, pound lumps, W. Morgan's J- f brand, said to be of r fry finest quality— just received per schooner Virginia, from Rich mond and for sale by GEO. JOHNSON"& Co. nov 17 [National Intelligencer law3w] WHEAT, &C. I CONTINUE to pay the highest Cash price for Wheat, delivered at the Triadelphia Mills, of in Alexandria. I wish to purchase Rye and Flaxseed at ray Store, on Union, be i tweeen King and Prince streets. | nov21 SAMUEL LINDSAY,