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gazette! By EDGAR SNOWPgfo. _ Terms. Daily paper - - - - f8 per annum. Country paper - - - 5 per annum. The ALEXANDRI A GAZETTE for the coun try is printed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. All advertisements appear in both papers, and are inserted at the usual rates^_ report of Die Secretary of the Treasury on the state of the Finances.? Treasury Departmert, ? December 2nd, 1834. % The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully presents the following report, in obedience to the “ Act supplementary to the act to establish the Treasury Department.” He would invite the attention of Congress— 1st To the Public Revenue and BxpendUures. The balance in the Treasury, on the lsTof Jan uary, A. D. 1832, was $4,502,914 40 The actual receipts into the I rea aury during the year 1832, from all sources, were 31,865,o61 16 Makim? the whole amount in the Treasury in that year, $36,368,475 61 The actual expenditures during the same year, including the public debt, were 34,3ob,698 06 The balance In the Treasury on the 1st of January, A. D. 1833, _ was, therefore, 2,011,777 55 In addition to this balance, the re ceiptsduring the year 1833, were from all sources, 33,948,426 25 V 1L. IIUUJ Customs, §29,032.508 91 Lands 3,967,682 55 Dividends on Bank Stock, 474,985, 00 Sales of Bank Stock, 135,300 00 ' Incidental items 337,949, 79 These made, with the above ba lance, an aggregate of 3o,960,203 80 Theexpenciiu.res during A. D. 1833’2M5,298 49 Viz. on the Civil List, Foreign in tercourse, and Mis cellaneous subjects 5,716,245 93 Military Service including Fortifica tions Ordnance,In dian Affairs Pen sions Arming Mili tia,and Internal Im ports, * 13,096,152 43 Naval Service, in cluding Gradual Improvement, 3,901,356 75 Public Debt, 1,543,544 38 Thus a balance was left in the Treasury, on the first of January, 1834, amounting to 11,702,905 31 The receipts into the Treasury, as certained and estimated, during A. D. 1834, are computed to be 20,624,717 94 Of these, the receipts during the first three quarters are ascer tained to .iave been 16,324,717 94 Viz. from Customs, $12,740,872 25 Lands 3,076,475 50 Dividends on Bank 1 stock} 507'370 19 Incidendal Items J $16,324,717 94 And those during the fourth quar ter, it is expected, will be 4,300,000,00 Thus with the balance on the 1st of January, 1334, they form an aggregate of 32,327,633 £0 The expenditures of the whole vearare ascertained and estima ted to be 25,591,390 91 Of these the expenditures during the first three quarters are ascer tained to have been 16,54o,34~ 92 Viz. on Civil List. Foreign Intercourse, and Miscellaneous, $3,475,527 08 Military Service, in cluding, fortifica tions. Ac. 8,349,400 06 Naval service, inclu ding, &c. 2,913,183 1z Duties refunded, 108.546 19 Public Debt, 1,698,686 47 The expenditures for the 4th quar ter, including $4,462,330 99, on < account of the public debt, it is supposed, will b£ about 9,046,047 99 Thus leaving on the 1st of January, 1835, an estimated balance of 6,736,232 34 This balance includes what has before been reported by this De partment as not valuable, the sum of about $1,400,000, but winch is now ascertained to be reduced to about the sum of $1,150,000; mak ing the computed available balance ong he iTof January, 1835, to be 5,586,232 34 II is estimated, that of fwmer appropr.attons, there will remain unexpended at the close of this year, the sum of $8,002,925 13. Of this amount, it is supposed that only $5,141, 964 27 will be required to accomplish the objects intended by the current appropriations—leav ing the sum of $999,742 93, applicable after * wards under the permanent appropriation* and that of $1,523,308 79, to be applied in aid of the appropriations for the ensuing year, without re-appropriation—as will be seen in the esti mates when submitted, and the balance of $337, 909 14, which has not been required at all, or seasonably, for the objects contemplated in its appropriation, and will therefore, be carried to the surplus fund. In the examination of this re sult, as to outstanding appropriation* it should be noticed that one small amount of unclaimed Interest on the public debt, and another of un funded debt, though chargeable on the Treasu ry are not included. Embracing those and the amount applicable afterwards to permanent aDDropriation* there would not be money enough in the Treasury to pay, at once, every claim outstanding. But, excluding them, it will s* 4««n that the effective, unexpected fund on STe W jinuiry, 1935, will b« 85.586,231 34, meet what will be required for the remaining Tnd unexpended appropriation* being $5,141 - 964 27; or/in other word* that our available means then on hand to discharge all the old and existing claims on the Treasury, with the excep tions before named, will be about $444,268 07 more than their actual amount. The next subject deserving consideration is— 9. The Public Debt. 1 All the four and a half percents, outstanding at the commencement of the present year, have been redeemed, except the sum of $443 25. Money sufficient to meet the whole balance was placea in the United States Bank and its branch es, as commissioners of loans, in May last, and that portion not yet paid to the holders ol the debt still remains in these depositories. A part of the five per cent stock, created in March, A. D. 1821, amounting to $4,712,060 29, was all of the 123 millions of debt existing in A. D. 1816, and of the subsequent additions to it which was left to be redeemed. It did not become payable till the 1st of January, 1835; but as there was sufficient money in the Treasury for the pur* pose, and it having been considered beneficia to the public to save, as far as practicable, all the accruing interest, early in July last, agents were employed by this Department to purchase, at par, if possible, the whole of the remaining debt. Between that time and the 30th ult. the Department had succeeded in redeeming about $491 258 35 of it, and additional purchases are constantly making. In October last the under signed gave notice that the whole of this debt unredeemed after the first of January next, would cease to bear interest, and would be promptly paid, after that date, on application to the commissioners of loans in the several States. Under authority from the commissioners of the sinking fund, this Department has since placed and made arrangements to place, seasonably, in those offices ample funds, for the above pur pose. . , , Thus, before the close of the year, the whole will either be paid, or money provided to pay it —and the United States will present that happy, and, probably, in modern times unprecedented spectacle, of a People substantially free from the smallest portion ofa publietdebt. Considering these facts, it was deemed proper to charge the whole amount of the remaining debt to the expenditures of the present year.— Interest on all not paid before the 30th ult., has been computed to the 1st of January next, the time being so short; and the account for the payment of the public debt, during the year, will then stand as follows: All the disbursements on account of the public debt, during the year 1834, will be, as before shown, $6,161,017 46 Of which there will have been ap plied to principal, 5,964,774 93 And to interest, 196,242 52 The stocks, which will nave oeen reucemeu by the application of this sum during the year, are Of the residue of the exchanged 4$ per cent, stock, issued under the act of the 26th of May, 1824, 81,252,625 90 The residue of the 5 per cent, stock, issued under the act of the 3d March, 1821, 4,712,060 29 Certain portions of unfunded debt, 38 74 Treasury notes, 00 Making in all the principal before named. There is an unfunded debt of about $37,733 05 Consisting of claims registered pri or to 1798, for services and sup plies during the revolutionary war, of about 27,437 96 Treasury notes issued du ring the last war, 5,975 00 And Mississippi stock 4,320 09 Nothing has been paid on any of these during the present year, except $88, 74. But should the certificates be ever presented, which is not very probable as to many of them, the means undoubtedly will alwaysexist for their payment at this Department. 3. The estimates of the Public Revenue and Ex penditures for the year 1835, next require at tention, and are as follows: The receipts into the Treasury from all sources during the year 1835, are estitnat- ^ ^ ^ Vi*. From Customs, 16,000,000 Public Lands, i . 3,500,000 Bank dividends and mis cellaneous receipts, 500,000 To which add the balance of avail able funds in the Treasury on the 1st of January, 1835, estimated atj 5.586,232 34 And they make together the sum of, 825,596,232 34 The’ necessary appropriations for the year 1835, including those under new and permanent acts, are estimated at 815,660,232 73. But the whole expenditures for the service of that year, are esti mated to require the additional sum of 81,523,308 79, which has before been appropriated and mentioned as applicable to the wants of 1835, without a re-appro priation, making together, $17,183,541 52 Viz. on Civil, Foreign Inter course,and Miscel laneous items, 2,788,225 85 Military service, &c., Pensions, and the appropriations un der the act of 7th June, 1832, 9,672,654 50 Naval service, and gradual improve ment, 4,672,661 17 Unclaimed interest Public Debt, 50.000 To this add, as a contingent expen diture, about half the amount of the average excess of appropria tions beyond the estimates dur ing the last three years, 2,500,000 00 And they make the sum of. $19,683,541 50 Leaving an available balance in the Treasury, at the close of the year 1835, or on the 1st of January, 1836, estimated at, $5,902,690 82 But should the whole amount of former appro priations current and permanent, that will be outstanding on the 1st of January, 1835, and be needed to complete the services of for mer years, amounting in all, as before shown, to the sum of $6,141,707 20 be actually called for during the year 1835, there would be an apparent deficien cy in the Treasury on the 1st of January, 1836. It usually happens, however, that of the new and the old appropriations, a sum of five or six millions remains uncalled for at the commence ment of each year; and hence no real deficit is then anticipated,jnor much, if any, excess, after defraying all the expenditure then chargeable to the Treasury. This estimate of receipts is formed on the supposition, that the value of imports during the ensuing year, and especially of those paying du j ties, will not differ essentially from the average during the last three years. Though our popu lation has, within that period, probably increas ed over a million, yet our manufactures and in ternal trade have probably increased nearly in an equal proportion and this circumstance, cou pled with the greater caution and frugality prac-1 tised during the. past year, and still continuing, will, it is berelvea, tend to prevent any consider able augmentation in the consumption or impor tation of foreign articles. The imports during the year ending Sept. 30, 1834, are estimated in value at $ 123,093,301, Do ing, compared with the preceeding ye®*’ ,n' crease of^ $14,101,541. Those during the three past years have on an average been about $111, 039 142 The Exports, during the same year, are esti mated at $96,318,724; of which 37M^429 were in domestic, and $22,874,295 in foreign products being compared with the preceeding y®ar>an *P* crease of $6,655,321; of which $3,802,922 were in foreign products. The average exports du ring the last 3 years have been about 891,719,690, of which $69,107 976 are the’ of domestic products, and $22,311,714 in tnose 0fIt0wniethus be seen, that the imports of the last year varied in amount $12,055,209, from the average of the 3 past years, and those paymg duties are believed to have varied much les>s- It is, therefore, in connexion with the reasons be fore named, considered safe to infer, that th imports of the ensuing year may not differ ma terially from that average. Should they not so differ, the revenue from customs will proba bly correspond in substance w’lth that of the pas year, except so far as it may be changed y ie whole amount of all the importations w hen com pared with the above average. - Because the classes and value of articles pay ing duty, for aught which is known, will probably be similar, and the rate of duties on them will not, by existing laws, be essentiully altered till the 31st of Dec., A. D. io-io. The revenue from the sale of Public Lanas, has been estimated at half a nullion more than the amount it was estimated for the cui rent year, and one million more than the amount for 1833. . . This estimate would have been made still lar ger, had not the sales of the Chichasaw lands, which will probably exceed half a million ol dollars, been pledged by treaty to other purpo ses, and not to the general revenue of the Gov ernment. , . , , .. This large computation is founded on the facts of the progressive increase for some time evinced; the sum actually received during the past year; the great quantity of new and salea ble lands coming into market, the enlarged de mand for them to satisfy the necessary wants of our growing population, and of the emigrants from Europe, and the high prices which their produce fortunately obtains both at home and abroad. # The revenue from Bank Dividends has been es timated at somewhat less than heretofore, in consequence of the sales of our Bank stock un der the act of July 10th 1832, for the investment of the accruing income of the Navy Pension and Hospital Funds- having already amounted to $656,600, and on which the Treasury can now’ receive no dividends applicable to general purposes. It might perhaps be advisable to de duct a still further sum to meet any contingency, like that of the present year, in which the U. S. Bank, without the consent of this Department, or the sanction of Congress, and without any forewarning of its intention, seized on about $170,041 of the estimated revenue from this source, and has since withheld it from the public Treasury. Copies of the opinions of the Attorney Gene ral, and the whole correspondence on this sub ject between the department and the Bank,occur ring previously to the request for these opin ions, are annexed, for the consideration and ac tion of Congress. It may be proper to add, that within a few days a new communication in re lation to this transaction, has been received from the Bank, and when a reply is finished, both will be submitted, if desired. No foundation appears to nave exisi**a in tair or equity for the great claim of damages made by the Bank on account of the protest of what has been called, in common parlance, the bill of exchange, drawn on the French Government by this Department It is believed that the bill, when protested, ought, by our agents abroad, had they acted with due regard towards their principal, to have been taken up for the credit of that principal, which was the United States, rather than for the credit of the Bank; or, at the farthest, if similar and conflicting re lations existed between them and the Bank, they should have pursued the equitable course of ta king it up for the credit of both the United States and the Bank, or the more liberal one of giving the preference to the Government, which was the drawer; and in eitheirof these events, no room for difficulty, by this extraordinary claim, would probably have been left. But as these agents preferred a different course, there by justly impairing the further confidence of the Government in their discretion, it would seem that the Bank in the next place, having long been the general fiscal agent of the Government, and the primary one in importance, should have returned the bill, and made no charge against its principal, the United States, except for the actual advances, and the actual costs and ex penses it had incurred in the transaction The actual advances, by the Bank, when the bill was originally received, had only been a matter of form, and were nothing. The money, in fact, never belonged to this Department, except in ■ trust for the merchants, or their widows and or phans, who had suffered by French spoliations; and a sum exceeding the whole amount of it ha ving been left in the Bank and its branches, and no part of the money having ever been brought into the Treasury by warrant, it was immediate ly, on notice of the protest restored in form, and a willingness was expressed to make remunera tion to the Bank for all reasonable costs and expenses. But the temptation of an opportu nity to obtain more from its principal, by a no vel species of litigation, through a virtual judi cial prosecution for damages, against the Go vernment of the Union, seems to have been too strong for resistance; and the Bank concluded to depart from the above equitable rule, and by some technical regulation of strict law between individuals, to attempt to procure a large sum, as mere constructive damages, and by the ex traordinary mode of seizing on the dividends which had been declared by the Bank itself to belong to the United States, and of withholding them to abide the ordinary contingencies of a lawsuit It se^jns to have preferred this unprecedented course, rather than to pursue the usual mode of a petition addressed to the justice of Congress, though Congress is well known to -De the cus tomary and only tribunal for adjusting contro verted claims against the Government, when no suit is pending by the United States, and the on ly tribunal which, under the constitution, is em powered to appropriate money to discharge any claim whatever. After applying to this depart ment, and being, so long as a year ago last June, informed ofits inability to admit or authority to discharge the damages demanded, it is remark able that the Bank should have continued to pay over the accruing dividends, and not till after the last session closed, and when any deficiency in the current revenue could not be provided for, should, without any prior application to Congress, have resorted to this unusual pro ceeding and sought to have its claim against the United States, adjudicated by the Judiciary, when the United States are not amenable to any ci'izen or corporation, high or low, beloie the Judiciary, for tho decision of any claim, unless they have, of their own accord, been pleased to resort to that tribunal by a previous action against a debtor; and, in which event only, is a set off, under certain limitations, authorized to be pleaded, as either equitable or legal. But, here the United States had instituted no such action against the Bank and had no intention or foundation to institute one; and yet, the Bank, not in the case provided in the charter where dividends might be withheld, but by an unfaith ful act, as an agent, and as a public corporation, towards its principal and the community, pro ceeded to seize their dividends in a case entire ly different and most questionable in equity as well as law and refused to fulfil the duty impo sed by its charter, and by civil and moral obli gations of paying over those dividends prompt ly to the Treasury. In the adoption of this re prehensible course an attempt is made to force the Government either to lose their dividends entirely, or to pay a controverted claim for da mages, which, so tar as any of its Departments or officers have examined it, was found and pronounced to be groundless: Or consent to let the United States be arraigned as a debtor and compelled to submit the claim to decision be fore a branch of their own government, to which such claims are not ordinarily submitted. and to whose decision it coiiju iioi oe roierreu in this instance, but by the previous commission on the part of the Bank of a deliberate viola tion ot its obligation. The further attempt ap pears to be made in this way to take from Con gress and the Executive, the constitutional po wer, on their high official responsibilities and deep sense of duty, to make or withhold appro priations to discharge all controverted demands against the United States, and to enable the Ju dicary instead of them, indirectly and uncon stitutionally to make these appropriations, in all cases of citizens or corporations, who possess doubtful claims, and are unscrupulous enough to commit, in order to prevent their adjudication by Congress, a deliberate attack on the proper ty of the United States or a deliberate seques tration of their acknowledged dues. For further and more detailed views on this extraordinary case, a reference is made to the whole correspondence and opinions annexed, without the discussion of any course, which the power and the wisdom of Congress are able to select for evincing its opinions on this outrage, whether, by withdrawing indulgences from the Bank as to the receipt of its notes for public dues, or by adopting some ether measure on i he subject, which the nature of the transaction, the rights of the United States, and the constitution al authority of Congress, may be thought to justify and demand. Believing that a similar seizure was not likely to be repeated by the Bank in 1335, under the other pretence of satisfying claims for dama ges, in consequence of the removal of the depo sites, as set up in its second letter, this Depart ment has estimated the probable revenue the ensuing year from this source, at the usual rate of dividends lately made on all our stock in the Bank, remaining after the sales which have ta ken p!a e for the investment of the Navy Pen sion and Hospital funds. But should Congress, on a full examination of the subject, think otherwise, it may be provident to supply some other equivalent for this portion of the estimated receipts. The estimate of revenue from miscellaneous sources, has been computed a little below the actual receipts of the current year; because the dividends applicable to general purposes will be on a less amount of Bank stock, and the antici pated sales of such stock to meet the further wants of the before-mentioned funds, will be much reduced. In this explanation of the estimate of the re ceipts during the coming year, it is hoped that satisfactory reasons have been assigned to show its general accuracy. This estimate being one and a half millions larger than that of last year, it is more likely to exceed, than, like that, to fall short of the actual result. That estimate prov ed to be less than the actual receipts, probably about 82,000,000, or from customs, about 81. 200,000, from lands nearly 8S00.000; and the re sidue chiefly from larger sales of Bank stock as before named, than was anticipated. As the first deduction of 10 per cent, from the excess of duties on goods imported, and paying over 20 per cent, ad valorem, took effect on the 31st of December last, it was not practicable to fix beforehand with much certainty the amount of the diminution on account of it from the reve nue oftneyear, .as the same value of merchan dise might not be imported as in any previous year, which should be selected for a guide in forming the estimate; and the particular kinds of merchandise thus imported, whether free or paying a duty, might greatly fluctuate. To these uncertainties in the whole value, and in the kinds of goods imported, w ere to tie added the circumstances that the system of reduction, going Into operation, was almost entirely new in practice; and that the ca*h duties substitut ed for credit on some articles, tended to render former means of calculation still more inappli cable and doubtful. It is hoped that, as the ensuing year is exposed chiefly to only one of these sources of uncer tainty, which is the whole value of dutiable goods imported, the estimate made for the in come from cust ms. will n<>t vary essentially from the amount of receipts w hich time ntay prove to be correct. In relation to the excess of revenue received from lands over the estimate made for the year 1834. the amount from that source happened to be unprecedented; and, as full returns of the very large sales in December, 1833, had not then been received, it was entirely unexpected. But the actual excess, this year, though not so large as in the previous one, couple^] w ith circum stances before named, has induced the depart ment to s limit a larger estimate, under this head, than has heretofore been made. The estimates for the expenditures of ihe en suing year have been graduated and modified by the following circumstances;—the actual ex penditures for the year 1833 did not differ much from the expectations expressed concerning them in the last annual report, except that the residue of the 4$ percent, stock, although charg ed to 1833, was not, in fact, all reimbursed, or the money paid to the Commissioners of Loans for that purpose, within that year, but only 813, 198 of them were redeemed in the residue of 1833. Between the 1st of January and May, 1835, about 8497,697 more was redeemed, and ; afterwards the sum of 8759,271 was advanced { to the Commissioners of Loans to meet the ba lance which was then outstanding. Partly from this cause, therefore, reducing the actual expen- j diture in the fourth quarter of 1833 about a mil- j lion below the estimate, and partly from an in- | crease in the revenue of nearly two millions be yond the estimate of that quarter, from causes before enumerated, the actual available amount I in the Treasury on ihc first of January tc, was greater than the estimate; having !■ $10,302,905, instead of the estimated 1, “ $7,933,790. The expenditures in iS2i nnm of count of the public debt, thus became incre 3Cj beyond the estimate about 81,256,969 Anoth source of expenditure, increased durin* past year, beyond the estimates, was the JL » $75,407 for interest on the public debt uh, ? had before been unclaimed, but which has «i Ch been demanded and discharged, and to rn which, probably from adhering to the usae#*2 former years, or from an impression it wo,m remain uncalled for, no money had been * cifically set aside, nor any charge made tofh expected expenditures of the year. Berid these unexpected calls during the present Vm the appropriations in money, by newactsnf Congress, and by former permanent acts J\\ in force, have been computed to be about’jo 000,000. These constituted a new burthen i addition to a balance of public debt which re* mained to be paid, amounting tc about six mil lions, and a balance of old appropriations liabl to be called for, amounting to about five mil W more. The whole appropriations thus charw able for expenditures to the year, did not vary much from thirty-one millions of dollars in mo ney, besides a number of grants of land ofcor siderable extent and value, that were voted hr Congress. Having presented this explanation of the principal expenditures which have been charged to the present year, and defrayed to the extent required, a basis has been laid for *ho». ing the reasons upon which this department ha> proceeded to reduce its estimates for new ann™ prtalions tor expeuuiiure me ensuing year, t0 the extent of about six and a third millions of dollars below those of last year. This is about one and a third of a million less, independent of the amount then estimated to be needed to. waids the discharge of the public debt. In that sum of new appropriations, amounting to about 21.000,000 of dollars, there was no permanent charge that has been deemed likely to bemuih lessened for the ensuing year, such as the arm ing of the militia and the gradual improvement of the Navy. Nor, in the opinion of this de partment, will the great objects for expenditure of a character general and somewhat fixed’ such as those usually connected with civil and fd reign purposes, the Navy and Army, including works classed as internal improvements, Indian-, and pensions, admit, immediately, of so great diminution, in number or amount, as might be desired and is hereafter expected: but as large a reduction as practicable, without injury to the public interests and a neglect of important du ties, has been made in the estimated expendi tures tor each of them, being in all, after allow ing a small increase in some, about one and a third millions of dollars. It is anticipated that, with the valuableitn provements of late years in steam, and thegreit advantages in using these improvements fur harbor and maritime defence, some of the for tifications originally contemplated may hereaf ter be wholly dispensed with, or be built on a different and reduced scale; and though it ii thought that only about two millions can the fol lowing year be prudently retrenched from the expenditures connected with fortifications and harbors, Indians nnd pensions; yet it is manifest that very soon the amount required for those public purposes must, by the completion of the most necessary defences—by the extinguish ment of most of the titles of the Indians, and the removal of that unfortunate race beyond the Mississippi, and by the rapid march of death among pensioners, and the detection o( nume rous frauds among their professed agents, be come still more diminished; and as our impost duties will be further reduced by the operations of the act of March. 1833, the reduction both in revenue and in expenditure, for these great ob jects, will, therefore, happily and conveniently, for a time, be likely very near to correspond. A more fixed amount for the ordinary peace esta blishment of the Army, and some other expen ditures connected with the Executive. Legisla tive, and Judicial Departments, would, like what now exists, with greater precision and uniformi ty in the expenses of the Navy, he a great desi sideratum in the permanent adjustment of our revenue system, and would tend, in many im portant respects, to useful retrenchment. The gradual increase required in some classes ol expenditure, by the gradual increase of our po pulation and wealth, ana ot mow puum.«» blishments which fluctuate with them, such a» some parts ot the Judiciary, the Legislative amt Executive, could then be accuracy foreseen and provided for; while any extraordinary ana Unexpected enlargement in expenses would then excite inquiry, and unless resting on ciea and extraordinary causes, would justify °PP sition. When so resting, they would be met the public cheerfully by means of inciea taxes and revenue. Another important circumstance desmesc ■ siderntion in explanation of the n'! Ih( tingent item of $2,500.000, now first addei estimates for the ensuing year. It,iasl** certained by a careful scrutiny and comp . that much of the great expenditures of h four years, besides the payment of the < *“1 • arisen from appropriations by C°n?ress .if ger amount, under particular heads, . general estimates for the year, submit > . Treasury, and from large appropriate jects not specifically included m an> - To illustrate this, an abstract..! a general estimates, appropriations am l Hires, .luring .He gas. two years. but the expenditures during the pa 1 has been prepared and is submdtc - ^ difference between the estimates an ‘i 0f tions, independent of tlie public de > , nearly between five and six millions, to *J„ millions, five millions, and in 1334 of about t m■ ' The largest portion of this grea’ ...equal mounting in the two first years,,rt'' (l0ns it ter to one third of the w hole appror* . ne0BI will be seen is under the civil an ,'hp military beads, and under items classed w'lili 1 estnblisliment, such as harbors imp nUVjiic o* sions, &.c. For the information of tn P jjj, a comparison deemed so very !?ffrom whirl proposed to publish the detailed ta > ,Jef ,p. this is compiled, and a similar 'receipts i pended to the annual exhibit of the r expenditures. Should this Practl .|,e f»o appropriations so greatly extec .. *ji| notf® mates be continued by Congress, , , u(MJrf |y prevent much reduction, Par !chu‘'/ces«if! the miscellaneous head, but it WI*J. af) a0f to provide for the consequence of u . ^ mented revenue, proportionate ° . i0* mands, or by a larger regular si P treasury to meet such unexpected appropriations. It must be manner . not in the power of this departnjen ^ and compute these increases with j ^ of accuracy, as with the exception <> ^ sequent estimates, submitted a,t?r .V'ir jncef ones, they depend almost w holly, in lf . nggji tion, on the pleasure and discretion ot and as they consist chiefly of mi^cellan ^ iic objects, and private grants, for aim » berless causes, they may vary greati>„„ inCf ent years. But it might be unfaithfuin