Newspaper Page Text
AC.—LATELY RECEIVED. *f%DR1FIBD Camphor JL Best English Mustard, a choice article Dr. S. H. P. Lee’s Patent New London Bi lious Pills, direct from the Patentee Dye Stuffs of best quality Pure Jamaica Ginger in powder and race, very superior Henry’s Magnesia Genuine French Sulphate of Quinine Superior Gum Arabic Florida Water Weller’s Vegetable Rheumatic Compound, Rheumatic Liniment and Indian Pa nacea Swaim’s Panacea, direct from Swaim’s Laboratory Indelible Ink Pearl Ash and Sal Bratus of the best qua lities Sponge of very fine quulity English Wafers Refined Borax Spanish Arnotte' Castor Oil of the best quality, refined Jebb’s Liniment Relfe’s Botanical Drops An Instrument combining a cupping set, a stomach pump, a pump for discharging coagulated blood from the bladder, a breast pump, and an injection or lave ment apparatus, at a moderate price. This instrument has been examined and approved by many physicians at the North Soda for washing and Soda for medical use of very line quality Shell Lac and AlcohoJ Selected Gum Myrrh Best fresh and clean u’hite Mustard Seed A valuable remedy for the Tic Douloureux Carrageen or Irish Moss Jujube Paste Liquorice Bull Wistar’s Cough Lozenges Jackson’s do do Coxe’s Hive syrup, prepared in the best manner.—This is a valuable remedy for bad Coughs, Asthma and ('roup Senna Syrup } for Coughs Hoarhound Syrup [prepared Compound Syrup of Liverwort V{,y the sub Cayenne Lozenges, for hoaise- | / ih ness and sore throat J Moxons’ and Butler’s Etfervescing Magne Siam Aperient MORRISON’S PILLS (genuine) An assortment of best English fancy Soaps German Cologne (Farina’s) genuine Florida water do Ginger, Peppermint and Fruit Lozenges Lilac, Blue and Pink Saucers Chlorine Tooth Wash Do do Paste English Tooth Brushes Preston Sails Robinson’s Groats and Barley African Pepper Mexican Black Lead i Superiorarticles for German do do $ cleaning Stoves. Pratt’s Patent Nipples Bernard’s Renovating Liquid, Ac. Fresh Salad Oil (Bordeaux) and AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP, a va luable article for children cutting their teeth. This is an English preparation imported expressly for the subscriber U3*Careful and unremitting attention is paid to the selection and oreparation of every article 12th ino 2d. 1934 ' WM. STABLER. "FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WILLIAM H. THOMPSON A Co. have this day received a further supply of seasona ble Goods, among them are the following:— 15 pieces Blue, Black, and Col’d Cloih, ve ry cheap 70 pieces Sattinetts, at all prices 20 “ 6 4 French and English Merinos 7 4i Black and Blue Black Italian lus trings 10 pieces Black Italian Crapes White, Red and yellow Flannels Bleached and Col’d Canton do 50 pair 9, 9, 10, 11 and 12 4 Rose Blankets 200 “ Fancy and Striped do 2 Cases low priced Calicoes 14 Bales Brown and Bleached Domestics Cotton Oznaburgs and Colored Cambrics Plain Linsey, Ac. with u great variety of other Goods, all of which we will sell at Re duced Prices. nov 29 HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. JOHN T. EVANS respectfully informs bis o.d customers, and the public generally, that he ha? on hand a sple <dil assortment of SUPE RIOR BLACK HATS, of all shapes and qua lities, manufactured by journeymen of long and well tried experience, as he keeps no appren tices; he can, therefore, with confidence recom mend any work which may leave his shop. He has just received, by the last arrivals from Boston and elsewhere, CAPS of the latest fash ions, and best workmanship and materials.— Among them will be found Youth’s and Men’s Cloth and Fur Caps, of a variety of patterns. He continues to keep LADIES’ FURS of every kind, such as Fur Stocks, Boa Constric tors, Ac.; and FUR SKINS, for Gentlemen’s Collars, of every description. He is now manufacturing LADIES’ BEA VER BONNETS, of the latest fashions and best materials. oct 13—3m SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY THIS is to give notice, that the Soap and Can die Manufactory heretofore conducted by the late John Major, is still continued. Having the same htensils, together with some improve ments which have recently been made in the es tablishment, it is expected all orders can be supplied without delay. The business will be conducted by experienced hands, and the pub lic may rest assured that every attention will be paid to the quality of the articles manufactured in this establishment, as I am well aware that it was through attention to this particular that this manufactory obtained the custom which it has heretofore had. I trust that, through the atten tion and industry of those to whom the charge of the business will be committed, this establish ment will continue to possess the same share ol the public patronage with which it has hereto fore been favored; and I hereby solicit the con tinuance of the custom of those who have here tofore favored this establishment, together with the custom of all others who may be disposed to favor me therewith. All orders, whether from town or country, will be thankfully received, and attended to with promptness and despatch, The business will be conducted by my sons, in my name and for my benefit; and they will at tend to the manufacture of the articles, together with all other business connected with the esta blishment. A supply of Yellow and Brown Soap, Mould and Dipped Candles, of a superior quality, is kept constantly on hand, and will be disposed of on the most accommodating terms, oct 3—If MARY MAJOR, Alexandria. 'NOTICE. THE Stockholders of the Farmers’ Bank of Alexandria are notified, that an election of Directors for the ensuing year will be held at their banking house, on Monday, the 5th day of January next. JOHN HOOFF. dec 3—lawte_ DR ' T WHITE’S VEGETABLE TOOTH- ACHE DROPS A VALUABLE specific offered to the public from which a permanent and radical cure I may be obtained of that disagreeable pain, the TOOTH-ACHE, with all its attendant ev ils such as fracturing the Jaw in extracting the Teeth, which often proves more painful than, the Tooth-Ache itself, and cold passing from the decayed Teeth to the Jaw, thence to the head, producing a Rheumatic affection, with many other unpleasant effects, such as a disagreeable breath, and taste in the mouth, dc.c.; all of which are produced from foul or decayed Teeth. Certificates of Dentists and Physicians— also, Directions for using, accompany each bot tle. WM. riARPER, Druggist, june 11—wly Fairfax Street. Alexandria. THOMAS T. FAUNTLEROY, ATTORSEY AT LAW., WILL practice in the Courts of the District of Columbia, and in the Superior and In ferior Courts of the neighboring Counties in Vir ginia. He will be in Alexandria by the 20th instant, and may always be found in the office formerly occupied by T. \V. Hewitt, Esq. after the first day of October next. sept 18—dlwifcwtf_ ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, t October Term, 1834. y EDWARD BURCHELL, Guardian of Do mini Barcroft’s children, exhibited to the Court his second account, as Guardian afore said. with the vouchers in support thereof; which will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all persons interested or concerned will take notice. A copy-Test A. MOORE, Reg. Wills, oct 25—w6w A FIRST RATE HERRING FISHERY Fur Sale. rjiHIS LANDING, which Is equal—and the JL accomm dations for curing superior—to any on the Potomac River, lies on the Maryland shore, about 20 miles below Alexandria. To it is attached a very fertile FARM/of about 100 Acres. The improvements are a good Brick DWELLING, large Tobacco Houses, with U3m other necessary Out-Houses, besides the ve ry extensive Buildings of the Fishery. For par ticulars and terms apply to George Mason, 01 Hollin Hall, Va. near Alexandria, D. C. jy 3—wtf ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, i September Term, 1834. > GEORGE CARLYLE WHITING, Execu tor of Carlyle F. Whiting,deceased, exhibit ed to the Court his first account, as Executor aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which account is received, will be-allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in De cember next; of which all persons interested or concerned will take notice. A copy—Test: oct 25 - w6w A. MOORE. Reg. Wills. ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, i October Term, 1834. \ PHINEAS JANNEY, Executor of Ann M. Patton, deceased, exhibited to the Court his second account, as Executor aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; whicn account is received, will be allowed, and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all persons interested or con cerned will take notice. A copy—Test: oct 25—w6w A. MOORE, Reg. Wills. ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, f October Term, 1834. $ WILLIAM JACKSON, Gardian of Mary Lee, exhibited to the Court his third account, as Guardian aforesaid, with the vouch ers in support thereof; which account will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all persons interested or concerned will take notice. A copy—Test: A. MOORE, Reg. Wills, oct 25—w6 w ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, f August Term, 1834. $ BENJAMIN S. KINSEY, Administrator, with the will annexed, of John A. Foucard, de ceased, exhibited to the Court his first account, as Administrator aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which account will be allow ed. passed, and recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all persons interested will take notice- A copy—Test: oct 25—w6w A. MOORE, Reg. Wills. ORPHANS’COURT, Alexandria County, ) August Term, 1834. $ JOHN McCOBB, Guardian of Joseph Tho mas’ Children, exhibited to the Court his final account, as Guardian aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which will be al lowed, passed, and recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all per sons interested will take notice. A copy—Test: oct 25—w6w A. MOORE, Reg. Wills. ORPHANS’ COURT, Alexandria County, ) September Term, 1S34. $ CHARLES MURRAY, AdministratorofMa thew Robinson, deceased, exhibited to the Court his fourth account, as Administrator afore said. with the vouchers in support thereof; which account is received, will be allowed, passed, and recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contra ry, on or before the first Monday in December next; of which all persons interested will take notice., A copy—Test: oct 25—w6w A. MOORE, Reg. Wills. I LAND FOR SALE. MI wish to sell a TRACT OF LAND in the County of Fairfax, containing about 800 Acres, seven miles from Alexandria, and one mile south of the Little River Turnpike Road, formerly the residence of the late Dr. j Craike. It adjoins the lands of Daniel Minor j and William Moss. I will sell the whole or a part a great bargain. • oct 14—w6w_W. H. THOMPSON, j WAS COMMITTED TO the Jail, for the County of Alexandria, D. C., on the 10th inst., as a runaway, a black manmcalling himself JOHN TURNER. He says that he belongs to a Mr. John Taylor, of Georgetown, D. C. He is 5 feet 7$ inches high, has a scar below the right ear. He ap pears to be about 23 years old. T he owmer is there fore requested to come forward, prove proper-! ty? P^y charges and take him away, otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. dec 12—3taw2w D. MINOR, D. M. | a? JPwWIc Mention! I (3 reapeetfiilly solicited by the subscriber, to an in valuable preparation, the merit* of which b«ve been tested by time, and are sustained by undoubted testimony _ DR. RBLFE’S o?- Botanical Drops! are every year increasing their long established repu tation. Thev have outlived many rival preparations, and are continually gaining upon public confidence The Botanical Drops haie been successfully admin istered for manv years, as s thorough rem-dy tor that well known and prevalent class of inveterate disease, which originate from a vitiated habit of body, or an he reditary predisposition in the patient, and general y appear under the various and distressing shspesor Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy. St Anthony s Fire, Fever Sore*. White Swellings. Scurvy. Foul ami Ob stinate Ulcers. Sore Legs and Byes. Scald Head, and Venereal Tsint. . In the last mentioned condition >f the system, tne Botanical Drops wiil be found to eradicate the lurk ing po'-son, where mercury has totally failed, and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of an he reditary disease on hi* offspring Dr. Itelfe’s Botanical Drops are successfully used in esses of violent eruptions after the measles-red blotches —pimples on the fsce —festering emotion* on the skin-and other diseases of the exiemal surface, and are one of the best Spring an 1 Autumnal physics known, to free the svstem from liumois A physician of eminence, who had wi'ness’d theef ficaev of this article, h id the can lor recently to ack nowledge to the proprietor, that lie considered it the best me licine known, for the complaints f»r which it is intended, and that it ought deserved'y to stand it the head orthe whole c'assof such remedies Price $1 a bottle, o" 6 bottles for f5 WHITE TBUTH! AND HEALTHY OTJM3I rplIOSB win would retain or restore these desirable I. personal advantages, are assured that no compo sition can be obtained superior t • the _ BRITISH ANTISEPTIC DENTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleas mt prepiration in every respect, and has, for m»ny years pa<t, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used The Antiseptic Deiitrifice is exempt from acid and other deleterious ingredients, which too frequently enter the compoaiti >n of tooth powders in common use, an I it wh tens t ie enamel of the teith without doing it the least injury, I'he regular us of this ad mired powder by purifying the mouth and preventing the accumulation of tartar, operates as the best pre vcn'.ive of the Tooth Ache I'he Dentriflce removes discolorations, and restores the beautiful native white ness of the enamel. As its application braces and strengthens 'he Gu ns, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue. and, t.y removing all offensive foreign accumulations from the teeth, preserves the natural sweetness of the breath. I’ric 5U cents • • None genuine unless signed on the outside p'int ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, I K-dder, imme diate successor to the late Iir W. | Cuuwav. for sale, with all the other * * Conway Medicine, at his Counting ttoom. No 99, nest door to J Kidder s l)ru(j Store, comer of Court and Mat.over stree's, near Con cert Hall, It .stun I HOMI-SON KIDDKIt. And, by Ins special appointment, by WH. SI'AUI.KH, Fairfax street, Alexandria. • • Large discount to those wdm l»nv to sell again. Consumption! Aitlmin! fr L'nlnrrli! IN that long train of disease* which seem to grow with the growth of civ.lized society. Consumption takes the lea I in its relentless inroads upon human life; yet his dreadful disorder is easily ov« rcome in its earlier stage*. It is only wli«*n neglected that it ar rives at the terrific maturity wht h so often baffle* the sagacity of professional science. Anohstmite cough is the cii'toimry forerunner of the pulmonary con sumption Improper neglect in the timely a.lmims tration of simple and salutary remedies, is ante to he reproved by a dreadful succession of consumptive •.ymptoms oppres-iou of the ureas’; greenish and bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; sliri veiled extremi ties, and general einacia'ion of the whole body; prostration of strength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet and legs; and at last, in the lull posses -.ion of the mental faculties, and while hope still whis pers her flattering tale—rold ext.emities, and s pre mature death. For the various stages of this complaint, one ol the most approvi <1 rfiiyedies ever vet di-covered is DU. UELFE’S ASTHMATIC PILLS. Tnis exceedingly powerful, and vet equally sate and innocent preparation, has effected Ml *r.»ugh and rapid cures upon pa'ieuti supposed to have been lar advanc edi'i a confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit- • ed the appearances which usually indicate * latai ter* i initiation of'lie disorder. As the Fills require in ordinary cases no confine ' ment, llity may be administered with confidence and safety to all ages and classes of people. Unexampled succ ss has hitherto attended their administration in a great variety of cases; a id the proprietor can refer to a multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving the emaciated victim tram the bed ol disease, and re storing him to the blessings of accustomed health and i activity. ! Price $1 for vvho/e boxes of .10 pills, and 50 cents for half do. of 12 pills, with directions. Albion Corn Plaster! rtlllK Albion Corn Planter soften* the corn, however I. old and tough, an l extracts it to .the verv roots. The relief afforded is gentle, immediate, and tho rough. The proprietor begs leave to submit th; following case*, from Mr Stoweli, who is well known to the in habitant* of this city, especially at the South Knd and South Uoston, as a very worthy and respectable citi zen:— A Cas*. Sib -I do not hesitate to give my m ist unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corn Plaster By the use of less than a box, Mrs Slowell has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and painful for years, and I think it but justice to your invaluable preparation to add, (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the various rem-dies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure,) that your Plaster cur'd her corns, after trying other highly re commended remedies to no purpose; and whit in creases mv confide nce in the superiority of yuhr Plas ter, is the fact, th.t it Ins been used by several of my neighbors with equally good success (Signed) Ssth Stowkll, Keeper of the Tollhouse, South Boston Bridge. Mr. T. Kiunaa, Proprietor of the Conway Medicines. Boston, June 17th, 18:?. Price 50 cents SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. f|TIK studious, the we*kiy. an l o her*, w .o are i troubled with soreness or inflammation of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a m ist pleasant and invaluable application, in DUMFRIES’ oy BYB WATER! This well established Wasa for tne Kye i* perfectly innocent, ami give* immediate relief, even in very ag grmvatei) cases of soreness and inflammation. Price 25 cents •t» None genuine unless signed on the outside prin ted wrapper by t e sole proprietor, T Kid Ider, im mediate successor to the late Ur W T Conway. For sale, with all the other “ Conway Medicines," at In* Counting Hoorn, No 99, nest door to J Kidder'* Orug Store, corner ol Court and Hanover street*, near Con cert llall, Boston THOMPSON KIUDEU. And alao, by Ilia special appo-ntment, by WM. 5 1AULEH, jan 24 Fairfax street, Alexandria *c* Large ount to those who buy to sell again. To Rheumatic Invalids! PERSONS •uttering under Rheumatic Altecu«m if6 Respectfully insured thit they cm obtain of the l proprietor and his agents a safe and admirable reme dy for Rheumatism, however obstinate the disorder msy be, and in all i»s different staees Or. Jebb'H FAniment! will afford immediate relief to the patient, and has sometimes been attended with such extraordinary suc cess as to cure the nost distressing Rheumatism in twenty four hours, even when of rear* standing. This highly va'uab'e Liniment is recommended vith a confidence founded on the experience ofnia* civ years, not only as a cure for that excruciating d'S* ease, but as an excellent application for Stiffness of the Joints. Numbness, Sprains, Chilblain*, &c. (This article is considered so superior to every thing else, and to possess such uncommon virtues, that it is oidered from all p irts of the country.] ijT An Agent recently writes: " I’lease send me a further supply of Jebb’s Liniment the first opportuni. ty—I shall probihly sell a considerable quantity, as it is recommenJed by some ol our physicians very high ly, although contrary to their rules and regulation* to give encouragement to such (or. patent) medicines " Hut is * most decided proof of their confiience in its invaluahle properties .Another agent writes: “I wish you to forwar I me some more of Jebb’s Liniment, which has recommend ed itself very highly." Price 50 cents a bottle. The Painful and Debilitating Complaint of THE PILES Receives immediate relief, and in numerous instances has been thoroughly cured, by the administration ot DUMFRIES’ REMEDY F 0 R VT THE PILES. TIIS approved compound ai»o mitigates and re moves the symptoms which frequently acc »mpa ny that disorder, and increase the danger of the pa tient, viz: pains in loins, headache loss of appetite, indigestion, and other marks of debility A relieved patient writes from a dis'ancc: " It is but justice to inform ion, that I have used your Dumfries’ Remedy for the Piles for some time past, and have found it eminently successful ” Die remedy is q lite innocent, and mav be adminis tered to all ages and b >t!i sjxes. plant and ample di rections. with a description of the complaint, accom pany each pickige, which consists of two bozes, one containing an Ointment, and the other an Klecluary. Price H for both articles, or 50 cent* where but one is wanted. THE TOOTH ACHE ^1TI!S agonizing dis >rder is cured in its m >st painful JL s'age*. by one of the m »>t simple as well as pow erf ul remedies known in modern practice. I lie CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS afford instant relief, without inflic ing the slightest in jurs on the teeth They are applied externally to the parts affected, with the greatest ease ami expedition, and generally operate as a southing lenitive to the I suffering patient. Price 50 cents a box | §3= Dyspepsia =£$ OF most obstinate character, aft--r hav ng baffled the skill of I be most eminent physician-, and ] withstood the most highly recommended medical pre parations, lias been checked, relieved, and cored, in ‘ a number of instance- in and about this city, by using, for a short time l)r ''’s ■VEGETABLE SPECIFIC. AN!) ANTI B1 LIOUS PILLS. in connexion, according 'o ihe directions accompany iog the Specific I' is also one of the he-t medici .es known for sick Headache, Sickness at 111- Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and 50 cents each Debilitated Females! r IVI K s |H cim*r hi jo. k iijic pif of * he 1. huh , h*'e ntvn lo ie suecmstuli treated (>y the admmn-triation "f the Aromatic Pills, original,y prescribed and compounds I t>V Dr Itelfe I hey cleanse tile hlnnd fro u those disorder! <d (tie female constitution, fur which Hie pills ire an rff,citiil speci fie; the; restmea fr • circo'a ion, reform Hie irregular operations of the;u l.-r nts sistem, an i rectify the dimrdered Inbi s I'he proprietor’s cooliit. nee in the superior excellence of ilns equall. innocent and p iw erful preparation, is f mn led on the most decisive tes timony Iron many restored pi ients lie can assort this portion of the public, that when l)R. RKLFK'S A ROM x TIC FILLS FOR FEMALES are regularly taken, acoor hug to 'lie dir e ions, ac coinpsnv ing them, they revive and establish the desir ed healthy habits, and restme to the pallid counte nance the natural g;ow of health md good spirits. Married ladies -.vill li id the ,oll» eqotily useful, ex cept in cases of paegnanev, when they most not tic taken; neithei mint they hetikcnbv persons of lice* lie or consumptive liaOits. They may he usi-J success fully In ci'.hei men nr w nneo hi ail Hyp iciioudriac, Hysteric or X’ap mrish disorders In ail cases u| ton description, the pills purify, invigorate, and revive the disordered system Price fl 59 .a box. •#* None genuine tin ess signed oil the outside prin ted wrapper by toe sole proprietor, I'. Kiddtr. imme diate succes-or to the late Dr. I*. Conw.ay. Fur sale, with all the other •• Conway Me,” at Ins Couo ting Itomn, No. 99, next door to J. Kidder's Drug Store, corner of Court and tan over streets, near (Jon cert Hall, Oust on THOMPSON KiDlJ&K. And *13", b) his special upp nntment, by XV M. STA I.KII, ian 15 Fairfax street, Alexandria. •#* Large discount* to those wito buy to sell again DUMFRIES’ Itch Ointment! Ift extensive sde a • I i stanlisiicil reputation l Dumfries' Itcli ointment, encourig-*s the propri etorto recommend it with renewed confidence totlie public, as a most innocent as well as powerful applica tion for this annnung disease The most inveterate case* litve been ruar.n is oss ir>on! by tins esteem ed Ointment It contains no in -rctiry, or other noxi mis ingredient, an 1 in iy he c<> ifi lentlv applied even to the voungest children, or to pregnant females — Price .57$ cents. *,* None genuine iiuUji signed on the outside print ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Dr. W. T Conway. For le ,with all the other '• Conway Medicines,” at his Counting Boom. No 99, next door to J K-d ler’s Drug Store,corner of Court and II mover street* near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIODKB And also, by his special appointment, by W\l. S I* \BI.KB, Fairfax sireet, Alexandria. *»* I *'(?» -tisro-m's In »!».,«,• who bin- t-» «-'l strain. RUNAWAY CA I’TLE. LEFT Alexandria on Saturday, 1st instant, THREE LARGE STEERS, viz:—one a very dark or black; another a red; and the other a lead colored pied. They were seen in the neighborhood of the Factory that afternoon — The black one had, when he wentaway, a short rope tied on his horns. They were brought from the farm of Mr. N. Grigsby, in Fauquier. To secure them in a pasture, and give me infor mation, or deliver th**in at my pasture, near Town, I will givo a suitable reward, nov 0—tf WM. D. NUTT. TO RENT, With potsetsinn l6//t /)ece>nher next. The very desirable Two-Story DWEL jjjiLING on Union, near Princess street, with Kitchen, Bath and Smoke H uise, &c. Also, a STONE HOUSE and spacious LOT, in a good situation for business, at present occupied by Mr. Peter Hewitt. Apply to Sam’) B Larmour. sept a7 SAM’L. B. LARMOUR & CO. NOTICE. , ELE< having resun,^^ timore and the District of Columbh1^? ?**• in? the season, leave Baltimore for the r' .r’ of Columbia every Saturday, at 4 nvi?^ M.; and returning, will leave Wa,hiJ°cl<- p and Alexandria at 7 o’clock, » S'«i nesday, f ir Baltimore. Passage §•> y sept IS—tf 3 HYGEIANISI*; rpilh following testimonials 0f ihs suwll)r I of the HYGKIAM MKIIIUINKS in Vhe f' our diseases, speak in a language which m , * conviction to the minds of the most skeptical- Curf n* »w!i UsirtrasiTT, Dec.'>5’ism To Mr. Samuel Young. Agent for the llvgeiL v " table Universal Medicines, for the State,,! Island. Sin-Gratitu !e to the Great Preiervtr of u, pels me, in compliance with your request in ?■C°*' brief statement of a cure, which, I think | 1 from the llygeian Medicines. I give publieii.?'!^ game the mure cheerfully, because thereby „ |"ht I may he useful to some of mv fclljw.m-n *PS be afflicted with a similar disease. ' ' J ntaT My complaint was called t*ulm inary Oomamnf and that my real condition may be explicitly i stool,! state, in connexion with the relation jjlf cure, some of the symptoms of the disease i., teinber, 1812, I caught a severe cold, which settled my lungs; | was confined to my room about one *1? w,th a fever, attended with ennsi lerable couel, cough toon abated, and apparently, | w„ * mv health; when, after about three weeks ,n ih* course of the night, having returned the ever,in. fore in usual health. I found myself bleed ng ,1 th I '''"i?*- * not. to my kuowle lge. received invl.„* or sir on, to which the cause of this might be attribut ed I spat blood, occasionally, for f„nr dan; i| me with some fever, pain in the breast, very linu.r, petite, and withal, very weak p’ ! A few weeks determined that I was in a decline | ! received the attention of the most skilful PlivsicnJ who often seemed to che k the progress of the div , ease. a"d inspire the h ipe of a speedy recovery |Ui rel-pse upon relap-e, ami each bringing melo*ef than the preceding, seemed to baffle all human skill ami warn me of an approaching disso'iuion. Thus’ 1 months after the first -Mack, a “ tubercle" f.iyi.'l u| i cer] broke in the longs, after which I spat blood, «e ; day. I continued to decline two month* lunger, vrhtn I I obtained the llygeian Medicines I had n»* been unable to sit up a whole d.y, for four month* inj , ! lulf. M> feet were cold and lifele«, sleeo unsound, ! c 'I'! night sweats constant, t uigue furred, pulse in the I afternoon from seventy five to on r hundred per mi , uu’e, food produced great distress, appetite very 1 poor, pain in the breast directly opposite i|,e I attended with some cough, he. he. Such wit no Condition, when I first became acquainted with the llygeian Medicines I commenced taking the mrdt cities, four pills at a -lose, sn I increase I the d-oe dai ly, one up to the number of twehe. In about ten • lavs, my appetite became good, and foul produced : no distress, sleep soon became sound ami refreshing, | am! in about f-.rtv days the symptoms of the lueue ' had nearly all disappeared I took the medicine sixty days regularly every night, averaging about ten pills at a dose; the greatest num ber taken at any one time was fifteen After this, ( to-k about fi-nr doses a week, until I had taken about thirteen him lied pill-, when I found myself restored • o health, \fter I commenced the llyg ian, I took no other medicine. One year from the first attack, I w.» able to resume tny stu-li s in college, where I have since remained without any recurrence of the disc .set llitlt- rto I have been convalescent; and il my strength is not yet fully returned, I am certain I ave less p iins, and am m ire free from tefn|mnr)i sickness; than a1 any time since my earliest recollec tion. tours, a'ltli rvsp ct, IIOItACK T. LOVEi ilu II cHKi'HK*n» VI<ut IK 'ir Sir—I wish to state that my sister, after«mre suffering, an I employing a medical man three year*, w is relieve I ny the use i»f the Universal Medicine*. I r c ‘Uiplaim Was a violent pain and soreness in her ode; indeed, to use her own expression, her is <* one '•ill** had turned in, actually deformed Thepiin was a violent burning almost intolerable; to aet veie, that -lie could not ait up for upwards of three .ears. It was occasioned by over-lacing herself, »nd perhaps, over exertion with it. after u*ing i few, • loses of No l an I 2, alternately, about eight pilbfof a dose, the pain decreased, and, by perseverance in their use, she is now restored to health; and I hoe no objection to tins case being inide public for the jcik lit of others; and am, bear sir, yours t/u'y, II DYKR t.nwrell, via s .rhn -etts, Feb 8 I8.>4 Injustice In llr vl. h*rm-diial adviser, when he heard her improvement in health, he recommended persevtrence hi the use of he me.hones Thin valuable Me Urine, being c'onnrofd only "I vegetable matter, nr m ••licuul lierii*. and warranted, un oath, as containing nut me particle of inercun*, mineral, nr chemical mi ist.»nce», (all nf whicli »re UI1‘ congenial to the nature nl nun. and therefore dritnic ive to the hum in fra nc,) is found to be perfect y harmless to the most ten U r <<e or weakest Iraine, un ler every stage of lioman sufT-ri'igt the mist pi a’** slid benign in it operation, m l it the sene tone t e most searching out the ro »t of every c imji'aint, •,w ever deep, and ol perfol ruing » cure, that *»* f,tf offered to the world I’lns won lerlnl i-ll <-t, t°°i '* produced l*y the least trouble to the I**''**' J merely swallowing a cert iin number of sm«d |»u j* *" •eing called a few exlri times to tile purpose*" Citation, with the least possible sensation ol P*,n‘ exhaustion of bodily s rength, and without th* f*r ® catching cold, or attention to dress or i‘iet, in an) * ; liffcreni from their accustom* tl luhits. Tllcse pills cure all cases, and < annot bet* 1 excess Experience, which is the touchstone o human knowledge, lias Ijng borne testimony fact; and extensive u->e ol liieui has sire*-1) v<;'' its truth in this country. , ^ rhesf m dicint fccure by purgings andyrl '* * the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the •' c‘ ^ ^ hi a few days strengthened by tlteiroper»tiJ‘b e they clear the body of it» ha 1 humours, *<•' 1 M** mi|>j procure sound sleep They are the vilest _ efficaci-ius menicinelo take to seat preve»l"8 r.oaiivenesf, t*c, . , u The Vegetable Cleansing I’ow lers are 0 B sistance to patients, and facilitate the V*!' '»ch d'* had liunioursi they sullen, cle.nse, »n,‘ ^ (hint, acrim-miuiis phlegm: are cooling, »nd »H»y 1 , . One, t wo, or three powders may be taken through^ the day, mixed in half a wine glass of water. The genuine Medicines can be hau o' WM. POMEROY, Alexandria Sole Agent for the /Httriet of Columbia and if *» ' lly whom the Pillaare »old in packet* oj »yj'ceirti and three dollars eacli, and the Powder* • J j-j, per box, with printed directions; and also > ^ lowing ”»•* >- kgrntst U VV. Polsinhorn, e .g^ and lOtl* 'tree!*, Pennsylvania Avenuei J<1 .ig Navy Y-rl, *V««hington; and I’lioniaa ^ lleorgetown; of whom alotie can the r‘ ^ j warranted genuine. Hy appointment o • Moat, II. P. %!., U II C. II , llrooklyn,New Y • •ole importer of theae Medicines. aors-Pr**' Morriaonia, or the Family Adviier, price r- ■ tical Proofs, illustrated by numerou* coses third ed.iinn, price Jr$cent*j to be had a** api5-tf —■ ORCHARD GRASS SEED. < THE subscriber has just received aS*,PI’ ^j fresh Orchard Grass Seed, which he • for sale, together with a small lot of new • thy Seed. uov 10 JAS. D.