Newspaper Page Text
fQr» 33S2CST. 2K®£KE>.&'X ©'£*) &S5B1S SI?/ 9384. HJ317 S9E&8&3 ‘Y'tttr. SE-&Y®. 8089. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE ' PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY Fi)G>lR sjv oh oejv, * „. her annum, payable half yearly. pOLLAi^ ___ r\Tndria gazette xl Yroii Tin: coustky) ,= PUBLI'HEI» regularly os ,n»Y THURSDAY & SATURDAY, rEK ANNl M’ ,,AYABLt:i>i APVANCE f~\Trtrtisins:—-Advertisements neat ’’Cmpknonsly inserted at literate of one 'f^^riuarefor the hrst three insertions, dollar J en»s for every subsequent inser *-,J,7^onat,KeducUon will be made in 6t,n‘ t of yearly advertisers, t*^1° ,h-ern>.Mii.Mits appear in both papers. ^ FOR CHARLESTON. Tht* first rale copper-fastened Ship A JOBS MARSHALL, Bacon, Master will ^ w to receive car^o next week, and take be Kjd> nl._n^rs at a low rate. For terms (^ht ami RY DAINGERF1ELD. dec 9__ TbOSTON AND POR TLAND * The good Schooner ASOLLIA, S. I Admnkw*™*- Master, will have despatch, fa freight low; for winch, apply on A C. CAZBKOYB & CO. j -1 FOR BALTIMORE. The Schooner H ILLIA M PE\S, Lam- | ^oen Master, will sail on Wednesday, and Suke freight low. Apply to jhe Master or to LAMBERT & McKENZlb., , Union Wharf, dec 9___ -T^TnOBFOLK AND RICHMOND J The Sloop COLUMBIA, Colljek Mas tfiDrer will sail in all this week, and take “ lore.ther place Apply to the Master, or 8 LAMBERT & McKENZIE, 1 dec 9 Union w harf. FOR BOSTON. The Packet Brig IVASK/XCO, Ryder, ^Master, can take light freight, and hand somely accommodate passengers. Apply to Jt.c\ WM. FOWLR 4 CO. FOR BOSTON. a* Thefirst rateschr. CE/fES, Knowles, dfl)Master, has the principal part o! her car r> engaged, and will have despatch, fot fieiglit ottwo hundred barrels. Apply to dec 6 HFARY DAI NOE R FIELD. i FOR CHARLESTON, S. C. g* The schooner FIRM, Spencer, Master, tsiwill have quick despatch. For height or passage, apply to _ j dec 4—3t LAMBERT & McKENZIE. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, rfK A Brig (carrying 2000 barrels) of first filtrate description, now at Norlolk, hut can ; come up at a short notice, and load for any part of the world. Apply to Jec 3 GEO. JOHNSON & CO. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, rfk The superior coppered and copper-las* fit£uned Bug 0TRASTO, Captain Fkisbie, burthen 17j tons, and stows 1300 bids. A freight to the West Indies or to South America would be preferred. Apply to S. E. Scott. George town, or to STEPHEN SHINN, dec 2 Alexandria. FOR BARBADOKS. The coppered Scotch brig ST. JAMES, Sit James Boyd, Master—can take 300 barrels bread on freight. For which apply to dec 2WM. FOWLE & CO FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER, tfjv The brig HEMITTAXCE, W. Beaus, Sit Master, she is coppered and copper fas traed, and carries about 950 barrels. Apply to _S. MESSF.RSMITil. FOR FREIGHT, The new and superior Ship COLVM A. W. Crosby, master, now ready or the reception of a cargo. Apply to 1 _WM. FOWLE A CO. FOR NEW YORK. J^TeSchooner WILLIAM, Thompson mas has the principal part of her freight en fh'N. and will be ready to receive cargo on aesday—four hundred barrels freight wanted. APp!yto HENRY DAlNGERFIELD. he \ ~~F0k NEW ORLEANS-. ^ On the 20th next month (December) the g^tPacket brig U.NCAS, Captain Nathaniel m i*H" “arsons wishing to ship will please make e early application to BA ^ FRANKLIN & AR M FI ELD. ^r^-t20th(!ec FOR NORFOLK. The Steamboat ('HE SAPEAKE, Capt. Wilson, will be run as a regular 7 “ packet between Alexan <Uv leaving Alexandria on Tues XrtT- Fridays> at I o’clock, and arrivin : in 9^ k! * ^tirae to Put passengers for Richmond n>rd the Patrick Henry 8u H uram?> leave Norfolk on Wednesdays and U* ~ M., taking passengers from u,nj ncl< Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on toN InJiv?^ Thursdays, at 10 A. M. Passen *4,nne dav tln,°re Can carr‘ed through the *i»eftrJ'ro?1 ^*ex,andria to Norfolk, S6, exclu foiu ina, . or $7- meals included. From Nor nifaL Oaltjmore, Stf exclusive of meals; $9 ,dls included. •iaotai i,UsaJ>ea*ie ’s a n**ir Boat, particularly r^ned h lh‘3 route; >s coppered, copper-fas ^oectsa.,)n" copper boiler, and is, in all Parti*«enr ed *° confidence of travellers. char<*^<) pleasure and families will only be aid Wl-*' ‘Jr tr‘P lo Norfolk or Old Point J. WILSON, Captain. Doctor lee’s genuine new Lon don BILIOUS PILLS, which have for upwards of thirty yccrs been used and approved by Physicians, heads of Families, overseers of Plantations, the Navy and Army, and travellers by sea and land, and from their universal cele brity have also become a permanent article of the shops, are only prepared at the Doctor’s Dis pensary in New London, Connecticut, and sold by all the most respectablo Druggists in the Unit ed States, &c. rij* To aAoid counterfeits and spurious imi tations, the public are particularly cautioned to take notice, that unless each direction envelope around each box, is signed at foot, immediately under the printed letters, S. H. P. Lee, with pen and black ink, in the Doctor’s own proper hand riling, they cannot be genuine. To affix the written signature would be forgery under the penal statute. SAMUEL H. P. LEE, M. C. M. S. New London, Conn. Sept. 27th, 1831. Th# above Pills are sold at Alexandria, D. C. dec It By WM. STABLER,Druggist. ROLINS’ GENUINE TONIC MIXTURE, Warranted a perfect and lasting cure for the. FEVER AND AdUE. From Dr. Hamilton, of Philadelphia. DEAR SIR: 1 will not withhold that I have witnessed, with great satisfaction, many cases of Fever and Ague, wherein your Tonic Mixture has been of unexpected and permanent benefit, after I tie ordinary medicines were of no more use than to effect temporary checks to the disease. The principles upon which you have constructed your medicine, would be rea dily recognized as in accordance with the sci- j ence of Physic, and the Fever and Ague always ( admitting of one uniform mode of treatment, your Mixture may be administered with its usu al advantage in every case of the complaint. Respectfully, S. M. HAMILTON, j From the Baltimore Advertiser dazette. CURE FOR AGUE AND FEVER, &c.&c. Rowan’s Tonic Mixture never fails to cure this most distressing of all diseases, as hundreds of certificates ol high respectability, like the following, fully prove: ; CobbsviHe, A/untg. Co. Aid. Alayo, 1S33. I certilv that Walter Reynolds, a young man living with me, was for two years distressingly afflicted with Fever and Ague; lost nearly a year’s wages, spent much money in doctering, and tried, I presume, fifty u certain cures,” all to no purpose. He was at last cured by taxing | Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, which l believe to be the best medicine in the world for curing the Fever and Ague. 'THOMAS TAWuEl I. Just received, and tor sale by the sole Agent, for Alexandria. WM. HARPER, dec 12—3m Druggist, Fairfax street. ST A It KIKE COMPANY. AN ACT reducing into one and amending the several acts respecting the prevention of accidents by lire, and for the extinguishment of the same. Sf.c. 0. And be it further enacted. That if any person who shall be present at any lire, shall neglect or refuse to obey the order or direc tion of any officer who shall be appointed by any tire company now established, or which may hereafter be established, knowing him to be an officer, such person shall forfeit and pay for each offence, the sum of five dollars. Pro rided, The name of such officer shall have been first published in one of the public papers print ed in the town. At a meeting of the Star Fire Company held on Saturday 29th Nov. last, the following offi cers were duly elected: 6 Managers oj the Hose.—George S. Hough, O. A. Cazenove, Wm. H. McKnight, Samuel Lnnt. Isaac Kell, Jr Ellis Price. 6 Itegntators.— A. C. Cazenove, John W ood, James Vansa nt, Edward Smyth, G. VV. Huitis, Isaac H. Bobbins. G Properly Men.—Win. D. Nutt. A. J. Flem ing. Janies Ciagett, Charles J. 1* ox, Hartison Wright, Jno. W. Mount. 1 Commanders of Engine.—Edw’d S. Hough, Charles llo'S, \\ urren L. Heed, M m. H. Shir 0 y 3* \.re Men.— Harrison Ilough, Wilkinson Williams. Lewis Piles, Jr. _ , . 3 Torch Bearers— James Eaches, Ephraim Wheeler, Thomas Vowell, Jr. Jno. D. Vowell President of S. F. Company. J. H. Robbins, Secretary, i dec 12—31 _ I- VVM. E. HARPUK, Clark ami H atch-Maker, (late of Philadelphia.) RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of A lexandria, and the public generally, that he has taken the old established stand occupied bv Mr. Adam, Silver Smith, and formerly occu pled by Mr. Barton, where lie will gi ve particu lar attention to Duplex, Horizontal. Lepine, I a tent Lever. Repeating and Plain \\ atches. Musical Boxes and Clocks repaired. N. 11. Chronometers cleaned, adjusted, anu their rates verified. . _ , Watches, Chains, Seals, Keys, &c. for sale. dec 9—tf _____ . ' CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25years of a,re. Persons having likely Servants to dispose~of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is now, or may hereafter, come into this market, oct 25 FRANKLIN & ARMF1F.LD. LOST, YESTERDAY, on Washington street, nr be tween Washington and Henry streets, or King street, a black Rombuzine Dress, rolled in a black Circassian long shawl. The finder will be suitably rewarded by returning it to dec 4 W1LLLIAM D. NUTT. ALEXANDRIA MUSEUM OPEN, daily, from 10 to 12 o’clock A. M. and from 3 to n P. M. iiir‘ 24_ BLANK SAND PAMPHLETS Printed, with nearness despatch, at this office CHOCOLATE. XA HALF Boxes W, B. No. 1 Chocolate tjfJ 20 do do W. Baker No. 1 do 5 Boxes prepared Cocoa—Just landed from the ship Harvest, and for sale by dec 2 S. MESSERSMITH. ALMANACS. JUST received the American Almanac, for 1835; Comic do do; also, the Comic To ken, an accompaniment for Comic Almanac, (or sale by AUGUSTUS JACOBS, dec 4 _ ALMANACS BY the doz. and gross, for 1835, viz: American and Repository of Useful Know ledge Nautical do do Virginia and Maryland do Temperance do do All of which will be sold low. dec 10- W. M. MORRISON. SUGAR, COFFEE, &c. 6IIHDS. St. Croix Sugar (part prime) 10 do Porto Rico do 5 do N. Orleans do 30 bags St. Domingo Coffee 1G do old white Laguira do 10 boxes Lump Tobacco, 12’s 5 do pound lump do 5 kegs twist do 25 reams Wrapping Paper 20 bbls prime Pork 10 do do Beef Landing, and for sale bv STEPHEN SHINN, • dec 2 Janney’s Wharf. THEOLOGICAL BOOKS. AN Introduction to the Critical study and j Knowledge of the Holy Scriptures.—By | Thomas Hartwell Horne, M. A. ol St. John’s | College, Cambridge. Fifth American edition,! illustrated with numerous maps and facsimilies j of biblical manuscripts. The History of the Re-; formation of the Church of England, by Gilbert Burnet, L>. 1)., Late Lord Bishop of London, in six volumes. Seimons on Duties belonging to some of the Conditions and Relations of Private Life, by , John G. Palfrey, A. M. Professor of Biblical Li-, teraturr in the University of Cambridge. For sale by AUGUS I US JACOBS, nov 2.’> _ _I FOR SALE, ON moderate terms a second hand Cooking Stove. WM. STABLER. 11 mo 26 ___ FURS FOR THE LADIES. PELERINE and Round Capes, a beautiful article; Lynx, and other Boas, extra tine. Also, a large and gonerul assortment of Su perfine Caps: for comfort and richness they stand unrivalled. Hair Caps of every pattern In store, the Don’s much admired Silk H its: i for a continuance of lustre and beauty they are . not equalled. Together with a stock of Hats, of my own , manufacture, that will give satisfaction. I so licit a call. JOHN T. O. YV1LBAR. i nov 28—tf _ SUPERIOR CHEWING TOBACCO. -g m BOXES, pound lumps, W. Morgan’s .1 • brand, said to be of very finest quality— just received per schooner \ irginia, from Rich mond and for sale by GEO. JOHNSON & Co. nov 17 [National Intelligencer luw3w] FOR SALE. MThe brick DWELLING IIOUE and LOT, formerly the residence ol the late 1 Daniel McLean, at present in the occupancy of Mr. Hugh C. Smith. There is no property in town more desirable as a residence. 1 lie im provements are good, and the lot spacious fronting upwards of lbO feet on Alfred street 1 and running through the square, parallel with I King to Columbus street. For terms, apply to j „ov 17 JAMES D KERR. I "" TO RENT, ! . The BRICK HOUSE, next to Mr. James | KM.Norris’, on Prince, between Fairfax and Union streets, at present occupied by Mr. John Morgan. Possession can be given 21th Decem ber = JOSIAH H. DAVIS, j nov 27 __ FOR RENT. —\ A comfortable two-story BUiC K HOT SE, Ijfj on Water street, near the residence of Jos. Haris, Esq. well calculated Tor a genteel family, having seven rooms. To a good tenant the rent will be low, and possession given forthwith. Apply to SAM’L LINDSAY. nov 27_ FASHIONABLE HATS AND CAPS. OZEN JOSSELYN. Agent, north-east cor ner of King and Royal streets, respectlully informs his old customers and the public gene rally that he is prepared to furnish them with ELEGANT BLACK HATS, got up in the first style, ofthe best materials, and by experienced arid faithful journeymen. Also. Brown and Seal colored Hats. CAPS. Gentlemen’s, Youth’s, and Children’s Fur, Cloth, and Hair Seal Caps, of the various qua lities and patterns. WOOL HATS, &c. Every exertion will be used to please, and all favors thankfnllv received. N B Old Hats taken in part pay for new ones. All kinds of FURS purchased as above, nov 4—3m_ * WINES, RAISINS AND COFFEE. Casks Marseilles Madeira ) Wines 15 do Sweet Malaga $ 30 boxes Fresh Raisins 20 bags White Coffee This morning landing Irom schooner Victory, from New Yolk, and for sale by dec 9 WILLIAM N. McVEIGII. NEW GOODS. WILLIAM H. MOUNT & CO. have just received— 30 pair Rose Blankets, some 14-4 10 pieces Point and Du ffilf Blankets Devonshire Kersey, LinseVs, and other Goods, for negro clothing 30 pieces Sattinetts, extra and common quality 10 pieces Cassimeres 10 “ Quilted, Cut Velvet, and other Vestings Blue, black, brown, green, mulberry, ade laide, claret, and mixed Cloths 20 pieces Thibet, German, and English Me rino 3 bales Cotton Oznaburgs *5 “ Brown Shirtings 3 “ 5-4 Sheetings 4 cases Bleached do On Hand— Super Kidderminster Venetian and other Carpetings Rugs, in greiil variety A large assortment of plain and figured Silks and Satins Rlonde Gauze Veils Blonde Lace do Black Lace do Blonde Gauze Handkerchiefs Twisted Silk do Thibet Shawls, plain and embroidered, ve ry cheap Which we are determined to sell very low, wholesale or retail.___dec o ! new goods. JOHN H. BRENT has just received, and will sell very low,— Superfine and Common Cloths Rose and Point Blankets English and French Merino Calicoes and Ginghams Superfine and Common Flannel Canion Flannels and Fur Chintz Checked and Plain Cambrics Flag, Bandanno and Spitalfield Ildkfs Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Silk and Cotton Hose Thread, Bobbinett, and Cambric Edging Cassinets, fine and superfine Frilled Cloths and Linsey Woolsey Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs Bed Ticks, Plaids Bleached and Brown Sheetings With various other Goods, for sale cheap, dec 3____ BLANK BOOK MANUFACTORY. THFi subscriber informs his friends and the public that he has commenced the above business on King street, two doors east of Roy al, where he intends keeping constantly on hand a handsome assortment of BLANK BOOKS, of every description ordinarily in use, such as Le gers. Day Books, Journals; Letter, Cash, In voice, Memorandum Books, &c. Merchants’ Account, Office, & School Books, ruled and hound to pattern, at the shortest no tice. Book Binding, in every variety of style, neatly and substantially executed, by oct21—tf JOHN FLEMING boots and shoes. A. D. 1JAHMON HAS JUST RECEIVED— PAIR prime coarse brogans, part J. UUU double soals, a good article for win ter wear Mens’ Kip and Call Bootees, nailed, pegged and sewed Mens’Calf Boots, sewed and pegged “ Kip do stout do do m “ Seal do pegged and nailed “ Thick water proof boots sewed & pegged Boys and childrens coarse and fine bootees and shoes Ladies French kid slippers ALSO. Hair Seal Trunks—all of which are offered cliea/), wholesale or retail. nov 12_ CHARLES BENNETT HAS for sale, 5 bales best Bridport fine shad and herring seine twine, a consignment which will be sold low, and is of the first quality A case of ladies cotton hose of best quality, will be sold by the dozen One bale common shoe thread A hale nest patent tailors’ thread, W. B. and blue 3 bales Virginia cotton osnaburgs 1 bale mixed Lowel kerseys A few pieces 6-t flushings & coarse wnllens A case common and fine gilt London pins 1 case 4-4 Irish Linens, in whole and half pieces, real good quality. nnv <20 * _ WHEAT, OtC. I CONTINUE to pay the highest Cash price for Wheat, delivered at the Triadelphia Mills, of in Alexandria. 1 wish to purchase Rye and Flaxseed at my Store, on Union, be twecen King and Prince streets. nov24 _SAMUEL LINDSAY. "" SALT, CHEESE. WHISKEY, &C. 4qaa Bushels Ground Alum Sait 70 sacks fine do 10 casks prime quality Cheese Boxes Pine Apple do 6 hhds Whiskey Wines, Liquors, and Groceries, as usual, no v 25 RAM’L. H. T. ARMOUR * ro SlUL l .VIAUL1KA V»Aoii. 5 Quarter-casks ) qj^ gjcjjy Madeira Wine, 1 half-pipe S just received and for sale by nnv 27 WM. N. McVEIGH. PORTO RICO SUGAR. 8 HHDS. of excellent quality, just received per Columbia, and for sale by dec 1 GEORGE JOHNSON & Co. WANTED. AT a moderate pric*e, a pair of brisk.-walking Oxen, or a single one of the above descrip tion. [dec 3] JOSIAH H. DAVIS. ! LAMBERT AND McKENZIE, OA Uniin II /tar/, have, in Store for gale HAl.F chests Young Hyson Tea 15 (ir. casks Marseilles Madeira wine 1 cask Dutch Madder 10 Barrels Venetian lied 75 Boxes German Pipes, very low 4 cases German Toys, each comprising a general assortment 1 case Looking Glasses. Snuff Boxes 50 reams Wrapping Paper 40 pieces Heavy and Kuvens and Russia Duck. dec 4 B AC ON HAMS. LADD’S Hams, received and for safe ^UOby WM. H. MILLER, dec 5—tf CEDAR OK LOCUST POSTS WANTED. CEDAR or Locust posts, by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. dec 5 HEIRS WANTED. “ JOHN SWANN, a native of Edinburgh, In Scotland, and now. or formerly, residing in Charleston, in the United States of North Ame rica, and the law ful children of the said /ohn Swann, if such exist, are hereby informed, that Marian Swann or DoL', his sister, died, at Edin burgh, on the 25th April, la34, leaving a settle ment, in which certain provisions are made in lavor of him, the said Joint Swann, whom, fail ing, his lawful children, and lie or his children, in case of his decease, are hereby required to make application to Georgs Combe, writer to tho Signet, Edinburgh, before the 25th of April, 1835, otherwise the said provisions w ill, in terms of tin* settlement, become null and void. Edinburgh, 1st May, 1834. John Swann was born in Alexandria in the winter ol 1798: w hen about 10 years of age he went to Edinburgh, w here he learned the tan ning business, and returned to the United States w hen about 20 years of age. The last heard of him was at Hagerstown or Fiedericktown, Ma ryland: then a journeyman tanner. Alexandria, Dec. 9—d3w DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, 1 _ Alexandria Count*. £ *c*' Circuit Court U. State*.—October Term, 1834. Lewis McKenzie. Benjamin H."} Lambert and Thomas Ferrall, ) Complainants, ! , AGAINST \ 1,1 George W. Delapiain and Wil- { liain B. Stewart, Defendants.) THE defendant. George W. Delapiain, not having entered his appearance to this suit, and given security according to the statute und rules of the Court, and it appearing to tfie satis faction of the Court that the said' George W. Delapiain is not an inhabitant of the District of Columbia; on the motion of the complainants, by their counsel, it is ordered, that he appear here, on or before the first day of the next May Term of this Court, and enter his^ippeurance to this suit and answer the complainants' bill, and give security for performing the decrees of the Court; and that the resident defendant, Wil liam B. Stewart, do not pay, convey away, or secrete, the debts by him owing to, or the mo ney, property, and effects, in his hands, belong- , ing to. the said absent defendant, until the fur ther order and decree of this Court: and that a copy of this order be forthwith published, for two months successively, in the Alexandria Ga zette, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of said County. Test: EDM. I. LEE, C. C. nnv 26—2m DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA, f „T Alexandria Count*, $ Circuit Court U. State*.—October Term, 1834. Barbara Hellrigle & Cathe-') line Mmatte, Complain- | ant9’ i In Chancery. against | y Jacob C. Hellrigle & Thom- | son K. Mason, Defendants j rpHE defendant, Jacob C. Hellrigle, not hav A ing entered Ins appearance to this suit and given security according to the statute and the rules of tins Court, and it appearing to the sa tisfaction of the Court that he is not an inhabit ant of the Distiict of Columbia; on the motion of the complainants, by their counsel, it is or dered, that he appear here, on or before the first day of the next May Term of this Court, and answer the complainants’ bill, and give se curitv for performing the decrees of the Court; and the resident defendant, Thomson F Mason, do not pay, convey away, or secrete, the debts by him owing to, or the money, pro perty, or effects, in his hands, belonging to, the said absent defendant, until the further order and decree of the Court: and that a copy of this order be forthwith published, for two months successively, in the Alexandria Gazette, and another copy posted at the front door of the Court House of said County. Te«t: EDM. I. LEE, C. C. nnv 26—2m_ WHEAT FANS, &c. LG. &. H. GUIS WOLD have now on hand, • and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat, and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills; Window Screens. Riddles, Sifters, Mil. Shakes. Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to business, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufacturers and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. . A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 16 or 17 years old, of good and steady habits. N. B. Repairing done on tn« shortest notice rrf- TURNING in Wool, non, and may 28— ly