Newspaper Page Text
* DRUGS, AC.—LATELY RECEIVED. | FJRIFIED Camphor Best English Mustard, a choice artt| Dr. S- H. P. Lee’s Patent New Lon hous Pills, direct from the PateL Dye Stuffs of best quality Pure Jamaica Ginger in powde very superior Henry’s Magnesia Genuine French Sulphate of Quinine Superior Gum Arabic Florida Water Weller’s Vegetable Rheumatic _ Rheumatic Liniment and Indian Pa nacea „ . , Swaim’s Panacea, direct from Swaim s Laboratory Indelible Ink . Pearl Ash and Sal JSratus of the best qua lities Sponge of very fine quulity English Wafers Refined Borax Spanish Arnotte* Castor Oil of the best quality, refined Jebb’s Liniment Relfe’s Botanical Drops An Instrument combining a cupping set. a ] stomach pump, a pump for discharging ; coagulated blood Irom the bladder, a breast pump, and an injection or lave- I inent apparatus, at a moderate price. This instrument has been examined and approved by many physicians at the North Soda for washing and Soda for medical use ol very tine quality Shell Lac and Alcohol Selected Gum Myrrh Best fresh and clean white Mustard Seed A valuable remedy for the Tic Douloureux Carrageen or Irish Moss Jujube Paste Liquorice Ball Wistar’s Cough Lozenges Jackson’s do do Coxe’s Hive syrup, prepared in the best manner.—This is a valuable remedy for bad Coughs, Asthma and Croup Senna Syrup } for Coughs Hoarhound byrup I prepared Compound Syrup of Liverwort )■! thesut>. Cayenne Lozenges, for hoarse- | gcriber. ness and sore throat J Moxons’ and Butler’s Effervescing Magne siam Aperient MORRISON’S PILLS (genuine) An assortment of best English fancy Soaps German Cologne (Farina’s) genuine Florida water do Ginger, Peppermint and Fruit Lozenges Lilac, Blue and Pink Saucers Chlorine Tooth Wash Do do Paste English Tooth Brushes Preston Salts Robinson’s Groats and Barley African Pepper Mexican Black Lead ( Superior articles for German do do £ cleaning Stoves. Pratt’s Patent Nipples Bernard’s Renovating Liquid, Ac. Fresh Salad Oil (Bordeaux) and AMERICAN SOOTHING SYRUP, a va luable article for children cutting their teeth. This is an English preparation imported expressly for the subscriber SC^Careful and unremitting attention is paid to the selection and preparation of every article 12th mo 2d. 1834 ,W\1. STABLER. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. WILLIAM H. THOMPSON A Co. have this day received a lurther supply ol seasona ble Goods, among them are the following:— 15 pieces Blue, Black, and Col’d Cloth, re > ry cheap 70 pieces Sattinetts, at all prices 20 “ 6-4 French and English Merinos 7 Biack and Blue Black Italian lus trings 10 pieces Black Italian Crapes White, Red and yellow Flannels • Bleached and Col’d Canton do 50 pairs, 9, 10, 11 and 12-4 Rose Blankets 200 “ Fancy and Striped do 2 Cases low priced Calicoes 14 Bales. Brown and Bleached Domestics Cotton Oznaburgs and Colored Cambrics Plain Linsey, Ac. with a great variety of other Goods,'all of which we will sell at Re duced Prices. nov 29 HATS, CAPS, AND FURS. JOHN T. EVANS respectfully informs his! o ii customers, and the public generally, that! he has on hand a splendid assortment of SUPE-1 RlOK BLACK HATS, of all shapes and qua-I lities, manufactured by journeymen of long and ' well tried experience, as he keeps no appren- j tices; he can, therefore, with confidence reconi- ■ mend any work which may leave his shop. He has jnst received, by the last arrivals from ; Boston and elsewhere, CAPS of the latest fash -1 ions, and best workmanship and materials.— Among them will be found Youth’s .md Men’s , Cloth and Fur Caps, of a variety of patterns. He continues to keep LADIES’ FURS of every kind, such as Fur Stocks, Boa Constric- j tors, Ac.; and FUR SKINS, for Gentlemen’s! Collars, of every description. He is now manufacturing LADIES’ BEA-1 VEK BONNETS, of the latest fashious and; best materials. oct 13—3m -—-I SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTORY > HIS is to give notice, that the Soap and Can X dl? Manufactory heretofore conducted by { -he late John Major, is still continued. Having \ rhe same utensils, together with some improve-1 nents which have recently been made in thees- j tublishment, it is expected that all orders can be ( supplied without delay. The business will be ; conducted by experienced hands, and the pub- ■ lie may rest assured that every attention will be j paid to the quality of the articles manufactured in this establishment, as I ain well aware that it was through attention to this particular that this manufactory obtained the custom which it has heretofore had. I trust that, through the atten tion and industry of those to whom the charge ofthe business will be committed, this establish ment will continue to possess the same share of the public patronage with which it has hereto fore been favored; and I hereby solicit the con tinuance ofthe custom of those who have here tofore favored this establishment, together with the custom of all others who may be disposed to favor me therewith. All orders, whether from town or country, will be thankfully received, and attended to with promptness and despatch, The business will be conducted by my sons, in my name and for my benefit; and they will at tend to the manufacture ofthe articles, together with all other business connected with the esta blishment. . „ _ A supply of Yellow and Brown Soap, Mould and Dipped Candles, of a superior quality, is kept constantly on hand, and will be disposed of on the most accommodating terms. oct 3—tf MARY MAJOR, Alexandria. LEVI HURDLE, HAVING taken hi* brother, Thomas T.Hob ble, into partnership, will continue, at the >ld stand, south-west corner of King and Co ,umbus streets, to carry on their business as CHAIR MANUFACTURERS $■ ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, and where they will make, and keep constantly for sale, at fair I prices, a general assortment of Grecian, Fancy, and. Windsor CHAIRS. The public are respect fully invited to call and examine their present assortment. They feel assured mat they will be found not to be inferior, either in the durability of their materials or the neat ness of their execution, to those of any other ma • nufacturer in the District. They will execute Sign Jf- Ornamental Paint ing and Gilding, in all their various branches, on the most accommodating terms. Old Chairs will be taken in part payment for new ones, or will be repaired or re painted at the shortest notice. Chairs purchased at-this manufactory will be sent, free ofexpense, to any part of the District. SPLENDID FURNITURE. CHARLES KOONES, Cabinet, Chair, and Sofa Maker, King street, next door to the corner of Alfred street, has on hand, and con stantly manufactures, a general assortment of FASHIONABLE CABINET FURNITURE, which, for elegance and durability, defies com petition. His stock generally consists of Grecian and plain Sofas, Couches and Lounges Mahogany if1 all kinds of Drawing-room Chairs Grecian, winged, and single Wardrobes Pedestal end Sideboards, with marble tops and mirrors Gothic and various other ditto Pier Tables, with marble and mahogany tops Pillar and block Dining, Card and Breakfast do Do do claw do do do do Plain do do do do do Centric or Loo do French and various other Bureaus, with and without mirrors Ladies’ Dressing Tables, with f without mirrors Do Workstands and Music Stools Do and Gentlemen’s Cabinet, Secretaries, and Book Cases Washstands, with marble and mahogany tops Richly carved and plain Mahogany, Bird-eye, and Curled Maple and common Bedsteads Cribs, Cradles, Candlestands; Shaving ditto Portable Desks And every other article in the Cabinet iine. Likewise, MAHOGANY, of various kinds; steam-saw ed, curl and shaded Veneers; Copal Varnish, Sacking Bottoms, Cords, BEDS, MATTRAS SES, &.c. The above articles will be disposed of for cash or to punctual persons on the most liberal terms. A very extensive patronage from Washing ton, induces me to say, that I will deliver Fur niture to any purchaser in that city free of ex pense. _- aPr CABINET, CHAIR, AND SOFA MANUFAC TORY. JAMES GREEN, Cabinet Maker, has on hand, and will constantly keep, at his old stand on Royal street, Alexandria, and at the corner of Tenth street and Pennsylvania Ave nue, Washington, a general assortment of the most FASHIONABLE AND DURABLE FUR NITURE, which he will warrant equal, if not superior in quality, to any ever offered in the District; consisting, in part, of Grecian, winged and plain Wardrobes Gothic, pedestal and plain Sideboards Ditto, with cellarets and marble slabs French and plain Bureaus Dressing do with mirrors Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Secretaries f book Cases Pier Tables, with marble and mahogany tops Pillarclaw Dining, Breakfast cf Card Tables Plain do do do do do Ladies’ Work Stands; Shaving Candle do Wash Stands, with marble f mahogany tops Grecian Sofas; Mahogany Chairs Music Stools, Bidetts, Cribs, Cradles Portable Writing Desks, &c. With a general assortment of BEDSTEADS, of richly carved Mahogany, Maple, and Stained Woods. All of which will be sold as low, for cash, as they can be purchased of the same qua lity at any other manufactory in the Union. Also, An assortment of St. Domingo and Bay of Honduras MAHOGANY, a part of which is suitable for Handrails; Steam-sawed Curl and Shaded Veneers; Copal Varnish of a superior quality; Sacking Bottoms, Cords, &c. TURNING and CARVING handsomely exe cutedapr 3 STEPHEN S. SANGER, IN tendering his sincere acknowledgements to his friends and the public for past patronage respectfully informs them that he still continues to manufacture, and has now on hand, BEDS, MATTRASSES, SOFAS & CHAIRS, And Cabinet Furniture, of good materials and workmanship, which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. The public are solicited to call, before they purchase elsewhere, at his Upholstering and Ca binet Ware-Room, on King street, between Co lumbus and Henry streets, where he will satis factorily execute all orders for articles in either of the above branches. Repairs in either line done neat, cheap, and expeditiously. CABINET, CHAIR, ANDSOFA MANUFAC TORY. LEONARD O. COOK respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he still continues to manufacture all kinds of CA B1NE I’ FURNITURE at his Cabinet Ware house on King street, next door to Mr. James Kerr’s Grocery store,and also informs them that he has on hand, at his Cabinet Ware-room, on the north-east corner of King and Washington streets, where he intends keeping a constant supply of the BEST FURNITURE, made by the best workmen, and of the neatest fashions, which he will warrant equal to any ever offered in the District, which he will sell low for cash, or to punctual persons on the most accommo dating terms; and he hopes, by his punctuality and attention, to secure a part of the public pa tronage. Old Furniture neatly repaired, and hand somely varnished. TURNING handsomely executed, and at the shortest notice. \* Furniture purchased at this Factory will oe delivered free of expense any w-here in the District. Alexandria, may 7 FOR RENT. A comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, on Water street, near the residence of Jos. Haris, Esq. well calculated for a genteel family, having seven rooms. To a good tenant the rent will be low, and possession given forthwith. Apply to SAM’L LINDSAY, nov 27 ft?» JPuMfe Attention! IS respedfuUv solicited bv the subscriber, to an i.l v it liable preparation, the merits of which have >een tested by time, and are sustained by undouoted testimony ~ § DR. RRLFE’S o? Botanical Drops! are every year increasing their long established repu tation. Thev have outlived many rival preparations, and are continually gaining upon public confidence The Botanical Orooa have been successfully admin istered for mtnv years, as a thorough remedy for that well known and prevalent class of inveterate diseases which originate from a vitiated habit of bodv, or an he reditary predisposition in the patient, and generally appear under the various and distressing shapes of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St Anthony’s Fire, Fever Sores, White Swellings, Scurvy, Fool and Ob stinate Ulcers. Sore Legs and Eyes, Scald Head, and Venereal Taint. In the last mentioned condition of the system, the Botanical Drops wiil be found to eradicate the lurk ing poison, where mercury has totally failed, and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of an he reditary disease on his offspring Dr. Ilelfe’s Botanical Drops are successfully used in cases of violent eruptions after the measles—red blotches—pimples on the face—festering emotion* on the skin—and other diseases of the external surface* and are one of the best Spring an l Autumnal physics known, to free the svsteni from humors A physician of eminence, who had witnessed the ef ficacy of this article, had the candor recently to ack nowledge to the proprietor, that he considered it the best me Heine known, for the complaints fur which it is intended, and that it ought deservedly to stand at the head ur the whole c'ass of such remedies Price $1 a bottle, o- 6 bottles for (5. WHITE TEETH! AND HEALTHY OTJMS! rglilOSK who would retain or restore these desirable I. personal advantages, are assured that no compo sition can be obtained superior t: tlie BRITISH ANTISEPTIC DENTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleasant preparation in every respect, anil has, for many years past, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used. The Antiseptic SJentrifice is exempt from acid and other deleterious ingredients, which too frequently enter the composition of tooth powders in common use. and it wh tens the emmelof the teeth without! doing it the lea-t injury. The regular us - of this ad mired powder, by purifying the mouth and preventing the accumulation of tartar, operates as the best pre ventive of the Tooth Ache The IJentrifice removes discolorations, and restores the beautiful native white ness of the enamel. As its application braces and strengthens the Gums, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue, and, by removing alt offensive foreign accumulations from the teeth, preserve* the natural sweetness of the breath. I’ric - 50 cents • #* None genuineunleas signed on the outside pnnt ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, 1 Kidder, imme diate successor to tile late I Jr W. I Conway, for sale, with all the other “Conway Medicine,” at his Counting Hoorn, No 99. next door to J Kidder’s Grog Store, corner of Court and llar.over stree's. near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KlUOEHi And, by his special appointment, by WH. SI'ABLKK, Fairfax street, Alexandria. Large discount to those who tniv to sell again. Consumption! Asthma! S Catarrh! [N that long train of diseases which seem to grow with the growth of civilised society, Consumption takes the lead in its relentless inroad-, upon human life; yet his dreadful disorder is easily overcome in its . earlier stages. It is only when neglected th*t it ar | rives at the terrific maturity whLh so often baffle* the sagacity of professional science. An obstinate cough . is the custom iry forerunner of the pulmonary con-] sumption Improper neglect in the limelv adinims tration of simple and salutary remedies, is sme to be reproved by a dreadful succession of consumptive -> mptoms oppression of the ureas'; gre*.-ni-h and bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; shri veiled extreincties, and general emaciauun of the whole body; prostration of strength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet and legs; and at Iasi, in the lull posses don of the mental faculties, and while hope still whis per* her flatten g tale—rold ext.entities, and a pre mature death. For the various stages of this complaint, one of the most approv. d r.-medte* ever vet discovered is DR. RKLFES ASTHMATIC PILLS. Tms exceedingly powerful, und vetequallv sate and innocent preparation, has effected ill trough and rapid curt s upon patients supposed tolia'e been far adv-anc ( edio a confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit- j ed the appearances which usu illj indicate a fatal ter- . initiation of lie disorder. As the Fills require in ordinary cases no confine j ment, they mav be administered with confi It-nce and , safety to all ages an I classes of people. Unexampled) succ ss has hiliierto alien.led their administration in a j great variety of cases; and the proprietor can refer to ; a multitude, which testify to ilieir rtficacy in reviving j llie emaciated victim iro n the bed of disease, and re storing him to the blessing* of accustomed health and activity price $! for wh«/e boxes of 10 pills anJ 50 cents for half do. of 12 pills, with directions Albion Corn Plaster! r ■ A11K Albion Corn Plaster solicits the Com, how»-vc*r L old and tough, and extracts it to the very roots. The relief alforded is gentle, immediate, and tho rough. The proprietor begs leave to submit the following^ case, from Mr Stoweli, who is well known to the in habitants of this city, especially at the South Knd and South Boston, as i very worthy and respectable citi zen:— A Cask. Sir -I do not hesitate to give mv most unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corn piaster. By the use of less than a box, Mrs Stoweli has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and painful lor years, and I think it but justice to your invaluable preparation to add. (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the various remedies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure,) that your Plaster cured her corns, after trying other highly re commended remedies io no purpose; and what in creases mv conlid -nee in the superiority of your Pl-as ter. is the fact, that it Ins been used by several of my neighbors with equally good success (Signed) Skti Stowill, Keeper of the Toll house, South Boston Bridge. Mr. r. Kidiikr, Proprietor of the Conway Medicines. Boston, June 17th, 1829. •#B Price 50 cents SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. '■1 IE studious, the we.kly. and o hens, who are, X troubled with soreness or inflammation of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a most pleasant and invaluable application, in DUMFRIES’ 03“ EYE WATER! This well established Wash for the Eye is perfectly innocent, and gives immediate relief, even in very ag gravated cases of soreness and inflammation. Price 25 cents. •#» None genuine unless signed on the outside prin ted wrapper by t e sole proprietor, T. Kiddder, im mediate successor to the late Ur. W T Conway. For tale, with all the other •• Conway Medicines,” at his Counting Boom, No 99. next door to J Kidder’s Urug Store, corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con j sert Hall, Boston- THOMPSON K1UUEU. , And also, by his special appo ntment, by • WM. STABLER, jan 04 Fairfax street, Alexandria •#* Large aunt to those who buy to sell again, j To Rheumatic Invalids! PBRSONt suffering under Khri^utic Altection are respectfully assured that they can obtain of the imprietor and his agents a safe and admirable reme ilvfar Rheumatiam. however obstinate the disorder may be, and in all i*s different stages Or. Jebb’8 Liniment! will afford i-umeiliate relief to the patient,, and haa inmetimes been attended with such extraordinary sue cess as to cure the nost distressing Rheumatism in twenty four hours, even when of vear* standing. This highly fthub'e fjiniuu*nt is feco»fimencle<l *ith a confidence founded on the experience of ma ny vesrs, nut only as a cure for that excruciating d'* ease, hut as an excellent application for Stiffness of the Joints. Numbness, Sprains, Chilblain*, 8»C (This article is considered su superior to every thing else, and to possess such uncommon virtue*, that it i< ordered from all parts of the fcountry.J An Agent recently writes: “ Please tend me a further supply of Jebh’s Liniment the first npportuni tv—I shill probably sell a considerable quantitv, as it is recommended by some ol our physicians very high ly, although contrary to their roles and regulations to give encouragement to such (nr. patent) .medicine*. Rut is a m ist lecided proof of their confi lence in ita invaluable properties Another agent writes: “ I wish you to forward me some more of Jebh's Liniment, which his recommend ed itself very highly.” Price 50 cents a bottle. The Painful awl Dcbililntins' Complaint of THR PI LBS Receives immediate relief, and in numerous instance* has been thoroughly cured, Sv the adm'nistntinn ol DUMFRIRS’ R R M R !) Y FOR ID* THE PILES. TIIIS approved compound mu mmgates and re* moves the symptoms which frequently acc >mpa ny that disorder, and increase the danger »f the pa tient, viz: pains in loins, headache loss of appetite, indigestion, and other marks of debility A relieved patient writes from a distance: " It is hut justice to inform you, that I have used vour Dumfries’ Remedy for Hie Piles for some time past, and have found it eminently successful ” The remedy is quite innocent, and uuv be adminis tered to all ages and both sex -s. Plant and ample di reciions. with a description of the complaint, accom pany eachptekige, which consists of two boxes, one containing an Ointment, and the otiier an KieCtuary. Price for both articles, or 50 cents where but one is wanted THE TOOTH ACHE •'■'^IIIS agonizing disorder is cured in its m >at painful L stages, by one of the rn i«t simple as well as pnw erful remedies known in modern practice. the CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS * fiord instant relief, without inflicting the slightest in jury on the teeth They are applied externally to the parts affected, with the greatest ease and expedition and generally operate as a soothing lenitive to (he suffering patient. Price 50 cents a box $3=Dyspepsia <£$ OF most obstinate character, alter bav ng baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians, and withstood the most highly recommended medical pre partitions, has hern checked, relieved, and cured, in a number of instance' in and about this city, by using, for a short time. I)r llum'i VEGETABLE specific. AND ANTI Bl LIOUS PILLS. in connexion, according <o the directions accompany ing the Specific It is also one of the best medici .es known for Sick Headache. Sickness at the Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and Pills, 50 cents each. Debilitated Females! 'ltilK complaint* peculiar *o Hu ik ii..c p>r of the 1. comm mitv, ha»e heen lon< aue.ce»s'uli■ tre%trd by the administration of the A routine l*nL, nrignuliy prescribed and compounded by Hr Uelfe I'hey cleanse the (blond from thn*e disorders ol the female constitution, for which the pills are an effectual apeci ficj tltey restore a fr.-. circuu ion, reform ihe irregular npcratiuiis ot the suigu ferous system, an i rectify the di-ord.Ted Inbi s Ihe proprietor’s coufi.l. nee in the superior excellence of this ■ quail, innocent and p iw erful preparation, is f >un led on the most decisive tes timony from many r.-store I pi tents lie can assnr.' this portion of the pilot.c. t|»a' when DR. RKLFE’S A ROM ' PIC PILLS FOR KE M ALES are regularly taken, accor n ig tu he hr c i ms, ac Conpauv mg them, * 11 - • v revive a i I tslahlish Ihe desir ed health* habit*, and eslore to t .e pdud counle nance the naiirra' g ow <>l health <m| good spirits. Mimed ladies will find the nils rqudly useful, ex cept in cases of paegmney, when they must not be taken; oeitlie mu.t they betik«-nb» persons of bee lie or consumptive lialiila They may he usml success fully b\ either men or w nnen in a.I Hyp ichoudriac, Hysteric or v'ap mrisli disorders to all cases of tin description, the pills purifv, invigorate, and revive the h -rdere.l a* stem. 1‘rice £l 59 s mix. •#* None genuine un ras s.gned on ihe outside prin ted wrapoer by Ihe sole proprietor, f. Kidd. r. nnuir diatt-successor to the ute Hr I* Conw.y. For sale with all the other “ Conway Medicines," at hi* Couo ting Itoom, No. 99 next door to J. Kul ler’s Drug Store, corner of Court and I to tver streets near Con cert Hall, Boston TllOMI**ON K.HliKIt. AnU also, by his special app moment, by W M. SI .V t.BII, ian 15 Fairfax street, Alexandria. '/ Large discounts to those who buy to sell again DUMFRIES’ Itch Ointment! IT I K extendvr Si'e a >.l t.stu'ilisued reputation Dumfries’Itch Ointment, enc >urag-s the propri etor to recommend it with renew -d confidence to the public, as a most innocent as well as powerful applies lion fur this anno> ing disease The m ist inveterate ;»strs hsve been cuuai) Uf list h iuii! I>y tlrs esteem ed Ointment It emu tins no m tcury, or ot>ii r iiuxi ins ingredient, an I in iy h : co di Ir-ntlv apidied even to the vouugest children, or to pregnant females — Price 37$ cents. Nme genuine unless signed on the outside print id wrapper by the sole proprietor, I’ l{i I ier, imme liate successor to the late Dr. \V. I* Conway. Fur le,with all the other '• Conway Me licines,” at his 'Counting Itoum, No 99, next door to J Kidder’s Drug store,corner of Court and Hanover street* near Con* ;ert Hall, Boston. TllOill’SDN KIDDKlt. And also, by his special appointment, by WM. S FABLKK, Fairfax street, Alexandria.£<* diaeonnt* tothos** win* huv In sell *>'ain. POW oER, SALTPETRE, &0. 1 XQ KEGS of Dupont’s Powder A vAO Eagle Powder, in half kegs, for ‘duck ing’ 20 casks Refined Salt Petre 40 boxes Double, Single, and Lump Re fined Sugar Landing and for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. Also—ISO boxes Mould Candles 120 “ best Sperms 400 casks of Cut Nails and Brads, as sorted dec 4 SUPERIOR CHE W ING TOBACCO. | -g W BOXES, pound lumps, W. Morgan’s j A # brand, said to be of very finest quality— ust received per schooner Virginia, from Rich nond, and for sale by GEO. JOHNSON 4. Co. nov 17 [National Intelligencer law3w] OB PRINTING neatly executed at this ome». H YGEIANISM. TUB foil .win* ’estimoniils of the superior .a of the IIYGKIVN MKIIUMNKS in the *S*ey our disease*, speak in i laoi*u<f?e which m.H, [' of conviction to the minds of the most skeptical^ CMT* Rnown Usivissitt. I><*c.2i Tim To Mr. Samuel Yum* \jjent for the Hvrei’ao v.' table Universal Medicines, for the Sute of uH*? Island. **®sde si* —(»ratitu le to the lirest Preserver of tleneo pels me, in compliance with your request, to brief statement of * cure, which, I think, I reclvLj from the llygeian Medicines. I give publicity tn'I^ same the more cheerfully, because thereby I m »y be useful to some of mv fello w-men whn be afflicted with a similar disease. ’ nuJ My complaint was called Pulmonary Comunm, and that my real condition may be explicitly Unt>n’ ! Stood, I state, in connexion with the relation cfftT cure, some of the symptoms of the disease |nV*1* tember, I8V2,1 caught a severe colj, which settled my lungs; I was confined to my roomabout onew«T ! with a fever, attended with considerable cough- ' : cough soon abated, and apparently, mv health; when, after about three weeks, i, 1 course of the night, having returned the evening £ ' fore in usual health. I found myself bleed ng ,t n' : lungs. I had not. to my knowledge, received any hurt I nr strain, to which the cause of this might he atirtb • ed l spit blood, occasionally, for fourdais; it Uft | me with some fever, pain in the breast, verv |n,i. * ! petite, and withal, very weak 1 A few week* determined that | was in a decline I received the attention of the most skilful Physician* who often seemed In che k the progress uf the dis ease, and inspire the It tpe of a speedy recovery. But rel pae upon relapse, and each bringing me |o*fl than the preceding, seemed to baffle all and warn me of an approaching dissolution. Thu* months after the first »tlack, a •• tubercle” hmtll u|. cer] broke in (he Inngs, after which I spat blood, 01* day I continued to decline twomonilis longer, whea I obtained the llygeian Medicines I had now been unable to sit up a whole dsy, for four months and t half Mv feet were cold and lifeless, sleeo unsound col I night sweats constant, tongue furred, pulse in il* afternoon from seventy five to on.* hundred per mi nine, food produced great distress, appetite very poor, pain in the breast hrecilv opposite the hesrt I attended with some cough, J«c. fcc. Such wu my condition, when I first became acquainted with the llvgeian Medicines I commenced taking the medi. cities, four pills at a dose, and increase 1 the dote dii* •y, one up to the number of twelve. In shout ien • lays, my appetite became good, and fo >d produced no distress, sleep soon became sound and refreshing, and in about forty d*\a the symptoms of thediscssa had nearly all disappeared I took the medicine sixty days regularly every night, averaging about ten pills at a dose; the greatest num ber taken at anv one time was fifteen Af'er this, I to ik about four doses a week, until I had taken about thirteen hundred pill-, when I found myself restored to health. After I commenced the ll\g nn, l took no other medicine. One year from the fir.t attsck | Wit able to resume mv studi s in college, where [ have since remained without any recurrence of the disease Hitherto I have been convalescent) tnd it my strength is not yet fully returned, I am certain I nave less pains, and am m >re fr**e from temponry sickness, than at any time since my earliest recollec tion. > ours, with respect, IIOItACE T. LOVEi Or II Shxphkard Moat Dear Sir—I wish to state that my sister, after seven suffering, and employing a medical man three yesn, waa relieved by the use of the Universal Medicinei. Il<-r complaint was a violent pain and soreness in her side; indeed, to use her own expression, her is on one side had turned in, actually deformed Theptin was a violent burning p .in. almost intolerable; to see veie, that 'lie could not ait up for upwards of three years. It was occasioned by overdacing lien o If, and | perhaps, over exertion with it. sf»er using slew, i doses of No 1 and 2. alternately, shout eight pil's for i a dose, <he pain decreased, and, by perseverance in I their use, she is now rest-fed to health; and I hare nn objection to this case being nude public for the oem fit of others; and am, dear sir, yours truly, H. UYEK. I.owell, Massachusetts, Feb 8, 1834 In justice to Dr M. her m.-dical adviser, when he heard her impr>vement in health, he recommended perseverence m the use of he medicines. This valuable Meilicine. being composed only of vegetable matter, or medicinal herbs, and warranted, on «»»th, as containing not me particle of mercurial, mineral, nr chemical -instances, (all of which are un congenial to th nature ol man, and therefore lesttuc live to the liumtn frame,) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most ten Ier age or weakest frame, un der every stage of human sulf" rings the 'Host P' Min* and benign in it operation, and at the same time the most searching out the root of every complaint, how ever deep, an«l ol perfoi ming a cure, that w»s ever offered to the world This wotiilerful effect, too, ii produced by the least trouble to the pitienta, by merely swallowing a cert »in nmn ier of small pills and being called a few extra tunes to the purpose*ofeva cuation, with the least possible sensation of pain, or exhaustion of bodily s I without tht lear ol catching cold, or attention to dress nr • iet, in any way different from their aocustomi d ha uls. Th *e pills cure all case-, and snnot be taken to excess (Experience. whi-:h is the touehatone of all human knowledge Iras long borne testimony to the fact; and exienstve u-e ol them has already verified its truth in tiiis country. These medicines cure by purging; and yet the weak, the feeble, the infirm, the nervous, the delicate, are ii a few days strengthened by their operation, beca i*e they clear the body of its ba l humours, and invar.ab'y procure sound deep They are he -ah-st ami most otfi :hci >u» meilicine to lake to sea; preventing »curvy, coaiiveness, tic. The Vegetable Cleansing l*ow lers ire of great *' sistance to patients, and facilitate the tvacuation *» bad humours; they soften, ce*nse, and detach t '• acrimonious plilegm; ai e cooling, and allay >hf ' • Mie, two, or Hire - powders may be taken t!ifli«g |l,u the day, mixed in half n wine glass ot w»<cr. The genuine Medicines can he had oi WM POMBKOV, Al-nndria. Sole Agent for the Dittrict of i.'otwohia nod itt ndady* lly Ali .m the Pills are sold in packet*.»» <'"«•l*0' anil three dollars each, and the Powders »l ce , per ho*, with printed directions; and b) 1 ,e lowing tu:».\g*nis: it vV. PoUinhorn. between and lOlli •dreels, Pennsylvania Avenue; Jo"* 11 Navy Y*rd, tVashington; and I’taonua G. . n» tleorgetowni of whom alone can the Me ‘Cinea ^ warranted genuine. By appointment of l>r. ' Moat, 11. P. SI., M B CM .Hrooklyn, New York, J# sole importerof these Medicines. Morrtsonia, or the Pamily Adviner, price 7 , tical Proofs, illustrated by numerous cases ol third edition, price 37£ cents; to be had asabov . ( apt 5 tf ___ FOR SALE, ON moderate terms, a second-hand Coo i s Stove. WM. STAliLbB 11 mo 26-----* FURS FOR THE LADlho. PELERINE and Round Capes, a beauuw article; Lynx, and other Boas, extra n • Also, a large and goneral assortment o perfine Caps: for comfort and richness inej stand unrivalled. Hair Caps of everypattern. In store, the Don’s much admired EilK for a continuance of lustre and beauty they a* not equalled. n Together with a stock of Hats, of my <> manufacture, that will give satisfaction, j * licit a call. JOHN T. O. WlLBAK. nov 28—tf