Newspaper Page Text
WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENCE. From the Washington Correspondent of the Bal ^ tinore Patriot. One of the most interesting spectacles of the day was the meeting of the-President and the Heads of Department in the Senate Chamber, previous to their marching in form into the Hall of the House of Representatives. There, if you remember, he and his Cabinet were invited,— with the members of the Foreign Legations that are now in this city, of whom by the way, there were but few present, and among the absentees were M. Serurier, the French Minister, and 8ir Charles Vaughan, the British Minister. It so happened, curiously enough, that Jackson, Forsyth. Woodbury, Dickerson, Cass, Barry and Butler, were fionted as they sat in chairs close together, by Clay, White, Webster, Cal houn and Poindexter, all of whom were in an area not ten feet apart. Clay directly in front of Jackson, Poindexter and Calhoun not far off,— and J. Q* Adams but a little to the left, none of whom, you know, but White and Webster, are on speaking terms with the President. Old Jack son, with his bristled hair, peeped into the gal leries, and whispered with Forsyth, who was at his right hand. Clay sat as unconcerned—with the exception of a look somewhat prouder than usual,- as if he were telling a story in a circle of gentlemen. Father White seemed to be con templating the spectacle with a inusing-like as pect. Calhoun was whispering with Buchanan, to pass tne awkward time. Poindexter looked things unutterable. Benton ;wit in his chair, as usual, plotting mischief,—and opposite him, on the other side, was Isaac Hill, who for a moment had suspended hiseverlasting scribhlingto chuck the fingers of both hands into his mouth, as he threw himself back into his chair «o witness the show. And then there was little Martin, whom 1 must not forg-t, in the Vice President’s chair, smirking arid smiling, with that self-satisfied face, which no description can paint, but which is as descriptive of his character as any thing can possibly be. In this awkward p isition, thus crowded together, face to fate, these very great friends sat for twenty minutes or more, in a si lence unusually great in the Senate Chamber. as all the spectators vtho commonly make the noise, were in the Hall of the House, securing seats before the Orator of the day came from the Senate._ The following remarkable and interesting fact is extracted from a recent publication, entitled ‘ Letters to a gentleman in Germany, written af ter a trip from Philadelphia to Niagara,'*—the work of an impartial, intelligent, and very ob serving foreigner, who has resided among us for a few years past:— “ CA*ca[in New York] is remarkable in the his tory of civilization; for when she was made a city, in 1332, an express prohibition against li censing shops for retailing ardent spirits was in serted in her charier—a restriction made, prob ably f*r the first time in the history of the world though temperance societies existed as eaily as the middle ages.”_ Mr. Taylor, the author of Philip Van Artevel de, is one of the clerks in the Colonial Office. In the olden time, a poet would have made but a sorry clerk; but it is said that Mr. T. is not only one of the most efficient in talent but one of the most hardworking men in the es'abli*hment of the Colonial Offi e. DlEU On the 29th Decemher. 1S31 at bis residence in the county of Shenun loan. (Va ,) \\ illiam Steexbekgkk. Jr. aged 42 years. IIis acquain tance in Western Virginia was very general, and wherever known had won the esteem of all. by his social and cheerful manner, by that love of justice and exercise ol humauti'y which in fluenced him in all his transactions. Perhaps the predominating trait of his character was. that though of warm and quick temperament, yet was there in his composition such a contin ued flowing of the milk of human kindness as most instantly to blot out all recollections of unkindness or resentment. He lived and died, as the writer believes, without an enemy. His death created a shock throughout the county in which he lived. The love borne him by hi* neighbors was testified during his illness by their crowding to his house, eagerly inquiring of his fate, and demanding to be employed in any manner that could do him good; the deep-felt sorrow for his loss, and the respect in which they held him memory, by the many who attend ed and performed for him the last sad offices of humanity. |tp-Our advertising custonieis are request ed, during the session of Congicss, to send in their advertisements at as early an hour in the day as practicable. SHIP NKWS.lfe POUT or ALEXANDRIA. !>. C Arrived. January, 8, Schr. Virginia, Jourdan, New York,freight for the District." Schr. Joseph Stewart Wood. Richmond. Coal to Lambert 4 M’Kenzie and crates to H. C. Smith. Passed below Schr. Velocity, Ryder, Barbadoes. Schr. Virginia, Tyler, Richmond, Coal to G H. Smoot._ _ MEMORAXDA. Schr. Palestine, Wilson, from St. Domingo for this port, was spoken Dec. 20, lat 31, long. 72 20; 15 days out. Distressing wreck.—Nassau papers to the 13 b December, received at Charleston, contain in telligence that the schooner Tnrbonmsb, Capt. Canfield, from St Tlwums, for New York, on the 5th Nov. lat 2a 30 Ion. 09 W. c<ips.z-‘d, and sunk in 6 or 8 minutes, ad hands perishing except the Captain, who saved himself in the boat On the 7th duv after the disaster, Cap1. Canfield arrived on Mayagunnn, which he tra versed all around without finding either food or water, and sleeping on the sand beach for that night, steered away next morning for the next land in sight, (French Key) where finding on ly a barren sand beach, kept on to the westward, and landed on Acklin’s Island. Another night was passed on the beach by the captain, and the following, being the eighth day and nine nights without food or water, and perfectly naked du ring the whole time, (having torn up his panta loons and shirt for sails) he obtained relief from soma negroes. Nothing was saved from the wreck, save the hat, watch and clothes the cap tain wore. Names of the passengers were as follows:— John Hall, Surgeon, and wife, of the artillery corps, St. Vincent, and belonging to the Coun ty of Armagh. Ireland. William Clark, of and from Barbadoes. Charles G. Smith, of the United Sta’es. John Brown, of Newburypoit, Charles Thomas, I of New York, and Roberts, I ite be'ong « g o the American schr. Clio, put on b *ard by Mr. j Hicks, the Am. Consul at St. Thomas, A. H. Seely, mate, of New Canaan, Connect icut, Archibald Thompson, second mate, of New York, John Rice, the Steward, of St. Vin cent W. M’Kenzie, formerly of the brig Reward, of St Johns, New Brunswick. John R. Schoonover, ofPennsylvania. Henry Boyson, of New York. Oliver, a man of color, of Norwalk, Connecti cut. A report had reached Nassau, from Cuba, that some days previous, a Spanish vessel en tering the port of Xivarra, by some accident, ran foul of a boat which was passing, and having upset the boa’, the Governor of that place, who was in her, was unfortunately drowned. COMMERCIAL. Price of Produce in Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and Vessels. Flour, new wheat, bbl $4 37$ a $0 00 Wheat, per bushel, 0 80 a 0 94 Corn, - do 0 54 a 0 55 Rye, - do 0 65 a 0 70 Flaxseed, - - 1 50 a 0 00 Oats, from wagon9, bush 0 40 a 0 00 Do from vessels, do 0 35 a 0 00 Corn Meal, white, do 0 50 a 0 55 Do do yellow, do 0 50 a 0 00 Whisicev, per gallon, 0 27 a 0 30 Bacon, per cwt. - 9 00 a 00 00 Butter, fresh, per lb. 0 20 a 0 22 Do firkin, do - 0 14 a 0 16 Lard, do - 0 09 a 0 00 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 4 50 a u 00 Wagon Pork, - - 5 62$ o 6 75 Flour.— We continue to quote the wagon price at 4 37$; receipts light and demand limited. We hear of no sales from stores since those re ported nt £4 43 jLjr* Tue Kev. Dr. Perhy will. n> D vine per mission. preach in the Baptist Meeting House on Sabbath morning at 11, and evening at half past 6 o’clock. 9C?*The Savings Fund Institution open eve ry Saturday afternoon, from half past 3 to 5 o’clock, under the direction of a Committee of the Managers, at their Room on Fairfax, a few doors north of Prince street.—Those to whom it would be more convenient, may make their deposites on any other day of the week, w ith William Stabler, Apothecary, Ac. Fairfax street. . CHEESE. 6} | CASKS Cheese, received per schooner bd I Virginia, from New York. f»rsale by, w LAMBERT A McKENZIE. jin 3 Union Wharf. BEST GRATE COALS. A AA BUSHELS Grate Coals, received Jml'-h vFvF per schooner Joseph Stewart from Richmond, and for sale in lots to sn:t purchas ers. by LAMBERT A McKENZIE. jan 3 _Union Wharf. WANTED, gri'll"! LABORING Men, and 150 Horses and •Jl/U Carts, tit work on the Richmond, Frr dc rick sharp and Potomac Roil Rod, distant 20 miles fmm Richmond, and 40 miles from Frede ritksburg—(near Taylorsville.) Apply to PHILIP ROACH & CO. Alexandria, Or on Sections 16. 17, IS, 19 & 22 ol the above Rail Road. P. Ronch & Go wish to purchase GOOD HORSES & CARTS. jan 3-3awgw TO RENT, rrUJF. Sandy Bar and Cooper’s Point Fishe A ries. with the privilege of the adjacent Land ings on Broad Creek. These Landings are a little below Alexandria, on the Maryland side ol the river. Apply on the premises, or to HENRY DAINGERF1ELD. j in 3 — 2aw6w NF.W GOODS. GEO. S. HOUGH has just received— 10 pieces Super Cloths of almost all colors, some beautiful for Ladies’ Cloaks Drat*, blue, black and mixed Cassimeres and Sattinetts Fancy Ve.> tings [cheap 10 pieces real French Merinoe’s, very fine and 10 “ English do Super Italian Lustrings and Pouit de Soie Some beautiful brown ditto Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gloves t loths and Linseys for Servants Woollen Hose Fine Lamb’s Wool Shirts Bandanna and Flagg Hdkfs, some very large Rose, Point and Duffil Blankets Bleached Domestic Shirtings and Sheetings Brown do do Linen Cambric Hdkfs Colored Cambrics of air colors Canton Flannels of all colors Furniture Chintzes and Calicoes Narrow Bob'unet Quilling Russia Sheetings and Diapers Brown Hollands and Lawns silk Velvels of all colors \ II of which will be sold low. jan 3 | SUN FIRE COMPANY. N ACT reducing into one niul amending _, the several act' respecting the prevention of accidents by tire, and f*r tlit* extinguishment of the same: Sec. 6. And he it farther snarled, That if any person, who shall ne present at any fire, shall neglect or refuse to obey the order or direction of any officer who shall he appointed by any tire company now established, or which may hereaPer he established, know ng him to he an officer, such person si ail forfeit and pay. for each offence, die sum of fivedoilars. Provided, The name of such officer shall have been first published in one of the public papers printed in the town. At a meetine of the Sun Fire Company, held on Tuesday. 23d December, 1834, the following officers were duly elected; President—John Hoff. Vice President—Robert Brockett. Secretary—James Dunlap. Treasurer—Washington T. Harper. Commanders—l't. Robert Brockett; 2d. Jas. P. Middleton; 31. John T. 0. Wilbar. Peculators—1st. Robert T. Ramsay; 2d. Washington T. Harper; 3d. John Summers; 4th. John Rumney. Sub-Directors— 1st Charles A. ^Winter; 2d. Ge ». Snyder; 3d. Wm. W. While. Trustees^John Hooff Geo H. Smoot. JAMES DUNLAP, ian 3 3t Sec’y. S. F. C. POTATOES. Tt'v 'Y BUSHELS of white, Chenango and J * blue nose Potatoes received per schoo ner Village, lr in Bo-ton. Pts -ehv L WIDE T f McKENZ E, dec 27 Lniou wharf. . I COWBWEgg. i IN SEN ATE—January 2. I A number of private bills were acted on.— , The Senate concurred in the joint resolution I thanking Mr. Adams for his Oration on the cha racter of La Fayette, and requesting a copy for publication. I The Bill for improving the navigation of the Wabash River was then taken up. Mr. Hen dricks spoke at length in its support. Mr. Poin dexter supported the bill in a tow remarks, in which he handled the President without gloves, j The bill was then read a third time and passed: Ayes 22, Noes 18. The Senate then adjourned to Monday. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was occupied all day on private claims. TWO DOLLARS REWARD. R ANA WAY from the subscriber, on the 21st December, JOHN PAT TON, an indented apprentice to the Shoe-making business; be 'tween 10 and 11 years old; small of his age; grey eyes, and rather dark hair. Whoever will apprehend said hoy, and deliver him to me, [shall receive the above reward, but no charges. All person-* are hereby forewarned from eui I ploying or harboring said boy, as the law will be enforced against all offenders. [ jan 2—3tJAMES CARROLL. I SENNA SYRUP, FOR Coughs. A fresh supply just made, and for sale by WM. S TABLER, jan 1 _ _ __ WARRANTED WINTER OIL. Q 4 Cask* Pure Winter Strained Oil, direct from the Manufactory at Nantucket, just received, and for sale by V\ M. D. NUT T. | Instore 15 boxes superior Sperm Candles, I long 4s and 5s and short 6s and 10s, warranted pure. jan 1 APPLES. BARRELS prime Apples for sale on OvJ hoard Sehr. Village, at dec 27 W. FOYVLE <f Co’s wharf. NOTICE. ~ THE undersigned retires from business this day, thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received. Those who may liuve claims on him will present their bills for payment. JAS. RIORDAN. Mr. John Laimirn Is deputed his Agent for the sale of Lottery Tickets, during the unexpired term of License. „ J. R. jan 1____ TIMBERED LAND FOR SALE. I OFFER h>r sale a valuable tract ol Wood Land in Prince William County, Va., 30 miles below Washington, near the Potomac ri ver and Quantico creek. It is heavily clothed with lofty yellow heart Pine, suitable for ship timber, plank and wharf logs; and it is believed three thousand cords of wood could he obtained from it. The distance to navigation is less than a mile and the expense of hauling would con sequently be very moderate. 1 will sell this property a great bargain, ami give long credit: a good opportunity is, there fore, now presented to an enterprising man, in clined to engage in the timber and wood busi ness. For further information apply to Mr. W. S. Colqnhonn, Dumfries, Mr. Samuel H. Jan ney. Occnquan, or to mein Alexandria, dec 31—tl JAMES W. SCOTT. MAHOGANY. FEET Mahogany, assorted, from § in. to 2 in., ol good quality and in good order, just received and lor sale low by dec 29WM. D. NUTT. SLAVES FOR SALE. FROM thiity to forty valuable Slaves, will be sold, atBrentsville, Va., on Monday, the 5th inst. jan 2—ts LAMPS. JUST received, and now open for sale. Read ing L imps with Shades, suitable for read ing, writing, sewing. «fcc.; English Brass Shop Lamps. On Hand—Wall Lamps; Plain and Cut Passage Lamps; Lamp Glasses, Shades and Wicks. HUGH C. SMITH, dec 23 TEAS. -| HALF Chests Young Hyson, and 10 JL ” Boxes Gunpowder Teas, of good quality just received and for sale hy dec 23S \ M'L M ESSEH SMITH. LOAF SUG \ It AND BUCKWHEAT MEAL. 4 BOXES Loaf and Lump Sugars 23 qr. bids. Buckwheat Meal Lauding from on board 'loop Miller, from Phi ladelphia, and on sale by dec22 ANDREW J. FLEMING. CASTORS. JUST imported a few setts good PLA TED CASTORS, silver mounted; Brass Mount ed; Wood Frame Castors; Common Plated Cas tors; together with a full assortment ol'CHJNA, GL \SS and E \RTHEN WARE. dec 23 HUGH C. SMITH. CHAMPAIGN. CASES Champaign Wine, represented to be of good quality, received and for sale by SA.M’L. MESSERSMiTH. dec 2? NEW STYLE. JUST received, per schooner Village from Boston, two cases of Satin Beaver Hats. entirely n new pattern; they have been made to urilrr. and are extra fine. /n S'ore— Hats of every shape an I quality; Caps of the latest fashions: all ol which will he sold whole sale and retail, on the moat accommodating terms. I solicit a call, and you’ll see what good bargains l will giveyou. All Hats bought of the subscriber will at all times be put in order gratis: such as binding and ironing. J«»HN T. O. WILBAR. Cash given /or Furs; those having the at tide will please to call. jan 1 CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25 years of age. Personshaving likely Servants to dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is now, or may hereafter, come into this market dec 17 FRANKLIN 4, ARMFIELD. BANK OF ALEXANDRIA, December 19, 1834. THE Stockholders ofihe Bank of Alexan dria are hereby notified, that the annual F, ection for ten directors thereof, will be held at their Banking House, ihe third Mond iy, (being tl*e 19th day) of January n<xt. Pols open from 10 A M. to 3 P. M. J. ROBERTS, Pres’t. dec 19—eotJIS FOR NEW YORK. The good Schooner HORISON, Gocu> S^ek, Master, wants 500 barrels Freight, for which apply lo LAMBERT & McKENZIE, jan 1Union Wharf. - FOR NORFOLK, rfsc The schooner WILLIAM <fc FRANCIS, !ite&£capt. Thruston, will have despatch, and can take the bulk of 150 bbls. A pply to the cap tain on board, or to STEPHEN SHINN, dec 31__Janney's Wharf. FOR NEW YORK. rfK The good Schooner AMERICAN, Sum §23i£mers, Master, if the weather permits, will meet with quick despatch. For freight of 300 barrels under, and 300 barrels on deck, apply to LAMBERT & McKENZIE, dec 30Union Wharf. FOR FREIGHT. rfw: The superior Schooner VILLAGE, R. Newcomb, master, burthen 600 barrels, will be ready for cargo on Monday. South, or West Indies, preferred. Apply to dec 27WM. FOWLS & CO. FOR FREIGHT; The brig ENTERPRISE, Smith, mas isiifter. Apply to dec 19 • A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. FIGS. ORANGES, APPLES, dfcc. A Q DRUMS fresh Smyrna Figs, suitable * sizes fir faiuili-’S. 2 b irrels prime Oranges 2 boxes Lemons 20 barrels Bald a in and Russet Apples 10 boxes’resh Piunes 1 box Pine Apple Cheese Ju»t received, and fur sale by ROBERT BELL, King street,opposite Dr. Vowel.’*. Who lint on hunt/, ami will constantly kerp— Best Hav.inu Cigars Stuart’s superior Can dies; Canton Ginger. Guava Jelly; Olives. Ca pers, Anchovies, dtc. ike.. All for sale on pleas ing terms._ jan 1—eu3t 820 REWARD. SUPPOSED to haw been lost on Christinas night, A LARGE GUN—if returned in six days from this date, the above reward will he given; and if any time after, $10 and ii<« que> tions asked. THOMAS LEKRi. dec 31 —St A FUR CAP, OF a flat shape and dark color, belonging to John II. Janney, has been taken, perhaps through mistake, from the tesidenee of Edgar Snowden. Whoever has it will please return it. dec 30—3t BEEF K /V BBLS. No. 1 Boston Beef, “Winches dvr terV’ brand, received per schooner Vil lage, for sale by VVM. FOWLE & CO. dec 30 Cotton S ine Ttcine. Onuaburp and Yarn. rtK BALES assorted Cotton Yarn. Cotton Osnaburgs and C<*tton Seine Twine, from the Petersburg Manufacturing Company, just received, per steamboat Old Diminion, and for sale by tier 31A. C. UAZENOVE <fc Co. Oi.D WHITE COFFEE. iQ BAGS Old White Coffee, just received per schr. Village, from Boston, and for sale by S. MESSERSM1TH. dec 29 SERVANTS FOR HIRE. ON Saturday, the 3d January, 1S35, and at 12 o’clock on that day, will he offered at public hire, for the year 1835, at Samuel Catts’ Tavern, West End, a number of likely and va luable servants, men and w omen, boys and girls. dec 30—t3J _ wanted! CHESAPEAKE and Ohio, or Alexandria Canal Stock, wanted in exchange for a LOT of GROUND, on the corner of Duke and Henry streets, at fair relative valuation. The Lot is 60 feet front on Duke, and 80 feet front on Henry streets. JOSlAll II. DAVIS, dec 22__ HOUSE AND STORE TO RENT. We will b ase the premises, on Fairfax oS near King street, now occupied by Mr. Ro bert Munro, to a careful permanent tenant, at a very moderate rent. Possession to be given Is. January next. dec 23 SAM’L R. I.ARMOUR <fc CO. CHAIR.*.! CliAlUo! Rocking chairs, ingn bucks, withscmii seats and rush bottom Chair-, just i ec.-tved, ii.i-i lor by GEO. UhlTlv. •uUliE DRY GOCUS. WT. HARPiOlt In* just received, from the • North, a fun her supply of 25 hales and package* of seasonable Dry Goods, wuich he will sell unusually low. wholesale and retail: Super and common Cloths of every color Woollen and Co'tou Flannels 9-4. 10 l 11-1 Rose Blankets, Point and heavy Duffill <io Cussmetts, some very low priced Linseys plain and strip d Merinos, French and English, very cheap Scarlet, English do A large quantity Circassiansanri Bombazeis B.aik and Colored Worsted Hose and ^ Hose Woollen, Buck, Beaver, Kid and other Gloves Woollen Comforts Silk and Cotton Hdkfs Linen Cambric Hdkfs Calicoes, some very handsome 1 lain Crimson Merino Calico S Ik Swansdown and other Vestings S veral pieces Mjtteont’s neat black Italian Silk Ci-I’d Gros de Naples, figured and plain B ack, white and coi’d Italian Crapes and Crape Lisse White Silk Hose and half Hose, plain and ribb’d Ladies white embroidered Kid Gloves Fancy Hdkfs. and fancy Beltings Cambric Edging and Inserting, very hand some Thread Edgings Irish Linen and Lawns and Irish Sheeting Linen Table Cloths Burlaps and other Linens Cotton Oznahurgs 3-4 4-4 5-4 brown and bleached Domestics. Furniture and other Colored do Ticks, heavy Apron Checks, fine and low priced With a great variety of other Goods for tale cheap.____dec 25 - Dr. Spnhn't Remedy for Sick Head-Ache. AFRESH supply just receivert"«nd for sale by WILLIAM STABLER. The above article b is been'ii-ted with benefit by several persons in Alexandria. 12 mo 39 AUCTION SALES. BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. HAY AT AUCTION; THIS DAY at ll o’clock, 30 bundles of Hay, landing from the Schooner Virginia, on Janney’s wharf, will be sold at Auction iu lots to suit purchasers; it is of excelleut quality. I jan 3___ BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. French and English China, Cut and Plain Glatt, at Auction—vithout tteuerre. ON Tuesday next, Gtli instant, at 10 o’clock, will be commenced an extensive sale of China and Glass line, at the Store formerly occupied as an Auction Store, corner of King ! and St. Asaph streets. Tin* attention ofthe citi zens is particularly invited, as the assortment embraces almost every thing in the China and ' Glass Waie fine as well as inw priced: among which are full Dinner und Tea Sets complete; Chamber and Toilet ditto. All of which tlie owner pledges himself to close without reserve, jan 3_ • BY WILLIAM D. NUTT. PUBLIC SALE. ON Tuesday, lie 13th day of January next, ui lOo'tiioik A M.. the subscriber will of fer I r sale, at pul 1 c am tiou, in front ofthe Aj* premises, Ihe Brick 'I eiiement and lot of lll-Oi mind on the south side of Canu ron street, between Washington and Sr. Asaph streets, now in the occupation of John H. Ladd—in front, on Cameron street. forty se\en leet four inches; in depth o ie hundred teet. Also, u LOT OF GKOLWD ;idjo:nin<r tlu-reto on the South, ex tending along its south I n<* thirty three feet to ..ii ope.i com t or alley, in depth twenty-five feet six inches. The ab ive mentioned sale w ill he made under two deeds of trust: one fioin John 11. Ladd to Hubert 1. Tayior. dated l-ltli May, 1819, and one liO'ii John If. Ladd <k wife to tire same trustee, dated 13th May, 1S25. By order of the Trustee. dec 20—ts W.M. D. NUTT, Auct. SALE OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. B\ Vntue n| a Deed ol Trust, executed to me l>y II. .\. Spooner and w ife, which is of re coid in tlx- Ihi'tiiigs (‘unit of Fredericksburg ami the Comity ('•unt ol Prince William—I will, on rinir.Mlay ti.«* tilth day ol February next, at |g o’clock, in ti e town of Fredericksburg, proceed to sell to it e highest bidder, at public auction, on a credit ol mx mouths, the purchas er giving bond .md security. One third of a Lm lying mthe Corporation of -aid tow n know n as tiie •* h nCTORY LOT,” w inch is on ilie not. k, at the corner of Lewis and Sophia stire's. On the S.iimday following, at noon, in the town of Dumfries, in Prince William County— I shall, upon the same terms sell a LOT OF GROUND, containing one l.tiudn d and ninety six Acres and 6$ poles, lymg in that county, within lour miles of D mines; bring a portion of the Cliippa warn-ic e-ta'je, ol - Harrison, deceased, w hich w as allotted to his daughter Sf gistnuuda Harrison, (now Sig smut.da Spoon er.) About one-lliird ol the Tract is cleared, and the red covered with valuable timber. Mr. Laurence G. Alexander, who resides near tli® premises will exhibit them to persons wishing to purchase. Possession will be given immediate ly. tint no deed until the payment of the pur chase money. Acting as Tiu-tee, I shall only convey such title as is vested in me, hut which is believed lo be unquestionable. The sulcs will he without resei ve. WM. H. BRoCKENBKOUGIJ, Trustee, dec 10—ts __ EXTENSIVE SALE OF BOOKS, STATION ARY, &c. BY virtue of a Deed oi Trust from Col. Wm. F. Gray, beaiing date the lSili of January ici-t, ami duly molded in tile i ffice of the County Com t of Spotsylvania, the subscriber >v, sen, on Tlmr>d .y. Hie 15th January, 1835, at ‘Gray’s Bookstore.” ,n Ft edertck&burg theentire SIock of Hooks. stati<iii.iiy, dec. in the baiddecd mentioned. comprising a quuutity ol Vtilu'ihle Law. liixtoi /(<//. .1 htlioil, Theufogi cul <iml Afixcrliuiietmt H m lit. ol the latent edi tion. and by ihe most appi"v»d authors, liter w.tli a vai iety ol ScIk.oI I <,ok» now iu use. Tiie st.n k is n it infer.or in quantity and quality to any m tins State. Bo tkseim g i ai prof, s.'ional gentlemen at a .listiiiice me . v,ten to attend. The terms will He aec on aud iting, .md made known on the ■ lay ol *u.e, wli cli w 11 tie Continued ftom day l«» day ititil comple-ed. i liOs. II. POTTS, Trustee. N. B. Ai pet.-ous hit d to the Book-Store ale request'd to make immediate payment, a - longer indulgence cannot be granted. T. H. B. Terms of Sale. For all purchases undei $5-0 cash—between 2b and 10b i s' four moi tits credit uud over lObd hi.iis, s x urm hsciedit. Negotiable note* well good lnd u'ser. required in evt-iy instance d c"lU -« o;s_T. H. LOTT8. COPARTNERSHIP. Thomas w. smith and Joseph h. COATES having entered into partnership, j the Aiex.uidr a Foundry will, after the first of .January next, be conducted by them, under the fi.ui of TIIOS. YV. SMITH it Co. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY .1/. irm_ XfTl'je TOR Y. THOMAS YV. SMITH & Co. execute order* for High miii L‘iir Pressure Steam Engines. Fire Engines. Patent Rope Machinery, Iron, Bias* and Composition Castings of every description} Mill VVoik. both YViought arid Cast; Cast-iron Rollers,Chilled and Soft; Soap-hoiler’snrid other 'Kettles and Pans; Mill and Tobacco Screws; Turning L ithes; Stocks, Taps and Die*; Letter I Copying Pivsse-; Soda-water Apparatus; Mo dels.d M .clunev Brands, * tc. Having superior Slide "Lathes, th**y can execute Turning with great accuracy and de-patch. All articles made | at this establishment, may be relied ori as being of the be-t quality. dec 20—d3t&2awly A~CARD. ' ALEXANDER P. AUSTIN HAVING taken out license for the .town of YVinchester, as auctioneer, and fitted up the large und commodious house on the corner of Cork and Loudoun streets, formerly occupied by Messrs. YV. M. Sperry & Co., respectfully !#• forms tne punlic generally that he is now ready to receive GOUD-'S and MERCHANDISE of ell descriptions at his Commi-sion and Auction Rooms, cither lor Sale. Shu'gear Forvardingf and assures those who may favor linn, that hi^ best endeavors and unremitted attention shaR never tire in their behalf while all favors shall be thankfully received and punctually attended to. Winchester. Nov. IS—law3tn