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The Washington Telegraph in speaking of the report on the relations with France, present ed to the Senate by Mr. Clay, says:-“ We have felt the force of prejudice against this eminent statesman, and we admit that for this report, w e, and every American citizen owe a debt of last ing gratitude. We cannot believe that the mad ness of party could drive the people willingly in to a war with our ancient ally, but it is impossi ble to close our eyes to the tendency of public opinion in this country and in France, a tenden cy which we earnestly hope will be arrested by the force, eloquence and truth of this report; which, if it shall have this effect,will enrol its dis tinguished author among the greatest benefact ors of his country._ State vs Far well for Rape.-W e learn,says the Portland Advertiser, from Belfast, that this case terminated on Friday last,—verdict Guilty. By some preconcerted sign the accused learnt the verdict before announced in Court, and imme diately cleared. Our correspondent adds, that officers are in pursuit of him, but he will proba bly escape and go to the Western country. Promotion in our Navy.—We woultTcall the attention of Parents and Guardians to the cal culation that is here given as to the prospects of promotion in the navy of the United States; and will venture an opinion, that but few will feel disposed to enter their children or wards, into a profession which offers such gloomy prospects for future life: Mortality among Officers. The following statement, prepared from the minutes of an officer who has kept a careful re cord shews the mortality and changes among the Officers of our Navy, since the reduction in 1801, and is made up to the 1st January, 183-1. lou * In Service. Dead. Of 13 Captains 2 11 36 Lieutenants 4 14 Surgeons 0 . 13 y Surgeon’s Mates 7 Sailing Masters 1 ® 10 Pursers 2 4 Boatswains 0 ■ ' 5 Gunners j: 5 Carpenters 0 ® 4 Sailmakers 0 * 159 Midshipmen 15 31 Marine Officers 0 ^ 25 260 Thus out of 297 Officers, but 25 remained in service, at the expiration of thirty-two years, and 260 were dead. Chances for PaoMOTioN.-Supposing the Na vy to be fixed at 40 Captains, 40 Master Com mandants 270 Lieutenants, and 450 Midship men, and the average vacancies in the respect ive trades to occur in the same ratio that they have done in the last twenty years,—the chances for promotion in the different ranks, and the pe riods when each would respectively lose the as sumed numbers, may be stated thus: Of the Master Commandants. 22 might be promoted, and 18 die in about 15 years. 40 Of the Lieutenants. 58 might be promoted, and 212 die in about 26 years. 270 Of Ihe Midshipmen. 144 might be promoted, and T14 years. 305 die! or otherwise leave the service, in about 450 Such a prospect may help to dimmish the ea gerness of many to become Midshipmen; but ns the slow progress of promotion is not generally known, the interests of the country, of the Na vy, and of the applicants themselves, seem to require that the present number of this class of officers should be reduced (by making no new appointments) to 300, which would provide all the materials, not only for peace, but for the commencement of a war. VV henever war may occur, the numbers might then be increased to meet the demands of such a contingency.—.1/ my and Sary Chronicle. Politics of Beards and Mcstachios.—The wearing of a heavy beard under the chin, now becoming fashionable also in our country, is in Italy a distinctive mark of Carlisni, and was in troduced by the St. Simonians. Mustachios are the insignia of liberal principles. The whigs, therefore, most cultivate the upper lip, and the Jacksonmen the chin. Tea.—There was a sale of the East India Company’s tea Dec. I, at London, amounting to nine million pounds. By some defect in the present free trade, the best black teas are now brought via Bombay. It Is said that many of the clergy of Spain have secretly pledged the revenues of the church to foreign capitalists, to raise loans in aid of the Carlists. __ M. Juuge, of Paris, who has been four months in prison for having advertised for a loan to Don Carlos, has been released upon the decision that his conduct in so doing was not actionable, j TwobalifTsin Roscommon county, Ireland, being violently assaulted while executing a de cree, were obliged to swallow their papers. MARRIED, On Thursday evening, 8th instant, at the resi dence of Mr. Benjamin Cross, by Rev. C. Par kison, Mr. Enoch Money to Miss Nancy Cross, all of Fairfax county. Va. Some people are not afraid of a Cross nay, they glory in it. _ ~ DIED, At St. Louis, Missouri, on the 28th December last, of bilious inflammatory fever, Dr. John M. Thomas, Assistant Surgeon United States Army. „7V H’eatAer.-r-Our last daily notice of this unusually cold weather, was that of Thursday. O3 Friday, at 8 A. M. the Thermometer at the Museum, stood at Zero; on Saturday, at 8 A. M. j ut 9 degrees above Zero; on Sunday at 8 A M. at 18 degrees above Zero; on Monday, at 8 A. M. at U degrees above Zero. On the two last days, at 12 M. the Termometer was at 34 and 30 de grees. It is to be hoped, that the heart of cold , leather, such as has been realised this winter, is broken for the season. I COMPRESS. IN SENATE—January 12. After the usual morning business, Mr. Web ster addressed the Senate at length, in favor ol the French Spoliation Bill. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The House was principally occupied with pri vate and unimportant business. The motion for reconsidering the vote on the Alexandria Canal Bill coming up, it was post poned for this day (Monday) two weeks. In Senate on the 9th, Mr. Tyler gave notice that be would, under instructions from the com mittee on the District of Columbia, to-morrow ask leave to bring in a bill providing for a system of laws for the said District. In the House of Representatives Saturday, Mr. Polk, from the Committee of Ways and Means, reported a bill to suspend, conditionally, the re eipt of the bills and notes of the Bank of the United States and its branches, in pay ment of dues to the United States; which was read twice, and on motion of Mr. Polk, commit ted to the Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union. Mr. Polk gave notice that he would, on Mon day week, ask the house to take up for con sideration some of the appropriation bills, the pension, navy, and army bills, and such others as circumstances would admit. He also gave notice, that as soon as practica ble, he would call up for consideration the bills respecting the Bank ofthe United States. Those bills, he said, he would have called up before the present time, if the state of the business of the Mouse naa permiueu u. Tlie House resumed the consideration of the i bill for the relief of Com. Isaac Hull, the ques- j tion being on concurring in the amendment of the Committee of the Whole, striking out the j allowance of compensation to Com. Hull, for his services as Navy agent at Washington, from the years 1829, to 1832. Mr. Binney rose and spoke at considerable length, in support of the allowance, and in op position to the amendment for striking it out. Mr. McKinley spoke at some length, in oppo sition to the allowance. After a few' w’ords from Messrs. Lane and Reed, the question was taken by yeas and nays, and determined in the affirmative; yeas 128, nays 61. _ , So the amendment of the Committee of the Whole was concurred in. The bill as amended was then ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. 2 SHIP NEWS. ^ PORT OF ALEXANDRIA. D. C._ MEMORANDA. Below Quantieo, three Sloops, probably from Philadelphia, loaded with coal, bound to Wash ington. Off Maryland Point, in the ice, Steamboat Potomac, Sntton, bound to Buenos Ayres. Schooner Ruth, Chase, hence at Charleston 4th inst. Schooner President, Baker, from George town. (L). C.) bound to New York, at Norfolk 8lh inst. Ship Potomac, Marbury, bound to Liverpool, has gone to sea. SUGAR, MOLASSES, <fcc. QA HMDS, prime P. R. Sugar O" 150 Do retailing Molasses 300 Bags old white and green Rio and St. Domingo Cotfees. for sale by jan 6 WM. FOWLE & CO. CHEESE A>jD BUTTER. f>A CASKS Goshen Cheese, and 8 kegs do dairy Butter, in store and for sale by ANDREW J. FLEMING. jan 6_____ LIVERPOOL SALT. A AAA BUSHELS Ground Alum Salt y Vf UU 230 sacks Blown do Ashton filled 60 boxes, each containing 100 loaves best refined Salt, for sale, by jan 6 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO WALTHALL’S CAVENDISH TOBACCO, t ECAA POUNDS Walthall’s Superior Ca lt)UU vendish Tobacco, just received and for sale by jan 12 WILLIAM N. McVLIGH. WANTED, A LABORING Men, and 150 Horses and OUU Carts, to work on the Richmond, Fre dericksburg and Potomac Rail Rod, distant 20 miles from Richmond, and 40 miles from Frede ricksburg—(near Taylorsville.) Apply to PHILIP ROACH &. CO. Alexandria, Or on Sections 16, 17, 18, 19 & 22 of the above Rail Road. P. Roach & Co. wish to purchase GOOD HORSES & CARTS._jan 12—6t MAHOGANY. on a FEET Mahogany, assorted, from 004"" f in. to 2 in., of good quality and in good order, just received and for sale low by dec 29 _WM. D. NUTT. INDIA RUBBER APRONS. WM. H. MOUNT & CO. have just receiv ed from New York. i -. ) India Rubber Aprons, a new and ^ ... es > beautiful article for Ladies and 50 Misses j Misses._ jan 10 CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25 years of age. Personshaving likely Servants to dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is uow, or may hereafter, come into this market, dec 17 FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. COPARTNERSHIP. rpHOMAS W. SMITH and JOSEPH H. JL COATES having entered into partnership, the Alexandria Foundry will, after the first of January next, be conducted by them, under the firm of THOS. W. SMITH & Co. ALEXANDRIA FOUNDRY AND MACHINE FACTORY. THOMAS W. SMITH & Co. execute orders for High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, Fire Engines, Patent Rope Machinery, Iron, Brass and Composition Castings of every description; Mill Work, both Wrought and Cast; Cast-iron Rollers,Chilled and Soft; Soap-boiler’snnd other Kettles and Pans; Mill and Tobacco Screws; Turning Lathes; Stocks, Taps and Dies; Letter Copying Presses; Soda-water Apparatus; Mo dels of Machines, Brands, etc. Having superior Slide Lathes, they can execute Turning with great accuracy and dispatch. All articles made at this establishment, may be relied on as being of the best quality. dec 20-d3t&2awIy j COMMERCIAL. .-- -- - — ~ - ■ - —T Price of Produce in Alexandria yesterday, from Wagons and, Vessels. Flour, per bbl $4 30 a $0 00 Wheat, per bushel, 0 80 a 0 94 Corn, - do 0 64 a 0 55 Rye, - do 0 65 a 0 70 Flaxseed, - - 1 50 a 0 00 Oats, from wagons, bush 0 40 a 0 00 Do from vessels, do 0 35 a 0 00 Corn Meal, white, do 0 65 a 0 00 Do do yellow, do 0 60 a 0 00 Whiskey, per gallon, 0 27 a 0 30 Bacon, per cwt. - 9 00 a 00 00 Butter, fresh, per lb. 0 25 a 0 00 Do firkin, do - 0 14 a 0 16 Lard, do - 0 09 a 0 00 Plaster Paris, retail, ton, 4 50 a u 00 Wagon Pork, - - 5 25 a 3 75 Flour.—Last week, the current price of Flour from wagons was $4 25; towards the close ot the week, some loads were taken at a fraetion more, in some instances. Sales from stores, $4 3'$. Yesterday, the wagon price was $4 30. We heard of no sales from stores. Quanty inspected during the week ending Sa- j turday, 10th instant: bbh. half-bbls King-street, ... 1325 2 Wrharf,. 16 30 1341 32 NEW YORK MARKET,—Jan. 10 Flocr.—The continued severityofthe weather having closed nearly all the Southern ports, hol ders have advanced their rates about 12$ cts. per bbl., and purchases of Howard street have been made at $5 37, cash, or equal; Georgetown is held at 35 25 a 35 31; in Western, there has been no change of moment. Sales have been made at our quotations. Holders of Indian Meal have advanced their prices a trifle. Exchanges.—A further advance has taken plac in the rate of Exchange on England. The transactions for the packets of the 8th were chief ly at 7j a 7$ per cent; they closed however at the latter rate. The greater part of bills on France was done at the previous price of 5f. 32$, and a small amount at a trifle above that rate. Bills on Bremen were sold at 78 cts. Nothing was done or offered either on Holland or Hamburg. Both the Liverpool and Havre packets are still detained by the ice. The amount of Tobacco exported from the United States in the year ending 30th Setember, 1834, was 84,670 hhds. valued at $6,361,543; of which the Hanse-towns and ports of Germany received in value $1,028,719, Holland $1,012,442, and England $2,864,651. Boston Commerce.—The imporls of Flour in Boston last year, were as follows:— From New’ York State, 241,764 Virginia, 85,776 Baltimore, 50.873 New Orleans, 29,73S Alexandria, 17,176 Philadelphia, 3,590 Ports in Maine, 400 New’ Hampshire, 155 Massachusetts, 60 Connecticut, 318 Delaware, 101 Total barrels, 429,960 There were of Cotton, 60,S12 bules. Of Corn, as follows—Maize, 939,807; Ilye, 32, 571; Oats, 32,701; Shorts, 71,330. NOTICE. THE President and Directors of the Balti more and Potomac Steam Packet Compa ny, have this day declared.a dividend of Seven Dollars per Share on the Capital or Joint Stock of the Company, which will be paid to the Stock holders or their representatives, at the Mecha nic’s Bank of Baltimore, on or after Monday, the 12th inst. An election for ten Directors, to manage the affairs of the Company for the ensuing year, will be held at their office on Monday, the 19th inst., between the hours of 9 and 12 o’clock. S. WILSON, Treasurer. Baltimore, Jan. G. jan 9 3t OLD WHITE COFFEE. A Q BAGS Old White Coffee, just received 4:0 per schr. Village, from Boston, and for sale hy S. MESSERSMITH. dec 29________ MACKEREL. ^ A BARRELS No. 2 Mackerel, for sale by Oil WM. FOWLE&Co. jan 8 _ DOMESTICS. A BALES 3-4 and 4 4 brown Sheetings 4U and Shirtings, lor sale by jall 8 WM. FOWLE & Co. FRENCH BRANDY. -g n QUARTER Casks French Brandy, just 1U received, and for sale by jan 7 ’ JQS. HARRIS & SON. NEW ARRANGEMENT. The Mail Stage from Wash ington City to Winchester, via Alexandria, Fairfax Court House, Aldie, Middleburg, Upperville, Paris and Millwood, will, from this date, depart and arrive as follows, viz:—Leave Washington City at o’clock, A. M., and A lexandria at 9* o’clock, A. M. every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive at Middle burg the same days. ^ Leave Winchester everv Tuesday, Thupday, and Saturday at 1£ o’clock, M., and arrive at Middleburg the same days. Leave Middleburg Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday, for Washington City and Alexandria, at 6 o’clock, A. M., and arrive at Alexandria by 2 o’clock, P. M., and Washington City by 4 o’ clock, P. M. . . , Leave Middleburg for Winchester at 4 o clock, A. M., and arrive at Winchester by 12 o’ clock, M. 4 , „ By the above arrangement, very nearly all night travelling will be avoided; and as the stock is considerably improved by the addition of several new teams of horses, the coaches be ing strong and comfortable, and the drivep careful, accommodating and sober men, the proprietors hope to receive such encourage ment from the travelling puhlic, as will enable them, in future, to render every possible ac commodation and comfort. Strict attention will be paid, but no liability on account of acci All baggage and bundles at the risk of the owners. _ jan 8-eolm SENNA SYRUP, ~ ~ FOR Coughs. A fresh supply just made, and for sale by WM. 5 l ABLER, jan 1 FOR NEW ORLEANS— To tail on 25th intt. ific” The new and fast sailing Brig LOUISI StSS£ANA, Frederick Williams, Master. Her accommodations are superior and commodious. Passengers will please apply to the Captain on board, or to JAMES H. JOHNSTON. Norfolk. Va-, Jan. 5.jan 12—6t FOR NEW ORLEANS. rfK The 20th inst.. the Packet Brig TRI $££S£BUNE, Captain Smith. Persons wishing to ship, will please make early application to jan 4—ts FRANKLIN & ARMFIELP._ FOR NEW YORK. The good Schooner HORISON, Gould Master, wants 500 barrels Freight, for which apply to LAMBERT <fc McKENZIE, jan 1Union Wharf. FOR NORFOLK, htr The schooner WILLIAM & FRANCIS, U’.'XArapt. Thruston, will have despatch, and can take the bulk of 150 bbls. A pply to the cap tain on board, or to STEPHEN SHINN, dec 31 Janney’s Wharf. “ FOR NEW YORK. rfK The good Schooner AMERICAN, Sum mers, Master, if the weather permits, will meet with quick despatch. For freight of 300 barrels under, and 300 barrels on deck, apply to LAMBERT & McKENZIE, dec 30 Union Wharf. FORT FREIGHT. The superior Schooner VILLAGE, R. Newcomb, master, burthen 800 barrels, will be ready for cargo on Monday. South, or West Indies, preferred. Apply to dec 27WM. FOWLE & CO. FOR FREIGHT, rtfz The brig ENTERPRISE, Smith, mas tXjJ^fter. Apply to dec 10A. C. CAZEXOVE & Co. BEST GRATE COALS. O 4 AA BUSHELS Grate Coals, received aJ^UU per schooner Joseph Stewart from Richmond, and for sale in lots to suit purchas ers, by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, jan 3 Union Wharf. LAMPS. JUST received, and now open for sale, Read ing Lamps with Shades, suitable for read ing, writing, sewing, <fcc.; English Brass Shop Lamps. On Hand—Wall Lamps; Plain and Cut Passage Lamps; Lamp Glasses, Shades and Wicks. HUGH C. SMITH, dec 23 ~ TEAS. -g HALF Chests Young Hyson, and 10 J. U Boxes Gunpowder Teas, of good quality just received and for sale by dec 23SAM’L. MESSER SMITH. LOAF SUGAR AND BUCKWHEAT MEAL. 4 BOXES Loaf and Lump Sugars 25 qr. bbls. Buckwheat Meal Landing from on board sloop Miller, from Phi ladelphia, and on sale by dec 22 ANDREW J. FLEMING. BEEF. BBLS. No. 1 Boston Beef, “Winches DU ter’s” brand, received per schooner Vil lage, for sale by WM. FOWLE <fc CO. dec 30_ Dr. Spohnh Remedy for Sick Head-Ache. AFRESH supply just received and for sale by WILLIAM STABLER. The above article bas been used with benefit by several persons in Alexandria. 12 mo 30 POTATOES. «aa BUSHELS of white, Chenango and # UU blue nose Potatoes received per schoo ner Village, from Boston, for sale by LAMBERT # McKENZIE, dec 27 Union wharf. “1 CASTORS. JUST imported a few setts good PLATED CASTORS, silver mounted; Brass Mount ed; WTood Frame Castors; Common Plated Cas tors; together with a full assortment of CHIN A, GLASS and EARTHENWARE, dec 23 HUGH C. SMITH. WANTED. CHESAPEAKE and Ohio, or Alexandria Canal Stock, wanted in exchange for a LOT of GROUND, on the corner of Duke and Henry streets, at fair relative valuation. The Lot is 60 feet front on Duke, and 80 feet front on Henry streets. JOSIAH H. DAVIS, dec 22 LUCIFER MATCHES, IMPORTED from London, just reeeived; also Canary Seed Opium, the best Turkey selected Pearl Barley, very white Camel’s Hair Pencils, 1 inch wide Poonah Brushes Calcined Magnesia from London On Hand— Hemp Seed for Birds Fancy Soaps from London Tooth Brushes, English Sal Aratus, ajul J ve c|ean and pure Pearl Ash $ A ho— LANDRETH’S GARDEN SEEDS, a large supply, of the growth of 1834; and most other articles in the Drug line. 1st mo 5 • WM. STABLER. CRAB CIDER. -g g*v BBLS. Virginia Crab Cider, just receiv AAF ed, and for sale by STEPHEN SHINN. dec 6 Janney’s Wharf SUGAR AND MOLASSES” ST. CROIX, Porto Rico, and New Orleans Sugars Trinidad and Porto Rico Molasses, of best quality, for sale by jan 6 A. C. CAZENOVK & CO. ~CHEESE. % CASKS Cheese, received per schooner A Virginia, from New York, for sale by, LAMBERT & McKENZIE. jan 3 Union Wharf. WINES. MADEIRA. St. Lucar, Malaga, and a varie ty of French and German Wines, war-1 ranted of first quality—Champaigne, equal to anv imported. For sale by jan 6 A. C. CAZENOVE <fc CO. DOMESTICS. K. K. BALES 4-4 and 3-4 Brown Cottons, from , DO the Portsmouth &, Pittsffield Manufac turing Company, received per Wankinco, for sale by [dec 8] WM. FOWLE & CO PORTO RICO~MOLASSES. ^ W HHDS. Porto Rico Molasses, of prime t) 4 quality, received per Wankinco, for *ale iy [dec 8] WM. FOWLE; £ CO. , AUCTION SALES. EXTENSIVE SALE OF BOOKS, STATION ARY, Ac. BY virtue of aDecd of Trust from Col. Wo. F. Gray, bearing date the 18th of January last, and duly recorded in the office of the County Court of Spotsylvania, the subscriber will sell, on Thursday, the 15th January, 1835, at “Gray’s Bookstore,” in Fredericksburg the entire Stock of Books, Stationary, Ac. in the said deed mentioned, comprising a quantity of Valuable Laic, Historical, Medical, Theologi cal and Miscellaneous Works, of the latest edi tions and by the most approved authors, toge ther with a variety of School Books now in use. The stock is not inferior in quantity and quality to any in this State. Bookselling and professional gentlemen at a distance are invited to attend. The terms will be accommodating, and made known on the day of sale, which will be continued from day to day until completed. THOS. H. BOTTS, Trustee. N. B. All persons indebted to the Book-Store are requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be granted. T. H. B. Terms of Sale. For all purchases under §20 cash—between ' 20 and 100 dollars, four months credit and over 100 dollars, six months credit. Negotiable notes with good indorsers required in every instance dec 16—eots T. H. BOTTS. SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. BY virtue of a Deed of Trust, executed to me by H. N. Spooner and wife, which is of re cord in the Hustings Court of Fredericksburg and the County Court of Prince William—1 will, on Thursday the fifth day of February next, at 12 o’clock, in the town of Fredericksburg, proceed to sell to the highest bidder, at public auction, on a credit of six months, the purchas er giving bond and security. One third of a Lot, lying in the Corporation ofsaid town, known as the “FACTORY LOT,” which is on the Rappahannock, at the corner of Lewis and Sophia streets. On the Saturday following, at noon, in the town of Dumfries, in Prince William County— I shall, upon the same terms sell a LOT OF GROUND, containing one hundred and ninety six Acres and 6$ poles, lying in that county, within four miles of Dumfries; being a portion of the Chippawamsic estate, of --Harrison, deceased, which was allotted to his daughter Si gisinunda Harrison, (now Sigismunda Spoon er.) About one-third of the Tract is cleared, and the rest covered with valuable timber. Mr. Laurence G. Alexander, who resides near the premises will exhibit them to persons wishing to purchase. Possession will be given immediate ly, but no deed until the payment of the pur chase money. Acting as Trustee, I shall only convey such title as is vested in me, but which is believed to be unquestionable. The sales will be without reserve. WM. H. BROCKENBROUGH, Trustee, dec 10—ts Y'aluable Farms and Merchant Mills For Sale BEING desirous to remove to the wpst, the subscriber offers for sale the FARM on which he lives, on Apple Pie Ridge, four miles north of Winchester, containing 250 acres.— The improvements consist of a two story brick Md welling house, barn, stable, and all neces sary out-houses. A never fulling stream of water runs through it, and the fences are in good order. Also—A farm of 140 acres lying near the mountain, 6 miles from Winchester, a good ta vern stand, and now occupied as such by Patrick Molon. Also, the STONE MILT, lying on Babb’s Run, within half a mile of the last farm, and two miles of the first, with between 70 or 80 acres of land. All communications by mail (post paid) will be attended to. JOEL LUPTON. Frederick county, nov 18—eotf BANK OF ALEXANDRIA" December 19, 1834. THE StockhqJders of the Bank of Alexan dria are hereby notified, that the annual Election for ten directors thereof, will be held at their Banking House, the third Monday, (being the 19th day) of January next. Polls open from 10 A. M. to 3 P. M. J. ROBERTS, Pres’t. dec 19—eotJ!9 NEW STYLE. JUST received, per schooner Village from Boston, two cases of Satin Beaver Hats, entirely a new' pattern; they have been made to order, and are extra fine. In Store— Ilats of every shape and quality; Caps of the latest fashions: all of w'hich will be sold whole sale and retail, on the most accommodating terms. I solicit a call, and you’ll see what good bargains I will giveyou. All Hats bought of the subscriber will at all times be put in order gratis: such as binding and ironing. JOHN T. O. WILBAR. Cash given for Furs; those having the article will please to call. jan 1 WARRANTECpWINTER OIL. O A Casks Pure Winter Strained Oil, direct Jd^V. from the Manufactory at Nantucket,just received, and for sale by WM. D. NUTT. Instore 15boxes superior Sperm Candles, long 4s and 5s and short 6s and 10s, warranted pure. jan 1 Cotton Seine Twine, Oenaburg and }am. BALES assorted Cotton Yarn. Cotton AtJ Osnaburgs and Cotton Seine Twine, from the Petersburg Manufacturing Company, just received, per steamboat Old Diminion, ana for sale by dec 31 A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. HOUSE AND STORE TO RENT. We will lease the premises, on Fairfax j^lncar King street, now occupied by Mr. Ro bert Munro, to a careful permanent tenant, at a very moderate rent. Possesaion to be given 1st January next. dec 23 SAM’L B. LARMOUR & CO. CLOVES. ’ a AA LBS. Cloves, in packages of 5 to 20 4UU lbs. each—for sale by dec 12 W.Vt. FOWLE A Co. RUSSIA DUCK. AA PIECES Alexandroff Heavy duck O" 30 do Gogan Bruisquine do do 30 do XU do do 30 do Konoploff do do for saleby HENRY DAINGERFEILD. dec 1 ___ CHAMPAIGN. Ofk CASES Champaign Wine, represented juU to be of good quality, received and for sale by • SAM’L. MESSERSMITH. dec 2?