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XiKSCT. OTRBUVJKSIV JTJ» 1383- WiSW S35JB3S3 W6. 21-XT®. MU, ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE PUBLISHED, DAILY, BY EDGAR S.VOU'I)E,Y, At 3 DOLLARS PER ANNUM. PAYABLE IIALP YEARLY. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE (you TUF. COUXTRV) IS PUBLISHED KEGL LARL1 OX TUESDAY, THURSDAY & SATURDAY, Ar 5 DOLLARS fER ANNUM, PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. Terns of Advertising:—Advertisements neat ly. and conspicuously inserted at the rate of one dollar per square for the first three insertions, a,ui twenty-five cents for every subsequent inser tion. A reasonable deduction will be made in the case of yearly advertisers. * * \ll advertisements appear in both papers. FVNCV YND ORNAMENTAL JOB 19 A GREAT VARIETY OF COLORS, neatly executed jit THIS OFFICE. FOll NORFOLK. t The Steamboat CUE S.IPEAKE, Cupt. Wilson, will be run as a regulai packet between Alexan ,hia and Norfolk; leaving Alexandria on Tues days and Fridays, at l o'clock, and arriving in Norfolk in time to put passengers for Riclimoiu. on board the Patrick Henry. teturnin" leave Norfolk on Wednesdays and Sundays, at’ 2 P. M., taking passengers from the Patrick Henry, and arrive at Alexandria on Mondays and Thursdays, at Id A. M. Passen gers for Baltimore can be carried through the Siiitir Uiiy. / •* i Fare from Alexandria to Norfolk, So, exclu sive of meals, or1'", meals included. From Nor folk to Baltimore, 4* exclusive of meals; 39 meals Included. . , . T ie Chesapeake is a new Boat, particulaily adapted to this route; is coppered, copper-fas tened, has a strong copper boiler, and is, in ad respects, entitled to the confidence of travellers. Parties of pleasure and families will only he charged *3 for the trip to Norfolk or Old Point and back. J- WILSON, Captain. FASH ION A MLR HATS AND CAPS. OZEN JOSS ELY N, Agent, north-east cor ner of King and Royal streets, respectfully informs his old customers and the public gene rally that he is prepared to furnish them with ELEGANT BLACK HATS, got up in the first style, ofthe best materials and by experienced and faithful journeymen. Also. Brown and Seal colored Hats. CAPS. Gentlemen’s, Youth’s, and Children’s Fur, Cloth, and hair Seal Caps, of the various qua lities and patterns. WOOL HATS, &c. Every exertion will be used to please, and all favors thankfully received. N.R. Old Hats taken in part pay for new ones. All kinds of FURS purchased as above, nov t—3m FOR SALE. /A The brick DUELLING IIOUE and -ill LOT. formerly the residence of the late Daniel McLean, at present in the occupancy of Mr. Hugh C. Smith. There is no property in ti'wn more desirable as a residence. The im provements are good, and the lot spacious— fronting upwards of lot) feet on Alfred street— and running through the square, parallel with King to Columbus street. For terms, apply to nov 17 JAMES l) KERR. HOUSE AND STORE TO RENT. /a We will lease the premises, on Fairfax .linear King street, now occupied by Mr. Ro bert Munro, to a careful permanent tenant, at a very moderate rent. Possession to be given 1st January next BAM’L R. LARMOUR & CO. FOR RENT, /*A The Frame HOUSE at the corner of iilKing and Pitt-streets. Alan— >\ 1'he small HOUSE adjoining, next to -HLi,h<* r.tnfectioner’s. Possession of either JJiven iinme liately, and to good tenants the rents will In* made low. R. H. MILLER. 13 mo 17 FOR RENT, .«.«( The three-story Brick HOUSE, lately __l'veupied by Georg Hill, adjoining Wm. Stabler’s Apothecary Shop; a good stand for •any business. Possession given 1st January. APPly to R. II. MILLER. 12 nw 17 NEW STYLE. TlST received, per schooner Village from v Boston, two cases of Satin Beaver Hats, entirely a now pattern; they have been made to ‘" 'It, and are extra tine. In Store— Hats of every shape and quality; Caps of the atp't fashions: all of which will be sold whole Mle and retail, on the most accommodating iv'"s i solicit a call, and you’ll see what good ‘^^^1 "ill give you. All Hats bought of the *ui*<-Wfc,r <rdl at all times be put in orde#gratis: yjj«%s binduf^iind ironing. JOHN T. O. WILBAR. Cash g\ven for Furs; those having the article *m please to call. jan 1 J LAMPS. . T received, and now open for sale, Read ing with Shades, suitable for read 1 V writing, sewing, dec.; English Brass Shop Ox Haxd—Wall Lamps; PlaWl and Cut ^ssage Lamps; Lamp Glasses, Shades and Wlcks HUGH C. SMITH, dev 2o CHEESE, TEA, &c. 1 O CASKS Cheese J. vf 5 half chests Young Hyson ? T(>as 10 catty boxes Imperial $ 10 Indian barrels Marseilles Madeira Wine 5 boxes plug Tobacco 10 boxes Fig Blue Just received, per Schr. Washington, from New York, and for sale by jan 23 JOS. HARRIS & SON. SUGAR &c. 5IIhds Porto Rico Sugar, of good quality Pounds, and a variety of sizes of small plug Tobacco 10 half chests Young Hyson Tea 6 bales Candlewick lo kegs Glades Butter 10 do Leipers Snuff For sale by GEO. JOHNSON & CO. Also a few shares Potomac Bunk Stock, jan 22 _ IIAY ANl) CORN. A FEW Bundles Screwed Hay, of fine qua lity—inspected 500 bushels excellent White Corn, in store, and forsaleby WM. D. NUTT, jan 21 _ SUGAR, TEA, &c. Xfl 11 FIDS. i Sugars, Chiefly Porto Ricoof *J\f 25 bbls. \ Good quality. 40 chests ) Young Hyson Teas, good to 10 £ chests $ tine quality. 20 hlids. ) Nuvitias Syrup, Orleans and 20 bbls. $ West India Molasses. With their usual assortment of GROCERIES, for sale by jan21 SAMUEL B. LARMOUR & CO. .WANTED, IX a Dry Good Store, a young man of un questionable character who is a first rate salesman, andean take charge of the business in the absence of the employer. A letter ad dressed to A, post paid, will be immediately at tended to. None need apply except he can answer fully to the above. jan 26—tf _LOOKING GLASS PLATES. [OOKING Glass Plates, by the case, dozen, A or single one, of the following sizes: 10x14, 13x22, 14x24, 16x28, 18x30. ROBERT H. MILLER. 13 mo 17 [Nat, lnt. eo3t &. charge R. H M ] RICH CUT GLASS AND CHINA. A FEW sets rich Cut Decanters and gilt Tea China, just received, and will be sold very low. R. IJ. MILLER. 12 mo 17 ALMONDS, &c. TBALE Bordeaux Soft shelled Almonds 5 bbls New York Prime Pork Just received per schr. Washington, and on sale by ANDREW J. FLEMING, jan 21 _ "FARMERS' BANK OF ALEXANDRIA. I WISH tu purchase Stock of the above Bank, for which the highest Cash price will be paid, on application to jan 23 SAM’L LINDSAY. COTTON YARN. IN Bales or assorted Nos. 100 and 200 lbs. each, from the Brandy wine Factory for sale on accommodating terms by jan 22 GEO. JOHNSON & Co. FOR RENT. A neat, comfortable, and well arranged _.DWELLING HOUSE, on St. Asaph-street, near King-street, will be rented low on applica tion to Benjamin Barton, or to jan 27 WM. D. NUTT. ORCHARD GRASS, TIMOTHY AAD CLO VER SEED. rpIIF. subscriber bus just received, and offers JL for sale, 200 bushels “ New Crop” Clover Seed 50 do Orchard Grass do. and 25 do New Timothy do jan 31 JAMES D. KERR. COPAL VARNISH, OF the best qualities, for Coach Work, for Polishing Furniture, and for common pur poses, for sale by WILLIAM STABLER, Chemist & Druggist, Alexandria; Agent of the manufacturer, P. B. Smith, N. Y. Having used the above-mentioned Varnish es for the last 12 months, 1 do not hesitate to pronounce them of superior quality. JAMES GREEN, Alex., Jan. 31 Cabinet-maker. [Winchester Virginian, Leesburg Gen. Liberty, and Warren ton Spectator.] FOR HIRE, ADOY of 14 years of age, accustomed to house work—terms very moderate. Apply at this office jan 28—tf CASTORS. JUST imported a few setts good PLATED CASTORS, silver mounted; Brass M«unt ed; Wood Frame Castors; CommonPlated Cas tors; together with a full assortment of CHINA GLASS and EARTHENWARE, dec 23 -HUGH C. SMITH. LIVERPOOL SALT. BUSHELS Ground Alum Salt t/Lriff." 250 sacks Blown do Ashton filled 60 boxes, each containing 100 loaves best refined Salt, for sale, by rejan 6 A. C. CAZENOV E Jc CO. A FOR SALE, VALUABLE Man Cook, about 21 years of age; healthy, sober, honest, and intelligent in his business. He has been bred up in the country, and will be sold for no fault whatever. Enquire of the Printer. feb 2—1m TLUG TOBACCO. -g A BOXES superior Plug Tobacco, just re I. vJ ceived per schooner Oswego, and for sale by J : WM. N. McVElGH. feb 3 PIANO AND VIOLIN PRECEPTORS. JUST received, Clifton’s New and Improved Method of Instruction for the Piano Forte A Complete System tor the Violin, arranged by Baillot, and adopted by the Conservatory of Music in Paris Also, a few copies Clarke’s Catechism of Mu sic. For sale by AUGUSTUS JACOBS, jan 14 WALTHALL’S CAVENDISH TOBACCO. -g XAA POUNDS Walthall’s Superior Ca X tXIXvr vendish Tobacco, just received and for sale by jan 12 WILLIAM N. McVEIGH. FRENCH BRANDY. 1 ft QUARTER Casks French Brandy, just X " received, and for sale by jan 7 JOS. HARRIS & SON. FRESH SMYRNA FIGS. DRUMS of prime quality, just received sale by jan 23 per Washington, from New York, and for S. MESSER SMITH. CHEESE. | CASKS Cheese, received per schooner & X Virginia, from New York, for sale by, w LAMBERT & McKENZIE. jan 3 Union Wharf. CHEESE AND BUTTER. Ofk CASKS Goshen Cheese, and &Vj S kegs do dairy Butter, in store and forsale by ANDREW J. FLEMING, jan 6 20 sale by dec 2? CHAMPAIGN. CASES Champaign Wine, represented to be of good quality, received and for SAM’fj. MESSERSMITH. LAST NOTICE. ALL persons indented to the late firm of Morse & Josselyn, are hereby notified, that all bills that may remain unsettled on 1st Febru ary will then be put into the hands of an officer, without distinction. \VM. D. NUTT, jan 21 Trustee. WINES. T~ Tt/TADEIRA, St. Lucar, Malaga, and a varie ItJ. ty of French and German Wines, war ranted of first quality—Champaigne, equal to any imported. For sale by jan_6A. C. CAZENjOVE & CO. . PLASTER, AND POTATOES. A A Tons Plaster of Paris 100 bushels Nova Scotia Potatoes received per Sc hr. Tav, Wilkie; master, from Halifax. For sale by W. FOWLE & CO. jan 23 RUSSIA DUCK. /"•i'll PIECES Alexandroff Heavy duck ill/ 30 do Gogan Bruisquine do do 30 do XU do do 30 do Konoploff do do forsaleby I1ENRV DAINGERFEILD. dec 1__ LEMONS. rtX BOXES fresh Lemons, landing from ^*3 schr. Ruth, for sale by dec 80 W. FOWLS & CO. O COTTON SEINE TWINE, F superior-quality being an improved make, just received and for sale by jan 17 JAMES W. SCOTT. CASH FOR 400 NEGROES, INCLUDING both sexes, from 12 to 25 years of age. Persons having likely Servants to dispose of, will find it to be their interest to give us a call, as we will give higher prices in cash than any other purchaser who is now, or may hereafter, come into this market, dec 17 FRANKLIN & ARMFIELD. blank book manufactory. rn[]E subscriber informs his friends and the JL public that he has commenced the above business on King street, two doors east of Roy al, where he intends keeping constantly on hand a handsome assortment of BLANK BOOKS, of every description ordinarily in use,such as Le xers. Day Books, Journals; Letter, Cash, In voice, Memorandum Books, &c. Merchants’ Account, Office, & School Books, ruled and bound to pattern, at the shortest no tice. Book Binding, in every variety of style, neatly and substantially executed, by oct21-tf JOHN FLEMING M AII OCA NY. FEET Mahogany, assorted, from __ ii in. to 2 in., of good quality and irT"ood order, just received and for sal** low by j,.c 29 WM. D. NUTT. OVVDFjR, saltpetre, &c. g XD KEGS of Dupont’s Powder lOo Eagle Powder, in half kegs, for ‘ duck ' ing’ 20 casks Refined Salt Petre 40 boxes Double, Single, and Lump Re fined Sugar Landing and for sale by A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. Also—180 boxes Mould Candles 120 “ best Sperms 400 casks of Cut Nails and Brads, as sorted dec 4 COFFEE. -g LBS. Green Rio Coffee J. U,UUU 10,000 lbs. Old White do Received per Wankinco, for sale by dec 8 WM. FOWLE & CO. BROKEN BANK PAPER WANTED. MECHANIC’S Bank of Alexandria; Bank of Maryland; Susquehanna Bridge, pay of Maryland; able at the Maryland Savings Institution, dec 13 JNO. CORSE. 400 dec 20 CLOVES. LBS. Cloves, in packages of 5 to 20 lbs. each—for sale by WM. FOWLE <fc Co. MORE DRY GOODS. WT. HARPER has just received, from the • North, a further supply of 25 bales and packages of seasonable Dry Goods, which he will sell unusually low, wholesale and retail: Super and common Cloths of every color Woollen and Cotton Flannels 9-4, 10-4, 11-4 Rose Blankets, Point and heavy Duffiil do Cassinetts, some very low priced Linseys plain and striped Merinos, French and English, very cheap Scarlet, English do A large quantity Circassiansand Bombazets Black and Colored Worsted Hose and $ Hose Woollen, Buck, Beaver, Kid and other Gloves Woollen Comforts Silk and Cotton Hdkfs Linen Cambric Hdkfs Calicoes, some very handsome Plain Crimson Merino Calico Silk Swansdown and other Veslings Several pieces Matteoni’s best black Italian Silk Col’d Gros de Naples, figured and plain I3luck, white and col’d Italian Crapes and Crape Lisse White Silk Hose and half Hose, plain and ribb’d Ladies white embroidered Kid Gloves Fancy Hdkfs. and fancy Beltings Cambric Edging and Inserting, very hand some Thread Edgings Irish Linen and Lawns and Irish Sheeting Linen Table Cloths Burlaps and other Linens Cotton Oznaburgs 3-4 4-4 5-4 brown and bleached Domestics. Furniture and other Colored do Ticks, heavy Apron Checks, fine and low priced With a great variety of other Goods for sale cheap. _ dec 25 NEW GOODS. GEO. S. HOUGH has just received— 10 pieces Super Cloths of almost all colors, some beautiful for Ladies’ Cloaks Drab, blue, black and mixed Cassimercs and Sattinetts Fancy Vestings [cheap 10 pieces real French Merinoe’s, very finc.and 10 “ English do Super Italian Lustrings and Poult de Soie Some beautiful brown ditto Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Gloves Cloths and Linseys for Servants Woollen Hose Fine Lamb’s Wool Shirts Bandanna and Flagg Hdkfs, some wry large Rose, Point and Duttil Blankets Bleached Domestic Shirtings and Sheetings Brown do do Linen Cambric Hdkfs Colored Cambrics of all colors Canton Flannels of all colors Furniture Chintzes and Calicoes Narrow Bobbinet Quilling Russia Sheetings and Diapers Brown Hollands and Lawns Silk Velvets of all colors All of which will be sold low._jan 3 FURS! FUIISI WILLIAM II MOUNT & CO. have just received— 3 super Lynx Pelerines 2 do Imitation do 2 do Lustred Fisher do 4 do large sized Lynx Fur Capos 6 do Lustred Fisher do do 15 do large and small Common do 8 do Boa Constrictors I Which we will sell at New York prices. dec 8 _ NEW GOODS. JOHN II. BRENT has just received, and will sell very low,— Superfine and Common Cloths Rose and Point Blankets English and French Merino Calicoes and Ginghams Superfine and Common Flannel Canton Flannels arid Fur Chintz Checked and Plain Cambrics Flag, Bandanno and Spitalfield Ildkfs Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs Silk and Cotton Hose Thread, Bobbinctt, and Cambric Edging Cassinets, fine and superfine Frilled Cloths and Linsey Woolsey Burlaps and Cotton Osnaburgs lied Ticks, Plaids Bleached and Brown Sheetings With various other (.foods, for sale cheap, dec 3___ CHARLES BENNETT HAS for sale, 5 bales best Bridport fine shad and herring seine twine, a consignment which will be sold low, and is of the first quality A case of ladies cotton hose of best quality, will be sold by the dozen One bale common shoe thread A bale best patent tailors’ thread, W. B. and blue 3 bales Virginiaxotton osnaburgs 1 hale mixed Lowel kerseys A few pieces 6-4 flushings & coarse wollens A case common and fine gilt London pins 1 case 4 4 Irish Linens, in whole and half pieces, real good quality._nov 20 Dyeing and Coat Scouring Establishment, south side of Royal street, one door from the corner of Kinp-slrert. T]iREDERICK CUDLIPP most respectfully _T informs the citizens of Alexandria, and the public generally, that he has opened a branch of his business at the above place, where he Dyes and Dresses Ladies, and Gentlemen’s Gar ments, of every description; Cleans and Bleach es Merino Shawls; Ladies’ Dresses Dyed and Watered every color. N. B. Merchants Goods Dyed and put up in the neatest manner. jan 16—3m BOOTS AND SHOES. JH. WHITE has just received, per Bri* • Wankinco and other recent arrivals, a further-supply of BOOTS and SHOES, adapt* ed to the present season. Among them nre Men’s Thick Pegged Boots 8 Coarse Sewed and Pegged Brogue, 1st quality 8 ’ “ Seal Pegged and Nailed Boots Ca!f Sewed and Pegged Boots, 1st and 2d quality “ Grain Leather Water Boots Calf Sewed, Pegged and Nailed Mon roes “ India Rubber and Leather Over Shoe* Boys’Coarse Pegged Brogans and Shoes Ladies Fur Trimmed and Plain India Rubber Shoes Hair SoaI Caps and Trunks, all sizes Which, with his genera] stock of Boots and Shoes, are offered for sale at the lowest price* either wholesale or retail. dee n * BOOTS AND SHOES! ~~ A. I). HARMON HAS JUST RECEIVED— 1 OOO ,PAI!1 prime c°arse brogans, part "YYar ° S°alS’ Q g°°d artic*e Mens’ Kip and Calf Bootees, nailed, peggedand sewed Mens’Calf Boots, sewed and pegged “ Kip do stout do Jo ‘ Seal do pegged and nailed I hick water proof boots sewed &'pegged Boys and childrens coarse and fine bootees and shoes Ladies French kid slippers „ ALSO, Hair Seal Trunks—all of which are offered cheap, wholesale or retail, nov 12 , TIMBERED LAND FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale a valuable tract ol Wood Land in Prince William County, Va 30 miles below Washington, near the Potomac ri ver and atiantico creek. It is heavily clothed with lofty yellow heart Pine, suitable for ship timber, plank and wharf logs; and it is believed three thousand cords of wood could be obtained from it. The distance to navigation is less than a mile, and the expense of hauling would con - sequently be very moderate. 1 will sell this property a great bargain, and give long credit: a good opportunity there fore, now presented to an enterprising man, in clined to engage in the timber and wood busi ness. For further information apply to Mr. W. S. Colquhoun, Dumfries, Mr. Samuel H Jan ney, Occoquan, or to me in Alexandria. dec 31—tf JAMES W. SCOTT W liliA 1 *AINS, &c. LG. & H. GRISWOLD have now on hand. • and will constantly keep, or manufacture to order, at their Establishment, corner of King and Alfred streets, a variety of Dutch and Eng lish improved WHEAT FANS; Cockle, Cheat and Rolling SCREENS, for Flouring Mills’; Window Screens, Riddies, Sifters, Mil. Shakes* Straw Cutters, and Safes; all of which they will dispose of upon the most reasonable terms. They guarantee them to be made of the best materials and workmanship; and hope, by con stant attention to bu iness, to gain a share of the public patronage. Flour manufactured? and Wheat Fan makers will find it greatly to their advantage to give us a call. ° A boy is wanted; as apprentice to the above business, 1G or l< yearsold, of gocfd and steady habits. 7 N. C. Repairing done on the shortest notice. TURNING in Wood, Iron, and Brass may 28— ly DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, > „ Alexandria County. \ ***' Circuit Court U. Slates.—October trrm, 1854. Isaac Nickolls, surviving cxecu-'i tor of Isaac Nickolls the elder, deceased; Isaac Nickolls, Wil liam Hoge, and William Pig got, executors of Samuel Nick olls, deceased; Ann Hunter and David Hunter administrators of Mary Hunter, deceased; and Moses Gulick and John John ston, executors of John Gulick, deceased—Complainants AGAINST Daniel Graham and Maria, his wife, and John Mclver; the said Daniel being the administrator of Jon Mclver the elder, de ceased; and the said Maria and John being the only children and heirs at law of ih ■ said John Mclver, the eider—Defen dants. r In Chancery. TIIE defendants, Daniel Graham and Maris his wife, und John Mclvcr not having en- * tered their appearance to this suit, and given ? security according to the statute and the rules ol the Court, and it appearing to the satisfac* tion of the Court, that they are not inhabitants of the District of Columbia, on the motion of • the Complainants, by their Counsel, it is ordered that the said Defendants do appear here on or before the first day of the next May Term of ' this Court, and answer the Complainants BiH and give security for performing the decrees tot the Court; and that a copy of thisorderbe forth with published for two months successively in the Alexandria Gazette, and another copy Mat ed at the front door of the Court House ofsafd County, ’ . T^: o EDM. *• LEE, C. C. dec 22—2m PORTO RICO SUGARS. ~~ QO HHDS., of prime quality, received per 0\J Wankinco, for sale by dec S WM. FOWLE A CO. FIGS. I DRUMS fresh Figs, of prfittfe quaff, A # ty, received pm Wankmco, for sale by WM. FOWLE * COT dec 8 .