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HORTICULTURAL. THE subscribers beg leave to advertise their numerous customers throughout this region of country, that they have greatly extended the various branches of their business, and that their Nurseries are at present stocked with an extensive assortment of the choicest Fruit Trees and hardy ornamental Plants, together with a truly splendid collection of Grepn House Plants of such descriptions as are calculated for the parlour or sitting joom; all of which, when ordered, are packed in a mode to insure safe transportation. The GARDEN SEED department has been greatly augmented and now occupies about 4>) acres, which with the Nurseries, are under the strict personal superintendence of the proprie tors, consequently they are enabled to guard against or detect error, should any occur;—pui chasers have therefore all reasonable assurance of obtaining their supplies of the best quality. Doct. William Stabler of Alexandria is Agent for the transmission of orders lor Trees, &c., and for the sale of their Garden Seeds which are furnished to him in retail packages bearing the label of the subscribers, and ail thus pur chased whether from the subscribers personally or through Voct. Stabler are warranted to ve getate under proper treatment, and to be the exact article represented. It may not be irre velant lurther to remark, that at the end of each season alt seeds remaining unsold, of the good quality of which there can beany doubt, are re turned to the subscribers and are not retained from year to year. D. & C. LANDRETH. Philadelphia, February, 1833. Wm. Stabler respectfully informs all those who are desirous of procuring Landreth’s Gar den Seeds that he has lately received an exten sive assortment, among which are the follow ing, and that he is in expectation of further sup Elies as there may be demand lor them. His est exertions will be used to further the wishes of D. & C. Landreth that he should have no seeds for sale except those which are fresh and genuine. The subscriber is Agent for no other House than Landreth’s. Seeds on Hand— Asparagus, Blood Beet, turnip-rooted and long Beans, a variety; Cabbage. Early and Large York, Early Sugar Loaf, Early Batter sea,Philadelphia, Curled Savoy, Drumhead Sa voy (a fine kind for winter, not generally known.) Large Drumhead, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celery white and red, Cress curled, Cucumber early and for pickling, Egg Plant, Endine, Okre and London Leek, fine for soups, Mangel Wurtzel, Lettuce a variety of choice kinds, Nutmeg and Citron Melon, Fine Spanish Melon, new and ex tra fine, Onion, Parsley, Parsnip, Peas u choice selection, Radishes of various kinds, Blood Beet, long and turnip rooted; Beans a variety, &c. WM. STABLER, Alex. 2d mo 16 Chemist Druggist. CAUTION. No Seeds are of Landreth’s raising except those that have their printed label on each package. [Winchester Republican, Leesburg Genius of Liberty and Washingtonian, Warrenton Spec tator, Charlestown Free Press, 6 times.] feb 14—6t___ HORTICULTURAL. Fresh Garden Seed, of a superior quality, war ranted to be of the Growth of 1834. THE above Seeds were raised for, and put up by, the Boston Agricultural & Horticul tural Seed Establishment; aqd it is well known (by experience) no establishment in this country has a better reputation for vending good Seeds. The following may be had by calling at WM. M. MORRISON’S Book Store, viz: Cabbage.—Early York, Large Drumh^d, Aed Dutch (for Pickling). Yellow Savoy. Ear ly Dutch, Green Globe Savoy, Early Sugar Loaf, Late do. d.v, Salisbury Dwarf. Early Lon don Battersea. Badish.—Early Scarlet Short Top, Cherry Turnip, Long White Naples, Long Salmon, White Turnip. Lettuce.—White Cos, Drumhead, Ice Cos, Large Imperial. Beet.—Long Blood (true sort), French Su gar, Early Turnip Blood, Mangel Wurtzle (for cattle), Sir John Sinclair or Swiss Chard. Early Peas, ^c.—Early Washington, Early Charlton. Dwarf Blue Imperial, Knight’s Dwarf, Early Dw'arf, Early Frame, Large Marrowfat, Matchless or True Tall Marrowfat. Beans.—Early Mohawk, Early China Dwarf, Early Marrow, Saba. Carrot.—Early Horn. Blood Red, Long Or ange, Altringham. White Portugal Onion, Early Cauliflower, Late do., Nasturtium. Summer Spinnich, Early Orange Bush, Ruta Baga, Sugar Corn, Early Long Gilman do., Squash Pepper, Long Cay enne do., Cherry Pepper do., Sage, Summer Savoy, Tomato or Love Apple, White Solid Ce lery, Eaily Purple Broccoli, Family Pump kin, Valparaiso Squash, Yellow French Tur nip, Curled Cress, Double Curled Parsley, Cantelope Melon, Nutmeg do., Green Citron do. Large Dutch Parsnip, Bene Plant, Early Dutch Turnip, Early Yellow Stone do. (eblS—eotf .tOLl.NS’ GENUINE TONIC MIXTURE, If'urranfeci a perfect and lasting 'ure for the FEVER AND AGUE. From Dr. Hamilton, of Philadelphia. DEAR SIR: 1 will not withhold that 1 have witnessed, with great satisfaction, many cases of Fever and Ague, wherein your Tonic Mixture has been of unexpected and permanent benefit, after the ordinary medicines were of no more use than to effect temporary checks to the disease. The principles upon which you have constructed your medicine, would be rea dily recognized as in accordance with the sci ence of Phvsic, and the Fever and Ague always admitting of one uniform mode of treatment, your Mixture may be administered w’th its usu al advantage in every case of the complaint. Respectfully, M. HAMILTON. From the Baltimore Advertiser & Gazette. CURE FOR AGUE AND FEVF.R, Ac. Ac. Rowan’s Tonic Mixture never fails to cure this most distressing of all diseases, as hundreds of certificates of high respectability, like the following, fully prove: Cobbsville, Montg. Co. Md. May 6, 1833. I certify that Walter Reynolds, a young man living with me. was for two years distressingly afflicted with Fever and Ague; lost nearly a year’s wages, spent much money in doctering. and tried, I presume, fifty “ certain cures,” all to no purpose. He was at last cured by taking Rowand’s Tonic Mixture, which 1 believe to Oe the best medicine in the world for curing the Fever and A^ue. THOMAS FAWCETT. Just received, and lor sale by the sole Agent, for Alexandria. \V\L HARPER, dee 12—3m Druggist, Fairfax street. JAMES D. KERR HAS just received one Pipe of superior Old BRANDY. fcb 6 - CABINET, CHAIR, AND SOFA MANUFAC TORY. JAMES GREEN, Cabinet Maker, has on hand, and will constantly keep, at his old stand on Royal street, Alexandria, and at the corner of Tenth street and Pennsylvania Ave nue. Washington, a general assortment of the most FASHIONABLE AND DURABLE FUR NITURE. which he will warrant equal, if not superior .in quality, to any ever offered in the District; consisting, in part, of Grecian, winged and plain Wardrobes Gothic, pedestal and plain Sideboards Ditto, with cellarets and marble slabs French and plain Bureaus Dressing do with mirrors Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Secretaries $ Book Cases Pier Tables, with marble and mahogany tops Pillar f claw Dining. Breakfast Card Tables Plain do do do do do Ladies’ Work Stands; Shaving^ Candle do Wash Stands, with marble mahogany tops Grecian Sofas; Mahogany Chairs Music Stools, Bidetts, Cribs, Cradles Portable Writing Desks, &c. i With a general assortment of BEDSTEADS, | of richly carved Mahogany, Maple, and Stained Wood3. All of which will be sold as low, for i cash, as they can be purchased of the same qua i lity at any other manufactory in the Union. Also, An assortment of St. Domingo and Bay of . Honduras MAHOGANY, a part of which is suitable for Handrails; Steam-sawed Curl and Shaded Veneers; Copal Varnish of a superior quality; Sacking Bottoms, Cords, &c. TURNING and CARVING handsomely exe cuted. apr 3 SPLENDID furniture. CHARLES KOONES, Cabinet, Chair, and Sofa Maker, King street, next door to the corner of Alfred street, lias on hand, and con stantly manufactures, a general assortment of FASHIONABLE CABINET FURNITURE, which, for elegance and durability, defies com petition. His stock generally consists of Grecian and plain Sofas. Couches and Lounges Mahogany f all kinds of Drawing-room Chairs Grecian, winged, and single Wardrobes Pedestal end Sideboards, with marble tops and mirrors Gothic and various other ditto Pier Tables, with marble and mahogany tops Pillar and block Dining, Card and Breakfast do Do do claw do do do do Plain do do do do do Centric or Loo do French and various other Bureaus, with and without mirrors Ladies’ Dressing Tables, with without mirrors Do Workstands and Music Stools Do and Gentlemen’s Cabinet, Secretaries, and Book Cases Washstands, with marble and mahogany tops Richly carved and plain Mahogany, Bird-eye, and Curled Maple and common Bedsteads Cribs, Cradles, Candlestaiuls; Shaving ditto Portable Desks And every other article in the Cabinet line. Likewise, MAHOGANY, of various kinds; steam-saw ed, curl and shaded Veneers; Copal Varnish, Sacking Bottoms, Cords, BEDS, MATTRAS SES, «fec. The above articles will be disposed offor cash i or to punctual persons on the most liberal terms. A very extensive patronage from Washing j ton, induces me to say, that I will deliver Fur niture to aHy purchaser in that city free of ex pense. apr CABINET, CHAIR, AND SOFA MANUFAC TORY. LEONARD O. COOK respectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he still continues to manufacture all kinds of CA BINET FURNITURE at his Cabinet Ware house on King street, next door to Mr. James Kerr’s Grocery store,and also informs them that he has on hand, at his Cabinet Ware-room, on the north-east corner of King and Washington streets, where he intends keeping a constant supply of the BEST FURNITURE, made by the best workmen, and of the neatest fashions, which he will warrant equal to any ever offered in the District, which he will sell low for cash, or to punctual persons on the most accommo dating terms; and he hopes, by his punctuality and attention, to secure a part of the public pa tronage. Old Furniture neatly repaired, and hand somely varnished. TURNING handsomely executed, and at the shortest notice. %* Furniture purchased at this Factory will oe delivered free of expense any where in the District. Alexandria, may 7 . STEPHEN S. SANGElt, IN tendering his sincere acknowledgements to his friends and the public for past patronage respectfully informs them that he still continues to manufacture, and has now on hand, BEDS, MATTRASSES, SOFAS & CHAIRS, And Cabinet Furniture, of good materials and workmanship, which he will dispose of upon reasonable terms. The public are solicited to call, before they purchase elsewhere, at his Upholstering and Ca binet Ware-Room, on King street, between Co lumbus and Henry streets, where he will satis factorily execute all orders for articles in either ofthe above branches. Repairs in either line done neat, cheap, and expeditiously. LEVI HURDLE, HAVING taken his brother, ThomasT. Hub ble, into partnership; will continue, at the old stand, south-west corner of King and Co lumbus streets, to carry on their business as CHAIR MANUFACTURERS f ORNAMENTAL PAINTERS, and where they will make, and keep constantly for sale, at fair prices, a general assortment of Grecian, Fancy, and Windsor CIIAIRS. The public are respect fully invited to call and examine their present assortment. They feel assured that they will be found not to be inferior, either in the durability of their materials or the neat j ness of their execution, to those of any other ma •' nufacturer in the District They will execute Sign Ornamental Paint- \ ingand Gilding, in all their various branches, on the most accommodating terms. Old Chairs will be taken in part payment for , new ones, or will be repaired or're-painted at the shortest notice. I Chairs purchased at this manufactory will be sent, free of expense, to any part of the District. MOLASSES, COFFEE. AND RICE. | QA HHDS. West India Molasses Ovr 3 hhds. Sugar 61 bags Cuba Coffee 20 whole and 32 half tierces Rice Received per schr. Firm, from Charleston, for i sale by LAMBERT & McKENZIE, jan 23 Union Wharf. ' ft?* PubHc Attention! . I IS respectfully solicited by the subscriber, to an in-1 valuable preparation, the merits of which have \ been tested by time, and are sustained by unJouoteJ testimony DR. RELFE’S o?” Botanical are every year increasing their long established repu tation. They h iv? outlived many rival preparation*, and are continually gaining upon public confidence. The Botanical Drops line been successfully admin istered for many years, as a thorough remedy for that well known an l prevalent class of inveterate diseases which originate from a vitiated habit of body, nr an he re jitarv predisposition in the patient, and generally appear under the various and distressing shapes of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Leprosy, St Anthony’s Fire, Fever Sores, White 9we!lir,gs. Scurvy. Font and Ob stinate Ulcers. Sore Leg* an 1 Eves, Scald Head, and Venere al Taint. In the last mentioned con lition of the system, the Botanical Drops wdl tie found to eradicate the lurk ing poison, where mercury has totally failed, and thus prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of an he reditary disease on his offspring Dr. Relfe’s Botanical Drops are successfully used in cases of violent eruptions after the measles—red lilotchea—pimples on the face —festering emotions on the skin—and other diseases of the external surface-, and are one of the best Spring an l Autumnal physics known, to free the system from humors A physician of eminence, who had witness'd the ef ficacy of this article, had the can W recently to irk uowledge to the proprietor, that he considered it the best me Heine known, for the complaints fir which it is inten Is I, and that it migla* deservedly to stand at the he id of the whole cVs of such remedies, price f l a buttle, o- 6 bottles f >r £5. WHITE TEETH! AND HEALTHY QUX£3! IT I OS K who would retain or restore these desirable . personal advantages, are assured th »t no compo sition can b<* obtained superior t . tbe BRITISH ANTISEPTIC DENTRIFICE. This is an elegant and pleasant preparation in every respect, snd lias, for many ye«ri pad, given universal satisfaction wherever it has been used The Antiseptic Dentrifice is exempt from acid anJ other deleterious ingredients, which too frequently enter the comp isition of tooth powders in common use, and it wh.tens the enamel of the teeth without doing it the lead injury. The regular use of this ad mired powder, by purifying the mouth and preventing the accumulation of tartar, operates as the best pre ventive of the Tooth Ache The Dentrifice removes liscolorations, and restores the beautiful native white ness of the enamel. As its application braces and strengthens the Gums, it secures to them their healthy and florid hue, and, by removing all offensive foreign accumulations from the teeth, preserves the natural sweetness of the breath. Price 5(J cents *,• None genuine unless signed on the outside piint ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Dr 'V. 1*. Conway. For sale, with all the other •‘Conway Medicine,” at his Counting Itoom, No 99, nest door to J Kidder's Drug Store, corner of Court and I lar.over streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIDDKIl. And, hy Itis special appointment, by \V5I. STAULBIt, Fairfax street, Alexandria. •#* Large discount to those who buy to sell again. Consumption! Asthma! # Catarrh! [N that long train of diseases which seem to grow with the growth of civilized society, Consumption t ikes the lead in its relentless inroad- upon human > life, yet iliis dreadful disorder is easily overcome in itr earlier stages. It is only when neglected that it ar j rives at the terrific maturity whl.h so often bH{fi.-9 the i sagacity of professional science- An obstinate cough i is the custom irv forerunner of the pulmonary con* j sumption Improper neglect in the timely a irnims- i (ration of simple and salutary remedies, is sine to he reproved by a dreadful succession of consumptive ,y mptoms — oppression of the breast; greenish and; bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs and hectic fever; shri veiled ex'remeties, and general einacia'ion of the whole body; prostration oi s'rength; flushed cheeks; swollen feet and legs; and at last, ill'he full poss.'s : *ion of the mental (acuities, and while hope stih whis pers her flattering tale—rold ex', entities, and a pre- • mature death. For the various stages of thu complaint, one of the 1 most approved remedies ever vet discovered is DU. UELFE’S ASTHMATIC PILLS. j This exceedingly powerful, and yet equally safe and ; innopent preparation, has effected thorough and rapid j cures upon patients supposed to have been far advanc J edit a confirmed Consumption, and who have exhibit- ' ed the appearances which usually indicate a fatal ter- j munition of lie disorder. As ment, safety to all ages and classes <>f people. Unexampled j success has hitherto alien led their a {ministration in a : great variety of cases; and the proprietor can refer to a multitude, which testify to their efficacy in reviving | the emaciated victim troin the bed of disease, and re j storing him to the blessings of accustomed health and ! activity. price $1 for whole boxes of 10 pills, and SJ cents for . half do- of I'd pills, with directions Albion Corn Plaster! t S'S11B Albion Corn Plaster softens the corn, however X old and tough, and extracts it til the very roots, j The relief all’orded is gentle, i n n j.liate, and tlio- ! rough. The proprietor begs leave to sub nit the following! case, from Mr Stoweii, who is well known to the in- i habitants of tins cdy, especially at the -South Knd and South Boston, a» a very worthy and respectable citi zen:— A Can. Sir -I do not hesitate to give my most unqualified approbation in favor of your valuable Albion Corn Plaster. By the use of less than a box, Mrs Stowell has been cured of a corn on each foot, which had been exceedingly troublesome and painful for years, and I think it but justice to your invaluable preparation to add, (for the encouragement of those who, owing to repeated disappointments in the v irious remedies re sorted to, have finally despaired of a cure,) that your Plaster curad her corns, after trying other highly re commended remedies to no purpose* and what in creases mv confidence in the superi-r ry of your Plas ter, is thefset, that it has been used by several of my neighbors with equally good success (Signeu) S STB STOW1LC, Keeper of the Toll-house, South Boston Bridge. Mr. I\ Kidder, Proprietor of the Conway Medicines. | Boston, June 17th, 18*9. •#* Price 50 cents SORE AND INFLAMED EYES. : ^11 IE studious, the weakly, and others, who are X troubled with soreness or inflammation of that delicate organ, will be able to obtain a most pleasant and invaluable application, in DUMFRIES’ 07“ EYE WATER! I This well established VVasn tor tt»e t>ye t» perfectly | innocent, and give* immediate relitf, even in very ag gravated c.tses of soreness and inflammation. Price 25 cents None genuine unless signed on the outside pein ted wrapper oy t e sole proprietor, I' KidJder, im mediate successor to the late l)r W T Conway. For sale, with all the other •* Conway Medicines," at his Counting Boom, No 99, next doort.i J Kidder’s Drug St ire, corner ol Court and Hanover streets, near Con cert Hall, Boston. THOMPSON KIDDER. And also, by his special appointment, by WM. STABLER, jan 24 Fairfax street, Alexandria * Large mint to thoae who buy to sell again. To Rheumatic Invalids! PERSONS suffering under Rheumatic Affection are respectfully assured that they can obtain of the proprietor and his agents* safe and admirable reme dy for Rheumatism, h>wever obstinate the disor ler may be, and in all i*s different stages. nr. 'Jebb'H lAniment! will afford immeiltate relief to the patient, snd has sometimes been attended with sunh extraordinary suc cess as to cure the most distressing rheumatism in twenty-four hours, even when of years standing. This highly v»hisb*e Liniment is recommended vith a confidence founded on the experience ofmv ny years, not only as a core for that excruciating dis ease, hut as an excel ent application for Stiffness ol the Joints, Numbness, Sprains, Chilblvin0, &.c. (This article is considered so superior to every thing else, and to possess such uncommon virtues, that it is ordered from all p irts ol the country ] ijj* An Agent recently writes: “iMesse send me a further supplv of Jebh’s Liniment the firit opportuni ty—! *hdl prohibly sell a considerable quantitt, as it is re-.ommen led by some ol our physicians very h-gn Iv, although contrary to their r iles an I regulations t« give encouragement lo such (or, patent) medicines Hut is a moit decide 1 proof of their confi leoce in its invaluable properties Another agent writes: “ l wish you to t irwar I me some more of Jebb’s Liniment, which has recommend ed itself very highly.” 1‘rice 50 ceo's * bottle. The Painful an t Debilitatingj Complaint of THE PILES Receives immediate relief, and in numerous instances ha* Seen thoroughly cured, by the a.lm nistrition oi DUMFRIES’ R K M E 1) Y F O R 07- THE FILES. MS approved compound aivj mitigates and re I moves the symptoms which l'r<*q le.itly accompa ny that disorder, and increase the danger «Tthe pi tient, viz: pains in loins, headache loss of appetite, indigestion, and other marks of debility A relieved pa'ient writes from a distance; *• It is but justice to inform you, tint I have used your Dumfries’ for the Piles for some tune past, and have found it eminently successful.” The remedy is quite innocent, an l miv he adminis tered to all ages an l both sexes. Flam and ample di rections. with a description of ttie complaint, accom pany each package, which consists of two boxes, one containing an Ointment, and the other an Kler.tuary. Price #1 for both articles, or 5J cents where but one it wanted. THE TOOTH ACHE THIS agonizing disorder is cured in its m <st painful s*ag<-9. by o-ie of the most simple as well as pow erful remedies known in modern practice. I'he CAMBRIAN TOOTH ACHE PILLS a fiord instant relief, without inflm'ing the slightest in jury nil the teeth They are applied externally to the parts affected, with the greatest ease and expedition, and generally operate as a southing lenitive to the | suffering patient. 1’iice 50 cents a box §3= Dyspepsia *£$ OF most obstinate character, after hav ng baffled the skill of the most eminent physician-, and withstood the mo-t highly recommended medical pre paratinns, has been checked, relieved, and cured, in a number of instance- in and about this city, by using, for a short time, l)r Kkcvk’s vegetable specific, and- anitbi LIOUS PILLS. in connexion, according to the directions accompany iog the Specific It is also one of Die best known for Sick Headache, Sickness at the Stomach, Nausea, and Flatulences. Price of the Specific and PdD, 50 cents each Debilitated Females! 'HV|B complaints peculiar to the female part of the l community, lute been long successfully treated by the administration of the Aromatic Pills, originally prescribed and compounded Ly l>r Iteife They cleanse the blood from those disorder* of the female constitution, for which the pills are an effectual speci fic; they restore a five circula ion, reform the irregular op„.p»‘?,'n* the sangu femua sistem. iim 1 rectify the disordered Jnui's- I'he proprietor’s confiih uce in the -uperior excellent" ''l *hn equally innocent ami pnw erful preparation, is fiU'1!0'^ <»>• the most decisive t»*s timony from m«ny restored pa'i^.nts He c**n assure this portion of the public, thst when DR. RELFE’S A ROM Vf IU PILLS FOR FEMALES are regularly taken, accor ling to the dir; c'ions, ac companying them, tli'v revive and establish the desir ed healthy htbits, ami restore to toe pallid counte- ] nance the natural glow of health md good spiri's Mirrie I ladies -vdl li id lh; pills cq ully ti-eful, ex J cept in cases of puegnnncy, when luev must not lu taken; neither mint they be taken by persons of hec tic or consumptive habits. They may be used success fully by either men or women mail Hyp ichonlri.ic, Hysteric or Vnp nirisli disorder- In ad cases of tni description, the pills purify, invigorate, ami revive the li-ordered system Price 51 5'J 1 box. •.* Non-* genuine un ess signed on the outside prin ted wrapoer by the sole proprietor. I . Kid-I.r, imme diate successor to th.* late Dr I’. Lonw-y. For sale with all the other *• <! inway Me,” at hi- Coun ting Room, No. 99. next .1 wr to J. Kid U-r's Drug Store, corner of Dourt and 'lauover -'reels. near Lon cert Hail, Boston TIIO IF SDN K.DDLIi. And also, by Inc special api> »i- tment, by W1K SIA I .Kit, jan 15 F lirfix street, Mexamlria. • • Large d'srwunS to tlu-e who buy to s> II again. DUMFRIES* Itch Ointment! TlB cxtenaiv* Rile a’wl r.ataitliahed reputation of Dumfries'Itch Ointment. encnurjgrsthe prupri etorto recommend it with renewed confidence lothe public, as a moat inu-icent as well as powerful applies tion for this annoying disease Thp most inveterate cases have been coaKti i* oat u >dr! by tins esteem eci Ointment It contains no m rcurv, or other noxi ous ingredient, an No be co ifi lentlv applied even to the vonngest children, or to pregnant females.— Price 17J cents None genuine unless signed on the outside print ed wrapper bv th- sole proprietor, T Kidder, imme diate successor to the late Dr. W. I’ Cnnwav. For le.with all the other “Conway Me Heines,*' st Ins ! Counting Room. No 99, next door to J. Kidder’* Drug ! Store,corner of Court and llanover street* near (ion- I cert llall, lloston THOMPSON KIDDBIL . 1 And also, by his special appointment, by WM. S TABLKU, Fairfax street, Alexandria. Large discounts to those who buy to sell again, i SENNA SYRUP, I FOR Coughs. A fresh supply just made, and for sale by WM. STABLER. ; jan 1 . NEW ORLEANS SUGAR MOLASSES. > ■| S\ A HOGHEADS prime Sugar I 100 do do Molasses, landing from Brig Maria, from New Orleans, for sale by jan 2S W. FOWLE. <fc Co. } National Intelligencer, 3 times a week 6 weeks. CLOVERSEED. BUSHELS fre^h Cloverseed. selected with care, for sale by the subscriber, jan 31—tf WM. DEAN. BLACK LACE VEILS. WM. H. MOUNT <fc CO. have just receiv ed 3 dozen Black Lace Veil3, some very superior quality. jati 23 IMPORTANT NOTICE. IT is deemed advisable to protect the public from daily impositions, to add an additional labdl on each packet of the GENUINE MORI SON’S PILLS, which must bear the signature of each Agent through whose hands it passes, in addition to my name, as no apothecary or drug. \ gest is permitted to vend the same. “ 4 H. SHEPHE ARD MOAT, f Solellygean Delegate to the U.S. Brooklyn,N.Y. H HEALTH SECURED. By the use of the Hvgeian Vegetable Univer- j sal medicines of the British College of Health, London, which have obtained the approbation and recommendation of thousands, (who, by the blessing of Providence, have been cured in Consumptions, Cholera Morbus, Inflammations internally and externally; Dyspepsia, Fevers, Ague, Indigestion, Bilious or Nervous Affections and all diseases of lltej Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheumatism, Lumbago. Tic Doloreux, Dropsy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Palsey, Green Sickness, and ail oh structions to which the female form is so dis tressingly liable, and which sends so many of j the fairest portion of creation to their untimely ! graves; Small Pox, Measels, Whooping Cough, ! Scarlet Fever, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and all urinary obstructions; Fistula. Piles, Stric tures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Bowels, Worms. Scurvy, Itching of the Skin, King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disor ' ders; iti short every complaint to which the hu i man frame is so direlully subject, under all their ( i varied forms and names; as it has been indispu tably demonstrated, that Van is subject to only one real disease, that is the hnuwily of the lllixul, (from whence springs every complaint that can possibly assail his complicated frame) and a very slight (rial of the Universal Medicines will evince their all sufficiency to cleanse and purify that source of life, as well as disease, and restore the suffering patient to the blessings of Health. This valuable Medicine being composed only of vegetable matter, or medicinable herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one par ticle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substan ce's (all of which are uncongenial to the nature of man, and, therefore destructive to the human frame) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame, under every stage of human suffering, and, at the same j time, the most certain in searching out the root of every complaint, however deep, and of per forming a cure, that was ever offered to the world. The Medicines are comprised In these differ ent articles only, viz. in two kind of Pills, desig nated No. 1 unit No. 2; the first is a powerful, but most gentle, mild aperient or opening medi cines. detaching and partially removing the bi lious ropy humors, whilst the No. 2 pills carry off those and the serous, acrid and putrid hu mours incidental to the body, and act together as a ferret in a warren never resting until every avenue of the human frame is thorough ly searched and cleansed of its impurities. The VegeUble Cleansing Powders are of great as ■istance to patients, and facilitate the evacuation of bad humours; they soften, cleanse, ami detach the acrimonious phlegm; are cooling, and allay the thirst. One, two, or three powders may be taken throughout the day, mixed in half's wine glass of water. The genuine Medicines can be had of WM. POMEROY, Alexandria, Sole Agent for the Dittrici of Columbia and iit vicinity• Ity whom the l’ills are sold in packets of one, two, and three dollars each, and the Powders at 37J cents per box, with printed directions; and also by the fo|* lowingSub-Agents: It. W. Polkiuhorn, between 9th and 10th >treets, Penn. Avenue; and T. C. Wright, Georgetown; of whom alone can the Medicines be warranted genuine. Ily appointment of l>r, II. 9. Moat, II. P. M., M U. C. !( , Brooklyn,New York,*h« sole importer ot these Medicines. Morrisonia, or the Family Adviser, price $2 75; Prac tical Proofs, illustrated by numerous casea of cure, third ed tion, price 37£centa; to be bad asabove. Certificate from Alabama. I certify that I was for a long time severely afflict ed with an ulcerated mouth, and small ulcers on the outside of my face, which were occasioned by the use of Mercury in the attempt to cure me of a vene real complaint, and ha I despaired of being cured, but seeing at advertisement of the the llvgrian Medicine, ,ent^o Mobile for a puck »ge,which I used, but ascer tained that they were a medicine prepared by a per son calle l ilyer, an 1 fro n the use of winch 1 received | no benefit Upon being informed of their being spu rious, | obtained some of the genuine Morisou’s Pills of your agent for this State, Mr J Watford, Jr , and for the benefit oi those who may be suffering as I wa«, 1 am hippy to say that, b) the use of the pills, in do ses of ten to fifteen, for one month, my complaints were entirely cured, and that 1 atn now in as good health as I ever was. W. H W. jan‘2-1—tf Mobile, Ala. N’ov 1, 1824. E A KTilCiiN W A11 E, CHIN A GLASS WARE ROBERT II. MILLER has just received Che principal part of Ins FALL SUPPLIES, among which arc Blue and green edged, C. C. and Enamelie.. ware, in great variety and well assorted Blue, brown, and purple Printed Dinner Sets new and neat patterns Do do do Ewers and Basins, Pitchers, Plates* &c. China Tea Sets, French gold band and band and line Do do plain, of various neat patterns, very cheap Cut Decanters, Tumblers, Wines, Cham paigns, Jellies, Salts, and Lemonades, richly cut and low priced Glass Jars, with &, without tops, various sizes Cut and plain Gians Mantel and Hall Lamps Curtain .Pins, anew and neat article Bureau Knobs, cheap Cooking Furnaces and Cake Moulds Pipes in boxes, 3 groce, English and German Window Glass, 8 x 10 and 10 x 12 Looking Glass Plates, from 10 x li to 18 x 30 Astral, Mantel, and Wall Lamps, bronzed and japanned Lampwick for the same, by the groce or doz. All of which he offers, at wholesale or retail, at low prices for Cash, or to punctual customers upon the usual credit. Alexandria, 0 mo 30, 1834. >I3- Genius of Liberty, Leesburg, Warrenton Gazette, Winchester Repub'ican, Harper’s Fer ry Free Press, Charlestown Repository, and Williamsport Banner, will publish the above law3w, and charge R. H. M. WHEAT, &C. 1 CONTINUE to pay the highest Cash price lor Wheat, delivered at the Triadelphia Mills, 01 in Alexandria. I wish to purchase Hyp and Flaxeed at my Store, on Union, be twecen King and Prince streets, nov24 SAMUEL LINDSAY. FOR RENT. /afc A comfortable two-story BRICK HOUSE, ilia,on Water street, near the residence of Jos. Haris, F.sq. well calculated for a genteel family, having seven rooms. To a good tenant the rent will be low, and possession given forthwith. Apply to SAM L LINDSAY, jan 26—tf