OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, October 22, 1836, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

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Kicbmobd, Va- July 15, 18*>0.
* W \S ibe origin*! discoverer of Judkins' Ointment'
1 „J ,0\e proprietor of the patent from Sept'r. 1817. .
n til the expiration of the same. but, having conne ,
edrovselfwith Dr. Judkin. in the commencement
m»rrnitted the Ointment to bear his name. The term
of the patent having expired on the 26th June, I hav e
made an improvement in the same, and taken oot a p •
tent thereon. N. SH BPHfe.RU
(TT Imposition having been practised upon the puo
lie by a spurious article, bearing the name of “ Jud
kins* Ointment,” the proprietor availa himself ot toe
authority granted to him in his letters patent, now ® !
c*ll the Ointment after his own name, Henceforth it:
will be known by the name of j
OINTMENT, (formerly Judkins’,)
When 1 first made and prepared thia Ointment, and
had. in several instances, experienced its good effects,
f sent it to several physicians, with .nstrucuons.n -ha
cases to apply it, who were of opinion that the Oint
ment woukl be a valuable public benefit. I ^eluded
that the Ointment would occasional!) tall llrt0
hands, some of whom would probably undert*ke t
make it, and knowing the difficulty of the process-ne- .
vertheless.it might be propagated in tins adu tera ed
state, as it might in some degree resemble the ongi
nal—and in this way it* good effects would be: oblitera- ,
ted Under these considerations, I secured the origi
nal and certain remedy for those obstuute diseases,
some of which have so long baffled the skih of me
dical science: . . j
1st White swellings of every description!
2d Sore legs and utcersoflong standing,
3d Schirrus or glandular tumors, particularlythose |
hardened tumors in women’s breasts, which oftentimes
terminate in ulceiated cancers; .
4th Felons; or whatsome people know by the name
of catarrhs, of every description.
5th Uheunvitic pains ot the joints;
6th Sprains and bruises of every description, or i n
whatever part situated; .
7th Tetters of allkinds. In this complaint the pa
tient, in applying the ointment, must keep the part
out of water; , r
8th Chilblains or partsaffected by frost.
U is also one of the best remedies for burns and ;
scalds. It eases the pain and draws the fire out in a
For women's swelled breasts and glandular swel- .
li es, it is superior to any medicine yet known to the
medical faculty. It is much safer than mercurial ap-.
pications. (as it does not contain the smallest atom of
anv preparation of the mineral,) because it does not j
lay the patient liable to injury from exposure to cold. ,
This Ointment has cured sores of many years stand- j
in Where it is impossible or imprudent to heal the j
external sore, in consequence of the bones becoming i
carious or rotten, it will stop the progress of the canes,
increase the quantity of discharge, remove the often-;
tive smell, and ease the pains.
It cures the worst Felons and Whitlows, on applies
tion of forty-eight hours.
The following notices on this may suffice:—
\le*ahduia, February 26, 18j5.
This may certify that 1 have, for a long time, been ,
afflicted, at times, with attacks of Gout or Kheuma- i
tiro in the feet or other parts of the body# from which ,
1 nave always found relief by using Dr Judkins's Fa-.
tent Specific Ointment, (now called Shepherd's) pre- |
pared by Mr Charles llerstona, of Frederick Town, !
Midland, in the manner prescribed in the printed di- j
rcctions. 1 have taken pleasure in spreading the j
knowledge of this valuable remedy, believing it lobe j
one of the best of all the Patent Medicines, and by my i
advice, several persons who were afflicted with pains j
|,ke my own used it with great benefit.
cuaules Mcknight.
Washington Guy, 11th Sept. 1835.
Doctor \\\ (J ant on: Sir— 1 now undertake to |
do what I should have done long since. Two |
or three years my wife was aliiicted with what i
the Doctors call carbuncles on her back, and j
her sufferings irom which, for two months, were i
beyond all description: they broke, at different j
times, into from til'ty to one hundred holes, and j
when’ the cores were extracted, arid the skin cut j
off, the places became one large sore, about six |
inches in circumference, and were then an inch j
in depth. She was attended by one of the first j
Physicians in this City, and various remedies I
were tried without rendering her any relief, or j
preventing the sores from increasing in size to J
such a degree, that w e became seriously appre
hensive that she could not survive much longer.
A friend calling to see her one day, and advis
ing the use of Judkins’s Ointment, 1 procured
some, and, however incredible it may appear,
yet such is the fact, two plasters effected a per
fect cure. Yours, respectfully,
New-Market, Feb. 21, 1833
Mr. llerstons: Sir—1 bought an article in Bal
timore having the name of Judkins’s Ointment.
I sold some of it, that was returned tome, not
being good. It is true, It had not your name on
the lable round the pot which 1 now understand
is on the genuine article, as made by you.—
This is to give notice that the public maybe
guarded against an imposition of the kind.—
Yours, &c! A. I. BARNEY.
Dr. Drish, a Druggist in Leesburg, Va. inform
ed the subscriber, that three persons had each
obtained from him a pot of Judkins’s Ointment,
(not of the subscriber’s make.) After having
tried it, they found it w as not good, and return
ed it to him.
Messrs. L. <f- K. T. Lowndes, merchants, Cumber
land, Md.
Gentlemen: As Mr. Herstons’ agents for the
sale of Dr. Wm. Judkins’s patent specific oint
ment, I would inform you, that last summer 1
was afflicted with a sore leg—the fame of Jud
kins’s Ointment induced me to get a jug of it—
but it happened not to be of Mr. Herston’s make.
I ufeed it according to the printed directions, but
my leg kept getting worse.
Mr. Herston’s, travelling to the west stopped
at my house, during the time, on looking at the
ointment 1 had, he in mediately pronounced it
not of his make, and furnished me with one
a inch was. On opening and smelling it, 1 was
smsible of tne diflerence, although it looked
hke it. 1 then applied the ointment he gave me
to my leg; it became in a state of amendment
on using the first plaster, and so continued until
it got quite * ell.
This ointment is certainly very valuab e, and
U would be a pity it should be lost to the public,
by a counterfeit article bearing the name, and
oeing >ot genuine. W M. K. NEWMAN.
Cumberland, Md. May 24,1831.
Mr. C. Herstons,proprietor of Shepherd’s P.S.
Ointment, (formerly Judkins's,) near Frederick
City. Md. 13-PILES.
batore leaving boonsboro’, 1 had heard much
of an article, in which you appear before the
nublic as proprietor, named Herston’s Judkin’s
1> Snecinc Ointment, made by C. Herston
near Fr«d»*ck> Md., and of it* decided efficacy
in cures on P rso wi’whom lam wcIUcm
quainted. Since my resld^i" f m nS’ct
hasDerformed a cure on a friend or mine amici
ed w^h piles. Having myself been a sufferer for
some years with this distressing disease I now
unhesitating applied your ointment in my o wn
case, and am gratified that l
nerfect cure# l
P I thereby certify, that I was for many months j
afflicted most grievously with the tetter upon
bath of my heels,'causing openings largeenough
to admit a person’s finger. I tried various re
medies in vain, when 1 wasinduced to try Jud
kin’ Ointment, and was cured by the use of a
single box. I am anxious that others, similarly
afflicted, may avail themselves of so valuable a
remedy. ROBERT 1ULTON.
Charlestown, Dec. 16, 1829.
Having had much experience, lor many yeai»,
in making this Ointment, and being concerned
in the patent right, the public have a right to be
cautioned against imposition—and, in order to
effec; this, and to secure to them the genuine ar
ticle, it has been though advisable, as above sta
ted, to use the authority granted by Mr. Shep
herd, and to call it after the proprietor s own
lia-i’he following will be hereafter attached to
CIFIC OISTMENT, (fornnngly Judkins,)
made and sold, wholesale and retail, by
C. HERSTONS, near Frederick, Md.
To more fully guard the public, (the proprie
tor’s ) C. Herston’s name will appear in his own
hand-writing, written through the circle outside
the ointment pot. . 4
To be sold wholesale and retail, by, Dti.
GUNTON, Druggist, Pennsylvania Avenue,
FAQ.UHAR Druggist, Penn. Avenue
Messrs. JAMES do do
F. HOWARD Seven Building s
E. FERRIS, Georgetown.
Letters post paid, directed to the Proprietor,
C. HERSTONS, Frederick City, Maryland,
will be attended to. .
The above article, is offered for sale by the
subscriber. A large profit allowed to country
dealers, who purchase to sell again.
3 mo 10—Iy Agent‘for Alexandria.
WILLIAM STABLER, Chemist and Drug
gist, Alexandria, general agent for the sale
of Dr. Ralph’s Improved Hygeian Pills, respect
fully states that he is enabied to supply this Medi
cine to the public and his mercantile connection,
upon the same terms that the General Office at
New York supplies them,—a liberal discount
being made to retail merchants. For a descrip
tion of the qualities of these pills, he refers to the
following advertisement of Doctor Ralph, viz:
“The very general demand for Dr. Ralph’s
Hygeian Pills, can only be accounted for by
reason of the unexampled benefit and cures
which tnousands have experienced from their
use. Moreover, they are founded on the wis
dom and experience of the British College ol
Physicians and Surgeons, of London: and are
recommended by the writings and practice of Sir
Astley Cooper, Mr. Abernethy, and Dr. Babing
ton; as well as by the the greater part of the more
eminent practitioners of England and the Con
The limits of an advertisement will not allow
of entering upon an explanation of the principle
on which this medicine is suited to so many dif
ferent complaints. It must suffice to mention,
that each package of the pills contains three
boxes, two of which are gently opening, with a
strengthening quality combined, adapted to the
most feeble constitutions; while the other is pur
gative, but more or less so according to the dose.
Thus, by varying these Pills, and altering the
doses agreeable to the directions given, it is as
tonishingto witnessthe number ol diseases wnicn
are cured or much alleviated by them; while
there is no disease whatever which can possibly
be injured by their use. They contain no mer
cury. and may be taken without the inconveni
ences or caution which other medicines gene
rally require. The particular diseases in which
their efficacy has been proved and tested, in ma
ny thousand individual cases, are the following:—
Dyspepsia, and the whole of those numerous
maladies which arise from habitual constipation
of the bowels; Apoplexy, and all affections of
the head; Gout; Rheumatism; Scrofula, with
every speciesof Salt Rheum and Disorder of the
Skin; threatening Consumptive Cough; Liver
Diseases, whether the effect of intemperance or
hotclimate; Fever and Ague; Common Fever,
&c.; Inflammations; Cholera Morbus, &c.; Jaun
dice; Dropsy; Piles; Gravel; Gleet, and certain
other complaints of the Urinary and Genital or
gans, &c. &c.
This medicine is also eminently useful in the
whole class of disorders peculiar to the female
constitution, especially in Nervous and Hyste,
rical disorders, Epileptic Fits, St. Vitus’s Dance
&c. &c.; Sick Head Ache, certain obstructions,
sexual weakness, &c. In smaller doses, it may
be relied on as the best and safest medicine in
pregnancy, and for the common disorders of
children. , ,
The directions given with these Pills are re
markably plain and particular—the proper dose
and management of them being carefully men
tioned under the head of each disorder separately
Jos. Ralph, M. D.,
Graduate of the University of Edinburgh;
Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
London; Lecturer on Midwifery and the
Diseases of Women and Children, &c.
and author of the “Domestic Guide to Me
N. B. Dr. Ralph’s Domestic Guide is a little
volume designed for the use of every family,
particularly those residing in the country. It is
written in the plainest manner, and is intended
to enable individuals, both male and female, to
undertake the management of their own com
plaints with safety and success. The price is
very low, being only 50 cents, though neatly
bound in boards, &c. Indeed the object of its
publication is rather with a view of spreading
useful knowledge on disease, than of any proft
arising from its sale. Joseph Ralph, M. D.
3 mo 21—ly Alexandria, D.C.
[Leesburg Genius of Liberty.]_
IN returning my thanks for the patronage I
have received, 1 wish to inform my friends
and the public, that I am prepared at all times to
execute orders in my line; such as Gangs of rig
Seine Rope
Trace Rope]
Leading Lines
Bed Cords
Packing Yarn for steam engines
With a general assortment of all kinds of
Rope of Russia or Manilla Hemp. Distant or
country friends will receive my particular at
tention. . JOSTAH H. DAVIS,
june 2
To Rheumatic Invalids! J
PERSONS suffering under Rheumatic Attection are |
respectfully assured that they can obtain of the •
proprietor and his agents a aafe and admirable reme
dy for Rheumatism, however obitinate the disorder
may be,and in all it* different stages.
nr. Jebb’s IAmment!
will afford immediate relief to the patient, »nd has
sometimes been attended with such e“™ord'n“yms'J.cn
cess as to cure the most distressing Rheumatism in
twenty four hours, even when ot y ears .gt an ding.
This highly valuable Liniment is recommended
vith a confidence founded on the experience of n a
„y years, not only as a cure for that excruciating dis
ease, but ssan excellent application for Stiffness of
jointi, Numbness,Sprains, Chilblains, Sic.
(This article is considered so superior to
thing else, and to possess auch uncommon virtues,
it is oidered from all parts of the country ] ,
ITT An Agent recently writes: •• Please send me a
further supply of Jebb’s Liniment the ®r,t ”??or
ty—I shall probably sell a conaiderable quantity, as it
is recommended by some ot our physicians veryh.g^
ly. although contrary to their rule* and regulations t
give encouragement to such (or. pxtent) roei •
Hut is a moat decided proof of their confidence in
invaluable properties . .
Another agent writes: “ 1 wish you to forward me
some more of Jebb’s Liniment, which has recommend
ed itself very highly.” Price SO cents a bottle.
The Painful and Debilitating Complaint of
Receive. immediate relief, and in numerous instance,
has been thoroughly cured, by the administration o
c? the piles. ,
1VMS approved compound also mitigates and re
moves the symptoms which frequently accompa
ny that disorder, and increase the danger ot the pa
tient. viz: pains in loins, headache, loss of appetite,
indigestion, and other marks of debility.
A relieved patient writes from a distance:
»• it is but justice to inform you, that 1 have used
your Dumfries* Remedy for the Piles for some time
past, and have found it eminently successful.*
The remedy is quite innocent, and may be adminis
tered to all ages and both sexes. Plain and ample di
rections, with a description of the complaint, accom
pany each package, which consists of two bo*es, one
containing an Ointment, and the other an Klectuary.
price $1 for both articles, or 50 cents where bat
one is wanted.
rlMUS agonizing disorder is cured m its m »st painful
1 stages, by one of the most simple as well as pow
erf ill remedies known in modern practice I »e
.fiord inst.nl relief, without inflicting the slightest in
jury on the teeth They »re applied externa..., to the
parts .fleeted, with the greatest ease and expedition,
and generally operate as .a soothing lenitive to the
suffering patient. Piicc 50cents a oox.
OF m^b»tinate*'clmracicr. alter having baffled
the skill of tbe most eminent physicians, and
withstood the most highly recommended medical pre
parations, has been checked, relieved, and cured, in
a number ot instances in and about tins city, by using,
for a short tune, l)r. Kklfk's , VT, *, f
in connexion, according to the directions sccompapv
ine the Specific It is also one of the best medicia.es
known tor Sick Headache, Sickness at the Stomach,
Nausea, and Flatulences.
Price of the Specific and Pills, 50 cents each.
Debilitated Females*
^■1HR complaints peculiar to the lemale part of the
IL community, have been long successfully treated
by the administration of the Aromatic Pills, originally
prescribed and compounded by Dr Helfe. '1 hey
cleanse the blood from those disorder* of the fema-e
constitution, for which the pills are an effectual speci
fic; the) restore a free circulation, reform the irregular
operations of the sanguiferous s> stem, and rectify the
disordered habits. The proprietor's confidence in the
superior excellence of this equally innocent and pow
erful preparation, is founded on the most decisive tes
timony from many restored patients He can assure
this portion of the public, that when
DR. RELFE’S aromatic pills for
are regularly taken, according to the directions, ac
companying them, they revive and establish the desir
ed healthy habits, and restore to the pallid counte
nance the natural glow of health and good spirits.
Married ladies will find the pills equally useful, ex
cept incases of paegnancy, when they must not be
taken; neither must they be taken by persons of hec
tic or consumptive habits. They may be used success*
fully by either men or women in all Hypochondriac,
Hysteric or Vapourish disorders In all cases ot this
description, the pills purify, invigorate, and revive the
disordered system. Price $1 50 a box.
• None genuine un ess signed on theoutside pnn
ted wrapper by the sole proprietor, T. Kidder, imme
diatesuccessor to the late Dr. T. Conway, horsale,
with all the other “ Conway Medicines," at his Coun
ting Hoorn, No. 99, next door to J. Kidder's Drug
Store* corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con
cert Hall, Boston THOMPSON KIDDEU.
And also, by his special appointment, by
;an 15 Fairfax street, Alexandria.
• Large discounts to those who buy to sell again.
Itch Ointment!
TilE extensive sa*e and established reputation of
Dumfries'Itch Ointment, encourages the propri
etorto recommend it with renewed confidence to the
public, as a most innocent as well as powerful applies
lion for this annoy mg disease The most inveterate
cases have been cured ix oxehour! by this esteem
ed Ointment It contains no mercury, or other noxi
ous ingredient, and may be confidently applied even
to the youngest children, or to pregnantfemales —
Price 374 cents. . . ..
• • None genuine unless signed on the outside print
ed wrapper by the sole proprietor, T Kidder, imme
diate successor to the late Dr. W. T Conway. For
le with all the other “Conway Medicines," at Ins
Counting Hoorn, No. 99, next door to J. Kidder's Drug
Store corner of Court and Hanover streets, near Con
cert Hall, Boston THOMPSON KIDDEU.
And also, by his special appointment, by
WM. STABLER, Fairfax street, Alexandria.
• • Large discounts to those who buy to sell again.
LEONARD 0. COOK respectfully informs
his friends and the public generally, that
he has removed to the south side of King street,
between Columbus and Washington streets, in
the house formerly occupied by Phares Throop,
where he still continues to manufacture all kinds
of Cabinet Furniture: and also informs them
that he has bn hand at present, and intends at
ail times to keep, a full assortment of the best
Furniture, made by the best workmen, and of
the neatest fashions; which he will warrant
equal, if not superior, in quality to any ever of
fered in the District, and which he will sell low
for Cash or a liberal credit to punctual persons.
And he hopes, by his punctuality and attention
to business, to secure a portion of the public
patronage. . J ,
Old Furnituie neatly repaired and handsome,
v varnished. . . ..
' TURNING handsomely executed and at the
shortest notice, iV 15—tf
H* ft ;«,*f rpreived a large and general as-1
A.“ and winter dry I
GOODS, consisting in part 01
Fine and superfine cloths-black, blue, brown
daret gPreen, invisible green,Polish green, j
forest green, Spanish fly, raven swing,.
French grey, drab and mixed.
French clcths-black, blue, invisible creen,
raven’s wing, mixed and drab, some
ble milled and double twilled: these cloths
are of the most durable fabric and perma
nenl colour.
Black, drab, steel mixed, plain cassimeres
Ribbed, striped and plaid cassimeres
Bath beaver, a superior article for over coats
Mohair coating, do do do
Cassinets of all prices and qualities
Kentucky jeans and flushings
Duffil and point blankets
Rose blankets, all sizes and qualities
French blankets, fine and heavy
Super Whitney and Mackinaw blankets
Rogers and Medgety’s English flannel
Welch flannel, various qualities
Thibet flannel, soft as satin
44 twilled flannel; 6 4 merinos, assorted
Gro (Je nap and crape merino
Damask and watered moreen
Lupin’s 6 4 soft merino bombazines
Prints of all styles and qualities
Highland and Tartan shawls
Lamb’s wool, mohair, merino & worsted hose
White, blk., col’d and unbleached cotton ho>e
Silk and embossed velvets
English and French silk hose and had hose
Silk shirts; ottomans and table matts
English long cloth shirting
Checked Swiss mur‘ins and draperies
Bishop lawn; garters; aprons
Worked capes & collars; undressed gingham
Yarn and worsteds, assorted
Superfine and double super Enslish carpeting
French carpeting; Manilla ditto
Venitiancarpeting; printed floor cloths
Tufted, Wilton, Brussels and French rugs
Damask linen crumb cloths
Linen stair covering; door matts
With a general assortment of Domestic Cot
ton Goods, negro clothing, umbrellas, buttons,
bobbins, tapes, gloves, pins, handkerchiefs, sew
ing threads, etc. etc.
Also, dailij expect'd:—Lama wool, Thibet,
Chain, Cashmere, silk, merino, damask, friend
ly and other fancy shawls; Italian lustring, sin
chew. gro urain, black silk, extra linen cambiic
and hdkfs; English thread lace and edging;
| bobbinet lace, edging and inserting, etc. etc*.
The above goods are of ilie best faoric; they
were carefully selected in different markets and
purchased on the best terms; tl^y can be sold
low. __ 20
brlow the Franklin Hotel, has received
and is now opening, an unusual large assort
ment of Foreign and Domestic
| Anticipating from the general appearance of
; things, that Alexandria w ill he, and that spee
dily, a flourishing cuinmeicial and manufactur
ing town, unanimity, and ahead we must go.—
In viewr of this he has taken unusual pains in j
the selection of his Goods as regards qualify,:
style and cheapness, and can say with conti- j
dence lie will offer them on as good terms as j
they can be had in Baltimore, and with but few .
exceptions, as cheap as they have been sold lor
some time back-(cail and see. and if I do not, ;
don’t purchase them.) The assortment consists (
in part ol the following—
, Blue, black, brown, grey, fawn, drab, green, in
visible do., cadet mixed, napoleon violet
i Sup. milled and twilled drab do for over-coats,
grey do, not to be bought cheaper than 1 will
sell them
Blue, black, green, drab, and other colors
Elastic cable cord, buckskin and striped do
Silk velvet, cotton do, swansdown .and other
Flu nnells.
Double and single width white, red, yellow,
green and figured flannells
Blankets old fashioned.
13, 12, 11. 10, and 9 4 heavy rose
13, 12, and 11-4 Whitney, a prime article for a
cold night
Infant’s crib rose do
A large quantify foint and striped do. cheap
Saddle do.
Meri nos.
French, English German G-4 very cheap some
Fawn, brown, green, purplevand black colors
3 4 Circassians, vei y cheap
Merino gro de naps, a new article for dresses
Cussinetts and Fad Linseys.
100 nieces in quality, from the wni-t to the best
double mill’d article, all colors
Linseys, striped and plain
Flushings, coatings and negro cloth
Mohair coating, a new article for box coats
Floor baize
Men’s caster, beaver, ribbed, worsled and cotton
Cotton Flannels.
Red, white, brown and drab
London swan skin, a new article for drawers
and shirts
Ribbed lamb wool shirts and drawers
Colored plaid and striped (heavy)
Ticking and check do.
Bleached and unbleached do. 3*4, l S5 4-4 and 5 4
Padding, w hite and black
Spool and ball cotton, all nos.
Threads, tapes ar.d pins
Elastic, web and cotton suspenders
Cotton handkerchiefs
Cotton and linnen burlaps all numbers
Silk and cotton umbrellas
Oil cloths (handsome patterns)
Irish linen, lawn
Hernstich and plain linen cambric hdks, snk no
Chec’d jackonet and mull mti>!ins and cantor ics
Ladies Kid Gloves all sizes and very cheap
Colored and white skirts
Worsted, mohair, silk and cotton, ribbed, and :
plain stocki ngs
Black and colored silks
White sattins and Florences
Shawls and fancy hddfs
Cheneit Shawls very pretty. ;
With all other articles to be met with in a well
assorted Dry Goods Establishment, all of which
I will sell by the piece or yard, for cash or to
none others than punctual customers,
sept 12—tf___
INCLUDING both sexes from 12 to 25 years
of age. Persons having likely servants
dispose of, will find it to their interest to
give us a call, as we will give higher prices in
cash than any other purchaser who is now or
may hereafter come into this market,
07* Public Attention!
I 8 respectfully solicited by the subscriber t0
I valuable preparation, the merits of aLw'
been tested by time, and are sustained bj Qri(j ‘
testimony ‘ ^
<3* Botanical Drops!
are every year increasing their long establishes,
tation. Thev have outlived many rival prepare
and are continually gaining upon public confidenc'
The Botanical Drops hate been successfully t/.
istered for many years, as a thorough remedy f,.r^
well known and prevalent c!h*s of in\eteMied>( *
which originate from a vitiated habit of bcdy, or ,,**
reditarv predisposition in the patient, anigWeri‘
appear under the various and distressing shapesof
Scrofula, Salt Rheum, l.eprosv, St Anthcry\
Fever Sores, White Swellings, Scurvy, Foulu^-!
stinate Ulcers, Sore Legs and Eyes, Scald Mead J.
Venereal Taint.
In the last mentioned condition « f ttie systeir 4,
Botanical Drops will be found to eradicate the !L |*
ing poison, where mercury has totally failed,and V
prevent the patient from entailing the seeds of lrV
reditary disease on hit offspring
|)r. Relfe's Botanical Drops are successfully C!f(J.
cases of violent eruptions after the irenleu.^
blotches—pimples on the face-ftstcnng eruptur* c«
the skin—and other diseases of the txitn .»| ^ihc,.
and are one of the best Spring and Autumnal pU,'cj
known, to fr^the system from hurroit
A physician of eminence, w ho hud \v,tn< «s-d ufrr.
ficacy of this article, had the candor rectnlU U
now ledge to the proprietor, that he cons-ihred ,
best medicine known, for the complaint* f r > ,
is intended, and that it ougli* deservedh to tttr *
the head of th.e w hole c!a>s of Mich rtn ulus
price $1 a bottle, 0“ 6 bottles for f 5.
fllhoSF', who would retain or restorethm il«yr, .
JL personal advantages, are assured tb.it i o c< n •
silion can be obtained superior t tl.e
This is an elegant and peasant prepurjiiK n -n t
respect, and has, for many year* pad, g.vei; u w.,
satisfaction wherever it has be^n usttl
The Antiseptic Ihntnfice is exempt fr< n arid ,
otlier deleterious irgredu nts. which too f tqi,ti
enter the composition of tooth prwets in emit*
use, and it wh tens the enamel < t the teeth *.•;
doing it the lead injury . 'I he regular i.s ot il
mired powder, by purifying the mouth ami prut,*^
the accumulation of tartbV, of erutts as tl t \ t-i j <■
ven'.ive of the Tooth Ache T he lit mnfice rtn<t,,
discolorations, and report s the beaut lul i.^t ve v| •
ness of the enamel- As its apj»ncatnn brtres .
strengthens die Gums, it stcures toll * m il tir it*
and florid hue, and, by removing all ofbns.%, i« »r ^
accumulations fr< m the teeth, prc s< rvei the i.tv,
sweetness ol the breath. I'nc 50 f< t ts
•#* None genuine unless signed untie nit^orr
ed wrapper bv the sole propnetor, I Ku'.^r, nn?
diate succt ssor to the late Dr ^ I ( «i I *
sale, w ith all the other " Coihum hlcuicme, > *
Counting Koom. No 99, next door to J KuhbrMr^
Store, c« rner of Court and Hanover st ire's, m st (•
cert Hall, Huston I IIOMI i?UN hlhl M.
And, b\ his sp» cial appointment, by
H'M. 8TAUI.KH. Fairfax street, AIoxh-.t.*
* • I urge discount to those w ho buy to stI* **ga
(Asthma! A* Catarrh!
i H N that long train ol diseases winch s*tm to
I with the growth ol civilized society, <*>"»"" pi r
! takis the lead in its relentless inroad* upon Inn,
life; yet his dreadful disorder iseasdy tmrc< tie it. >
earlier stages. It is only when neglected tint it it
rives a* the terrific maturity whkh so often baffle* >t'
sagacitv of professional science An obstinate cag .
is the "customars forerunner of the pmir.onsry cu;
si,o ption Improper neglect in the timely acn.im,
tration of simple and salutary remedies, is Miir to tc
reproved by a dreadful succession of coiiHiir.ptor
symptoms- oppression of the breast; gretindi *’^
bloody spittle; ulcerated lungs ami hectic fmrs
veiled extremities, and general emaciation of «».«
whole body; prostration of strength; flushed cheeks
swollen feet .mi legs; .ml * l«». <•** lull pess.s
sjonofthe mental f.cultie., and whit hope >li I »!"*
per. her flattering tale-cold exti.mitu., »nd » ?«•
mature drath. . .
For the various stage! of tins complaint, one of
most approve d rt n.edies er?j > et ,
This exceedingly powerful, and yet equally
innoc lit preparation, has effected «h»rouKh and rip d
cures upon patients supposed to hu e re" *
edit a confirmed Consumption, and w ho have tah.b..
ed the appearances which usually moicafea * *
miuaiimi ol he disorder. .
As'.lie I’llls require in ordin.ry ose. no cootur
ment, the. n«v he adtr.iniatcrtd will' ci nh..n ct »"•
safety to all »ge* and classes "f people. I "'■
Slice I. has hitherto aiiemled ll.eir ...n.imstrstion
greal variet; ofca.es; .ml the proprietor can refer
» multitude,'which testify to their.fficsey in reus rg
the emaciated victim Irom the bed ol disease an! "
storing him to the ble.sings uUccustome.. Iiea.tl " •
“'I'.r'cc 11 for who/r boxes of 10 pills and 50 cer.tvfor
half of \2 pills, with directions.
Mbion Corn Plaster!
rg^HK Albion Corn Piaster softens the coin, h .wfit
1. old ami tough, and extracts it to the verv r< ■
The relief afforded is gentle, immediate, ai.o
'The proprietor begs leave to submit the *
case, from Mr Stowed, who is well known tod*
habitant * ol tins city, especially at the S idh M« *f ■
South Boston, a* a very worthy and respects: •
zen: —
A Cas*
Sir 1 d * not hesitate to give m> most m t;»-* ■'*
approbation in favor of your valuable Altm ^
planter B) the use of less than a box, *’r% - .* * *
has been cured of a c« rr. on each fi ot, u i t • *
exceedingly troubles* me and j aiidn* ^ r t*n «
think it but juat:ce to y< ur invaluable Pftl*r!*
add, (for the encouragement of those *1°' rW 'f,,
repeated disappoint n « i ts in the *an» us r‘ n ( r
sorted to, have finally despair* d of a '.'iff,, ‘ • K
Plaster cur«d her corns, alter Irving other ' ^ j
comtr.ended remedies *o no pi. p' sc. * .
creases mv con lid* lie* m the at* pern r>t\ n ' ^ (» n t
;er. is tl e fact, that it has been used by hui*
neighbors witf» tquail} good success '*’fM
Set a Stow at i»
Keeper of the Toll S.,uil< llcl.'r l’r ,>'(<
Mr I’ Kiuoeh, Proprietor of the (Jonwa> **
Boston, June 17th, 1W<9
• 0* Price 50 cents*
fillHi studious, the weakly, and ° *'rr#* ^
X troubled with soreness or inflarrrra’ion ^ ^
delicate organ, will be able to obtain a fr“ *' '
arid invaluable application, in
. f ^ |, V
This well e&.abliahed Wash for the f)1 ^
innocent, and gives immediate relit I, tvm i
gravaicn cases of sorentss ana inflan-inatmt
price 25 cents ....> r.r.r*
•/ None genuine unless signed onff*
rbyt'c ,olepropr,e.r.l K.;^/tf
cert Hall, Boston. - .
And also, by his special appon.tmtnt,
i,n 24' F»lrf*» •treet.A1'*'"”1*,
L,rg ount to tb***t *bobuy to •

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