Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XXXVII. SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 15, 1837. NEW SERIES. YOL. XIII.—NO. 4540. aEXAND ia gazette, PUBLISHED DAILY BY 'EDGAR S.yOWDEJf, - — -ss :ztr*'"rA'LZ HFVANDRIA GAZETTE, '(FOR THE COUNTRY) IS PUBLISHED REGULARLY «>* J® Jit. THURSDAY 'NO SATURDAY 7SS StLAM PEB ASSUM, PAYABLE IS Ar M apvawce._ r,r w ^erliAimr.-AdverUsemento 7, ,-cee iingone square, inserted three "°L f ir $l. Advertisements continued L three <i<"es for 50 cents a square for £ Insertion inside, or 25 cents outside. SXU are counted es a square 8 Advertisements by the year, at prices vac-reed upon, having reference to Ihenrual amount of space they may oo ‘"persons advertising by the year not to •Avertise articles not included in their re , ' K)1.ine5S nor to insert in their ad vertisements any other names than their own. ^mmmm rr^TANDRlA AND BOSTON RE ALBGULAR LINE PACKETS. mHE following Vessels will compose T the regular Line of Packetc bet ween Boston and the District of Columbia: Me Esther, R- Newcomb, Master “ Wankinco, E. H. Ryder, do “ Amulet, G. G. Nickerson do « Columbia, C. Ryder, These vessels are all of the fir ss, cith excellent accommodations Tor ras *'",rs. The Masters good pilots and tell acquainted with the trade. They will sail once a week from each place — * WMFOWLE A Co., Alexandria. i C LOMBARD A Co., T wharf, Boston. june 29—If WASHINGTON CITY AND N. OR LEANS PACKETS. .tv The subscribers having pur Chased of Messrs. ArmfieM.L— ^k!tn & Co. two of their splendid New, Oleans packets, intend running them r^uiarly Detween the two ports, leaving nch place on the 1st of each month. -j.t TRIBUNE, Samuel Boush -g- r v.ill !**ve this place «vn the 1st of . . . ,V» r* ii»et ) Thtr brig C,N ^ ; WhauH 'U' h, master, on the ft Ja •r ^ v;‘0»ug iu u p had hotter have I, . r u-rv;i'.N this place a day °r two previous to a** v *ss*ds >at*mg. Servants cun be kept at 2b cents p-r dav. Ereight ml passage as herernfore VM H WILLIAMS V CO. Washington Nov. 19. FOR RENT, m The three story brick Store, with Udatc roof, at the corner of Prince Union streets. It will be rented low jnd immediate possession given. * Also, the Brick Store on Fairfax Street, adjoining the house occupied brMiss Ashton. And a Brick Dwelling House on JiHeniv s'reet. suitable for a small nily. Apply to ian3 VVM. FOWLE & SON. FOR RENT. m The twost<»rv brick dwelling house 3[on the North side of Xing street be »e*n Alfred »nd Patrick Streets, at pre wt occupied by George Rrent Esq — Session to be given on 22d January fit. ALSO, the brick stable, heretofore oc upw! by Mr. Ezra Lunt, as a livery sta *• situated on the alley between Alfred m! Patrick, nearest south to King street, obsession may be had. immediately.— Pplyto A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. HOUSE TO RENT. 4 two story Brick House on Roy jlal street, opposite Mr. McGuire’s, and *ioinin«r Miss Mandeville’s is vacant, u would be leased at a moderate rent '4respectable tenant—possession im ediatety »iven. DAN’L. CAWOOD Co. TO RENT, A At a reduced rent, a frame House I north-east of Samuel B. Lavmour’s ^residence of Mrs. Hooe. JOS1AH H. DAVIS. W|p*SH FOR NEGROES, f J i 5*ve cash price for p kt ^rom 1010 2^ years of ’r or Agent can, at all times, tod at the establishment formerly ArmfieUi, Franklin 4. Co., at _ wt end of Duke street. GEO. KF.PHART. i .dividend. rsident and Directors of the wre and Potomac Steam Pack* 7* aTe this day declared a 1 dollars per share upon joint stock of the company, jor after Tuesday the 24th in* * Mechanics' Bank of Balti *jon will be held on Monday ?'the office of the Maryland ^am.Packet Company for *yo manage the affairs of ny ior,2* ***Ploiryear. S. WILSON, Treasurer, ^jan TS—tf ®ARK WANTED. »iU bepaid. "**«•!»«* and fifty to two .o*1.? Chesnat Spanish and !_ ”***>• by the subscriber at J??* eiPriaen street,'et j-^ffS.’SEJEar ss^S'SEttr)’*** MORE NEW GOODS. GEO. S HOUGH has just received a large additional supply of Fancy and £fapie Goods, which renders his as sortment very choice «yid general, viz: Super black, blue, and fancy cloths 44 drab, black, blue, and mixt cassi meres Plain, twill’d and diagonal summer cloths Lama casimeres, for ladies riding dresses Blue and black crape lastings, for men’s wear White, brown, and drab drillings, some super Sup west end and stripe, for boys Brown French linens, and grass cloths Super Irish linens, cheap Linen Cambrics, from low to very fine do do hhdkfs, of all qualities Low priced linen hhdkfs and lawns Shirt bosoms and collars, fine Stocks, of every description A beautiful assortment of black and blue black silks, some very superior Plain Gro de Naps and stripe ditto White, blue, rose, black and green sattins do do do do do figured silks for bonnets Sett and cap ribbons generally Fancy hdkfs and shawls Painted lawns and palmettoes Painted muslins, French Chintz and Cali coes, a beautiful assortment Super plain and figured Swiss mu3lins Cross barred and stripe do do Bishops lawns, mulls and fine cambrics Mourning prints, muslins and Ginghams Black and blue black French bombazines in great variety, and very cheap * 6, 7, 8 and 10-4 Damnsk diaper Super do table cloths do do napkins Bird eye and Russia diaper Bleached Russia and Irish sheetings do cotton do Long cloth and cotton shirtings of aJI qualities A splendid assortment of women’s, men’s and misses cotton and silk hosiery Paris, black, and colored kid gloves Misses do do do Men’s super black and col’d Hoskin do Soper silk and Marseilles vesting do black silk velvet Green, black, and white figured thule, for veils Lupins green barrge, bobinets Italian crapes all colors Super book muslins and do hdkfs Cyprus Gauze White, slate, blue and black Adelphi knit ting cotton Furniture chintzes and dimities Colored cambrics and blue nankeens Bed tick, som*- 4-4 and very superior Burlaps and other brown linens Twilled bagging Cotton and linen checks Pins, lanes, ribbons, braids, cords Hooks and ^ves, Colored and white spool cotton Patent thread, silk, Clnth hair, and hearth brushes, combs With a general assortment of domestics; all of which having been well purchased, will be sold on reasonable terms for cash or approved customers. 4th mo 11th SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES FAMES VANSANT, King street, Al exandria, (l). C.) next door to the Franklin House, in tendering his grate ful acknowledgements to his friends and the public, for the distinguished patron age he has received from them; begs leave to a-sure them, that.with an ample supply of the most choice materials he will be able to render entire satisfaction to tho«e who may please to favor him with their business,* either by order or personal application, and that will sell all articles in his line, as low as they can be procured, in Baltimore or elsewhere. He has on hand at this time, and will continue to keep a largeassortment of the following articles, wholesale and re tail, on the most moderate terms: Patent spring saddles Men’s saddles, best quality, stuff flaps Do do do plain Do do common do Ladies’ do best and common Plated and steel-bitted bridles, of vari ous kinds Plated and steel-mounted martingales. Saddle-bags of the latest fashion, and common Velisses and carpet travelling bags Plated-mounted carriage harness Do gig do Brass and japan-mounted gig harness Plated, brass, and japanned mounted cariole harness Wagon, cart, and dray harness Fire buckets and halters And also a general assortment of I ,Elegant Hard Leather Travelling Trunks, And a great variety of THE BEST GIG, RIDING WHIPS. Plated, steel and brass spurs Plated, steel and brass bridle bits and stirrups Saddletrees and bucskins, assorted Buffalo skin saddle covers Old saddles neatly covered with hog, buck, and calf skin, and quilted at short est notice. , , r 11 Old saddles, harness, and trunks or all kinds, repaired at the shortest notice, june 21—2aw SADDLE. HARNB8S. AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. CHARLES HAWKINS, seeonddeor from Mr. W. Morgan, Sr’». Boot and Shoe Manufactory. SALE OP REAL ESTATE IN THE FIRST WARD FOR TAXES. ON SATMRDAY the 29th day of April next, will be sold at public auction, to the highest bidder, before the front door of the Auditor’s Office in the (own of Alex andria, the following described Tenements and Lots of Ground, to satisfy the Common Council of Alexandria the taxes due thereon as here-under stated, unless the said taxes be previously paid to the undersigned, with such expenses and fees as may have accrued to the time of such payment. To whom last assess ed. r Streets on which the lots He. Streets bounding the Squares in which the lots are situated. YEARS FOR^VHICH TAXES ARE DUE. 1627 1823 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 Due cm each Lot Adams, Hannah’s Es Alexander, W.T’s. Es Same Baxter, Joseph Jr. Same Chapman, Geo.’s Es. Caldwell, Elias B, Cook, Stephen’s Es, Same Douglas, Susan Edmonds, Sarah’s Es Same Same Same Same Fitzgerald, John’s Es. Freeland & Gillies Harper, John’s Est. Hoakes, Mary’s Est. Hunter, Win’s. Estate Hawkins, Samuel Hamilton, Robert Hunter, Colin’s Estate Isabell, Wm’s. Estate Same Jones, Walter Same Libby, Richard’s Es. Same Same Myers, G W Mills, John Jr Moore, W S Partridge, James Post, Joel db Jotham Price, Nancy & Ellen Plunkett, Capt’s Est. Richardson, Ellen Roberdeau, Jean Ramsay, Dennis’s Es. Riddle, Samuel's Es. Rhodes, Anthony Same Same Simms, Charle9’9 Est. Smoot, Wilson's Est. Thompson, Hugh’s Es Veitch, James Hsrveyl i. Koyal . Gibbon and Royal Royal Franklin, Fairfax Fairfax and Jefferson Water Franklin Fairfax and Jefferson Fairfax, Jeffersoo^wMJreene} Prince • " i ■ . . Duke Duke and}FaiiTax Fairfax Royal Royal Union, Wolfe Water Franklin and Union Fairfaxl Wilkes ' k Wolfe Water to River Gibbon and Fairfax Prince Wale’s Alley Fairfax and Wolfe Pitt, Wolfe Union Duke Gibbon, Royal Water Water and Wilkes Union Water Water Union Wilkes Fairfax Water Wilkes and Royal Fairfax Union Union Prince Franklin Franklin Fairfax 1 Franklin _ ____ King, Prince, Royal, Pitt Gibboil, Fairfax, Royal, Jefferson Do do do do Franklin, Fairfax, Jefferson, Water Do do do do Water, Union, Wolfe, Duke Franklin, Jefferson, Water, Unioh Fairfax, Royal, Jefferson, Franklin Do do do do Prince, Duke, Water, Union Duke, Wolfe, Fairfax, Water Do do do Do do do Royal, Pitt, Wolfe, Wilkes . Do do do Wolfe. Wilkes, Union, Water Water, Duke, Union, Prince Franklin, Union Gibbon and the River Fairfax, Royal, Wilkes, Gibbon Wilkes, Gibbon, Pitt, Royal Wolfe, Wilkes, Fairfax, Water Water, the River, Jefferson, Franklin Gibbon. Franklin, Fairfax, Water King, Prince, Water, Union Do do do do Duke, Wolfe, Fairfax, Water Do do Pitt, Royal Franklin, Jefferson, Water, Union Duke, Prince, Water, Union Gibbon, Royal, Franklin, Pitt Water, Fairfax. Prince, Duke Do Wilkes, Union, Wolfe Union, Water, Prince, King Prince, Duke, Water, Union Water, Fairfax, Wolfe, Wilkes Union, Water, Duke, Wolfe Wilkes, Wolfe, Fairfaxt Water Fairfax, Water, Wilkes, Gibbon Wolfe. Wilkes, Wrater, Union Wilkes, Gibbon, Royal, Fairfax Fairfax, Franklin, Jefferson, Royal lUnion, Water, Prince, King Do do do do Prince, Duke, Water, Union Franklin, Union, Jefferson,Jand tne River Do do do Water Fairfax, Water, Duke, Wolfe Union, Franklin, Jefferson. Strand ; 1 22 97! 1 45 1 45 l 45: 1 63; 1 63 l 75 2 05' 2 05 *15 65 1 05 1 58' 2 321 2 32 2 32 2 60; 2 60 2 SO 3 28 3 28 24 13 ! 1 74 1 74 1 95; 1 95 2 80 3 28 3 28 16 74 2 80 3 12, 4 64 4 64 4 64; 5 20 6 56 6 56 33 16 8 75 8 75114 50 14 50 14 50.16 25 2 50 20 50 109 25 i 2 32 2 32! 2 60' 2 60 2 SO 3 28 3 28 19 20 871 87 87, 98: 98 1 0 1 23 1 23 8 03 70 781 1 16 1 74 2 90' 3 25; 2 27 2 45 2 S7 2 87 20 99 1 75 1 95 2 90! 2 90 2 90: 3 25! 3 25 3 50 4 10 4 10 30 60 2 10 1 95 2 90' 2 90 2 90! 3 25; 3 25, 3 4 10 3 26 30 13 9 10, 5 10 10 66 10 66 35 52. . 4 55- 4 90 5 74 5 74 19 93 i 5 201 5 60 6 56 6 56 23 92 3 25 3 50 4 10 4 10 14 95 . 1 6 50 6 30 7 38 7 38 27 56 2 92 4 35 4 35 4 35 4 88 4 88 5 25 6 15 6*15 43 23. 67 78 58 i 58 65 65 70 82 82 6 45 2 10 2 10 3 48) 3 4S 3 90 3 90 4 20 4 92 4 92 33 00 1 16 1 16 1 30 1 40 1 64 6 66 87 7b 1 16 1 16 1 16 1 30 1 30 1 40 1 64 1 64 12 41 1 16 1 16 1 30 1 30 l 40 1 64 7 96 50 2 80 4 64 5 20 4 10 17 24 3 50 9 02 12 52 1 75 1 75 1 2 90 2 90 3 25 3 90 4 20 4 92 4 92 30 49 58 58 65 1 81 1 22 1 22i 1 74 1 74 1 74 1 95 1 95 2 10 2 46 2 46 19 58 1-05 1 05! 1 05- 1 05 3 481 4 55 4 90 5 74, 5 74 28 61 70 70 1 16 1 63 1 75 2 06 2 06 10 06 10 50 7 00 14 50 16 25 9 62 17 50 20 50 20 50. 116 37 1 75 1 75 2 90 3 25. 3 50 4 10 8 20 25 45 1 4 06 4 55 8 61 10 44 10 44 11 70 32 58 1 22 2 04 2 04 2 041 2 28 2 28 2 45 2 87 17 22 1 05 1 05 1 74 1 74 l 74 1 95 1 85 2 10 2 46 2 46' 18 24 1 22 1 22 2 03 2 90 2 90 2 28 2 2b 2 45 2 87 2 46 22 61 2 10 2 ’.0 3 48 3 48 3 48 3 90 3 00 4 20 6 56, 4 92 38 12 70 87 1 45 1 45 1 45 1 63 1 30 1 40 1 64. 1 64 13 53 1 75 1 75 2 90' 2 32 2 32 | 11 04 10 50 17 40 19 50 17 50 20 50 20 50 105 90 1 92 1 75 ' 2 90 3 25 3 25 3 50 4 19 4 10 24 77 52 70 1 16 1 10 1 16 1 30 1 30 1 40, 1 64 1 64 11 93 18 50! 10 54 20 80 50 20 2 61 2 02 5 53 ! j 5 22 5 85 ' 11 07 4 55 4 55] 5 SOI 5 80 5 SO 0 50 6 50 7 00 8 20 8 20 02 90 52 52] ST; 87 9b 1 05 1 23 1 23 7 27 2 10 60 3 48 3 48 3 481 3 90* 3 25 3 50 4 10 4 10 31 99 _ I ) 2 32! 2 60 2 60) 2 301 3 2b| 3 2«i 18 88 REAL ESTATE IN THE SECOND WARD. brocchus, Thom's. Es. Same Duvall, Rezin Dundas, John’s Est. Same Same Same Dundas, Agnes Hollinsbury, John W Herbert, Wm Jr Hunter, Wm Kerr, Alexander’s Es. Marsteller, Ferdinand Mandeville& Larmour Peyton, Thos WJs Est. Vernon, and Harris Weightman, Roger C. Wilson, Jame’s Est. Walker, Samuel P Water and Cameron Queen, Pitt, Royal Fairfax, Princess V Queen and Water Oronoko, Water Alley Water to Fairfax King, Pitt Pendleton, Water, Oronoko Water Fairfax, Princess Pitt Queene, Fairfax King Princess and Water Royal Fairfax King Water Water, Cameron, Union. Queen Queen, Pitt, Royal, Princess Fairfax, Princess, Queen, Water Q.ueen, Princess, Water, Union Oronoco, do do do Do do do do Water. Fairfax, Oronoco, Princess King, Pitt, Prince, Royal Pendleton, Water, Oronoco, Fairfax Water, Fairfax, Queen, Princess Fairfax, Princess, Oronoco, Water Pitt, Royal, Cameron, Queen Queen, Princess, Fairfax, Royal King, Cameron, Water, Union Princess, Wafer, Oronoco, Fairfax Fairfax, Royal, Queen, Princess Fairfax, Royal, Princess, Oronoco King, Cameron, Union, Water Water, Fairfax, Cameron, King ! ! 1 75 jlO 50 2 10 * 2 SO 2 45 1 D5 1 75 3 50 1 75 10 50 2 10 2 SO 1 05 2 45 1 05 1 75 3 50 1 40 2 80 2 90 17 40 3 48 4 G4 1 74 'l 16 4 06 1 74 2 90 5 SO 2 32 4 61 2 3^ 17 40i 3 461 4 61 l 1G 4 06 1 74 2 90 11 60 4 06 2 32 4 6 -41 2 32 17 40 3 46! 4 61 1 16 4 06 1 74 2 90 11 60 4 06 1 74 5 80 * 4 64 2 GO 13 50 3 90 5 20 1 30 4 55 l 95 3 25 4 55 1 95 I 2 60 1 30; 3 90 1 95 3 25 4 55( 93) i 2 bO 1 36 2 80 19 60 4 20 1 05 4 90 2 10 1 40 4 20 3 50 4 90 1 05 5 60 j 3 3bj 3 28 22 96 4 92 1 23 5 74 o9 70 1 64 4 92 4 10 26 65! 2 4b l 3 28 3 2S 22 96 6 15 I 69 70 1 Cl 4 92 4 10 5 74 1 23 26 65J a 54 4 64 25 60 158 22 33 81 2 28 35 36 139 40 4 89 10 70 39 57 12 22 30 40 23 20 46 40 8 18 11 84 76 05 22 12 The above sale to commence at 10 o’clock. A. M. Terms:—The purchasers will be required to pay down, at the time of sale, the amount of taxes due on the lots purchased by them respectively, and the expenses of sale. “If, within two years from the day of sale, the proprietor or proprietors of such lot, his, her, or their heirs, representatives, or agents, shall repay to such purchaser, or to the Mayor, the money paid for such taxes, assessments, or charges, and expenses, as aforesaid, with ten per centum per annum as interest thereon, or make a tender of the same, he or she shall be reinstated in his, her, or their original title; but if no such tender be made within two years next after such sale, then the purchaser shall pay the balance of the purchase money of such lot or lots into the Treasury of the Common Council, where it shall remain, subject to the order of the proprietor or proprietors, or his or their legal representatives; and the purchaser, on the payment of the whole amount of the purchase money, shali receive a title to the said lot or lots, in fee simple, from the Mayor, under his hand and the seal of his office, which shall be deemed good and valid in law and equity.”—Act of Congress of Y3th May, IS 23, further to amend the Charter of the toxen of Alexandria. January 21-wts * K. JOHNSON, Jr. C. C. SYRUP OF CARRAGEEN. Recommended by the Faculty. F HOWARD’S Original and Genu • ineCompound Syrupof Carrageen, a safe, simple, pleasant and effectual remedy for Cough’s, Asthmas, Consump tions, &c. This Syrup has stood the test of experience and is now extensively pre scribed by Physicians. P3*Those who may have occasion to use the preparation are advised to do so under the guidance and direction of a Physician.«£i| Many certificates might be obtained of its efficacy, but the following are deemed sufficient. Certificates.—The compound syrup of Carrageen, prepared by Mr F. Howard; I deem an excellent and safe expectorant; composed, as it is, principally, of the most approved and efficient of this class of me dicines, neatly and judiciously combined with mucilages. March 31, 1836 Tuos. Miller, M. D. Washington, March 29, 1836. I am acquainted with the composition of Mr Howard’s “compound syrup of carrageen,” and have used it in my prac tice, to the decided advantage of those of mv patients to whose cases it was appro priate; it is a compound of safe and sim ple expectorants and mucilaginous de mulcents, so combined as to make a plea sant and efficient remedy, in chronic and spasmodic coughs, whooping cough, and some forms of asthma. W. B. MAGRCDBn, M. D. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by FLODOARDO HOWARD, At his Pharmacy, near Seven buildings, Washington. '' , ^ ff3*For sale by Wm. Stabler and Dr. Farquhar, Alexandria, D. C. 4th mo 13— lw _ . NOTICE. Washington Branch Railroad. * BOOTS AND SHOES. WE have just received a portion of our Spring supply of Boots and Shoes—consisting of Ladies fine French Morocco Slippers do fine French style Kid Slippers « do cheap Morocco and Kid Slippers do cheap Pruenella Slippers Misses fine Morocco, kid dcseal Slippers do ch’p morocco, kid & seal slippers Mens’ fine calf fair stitched Boots do fine morocco stiched Boots do calf pegged Boots do seal pegged Boots do coarse water proof Boote do calf sewed and pegged Shoes do calf sewed and pegged Munroes do coarse Brogans and Shoes do #e»l and mdrocco pumps, with an£ ir&wtrt heels do Prunella Pumps, a new and beau tiful article Boys fine and coarse Brogans and Shoes Hair seal Trunks Also, Gentlemen’s Gum elastic Straps WM. MORGAN, Jr. <&, Co., At the old stand of J. H. White# mar 29—d3w • ~ -- Full Blooded Horses for Sale. BEING anxious to decrease his stock of Blood Horses—the Subscriber will sell on very low terms, the Mares and Stallions, full bred, of the blood of old imported horses—Johanna, Tariff, John Richards, Industry, &c. Pedigrees given with the stock. L. LEWIS. N. B. Communications in writing, ad dressed to the Subscriber, Berryvitle, Clarke Co.. Va.—Will be attended to. march 31—d4w [Nat. lnt.—3wj PORTO RICO SUGAR. HH DS. of first quality Muscovado Sugar 20 do Molasses just received and for sale by ap 6 A. C. CAZENOVE & CO. CLOVERSEED. 4 SMALL lot of prime Cioverseed, for A sale tow bv % ap 6 A. OCAZBNf CjJ f ..mi ■ >i >»■- V1 "''** "*"‘**"'. " ' 1 i . K5JG BOffTER. , | l^fVBftwrmfe twotooaM PROSPECT HILL FOR SALE. IOFFR this valuable farm for sale. It is situated on the waters of Cedar run in the Country of Fauquier, about six miles S. E. of YVarrenton, and adjoins the lands of James Fitzgerald,Charles J. Stovin, Thomas Fitzhugh, and Dudley Fitzhugh. It contains 730 acres. The buildings are new. consisting of a com fortable dwelling house,ice house,kitchen, &c. &c. There are two excellent gardens, and a great verlety of choice Fruit Trees on the place. The farm is divided into eight fields, all under good enclosures, and son down and well taken in Timo thy. There are three timothy meadows which yield from a ton to a ton and a half to the acre. It produces well, Corn, Oats, Wheat, Tobacco, &c., and is readily im proved by clover and plaistcr. This Farm is as well adapted for gra zing as any farm in Virginia. Some of the ajoining farmers, who have com menced grazing, have succeeded beyond all calculation; their success has added greatly to the value of land in the neigh borhood. The farm is capable of being divided,—two farms of pood shape and size could be formed out of it. It lias an abundance of Wood—there being more than two hundred and fifty acres of hea vy Timber upon it. .This valuable property is on the line of the contemplated Railroad from War renton to Alexandria, which, beyond all doubt, will be built in a few years, and is situated in an agreeable neighborhood. The subscriber being anxious to re move to the West, will sell on the most accommodating terms. Persons washing to purchase are requested to call and view the premises. THOS. L. FITZHUGII. april 4—eo4m VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber on his own behalf, and acting for others interested, of fers for sale a Tract of Land, lying in tho county of Alexandria, and nearly oppo site the .city of Washington, containing one hundred and fifty-six acres, on which there are a number of beautiful sites for private residences, commanding exten sive views of the city of Washington, Georgetown, and the Potomac river; and within a short distance ot the southwest ern abutment of the Washington bridge, which is free. The Alexandria canal which is now under construction from the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, will pass nearly on the border of this Land. It will be divided if desired into lots of ten or twenty acres each, or will be sold al together on accomodating terms. The subscriber will at any time show the land to*any person or persons wish ing to purchase. ANDREW BELMAfY, On I street, near the West Market, ap 6—eod2w Berry Si earn Boat for Sale. LENGTH 80 feet, 4 inches; breadth of beam, 20 feet; built of the best white oak; beams of the best heart pine; deck of cedar plank; the timber cut in Jersey ex pressly for the Boat; has a first rate Steam Engine; cylinder 19 inches in di ameter; 6 feet stroke; boiler of the-very best construction, and will generate steam at full stroke, l^ie Boat will run each way; she will consume only one cord and a hedfof wood every 12 hours. The Engine and Boiler were built by the eminent engineer, Mr. Tho$. Holloway. As regards quality of timber, strength of boat, superiority of workmanship, beauty of model, rate of speed, economy in the consumption of fuel, whether wood or co&J, and excellence of engine and boiler, this boat is believed to be superior to anjr m Boat ever bttBt it »» new Boat, frwfiro* nr offered for i rcuawtei