Newspaper Page Text
VOL XXXVII. TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1837. NEW SERIES. VOL. XIII —NO. 4542. TLEXANDlilA GAZETTE, A PUBLISHED DAILY BY nenGAR SJTOWDEJr, dollars per annum, payable *T * RALf YEARLY.__ it F \ AN!)RTa GAZETTE, *lFOR THE COUNTRY) published regularly on Jr*D\v. THURSDAY AND SATUKDAY T,lS dollars per annum, PA. able in ‘r fl advance._ .‘Singone square, inserted three r’ r Vtt Advertisements continued "(Kthtee times for 50 cents a square for insertion inside or 2o cents o«f*«</e. lines are counted as a square. 8 Advertise nents by the year at prices »0y agreed upon, having reference to J^ Jual amount of space they may oc eans advertising bv the year not to JJ,i,e articles not included ini their re *i -s.rcines* nor to insert tn their ad SKSeats any other names than their fffT^ORfAANDBOSTONRE AL gular line packets. ,JS> »J Jffir following Vessels will compose TS regular Line of Packet, bet ween is*. MTr Wankinco, B. H Ryder, do « Amulet. G. G. Nickerson do »» Columbia, C. Rvder, ThJ vessels are all of the fir ss, .ith excellent accommodations for Pa-v ,raver,. The Masters good pilots, and llU-nu anted with the trade They villsail oucea week from each p.ace.— A\VM_FOWLE -fc Co., Alexandria. A C. LOMBARD & Co., T wharf, Boston. J,,np 29~,f ^IsHIN’GTON CITY AND N. OR LEANS PACKETS. _ The subscribers having pur-rffv ^chased of Messrs. Armfield.WAf & co- «'v° °f ,hrir 5p end,d,h!m Orleans packets, intend running them Llarly between the two ports, leaving eicb place on the 1st ol each month. The brig TRIBUNE. Samuel Boush (*.r. will leave this placemen the 1st or "month. (December.) The brig UN US, Nathaniel Boush, master, on rttoseaviVh'iflg to ship had better havo 'fir servants at this place a day or two previous to the vessels sailing. Servants ns be kept at 25 cents per day. t reight and oarfage as heretofore. WM. H. WILLIAMS &. CO. Washington City, Nov. 19-_ FOR RENT. m The large and commodious House Hon the lower end ot Prince street, lately occupied bv Mrs. Hi lit it is well calculated for a Grocery and genteel boarding house. To a good tenant the t*ot will be moderate. Apply to T bomas King. King street. ap 6—tf TO RENT. II The Brick House on Fairfax st., ^northpfWm P. Green’s, ap t JOS1AH H. DAVIS. FOR RENT, M The three story brick Store, with iiidate roof, at the corner of Prince imi Union streets. It will be rented low »ftd immediate possession ?iven. Also, the Brick Store on Fairfax al5trf»‘t. adjoining the house occupied ly Miss Ashton. a And a Brick Dwelling House on Henry s’reet, suitable for a small y. Apply to ia>2 * WM. FOWLF. & SON. FOR RENT. M The two story orick dwelling house 3<>n the North si te <9 Xing street be Iween Alfred ;»nd Patrick Streets, at pre lenl occupied by George Brent. Esq — Session to be given on 22d January text. Al,Sf>% the brick stable, heretofore oc hipie.l by Mr. Ezra l^unt. as a liverv *ta* r* situated on the alley between Alfred M Patrick, nearest south to King street. Possession na? be had immediately.— ^yto A C. CAZENOVE Jc Co. HOUSE TO RENT. a Th<* two story Biick House on Roy ?■ ^reet.opposite Mr. McGuire’s, and lfli‘’’ning Miss Mandeville's is vacant, in^ w°uld be leased at a moderate rent ^ ^respectable tenant—possession im teaiatelv given t- DAN’L. c a WOOD f Co. TO RENT, At a reduced rent, a frame House ai north-east of S.omuel B. Lavmonr’s residence of Mrs. Hone, ill_JOS1AH H. DAVIS WuCfASH FOR NEGROES. I ;i. i N;ive ^,e highest cash price for r ' y Negroes. from 10 to 25 years of i f* ‘ 4 or Agent can, at a!! times, k ai establishment formerly hy ArmfiPld, Franklin & Co., at ^'trndof Dukpstrert. ^U-tf GEQ. KF.PHAUT. MlPn DWDEND. llLu*^en* and Directors of the Car* l*T'cre and Potomac Steam Pack rid^a7’>** *his day declared a • can»t ^ fi7e. dollars per share upon itahu 3 or j°'nt stoc^ of the company, m 0r aR*r Tuesday the 24th in 0r; st ,he Mechanics* Bank of Balti •*Ml*t.ion wiU b« heW on Monday *1!the °®ce of the Maryland • Di*ma ^eam Packet Company for *co!£0rV0 the affairs of •pany for the ensuing year. a-],;-- ?• WILSON, Treasurer. -«ua»rp, Jsn i,_tf V MORE NEW GOODS. GEO. S HOUGH has just received a large additional supply of Fancy and Staple Goods, which renders his as sortment very choice and general, viz: Super black, blue, and fancy cloths 44 drab, black, blue, and mixt cassi meres Plain, twill'd and diagonal summer cloths Lama casimeres, for ladies riding dresses Blue and black crape lastings, for men's wear White, brown, and drab drillings, some super Sup west end and stripe, for boys Brown French linens, and grass cloths Super Irish linens, cheap Linen Cambrics, from low to very fine do do hhdkfs, of all qualities Low priced linen hhdkfs and lawns Shirt bosoms and collars, fine Stocks, of every description A beautiful assortment of black and blue black silks, some very superior Plain Gro de Naps and stripe ditto White, blue, rose, black and green sattins do do do do do figured silks for bonnets Sett and cap ribbons generally Fancy hdkfs and shawls Painted lawns and palmettoes Painted muslins, French Chintz and Cali coes, a beautiful assortment Super plain and figured Swiss muslins Cross barred and stripe do do Bishops lawns, mulls and fine cambrics Mourning prints, muslins and Ginghams Black and blue black French bombazines in great variety, and very cheap 6, 7, 8 and 10-4 Damask diaper Super do tablecloths d> do napkins Bird eye and Russia diaper Bleached Russia and Irish sheetings do cotton ao Long cloth and cotton shirtings of all qualities A splendid assortment of women’s, men’s ar. l misses cotton and silk hosiery Paris, black, and colored kid gloves Misses do do do Men’s super black and col’d Hoskin (Jo Super silk and Marseilles vesting do black silk velvet Green, black, and white figured thule, for veils Lupins green barrge, bobinets Italian crapes all colors Super book muslins and do hdkfs Cyprus Gauze White, slate, blue and black Adelphi knit ting cotton Furniture chintzes and dimities Colored cambrics and blue nankeens Bed tick, some 4-4 and very superior Burlaps and other brown linens Twilled bagging Cotton and linen checks Pins, tapes, ribbons, braids, cords Hooks and eyes, Colored and white spool cotton Patent thread, silk, Cloth hair, and hearth brushes, combs With a general assortment of domestics; all of which having been well purchased, will be sold on reasonable terms for cash or approved customers. 4th mo 11th SADDLE, HARNESS, AND TRUNK BUSINESS IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. JAMES VANSANT, King street, Al exandria, (D. C.) next door to the Franklin House, in tendering his grate* firi acknowledgements to his friends and the public, for the distinguished patron age he has received from them; begs leave to assure them, that,with an ample supply of the most choice materials, he will be able to render entire satisfaction to those who may please to favor him with their business, either by order or personal application, and that will sell all articles in his line, as low as they can be procured, in Baltimore or elsewhere. He has on hand at this time, and will continue to keep a largcassortment of the following articles, w holesale and re tail, on the most moderate terms: Patent spring saddles Men’s saddles, best quality, stuff flaps Do do do plain Do do common do Ladies’ do best and common Plated and steel-bitted bridles, of vari ous kinds Plated and steel-mounted martingales. Saddle bags of the latest fashion, and common Velisses and carpet travelling bags Plated-mounted carriage harness Do gig do Brass and japan mounted gig harness Plated, brass, and japanned mounted cariole harness Wagon, cart, and dray harness Fire buckets and halters And also a general assortment of 'Elegant Hard leather Travelling Trunks, / And a great variety of the BEST GIG, <f RIDING WHIPS. Plated, steel and brass spurs Plated, steel and brass bridle bits and stirrups Saddletrees and bucsklns, assorted Buffalo skin saddle covers Old saddles neatly covered with hog, buck, and calfskin, and quilted at short est notice. . , r „ Old saddles, harness, and trunks of all kinds repaired at the shortest notice, june 21—2aw SADDLE, HARNESS. AND TRUNK MANUFACTORY. CHARLES HAWKINS, seeonddoor from Mr. W. Morgan, Sr’s. Boot and Shoe Manufactory, King Street, Alexandria, D. C, intends to keep a general assortment of all articles in his line of business. He also tenders his sincere thanks to the public generally for the distinguished patronage lie has received from them, and feeling assured of his ability to serve them, he solicits a continuance of the same. He hat a new SPRING SADDLE, invented by theRev. Mr. Callahan, of Va. which he invites the public to call and examine, oct • eotf j SYRUP OF CARRAGEEN. Recommended by the Faculty, F HOWARD’S Original and Genu • ine Compound Syrup of Carrageen, a safe, simple, pleasant and effectual remedy for Cough’s, Asthmas. Consump tions, &c. This Syrup has stood the test of experience and is now extensively pre scribed by Physicians. Cd^Those who may have occasion to use the preparation are advised to do so under the guidance and direction of a Physician..^ Many certificates might be obtained of its efficacy, but the following are deemed sufficient. Certificates.—The compound syrup of Carrageen, prepared by Mr F. Howard; I deem an excellent and safe expectorant; composed, as it is, principally, of the most approved and efficient of this class of me dicines, neatly and judiciously combined with mucilages. March 31, 1836 Titos. Miller, M. D. Washington, March 29, 1836. I am acquainted with the composition of Mr Howard’s “compound syrup of carrageen,” and have used it in my prac tice, to the decided advantage of those of my patients to whose cases it was appro priate; it is a compound of safe and sim ple expectorants and mucilaginous de mulcents, so combined as to make a plea sant and efficient remedy, in chronic and spasmodic coughs, whooping cough, and some forms of asthma. W. B. Magruder, M. D. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by FLODOARDO HOWARD, At his Pharmacy, near Seven buildings, Washington. 53*For sale by Wm. Stabler and Dr. Farquhar. Alexandria, D. C. 4th mo 13—lw THE DIFFERENCE. IT cannot be denied that whilst many medi cines which are recommended to the pub. lie, have not even the negative merit of harm* lessness, there are others which it would be great injustice indeed and suicidal prejudice to involve, untried, in a common condemna tion. And when a medicine comes endorsed with all the names that have adorned the an. nals of the medical profession, and warranted by the seal and signature of long and uniform success, its proprietor makes no unreasonable demand upon public confidence, when he claims for i* a superior consideration. The Camomile preparation of Dr. W. Evans is undeniably entitled to this enviable distinc tion; for whilst no medical authority in exis tf. ce condemns it, every medical work which alludes to it, and every medical practitioner that is acquainted with it, freely acknowledges its pre-eminent virtues; and that the latter should do so in opposition to their personal in terest must be attributed either to their candor and love of truth, or to their unwillingness to fly in the face of all observation, and the testi mony of thousands. I)r. W. K vans does not pretend that his Camomile Tonic Pills cure all diseases. He frankly and conscientiously admits that they will not. lie lays no claim to the discovery of the “Philosopher’s Stone;” and wishes no body to believe that he sells the “Elixir of Life;” but he does sav, and does beiieve, and can prove, that in debility and impaired con stitutions; in nervous diseases of all kinds; in weakness of the digestive organs; in incipient consumptions, whether of the lungs or the liver; in the dreadful debility occasioned by the use of purgatives; iu palsy; rheumatism; (more especially) in the sickness incident to mothers and to females of relaxed nerves; in every case of delirium tremens, or that disease which is brought on by intemperance; in the wretched horrors of mind and body, which ac crue from occasional inebrety; in loss of appe* tite; languor; melancholy; pains in the head; libms or sides, in corrupt; sallow and uncomely comcplexion, caused by the bad state of the fluids—m all these cases, and in some otners mentioned in the bills of directions given with his medicines, he does say, that the Camomile Tonic Pills, interchanged occasionally with his aperient family Pills, (the best known) which are sold with them, will effect immediate relief; and if used but for a fair period of trial, a perfect cure. This much is placed beyond a doubt bv daily testimonies which would be given on oath, and for this much Dr W Evans can conscientiously request confidence. He there, fore need only add that his Camomile Tonic Pills, together with his excellc*nt Family Ape rient Piqs, Can be obtained, wholesale or re tail. at No 7 Division st , near Chatham square. New York, and of his authorised Agents in in town and country. (j^Dr. W. Evans—Sir: Be pleased to re ceive the thanks of one who has been a great sufferer for several years, for the great benefit §he has received from the virtues of your ines timable Camomile She has suffered with pain and distress in the head, a tightness across the stomach, shortness of breath, and palpitation of the heart, exercise would al most overcome her; but since using your Ca momile Tonic Pills, her complaints are re moved —she is able to exercise without fatigue, and she is happy to say can now enjoy life comfortable again. Mrs. C. THORNTON, 84 Third st. (^Newark, July 18, 1836—Dear Sir: For four years 1 hare been so unwell that i was un able to attend to my business, and for the last four or five months was confined to my room my complaints were rheumatism, pains in my stomach, indigestion and loss of appetite with continual pain and dizziness in my head; 1 used different kinds of medicine without effect, until I commenced taking your invaluable Camomile and Aperient Pills; their beneficial effects upon me astonish all who knew my situation. In a few days I shall be at your office to express my gratitude to you in person. In the mean time I subscribe myself your obedient ®er yant, B. S. JARVIS, 13 Centre st. For sale at the Store of E KENNEDY, Agent for Alexandria. NOTICE. Washington Branch Railroad. ON and after Saturday next, the 1st of April, the hours of departure of the evening train of Passenger Cars from Baltimore and Washington, respectively, will be aa follows, viz: From Baltimore for Washington, at half past 4 P. M., instead of quarter past 3 o’clock P. M., as at present. From Washington for Baltimore, at three-quarters past 4 o’clock P. M., in stead of half past 3 o’clock P. M., as at present. mar 29 PETER’S VEGETABLE PILLS ARE recommended as decidedly supe rior to any other known combination of Medicine ever offered to the American people. When taken according to the direction accompaning them, they are highly bene ficial in the prevention and cure of bilious fevers, fever and ague, dispepsia, liver complaints,sick head ache, jaundice,asth ma, dropsy, rheumatism, enlargement of the spleen, piies, cramp and bilious cholic, female obstructions, heart burn, rancid furred tongue, distention of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhoea, flatu lence, habitual costiveness, loss of appe tite, blotched or sallow complexion, and i in all cases of torpor of the bowels, when a cathartic or an aperient is needed.— They have the testimony of the whole medical profession in their favor, while not a single case of ill consequences or in efficiency, can be alleged against them. Perhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered to the public, supported by testimonials of a character so decisive, from sources as respectable, or that has given more universal satisfaction. Wherever these pills have been once introduced into a family, they become a standingremedy, and are called for again and again, which is sufficient proof of their good qualities. It is a truth, that almost every person who has ever used Peter’s Vegetable Pills, recommend them to their friends, and it is from this circumstance alone, that they have gained such an unrivalled reputa tion. Prepared by Jos. Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution, for the cure of obsti nate diseases, by means of Vegetable re medies, No. 129, Liberty street, N. York, inventor, ank sole proprietor. Each box contains 40 Pills—price 50 cents. DEATH AND DISEASE. A fens sana, in carport sano. “A mind well lodged, and masculine of course.” Death met Disease the other clay, A nd thus they gossipped on the way. Death—How comes it friend, in eve ry shape, You let so many folks escape? A few years back and every elf, Once sick, you laid upon the shdf, Dyspepsia then had power to kill— Asthma defied the doctor’s skill— The lancet too at all times sought, Its hecatomb of victims brought, Then Costiveness could fatal prove, And Rheumatism no power remove; A simple cold, where’er you went, A subject (o my kingdom sent. How comes it then, that now a-days, Folksslip your gripe and go their ways? Asthma suosides —Dyspepsia cured, The lancet is no more endured; The sick to day forget all sorrow’, And laugh at both of us to-morrow. Disease—Dread sire! I use all means I can, To abbreviate the life of man: I dog his footsteps from his birth, ’Till he returns to mother earth; And though ’tis true that my success Is daily growing less and less, This satisfaction I can feel, I have not slackened in my zeal. 1 use all means I used of oid, Changes of weather—hot and cold, I give them colds; I give them pains; I rack their bones; I fire their veins, l poison them w’ith rancid bile. In place of the digestive chyle, Yet all is useless—nothing kills. Death— How’s that? Disease—They all take Peters’ Pills, These invaluable Pills, are for sal** in Alexandria by Wm. Stabler, C. Far quhar and Wm. Harper, and by all the principal Druggists in the U. States, mar 18— ly Full /Hooded I torses for Sale. BEING anxious to decrease his stock of Blood Horses—the Subscriber will sell on very low terms, the Mares and Stallions, full bred, of the blood of old imported horses—Johanna, 1 arifT, John Richards, Industry, &c. Pedigrees given with the stock. L. LEWIS. N. B. Communications in writing, ad dressed to the Subscriber, Berryville, Clarke Co., Va.—Will be attended to. march 31—d4w [Nat. 1 nt.— 3w] BOOTS AND SHOES. WE have just received a portion of our Spring supply of Boots and Shoes—consisting of Ladies fine French Morocco Slippers do fine French style Kid Slippers do cheap Morocco and Kid Slippers do cheap Pruenella Slippers Misses fine Morocco, kid &seal Slippers do ch’p morocco, kid seal slippers Mens’ fine calf fair stitched Boots do fine morocco stiched Boots do calf pegged Boots j do seal pegged Boots do coarse water proof Boots do calf sewed and pegged Shoes do calf sewed and pegged Munrocs do coarse Brogans and Shoes do seal and morocco pumps, with and without heels do Prunella Pumps, a new and beau tiful article Boys fine and coarse Brogans and Shoes Hair seal Trunks Also, Gentlemen’s Gum plastic Straps WM. MORGAN, Jr. A Co., M lb* old staod of J. U. White. mar 29—d3w__ SALT. OAflA Bushels Ground Alum Saif, 100 seeks blown do.—hourly expected—for sale by ap 7 B. WHEAT A SON. PORTO RICO SUGAR. 1 O HHDS. of first quality Muscovado XU Sugar 20 do Molasses just received and for sale by ap 6 A. C. CASfiNOVE A CO. n MORRISON’S PILLS. The Genuine Ilygean Vegetable Univer sal Medicines of the Itritish College of Health. “Hypocrisy is the tribute which Vice has ever paid to Virtue?’1 IMPORTANT NOTICE. IT is deemed advisable to protect the public from daily impositions, to add | an additional label on each packet of the j GENUINE MCRISON’S PILLS, which must bear the signature of each Agent through whose hands it passes, in addi tion to my name, as no apothecary or druggest is permitted to vend the same. H. SHEPIIEARD MOAT, Sole Hygean Delegate tothe U. S. Brook lyn, N. Y. HEALTH SECURED. By the use of the Hygeian Vegetable Universal medicines of the British Col lege of Health, London, which have ob tained the approbation and recommen dation of thousands, (who, by the bless ing of Providence, have been cured in Consumptions, Cholera Morbus, Inflam mations internally and externally; Dys pepsia, Fevers, Ague,Indigestion, Bilious or Nervous Affections and all diseases of the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Tic Doloreux, Drop sy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fpilepsy, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Palsey, Green Sickness, and all obstructions to which tho female form is so distressingly liable, and which s^nds so many oJ the fairest portion of creation to their untimely graves; Small Pox, Measels, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fe ver, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and all urinary obstructions: Fistula, Piles, Strictures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Bowels, Worms, Scurvy, Itching ot the Skin, King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disor ders; in short every comnlaint to which the human frame is so direfullv subject, under all their varied forms and names: as it has been indisputably demonstrated, that Man is subject to only one real dis ease, that is the Impurity of the Blood, (from whence springs every complaint that can possibly assail his complicated frame) and a very slight trial ofthe Uni versal Medicines will evince their all sufficiency to cleanse and purify that source of life, as well as disease, and re store the suffering patient to the blessings of Health. This valuable Medicine being compos ed only of vegetable matter, or medici nable herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one particle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances (ail 01 which are uncongenial to the nature of man, and, therefore destructive to the hu man frame) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age or weakest frame, under every stage of hu man suffering, and, at the same time, the most certain in searching out the root of every complaint, however deep, and of performing a cure, that was ever offer ed to tne world. The Medicines are comprised in these different articles only, viz. in two kind ol Pills, designated No. 1 and No. 2; the first is a powerful, but most gentle, mild ape rient or opening medicines, detaching and partially removing the bilious ropy humors, whilst :he No. 2 pills carry off those and the serous, acrid and putrid humours incidental to the body, and act together as a ferret in a warren never resting until every avenue of the human frame is thoroughy searched and cleans ed of its impurities. The genuine Medicines, can be had of Wm.. Pomeroy, Alexandria. D. C.t and also, of tlie following Sub-Agents—R. W. Polkiuborn, Saddler, Pennsylvania Ave nue, Washington, and T. C. Wright, Georgetown, of whom alone can the Medicines he warranted genuine, with printed directions. As no Apothecary or Druggist is permitted to send the same, and to'prevent imposition, each package of the genuine Morrison’s Pills, must bear the signature of each* agent through whoes hands it passes. Morrisonia or the Family Adviser, price $2 75. Practical Proofs illustrated by numerous cases of cure, third edition, price 37 J cents, to be had of the above, feb 23 —tf SMITH’S PERSIAN HAIR RESTO RATIVE, Pre-eminent far Cleaning and Preserv ing the Hair. Is unrivalled in its excellence for promoting the re growth and beauty of the hair, and for , the immediate removal of dandruff or scurf. 1 When, fir m disease of neglect, the hair be j comes hard, harsh, and dry, and beginsto fall off, the Itestorative advances its growth, im proves its appearance, adds to its elasticity, and bestows to it a transcendent gloss. This article is intended to supersede all o- j ther preparations for the hair; and those who use it will find in it a luxuriant appendage to ; embellish, and for many reasons much prefer- ( able (particularly in the nursery) to any thing , of the kind heretofore offered to the public, j Certificate nf the, linn K J Shields, of the j House of Jfcpresentutices, . I I have made an experiment of the “Persian j Hair Restorative,” with great benefit. I be* j lieve it may be *--fely used, and to great ad* : vantage, by every one. It has greatly d.min- j ished the dandruff, and very much improved ; the texture of my hair, from the occasional use of this preparation for eight or ten days. E. J. Shields. Pic. 16th, 1856. . . f We concur in the above recommendation of the efficacy of \he “Vwmtt UtatorxUve,” in removing the dandruff from the head, and of tbe other beneficial effects reaulting from its application to the hair N. Sicklxs, I W. Tailor, M.P. Of the House of Representatives. For sale, wholesale or retail, by the prepa* ; rer, J* W. SMITH, Washington, D. C. j For aale by Wm. Stabler, C. Farquhar, AI*1 | exandria; J. F. CiIIm, C. Boyle, T. Watkins, F. Howard, Washington) Q, M. Sothom, ►Georgetown^ Fr;C* 1 dollar per bottle* mar 77—ly HYGEIAN PILLS. ILLIAM STABLER, Chemist and Druggist, Alexandria,gencrala gent for the sale of Dr. Ralph’s Improved Hygeian Pills, respectfully states that he is enabled to supply this Medicine to the public and his mercantile connection, up on the same terms that the General Of fice at New York supplies them,—a li beral discount being made to retail mer chants. For a description of the qualities of these pills, he refers to the following advertisement of Doctor Ralph, viz:— ‘ The very general demand for Dr. Ralph’s Hygeian Pills, can only be ac counted for by reason of the unexam pled benefit and cures which thousands have experienced from their use. More over, they are founded on the wisdom and experience of the British College of Physicians and Surgeons, of London: and are recommended by the writings and practice ofSir Astley Cooper, Mr. Abernethy, and Dr. Babington; as well as by the greater part of the more eminent practitioners of England and tk*'Conti* nent. The limits of an advertisement will not allow of entering upon an explanation ofthe principle on which this medicine is suited to so many different complaints.— It must suffice to mention, that each package ofthe pills contains three boxes, two of which are gently opening, with a strengthening quality combined, adapted to the most feeble constitutions; while the other is purgative, but more or less so ac cording to the dose. Thus, by varying these Pills, and altering the doses agree able to the directions given, it Is aston ishing to witness the number of disoases wl>ich arc cured or much alleviated by them; while there is no disease whatever which can possibly be injured by their use. They contain no mercury, and may be taken without the inconveniences or caution which other medicines geneial ly require. The particular diseases fo which their efficacy has been proved and ested,in many thousand individual cases, arc the following:— Dyspepsia, and the whole ofthoso nu merous maladies which arise from habitu al constipation of the bowels; Apoplexy, and all affections of the head; Gout; Rheumatism; Scrofula, with ewery *pu ciesof Salt Rheum and Disorder of the* Skin; threatening Consumptive Cough; Liver Diseases, whether the effect of in temperance or hot climate; Fever and Ague; Common Fever, &c.; Inflamma tions; Cholera Morbus. &c.; Jaundice, Dropsy; Piles; Gravel; Gleet, and certain othercomplaint^ofthe Urinary and Ge nital organs, &c. &c. This medicine is also eminently useful in the whole class of disorders peculiar to the female constitution, especially in Ner vous and Hysterical disorders. Epiloptio Fits,St. Vitus’sDance&c.&c.j Sick Head Ache, certain obstructions, sexual weak ness, &c. In smaller doses, it maybe relied on as the best and safest medi cine in pregnancy, and for the common disorders of children. The directions given with these Pills are remarkably plain and particular—the proper dose and management of them be ing carefully mentioned under the head each disordersepuralely. Jos. Raltu, M. D., Graduate of the University of Edin burgh; Member of the Royal College of Surgeons London; Lecturer on Midwifery .and the Diseases of Wo men and Children, &c. and author of the “Domestic Guide to Medicine.” N. D. Dr. Ralph’s Domestic Guide is a little volume designed for the use of every family, particularly those resid ing in the country. It is written in th& plainest manner, and is intended to ena ble individuals, both male and female, to undertake the management of their own complaints with safety and success.— The price is very low, being only 50 cents, though neatly bound in board*, &c. Indeed the object of its publica tion is rather with a view of spreading useful knowledge on disease, than of any profit arising from its sale. Joseph Ralph, M. D. For sale by JAMES II. HAMILTON, Leesburg! WM. STABLER* 3mo2I —Jy Alexandria, D.C; [Leesburg Genius of Liberty.] CABINET. CHAIR AND SOFA MAN UFACTORY. LEONARD O. COOK respectfully in forms his friends and the pubkc general I v, that he has removed to the south side of King street, between Colum bus and Washington streets,in the house formerly occuiped by Phares Throop, where he still continues to manufacture all kind? of Cabinet Furniture: and also informs them that he has on hand at pre sent, and intends at all times to keep, a full assortment of the best Furniture, made by the best workmen, and of the neatest fashions; which he will warrant equal, if not superior, in quality to any ever offered in the Distriet, and which hewill sell low for Cash or a liberal'cred it to punctual persons. And he hopes, by his punctuality and attention to busi ness, to secure a portion of the public ptotronage. Old u urnitui e neatly repaired and hand! some.y varnished. TURNING handsomely executed anc at the shortest notice. jy 15—-tl LAND F(fk SALE, In the vicinity of the Town. l’he subscriber offers for sala bis place on the Little River Turnpike Road, one mile from _town,'containing about twenty five acres, in a high state of improvement; the buildings are two Brick Dwelling Houses, a small frame barn and a good cowshed. There is a good Orchard ot choice fruit on the place, a well and two springs of excellent water, and a branch running ttuaugh a pail of tha land, a small part oJVhicb is in wood, i feb {h*tf A*%, C&ZSLNOVK^ rtv~