Daily Paper, • • - *. ^ P®** Annum j
Country Paper, - - - - 5 per annum
The ALEX A N D HIA G A Z E T T E f o r the
country, is printed on Tuesday, Thurs
day and Saturday.
All advertisements appear in both pa
pers, and are inserted at the usual rates
The Charter Election in the City of
New York, has resulted in a great Wi:ig
Trutmpu. Aaron Clark, the Whig can
didate for Mayor, was elected by near
four thousand majority over Mr.Mcrgan
the Van Buren candidate; and, perhaps,
by a thousand over the Van Buren and
Loco Foco candidates combined. It
ought to be remembered, however, that
the Loco Foco’s are as much Anti Tam
many as the Whigs, and every vote their
candidate received adds, in reality, to
the opposition strength.
The Whigs elected twelve ^Idcrmen, I
and eleven assistant Aldermen. The j
Van Buren party, five Aldermen and six j
assistants—making the vote on jont bal- j
lot in the City Councils, twenty-three j
Whigs, to eleven Van Buren men.
This is a most important result, and
must be extremely gratifying to the Whig
party* throughout the United States. It
is the first time in eight years that Power
has been loosened fro n its iron grasp in
the commercial metropolis of the Union.
And this time, it has been effected, as it
ever should be, by the euergy and deter
mination of the merchants and mechan
ics combined against the politicians.
The business of the city w as arrayed
against the leaders of party and their j
parasites and followers, and the end is as
we have just stated. So in all cases, the
People of the country, can if they
choose, shake off the shackles with which
they are encumbered by the interested
few’, who flatter them for profit.
The very lucid and well written ar
ticle on the subject of the new Bank
Law in Virginia, signed a “Virginia
Stockholder,” has been extensively copi
ed into the papers of the State, and with
much commendation.
A suspension of specie payments con
tinues to be talked of in New York.
We take it that any man who opposed
the Administration of Gen. Jackson, will,
after he reads Mr. Peyton’s letter reca
pitulating “what we have seen,” never
cease to congratulate himself that he was
so opposed. For ourselves, xve never look
back upon the stern days through which
we have passed, without experiencing a
joyful sensation at the recollection, that
in the midst of the general defection from
pure Republican piinciples, we were
numbeied with those who steadily and
constantly resisted man worship, corrup
tion and executive dictation.
The Chelsea Bank,near Boston,stopped
payment on Wednesday last. Since the
commencement of the present session of
the Legislature, a committee of that body
investigated the concerns of the Bank,and
pronounced it a solvent institution, and
expressed “the utmost confidence in the
safety of its operations, in its ability to
meet its engagements, in the rectitude of
its intentions, and in the fairness of its
management.” The Atlas states, that
“within sixty clays its circulation has
been extended from 669,000 to 6102,000.
The assets of the Bank are in the shape
of $74 000 due from John B. Glover,
6110,000 due from W. II. & C. L. Mon
tague, and $7,600 in the bids of other
banks, 61,209 in specie.”__
The foreign news is to the 13t'n of
March. The English journals are full of
speculations upon the American money
market. They seem to have anticipated
what has happened in part* Ever} thing
in France seems to be gathering tor a
commotion. Lyons is in r. starving con
dition. The countermanding of Ameri
can orders must affect that city severely.
A crash] occurred in South Hadley,
Massachusetts, on Monday before last.
The walls of the Mount Holyoke Semi
nary, which had been carried up ncai
three stories, suddenly fell to the ground,
carrying with them a numbr ot the work
men. No one was seriously injured.
a ———--—“
The New York papers contain the fol
lowing Advertisment.
^ That well known Tavern Stand,
Wlsituated at the corner of Frankfort
and Nassau streets, heretofore somewhat
celebrated as the He&d Quarters of the
.• Spoils Party,” anti known by the name
of TAMMANY HALL, where “enter
tainment” lor the freemen of the United
States, has neon 1OT years past served
out “on the European Plan.” Recent
events of a very unexpected character
have determined the occupants* to seek
other quarters and the building will be
let at a bargin, and possession given im
^ B.—-The coal hole will be reserved
for the occupancy of some of the sleep
ing partners in the late concern.
N B No. 2 —The stock of beer on
hand, together with the transparencies
and the Grand Sachem’s chair. will be
thrown in gratis. Apply without delay
or totho Three Loan* Dows Tows. !
a stated in the New York papers that
committee of ten, appointed at the I
meeting of merchants on Saturday last,
made a report on Thursday everdhg, in
jfavor of applying to the Governor to sug
gest to the Legislature, by message or
otherwise, the expediency of loaning the
credit of the state for 6,000,000 dollars, in
stock, for ten years, to bear interest at
the rate of ten per cent* per annum; the
distribution to be so regulated as to be
appropriated solely to liquidating differ
ences with England, and in no wise to be
allowed to get Into the hands ot specula
tors. The report was adopted, and a
committee appointed to wait on the Gov
ernor. _
The Globe, with ill-suppressed wrath
publishes an article signed “R.” (which
w$ take to be Rives,) which takes the
official organ to task for “errors both ot
fact and opinion,” committed by it in re
lation to Mr. Hives’s Currency Dill. The
writer undertakes to show that tlie Globe
misrepresented that bill, in asserting that
'it did not virtually repeal the Treasury
Order, and that it had no authority for
saying that, <ltht* overwhelming niajoii
ties of both Houses in voting fur the cur- j
rercy bill, intended to leave the Presi
dent at liberty to continue the specie cir
cular in full force.”_
Abraham Van Buren, Esq , is the pi i- j
vale Secretary of his father,the Presiden'.!
A Marseilles journal announces that
Paganini has left that city and intends
to proceed to America, by way of Havre. ;
Loudoun County. — \\ e have been re- j
quested by the Clerk cf the Circuit Supe- j
rior Court of this County to staie, that
the regular term of the court,to have com
menced on Monday, will not be held, ow
ing to indisposition on the part of Judge
Scott. Due notice will be given should a j
special term be called.
Charles G. Eskridge, Esq., was on j
Tuesday last elected by the Magistracy j
ot the county, Clerk of the County Court
of Loudoun without opposition.
A separate election will be held at Mid
tfleburg, at the ensuing election, under
the act passed by the last Legislature to
that effect. ___
Boston.—The Boston Couner of Fri
day morning contains the following:—
“In this city we have had some failures,
within a few days, for very large amounts,
which affect also the New Yoik houses, J
and yesterday the extensive house of,
1 Croker & Richardson, at Taunton, was
reported to have failed for six hundred
| thousand dollars; they have had dealings
I to a very heavy amount in this city.—
| The shoe dealers in some of the neighbor
jing towns are expected to be great stif
! ferersby the failures at the South.”
, „ ■ - ■ ——— - ■ * ■
j Usurious Interest.— In the course of)
! B ii atlibun’s Trial at Batavia, one point j
clearly shown by the counsel was, that !
Rathbun, during the year 1S35. expended ;
; more than a million of doliars/i>/ shaves. I
Butternut Sugar.— It is stated by a !
correspondent of the New-England I1 fir
mer that very superb sugar may be made
from the sap of the butternut tree. There
is, we dare say, a great deal of saccurine
matter in the juice of the butternut, for
; *e know that the bee extracts excellent
j honey from substances that would be any
thing but savory in their original state,
! before they were subject to the chemical
! ingenuity of those persevering insects;
but some how or other, there is something
in the ideu that puts one marvellously in
mind of the Laputan philosophy of get
j ting sunbeams out of cucumbers.
More Disturbances.— The New 101k
: Gazette says:
Yesterday, while the officers were re
moving Dixon, the alleged slave, from
Biidewell, for'further examination be
fore the Recorder, an immense mass of
blacks collected and so pressed upon the
officersthatit was with difficulty they were
able to proceed with the prisoner. One
of the mob, a stout black fellow, was pe
culiarly contumacious-in hisconduct, and
upon being command by Justice Blood
good to retire, he put on a most impudent
face, and seemed determined to look the
magistrate out of countenance. Having
! utterly refused to leave his footsteps, and
| becoming more and more impudent, he
was taken into custody, and locked up.
'upon searching him. two pistols with
percussion caps were found upon him—
each of which was loaded with two balls,
j The negroesreally seem to have made up
| their minds to take every thing into their
; own hands. _ ____
Papers in various sections are talking
! about the gloomy prospect for a wheat
crop. We suspect, the prospect is far
j from cheering, but this croaking does no
•good; we doubt whether it will add one
1 grain to the crop. Besides, it is in bad
I taste; for every year since our recollec
tion, the same melancholy forebodings
have been indulged. And in many in
; stances, we know, to the surprise of eve
ry one, the crops hare proven largely I
lover the average. Nothing is more un
icertain than speculations at this season
I about the wheat crops; for the prospect
! roay be gloomy in the extreme now, and j
three months of good weather may pro
duce a total revolution. We hope such
may be the case this year.* hicn. ir/ng.
j Tuk Thames Tunnel.—At the late an
i nual meeting of the proprietors of the
'Thames Tunnel, to receive the report,
and make choice.of directors, a report
was read which gave much satisfaction.
During, the last half year. £20,000 had
been received from the government and
£22,000 had been expended for tne
works 'and “salaries; Since the last-re
port the work had been advanced a far
ther distance of 65 feet, under the deepest
part of the river, making the present
length of the tunnel 725 feet 3 inches,
Boston Daily Advertiser.
----—— •
The Rev. Doctor Perry, ot Philadel-^
phia, has been unanimously elected Pre
sident of Canton College, Illinois. The
new College buildings are to be occupied
in May.—Philadelphia Inquirer.
*•' €
The following eloquent passage is from
the prospectus of the new Southern Re
view contemplated by Judge Upshur:
To vindicate, then, our peculiar insti
tutions; to repel with argument, lest pre
sently we be forced to repel with arms,
all external interference w ith our domes
tic condition, against the wild rule of
mere Chance and Corruption; to uphold
a republican and federative as disinguish
ed from a consolidating administration
of the National affairs from the disorders
of the Central Government—w here Re
form is hopeless, and even useless, till
you have given yourselves stronger and
wiser local systems; to direct the public
view towards a home policy of the states,
capable, through itself, to confer upon
our people those blessings of well order
ed Liberty which we expect in vain from
the Federal power from the delusions of
party politics abroad; to cal! home the at
tention ot our people to those arts by
which the wise ana bruVe have often rais
ed petty States into noble and prosperous
Commonwealths: to attach men, if pos
sible, to their biith place, and convert
them from wandering and selfish adven
turers into citizens, the lovers of civiliza
tion ;^t o re animate public spirit, and give
it purpose, as well as energy: to hold.!
over parties and politicians, ti e tribunal |
of a public opinion far different from that
idle and corrupt one of which the news
paper press is the voice; for these purpo-1
ses, to give diffusion through the land to
sound and well considered public doc- j
trines, spreading with them knowledge j
and taste, their natural allies—such will
he the constant effort of that literary
league, among the best talents of the
country, which has been set on foot in
the present undertaking.
Cot.D Comfort.— 1 he New \ ork Even
ing post. (V. D.) in announcing the re
sult of the election there, says:—
‘‘We have only to thank our own folly,
our own blind, obstinate, persevering Jol
ly. for what has happened. W hipped as
we have been, there is no stroke of the
scourge which we have not deserved.—
We have driven from our ranks, by a se
ries of improper nominations, persisted
in year alter year, thousands of honest
men, thoroughly democratic in feeling
and opinions. We have allowed mono
polists, men claiming to be democrats,
but whigs in every thing but name, pro
fessing opinions and supporting mea
sures odious to the people, to intrigue
themselves into nomination for respohsi:
ble offices. The number of seceders fi om
the ranks o! those who support the regu
lar nominations, has grown larger year
after year, and is now larger than ever.
Tun Money Market.—We perceive no
remarkable feature in the state of Money
matters to-day. Stocks are somewhat
better and we have not heard of any new
failures, in truth it is not desirable to in
crease the list. In reference to an article
published by us yesterday with regard to
failures in the Leather Trade, we take.;
the opportunity to say, that Messrs
Smith, Schulze’& Co. have not suspend-,
ed pnvmcnts, nor we are happy to mid,
are likely to do so. The derangement in
this branch of business again proceeds
from the South and South-west though to
lie sure, through n circuitous route. We
learn that our leather merchants, V.ho
sell largely to the eastern shoe manufac
tories, find themselves utterly disappoint
ed inthe receipt of remittances from them,
they being unable to meet their engage
ments in consequence of the inability bf
their southern customers, to comply with
their engagements/
On the whole, money is now more easi
ly obtained and on better terms, in proof
of which we add that sterling bonds yes
terday advanced. Those of the Lank of
the United States healing no interest and
payable in London on the 1st April 18T1S,
to '3 per cent, premium, on the par Ex
change, ami those of the Morris ( amil
and Banking Company, in favor of the
Bank of America, payable in London in
about 12 months, with 6 per cent, interest,
to 0 per cent. prem. on the par Exchange.
— JV. V. Courier of Saturday.
We regret to learn the failure of seve
ral houses in New York, extensively en
gaged in the Sh* e Business, has occa
sioned a great number of failures in Lynn,
and has affected the other shoe manu
facturing towns in this country to some
extent. In this city we have fortunately
passed thus far through the storm un
scathed, and we believe not a whisper or
a doubt has been circulated in dis ar
agement of the credit ol any mercantile
bouse. Retrenchment, both in business
and expenditure, has been the order of
the clay for many months in Salem, and
we regret to learn that one operation of
this excellent system has been to occasion
the suspension of label* on several whale
ships which are getting ready for sea—
So far as this suspension extends tc* the
employment of laboring men, it is a
misfortune; but it is the only effectual
way to meet the extraordinary crisis
produced by General Jackson’s mad ex
periments upon the business of the coun
try. The cession of new' expenditures
and engagements is a great evil, but far
less than the results of an oppqsite course.
— Salem Ciaz.
Toothache.—The Nledical IiPelligen
cer of the 12th April, speaks in commen
dation of a new work on the Teeth, by
the surgeon dentist ol the Criiish embassy
at Paris. An extract from the work is
also given in the Intelligencer, in which
the learned surgeon-dentist makes it ap
pear very satisfactorily, no doubt, to
himself, that the extraction of teeth is an
operation exceedingly pleasant to the
patient—that it is the nervous irritation
excited before the operation, and the
mental agitation that has been working
upon the whole system, which renders
the thoughts of the operation so alarm
ing, and ‘‘magnifies a pain, which, if felt
unawares, would hardly cause an excla
mation. into the most excruciating suf
ferings.*’ We guess that the learned stir
geon-dontis! has never had many teeth
extracted. We should like to oporate on
his jaws, just by way of experiment, to
3ee how patiently the philosopher would
endure the imaginary pain.— Bo*t. Cour.
-- -.NOTICE.—
A few more women can have shoes to
close and bind at our factory,on im
mediate application to
ap 6—-. .. . WMyDEANjk
LIGHT slaughter leather and upper in
the rough, purchased by
ap 6 WM. DEAN & Co. 1
-*r - *■ ' ■
The packet ship Sheridan, Russell, has
arrived at New York, from Liverpool,
whence she sailed on Sunday the 19lh of
March, in company with the packet ship
Columbus for that port. Our files are
London to the 17th and Liverpool to the
ISth, both inclusive. The money market
remained without any material change.
The cotton market was farther depressed.
Parliamentary Proceedings.—Great
numbers of petition?, for and against the
abolition of church rates, continued to be
brought up in both houses. From the
tenor of some remarks, we infer that
Lore Brougham will advocate the mea
sure. I'lie proceedings in the House o(
Lords, up to the 16th of March, piesent
nothing of general interest.
In the House of Commons, on the 10th.
a debate commenced upon the subject of
intervention in Spain,which occupied the
whole of that and the next session. Lord
Palmerston vindicated and justified the
conduct of the government, and the right
and propriety of assisting the constitu
tional cause, even to a greater extent
than it had been done.
The church rates bill came up in the
tow er house on the 13th, and was debated
very warmly on that and the next two j
evening?. It was opposed by Sir Robert
Perl, Sir W. Follett, and. Lord Stanley,
and supported by Loru tlowick, Mr. I
Powell Buxtoitr Dr. Lushington, the At
tornev General, Lord John Russell, and
Mr. Spring Rice—and finally earned on
the 15th, by a vote of 273 to 250; ministe
rial majority 23.
In the House of LorcJs, on me id n.
Lotd Glengle gave notice that he should
' propose resolutions respecting affairs in j
f,ow er Canada, similar to those intro
duced by Lord John Russell in the other
House. He was aware of the importance
of the subject, and anxious to bring it
forward its soon as possible,
i In the Commons on the same day, Mr.
Clay brought forward his motion for the
substitution uf fixed duties, instead oftLe
present graduated scale, on the importa- |
tion cf grain. lie stated his proposition
to be, 10 shillings per quarter on wheat,
Son barley and 6 on oats, until June 1810;
and alter that, just half the same rates.
The motion was lo?t, only SO voting
for it, and 223 against. .
The impression was, that the church
rates bill would not succeed even in the
House, after the small majority in com
mittee. That it would be thrown out by
(he Lords was considered scarcely ques
„ Mr. O’Connell has brought in a bill to
secure the liberty of the press, contain
ing some very essential alterations in the
law of libel, as at present existing.
Great preparations were in progress,
injvarious parts of the kingdom, to cele
brate the birth-day of the Princess Victo
ria. She becomes of age on her ap
proaching birth day.
John Fawcett, tho eminent;comedian,
died on the 12th of March being in his
001h year. He had retired from the stage
for several years, and died in poveity.
being suppoi ted from the theatrical fund,
<>f which he had long been treasurer.
An experiment was tried with Indian
rubber nose in London, and it was found
to resist a tremendous pressure by a pow
! erful enginMinttl the engine itself was dis
abled by the breaking of a crank, where
as, the leather hose had burst long before
I— both kinds being attached to the same
I The Liverpool Journal, among other
news from the United States, informs its
readers that ‘’the specie circular had
been repealed, hut that the repeal had af
forded no relief to the money illuk*!.”
The report of an intended marriage
between the Duke of Orleans and the
Princess of Meckenhurgh Schwerin, is
renewed in very positive terms.
Several of the Paris papers, as well
as of London, circulate a report that the
King of England had invited the Dukes of.
Orleans and Nemours to make him a visit.
The minister of the interior presented
his demand lor secret service money on
the 15th of March. The amount asked
f r was 2 000.000 of francs, being 800,
000 more than that required last year;
the increase was accounted for by tha ne
cessity of employing an additional num
ber of secret police agents, occasioned i
by the attempts on the King’s life, and the j
machi nations of the republican c lubs.
The examinations of Meunier were not
vet completed} his trial was expected to
come on by the 1st of April.
The advices from Lisbon are to the
2nd of March inclusive. The accounts |
are more encouraging than of late. The |
government had taken energetic mea- j
sores to put down the guerilla disturban- j
ces in the Algarves, and they had been i
to a great ? xtent successful. A loan had
been negotiated, and the financial ditli
cultiesof the government were in a fair '
train of removal. . |
The kingdom was tranquil, and confi- j
deuce in the existing ministry had been
much increased bv the prudence of their
measures for the attainment of economy
and reform. The project of the new or
amended constitution was ready*, and
would be laid before the chambers in a
few days.
The long ta!ked-of combined move
ment was at last made, on the 10th of
March, by General Evans. Espartero and
Saarsfield* The contest was not yet end
ed when the late>t advices were des
patched, but the movement appears to
have been to a considerble extent suc
sessful, although the success was gained
only by very hard fighting, and with se
vere losses on both sides.
General Evans gained possession of
the heights near St. Sebastian, and of
all the Carlist entrenchments—Espartero
entered Durango, so long the head-quar
ters of Don Carlos, taking 500 prisoners
—and .,Saarsfie!d had advanced to a
position which enabled him to keep the
main body of the Carlists completely
in check. __
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
IN addition to the Courts held in the
District of Columbia, including the
Supreme Court of the United States, will
regularly attend the Superior and Infe
rior Courts-of Fairfax and Prince Wii
liam Counties, Virginia; and, w’hen re
quested, the/Courts of Prince Georges
and Charles *C6untiesrMaryland.
Office on the East side of Fairfax
street, nearly opposite Stabler s Apothe
cary store—-up stairs. ®P 6-—co2w
The Alexandria Gazette in remarking
upon the annual decrease of southern
students In the northern colleges, ex
presses a wish to. see the young men from
the north in the habit of coining to the
south for their education, and wc agree
entirely with the Gazette in the view fc
takes of the good results that would arise
from such a circumstance. There is lit
tle doubt that it would tend materially to
soften down the prejudices of early train
ing and early habits—as we are quite
sure has been the case to a considerable
extent with those gentlemen of the south
ern States who have received their edu
cation here; and nothing would be more
pleasing to us than to see the youths of
these States interchanging places with
each other, in pursuing their academical
studies. It would tend more to the sta
bility of our political fabric and go far
ther in making us a homogenous people—
with common feelings and a common
pride in our trholc country than could be
brought about by any other means. It is
known to every man acqn itnted with our
southern States that those who have
been educated in the northern Lniveisi
ties or been in habits oT frequent inter
course with the northern States, are
least possessed of prejudices against our
people, our institutions and our feelings.
The Carolina gentleman, for instance,
whose leisure or whose inclinations have
led him north, and introduced him to
familiar acquaintance with our com
munity, is very rately found among the
number of those who speak of every
thing “Yankee” as despicable and spout ,
at stump assemblages, of the extreme de
sirameness ana jeasiumiy ui ui>3«M>oig
the Union.” They are the Very men who
feel and express the utter insanity and
the deplorable consequences of such a
national suicide. On the other hand, we
never hear of doing an abstract duty and
leaving ‘‘the consequences to God” by
letting loose the southern slaves upon
ihe households of their owners, from
those men or women among us, who
have had the opportunity of looking per
sunally at southern institutions and
southern society—at home. There are
to be sure, ignorant and there are unprin
cipled men at the south who feel as though
I it were the very acme of patriotism to
urge a separation of the States; the one
ciass because they know no better, and
the other because any thing that will
make them more conspicuous is desira
ble, and because they really wish to be
come great men of a portion of the coun
try, since they see little prospect of be
coming so in the whole Union. Dismem
berment furnishes their only hope, and
they inculcate that disastrous doctrine
with all possible zeal.
We have the consolation of knowing,
however, that the Northern as well as
the Southern agitators are In very small
minorities in beth sections. The great
body of the people feel the impor
tance—the immense importance of pre
serving the integrity of the National
Union. Abolitionism at the North is
very fierce in its foily, and so is a kin
dred iniquity at the South: but. we trust >
in a kind Providence, that both factions
will at no very distant day, be effect
ually put down and demolished. There
is we firmly helieVe, a good sense and a
right judging feeling in the great body o; »
our people north and south of the Poto
mac,-which will not only avert the cala
mity that bigots would bring upon us on
one hand and political desperadoes on
the other*) but prostrate the projectors of
it. We repeat oUr entire coincidencence
with our cotenrporary at Alexandria, in
the view* he takes of a measure that would
more perhaps than any other, have a sa
lutary tendency, in uniting our citizens
in defence of the ‘‘best and last hope of J
the world.”— A’. ). Oaz.
Most Four. Villany.—On the night of
the last Fast, some villain went oil the
farm of Sam. 1). Torrey, in the town of!
Milbury, with anaxeor hatchet, and cut
down over 100 choice peach, pear, cher
ry and other fruit trees, in the orchard,
and all the grape-vines in the garden —
The trees were from three to five years
old, and they had been selected with
great care, and cost the owner over $ 1000.
The scoundrel richly merits exemplary
punishment. He ought to be confined
in a solitary cell, never to look on bud
or blossom again until his crime is fully
expiated.— Huston Transcript. 1
Occoqwni Manufacturing Cumpany.
IN conformity with an act ol the Le
B. gislature of Virginia, passed March
18th, 1837.—incorporating the Occoquan
Manufacturing Company—the subscri
bers will open boohs of subscription for
stock in the said company, at the Count
ing House of J. W. Irwin, on Monday
the 1st day of May next.
The property proposed to be ceded to -
the company, now about to be formed, !
consists of a Cotton Factory, now in j
operation at Occoquan, belonging to j
Samuel M. Janney and Sam’l H. Janncy. j
A full description ol this property with ,
the cost and present estimated value !
thereof, will be exhibited on the subscrip
tion booK. A portion of the stock will be
offered to subscribers, in shares of Sion
each, and the residue reserved by the
present owners. The factory is now un
der a rent of $2,500 per annum, which ;
will expire on t» e 26th of July next, at
which time possession will bo given to
the Company. The Factory is substan
tially built of stone and covered with
slate,—has a fine w ater power, and great
local advantages,—the machinery is in
good order, and new looms have just
been started in it, which will much in
crease the profits.
ap 7—2awtlM Commissioners.
- ■ ■ ■■ ^ »
rpIIE Stockholders are particularly rc
X quested to attend a meeting at their
House on Monday, 1st May. at 12 o’clock
M.; business connected w ith the present
and future disposition ol the property,the
appointment of officers, 6cc, is to be au
tended to._ap 12—2aw.tlM
Wharf and Ware House For Hrnt. .
MThe suoscriber wishes to rent his
extensive Warehouse, on the Eas
tern Branch. It is w ell calculated for the
lumber, wood, coal, and grain business;
likewise for storing a large quantity of
lime, there being ample accommodation
for the whole.' The warehouse is two sto
ries high, 30 by 70 feet.
Any person wishing to go into the a
bove business will do well to examine
the same. The rent will be made uncom
monly low. Possession may be had im
Washington, March 9^co0w ■
PROPOSALS will be leceived by th«
Aiexandv>a Canal Company until
the 18th day of Aprillnclosive, for build
ing six stone pieri of the Aqueduct over
the Potomac near Georgetown. r
The piers to he founded upon the «0);d
rock which has been discovered ail acml
the mrr at the depth of about 25 feet be
low the tides, and to be made of the hard
blue granite, w hich is so abundant and
fine upon the margin of the River a J
Canal w ithin five miles of the site of tu
The stone to vary from 6 to 20 cubic
feet, and laid partly in Hydraulic, an,j
partly in common lime mortar. Thetw0
larger or Abutment piers will be 21 feet
thick at high water mark, and slope tf,
their whole heights one inch to the toot!
being about 50 feet 2 tenths by 15 feep
tenths at top—and the four single p en"
or supports, to be about 41-10 by T-p,
top, sloping in like manner as the abut
merit piers.
The Masonry of each of the two Urge
piers will contain about 2500 cubic vard
and that of each of the smaller pitrinij!
contain about 1500 cubic yards.
. It is desired to have the whole wnrfc
executed in the best manner, and acccrd
ingto more minute and accurate detail*
and specifications which will hr had bv
relerence to Capt. Wm. Turnbull, KngJ
neer, in charge of the work. Cumn.uiij.
cations may be directed tu him in thec;.
ty of Washington.
The letting will take place at Alexan
dria, on Thursday, the 20th day of u,e
present month, (April )
All proposals will be directed to tie
subscriber, Clerk of the Company at Al
exandria. JOHN H. CRKASK,
ap 4—dtd Clerk A. C. Co.
Omen of the Commissioner or Puuc
Washington, l). C. March 29, 1S37.
PROPOSALS will be received
office until Thursday, the 20th of
April, lor furnishing 15.000 feet of Hag.
ging; each piece to he not Jess, than two
feet square and four inches thick, and to
be straight and with dressed face. 5,0'9
feet to be delivered in May; 5.MH) feet
in jtine; 5,000 feet in July; to he measured
and inspected by an agent appointed by
the Commissioner of Public Buildings.—
A specimen of the flagging must accom
pany the proposals. mar 31—did
Instrumental and l ocal Music.
WILLIAM PRATT, professor ol Mu
sic, avails Li nisei I of this opportim
ty of ex pressing his acknowledgement*
to his friends, who have kindly patroniz
ed his exertions, and informs them and
the citizens of Alexandria generally,
that he has made such arrangement)-.«
will enable him to receive several addi
tional pupils.
Mr. Pratt respectfully tenders hi* *rr{
\ ices as an instructor on the Piano Porte.
Guitar, Piute, Violoncello, Ac. Also, is
a teacher of Vocal Music. 11 is system
of instruction communicates, in an easy
and familiar manner) the rudiments of
the science os well as the more abstruse
parts of the theory of Music, which tend*
to enlarge the mind, cultivate the ta$fe
and facilitate the progress of hisscholars.
He has great pleasure in referring to
\Lss M. t-oleinun, and Messrs. P. H.
Honffand J. Mass*y.
Any communication left at the Semi
nary of Miss Coleman or at J. Mas?e) *
w ill meet w ith imedlate attention,
ap 11 —if
rpHF subscriber on his own behalf,
JL and acting for others intoresfeti. #»f*
fers for sale a Ti act of Land, lying in tfi«
county of Alexandria, and nearly opno
site the city of Washington, confaininjf
one hundred and fifty-six acres, on which
there arc a number of beautiful sites for
private residences, commanding exten
sive views of the citv of \\ ashingfon.
Georgetown, and the Potomac river;and
within a short distance of the southwest
ern abutment of the Washington bridge,
which is free. The Alexandria cana»
which is now under construction Iron
the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, wi (Wt
nearly on the border ot this Lan i. lt
will be divided if desired into lots el ten
or twenty acres each, or wili he soldi!*
together on accomodating trims.
The subscriber will at any time »ho«
the land to any person or persons wip
ing to purchase
On I street, near the \N esl Ma
ap 6— enf!2w _
IOFFIt this valuable farm for sole.
is situated on the waters uf 0^rr‘
in the Country of Fauquier n, ! {\
miles S. K. of Warrenton, and ;
the lands of James Fitzgerald.< L,r
Stovin, Thomas FitzhucL. arid h- ’
Fitzhugh. It contains 7::*» acres. '
buildings are new. consisting “f n t1
Portable d welling house.ice house.k’ *
&c. &c. There are two excellent
arid a great veriety of choice I'm
ion the place. The farm is clivo.* ^
[eight fields, all under good enc.*
I and son down and well ljk**ii 1 ^
■ thy. There are three timothy a**
i which yield from a ton to a fon*u.»'j
'to the acre. It produces well, < ^ro.
: Wheat, Tobacco, &c., and is rca^J
proved by clover and plainer. .
This Farm is as well adapted l ■
zing as any farm in Virginia. » 0l"3
ithe ajoining farmers, who ha'* '
Imenced grazing, have succeed' ” ,
jail calculation; their success
greatly to the value of land in *
borhood. The fatm is capable ° k
divided,—two farms of good a
size could he formed out of it- • '
abundance of Wood—there hem
than two hundred and fifty acres '
vy Timber upon it. . 'j
This valuable property m en i ^
of the contemplated Kailroao iro
renton to Alex.indria, which, .
doubt, will be built in a few yea •
situated in aa agreeable |0i
The subscriber being anxi'
move to the West, will sell ***
accommodating terms. I ers • {
to purchase are requested io
view the prcmjs^ ^
april 4—eo4m _ _^
IS hereby given that the annua' j
of the Stockholder* in the A
Canal Company, will be held at ^
cil Chamber on Monday, Wt ^
May next at 11 o’clock, at
election will be held for a P'
six Directors to serve the rn
By order JOHN H- ^ I
ap 7—te Clerk pi Ale**-1 1