Newspaper Page Text
V0L~ __ WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 19, 1837.. NEW SERIES. VOL. XIII—Nr- 4543* ALEXANDRA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED DAILY BY r*EDGAR SXOlVDEtf, • E)5HT dollars per annum, payable * HAI.P yearly. ALEXANDRIA GAZETTE, (FOR Tim COUNTRY) 13 PUBLISHED REGULARLY ON TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY rus dollars per annum, payable in advance.__ Ter*** of Advertising:—Advertisements not exceeding one square, inserted three LpsfirSl. Advertisements continued Vr three times for 50 cents a square for ,ich insertion inside, or 25 cents outside. Sixteen lines are counted as a square. Advertisements by the year, at prices j lobe agreed upon, having reference to the Usuai amount of space they may oc '"persons advertising by the year not to advertise articles not inciaded in their re l-u'ar business, nor to insert inthei: ad v»rtis*ments any other names than their aIENANDRIA and boston re a gular LINE packets. gfc sg& sg> sfi& THE following Vessels will compose tfjp regular Line of Packets bet ween Boston and the District of Coin obia: Brig Esther, R. Newcorrb, Master “ vvankinco, E* H. Ryder, do u fVnmlet, G. G. Nickerson do « Columbia, C. Ryder, These vessels are all of the nr s*, with excellent accommodations for Pas sers. The Masters good pilots, and w*>!l acquainted with the trade. They will sail once a week from each place.— Agents— ~WM. FOWLE & Co., Alexandria. A. C. LOMBARD & Co., T wharf, Boston. j«ne 29—If WAStHNGTON CITY AND N. OR LEANS PACKETS, ffjc The subscribers having pur tfljjcbased of Messrs. Armfield,ifeaic Franklin & Co. two of their splendid New Orleans packets, intend running them regularly oetween the two ports, leaving each place on the 1st of each month. The brig TRIBUNE, Samuel Boush rrMt^r, will leave this place on the 1st of ro»xt month, (December.) The brig UN CAS, Nathaniel Boush, master, on the l*t January. Those wishing to ship had better have th^ir servants at this place a day or two pr?v\<*u« the vessels sailing. Servants can be kept at 2a ^»'«* A-»* ™Tl»*S*CO. Washington City, Nov-19 for rent. m The large and commodious House Month, lower end of J’r,',nce,slrrr!: lately occupied by Mrs. Hill: tt is wel calculated for a Grocery and genteel hoarding house. To a good tenant tne rent will be moderate. Apply to Thomas King. King s’reet. ap 5—tf TO RENT. I* TheRriek House on Fairfax st., Mnorth of Wm. P. Green’s. ,pt JOSIAH H. DAVIS. FOR RENT, tTh<> three story brick Store, with slate roof at the corner of Prince ami Union streets. It will be rented low , and immediate possession given. t Also, the Brick Store on Fairfax street, adjoining the house occupied bv Miss A«hton. tAnd a Brick Duelling House on J Henry street, suitable for a small fr-uily. Apply to ian2 WM. FOWLED SON. J FOR RENT. The two story brick dwelling house ; Jjon the North side of Xing street be ts-pen Alfred and Patrick Streets, at pre sent occupied by George Brent. Esq.— Possession to be given on 22d January next. Al.S \ thfr brick stable, heretofore oc cupied by Mr. Ezra Lunt, ns a livery sta b'e. situated on the alley between Alfred and Patrick, nearest south to King street. Possession mav be bad immediately.— Apply to A. C. CAZENOVE & Co. HOUSE TO RENT. t The two story Rnck House on Roy al street. opposite Mr. McGuire’s, and adjoining Miss Mandevilte’s is vacant, anj would be leased at a moderate rent to a respectable tenant—possession inn mediatelv given. j*c 22—tf DAVL. C A WOOD ♦ Co. TO RENT, tAt a reduced rent, a frame House north-east of Samuel B. Lavmour’s ""Ute residence of Mrs. Hooe. frhs JOS1AH H. PAV1S I CASH FOR NEGROES. 7 ILL give the highest cash price for LtMy Negroes, from 10 to 25 years of Myself or Agent can, at a!! times, ** found at the establishment formerly owned by Armfield, Franklin & Co., at tne west end of Duke street. U-tf GEO. KEPHART. Ttl„ dividend. HE President and Director* of the Baltimore and Potomac Steam Pack * v-ompany, have this day declared a t* in end of five dollars per share upon capital or joint stock of the company, Payable on or after Tuesday the 84th In stant, at the Mechanics* Bank of Balti more. election will he held on Monday "• inst. at the office of the Maryland ••4 Vir^rtnia Steam Packet Company for jea Directors, to manage the affairs of ™ company for the ensuing year. S. WILSON, Treasurer. * B«to»or«, jta 19—tf FOR ALEXANDRIA, WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN. The Steamer Fred ericksburg, Capt. Jen kins, will leave Com merce street wharf every Saturday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, returning she will leave Washington eve ry Wednesday morning at 6, and Alex andria at 7 o’clock, Both going and returning, she will re ceive and land passengers and light Goods at the usual landing places on the Potomac. The freight on such goods must be paid at the time of shipment. | onippers will please have their goods distinctly marked, and especially desig nate the place of delivery whether Alex andria, Washington or Georgetown— and in cases of miscarriage, to give im mediate notice to the Agent at the port of delivery—the owners ofthe boat will not be answ erable unless such notice be given within ten days. Goods must be sent alongside before 3 o’clock on the days of departure. All baggage and parcels at the risk of the owner or owners thereof. CHAS. WORTHINGTON, ap 5—dtf Agent. | NOTICE. •■■m The Steamboat CO jl_laK LUMBIA, Capt James ^^gggMwkpMitchell, will contioue ll^^®H®®MBBpher regular trips from next Thursday, leaving Washington at 10 o’clock, and Alexandria at 11 o’clock, every Thursday, and returning, leave Norfolk every Sunday at 3 o’clock. Passage and fare 118 mar 8—tf NOTICE. The Steamboat JO SEPH JOHNSON will on and after Sunday, Feb. J2th, commence running between Alexandria and Wash ington, and run as follows: Leave Alexandria at 9, J1 o’clock, A. M. do do 2, 4 o’clock, P. M. do Washington at 10,12, do A. M. do do at 3, 5, do P. M. feb 11 JOSEPH JOHNSON. MORE NEW GOODS. GEO. S HOUGH has just received a large additional supply of Fancy and Staple Goods, which renders his as sortment very choice and general, viz: Super black, blue, and fancy cloths “ drab, black, blue, and mixt cassi meres Plain, twill’d and diagonal summer cloths Lama casimeres, for ladies riding dresses Blue and black crape tastings, for men’s wear White, brown, and drab drillings, some Sup west ena am* M..-r . Brown French linens, and grass cloths Super Irish linens, cheap Linen Cambrics, from low to very fine do do * hhdkfs, of all qualities Low priced linen hhdkfs and lawns Shirt bosoms and collars, fine Stocks, of every description A beautiful assortment of black and blue black silks, some very superior Plain Gro de Naps and stripe ditto White, blue, rose, black and green sattins do do do do do figured silks for bonnets Sett and cap ribbons generally Fancy hdkfs and shawls Painted lawns and palmettoes Painted muslins, French Chintz and Cali coes, a beautiful assortment Super plain and figured Swiss muslins ! Cross barred and stripe do do Bishops lawns, mulls and fine cambrics Mourning prints, muslins and Ginghams i Black and blue black French bombazines in greai variety, ami 6, 7, 8 and 10-4 Damask diaper Super do tablecloths do do napkins Bird eye and Russia diaper Bleached Russia and Irish sheetings do cotton do .. Long cloth and cotton shirtings or all qualities A splendid assortment of women s, men s and misses cotton and silk hosiery Paris, black, and colored kid gloves Misses do do do . . Men’s super black and col d Hoskm do Soper silk and Marseilles vesting do black silk velvet . . r Green, black, and white figured thule, Tor veils Lupins green barrge, bobinets I Italian crapes all colors j Super book muslins and do nciKis j White, s*ate» blue and black Adelpbi knit ting cotton Furniture chintzes and dimities Colored cambrics and blue nankeens Bed tick, some 4-4 and very superior Burlaps and other brown linens Twilled bagging Cotton and linen cnecu* % Pins, tapes, ribbons, braids, core* Hooks and eyes, Colored and white spool cotton Patent thread, silk, Cloth hair, and hearth brushes, combs With a general assortment of domestic , all of which having been well purchased wilt be sold on reasonable terms h or approved customers. 4th mo t itn GROUND PLA15TH.K. nnA TIERCES 500 lbs. each 2 otf 18 bbls. 334 lbs. each; the cargo of the sehr. Renown, Bennett, from Ln w 'w£TowS”s.k SALT. AAnA Bushel* Ground Alum Salt, gUUU 100 sacks blown do.—hourly expected—for sale by ap 7 B. WHEAT & SON. PORTO RICO SUGAR. 1 A HHDS. of first quality Muscovado JLU Sugar to do Molasses t mst rocsivcd and for sale by ! ap6 A.C.CAZENOYE A CO. SYRUP OF CARRAGEEN. Recommended by the Faculty. F HOWARD’S Original and Genu • ine Compound Syrup of Carrageen, a safe, simple, pleasant and effectual remedy for Cough’s, Asthmas. Consump tions, <fcc. This Syrup has stood the test of experience and is now extensively pre scribed by Physicians. &3*Those who may have occasion to use the preparation are advised to do so tinder the guidance and direction of a Physician.«£5 Many certificates might be obtained of its efficacy, but the following are deemed sufficient. Certificates.—The compound syrup of Carrageen, prepared by Mr F. Howard; I deem an excellent and safe expectorant; composed, as it is, principally, of the most approved and efficient of this class of me dicines, neatly and judiciously combined with mucilages. March 31, 1836 Tiios. Miller, M. D. Washington, March 29, 1836. I ana acquainted with the composition of Mr Howard’s “compound syrup of, carrageen,” and have used it in my prac tice, to the decided advantage of those of my patients to whose cases it was appro priate; it is a compound of safe and sim ple expectorants and mucilaginous de mulcents, so combined as to make a plea sant ar.d efficient remedy, in chronic and spasmodic coughs, whooping cough, and some forms of asthma. W. B. Magrudbr, M. D. Prepared and sold wholesale and retail by FLODOARDO HOWARD, At his Pharmacy, near Seven buildings, Washington. K?*For sale by Wrn. Stabler and Dr. Farquhar, Alexandria, D. C. 4th mo 13—lw THE DIFFERENCE. IT cannot be denied that whilst many medi cines which ire recommended to the pub. lie, have not even the negative merit of harm-, lesaness, there are others which it would be great injustice indeed and suicidal prejudice to involve, untried, in a common condemna tion. And when a medicine comes endorsed with all the names that have adorned the an. nals of the medical profession, and warrsnted by the seal and signature of long and uniform success, its proprietor makes no unreasonable demand upon public confidence, when he claims for i* a superior consideration. The Camomile preparation of Dr. W. Evans is undeniably entitled to this enviable diatinc tion; for whilst no medical authority in exis. tence condemns it, every medical work which alludes to it, and every medical practitioner that is acquainted with it, freely acknowledges its pre-eminent virtues; and that the latter should do so in opposition to their personal in terest must be attributed either to their candor and lave of truth, or to their uowillincnass to mony ortnofiWtmw. - Dr. W. F.vans does not .. Camomile Tonic Pills cure a it disease*, n* > frankly and conscientiously admits that they will not He lay* no claim to the discovery of the‘‘Philosopher's Stone;” and wishes no body to believe that he sells the •; Rlixir of Life;” but he does sty, and dots beiieve* and can prove, that in debility and impaired con stitutions; in nervous diseases of all kinds; »n weakness of the digestive orgt-s; in incipient consumptions whether of the lungs or the liver; in the dreadful debility occasioned by the use of purgatives; iu palsy; rheumatism; (more especially) in the sickness incident to mothers and to females of relaxed nerves; in every case of delirium tremens or that disease which is brought on by intemperance; in the wretched horrors of mind and body, which ac crue from occasional inebrety; in loss of appe tite; languor; melancholy; pains in the head; libms or sides, in corrupt; sallow and uncomely ! comcplexion, caused by the bad state of the fluids—in all these cases, and in some others mentioned in the bills of directions given with his medicines, he does say, that the Camomile Tonic Pills, interchanged occasionally with his .nerient family Hills, (the best known) which »re sold with them, will effect immediate relief; and if used but for a fair period of trial, a perfect cure. This much is placed beyond a doubt bv daily testimonies which would be given on oath, and for this milch Or W Evans can conscientiously request confidence. He there fore need only add that his Camomile Tonic Hills together with his excellent family Ape rient* Hilts, can be obtained, wholesale or re tail, at No 7 Division st, near Chatham square. New York, and of hi* authorised Agent* in in town and country. (T>Ur. W. Evans—Sir: ue pieasea iu re ceive the thanks ot one who has been a great sufferer for several years, for the great benefit she has received from the virtues of your ines timable Camomile Pills- She has suffered with pain and distress in the hetd, a tightness across the atomach, shortness of breath, and pilpitation of the heart, eiercise would ml* molt overcome her; but since using your Ca momile Tonic Pills, her complaints are re moved—the is able to eiercise without fiitigue, and she is htppy to say can now enjoy life comfortable again. _ ___ . lira. u. THUKiN i ujv, o* i mru ». (TTNewark, July 18* 1836—Dear Sir: For four years 1 hare been so unwell that i was un able to attend to my business, and for the last four or five months was confined to my room: my complaints were rheumatism, pains in my,indige»t'o» low of appetite with continual pain and dizziness in my head; I used different kinds of medicine without effect, until I commenced taking your invaluable Camomile and Aperient Pills; their beneficial effects upon me astonish all who knew my situation. In a few daya I ahall be at your office to express my gratitude to you in person. In the mean time I subscribe myself your obedient ser . B. S. JARVIS, 13 Centre st For sale at the Store of E KENNEDY, Agent for Alexandria. NOTICE. Washington Branch Railroad. ON and after Saturday next, the 1st of April, the hour* of departure of the evening train of Passenger Cars from Baltimore and Washington, respectively, win be as follows, viz: From Baltimore for Washington, at half past 4 P. M., instead of quarter past 3 o’clock P. M., as at present From Washington for Baltimore, at three-quarters past 4 o’clock P.M., In stead of half past 3 o clock P. M., as at present. ^ar 29 PETER’S VEGETABLE PILLS A RE recommended as decidedly supe ^rior to any other known corabinatior of Medicineever offered to the American people. When taken according to the direction accompaning them, they are highly bene ficial in the prevention and cure of bilious fevers, fever and ague, dispepsia, liver complaints,sick head-ache, jaundice.asth ma, dropsy, rheumatism, enlargement of the spleen, piles, cramp and bilious cholic, female obstructions, heart burn, rancid furred tongue, distention of the stomach and bowels, incipient diarrhoea, flatu lence, habitualcostivencss, loss of appe tite, blotched or sallow complexion, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, when a cathartic or an aperient is needed.— They have the testimony of the whole medical profession in their favor, while not a single case of ill consequences or in efficiency, can be alleged against them. rerhaps no article of the kind has ever been offered to the public, supported by testimonials of a character so decisive, from sources as respectable, or that b*s given more universal satisfaction. Wherever these pills have been once introduced into a family, they become a standing remedy, and are called for again and again, which is sufficient proof ol their good qualities. It is a truth, that almost every person who has ever used Peter’s Vegetable Pills, recommend them to their friends, and it is from this circumstance alone, that they have gained such an unrivalled reputa tion. Prepared by Jos, Priestly Peters, M. D. at his Institution, for the cure of obsti nate diseases, by means of Vegetable re medies, No. 129, Liberty streef, N. York, inventor, nnk sole proprietor. Each box contains 40 Pills—price 50 cents. DEATH AND DISEASE. Mens sana, in corpore sano. *‘A mind well lodged, and masculine of course.” Death met Disease the other day, And thus they gossipped on the way. Death— How comes it friend, in eve ry *hape, You let so many folks escape? A few years back and every elf, Once sick, you laid upon the shelf, Dyspepsia then had power to kill— Asthma defied the doctor’s skill— The lancet too at ail times sought, Its hecatomb of victims brought, Then Costiceness could fatal prove, And Rheumatism no power remove; A simple cold, where’er you went, A subject to my kingdom sent. How comes it then, that now a-days, Folksslip your gripe and go their ways? Aithmfi^u^des^Dyspepsia cured, SfnC to T)9\VrHT-U* idinut i u *. Disease—Dread sire! I use all means 1 can, To abbreviate the life of man: I dog his footsteps from his birth, ’Till he returns to mother earth; And though ’tistrue that mv success Is datty growing less and less, This satisfaction I can feel, 1 have not slackened in my zeal. 1 use all means I used of old. Changes of weather—hot and cold, I give them colds; I give them pains; I rack their bones; I fire their veins, t poison tnem with rancid bile. In place of the digestive chyle, Yet all is useless—nothing kills. Death—How’s that? Disease-They all take Peters’ Pills, These invaluable Pills, are for sale in Alexandria by Wm. Stabler, C. Far quhar and Wm. Harper, and by all the principal Druggists in the U. States, mar 18—ly__ Full Flooded Horses for Sale. BEING anxious to decrease his stock of Blood Horses—the Subscriber will sell on very low terms, the Mares and Stallions, full bred, ol the blood of <dd imported horses—Johanna, Tariff, John Richards, Industry, &c. Pediprces fiiven with the stock. Lhvv lo. N. B. Communications in writing, ad dressed to the Subscriber, Berryville, Clarke Co., Va.—Will be attended to march 31-d4w [Nat. lnt.-3w] WORM TEA. IlROM the very frequent applications ^ for worm medicines, and from the well known prevalence of those diseases of children which are produced bv worms, the subscriber has at different times administered a variety of the usual medicines and having found them tre nuentlv to fail, has succeeded to satisfac tion with the medicine above named, which is mild and safe, and requires in its use no restrictions whatever-being also an excellent remedy ,or those intes tinal disturbances, and the febricula or small fevers, to which children arc so li able, and which are frequently referred to worms where they do not exist. The Worm Tea is prepared and kept constantly for sale at the Drug Store of the subscriber, »Ub ap 14—<26t_King street. LANPHIER’S COUGH MIXTURE. FROM repeated trial of the above mix ture, I can with confidence recom mend it to the public in caughs both chro nic and recent. It counteracts fever and inflammation, relieves tightness, allays ir ritation, and promotes expectoration; and is mildly aperient. If on trial pur suant to directions, no benefit results, the price will be returned. Apply at my of fice. King street. -tT.a - inntlirD ap 14—6t WM. LANPHlEHy KEG BUTTER. * I HAVE for sale two thousand pOTTins keg butter which I am authorized to •eil very low. WM. N. McVEIGH. •p 6 MORRISON’S PILLS. The Genuine. Hygean I ezetable Uniter sal Medicines oj the liritish Collette of Health. “Hypocrisy is the tribute which Vice has ever paid to Virtue." IMPORTANT NOTICE. IT is deemed advisable to protect t'i public from daily impositions, tc^, an additional label on each packe , f , GENUINE MCRISON’S PIL^> which must bear the signature of dC*! through whose hands it *-*sses, in addi tion to my name, as p' apothecary or druggestis permitted ^ei5a*?e H. SHP^EARD MOA T, Sole Hygean DeLSate tothe U. S. Brook lyn, N. Y. _ ffE+'ltTU SSKCLICl-JiJ. By the*,se of the Hygeian Vegetable Univesf,I medicines of the British Col lege0* Health, London, which have ob famed the approbation and recommen dation of thousands, (who, by the bless ing of Providence, have been cured in Consumptions, Cholera Morbus, Inflam mations internally and externally; Dys pepsia, Fevers, Ague,Indigestion, Bilious or Nervous Affections and all diseases of the Liver, Yellow Fever, Gout, Rheu matism, Lumbago, Tic Doloreux. Drop sy, St. Vitus’ Dance, Fpilepsy, Apoplexy, Paralysis, Palscy, Green Sickness, and all obstructions to which the female form is so distressingly liable, and which s^nds so many of the fairest portion of creation to their untimely graves; Small Pox, Measels, Whooping Cough, Scarlet Fe ver, Asthma, Jaundice, Gravel, Stone, and all urinary obstructions: Fistula, Piles, Strictures, Ruptures, and Syphilis, in all its stages; Constipated Bowels, Worms. Scurvy, Itching of the Skin, King’s Evil, and all Cutaneous Disor ders; in short every complaint to which the human frame is so direfullv subject, under all their varied forms anct names; as it has been indisputably demonstrated, that Man is subject to only one real clis ease, tnat is the Impurity oj the lilood, (from whence springs every complaint that can possibly assail his complicated frame) and a very slight trial of the Uni versal Medicines will evince their all sufficiency to cleanse and purify that source of life, as well as disease, and re store the suffering patient to the blessings ofHealth. This valuable Medicine being compos ed only of vegetable matter, or medici nable herbs, and warranted, on oath, as containing not one particle of mercurial, mineral, or chemical substances (all of which are uncongenial to the nature of man, and,therefore destructive to the hu-1 man frame) is found to be perfectly harmless to the most tender age or! II1USI VCI ituii ... -o A1 J every complaint, however deep, and ol performing a cure, that was ever offer ed to the world. . A The Medicines are comprised in these different articles only, viz. in two kind of Pills designated No. 1 and No. 2; the first is a powerful, but most gentle, mild ape* rient or opening medicines, detaching and partially removing the bilious ropy humors, whilst the No. 2 pills carry off those and the serous, acrid and putrid humours incidental to the body, and act together as a ferret in a wairen nevei resting until every avenue of the human frame is thoroughy searched and cleans ed of its impurities. , , , , The genuine Momcmrs, cim uc uau ui Wm. Pomeroy, Alexandria, D. C.. and also of the following Sub-Agents—R. W. Polkinhorn, Saddler. Pennsylvania Ave nue, Washington, and T. C. W right, Georgetown, of whom alone can the Medicines be warranted genuine, with printed directions. As no Apothecary or Druggist is permitted to send the same, and to "prevent imposition, each package of the genuine Morrison’s Pills, must bear the signature of each agent through whoes'hands it passes. . Morrisonia or the family Adviser, price $2 75. Practical Proofs illustrated by numerous cases of cure, third edition, price 37 cents, to be had of the abo\ e. feb 23—tf SMITH’S PERSIAN HAIR RESTO*! RATIVE, Pre-eminent for Cleaning and Preserv ing the Ilair. Is unrivalled in it'excellcmce for promo mg the re-growth and beauty of the hair, and for the immediate removal of dandruff or scurf. When, from disease or neglect the hair be comes hard, harsh, and dry, and begmsto fall , off the Kcstorative advances its growth, »m proves its appearance, adds lo its elasticity, and bestows to it a transcendent gloss. This article is intended to supersede ali o dier preparations for the hain and those who use it will find in it a luxuriant appendage to embellish, and for many reasons much prefer-1 able (particularly in the nursery) to any thing I of the kind heretofore offered to the public. Certificate of the Hon E ./ Shields, of t u House of Representatives. I have made an experiment | Hair Restorative,” with great benefit. I be- , lieve it may be safely used, and to great ad vantage, by every one - It has greatly d.m.m j fffifchftfflllE.'SfSCS' Pec. 16th, 1836. - We concur in the above recommendation of the efficacy of the ••Persian Hair Restorative, n removing the dandruff from the head, aod ", the other beneficial effects resulting from its aDDlisfction to the hair* * • JN. 3ICKLM| \V. Tailor, M. P. Of the House of Representative*. For sale, wholesale or retail, by the prepa rer, J. W. SMITH, Washington, D. C. For tale by Wrro. Stabler, C. Farquhar, Al exandria* J. F. Callao, C. Doyle, T. Watkina, F« Howard, Waabingten* G. M. Sothorn, Georgetown. Fncc l dollar per bottle. war 2^—1 y THIS IS TO NOTICE, Trr^ ♦» \bribers, of Alexandria HAT hes^ Distrj-Ct Qf Co|umbj has nSJ ‘he Orphan’s Court of sniH^'Hty^ letters testamentary on the es**e Mar£aret Hooe. late of the cou. y afore? lid, deceased. All persons ^.#ing claims against said decedent are equired to present them—passed by the Orphans’ Court, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of April, 1S28, or they may by law be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment. Given under mv hand this 10th April, IS27. WILLIAM H. FOWLE, Executor of Margaret Hooe, decM. ap 11—eoGt THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, HAT the subscriber, of Alexandria county in the District of Columbia, has obtained from the Orphan’s Court of said county, letters testamentary on the estate of Loudon Campbell, late of the county aforesaid, dec’d. All persons ha ving claims against the said decedent, are required to present them—passed by the Orphan's Court, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of April, 1938, or they may by law be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are required to make immediate payment. Given under my hand this 10th April 1S37. THOMAS DAVEY. Executor of Loudon Campbell, dcc*d. ap 11—eo6t . THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, THAT the subscriber, of Alexandria county in the District of Columbia has obtained from the Orphans’ Court of said county, letters of administration, with the will annexed, on the estate of Henry Wilbar, late of the county afore said, dec;d. All persons having claims against the said decedent, are required to present them, passedby the Orphan’s Court, to the subscriber, on or before the 10th day of April, 1S3S, or they may by law be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are re quired to make immediate payment. Gi ven under mv hand this 10'th of April, 1837. JOHN T. 0. WILBAR, Adm’r. with the will annexed of Henry Wilbar, deceased. apll—eo6t NOTICE. INTENDING to commence the manu facture of BROOMS, I vill give a li beral price for broom corn, dining the coming fall; as I wish to purchase some thousand pounds of the straw, this early notice is given to induce persons to culti vate the article. They will not only find a ready and profitable sale for the straw, but on trial, also find the seed to be a ve Tff^eblfiWfViWP^.A^^rae food, crop, will be given gratis. The cultivation, of this article in the north, is regarded as very profitable, and would doubtless prove much more valua ble in this section, if cultivated under standing^. WM. M. CUING. Spring Park, April G—co2w SHAD AND HERRINGS, For Family vse. THE subscriber would respectfully in form his friends and the public, that having rented a large and commodious warehouse, on the Fish W harf, Alexan dria, D. C., and made other suitable ar rangements, he is now prepared to sup ply them with any quantity of the above FISH, for family use, put up in the best manner, in tight barrels, under his own immediate superintendence. From the satisfaction expressed by those who have favored him with their orders heretofore, and his determination to use every means in his power, he feels satisfied that he will be able to please his customers, and me rit a share of public patronage. Persons residing out of Alexandria, wishing to have any of the above kinds of Fish put up, may by addressing a let ter to him, depend upon having their or ders as faithfully and expeditiously filled as on personal application. 1 + H. B. SMOG T &, Co. ap 10—eo2w_| Nat. Int. eoRt ] LAMBERT & McKENZIE, UNION Wharf, have in store and of fer sale 7000 lbs. prime Green Rio Coffee 20 boxes Sperm Candles 4, 5, & 0 s 50 boxes Bunch Raisins 30 kegs and boxes manufacturing Tobacco, of good quality’s Plug and Twist 10 hhds. New Orleans Sugar 20 bbls. extra prime Pork. np 12 _ CLOVER SEED. oA Bushels prime clover seed just re OvJ ccivcd and for sab* by ap 11 S. MESSERSMITJPT. LIVERPOOL GROUND ALUM SALT. BUSHELS Ground Alum oUUU "Salt, the cargo of schooner OLYMPIA, for sale by ap 10 EDW. DAINGERFIELD. 3 SACK SALT, & N. O. MOLASSES. Sacks Ground Alum salt, largo and well filled. 40 tierces prime N. Orleans molasses Landing per schr Eagle from Charles ton f orsale by ap 10 LAMBERT & McKENZTE. MERCER POTATOES. QAAA bush, superior quality Mer 4UUV cer Potatoes on board schnr I Bahama at Daingergeld’s wharf—apply | to the master on board. ap 7 CLOVERSEED. A SMALL lot of prime Cloverseed, for sale low by ,p 6 A. C. CAZEXOVE & CO. pamphlets Handsomely Executed at thle Office,