AI.KX\i\DIMA: SI) AY V OK NINO. Jam. Id. _ ^In theVenafc on Tuesday, a bill was reported bv the Committee on finance, embracing the project of the Administrn- j ti-1 lie m.'.ncvs m iy make special depo ites j , be k- the kw upon such depositories j .„ t,e retained bv tin* depositing officer. I Mmv provisions are proposed, by j bond nod otherwise, tor the security ol j money in the ban Is of those officers. j r,*h" Kxd isrve s*>ec!»» p^ymoats, lor all . ibe-s an I debts t«» Covernmen*, to be re- j fpir-.l af er a certain time, say, Our o-; ^ x v<*>r* h*‘nce. . I b'u/ti*- fra* nr*, if u >r?t'r ; at the K» ‘l Mtfircs. pfrmitfin«r tb* v in!«» Hie ?>oa j y„y at ^ ashin'j**»r», Ct'r'ifi .ate* of Midi . P t * bo n coivoJ as cu^li at the , II id _. | T. rm vors !t is Mated iindn <«,Vn} • '«»iisTi»nh»:«»jdt\ N'»v. IVh that a -us « ale td -w in the H ark Sea a j,.w d »vs am, dm ini* w hich about lurly v,-.>eis oldilf rent ikiMods were w recked. 'I'lit* t)ir| iM 1* no* u a s (»rav li Kill 0;p s> i, j ia lea w ill) wool, tallow and 11 iXseed u (* total y h*st with ail on boaid in the entrance t«» t!»“ I’osphorus. She is tie-I only v-d is Vd named am »ni» th »se j wrecked.— W'bilt Mercantile Atlreiliser. j I sMirp,.KT^M o i n -t *.>nsiderah!e anxiety ! i>eXj»'tM vt t.*r thesat-ty *d the above ; \*-4rl. which saileoMroin l.iveipnd on; th • ^Vh Oct. in company with the packet ^|{*»>co»\ arrived h'*re a m >mh a^o. | khe IS now seventy day* o»jt and m> ti- j flings have here* heaid no-n tier. Sm j |n. believed to have a number of pa>?eu- ; jjers on hotrd — Or. M’Oi.nfocK. the Van Ilmen candi- . (t or, has been elected Mayor ol Mi*- cit\ ; of IVdshiif*. Mr. M’Ciimnck had 1 | votes, and his an’i-Va i Huren opponent : (Irwin) had 1 lab, leaving a m»j »ri«y l"» : toe f,.un»r«dM3. Trie anti-Van Hu en | inen, h >wever, have secured a majority j m the t 'l'V t 'olir.cds. _ t ril»in »>•{>■ 1t* d a bd« | i fiititlo 1 ‘An Ant ior iru* pivscrvaliou <> i I tk.»* IumI Ii and ii:nraN t>f children nn ^tnyed in i«s;t•»«if*»f*««*» •♦*■•* ’ l h« bdl pm- J I vidi-.s in tt children w ho art* n -t *b > t" ; irjtl and \mp«* snah l>»% s»*nt u» school ! Ihiee iiinnilis in c-x ii and rvrrv V»'a», • vhilfpn v att* t iPpt* y>'»l ill bu t >i n >; tli.ti j l»,»cln d a*'S than i» n yoars s?» ill bf t*u»- j j'l '\n«l in a lac oi v. a ■*! that i*'>ia* undt*i • v XU’til \i'.ns ot a^** sSntii labm inorr Ni di t"n |n*m s j»*r day. IViiadifS am im;i *'t*d on pal** ids and L'natdiaiv;, aipi it m» on finplay;*r~, Im anv evasion or v i • Oiatiaa »d ih<* 1 »tv. Tne \ »*:* k «»r l;r:*rKEN—i no l.otiis vilie Journal sayo—‘vVe have soon the Messages •>! the li .vernois ol (lit: t♦** n ! ite-*, an»l ii is a renia k*'ote fact tha! j o’»ly >>m: »» »t ol I he wii »le numbci' ap- ! j*i;>vs mo n*i‘ )cmio..>l iii«m *>t I 10 i- | tioiial 1\ X'OU’l vo, !«>• to* divorce of th* e >V*’I niDOItl ( lie* pe*>|> e. Tie* * \ crpti *ii f*» w !i fli w •• allude, is Ike hi > \o<;i >i of \ a ‘am *.r 'I ,‘i»* W (». k'h»ck ( 'men m 1 >nh) Sen |l|ll«| tako> th * V « >Y'Tii«H s Mi'',vl*I‘’, m t ie', ttu ! jeon ar*i consolers ir no'hin;/ ; |e«s th • » an as-nti’t u,»on »!»o adn.mUtr >- j ti*>w11 «*t» otijht if> he r»*peile 1. It j t > (ear Mt;»f such a i attack irain ;i J “hifvidli ij in I *»," will ox* rt iimcti i Hour** on lie* public mind a^uiifl ‘the J I '' l* i-. s ii the leaders here a*o cotnine ! t * the >:» ne eono.ii ion, and aiett>akm*» jn**,'ir,r:o'.v to r t ,:iato on his Kxet-l 1 As an e|i s t to ih-* }>«^*tsrt ms pouiin*; int : i'ot'^»o>s (V nn .\*>r'h*'» ) females, a- : eo.iot the id iii'SM;) *»| i ex is.we iim'or i s^t i id ih it the e• >!• >re : i.iv!i> s ot the S >ut!) r*re a^out ’n ion? ms;ra*e ne » ns: ihe V a ♦•a 11 roboli,;)-: eu-r J fine <‘mm e>s “by ii * manner «.a means t<> *Iow do five £ ates to *» tin a p.) ileralin i .fl n nce m il s f mm.miwo!t oh Ann rica by de a i mi' imiuhdem V ouch rc>u» icelli Arif OiItans }*i ttijuhe, 1 A ri-KSKV* HUNG i»t:M-?>n*r—There is i I vi ^ hi !everpunl. Knulund, a man ntnied .\i-.ion* f m Ity, who is seventy- ! f no years, and h;is h lil $*•!'?"t'•#* >i 1 •m v.*; I h* i; n o t ithei* ol thirty six chi! and b-nt**_; a widow or, is no a “upon I f another in ih l» .vsHfTi/rruAi. nivmusiky. (G! V \I!»STK Y applied b> Airi it*nl- • ^ hi . j >y J >h;i Antony Ch iptal, IVer |' 1* i.eic*-, mem er ol the Institute, &e.. t! ' n t e s c »i,.I Ere nth edition. I >-e American Gardener, containing directions jet working a kitchen u,r‘*t'nt t »r ♦ very monta in lire year, 'ey J un id irdt-uer anil by Itavid lleptunn, •- c god i,« i to l» >v. M. icer and Gen Ml-on; tu \\ ueh is ad k il .1 treads*1 oil i'iiiiu’, i»y a e: iz»*n ot Virginia, anil " ' w hints oa me cultivation ol native 1 fas,d i.iivctious l i making domes kc u;n**s. Randolph'sCulinary Ganh ner,adapt* 'u tv'k*e present state ol our climate, Gy ' * '’Xperienced Gaidener, a native ol !cuau. Kor see I*v , Gu 13 ItfiLl/i KNTWISLE. iilCUo.N'S HOMAN KAU’IHK. l^ERUl $OV3 Hou an Uepublit; Gil i,l'v History ol Gieece; Ihu: arch's | ,x‘ Mo.* Vim’s Ecksiastical Hilary; ■ tu aac >i»I‘»iue, octavo, lor sale by . LLLL l ihe truly great and good man. There is no t a>k more plea said, then the scanning of the character, and making th * eo .ouct of the g >od and virtuous man. Wo like to observe the blight ornaments of hum in na!me, shrouded i» nil the hallo of their own virtu *s mounted on the h’gh pedestal o’ •li *ir own greatness, ind endeared by »jto remembrance ol their good \vork<, 1 standing fui h amid.-t the tumults and strife which th even t*» co tvulse, il not i !es»rov,»hn fabric of our government li i is |:k ■ the breakingof tue m »m to an o cean tossed non in* r. It is like the green ! spot on the arid wacte — the co A s»t»earn ' to ih * famishing tr iveller. This may besaidfo be i high encomi um to pass upon man,by n dme frail and born to err. It is true, that !M r (‘lay, like j otner men. In- ids faults—pis foibles, and ( weak points of character; but they are j more than counterbalanced,by the ma-I ny virtues ol character and conduct whit li he possesses, lie has been the o‘»- ; ject of malign, bi'ter and unieleniing at- • tacks, the east and the north, the j >iou h* apt!— w e blu-h to own ir—rum die : Wot; poisoned allows, Steeped in ad tile! bitterness of man's hatred, have been j hurled upon him, without number, lie | has been tie* const ml unceasing ob j.M t ot tittack. both fr«■ m official influ-! .•rici* and pt’iV ite maiiei*. M Hh a z *ai . Iu\t WiUtld have made a fetter cau-e fri j umphant, h is lie been pur-urd; and into J • *verv portion of his life,whe lier at tonne | >r in the councils «d the nation, have his ^ enemies attempt'd to pour tin* en omon- j ed >rins*. Hub notwithstanding, bohnel ;h<» world, and to the minds of alt men j whoso visions have not been clou led t»v j • oferest or obscured by falsehood, he j continuesu> occupy an exahed pr»* emi- , n«»nt*e over many of thf* f!is’ingiii ai! die i»ubb*r »eeongs of j patriotism, ha- read \vnh< m eaioti ms of j ,|,*a ,a: e, tli ‘ c. in so of f li is fear ir.s- slat ‘s- i nail, on ’hat eXUiiO'g .III i d.i.igei’ou - I 111esti ui th* aboii i*»!i ol;\? On ►» veiy occasion, Mr t'lav has sliowu utlise fiipnd to ’he emergencies of m c n iiryb peril, hut i y no Ionuei act ha. he added >o much to tin* wreath with I w Inch the furor e wili eucneh* his eame. j *>v his fare a tempt t«» h mnoniz • th- ; 'e»*iiogs »d tie* south and Urn moth, upon the -I ivery res ion. Mel* >k upon thi ns one of th * most fe odes- and ha pr events in tie lii-1- ry ol his political cu reer. It was a fe u’ess art: every one know*-* ne exeitin*! character ol lie* ;tt><»ttfi*>!• jii **»t 11)11 j a ml iii*' »■ xt rente j eab ■*! t • y, * v i> ut a fwith v inch « vei v man's con ■ 111cf noon ihis mi’ jm t, is viewed l»V ah ‘nit especially hy me ei'iz ns «d the slave holding st.d'1-. I'! it’ loud a ml d u-iiij n dl.rr i-» md -i on j’ahus n| the trpu'a rir.n *d !».»;• daughter, than ate Hi' people j ti the soldi* md west of the course ol ; • heir s ji’esinen llpdi this s111»J* * c ’. \\ e j i*»ed nut d ‘ov 5iu* lae : we are, «*mphad- : CM iv. lasftdi ntHy jmd >us upon ’his sub- j pud; a d many ol tu m >mh st 111 ’!<• j \ irchfohiess to preset ve our prop- r v « *hao d-sire to muintnin, pit:e ami u;di- i j:j ,idl 'd our l i ih'sf and i»ri\ ii*‘*!es a> ci j iz^ns. ami tin* pi imc»pies • I our i»*»ver:i- i neuf. ihit Mr. (hav, cndt .*! a-mie al ! sinal consid.‘rations, unci Ho n hi option rr.i^lit have induct d him to !u s j Hite, hobby tin i w i»i|il>e;i into tin* lindsl : d He* stoi in, a ml w ith me ol. ve to aur 2i in j i md. otlemp’ed l<* app.e er Ih * eh meals i j f j j J ■,»r j i r s1 ’, in* it; u s; t)«i v t' know n, I >1 < * ’ h « ■ | ,va< htieiny hi** hosuin t > read wed at j neks ImiM i i- I »»•-doit l>> imdiv-* j w«iii d he impuMood—‘neml-flip f»r the! v e ;t iis-ade !; hu’ they \w h;h“d n t in I l- , mirnt anainst his country’* p»uo>eiit\ • iii.1 the p.'ipntuify (d h r it s* latpms. Tji- ict vv as »> *u li i »1. N t fh d b:* j eff u ts were attended \\ i !i immediate tie oe^in .ill iyi:is! He* ol m *Ots i*» discoid, j mi hr cause tin ir i.himdo hm leoi s tit! s' j :>e to h It momze puiihc;:— *1 • •' — | inik many of t mse wliu are m».v mu ,»• iv\av ty she tana deism of the u«»; tl» — j md to euii loth a more cool an ! ealm r tlection III : In* :U Inds o| ! he *'i t i S' I -»« - • I tne south. Such has been J he power oi public s“t:!imenl so comp e ely ultra j have tieen (lie pro; options id both tie*; adv ca.‘e> ami oppon ints of Hu* aimh'.mu j »i si a v e i y —! h • 11 p a ssi o i, i a >;. i limn t • - 11 *ctio.i. has cui.trolik d tia* ac ion ol me oi..-s of the c n:j:n\i ul’. y. Mi'iiams ha ve h ert cone* ived, pu' :orth a.i 1 i»e;ra 'idly c ti ro d into opeivttom from toe o[ the momen*; and without at y pi opes ( r stdiimei.t lej.anl to ii»e ere ti tu nla mental pi incip'>< of our p orical fabric. \1 r. position and ivino-Us in tii * Sena’e aie calculated to a*v«*k*%n inq n ry in the minds oi tin* Amerii an people Ol, both side* “I die iptesTion, audit* 111 jluj'ftce will he and fell by tin' j^ri'a’ *»odv of Hie ci‘:Z*mns; and nurd co-dime* to ex’end. until even the acini ot con i* mss - hall he controlled hy ih We hope p»cee tins pealing influence ♦ xt»*nded to :he fin il seel e.emt of this daa-jp-rous question. W heftier ail we hope for shall he attained or not—whether 'his union shall br spi t and scattered iut > frag ments, u; on tne rock nsjainst. which slw ; now ;*.pn?,ati to he cit iviil or stiail steer ' clear and c >ntinue an endin':*! inonu , ne*nt of the wjsd un and patriotism of the Ameucan pen pi *, the name of him who I heads this aritcle will go down to the la le^t posterity as the *»rt\»i pacificator.— Mi no it ri Kvpt'hiican LACK G’ M>PS, SILK, Ac. Jr ST received from i hilodeiphm, :» J i>«>iurr«il assortment ol Lace G »ods. | iconsT-tin" of thread laces and edgings,, ibobbinets, ir.seritngs. si k blond edgings. ! and w ash blond do edged, quillings, si.ks, At, Ac.—ad of wlvch will be offered f o |sale for a few day- o- ly, ai my t ,lo*e. GKO, \\ illl E* ‘ jan 15 j married. ! On the 16'h instant, at the residence of j Charles Bennett, Esq., bv the Itev. YVm. i Dana,John* Mark I.isle, Esq , o( Philadel phia. to Miss Bos a li e Clifton Patton, daughter ofthe late Uobert Patton. i commercial" l*t ict of Produce, in Alexandria from 11 a 'jons mid l'eysr Is. Floer, per bbi. ( e\v) ST 75 a 8 00 | ; Wheat, v hilt*, per bush. ! 60 a l 89 Wheat, red 1 SO a 1 85 Conn. (new ) 0 6") a 0 06 Bye, - do 0 b‘5 a 0 90 Flaxseed, - - 1 12^ a J 25 Oats, from wagons, bush 0 37 j a 0 00 Do Iron) vessels, do 0 40 a 0 41 Cohn Meal, per bushel, 0 70 a 0 75 Bacon, per csvt. - S 00 a 9 00 Bi tted, roll, per lb. 0 20 a 0 23 Do fii kin, do - 0 14 a 0 17 Wagon Pork, 6 73 a 6 90 Lakh, do • 0 8 u 0 9 Blasted Padis, retail, ton. 6 00 a 0 00 Uai.mM 'Wk I’aihiot Omcr, f Tiitasdtti/. i o'clock, l*. M. \—City Mills' continues without change at SS 75; extra SO. W e hear ol no sales U e team that purchasers «il*e •living 38 to-day I•»r II w ard street, from •am »oik. We li'Mri/l no sales,from stores. (j a \ i n .— Wheat, foiejgn prune, none; doe.»f>t e red, prime SI 70 a 1 .SO; do good n* prime 1 0 )a l 70; fair to good 1.00 a l,05; white i»oo«l to pi hut* 1.75 a 1 SO. Corn, vt-itow , 75 a 75;.—but little arriving, ex cept bv wagons and I'ad II »ach-; white 75 a 78c. Ky<\ foreign prime, — ; do n»**»iic d * 00 a 05* Oats, Maryland, 33 c; V irgima, "7. Whi-kky —-From wagons30c exclusive >)fb*>h From stores, doc in bids. 15 \ro\. — Wes'crn, hog round iOj; City curert Hi. liiatvi;.-.—5»7 a 84. I.:ve Hug-, $3. Polk, ! 88. Sheet1, * ~jlf i)> scarce, j, urn —04 a Pic. FKiHNHrSlilP FlUil COMPAAY. 4 1’ a meeting ot the Company, held /\ J.iiuiiiiy 1 V 1858. the follow ing mem hr*S \v**ie elected ortlc-Ts |<) serve th" -■iiMioig year. \ r/.: Commanders—T. F.. 15 md. ( \ Kooit’s, M. .SoVvlcr, Jr. Su hitrdtna:** Hircen.r—J. 11. Mankind, J. M j >r. F\G. Piettymnn. IHgmato*':— Or.J (Hi>'»n,S l'aac-\ D. Price. Kn iiiue puinmatcT — !1. Ilradhy, J. Skid 1). U'l vVoad. Pi • >p‘’i m-aion—J i»«mtv',l.i* Pasco *, W . U Mas>cy. Ax - in'll -J. W. AikiuM n. C. liamadingcr. I\ 'I yi* r. Toreh-inen—IJ. \ cited, J. iV-,i*lin. 11 King. *8. Hanlon. ’Pre.isurei — K.S 1)i.• igI i-s. (’Icik — J Muir. ( ’uip pa n v iidh'i i'f I’d lo :iu*et h ch. t. j,,» 18—k.)3t' J. M Fit? Cl-ic l.\« 11111 \ l .S OF HiA\ KH, V \ Kgypt. Araoi i Petra* », am: the Ho I Iv H in I by an A.emu: with a map ! ngi aving —Ihu d cdrir.n, wnh amn [ 1111);— • i | w t > \ •»111 ■ u cN • • w ^ o • k, 183s. Harm’s iletoea limit-; Yming Hai\V Ftiend; Pcrsua-ives to Hally Peh ; A!- j Irin.A.s \i m; Co a p. r’.- i I "ID Odes- , *• *v. 5 v«> 1 -; vv alt- on I •»«• M in' COURT, A u:\ \npima < *o , f ./• / iiu m i/ Tt rm, t^as. s a TAuV ST AMI-111 i iunl U ui. Stabler, t a. Adinini-ti nto:s id Iv.t ward Sta!*li*», trc-M-a d, rendered to the (‘oui t then nth u-cmiiit, a' «n!ei"ii-tra!nrs afnes'aid, with 1 .he vouchers in support thereof: which account will he a lowed and du | \- recorded, unless eunse be shown to !h* contrary, on or hefore the first Mon lav in M u h next; w hich all persons j itit ‘rested or concerned w < 11 take 11«• tsot* A copy—Te-t. A. i\iKR, j pi |S—uli\v IvCi. M ills, j OR i’ll A NS'COURT. Ai-cxamoma Co , i ! .Jurmi if Tmn, 1SJS. S Uj M STAt’LMIl. < in ireian of Ivlw. -I*.-, infant children, ren-le» *i| 1) s I >uri r account as s oar lion a loi e ^.4ill. with tin* vouchers in support theje of; which will h,% pa'r-<*< 1 and du!) i(' coded, unless cause he shewn t » tin ■o.itrarv, on <>r le-foie tin* lir.-t Molina) n \1 pel) next: of which all persons in lere-b’d or concerned wii! lak*’n notice A'cop v—Ter l: A. MOO It E. jnn |V- wbw .. lle^. Wills. oiTpIl \:\S’ t '< )UflT, Ai.f.xanpria T A 1II - Mil, ^ii:m!ian o' v t Julia it. I lea liy, r-onh-red to the c-»:nt Ins huh account, with the vouen ei's in support there.'.': wnicn aicount whine allowed and duly recorded, un ir-r, ean.e !)e O.ev.n to ihe contrary, on ,,rl>« f .j,»t!it* tir-t .Monday ill Mart-n n-xt; ,,t* w inch all p r-on- mterc.-led or con cerned will t ike notice. A c-.>i>v—Test: A. M"ORR. i;111 ]S — \v•'»w _Kej. \\ ilN OKRilANS'COl'R Alcxandhia Co., f i J.-in no f v 'I't'D/i) IsliS. V j J^AAC Ci. HUl'ToN, Administrator | | I) !< non vi ii h • ho \Y ill annex oil ol ! I dm K. v'Snoth, i!ee«‘a-ed. rendered to the j d-cM. i^ndered to the 0ouit Ins first account as »min r. aioie said, with t!»e vouclicrs in support there* >!• which will he allowed and cub* ie corded, unless c ause hesnewf; to the con trarv, on or he fore the first Monday in \1arch next; of which all persons inter* est^d or concerned \s i11 take notice. A copy—Test: A. MOORE, jun IS—wGw Keg. \\ ills. lORPHANS* COURT, AlexandriaCo.f £ January Term, 133S. $ C1UTHBEIIT POWELL, Administra ' tor. de bonis non, with the will an nexed of Charles Simms, deceased, ren dered to the Court his Iirst account ns adm’/. aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which account will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the iirst Monday in March next; of which alt persons interested or concern ed will take notice. A copy—Test: A. MOORE, j.inIS—wGw ' Reg. Wills. ORPHANS’ COURT, Ai.rxaK'dria Co., f Jttnunry Term, lS.iJ. $ ANN CAROLINE BRANDT, Guar dian of Loyan Brandt, render ed her fifth account, as Guardian aforesaid, with the vouchers in support thereof; which account will be allowed and duly recorded, unless cause be shewn to the contrary, on or before the first Monday in March next; of which all persons interested or concerned will take notice. A copy--Test: A. MOORE, jan IS—w(j\v Regr. of Wills. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE, rjNlIAT the subscriber, of Alexandria 1. county in the District of Columbia | lias obtained from Ur* Orphans’ Court of j said county, letters of administration, i on the personal estate of Samuel C. . j Rush, late of the county aforesaid, dec’u. i All persons having claims against the | said decedent, are hereby warned to I present them to the subscriber, passed by the Orphan’s Court, on or before the 17th day of J.inuai y, 1^9. or they may by law be excluded from all benefit to said estate; and those indebted thereto are re quired to make immediate payment. Gi ven under my hand this |7lh d tv of Jan uary, IbdS. NATHANIEL BUSH, AdminL'ioior of Sam’l. C. Rush dec d. jan IS—.‘It NOTICE. ^TRAYEP, or stolen from Clifton, on G? Saturday, btl) instant, a lariZ'* white Cow. with ied spots, pretty much red ib »nt the neck and head. Any prison returnin'! her to Clifton Lo fye. near A! exandiia. will tie hands uiielv icwarded, mil all persons are li *ret y cautioned igainst retainiiiL! the C<»w after this no tice " JACOB MARTIN, jm 17- 3 * NOTJb'K. \T a meeting of the Sun Eire Engine ; Gurnpanv. held on Saturday even ili£f J.til. 1 if, IS.'JSj the I olio \Vlil«; !>er>on-» were duly chosen officers to >ei vo the »*nMi!0!i yea : l>M*sid,’iit —John 11 nr IT. Vice Pi e>i*tei»t—James P Mi I *!! *' T«> r'. Cowmandeis—Robert Brocken, W. f. ! 1 arp* r, John Summers. K emulators —Tims. W Initioton, Robt. ; Nash, John keir, Robt. Davis. Sub-directors.— Robt. Ramsay, Geo. Snyder, Geo. kenner. Torch R areis.—James Wood John Johnson, John Youm?, G orye Buliinmr. • Property Men.—Geo. 11. Smoot, John | IJooflf, Charles Triplett. Axe .\ieu.—Ethan Allan, Hiram 'Ah b- j ster. T re n Mirer.—Washington T. Harper, j Secretary.—John T. Crei^h.on. j m 10—!>t I’OPPLL, \.Vc. S DDLS. Cuorn Tuba CofFiV’; .J idols |inme N. O. Silii.ti; i To .\ l.-b < Ciene^rc I »'i*PY P.oar inflate t:el on sale i»v i 1(5 ANnnj^V J. PLKMIXO. J'ic/nri I: l*'n,et s. i*urt fi fth g"y ANN.MI Monks NVoiks, complete S .i£ in one 1,if ;*e octavo volume. 1 be \\ I i Aljl' pipes p» i in* I’hainpa jrne I *raU £ by, vp.Mue .0 ISJd; 1>3 dozen quail md pints ve.y mi >»•? i o t damp mm*, or iiiiie, pine apple am] st o' biaud*; 2‘>) b.ii - ie.s Mo '.onmdieia A* y, live years iid. a superior article; reeriv d and 1*0' , t'.y 6A M L. 13. LA KMUL i\. pm Id KHODi*; ISLAND KUM. i HMDS, it mu, over Is p»oof; re i *5* ceived and f•»r sal’, at ie>s Ilian late pi icesp v SAML 13. LAUAIOl ii. j-io Id * _! LA >11’ %r solid: 11 jil 1 JO do t y ,*h i ’o-d r*»oeks kdiylish and t no in m Si a e* Poster’s (iop) U mks, bom No. 1 to S Lead and Slate I’ tubs; d ‘dls 1 iik, f-y Hit’ a 1 on "T smaller qtiau'dy per dale by 13a.LL vie L\.n l A 1SLL. j HI 11 _ c LUKA .\ T S. 1UKSI.VV:»I K t£6 E ,4c. It.! ASK lr»*.'11 '/\ 1:1 e cm raids 20 b > X e > ami L DoX'S wiperior bunch • raisins 13 casus ami b*>xe« snip. chce <• part oul j 2b l»al.'. common w tusk y. good Quality, , low pneed lOf) budi new c *ra meal. «d fin° q'tab v : lb h »if boxes GO'S 8 >: Id and 10* lg lb nro>s sna. tmUhog corks; 1 e* ei vcd and f«»r sale t*v jan9 ' SAM. B. LAWMOITtt. FOB SALF. 4 PUTST ra’e pair of scams of large . i\ siz'.with twelve 0 > 0) wnitfhu.—llm; owner having no use for taeiii, limy wn*i oe sold «i bargain, apply to j in 8—eu3t W M. H. M ILL LB. COFFKB r FAS. vLc. a d\1\ BAGS Ki * CoU ; ion package'; f \ J\J oi Uu i Fow.Jcr,I mperial,Y oung | Hyson, and Souchong lea; Aiudciia. , Lisbon. Sherry, Si Lunar, t hampagne. | it,.at it, SaiMeiue and other line Wines;; : ilmsins Prunes. Tamarinds — lor s:im l.y • j »n 0 A. C. (l A '/• KAO V K K « o. j CHKKSF. ( ASKS prime Goshen < neeso, 1 vl just iec«*i\rd and for sale by jan o DAN. CA WOOD vV. Pa._i 1 GKOl ND ALLUa! SALT. I 111 BFSHELS mi store for sale I in lots t ) suit pti cb i^r* by janb LAMBEU I & M'.LL.nZlL, DR A HS THIS DA Y. Delaware Sussex County Lottery, No. ?, To be drawn in Wilmington, Delawate, Thursday, January 18. HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000 Tickets $4 00—shares in proportion. On sale in great variety by J. W. VIOLETT. Drawing of Delaware Treasury Lottery, Class No i. 71 70 31 71 61 50 41 72 G7 2 61 33 DUA II\V THIS DA V. Delaware Sussex County Lottery, No 3. To be drawn in Wilmington. Delaware Thur-dnv, January 18. HIGHEST PRIZE $10,000! Tickets &4 00—shares in proportion. Tube had in a variety oi numbers of j. coiisr, f,ottrvy$ [j vchanze Rroker. Ald:run»lrio DR A It 8 THIS DAY. Delaware Sussex County Lottery. No 3 To be drawn in Wilmington, Delaware Thursday, Januai v IS. CAPITAL PRIZE, $10,0(H) Tickets 31 00—shares in proportion. Un sale in great variety by J. I.APEEEN. NEW ENGLAND COl'GH STRI P, The reputation of which hn vow become cxtihlifhed as the most safe and fjficacivus rtntdy ever discoveredJ'or IN FI, I EN/ A,( OM’\CO l Gif S, ASTI I Jl A, AVIlOOriNCi COCGII, SPITTING OF ULOOD, AND A 1,1, AFFF,CTIO*;S OF THE U NT.S. , 'v—. r ^ ) K •>* -. w.^ PREPARED OXI.Y BY THE SOLE PROPRIETOR, DAMKL G< >IU).\ 111), >o. 8 Gold NK\V-YO!M%. In presenting this useful remedy to the puhlie, the Pro prietor is authorized by a Phy.-i • ian, from whom the lt.-cipe was confidentially oi;i;,i.•••>!, t-» Mate, that he has u*e«i it hinmelf. and in his extcnMvc piaeuee in Pulmonary e.fiee linns, with astonishing ertti t. '1 he happy combination of vi gefalde substances. ol which U is * olirely Composed, are peculiarly adapted to iii»e.».uf ol the Lungs, Liver. and Siomarh. 'phis medicine has If-n uvu «wrv extensively. and the propiletor lias not km v u a »iugle nisi.nice in which it h.u faded in gi\ in » relief in •!!»•■ to s which i; i-. recommend ed: even in cas* s ?ppro;n him’ to consumption, attended with bleeding .it tin Lungs, and where all other remedies had failed, the nmst th-ridi-d and flattering success ha? nitrnilril ire oar. ( n»nii»t*:i edits, w !ii« h :i.> generally ttie effect of eh- nuclei! p> r-; u I’hm. wi;i yield to its influence m a h «v hours ; w h* n used i* asthma, hoarseness, wheez iiig, am! -l.orti.c '■» ol hieaih, it immediate relief, pin. miring trari'jinl rest and sleep. In whooping cough it m without a rival. It operates with gentle expectoration, and m;« v be gi ecu to inf nits w ii’i p-Tleri safety. '1 to’ Proprietor would add, he ia constantly receiving numerous testimonials of the value and efficacy of this remedy, some certificate.-: of whir h may be seen on tin- bill of direction.* accompany mg card bot'ic. Any person Using it will he sure to recommend it . gain. The above article i« «u»iu w holes,iIt* in ic York, by th.* Proprietor and all the druggists. Hjstou, by ile.isliaw ft Ward, Maynard St .V.>ve>. & Rrovvei«. Stevens 5tCus»iing I'lulmltlphia, hv 1-ne.o Thompson, J. S, J. \V Smith, C W. r.irpeut. r, and A. Fullerton, jr BnUiiiwrf. by R. II. Coleman 3c ('o.. Whitaker & ih*rtol. and (I. N. Popplein, jr. fiivrivonti, Ohio, hy Glascoe fc. ILiniaoi .md tlli'ii,k Co. I*ilt\hui%h, 1*1)1 /t., hv Fames Si hoonniakt r 3c Co. JVV/r Or/ran it. by Nathan Jarvis. sVfnitv/, .V. 1 hy Sands & Shaw. Montrraf, /-• by Geo. Rent. Hn’ifar, S. S., by II. C Priedbam. St. John*. .V. /» . by W. O. Smith. And sold wholes,ilV hv the d«uggi*M and af-vthecariaa generally throughout the Lulled State* The iib‘*V’* m iy l*e It*-• cpnitinc of C :0.i Si LEA DDE A TER, jan ,9— ly A^rnts lor Ah'xaiuli.i. NOTICE. Offl'C Ah suufti in Canal C>. ) ist .V.iiniLS.H. S 4 ORNBKAL Mm tine „j the Stock-, xs holders ot tin* Alexaudi i-i Canal t o. ^ wii; he held at the C--uik i» Chamber in | (he town of Alexandria on Saturday, the i did (if February nex1, at id o’clock, M. | in elect a President ol sail Co.iipmy in i pi,ice of T F. M-»s >n, Ew| resigned, liy oi der of the Hoard ol I) rvetoi >, ii. JOHNSTON, Jr. CPU. A. C. Co. i j HI tel ___ P A IIK KIPS K X E IicIsES. I^POCUESSI VE exeici^-s in Knultsh ! h Co hi po * i (i* *n, by I!. J. P.iiker. I *io cip.ii of tne FraoKiin Grammar Sell *ol. j fjodo-i; mIso, WiiFik Mercantile Aris11- j meric, a-l ipted to the C .mmerce of the UnitmJ State •, in d *me«tic «iu ! foreign relations, vs it.i an appen hx, c >; 11.11nir. practical system of Mcusuration. Guair- i :nj and It > >k-lveepin*f— a first rote vvn.k ! —new ed.tioa, rrvi ed and enlarged; for ■ «al»* f>y A. EX' i’ W l-vEE. Who have on h m l a larire and g^nc- I r; I assortment oi School Hooks, Station ity, Ac. j ^ 1 1 j MOL \SSSS A\i) SCO \fl. .Ji/w IIHOS. of Mol isios; fo ty b »xes I Philadelphia ndin-d Sugiij PoMu j Uico Stijar. For sale by jm •* of t h - * l) t • --1 < j n a 111 \ . for sa'ehy A. (J. CAZENUV E A: Co. i \ n b --•-- , L’dTTON OZNAHUPvGS. I A Co NSTANT supply N*». 1 and 2 i\ (hittoiv Ozabui a* from the Marches n r MannfactU' ing Company, Kich mond. he,.vy goods—lor sale atfictory pi ices bv IJ„ 5 I.. AM CERT A McKF.AZIE, Union w h • rf. Ii \V KICE. O A•>Kt „«.«,■ crop Klee if 8 hall „ 1 received per bn*! Gee. Sumter, ben n< , hum Cll-.I li-sh'ii. for s.i f Ky LAM HER 1’ A McklA/.l"., ian a Ui.iua » harf. ; M ACK LULL. - f\ BARRELS .md HdlfB:irre!s N".1 ♦lU 1,2, and 3 Kail caught macktTa., ■ ,0jaSn3 'TamBERT & MeKENZIE- J "muscatel ROYAL RAISINS. BOXES Bunch, M. i?* !,s £\w ^halves du ila d«» di:tu j .lust received per a,"J for sale by A. 3. FLEMING. Yfowcu Fv.r tint'd and ffaiintl waterprun», Shoes. ^ CASES contaii in*! 200 pairs nf flic £ y’Drive seasons ole article jii^t rccciv pcI; denkis arc invited lu call down anJ examin • ti.e:i . rf nnvr , j,*n 2 A. J. FLEMING. AUCTION SALKS. ' — ■— ■« — ■ .. < % THIS DAY. , _ TUBLIC SALK. rVVlLL sell, for ready money, at pub lic auction, before the front door of the court house,in Alexandria,on Thurs day morning «i n the istli in*t o’clock, a negro girl, the property of Catharine Butts, taken by distress for rent due to Dennis Johnson, as agent lor llmiet M. Lloyd, ndnvx. of Kdvvaid Lloyd, dcc’J. which said s ilo has been heretofore at** v’citised for this morning, and is post polled until Thursday morning next, jm 10—3C TIC O’. MKADK, Baiiiff. MARSHAL’S SALE. UNDER a decree of I he Ciicuit Court of the District of Columbia, tor the County of Alexandria, pronounced ct October term, ISdO end made final at May term, 1S.'J7, in the suit of Jacob Doug las and Mary Ann bis wife, late JMary \mi Guthrie, and Elizabeth Guthrie, complainants, against Sarah Ann jiihon, Catharine Ilodgkinson and oth ers, defendants, the subscriber will offer or sale, at public auction, on the premi ses, on Saturday the 10th day of Febru* »ry next, at 11 o'clock, f»r cash, the te nement and lot of ground, situate, .ying and being on the west side of \V« er street, and to the Sou haard of Wolf drew, rind running thence Southwardly a ith Water s reet, and binding theiewitlt 30 feet, thence, \\ estwardly, wilh a line parallel to Wolf street SO feet to a 12 feet dley. thence Northwardly with a line of ho >a:d alley and pai allel to Water slice tO feet, firence with a straight line to the >egi nning. D. MINOR, I). iVL. jan 6 —eofs for A. Hunter. Marshal. NEGROES FOR SALE. I7AV,7.V/.1; i T a Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chanceiy of F«in<|iiierCountv, held on the 10:h *J.*y < t October 1S.'17. Inman Horner, plaintiff, against John Ko nger, John T. Kronaugh adminis l rat or dr Louis non of John Eronaugh deceased, James F.dnu.nds, Jufin 13. Hunter, administrator c/e bohis mm of Syhell Deckw itb d* ceased, and of Mar - rn.uluke Deck w i'll deceased, Daniel Han ing'on and Lucy his wile, I'.hz.i heth Deck u ith,George W.Gunnill, ad minist ratraior do bonis von ut John Coffer deceased, S Inn on I’ rnini» tfor «>f M;ity (*«»fler d^cea.^eO, Newman Dec k ith.Tar phy Deck with, Jennings Deck u i'll. Thomas J. With ers and John J. Jackson, administrator dr non of Levi; Dei k with deceas cd, defendants. In Chtnifeni This cause came onto oe hfurd on the apers hinneily read, and the report of* i Commissioner Man* made puouani to Cheonbr o| the 7t!i day ol the present | mon’li to which Ihere w a* no exception j and was atgiied hv On considr i ration \ '.ereof. the Court, approving of and cM.tii mini* the said repot t. doth ad | i tje, order and deem*, that .1 .Id Uun!er ' admui'tr.dor d boni* non of Mai madiihe libel-, wi it deceased, pay to the plaintiff ' ( >ur hun frrd and forty three dollars and ■ wo cents, wi h interest, at the rate of s'X | per centum per annum, (tom the 1st day | .if January IS’ /, until t rd • », on 1hn«i ■ an dikd and sixty one d,dials and fifty cent--, part thereof: That the said Hun t *r, administrator ::s aforesai I, do,on the \<\ <1. y of J iuii ry JSdS. deliver to the | Comniisdoi eis lit rcinalter named, till t the slaves nienti.fin d in the said report 1 is allotted to John l'ronaugh as his part j of ihe dow er si »ves of the \v:dow* ol sai l \laininduke: That Edward fc.. Cut-k**, J,, I; ii \\ . Tybeiyiml \\ ii !ia m \V . \\ a I lace, who am hereby appointed commission* ers for that purpoose, any two of whom •ray act, after hiving first ndvertiv ,*il tin* lime and place ol sale, in one or inoru newspapers lur four we ks nieces* -ivelv , r reaiy nv>n?y, and immediately thereafter, report their ppv | ere*iing$ t»» the Com t in older to a final j decree. And tin* Com t doth further ad* jad r«.. order and deore. th it the plain (iti piy into Court tin.* money herein de | creed to him, wlumeeci Ihe same shall ! come to his hands, in order to a fin tie r Jecive. Andbbeity is reserved to tlm i plaintiff to apply to the Court for further • lootces in thi* east* against tnesaid Hull* r,>r. A Cop)—Pe?te. WM. F. PHILLIP.*5,Ci’k. f.i obedience to the a hove decree of ;he Circuit Snpeiior Court of haw and Cujncriy for tlit? county of Fauquier, in tin* c ise of florin r, Ac. vs. Kemper, At. Hit* mideisigned, comniifsi-ineis therein appointed, ui I pir.cerd to sell at public >;;h* to the highest bidder, for cash, at Fairfax ('curt House, h "hicn is bvcur\»ii'*H v-rv valuable from it* pmxtmify lo Uar. 1 rerloo where fire woo l is a rer.dysa e | hia(l prirrs, and Ui« re is a Muliciency «>f ' Chest.tit to support thefenoirg. 'i ht> t* ;1S 1 e a location as r»ny lit the up* 1 p(»j* Country, either f.r t! e gentleman in i pursuit of pleasure, or tl,r oraclicr.l Far m^r, seekin-z for profit;-a fuilher cl A* ned to pui chase, *> f | course will view i\ Improved property | in W a i rent on \uh he tr.ken for a part or 1 [Ur purchase money. F*>r terms, * | .Ires, me (,,«»! i»i»io>.-t Warr*ut«n, Fau j.Utter coHiity, Va.^ ^ jjOL'GLAS. I n ov it 3 - •• ojt * A «n |_ __ ; kk\v ORLEANS SUGAR. ' ~ U tlG-S. New Of leans Sugar, }U9t fC 0 c.-ive,l ai'ft for .... DAN. CAWoOD 4 Co.