Newspaper Page Text
( I p I I VOL. LI. _ SATURDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 28. 1850. NO. 231. Alexandria Gazette and Virginia Advertiser, PC BUSH ED DAILY BY EDO A U SNOWDEN, At Knrlit Dollars per annum, payable halt yearly. Alexandria tadlr ami Virginia Adurtixrr, (PUK THE COUNTRY) IS PUBLISHED. REGULARLY, ON Tl KSDAYS, Till 'KSDAYS ,V SAT CK DAYS, At live dollar-* per annum, payable iti advance*. T>-R>is of Advertising.—Advertisement.-* no; ex utxdiii^ one xjuare, m>w*tcd time times tor one dollar. Advertisement" continued alter three tunes, tor oO cent- a square for each insertion inside, or 2-> eent> oi i>jde. Sixteen lines are counted as a -spiare. Advertise nrents by the year, at prices to be agreed upon, havinu leierenee to the usual amount oi "pare they may occupy. Pvi-*on- advertising by me year not to advertise article" not included m their regular buxine"", nor to m-ert m their advertisement, any other name" Ilian their own. MAIL ARRANGKMKNTS. The Northern Mail is really for delivery every morniug by U) o'clock, ami closes at 2 o'clock, 1\ M. The Southern Mail closes daily at SL A. M., and is ready for delivery soon alter the arrival of the boat, say between 3 and 4 o'clock, l\ M. The Dumfries mad arrives on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, at 3 l\ M., and c!o"es on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satmdays, at 10, A. M. Northern Neck Mail, will close litre at s* o'clock, A. M . on Tuesdays and Fridays. f nii K FIKF 1XSCRANCK COMPANY OF I ALKXANDKlA.continue*toinsuieaiiainst Fue, generally, in Town and Country, as here tofore, on the most reasonable terms. BOA R D OF Dl R KCTORS. Hugh Smith. Prexulcnt. Anthony i Lazenove, Phinea> Jaimes, William Fosvle, Psvij'lit Metcalf, Thomas Sanford, William (Jreirorv, uoneri Jamieson, l iugh C . Smith. Samuel Milier, Thomas Keith. William H. Fowle. i mice hours irom 9 until 15. and trom 2C to 3$ o'clock. N WATTLKS, Secretary. Office on King-street, near St. Asaph*, nov K) — lawly s. H. WILLIAMS. NT KOKHS l> KM’l ST. O.Rce on west side* of Washington, between kmg and Cameron streets, jv I— eoly Alexandria, Va. Y._ KKGCLAR LINK, ^ Sew York. A/e.raruL in, lCa<h iugton and (ieorgtfown PACRE IS. Sehr. Fairfax. ('has. Pentield. master. Kmpire, Rufus Knapp, “ Statesman, J. 1). Cathell, “ li Washington, J. Kendricks, u •* Senator, W. Kubey, u 4; Hamilton, A. Payton, u im Arlington, H. Lewis, u Shippers will please take notice that the a hove line is composed of first class new vessel*, which siil punctually as advertised, and that freight well l>e taken at the lowest rates. 7 hese vessels do not stop at Sorf otk. Put come thiough direct. For ireighl or passage app'v to STKPHKN SHINN & SON. sep 2 Jannev's Wharf. ***: F O R N K W YORK. Seir Regular Line. Jmtmmm The packet schrs. PA MPF.RO. March, master. TOLAS T and •• TOITSSFSD JOSES, Pay ton, master The two first are daily expected down from (Georgetown, and will have imme diate despatch. The last, just arrived, will soon follow. For freight applv to ap 24 CAZKNOVK & CO. FOR BOS ION.—The tine packet jJjfcS^choonei SARAH E. PARKER. Ro gers master, now loading, and will have des patch. For freight applv to *ep 27 LA.MBKKT & McKKNZtK WASHINGTON AND ALFX r j^TijWmtiA BOA 1’ The hour* ol departure of the SlEAMROAl PHLSIA. for the ensuing week, will he as follows: — Leave Alexamlria at s. 9L», 11. A. AL: 1 Lj. 3V», and P. AL Leave Washington at s *4, 10l4. 12, A. Al.: 21 j, I am) 61., P. AL An OMNIBUS connects with this Boat, in NN’ashing'on, to convey passengers to and trom the Boat. Passage on the Boat and Omnibus. 1N cents—on the Boat, 12*., cents. Passage on the P»out up and down, without landing. 12'., cents. JAAIKS GUY, Captain, sep 23— 1 w FOR MOUNT VF.RNON V Strainer THOMAS COLLYERA leaves Lei berth at Pamgei field's N\ hart, at lOL; o'el oik A AL, on MON PAY. 23rd, WFPNKSPaY. 25th, FRIDAY, 27th, and SATURDAY, 2sth. fc&y^F'uu: cor mie Rorsi> 1 uir. 7>cents’ On her return, the Bon stops at Four Wash ington. JOB CORSON. Captain, sep >1 —Lt PLKASURK KXCURSION. sVc TK \MBOAT NOTlCK-7'he s*earner JOSEPH JOHSSOS. Capt Alagar. Doing now disengaged (the Compromise hi!I having passed) can be h id at a moderate pt ce. for Pleasure Flxcursion*. Fishing Parties, low ing, vVr. Foi further information, apply to jv29 dtf S SHI NN. Agent I FANIS’S NY H IT' K LK\I>. extra and pure. j for sale by NY Al STABLKR N: BRO nth mo 1.5 * Fairfax street. C*~Y” Linseed Oil. Turpentine, Varnishes, a lull supidv on hand. BKNNK LKAVKS- Fresh.--For little chii »hei: >ulfeiing with Summercomplaint. &c. A moderate siippK can be had daily- gratis, by apply mg to W M SJ ABLLK & BRO., 7 mo in Fairfax street. ytAMVS SARSAPARILLA, m quatt bottles. O lust received and for sale bv U AL STABLER & BRO . 7 mo 22 Fairfax street /"TORN MKAL Kiesh ground Corn Aleak V > m store, and for sate. \\ ho’esale ami retail, by T. AL McCORAIlCK \ CO., sep * Theatre Building. l^NGLISH IM!‘KS Ju>t leceived Horn Liv I j eriKK)l an importation of larne bowl Kny h<u IV*. K. H. MILLF.R s mo 10 HALF CHKSTS Gunpowder. Imperial, • '*} Youn* Meson and Black l eas part veiy choice, landing fiom Schr. Hamilton, and tor sale low hv [au*j; *20] \\ M. BA \ N F. 1 AM> LIMK —10.000 bu>hel* on hand at Ij the Alexandria Lime Ki ns and tor silt* low bv THOMAS «S; P\ hit. :iu*j t.7 .laonev *s Wharf IA\NK*S Carminative Bai^arn, 111 iarae and >ma!I vials, tvr si!e h\ WM. STABLKR & BRO., 7 mo 22 Fairfax street. FTKK KINGS.—.70 bids. F.i*tport Hennas 1 L new and hr»srGt: 100 boxes No. I scaled Herrin js; just landed and for sale h\ sepS ' CAZKNOVK ft CO 111 BOXKS fiesh Maccaroni, received per 111 schooner Kipp re, from New \oik. and for sale by [se|> 4] WM. BAYNK CI.OVKR SRRD —too bushels prime flee Seed, in store, and for sale bv sept) THOMAS & PYKK PlfKI.INC VI NKHAK.-lObbls. Cider Vm ecar, for sale bv «e|> 6 1. J. WHKAT A. BROS \VIRGINIA:—At Rules held in the Clerk’s Office oi the Circuit Court ot Alexandria county, on the 4th day of September, isbO. Robert H. Alilicr, plaint if!, agamst Alaitha B. Ituumev, defendant: The defendant Martha B Kumney not having entered her appearance anti given security according to the act of As sembly and the itiles of tins Court, and it appearing by satisfactory evidence that she i> not an inhabitant of this Common wealth, It is ordered, that the said defendant appeal here within one month after due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect her interest in this suit, and that a copy of this order be foithwith inserted in some news ' paper published in the town of Alexandria (nice ; a week for four successive weeks, and posted at the front door of the Court-house of this C ounty. The object of this suit is to attach the estate or debts due the defendant w ithin the county of Alexandria, as will satisfy the amount due the plaintiff, of eighty dollars and eighteen cents, with legal interest on tssbo. part thereof tiom the 20th day of December, IMl.till paid: and on $>30 is.'the residue thereof from the 23d dav of May, I"45. till pa d, for w hich the plaintiff lias instituted suit at law against said defendant) and the costs of suit. Teste: C. F. LKK. C. C. Kin/kr. p. u- sep 7—law Iw National loan fi nd ufk assi RANCK SOC1KTY, OF LONDON.- -A savings bank lor tlie benefit ol the widow and orphan.” Kmpowered by A* tot Parliament. Capital £'iOU,UUOstei ling, or fc&oOu.OOu.besides a Reserve Fund (from surplus preniiunis)ot about $ls5,ooo. (pait of the capital is invested in tne Cnited States.) T. LamieMurray. Ksq.Heorire street. Hanover Square, Chairman ol the Court of Directors in London. Cmtkd States Hoard ok Local Dirk* iors — ( Chief otfiu tor Amt run* 7 t It u//-'C. A.) .) J. Harvey. Kxj .C’hr'in. John J Palmer, Kxj. Jonathan Hoohue.Kxj. James Boorman. Kxj. (ieo. Bare lav, Kxi. ■ v *1 % l\l 1 1 • j Sam i S. Howiami. hs«j I (iorhain A. Worth.Ks<]. I Samwrl M. Fox. I•>'} Wm. Van Hook, Fsq. |C. Kilw. Hahic’nt. Ks«j < a* it r n -. ranipnitf*. riauR rorin>, lauiesoi ivaiys. Lists of Agents, Ncc. ^c., obtained at the C hiei Office, 74 Walls:., oi from eithei of the Agents throughout the United States.and British North American Colonies. J. LF1ANDF.K S1 ARK. Gen'l Agt.foi the U. S..& B. N. A.Colonies. JAMES M(KENZIE, Agent for Alexandria. John Ric hards. Medical Examiner, jy 1 -4— 1 \ Requisitions. — Outage rad Alexandria | f Railroad Company.—The holdeis ot the stock of this Company for the construction of the Eastern and Middle Sections ot the road, are hereby notified, that an instalment of Sd upon each share of su'd stock, is required to be paid in on the ]\t Jay ot each month, (com mencing wiRi tin> day) until the whole shall he paid. Payments will he made by the Stockholders residing in Alexandria into the Banks in the town, and by those residing in ’he country to the agents recently appointed by the board. | to wit: in Orange, to M Bull, jr., in Culpep er. Rappahannock, and Madison, to John \\ . Bell, in Fauquier, to Samuel G. t atiett. in Prince William, to James H. Reid, and in Fairfax, to Joshua C. Gunnell. By order of the Board: jel _tt J. H. RJKIP. Clerk. TTXC HANGED.—The subscribei takes plea j j sure in announcing to his numerous pat rons (to whom he tenders his most unieigned thanks for their many pa^t favors) that he ha< removed his Paintino F.stabi.isiimkn i from King street, to that large and comfortable room, up stairs, in the new house opposite the lv\ change Bank, east, w here he is prepared, on the most accommodating teun*. to execute "all orders in HOl’SE. SlOh A hi) ORhA VEh'TAL T A /1\ T 1 S G\ and RARER HASH ISO. and promises that nothing shall he wanting on bis part, to give snti«fact on. Also. MAKES tun: PllOOhPA 1\T. saentiticalK prepared, ami applied to routs and ^ jy ID—6(ll* 1*1.AiN. OTA!>I.KU’S COMKOCND S Y li K I* "K O WILD ( HKKUY. a new pieparati »n lor j tbe relief of Consumption, Coughs.* Coids. j Coryza. Bronchitis. Hoarseness, or any form ot ; bronchial or j ulmonarx irritation. Prepared by RICHARD H STABLER, N.W.corner sep 4 King and Wa>h. sts.. Alex a . \ a. 171X I KAC l'S OF FIMWERS —Just receiv li e«l another supply «>f this delightful per fume: al-oCologne water. Bay Rum. and many other aiticles for the toiiet. tc>r sab* at H B WHITI INGi'OA & CO.'S., sep 3 Comb & Vaiiet> store. HOUSES LOTS, AND LANDS FOR \ i.E 1 he subst libel has for sale, sev eral valuable Houses ami Lots in town, some of which are among the best locations toi business—together with a number of Farms in the adjoining counties all of which wdl be disposed of at moderate price* ami upon pleas ing teitns of payment, to puichasers. Persons having Lauds or Lots tor sale, will find it to their interest to give him a call. GKO. \\ H1TF1. Auctioneer, General Land Agent and Commission Mer chant. au- tf FOR RENT.—A comfoitable two story hnck DWELLING HOUSE, sit djl^^uated on Cameron street, at present occupied b\ J. M. Johnson, esq. It i> in tbe neighborhood of good wafer, and a ties ruble residence. Possession g.veil on l*t November next. Apply to sep. l.Wwv EDWARD C. EL ETC HE MEOR rent Th#»cnmmodiou<thiee „tor\ BRICK l>\\ EI.I.INH HOl'SK. on Kmi: street, between St Asiph and Pitt street-, lately occupied b\ Mr. <> haile* ^ il son. For terms apply to H. C. SMIIH. aug ‘21 -tt MFOR RENT—That hamUome store Mid business stand on King slieet. one dooi east of the subscnhei. Posses sion given hi October next. F.nqtnre ot , if J W. UK KW OOD. EOR RENT—A very desirable two stoi\ _ BRICK lAVKLUNO. on Water sireet. n^?Tthe Exchange Bank App’y to e THOMAS Bl KNS. st,p corner of Pi nceand Fairfax st* / iHFAilCALK&c ~^w^t Spirits Nitre; Ni |i irate Lead; Aqua Ammonia: pure Nitric \cid- Hoffman's Anodyne: Ether: Aromatic Spirits Ammonia: Nitrate of Sdvei: lo.ii.le 1 o ,.Um.&c..j«-. receive •*»p 1 * 1 -«RKSH BKDKORD WATKIJ.- B> the har P rel. half barrel, or sallon. . Saratoga Water. b> the box. or smg'e ho’t.e. received, and for yyM^STABl.KR & BRO. Sth mo 2' ‘ Fairfax street. OTABIKKS VK.fiKIABI.K I’Cl-MONA S R\ OR COC.JH SVKl I’.a valuable rem edy for Coushs. Colds. Influenza• >£. prepated hv RICHARD H STAB1.KK. N " met * ; King am! V\ ashn*gton st> FIKCI’SSION CAPS - Wa kci's best, war ranted not to m.v. fite. i;rst.recededI and tor vlu lt C. C. BElUa s. W holesale and Retail Variety More. tM RNACKS—dn-t received a supply of Karthen Furnaces suitable for ptesemn? fruits. Stc. II. mVHTH&CO. sep 7 — ROWANOS Improved Tonic Mixture, far Fever ami Ague and Nervous \\ eaknessc>, for sale bv J. R BIKRBOINT S. K. cor. S(,|, 7 ‘ ot Kilt!; & XX ash-sts. ETHEUF1AI. (MI..—Best quality, just re I ceived aiu! for sale bv i J R. PIER POINT, S. F. cor ot *ep 7 King & Wash-ste O HINA, GLASS AND QU KENS WARE.— ROHT.IL MILLER. (Importer,) keep.' constants on hand, an extensive assortment ol 'oods of the above kinds, which he will sell wholesale or retail, at as low prices as anv es tablishment in other cities,and will pack them securels for any mode of transportation. Among the great vanetj of his stout, he would ennumerate: French Porcelain Vases, richly decorated and gilt (jo do Tea Sets, Gold Band, kc ,j0 tjo Cups and Saucers do do jo do Dining & Tea Sets pure white Cups and Saucers, and other articles separate White Granite, flowing blue ami mulberry Dining Sets Canton China Dining Sets White Granite, flowing blue and mulberry ioi let Sets do do do do do Pitchers, Musis, &c Cut and pressed Glass Bowls, Pitchers do do Gla>s Tumblers, Goblets. W ines do do do Decantets, &c A general assortment of common goods of all descriptions. Bronze, silvered and or rr.olu Girondoles, very cheap do do do Bouquet Holders (jo do do Lard Solar Lamps Ethereal Oil Lamps, of various descriptions Gothic and other 'l ea Tiass and Waiters Cast lion Hat Racks, CmbreRaStands& Chairs Passage ami Hal! Lamps and Lanterns Merchants and house keepers are invited to examine hisstock and prices. o mo H> T7VNGLISH (JR A IN ANDGRASS SCYTHES Hj &c.—The suhscrihers have on hand, a <*•00.1 suppK of the ENGLISH WALDRON GRAIN and GRASS SCYTHES, which we will warrant to he a genuine article, or the mone\ will he returned. Also, an assoitment of AMERICAN SCYTHES, which we war rant to can\ a good edge We have a good stock of CRADLE and MOW ING SNA I I s, some of which are very desirable, and will compare as to quality and price with any ever before offered in this market. Sc\the Stones. Scsthe Rifles, Wooden Hav Rakes. &c., Has Forks of the best spring steel, am!_ cheap.^ We have just received another lot ot Grind stones, and Grindstone Cranks, which we will sell at our former low prices. Our geneia! assoitment ot HARDWARE, embracing a great variety ot articles for bann ing pin| oses. Domestic uses. Building. «Nc., &c.« will compaie svitli ans in the market and our motto »s—"small profits ar.d tjuick sales' Cross Cut. Mill. Pitt ami other Saws. Give us a call, je *24 CREIGHTON & McNAlR. JAMES A. ENGLISH, WHOLESALE AM) RETAIL DEALER lu Hardware. Cutlery. Iron. Steel. H<>tlow U'are. Cfc.. Kitigr-st.. earner oj Dlurkct Alley, Alexamlruu I irginia. HAS now on hand, and will continue to keep. l>\ far the largest and best selected STOCK OF GOODS in'his line, to be found in tins place, which be ssill sell to merchants and others upon as favorable terms as they can he purchased in this oi the neighboring markets, my s—u Ci on on goods— j 21 tunes 34 Shiitings 20 do 78 do ,T2 do 1 1 Sheetings 7 do 34 Osnaburgs 10 do 7f. Fxtra Kttrick do 14 do 1-1 Os: aburgs, tor sab* hv sen I t CAZKNOVK & CO. \ 1 F YOC wish to keep your Hair, use Harry < 1 7 ricnpherotic freely. It co>ts hut cts , a ; oottle. ami has never failed to give satisfac tion. A fresh supply, just received direct from Professor Barry, and can be depended on the genuine aiticle. for sale at , H. B. WHITTINGTON & CO.’S, Si*p 20 Comb and Fancy Store. rillKMICALS, &c.— A muriatic Sp. Amirio nia: Ciot n Oil; Citrate of Iron ami Qui nine: Iodide of Potassium: Hypo Sulphate Soda: TannecAcnl; Dtnarcatized Opium; Gal lic Acid: Iron hv Hulrogen: African Pepper: Chloride Zmc: Citric Acid; Prussic Acid: « tes tou’s Portable Lemonade: Alexandria Senna: t'aimine; Klaterium, N:c.; received and lor sale j by [sep ft] COOK PKFL. j \TANKKK NOTION S.— Biooms, Painted | I Bucket*. Coolers. Tubs, Hingham Boxes, Matches. Door Mat’s. Brushes, Covered Buck ets. <Nc., &c., for sa e low hv T. M McCOKMlCK & CO., <iPp o.q Theatre Building. ! QCPKKIOK OLD POUT WINK.— H) hhds. | i and 16 quaiter casks, just received, per i \)\ ig C,. W. Kussell, from Open to. for sale hv JAMKS DKMPSKY. ‘>0 — tf successor to Phineas Janney. CM'AIKNT. - 200 bbls. Cement, from the J Kingston Lime and Cement Company, New York, dads expected to airwe. and for sale by THOMAS & DYKIL aug l-> Janney \s Wharf. Cil’ANO.— Landing this das from Schooner T Fairfax, sevents five 'Ions prime No. 1 Patagonian Guano. for sale hv T. M. McCOKMlCK CO. sep Id Theatre Building. riHKMICAL OK KTHKKKAL OIL, best V qua itV. just received and for sale bs J." is. PIKKPOINT. S. K. corner of ;ilJg |U King and Wash-sts. OLA NEXT'S HITTERS, tor Inspcpsia, liidi 1 gestion, Nc., t<>r sa o bv WM. STABLER & BRO. r> mo 29th Kail fax-street. ,\1» _Ten hhds Porto Rico Sugar, ju*t O received, and lor sale by T. M. McCORMICk & CO. SOp \t-\ 'Theatre Building QALAD OIL.—Pure Bordeaux, in black bot ties, for sale by 9 mo o WM. STABLER & RBO., Fairfax street. i^ilBSOiVS OLD WHISKEY .--*20 bbls. of Y.T the above superior \\ hBkev. tust received, and lor sale bv D. S. BLAKI/K K. sop 13 * Ferry-Slip. X - BBLS. RECTIFIED WHISKEY. —10 Z i) bbls. Old APPLE BRANDY: ju.-t recei i ved and tor sale t>v I .pp k R. STUART D<)! GLAS._ j TTyiNi OW GLASS.—Received pei schr. \\ Mdisville, a tre-h sapply of Window Glass a-sorted sizes, and for sale at low rates. I <ep 7 H SMITH & Cn._ J C^UANO. _l (»o tons of superior Patagonian: T 30 do Peruvian, 1 of recent importat on. ir stc>r«' and for sale bv a„z it WM L POWELL & SON. • /^CaN<30 ton- Patagonian Guano, just re l V T ceived, an I now landing from tin* -choon ! er Senator, for sale bv THOMAS ik D3 LR. sep 17 Jannev?s \Vnart ! O/BlO L* S of Hams, Shoulders and OlM ! Si te- of Bacon, of strictly prime i quality, for sa eby I DOS Bl RNS. ppp'l3 corner of Prince and Fa'rtax--1s. \ SALKS Fine and (L A. Salt: 10 bbls. f family Herring, a prime article; 20 do. No 3 new Mackerel, for sale b\ nug '-O GRIMES N K1NCHELOE. ^REEN GINGER.-A supply just received ,”J.forMk' \VM. STABI.FK & BRO., . Fairfax street LEMON SUGAR, for the immediate produc tion of Lemonade. rrirVv^r"tS’’oJ’?!"'4 for sale by [aag 7] COOK & PEEL OHO BAGS SHOT, assorted numbers, foi sate t)\ n * v-L' sep 3 WM. BAYNE. WILLIAM BAVNK solicits the attention YY of coiintis merchants and dealers gener ally to his stock of GROCERIES, which having been laid in eaily m the season, before the late advance, he is prepared to offer great inducements. For convenience, he presents to the trade the following list, viz : SC GARS—St. Croix, Poito Rico, Cuba, &c.. in hhds. and bariek Loaf Sugar of 1st, 2d and 3d qualilty. in whole and half boxes: best Crushed and Powdered, in barreis, Solt, Clash ed and Clarified in barrels. MOLASSES—Cuba, Musco\ado, ( ardenas, New Orleans, and Sugar House Syrup, in hhds. and barrels. COFFEES—\iio Green, Porto Rico, St. Do mingo. Old (Government Java, and Maricabo. TEAS—Gunpowder, Imperial, Voung H> son and Black, to which be invites very paiticular attention as be has inducements to oiler that will tell. . f ... TOHACCO AM) SLGARS—-Go\i\ Leal Cavendish Tobaco, with a general assortment of pounds, .Vs and Ss; and Pnncipe, Halt Spanish and Common Segals. SC A DRIES.--Fresh Rice, Maccaroni, Cur rants, Citron, Knglifdi Walnuts, Almond-, fil berts. riu'CM*. Castile. Bar, Rose. Toilet, (Gush ion Coilet. Vicloiia. No. I >ei!o\v, No. 1 brown and black Soaps! “Belmont Speim, Adaman 1;ne and Mould Candles; Scotch Sinitf in Bot tles and Bladders and Rappee in Jars, Sanger's Mustard, No. 1 Chocolate, sup.Carb Soda, Salerauis, Cream of Tartar, Kpsnm Salts, Cloves. Indigo, Dutch Madder. ( hipped Log wood. Red W'ood. Coppeias, Refined Saltpetie, Roll Brimstone, Alum, Cinnamon, Mace. Nut megs, Pepper, Allspice. Race Ginger, Cronin! Peppei ami (Reger, Colgate > IVail and No. 1 Sta'Ch, Corn Brooms and W hisp-. finish s sup. Matches. Lamp Black. Wrapping'1 w Fools cap, Letter ami Wrapping Rapper, Letter en velopes. (irass and Hemp ( oil Rope, Red C ords and Lea ling Lines, as-ored, Painted ^ Buckets, Sugar Boxes. Ala-on s Blacking and Riack Ink. Window Glass S-W’s and 1<>-I2's, Putty, Fine and (G. A. Salt, Table Salt in Boxe.-, Powdei and M ot, Bar Lead, Pickling Vinegar, Ba\ Rum, Clover Seed. Sc., Sc. >t*P H rpo MAKKKi (JAKDKNKIiS, AM) ALL L OIHKKS COACKILNKD.—'Ihe subscri her otters new seed ol his LAKGE )oLI\ CAB BAGE, a vaiiety usurpassed, if equalled, by any ever sold n Philadelphia. 1 his variety is of fiee giow tli and much hardier than the im ported: hence, if it he sown at the usual time in the fall, the piantsattam too large a >ize, and are liable to shoot. It should theiefore not he sown eai her than 1st to 10th ot October in a frame, so that they can he protected, it necessa ry. until large enough to "box i'/>- It sown in February, in hot bed, it vniII piove greatly su perior to any imported Cabbage laised in that way: — the heads being double the si/e. and not so liable to burst as those ra;se.l from European "hp also offers KAIil.Y YORK CABBAGE SEED, raided tiom im|>oried slock: it is a little earlier than LANl)RKTH'S LARGE VolfK, and much larger and hardier than the ENG LISH YORK, or BOLLOCK-HEART. ! ALSO, FOR SALK. All ’he approved varie ties of CABBAGE, BROCCOLI, and CAl Lf FLOWER, imported Lorn responsible persons in England and Gennanv. and warranted tc> gIow. ‘ D. LANDRETH, Philadelphia, sep 1 1 fid i Inst nut Street. WM. STABLER BRO, inno 14 — l\v Agents for Alexandria, Na. ITT A SHI N O FLCID.—Chinese Lustral V t Washing Fluid, tor washing in hard oi so it water, recommended by the most eminent chemists in Europe and America a> being the greatest labor saving discovery of the age. Six or seven cents worth will do the washing in a I ami I \ of eight or ten persons. 1 he week s washing can all lie done in two hours: the u-e of the fluid will save seven-eighths ot the soap; the clothes will he cleaner, whiter, and softer, than if washed with soap and water; it will not in any way injure the textme ol the good-: the clothes will wear one-third longer, a* the weal and tear of the wash-hoard is avoided; it saves an ordinary sized family $-5 a year in labor and wages. Circulars, giving a full de scription of its qualities, and numerous certifi cates, can be had gratis, on application at oui Store. We have been appointed General A gent- by the Manufacturers for the State of \ ir gmia: COOK & PEEL. NVholei^ale p i3 Druggists. Alexandria. A LEXANDKIA TIN-WARE AND STOVE FATORV.—The snhsciiber begs leave to return his sincere thanks to his many pat ions in town and country, for the liberal pationage he has received in the line of ins prole sion: and. assuring himself of a continuation of public favors, he otters a new and splendid assortment of STONES. dust received, sell-regulating close air Stoves, a splendid article, warianted to give satisfaction. New and Improved Cooking Stoves Improved Parlor Coal Stoves Store and Office Stoves Egg Stoves, an improved aiticle. \. R.— l'he subscriber now otters the above article-, together with his formei valuble stock, at such prices as make it woitli the notice of ! purchasers, to cal! at Irs old stand, opposite Wm. Stabler & Bro., Druggis’s. Fairfax street, jo ENOCH GRIMES. ! ^vj ILL ANOTHER LOT. just arr.ved, of those ] ; ^ inim table eight day and thirty hour Bras> Sprue' Clocks Brew*ut*r & Ingrahams make, j at " C. C. BERRY'S, wholesale and retail Variety Store. N. B. There is no risk whatever in buying these ('locks It they do not run well and keep accurate time, the money will he refunded. | sep 7 < . < . B. HOWE'S VIOLIN IN ST VOTER, contain ing complete Instiuclions toi the Violin, with a large collection of marches, quick steps, waltzes, hornpipes. >ongs. and six sets of co j tillions. arranged wil/i figures, containing l-»0 piecesot music, for-aie ( AMMnNf).s, * sep 3 Clothing and Variety Store. Havana shears -12,000 Havana SHEARS, in quarter boxes, and boxes, containing tit tv each, of the following brands: L\ NORMA. ^ J list received, and for DE PRIM HR A, p bv COLORADO. ) * sep:, R. STUART DOUGLAS. TNGKEDI ENTS KOI! PICKLES, &c — Mus 1 taul Seed: White and Black L..i,g Pepper; ‘ Black do : White do.: Gimter: African and ,la i arnica Tunic, ic: Enuiish Mustard: pure ground Black Pepper; received and 'or sale hv ; WM. STABLER & BRO., if,o o Fairfax stieet. D& S. BLACK LOCK, offer for sale a very • lar re ami superior assortment of F(JA E1GN and DOMESTIC 1. 1 <1 C <> /«’ s'- r‘i I every description—ALSO. 25*000 Imported and American ShGAh \ i to which we invite the attent on ot iieaer>. 1 before purchasing, as we will oftet them great inducements. aug‘2'' INDIA CHOLAGOGVK.-Rereived imrnedi 1 atelv from tlie Inventor, and Proprietor, foi sale, wholesale, and retail, by ; WM. STABLER BRO., (j mo 14 Agents for Alexandria. rix>OTH BRUSHES.—A fine a-sortment of JL F'nglish and French Jooth Blushes, ju-t received, and for <a!c t>v J. R. PI EH POINT. S. E. corner $ep23 King and Washington ms. PI KE WHITE LEAD.—SO kegs Lewis Pure White Lead, just received, arid for I sale by [s«p 10] COOK & PEEL. OLD WHISKEY.--20 bbl*. Old Rye Whis ker, just received and for safe By | aug 16 R. 6- DOl ELAS. (\ TIERCES RICE, received per schooner [if Empire, from New York, ami for safe hy sep 3 W M. dA x Ah \VMLLIAM ARNOLD having returned frunr Vv New York and Philadelphia, with a large and well selected stock of GOODS, purchase* by himself, would respectfully infoim his friends and the public generally, that he i> now prepared to furnish any article in his line, oi the most accommodating terms. His stock consists in part as follows, viz: Fine French and Fnghsh Black and Blue Cloth? do ilo Olive and Brown Fancy Cassimeres in great varieties, and in va rious colors Fancy Satin, ami S;lk Vestings in great variety White and figured Marseilles Vesting, of al descriptions, to suit the taste. White and figured Drilling, tor pants, ot all descriptions to suit the tunes and seasons Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore re ceive*!, and hopes by strict attention io give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. Although prepared to furnish CLOTHS and CASSTMKRKS of every descrip tion, be will make any aiiicle, entrusted tc him. Should the customer prefer furnishing his own goods, they will be made up in the most fashionable style, and at the shoriest no tice, ami it satisfaction is not given they need not take them. RKADY MADK CLOTHING—I have a large selection of liendp-AJade ( lothtnj*'. such a* (Moth. Dress and Fioek ('OATS, FAN I S and VKSTS. and a linea-sor’ment ot SIWIMKR CLOTHING. such as Tweed, Summer Cloth. Queen's Cloth, and Alpacca, White and Brown Linen Coats, Fancy CaSsimere and Tweed Fants, While Brown and Figured Drilling Fanis. Fanrv Silk Vests, Marseilles \estsot all des riptions" ami still manufacturing all kinds of Summer nothing, in the neatest and best manner. A Do a large assortment of Linen Shirts. Collars and Bosoms ol the latest sivfe: Focket Handkerchiefs. Italian and fancy Cra vats, ami 'l ies, Cravat Looks. Gloves and Sus pender*. with numerous oilier articles suitable for gentlemens' wear, all of which will be sold on as accommodating terms, a* in this or anv other market. Call and see for yourselves at his establishment, twodoois west of U. H. Mil ler's China Store. apt Removal -sir >e store—My shoe stoie lias been removed from lhe old stand, im mediately eastot Mr. Barton’s silversmith store, lo the room lately occupied b\ Mr. Lockwood, as a lu\ Goods strue. immediately opposite J A. English's Hardware store. J his room ha> been much enlarged, and titled up at considera ble expense, amt With reference both to look * ami to convenience. As in my new store there is a place tor eveiy thing, so every thing shall be kept in it< place. To my customers, and to the public generally. I return m\ grateful thanks lor a liberal share of their patronage during tire last few years, and by endeavoring to keep on hand every thing within rny line of business, I hope to merit a continuance of their tavors. My stock ot goods consists, in part, as follows: LADIES' WEAR. Whole and half Gaiters, black Do do do fancy colored Morocco ami Kid Buskins ami Slippers Do Sea! Walking Shoes. MiSSES ASD CHILDRES S WEAR. Black Morocco Boots and Slippers Fanes Gaiters Bronze and light-colored Slipper? and Buskins GESTLEMES'S WEAR. French calf skin stitched and pegged boots Gaiters, Monroe's. Jefferson's, and slippers. Together with all other varieties ami qualities of woik worn hv gentlemen. ROYS ASD YOUTHS'. Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfaction, and on a< iibeial terms, (quality considered.) as in any other house in town. Come and exam ine lor souiselves. ap 15 ' RICHARD V. CROSS. Q BRING AND SIMMER GOODS FOR O GENTLEMEN'S WEAR.— WILLIAM D MASSEY. Merchant Jailor, would in form die public that |,e has received Ids supply ot SPR1SG ASD SUMMER GOODS. 01 the latest importation and newest patterns, pm chased in the best Cloth houses m the North ern markets, consisting ot— Black, blue, brown, olive, bronze, olive Green. and olive Brown, French Twilled Cloths. Black French Doe Skin Cassimeres, fancy anti plaid do Cashmerets, Drap D'Ete. Tweed and Queens' Cloth (Main white and fancy Drilling. Russia Duck Black Satin, Black Silk. Figured Sdk Drap Mi Bans and plain tig'd Marseilles Vestings Fine and Common Shirts. Oriel Neck 1 ics Italian Cravats, Milk Is., Suspenders Gloves and Socks, with many other articles. w hich must he si on to he appreciated. READY MADE CLOTHISG. I have on hand a good assortment of Dress. Frock, Sack and Business Coats: ( assimere. Sattinet. Drilling. Canton Cottonade and Linen Check Batiialooio: Black Satin, Fancy Silk. Marseilles. Verona. Milan am! Linen Nests. All cut and made in the best manner. Thankful for the very liberal patronage here tofore enjoved, 1 beg to assure my ti lends and all others who may need any thing in my line, that 1 atn prepared to sell at the lowest figure, and to warrant any article made by me to give satisfaction, or it may be returned. ap 21 Boots, shoes, hats and caps — The subscribers take pleasuie in inform ng Country Merchants, and puichasers geneially. that they arc now leceiving their Fall Supply of POOPS, SHOES, IIA'I S and CAPS, which comprises a very large stock ot the usual varie ty kept in a Wholesale Shoe Store, and will he sold as low as they can he purchased in this or any other market, and respectfully solicit an examination of our stock before purchasing. sep u McVKIGH. PRO. & CO. McVKIGH, PRO. & CO., are now in receipt of their Fall supply of GROCERIES, comprising an unusually laige ami general as sortment. purchased just in time to enable them to sell as low a* any other house Their stock of green and black 'PEAS is unusually large, quality very fine, and prices very low. Coun try merchant^, and pin chasers generally, are respectfully invited to examine tlwir stock tie fore puichasing, pledging themselves to make it their interest in so doing. ^ep 14 ^ inn HMDs. New Orleans. Porto Rico, and 11 M/ Si. Croix SCGARS s.r> boxes best Loaf Sugar 45 hl»ls. best Crushed and Pulverized do 25 %i soft crushed do 50 bags white Brazil do In store, and for sale bv sep 18 McVKIGH, BRO & CO. ChtJpZ BOXES TOBACCO, comprising-a / 0 general assortment of Cavendish. 5’s, [ S*s, and 12's, Horn fair to very superior, to art ! examination of which we particularly invite purchasers, as we will make it their interest to i examine our stock. j sep is McVEIGH. BROL& CO 07 X HALF CHESTS GUNPOWDER, Ji ( Imperial. Noung Hyson, and Black 'TEAS: comprising a large portion of extra ftue aHcility, at such prices as cannot fail to plea-e, bv ; sep IS * McVKIGH. BRO. k CO. inn HHDS. Cuba. P. R. and N.O. Molasses Iv/vJ 75 lieiccs an 1 barrels •• u do 50 bbis. superior Syrup, in store, and for sale by „ sep l" McVKIGH, BRO. & CO. 1 npi CASKS OLD WINES, comprising PU 1/0 |>erior Old Madeira. Pale and Brown Sherry. Old Port. Lisbon, Sicily, Sweet and Dry Malaga: all of which we offer 'or «a!e very low. SfpV McVKIGH, BRO. & CO OPIRITS TURPENTINE—10 casks Spirits mm Wf J7 C'lLAGE'IT & DODSON, Dealers in all j kuuh of House-Furntilling Dry Goods. I one door east of the earner oj Oth street and Pennsylvania avenue, have the pleasuie ot in forming tlie citizens of Washington, George town, and Alexandria, that their stock ol goods in this department is now perfectly complete.— i Having studied the wants of iheir customers > and selected their goods with great care, they feel confident that they will recommend thein ; selves to all who see them. The stock of Carpetings at present in store consistsof the following descriptions, ot which any quantity, either wholesale or retail, may he had with us, viz : French, Belgian. Saxony, English and Ameri can Tapestry Velvet: English lapestry and plain Brussels, ai very low’ prices; Imperial, English. Scotch and American three-ply and In grain, at all pr ces; Brussels 'Lapestry, twilled and plain: Venetian and Dutch (a new article. 1 very pretty) for halls, passages and steps, ot ail .widths and prices: Druggets, from 0-4 to 10-4 wide. Fioor Oil Clothes, in superb Tapestry, Brus j sets. Gothic. Fane!, and Mosaic pane patterns. ! which we cut to tit any room, hall, or other place in a house which may he desired. Also Coco Matting, a new article, made from the fibres ot the Cocoa-nut hull. It is impervi ous to dampness, and therefore well adapted to he used on brick, stone, or damp wooden floors. IN CURTAIN MATERIALS. \\ e have m tM* ricnest. new est, and mosiae ' sirahle shies. Satin [.aims, Brockatels. Dam ask Laines, Worsted, Damask and Moreen, all : m contiast or plain colors, with Drapery ; Coni.- and Tassels, Side Loops. Gimps, superbly 1 emhroideied tinder Cuitain, both single anti double; Cornice-. Biacket- or Side Ihns. in el egant iilv and hi>toric designs; and all other fixtures necessary lor curtains. Also the very latest numbers of “Le Garde Mouble, Ancien et Modere collection de ce tu rel,” public par D. Gulmare et Bureaux, Paris, lot which all who have new cuitains of us will have the benefit. Also, an extensive assortment of colored land wh'te Dresden, Saxony. Marseilles, ami Allendale Quilts, with Unhand Toilet Covers J to match: Whitney and Rose bed, crib an t ra j die blankets: Sheetings ami Pillow case L nens j and Cottons. T able Damasks (among which we have the j celebrated Portland Vase pattern) and Diapers. 1 all widths, and Napkins to match: V\ ine 01 De* 1 sett Cloths, with Doylies to match. Embos.-ed Cloth and Damascus Piano and i Table (.’overs. A general assortment of Hearth Rugs and Door Mats. In a word, every desi table article necessary for the comfort and convenience of a well re gulated family, ail of which are warranted as represented, and will he sold as low. if not lower in prtce. that at any other house, this side of Boston. We respectfully invite all who have an inter est in seeing pretty goods, or who may he in want, to call and see for themselves. CLAGETT & DODSON. Washington, sep IS—St' /COTTONS, FLANNELS, &c.—The sub V_y scriber has ju-t received, and has now in store another large supply of bleached and brown Shirting. Sheeting, and Pillow Ca*e Cot tons, of ail widths and mo-t approved makers: O.-naburg*. and Penitentiary Plaids 'Tickings and Mariners Stupes Furniture and Apron ('hecks Karlston and Domestic Ginghams Russia Diapers and Crashe Bleach'd, brown and coi\l Cotton Table Diapers Do do do Canton Flannels White, red. and yellow Flannels, all wool and Kentucky .Jeans and I/nseys [domestics Beaverteen and Velvet Cords Tweeds and Cassmets, with many other Goods adapted to the FALL I BADE -to which the at-1 tention of the dealing public is respectfully invited sep 23 G. K. WITMER. I A DIES DRESS TRIMMINGS—Just re j 1 g ceived fiom New \ork, a supply' of the ' latest styles of Dress Trimmings, to which we invite the attention of the Ladies, viz: Fancy Buttons: Mohair f^ice: Saloon de Jenny I/nd; Galoon de France; Algerine Braid: Taylor, Zephyr and Victoria Braid>: (imps: Fringes: Velvet Ribbon®: Belting®: Neck Ribbons; Silk and Worsted Embroi.Iermgs: Braids: Zephyr Worsted: Sewing Silks and Oiled Silks: al-o. a beautiful st\Ie of Crotchet Lamp Matt*, and many other fancy articles, which we will sell at the lowest prices. sep 24 H. B. WHITTINGTON & CO. DO NT NEGLECT YOUR HAIR.—Just re ceived a large supply ot Barry s T rico* imierocs, the best and cheapest hair restora tive ever offered in this or any other communi ty. Like Jenny Lind, it .-tand> unrivalled, and bids defiance to all it* competitors. The evi dence of its popularity is the increasing de mand for if. and having been putchased of Pro misor Barry, in person, t* a guarantee ol it® being genuine. For sale at 2 > cent* a bottle. Ht A. LAM MON DS. P. S. Orders fiom the country promptly at t.*n>lp f to, sep 2 1 Hardware, cutlery, &c.—'ihe >wt> senher would call the attention of mer chants and dealer® general Is’, to hi- stock of HARDWARE. CUTLERY, kc.. which he ha® just received, ami i® prepared to sell, upon terms which cannot fail to give satisfaction. He is satisfied that hi® puce* will compare favorably with any i t this or the more northern markets.' and respectfully solicits a cad fiom purchasers before busing el-ewhere. JAMES A. ENGLISH. Alexandria. *°p 25—*f _ .)/\/\ KBI.S. EXTRA Will IE v'HRAJ. oUU family AND bakers- flour. My oil'll manvjiulure and warranted. 1500 Bush. Heavv Shorts 400 - •• ’ Ship Stuff loo »* Corn Bran For sale, reasonable to tin* trade. X. FORD. King St , between sep *25 Union k Water «t«. 1T,ALL GOODS. RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS. t1 &c — C. C. BERRY has ju*t relumed from the Northern Cities, with a fine and well selected assortment of Bonnet. Neck and Belt Ribbon*. f>re** Trimming*. Buttons. (’olJars, Cuff*. Cares. Hosiery, Glove*. Combs. Powder Put!*. Needles. Thimbles, Scissors, Pens, and a vaiiety of other articles expressly for the I^a , 411e** of Alexandria. X. B. A larger assortment ot Combs than I ever ^'P 27 ' VAVAL STORKS— ^ l^bblr.Nol, |Rosin. 50 do ( otnmon, > 133 do Tar 75 do Pitch 10 do Spirits Turpen’ine. for *a e by sep 27 THOMAS & DYER. /CHEESE BUTTER AND LARD.— , 12 boxe* mild Cheese: 0 kegs fiesh Butler: 12 kegs No. 1 Lard: Just received and for *ale low bv I F HKN0KKSO.Y corner Kin? se{) 07 ' and Alfred S’reets. 4 NTIIRACI'I E COAL —'WO tons Red Ash A ‘-rate COALaml 100 Ions llhtle.l h lump, m*t received from Philadelphia, and for sale, by ; just recei }J s WaTTLES| I ii —im Foundry Wharf. 17AMILY FLOUR—Boyce, Tavlork Co.'s ; superior Family Flour, m barrels and sacks, constantly on hand and for sale bv D. k S BLACKf/)CK. nep 2n Ferry Slip. U”» OODGA TF/S LEMON SUGAR -50boxes of the above su|»erior article just re* ce.ved and for sale low. by s ,{| A(.M)CK sep io Fetiy blip MISCJEELA N EC >lTS. THE SEASON.—hv t. hood. Summer's gone and over! Fogs are falling down, And with russet tinges. Autumn's doing brown. Boughs are daily rifled By the gusty thieves. And the Book of Nature, Getteth short of leaves. Round the tops of houses, Swallows, as they flit. Give, like yearly tenants, Notices to quit. Skies, of fickle temper. Weep by turns and laugh, Night and Day together. Taking half and half. So September endetli— Cold and most perverse— But the months that follow. Sure will pinch us worse! _ _ ———mm* - A Private Soldier in her Majesty s 11th Dra goon Regiment, charged his Colonel (Ring) with cowaidice, for which lie uas tried and flogged, alter w Inch, in the presence of the Reg iment. lie repeated the charge in the teeth ot his Colonel. For this oflence he was sentenced to seven yeais Transportaton; but Sir Charles Napier not only pardoned the Soldier, hut said that the Uth Regiment in the battle refeired to, would not have faltered, if it had been properly led. This taunt was too much for Col. King, who immediately blew his own brains out.— Exchange Paper. Oil. AND CANDLES.—Daily expected, the schooner Bolivar, from Nantucket, having on hoard— 3000 galls. Winter Sjierm ] 1500 do Spring oo 0000 do Bleached \\ hale [ OILS. s00 do Solar , 13 bbls. Tanners* j 150 boxes Sperm Candles 50 bbls. Blue Fish, for ?ale hv sep 10 LAMBERT k AfcKKNZiK. USEFUL AND CHEAP— Just received a lot of Wash Boards; Market Baskets; Beefsteak Beaters. Potato Mashers; Egg Beat ers; Wooden Ladles: Cocoa Dippers: .Mop Sticks: Clothe* Pins; Children's Baskets; White Wash Brushes; Picture Frames; Pictures fine ly co In led: Looking Glasses: and a great many other useful articles, lor sale cheap, at A. LAM MONO S, sep 21 Clothing and Variety Store. XT EG ROES WANTED.—We wish to pur XN cha*e any number of N EG IK fES. for which we will pay Richmond prices. Persons wish ing to sell can find ready sale by calling on us, at our house, in West End. Alexandria, \ a., where we can be found at all time-* prepared to pay the highest cash prices, for all that may he offered. [iny 17 -tt] BRl IN & HILL. Oi \ HIIDS. Porto Kico Sueais: 20 packages r)V / Loaf. Crushed, and Powdered Sugars; 45 hhds. and bbls. prime P. R , N. O. and Cu ba Molasses; 20 bids, prime Steam refined Sy riim |ti>t received, and in stoie, for sale by sep 23 FLEMING X DOUGLASS. A B DOM INAL SUPPORTERS & SHOULD ER BRACES—A supply of Dr. Fitch's su perior Abdominal Supporters, of assorted sizes, and Shoulder Braces. ]u.-t received and for sale by J. R. PIER POINT. S. E. cor. of ’sopoj King& Wash-st*. ALCOHOL.—A further supplv <>t 95 percent. Alcohol, just received per Sc hr. Statesman, from New York, and for sale by JAS. ENTWISLEJr., Apothecary, sep 20 opposite Sarepta Hall. BROWN'S ESS. JAMAICA GINGER: Wheeler'sTeaherry looth Wash: W istar s Balsam Wild Cherry; Peases Horehound Can dy, just received and for -ale hv sep 23 COOK & PEEL, Odd Fellows'Hall. PERUVIAN GUANO.—The subscribers have a few tons Peruvian Guano, still on hand, which they will chise out low T. M. McCORMlCK & CO., s».p 23 Theatre Budding. CAi k BAGS prune Rio. Maricaibo. and old Ox I (ioverninenl Java Coffee*; 50 bbls. prime Porto Rico ditto, just received, and in slore. for S<<sep23 FLEMING & DOUGLASS. \TAKN. YARN.—Just receive*!, all colours and sizes, ol best 3 thread Saxony Yarns, from S7L, cent* to $2.23 per lb., at C. C. BERRY’S Whole-ale am! Retail or* Variety Store. CANARY" SEED, Oiris Root, Celery Seed, and Green Ginger, a further supply, just received, and lor sale by JAS. EN I WISLE. Jr., Apothecary, sep 21 New Store, opposite Sarepta Hall. r BOXES Corn Starch, a new article for •J making Blanc Mange, Puddings. Nc.. and answers all the purposes ol Arrow* Root, just received, ami loi sale bv sep 23 FLEMING X DOUGLASS. INDIAN CHOLOGOGUE Oegood’s Indian Chologogue. the genuine article, a fresh sup ply received, and lor sale by 1 Hep 10 COOK X PEEL. ALCOHOL.—Ethereal Od, Camphme or Pine Oil, of the very best quality. h>r sale at COOK X PEEL'S, Druggists, tpp 23 K,nUr ^reet T OOK AT THIS— J. W. LOCKWOOD I J has pi-t opened a beautiful assortment of Merrimac Print*, colors warranted; give him a call. ^ lf BACON.—33,000 lbs. Hams, Shoulder* and Sales Bacon, for sale low, by D. k S. BLACKLOCK. sep 26 Ferry Slip. LEWIS'S PURE WHITE LEAD. Just re ceived, and for sale by J. R. P1ERPOINT. S. E corner of Pep 23 Kirns and Wa»*h. **t«. 11 EST CHEMICAL OK EI HERIAL OIL.— 15 Manufactured and sold at I) H GUINN’S, Cheap Drug Store, cep N. W cor KmgX Fairfax *t*. fk¥mj r BAf'iS prime Green Rio, Laguy ra, Por O/O to Rico. Angostura, Maracaibo, arid Hid lava COFFEES : i" *tore, an(1 for K\le *ep l8 MrYEIGH. BRO. & CO NKW JERSEY BUTTER.—23 pad* fresh Ww Jer«eV Butter, received by Express, ami fonsaie by T. M McCOKMICk fcCO.. 25 fheatre Building. a s\ LBS. Hams, boulders. an«i 4U.I/UU Side* Bacon, just received, and for sale \ov\ by D. & S. BLACKI/K.K. ,3 Ferry-Slip. / COUNTRY KMT SOCKS.—2000 pair of V; good country knit SOCKS, wanted in ex* change |-,r cheap Dry ^ rpAR.—133 bbl* Tar. daily eM*c>ed to a> aep'r? fr°m N°rth jraoMASJfcDvfo. I ^mvu r)|vfc’ (Hf _Iu«t received and for ! TT^i n H O TfNiVS.New l>ru* Store. N 'V-or »«* «!*£ HZ iJQWHCKt CO.. VJ Theatre Binldmgr. sep 23 -----r— Eastern chkese.-soo lb*, prime fca»t ‘ cheew pj«t received and for aale a. iU4 22 ^HlTE S. IWiffiee corner q " BOXES prime New OllUiJ** received, I'% "ale by K STl’ART DOICLAS.