OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, September 25, 1856, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1856-09-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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Hy leaterday
Imirovemext in Virginia.—It is pleasing
{(. know that amidst the war of politic*, our
work* of peaceful enterprise and general in
tt.r*»wt are not standing still. One of these,
tV tunneling of the Blue Kidge, will soon he
accomplished. We have the prospect ot dav
|icbt through the mountain at the end of No
vember, an event which will shorten the time
between the termini of the Central Kail road
least one Lou'-, and i errnit heavy freight
trains to pass freely between the \ alley aud
Eastern Virginia. . .
Vet we shall almost be sorry to lose that
picturesque and inspiring route by the tem
porary track—one ot the greatest engineer
ing feats oi the age,—the glorious mountain
s ei>erv, and the vast and beautiful view ot
hi go land and valley which has so long feast
ed the eves of travelers at hockhsb Gap.—
• Go Ahead,*' however, is the motto ot the
and except as a resort for health and
pleasure, (for which by the way we should
think it would offer great inducements.) the
tide of travel will be permanen tly turned
tron» the Mountain Top.—lU h. !>**}'•
F'li.more in Georgia.—The Macon Citizen
aavs that “from many letters recently received
bt this office, we are satisfied that nothing is
wanting but an active and determined effort
on the part of the friends of Fillmore to give
him the vote of Georgia. The people are
gainst the politicians iu this contest, as sure
as vou are born, reader. Let our spcakerB
g.» torth, and let our Fillmore clubs and fill
more men of means, circulate the documents.
K*t our Executive Committee wake up to the
importance ot the occasion, and let us a
work, from this time to the day ot election,
and that day is ours!”
Ecclesiastical Meeting.—On Vr.day, the
3d proximo, the Triennial Convention of the
German Keftruied Church will assemble in
Winchester. It is composed of Ministers and
Uv delegates from all the classes m the
l iiited States, and considers all matters of
general interest to that extensive commu
nion. A large number of clerical and other
delegates are expected. The sessions will
last from four to six uays. Services will be
held daily.
Pike Members.—At the annual meeting of
the Missionary Society, Western Virginia
Conference, M. E. Church, South, held in
Guyaudotte last week, Messrs, tillinore, Bo
chanan, Donelson ami Kreckiornlge. ennui
dates tor President and Vice President were
made life member© of that society. Their
political friends advanced the required sum
of eighty dollars to purchase their certifi
cates ot membership.
M».riioi>isi Com lrence.—The annual con
ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church
South, of Western Virginia, has just closed
its session in fluyaudotte, \ irginia. lhe
presiding Elders were authorised to act as
agent© for Marshall Academy. I lie first
Friday in May next was set apart as a day
for fasting and pniver. After making the
appointments, the Conference adjourned to
meet at Charleston, K anaw ha county, on the
lid of September next.
The Norfolk and Petersburg Kail Koad
Company have purchased S.500 tons ot Kn
glish iron, to be delivtred in Norfolk on the
1-t February next. The laying of the track
will soon commence, and the road is expect
ed to be finished by tbe 1st < >ctobor next. In
purchasing iron, the Directors have saved
>;’»tMMM>on the origin') estimate.
A Medical Hoard, to consist ot Surgeons C.
A Finley, S. U. J. Decamp, and J. *J. U.
W right, will asi emble at St. Louis, Mo., on
the 1st of November, 1SV», for t!»e examina
tion of applications for admission into tbe
medical stall of th*» I nked States Army.—
Applications for admission will be made to
the Secretary ot N\ ar.^
The Americans of Annapolis, Md , will
give a grand barbecue, interspersed with
speeches from Messrs. Hoffman, Harris, Kil
gour, Schley, Alexander, Mel had, and other
gentlemen, on the l-*tof October.
The health of Secretary Dobbin, ha© im
proved since his return to North f arolion.
l<.b. Sun > u ■
SEPTEMBKK. *-tafs wU MoouV Phahks
2.'* Thursday.. .*» 3 3 371 d h m.
iu Friday.»*• I 3 ;V. New.2S 1*» 37 k
27 Saturday .. •» 3,3 33 Fust qr.. 7 «) 27 y.
2S Sunday ... h 7 3 3< Full. 13 3 42 k.
2d Monday .. •» *3 32 E**» «jr 20 t» fh k.
;<«» Tuesday ... d -»3f*t uiuii watkk.
1 Wednesday t» P‘3 3ti Sum 23 3’r». 23m.
L A T K S T L> A X li 3.
Union.Ivpt l*> [ Havre.Sept. 9
Liverpool.. Spt !l)| New Orleans*.Sr|*t i'v
Schr. Black Squall, Neale, New N »>t k. guano
to Wm. Bayne.
Schr Wm Henry, Marshall, hence, af Phila
delphia, 2vd in>t.
Sc hi Marrietta Burr Nickerson, trom George
town. arrived at Boston 21st inst.
Schr Svlvanus Allen, Sears, hence at Boston
221! inst.
Schr M. (\ Durfee, James, hence at Fall
Kiver ldtli inst.
lunnicatioi: of Alkx4N!*kia Washington Loogk
No 2i\ will be held hi their Hall tins (Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock, when an election for
Se«r*4uiy, will lake place. The D. D. G. Mas
ter will be piet»ent. J. C BROV\ N, W. M.
*ep 23— ! t
\ for the quarter ending on the 13th instant
air now ready tor delivery. Chi at! bills paid
within five days after presentation, and on none
utheis. a discount of 3 percent, will be allowed.
*ep 2’»■—eo3t [Sent.] J. ROXBl R\,Supt.
irK T NURSE WANTED, enquire at this
▼ f Office. sep '3—dtf
ififccOA l. to New York. Providence, Bridge
port. New Haven, and Boston, and other Eastern
P'rts. for which t:»e highest current freights will
he paid. Apply t«' D. K. YOUNGER,
Agent Swanton Coal and Iron Co.
Georgetown. D C. *ep‘J— e«»lm*
£N VESSEL WANTED to load with grain
'r Halifax. N.S. Despatch given.
•5 2*1 FOWLF. A CO.
Sit* sep 23——tf PIONEER MILLS.
FRAME DWELLING, on Henry street,
vn»tb e» d, known as the “Village.” For terms,
*Myto G. APPICH, King-street.
sep 23—dtf
<i ,*i?uated on Princess street. opposite ('apt
^lue* K H HANFORD At CO.
*ep 24 —eotf
Fayne street. No. 2t*. with eight rooms
tutigag. Enquire on the premises, sep 23—31
j^JOTKE—Notice is hereby given, that th*
Al partnership of G ARWOOD A SWINKKR
*• ‘usaohed SAMUEL N. GARWOOD.
*P ‘^4—3t
iLlJliaV. iiU
Fili.more Mketim;.-J. M. Kilgour, e-q.. ;
of Montgomery County, Mil., delivered an
eloquent, argumentative, and mo-t felicitous
speech at liberty Hail, on Tuesday night.
Notwithstanding the iuolemency of the weath- j
er the Hall was well tilled, and much en- ;
thusiasm was manifested. The arguments
I in Mr. K's. speech were weighty, and must
| have carried conviction to the minds of
all his hearers. The anecdotes were very ‘
I appropriate and well told, and never failed j
| to produce the devired effect. All who heard
! the speech, concur in the opinion that it was
one of the best politics! speeches that has
been delivered during the canvass. After
Mr. Kilgour had concluded, Mr. T. M. M n
r>e was called out, and closed the meeting
with some appropriate remark*. The meet
in* was nresidsd over by \\ . h. Massey, esq.
° c _*
For the Fillmore Baruecue.—A number
of pers ms from this place, went down yes-:
terday to Piscataway, to attend the Fillim.ro |
Mass Meeting and Barbecue. TheO. W. P.
Custis, in tow of the steamboat .lames 'my,
took a number of persons from W ashington.
Thf. Weather.—We had a rain on Tues- i
day night, and yesterday the weather was j
again cold. Fires in doors, and overcoats |
| out of doors, were indispensable.
No business was transacted in either
branch of the City Council, on Tuesday
(’i).a .'1 EK<‘lj\ I..
Alexandria Market, *4 1.
FLOL’B is stead.)—n<» sales reported—hold
ers firm. Last sates $»• 75—receipts continue*
light, and storks very small.
WHKAT.—The receipts of Wheat are fair. ,
Sales to-day ot good to prune red at loi\<i F-»ot\, j
and white at l t fn ’ lf,«*.
CORN.—Sales oi white and m.xod Corn at
C»0 ots.
OATS 33 cts. j
KYK t*(K<z‘>-V Other articles are unchanged.
m _ i
Tlie Markets.
i Baltimore, Sept. 2L—Flour is ur*.-hanged.
i Sales of Howard street at Sd To ; City Mills
_.. u^^ I **..,/”. hot
J OU.JV. fW lilt** «VV - --
' prices ure unsettled. Corn is astride lower.
White sold l*»»r 57(<4*>S, and yellow at "7(g> j
02 cents. Prices, however, are irregular.
New York. Sept. 21.—Flour is unchanged.
State, Sb,7i> (o‘> &U:»: Ohio* 1
' Standard southern, Sd.tH) (<? ^7.2b. Wheat
has declined 2(n cents. Sales of 20.fvM> j
bushels. Southern white, £ 1,•’*-(" "l. dl; red, '
J $l,40(t^Sl,40. Corn is tirui. Southern mixed, |
! 0b$ cents.
.— j
II ALL SCPPLY —We art* now receiving pei
^ Schr. Fairfax, and other ve'seL, Mom
Vw York, our FALL M'PPLY OF dKOCK- i
; KIF.S. comprising m part, as follow* —
7b Lb Is. MiiNfovawi* anti Poito llico Sugar*
.*{.'» boxes double refined Loaf
1 bi» bids. Crushed, l’ul\cii/.ed, ami Refined
Ct>llt*e Sugar
7b hhds. Mu-covado Mola>st*s
12b bbL. New Orleans
27b hags dreen Kio Collet*
lb" •* Old Java. Maracaibo, and Laguvra
lib bail chests dunpowder lea, (medium to j
prime quality )
7b hall cheats Imp“iialand Y. ilyson lea
4f) “ •* Powchong and Oolong k‘
2b ti«‘rces t'resh b*-at K:ve
4b Keg- Sup ‘arbSoda
12b boxes assorted lodet Soan
j J bo •* Rosin do ; .'»> d*». ( il*t lit* do ; L •"
I do. Mould Candles; 11" do. Adamantine do: j
1 7b do. lVarl Starch; 1" bales Soft Shell A'moud*: !
I no drums Figs; 2"" bug- Shod aborted imin
i hers; I""') lb> l>ar L**ad; lb" boxes s X 1" and
| |oX12 Window diass, lb" keg* pure Lead,
(in Oil.) bb bags drain Peppei and Pimen’.o:
lbO dozen Painted Pads: 2b" iearns Miigb* an*!
double Wrapping Paper; 2b" do. Killed. Letter,
and dap do: 100 do. Tea do.; casks Tram
and Lamp Oil; Mustard. Corn Brooms; (’i"v,s |
1 Mac* , Indigo; Nutmeg*: Led ( old* ai d Leading
! Lines; Kope; Cass’a; (. opperas: Maonti. Sal
^ I’etre; Alum; Kxtract Logwood: Orour.d amt
j Race (linger: Putty: Blacking; Matvaioni; Kp
; sorn Salt': Yeast Powders, Ac . Ac.
We invite our on-Tomer* and riit-rriooF* gt-ne
! rali v. visiting this market, to call ami examine
. oui assoiuin m neiotv making men
! they will find it to their intere.-t To (it) SO. as we I
j can and will do as well for them as can l"* done ,
in Bailimore.
gt»p 04 Prince-street M hart, Aiex a.
SKlTEtftUKK 2-U>. S
fllHE adjourned meeting ot the stockholders
J of B«*nk ot tne Old Dominion, to take into j
| consideration the establishment of a Branch ot ,
saitl Bank in Pearishuig. Giles county, win j
take place at their Banking Hon-**, on I uesday.
the seventh of October. sep 2:t—eofTthOct j
1)KKt VIAN GCA NO.—The undersigned are
now receiving direct irom Messrs. I’. Bur
j reda X Bio., agentstoi the IVruv ian Govei nment, 1
their usual full supply ot the he-t No. I *’EU«.
VIAN GCANO, m e'xtra stout bagging, in e\
! cellent order, which they otler t«.» then t usto
• mers at the lowest market rate.
aug 2*'*—tf_FOWLE D CO
1 PERUVIAN GCANO p-r ship -Westward ,
Ho. direct tromChin ha Islands, just .ir
rived and now* discharging. 1 he gr; \t excel
lence ot this cargo recommends it to pnicha>eis
and the bags being new and 01 the best desciip
tion ensures its delivery in perfect order. Ap
ply to EirZHCGU COYLE,
j^p ir,—dg\v No. ol Daingcrtield s \\ liari.
MEXICAN GUANO.— We have m store, a
supply of A. A. BROUN MEXK AN
GUANO, containing 70 per cent Bone Phosphate
of Lime, which we will close out at $-»' p‘‘i'
22-tu lt>s. It is a very cheap permanent lerti
li/er. and mixed with Peruvian will amp v rej»a\
the tarrner lbi its use.
j V OTICE.—Noticei> hereby given, that appli
cation will be made to the Washington
and Alexandria Turnpike Company, tor the re
newal of scrip Tor one share standing in my
name as Trustee, the same having been lost or
mislaid. ** ^ LADD.
Sl.p —eo*lt Bv 1\ E. HOFFMAN. Any.
discount of 4 per cent, will be allowed on
aii taxes paid on or betore the 1st ot October,
l can be tound at the office of W. B. Price. No.
1‘jA Pitt street. W'. K BALL. Collector
^>p 04_dOctl of Southern District.
i\ discount ol 4 per cent, w ill be allowed on
all taxes paid on or before the 1st ot October.
I can be found at the store of H B W hittingion.
on King street. J. A. FIELD Collector
5*p 04_dOctl ot Northern IVtr «t
C'lOAL AFLOAT.—We expect to receive
j during the present week, per Schr Evelmc
Rickey, from Philadelphia. 2«*> tons RED and
WHITE ASH EGG COAL, which will be de
livered from vessel, at our usual low
C1 KEEN GINGER; Tamarinds, and Preston
I A Merrill s Yeast Powders, just received,
and for sale by .I AS. EN i YV ISLE, dr,
*ep 24 ' Apothecary. No. 9 tjv .ng-strM
supply, just manufactured, and tor sale by
sep 24 Apothecary, No. 94, King street.
Rochester, September 24.—The Fillmore
Convention completed its labors at d o clock
this morning, and adjourned alter having
completed the nomination of the State electo
ral tickets. Hon. lUniel Ullman and .Jesse
C. Dunn were nominated for electors at large.
The Convention was unanimous in its busi
ness, and closed with three vociferous and
heart-felt cheers for Fillmore and the Ameri
can party.
The Northern Americans in their evening
session adopted resolutions cheerfully respon
ding to the Fillmore Convention torn fusion
on the Fillmore ticket, reaffirming the prin
ciples of the Northern Americans and declar
ing the national committee discharged. The
Convention adjournd sine die.
Rochester, Sept. 21.—The nominations
bv the Americans and North Americans,
have been hailed with enthusiastic delight.
Doth are now holding a mammoth mass rati
fication meeting, which is equal, in spirit and
unanimity, to the palmiest days of the cam
paign of 1840. i all ten thuusand persons
are present.
Cleveland, Sept. 24.—The State l air
opened yesterday, and the attendance was
Cassius M. Clay addressed an immense
meeting of tho Republicans hist evening.
V.osrox, Sent. 24.—The Arabia sailed at j
before teu this morning, taking out about
873,000 iu specie.
Columui.a, S. C., Sept. 24. —A heavy frost
occurred here last night, which it is feared has
done much injury to the cotton crop.
1)F.Al. F.STATK FOR SALK—l will sell
^ at private bargain— a LO'l OF OIUH NR.
on south side ol Queen. between Royal and
/-X Fairfax streets, with the two story HKD K
li”I« inert.!-LNO thereon, in Iront on Queen
>h«et 47 fee-, more 01 less, and running back SS
‘i l i.ii-li.X Alvll
Two VACANT lots, on the east side ol
Raval street, near tin* corner of Queen, in front,
each gj jeer, and running back 7» leet, w ith an
alley 7 leet wide, leading into Queen st.eet.
For *ei ms, applv to (*LO. AA HI i k. No. L> ,
King street, or to the subscriber. b_\ letter, »o
( pperville. Loudoun C ounty. A a.
*,»p jjs—po-<w .Hill N M SCO l T.
^ N't) yards lulled C.Ti»t.1
*ti mi - Plaid Liusry
ono- white Factory Flannel
f> tons Shenandoah Iron
in kids. No. 1 Family Herring
r, M>!v No. 1 Family Shad, 1 bbl. Solar Oil. 1
bid Machine Oil. \ bbl. Ethereal. Oil. 1 bbl.
Linseed Oil. 1 bid. Turpentine. '• hhds. brown
Sugar, •’» boxes l.oal Sugar, L* bins, wuite Su
gar. .r» Chests superior l eas, ‘-j hhds. Molasses,
I• > sacks Cotiee. IU*i sacks (•. A. ^ line S.i11. 111 1
1,1,1* Lime. »(, ii i Shingles, o.ntiu Plastering
Laths, received, and lor -ale bv
Rectortov. u Station. A a, sc;, ]*,—eo‘.-m
(10PAKTN KKM1 IP.— I have ihis day asso
j ci.itod with me in business. LION IN 1
AsHKA —the business will be conducted hereaf
ter in the name and style of ASHBA & CO
As ! will be engaged in settling my old busi
ness. the business ol the im-w firm will he under
I'm- supervision ol 1.. I. Ashby, lhanklul loi
;he liberal patronage In tetoJore extended to me,
I hope the new him will merit a continuance oi
the same. SAMI KL T. ASHBY.
Piedmont. «ep >—eo 'm
A New Rom'k. by the author of "AVide.
World." • Queechy." -Dollars and Cents,"
etc. etc.
The Dills of the SlrPemtie. bv F.lizabeth
AVeitherill. author ot “AA'ide. AVide World, etc.,
complete in 1 \ol.. l'Jmo. bound in dotii, price
Arthur's Magazine for October, 1v jV
sep g 1
1 LAID! FOR SALK—1 offer for -ale the
F ARM on which I reside, in Fairfax coun
ty. on the Little River Turnpike, ‘D miles irom
Alexandria, containing al'out < L\ K H F'N DRKD
am» FIFFY-TAVO A< RKS This is really a
valuable (aim, and I am otteiing it at a low
m ice. l»eing anxious to remove. 1 hose w ishing
M'lw-ti w.i nn Ifni to call and examine lot
themselves. K A. t • 1 ERKE i 1.
Glen Marv. Fairfax eoimtv, Va.. my 27—eoff
V SMALL 1AR.M for SALK, composed
ol f><». PM.), or If)*! acres, as may smt the
pm chaser. For the ready money, the subscri
ber* will sell, for a low price. The property is
located about six miles from Alexandra, \a.,
nearly adjoining Mount Vernon For further
information appiv To the subscribers on the pte
mises. D. F. RUM.WAY SON.
sep I -—eolm*
IN SEASON.— i'. HRorS. Middlebnrg
Va . has just received a very large lot o(
Six quarter Full l loths. Plaid Lindsey
Domestic Flannels. I weeds, iassimeres
W hite and Mixed Yarns
Cot ton Yarn, all numbers
Carpet Chain in colours, Ae.
Middlebnrg, sep *?—♦’olin
are daily e\;>ecring i»er Schr. Ella. from
Plu'adelphia, :»gft tons WHITE, and RED ASH
COAL, part of which is suitable for cooking
purposes Prisons in want oi that variety will
he furnished from vessel, at a small advance for
cash. | sep i:t] NEVETT & SNOWDEN.
1)1 BI.IC NOTICE — All persons who may
be in want this Fail or Winter ot STO\ KS
am! Stove Work ol any kind, can be accommo
dated and get bargains such as they have not
been in the habit of getting, it they’ will only
s,,p 19 No It. Fairfax street.
SITUATION WANTED.—A gentleman who
has had some experience in teaching an
cient and Modiru Language* and Mathematics,
and is a graduate of the I’m versify.desires \ sit
uation as teacher. Addic>s J. W. I EBBS.
Middlebnrg. Loudoun Co, Va., sep 23—eotf
T ANTED !—The highest market price
) f paid for RAGS, OLD IRON, ROI E,
\c. Also. WOOD to retail at the lowest mar
ket price, at Green’s Wharves, between Duke
and Wolfe streets, Alexandria. N a.
wen iii—dtf JOHN w KENT.
V MERIC AN HOTEL. Central Railroad
Depot, Stafnton. Va.
A. N. Brkckin’RIOUK & Co . Proprietors.
J. N. Woodward, late of the Woodward House.
j S»4|ierintmtfmJ. HD t—eolv'
^ casks Family Hams, vd* quarter barrels ex
1 tra New Mackere’. put up expressly for family
j use, in store and for.sale bv .l()S. RRODF.RS.
sep 17 No S. TTnion-st.near Ferrv Slip.
* UsFFLD ARTICLE.—XiUerstons ini
vtnal Cloth Sirdrlur. lor stretching and
holding Cloth tightly, while marking with In
delible Ink, price Jit cents. For sale bv
j i v / v i v i \ DOl RLE SEAM GRAIN
I \ |#\|\ II I BAGS, just received on con
i’ si^nment. and for sale by
! ANTED.—A good COOK. Washer and
j YY Ironer, for a small family. Apply at
this Office. auS .14—<ltf
| O 1 • )/ W V K K W A R D.—R A N A W A V
j | )\ ) from the subscribers on Sat
: in.lay Tight, 13th inst.. a negro man named
ELIAS, about 35 years of age, and about 5 leet
7 or S inches high, well made, a dark mulatto,
civil in manner when spoktn to, a blacksmith
by trade.
' LITTLETON about 20 years of age, a dark
mulatto, rather stoutly made. 5 leet 0 or 10 inches
.10IIN LAWRENCE, black, about 5 feet 7
or S inches hign. and about 40 years ot age.
, OX KEY. about id years of age, very slim, a
dark mulatto.
| ARTHUR, a mulatto, about 23 years of age.
about d leet, and very stout. SMI 1II,about 22
1 years of age, black, and about 5 leet ♦» or s in*
I ches high. JAMES, about 2 b yeais of age, an
| albino, and about 5 leet 0 or b inches high Tiie
| above reward will be given for the apprehension
! of the whole, it taken beyond the borders of Vir
ginia. or $200 if out of the State—$ 10U each if
taken in the County ot Hampshire, $30 each, it
taken in the Comity of Fauquier, and $50 each it
| taken elsewhere—in every case they must be se
5 cured m jail so that we get them again.
Fauquier County, sep K.—eotf
to sell the FARM on which 1 reside, sittia
ieu one mile from Aldie. and within sii:lit
of the Loudoun Branch Rail Road, called
! -STOKE." containing F 1 \ E H L N D R L D .
| ACRES ot prime Loudoun land, divided into j
1 six 50 acre fields tor the plow—out 25 acre ;
1 grass lot—12 acres of productive meadow land; I
two 50 acre wood lots, heavily timbered, and |
well enclosed, for hog ranges; and a young or- ;
chard of 200 apple trees. There are several j
never-failing Springs in each enclosure, and live j
of the fields are contiguous t<* the farm yard —
Besides the DWELLING HOUSE built of
.Iffip .t.•>■!«* and covered with tin. containing 12 i
rooms, there is on it every building apper- |
tabling to a well arranged farm. A new Over- ;
seers’ house, a new Corn house, a Barn with
granary, fce.,—a new shed lfO feet long—a new i
None Servants house—a new Stone Ice house—
a new Stone, lire, rat. and thiet proof Meat
house, and the farm is enclosed, and divided in
part by new Stone fences. Brice $.’•<),000 in
three payments. N. BERKELE\. :
Loudoun County, sep S—wlm
A T T K N T I O N T l N AND ST<) V K
jjll DEALERS, or Grocery Mkrchvnts —
l w ill lease to* one or more years, on tavorahle
terms, that long and w ell known business stand, j
on the corner, at the intersection of King and ;
St. Asaph stieets, in Alexandria, \ a. liiis •
Store has lor years luen occupied and used as
a Tin. Stove and Rooting .Manufactory; it is !
three-stories high, and has aline dry cellar, with
.. il.w.i- on.I utc iivtiirev tlirmi>'!ioiit the !
building on tin* ln>t and second floors, and J
benches and a gas burner to each bench, that !
were constructed lor the manufacture ot 1 in ]
and Stove Ware. This stand commands the 1
whole ot the Virginia trade, and a large portion
ol that ol Maryland, in this line ot business; anil i
an elite! prising nrian in this business, with a (
small capital, would in a lew years realize a i
tort une.
This stand is also well adapted to a Grocery,
or indeed any kind of business, having shelving
and counters, all complete. Apply to
JNO. F. M. LOWK. Alcx’a., Ya.
sep 2d—eolw
11LFG ANT CA RPHTINGS-.In >t received j
and on sale a superior and elegant stock ot
W ilton. Velvet. Tapestry. Brussels. Imperial
Three ply. double I: grain. Damask, 1 willed and
plain Veiiitian. uni wool Dutch Carpetings, all j
ol the very latest importation and in the newest j
and richest colors and designs. t j
In the liner varieties we have some in superb- ,
lv rich medallions, (single medallion to a toom.)
and !>o:derings to match, style ol Louis X I \ .
Also, elegant square and oblong Rugs to
We do not hesitate to assert that the sUck ot
Carpeting and other Furniture Dry Goods now
m our store, is more extensive and varied and
more superior in excellence and beauty than any
other ever offered lor sale to the citizens ol .
Washington. Georgetown, Alexandria, ami en- (
v lions, heretofore ; ail or any olwnu h \\i aiil .
sell at as low figures as the same can be had in .
any other house in the Cnion, and may be less.
Washington, sep Ifi—eo2w
JXLKCTION fo the Virginia State J^nniltural '■
*j Scnrty, —The undersigned, having been
appointed the Commissioner tor the purpose.!
will proceed, on the third Monday i:i S pternber,
at the Council Chamber ol this city, to hold an j
| election fora Delegate to represent tin* County 1
of Alexandria, in the Farmers' Assembly, to!
! convene in the city ot Richmond, on the 2hth |
' of l tetober, 1 i
Qualified voters are life membirs, annual j
; members who have paid their dues, and all
1 adults who will become membi rs of the Sone
' tv |,y paving to the Commissioner #2 previous
r<> ndemur to vote. i
j auir -)«i—i a wit Commissioner ol Flection.
ny bavin* constructed a large and handsome
brown stone RECEIVING VAULT. is now pre
! paie*! tor the reception of bodies at the usual
charges, but will receive, free of charge, for one j
month, ai y corpse that is to be deposited mtheir
grounds, where a lot lias not been previously pur
! chased.
I 1 hose persons who have bought lots, can nave
. them graded and regulated to their fancy by Mr
; Waltkk Ha wins, at a small expense, by appli
! cation at his residence on Prince street, between
Hcnrv and Fayette.
Those having bodies to re-infer or to remove.
: or those wishing to purchase lots, by leaving
1 iheir names with him. will be promptly waited
an* C:S—tl
: upon. .**
iFJ'IHF UNDERSIGNED having taken the
8 Strasburg Depot, are now receiving a toll
! Supply of GROCERIES, H A R D W A K F.
| which they will sell at umi.-uiallv low prices tor
i cash or I’KoniTK, or to punctual customers on
; short time. ., . .
| 'Phe highest market price paid tor Hour and
! all kinds ol produce. The strictest attention paid
| to mceiving and forwarding goods.
j Strasburg Station, sep 4—eotf
HAV1NG sold my stock to Messrs. A. J.
WICKLIFFE A CO., 1 would lecom
; mend them to rny old friends and customers.
| sep 4—eotf ASHER VV. GRAY.
! \TOTICE.— Being anxious to retire Iroin the
Mercantile business. 1 propose to sell out
1 mv stock of GOODS, not because my trade
is declining, for my sales have been steadily in
; creasing for the last two years, but I am tired,
| and want to wind up my concerns.
! The stock is well assorted, and remarkably
tree from remnants and unsaleable goods. 1 be
j Store-house is one ot the largest and best in the
I country, and can be retained on a long lease, at
1 a reasonable rent.
i The terms will be liberal, and there are tew
j situations that other stronger attractions to a
I mail ot enterprise, lor a large and profitable
j business. ASA ROGERS.
I Mnidleburg, aug 8—eotf_
I **+ poR RENT.—The new and com modi
’ ji; 1 ous STORE HOUSE at Neabsco Mills,
j ItTs laige ami convenient—an excellent s.aud
j for business, there being a Saw ami Grist Mill,
I Blacksmith Shop, and Post Office at the place.
1 To a good tenant, the rent will be made moder
j ute. Possession given inimediately^^^Q^
Administratrix of R. Atkinson, dec d.
| Neabsco Mills. P_r. Win.Co., auglS-eo^m_
* LAW. having returned to his former res
idence, in Prince George's County, Nrd., Will
practice in the Courts ol Prince George, and the
i adjacent Counties, and the District oi Colum ia.
P.O ,Pis«-atawav.Pr GeodTo.Md .mh^oly
Stocks FOR SALE.—Alexandria Coh
pokation Stock, Orange and Alexandria
Rhil Road Bonds, Bank of Old Dominion Stock,
lor sale b\ < nvn dtct
W1, &_ltf BURKE & HERBERT.
Home school, for young ladies.
—Owing to necessary rep.iiis to he made
at Mrs. Archer s, the School, lormerly kept in
her house will he temporarily transferred to rn\
residence, distant only hall a m«le, and within
mile of Piedmont Station, on the Manassas Gap
Rail Road, being nol more than lour hours tra
vel from Washington City, Tiiw situation ol
this School presents many inducements to pa
rents residing in Cities and the South, the neigh
borhcod being Well known for it.- society,
healthtulness. and accessibility to the vaiious
churches ol the Protestant denomination.—
Pile I ,,adv provided as Instructor, will combine
all the qualifications in music. French, and the
usual English branches requisite to a young
lady's education. Parents may led a»*ured.
th it every attention will be paid to the mental
an i moral Training ol the young Ladies eiiti lis
ted to our care. As the number ot scholars is
hmi.ed, early application is desirable.
Terms for Scholastic year ot ten months,
commencing 1st October and closing last ot
July—Board and Tuition. —one half pay
able 1st October, one half payable at the close
of the session. No extra charges.
Reiei to—Rt. K.v. Bishop Meade. Virginia;
Rev. Chailes H. Shield, Fauquier County, Ya:
Rev. George H. Norton.
Maj. Thos. M. Ambler,
James i\. Marshall, e*q.,
Robert E. Scott. “
Judge John s. Hunter, Alabama; ('ol. Robert
H. Smith. Mobile, Alabama: General Jackson
Morton. Pensacola. Morula; Hon. Wm. Sniiih.
Virginia: J. M Carlisle. e>q , Washington City.
Address the subscriber, at Piedmont Station.
Fauquier Countv, \ a.
Fauquier County, sep 1—eotOctl
V PEPER. FOR SALE—Will he sold, at
private sale, the farm upon which we reside, sit
uated on Crooked Run. partly in the County of
Culpeper, and partly in the County of Madi
son, containing FOLK HI NOREDano I V\ EN
TY ACRES, about one-half ol w hich is cleared,
the balance in timber. 1 his land is ot excel
lent quality and is weil adapted to the differ- |
Hit crops ot t* am. ( lover and limothy *iow
finely upon this land. The farm i* divided into
six fields, each 01 which is watered by never
tailing streams. 1 hero are upon the place a
number of Springs, and of as good w ater as ever
come out o' the ground. There is upon the tarm
a large and convenient MERCHANT MILL,
with two run of Burrs, sufficient to manufacture
from fifty to seventy-five barrels of dour per day.
with a Plaister Breaker attached. Also, a Card
ing House, with two machines, and a Saw-Mill,
not to be surpassed by any in the country. 1 he
buildings are a large and convenient two-story
aFR A M E 1)VV ELLIN G HOI • SE. with eight
rooms—four below and four above stairs
_with all the necessary out houses. A Good
. .alEoiont Exr wr .i 11: ! n if c i bend ot horse*
I Mil II. " • * ' 7
Also, a good Corn Mill. Plainer Mill, with brea- J
ker attached. Blacksmith’s Shop. Cooper’s Shop. |
There is also on the premises, about a halt nine '
from the Mill, a small hut comfortable DWKL- j
LIN(i HOI'SK. with all the necessary ;
Jjjjgj^out-buildiiigs It it rarely ever such pro- |
peity is olleied for sale.
1 hose wishing to purchase would do well to
rail and examine the property, as a great bar
gain will be sold. I
The till icrsigned will take pleasure in showing !
the property to any one w ho may wish to ex- •
amine it.
All communications respecting the property
addressed to us at Waylandshurg, Culpeper j
County, Va., will he promptly answered.
W. B. \ .1. W. WAV LAND.
Culj>eper County. \ a., sept 1—eomn
11A KM FOR SALK —l otter b>r sale my '
^ farm in Lo::doun Co. . lying on the
Snicker’s Cap 'Pun pike, tls miles from Alexan
dria, by Turnpike. and 4 m11cs from Middle
hurg. containing 1 W D HI NDkKD ACRKS,
and adjoining the iandol Mr Horace Lockett
and others. The land is of as good quality as
any in that feitile region, is urm.nally well wa
tered. end lias several quarries of lime-stone
upon it. 1 he 1>V\ KLLINC is ot sand
stone. recently built, (but not quite finish
ed.; two stories high, and basement, and con
tains «ix rooms, with a passage on each story —
The kitchen is also new, and of stone, one story
and a half; two corn houses and a wagon house
under one root, and a stable tor six looses. 1 he
situation is heamiMil. commanding an extensive
view oi the Mountains, and as healthy a> any in
rh.it proverbially healthy part of Virginia. » he
Plnins Depot, on tfie Manassas Cap Rail Koad.
is twelve miles distant, and the Loudoun branch
of said Kail Road, now being constructed, will
have two Depots within four am! live miles.—
There i- a Merchant Mill two miles ott. and sev
eral others a few miles farther.
Mr. Horace Luckett will show the farm to
any person wisliing to purchase, and will also
sell 4i>U acres adjoining, with improvements:
there is also another tract adjoining lor sale, con
taining .TIii acres with improvements, t hese
lai ms offer every inducement to families desirous
of locutmgm the same neighborhood— Churches
of different denominations convenient.
Kilmarnock. I*. O. .1A MK' K. BALI..
Lancaster i <».. > a.. >—nm
ARM FOR SALK.— ! offer lor sale my
i FARM, situated in Prince l JeorgeV County.
Maryland II lies adjacent to the Districtline, and
adjoining the lands ol Capt. Cibson, Mr. Berry,
and others; ii\e miles lroin Washington city,
tliree from Alexandria, and in full view ol the
latter place. There are one hundred and twenty
acres of kind red soil, sixty acres of meadow
land; the remainder rolling, twenty ol which
are in fuel and lencing timbers.
The situation is remarkably healthy, which
has been demonstrated by the experience ol a
large family who dwelt upon the farm the past
, six years, during which time there was not one
encase ot bilious, or ague and fever. The
jga DWKLL1NG contains six rooms, and other
| ordinary improvements. 1 he place is weii
I watered by a lasting streamlet, and three good
i springs, one ot them believed to contain medic i*
i nai properties; another tlows lroin near tue
| summit of a commanding < minence. w here there
; is a pretty site lor a building. I offer the pro*
I peitv at iub per acre, a portion ol the money
on long credit, and not one cent less.
Any communications addressed to the subscri
ber. at Alexandria, or to James H. Lee, Mount
Weiby Post Office. Prince (ieorge's county. Md..
will receive attention. Mr. Wm. Allen, who
lives adjoining, will show the property.
sep jl-#»otf NY. TASK KR VVF.IR.
J 3:i;j acres of very superior White Oak.
heart Pine. Ash. and Hickory Timber, suitable
lor Ship building, and ot original growth, on
the Alexandria and Orange Rail Road, (the
j Road passes through it.) S miles above Culpeper
; Court House, one mile trom “Mitchell s Ma*
: tion," and lour trom “•Rapid Ann.
1 Jf early application is made, we will dispose
I of the Timber and Wood by the acre, nr we
will contract to have it gotien up on shares.
! The Rail Road Company w ill purchase any
1 quantity of Wood, which can be delivered.
! A rare chance for making money is offered.
! to persons acquainted with getting limber and
! Wood. Address James F. Mrother. Culpeper C.
1 |j yj ,| A AIKS F. i>TROrHKR.
Culpeper C. H., aug id—Jawtt
H erciscs of this School, located al the sub
scriber's residence, near Alexandria. \ a., will
1 commence on the ‘23d ot September, and ternru
i nate on 1st ol July. !Su7. A limited number
only ot pupils, between toe ages of 10 and 14,
j are received : w iio, as the inmates ot his tamily,
I are subjected, in their intellectual, moral, and
, religious training, to a paicntal discipline con
stant, kind, and firm.
Terms; For Board and Tuition in Fngl.su.
j Alathematics, Ancient Languages, branch, and
Drawing, per session, )f '.*n>—payable one halt
: Septemt>er 23d. and one half Feoruarv l-»tfi.
j References;—1 he KpLcopal Clergy in Nil*
i ginia, Maryland, and District ot Columbia.
I Applications to be addressed to
jy 2f»_2aw‘2m Alexandria, Va.
SUMAC WANTKD —The highest market
price will be paid in cash, lor 1*KJ tons
Sumac, by J. K. Mc<*RAW, Alexandria,
auf 30—wtf
SALK.—l will otter at public auction, at
Culpeper Court House, (on Al(m>L:y. Uctulxr 2<V/i.
('onit-day.) the tract ol Land on which 1 now
reside, one mile west ot the Court House, and
the Rail Road Dej»ot. This Farm adjoins the
lands ot Hon. John S. Pendleton, Jas. Withers,
! ami other-. It contains THREE HUNDRED
i or acres are wood land.
Mountain Run passes through the farm for
about a mile; atlbrding a .juantity of te. tile bot
tom land, besides this, there is a good deal of
branch bottom. The soil is generally a fertile
red clay and well adapted to the growth ot
w heat, corn, clover and timothy seed. It abounds
in excellent springs, and ha> on it an excellent
Jr^4 young orchard. 1 lie D\V ELLINH com
jUlLniandsone ol the finest views in this par!
oi ,ne state, being ill lull view* o! the adjoining
village, and the Blue Ridge, as far as the eve
can extend. Being determined to sell, a bargain
can be had. 1 am generally at home and will
show the farm to any person wishing to put chase.
Tkicms:—Five hundred dollars m cash, one
fourth ol the remainder on the 1st day ot Janu
ary !n>7. the residue in three annual instalments
bearing interest from 1st day ot January !>•»/,
the purchaser to execute bonds with approved
security with a deed of trust upon the pioperty.
Culpeper Court House, sep 2f>—e.>t»
MINE.—Agreeable to the provisions of a
deed of trust, of record in the Clerk's office ol
Fauquier county, dated November bth. tbbtt. and
recorded November 2Td, Ib.Vi, I shall proceed to
sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, tor
cash, on Tursnny. Xnuhilfr 2')th. isbd, on the
premises. Mie land conveyed in the deed of trust.
Known a> the KELL\ HOLD MINE. Ibis
property lies in the lower end o< Fauquier co ,
about eight miles from the Rappahannock Sta
tion. on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad,
neai the Rappdiannock canal, and is favorably
kn«*\vn for i s productions of Hold. Having been
worked with great success by the former own- j
er in surface exploiations. and it is confidently
believed bv competent judges that the most flat
tering prospects are heie to be found tor work
ing the veins. Any person desiring information
will please address Mr. John W. Stone, now re
siding upon a part oithe original Tract, a! Kellys
ville P. O . Culpeper comity.or to the undersign
ed, to the same otfirp Selling as trsstee. 1 shall
convey such title as is vested in me. I lie title,
however, is unquestionable.
JOHN STONE. Trustee.
Paoli. Culpeper co .sep 2.r>—eotd
I The undersigned, as administrator ot Jas.
I’ lanigan. dec d., will sell, at public auction, at
the late residence o! the deceased, m Jefferson
co.. Va„ f» miles north of Harper's Ferry, and on
the Potomac river, onthr Lr»/A nay ot (Jctubrt next,
*2 large Canal Boats, (one nearly new.) head ot
MhIps. 1 Horse, and a variety ot Personal Pro
perty general y.
Tkkms:—A credit of nine months on all sums
of and upwards, the purchaser giving bond
with approved security; under the cash will
lie required No Property to be removed until
terms are lully complied with
ROBKRT N. DDKK.admr. of
James Flanigan, dec’d
Harper's ferry, Jefferson Co., Va., sep'Jb—eots
One contains fill) Achks. and can be coriveiiient
lv divided into two or more tracts; is situated
halt a mile from Springfield Station.Orange and
Alexandria Railroad, within twenty minutes
ride irom Alexandria. The location is remark
ably healthy; the land rolling; abundantly sup
plied with good spring water; easily cultivated,
and very susceptible of improvement. There is
J/rJkk a comfortable D W K L L l N <», servants
Jm^^Lhouse. and all necessaiy larm Houses on
the ptemises; an old and young apple orchard,
the latter ol very superior trmt: also, peach,
pear, and cherry trees. 1UU acres in clover and
timothy; 7 r> acres will be seeded with wheat
within the next six weeks, (two-thirds clover
fallow ;) w ith ‘21H» lbs. Peruvian Cuauo per acre;
and will be sold with the farm. Wf» acies have
been recently cleared—the balance, J10 acres,
in wood.
The other farm contain® TWO HDNDRKD
and SIX TV-THKKK ACRKS, is miles from
Springfield Station, and six miles Horn Alexin-1
d. ia b\ the Rolling Road, is equally as healthy,
and as easily improved as the first. -IP. acres
in oak wood ; balance cleared I am anxious
to remove West, and will sell either place lor
less than one-half the wood on it will be worth,
delivered in Alexandria, which can be quickly
done by rail load. Person* wishing to examine
the premises, will receive attention by calling at
the former place. Letters addressed to me at
Alexandria, will be answered at the earliest mo*
Fairfax co . ang 2‘.»—eott
^ One in Prince Geoige i* ( ounty, ten miles j
below Alexandria, Va., and within fw\# miles ol !
the Potomac Kiver, containing 4 1m 7-16 A( RES,
on which is a small DW KLLING HOI SE.
ill j Barn. and other out houses; two-thirds ol
the lard is covered with oak wood and timber.
T he soil Is of good quality, and very suscepti- j
bit* w! improvement—good spring water and i
. very healthy situation.
One in Charles ('ounty. twelve miles below j
| Alexandria. Va., and opposite Mount Vernon,
j one nnle from the Potomac River, containing
I ’ Jrtk 1"2 2-1U ACRES, on which is a DW’EL
ilifia LING HOl’sE, Kitchen. Bam Stable.Con;
House, Au\, all new—a well ol superior water
; i(, the vard. About two-thirds is covered with
I wood—-the soil is ol superior quality, and very
i productive. From V\ to 1«»0 acres ol rich bot
tom land might be made very profitable in
! raising Timothy Hay—the situation is also very
i healthy.
j One other in Charles County* eighteen miles
below Alexandria, Va , and lour mile* from
> Marburv s Landing, on ttie Potornac Kiver. and
j halt a mile irom the Bumpy Oak Shcre, con
j raining 1mm ACRES, on which is a small
MDWELLING, a ml other outhouses—ha* a
sufficiency of wood ami timber, good soil,
i line springs ol water—situation elevated ai.d
’ healthy.
The proximity ol these FARMS to market,
would save the larmer many dollars expence in
■ a year, in the transportation ol hi* produce, ma
1 mires, kc. Steamboats land any where along the
' shore I will sell low, and on good terms.
! Titles hi.questionable. Enquire at Alexandria.
! Va of J- H. MONROE,
j a(lli is— 3taw<Htc6w
1 undersigned, -tier lor sale, on accommodating
RY;’ situated in the Village of Rockland, Prince
Wri!!iam County, Va , thirty-five miles Irom Al
exandria. three miles from Gainesville, a dep >t
on th- Manassas Gap Rail Road, and eight
miles from Warrcnton, the County seat ol tail*
' qujer. The main building ol the Factory is 60
t**et by 4M feet, and attached to this is a large
and convenient Dye House. Store Room, Office,
j &c. The machim^y is all of the most approv
I ed kind, and over 60,(Mmi yards of goods can be
easily turned out per annum. The water power
is a very valuable ore, and the business can be
iargelv increased with but little outlay, as the
building i- large enough to hold double the
amount ot machinery now used, and the water
! power sufficient to drive it. In addition to this
Mthey w'ill sell their FLOUR MILL, a large
FRAME BUILDING, three stories high,
; w itli three pair ot burrs, and all other necessary
i machinery in good order. This MILL is situa
ted about fifty yards below, and driven by the
! surplus water from the Factory. Should any
' one purchasing the Mills desire it, they will soil
j <j#$of valuable land attached; also, several
| ris HOUSES axi* LOTS in the Village.
i Foil urther information, apply either in per
son or by letter te us, or to KOBl. H. Hi V
TON, Alexandria, Va.
jj7»Jf the above property should .not be told
bv the 1st ol August next, we will lease it (or
a term of years. HUNT ON Ac BROTHER.
Buckland, Pr. Wm. Co., Va., my 24—roll
auction sales.
1 ESTATE.—By virtue of a decree ol me
Circuit Court for the county of Alexandria, and
State of Virginia, pionounced at the Nmembt-i
: term. lH.MV. :n the suit of Tat.-apaugh v> Hem
1 mick and others. I shall proceed, on the I >th day
I af Or tot ft. IS.V,, at 1*2 i»VMr. M. before the
1 Mayor's Office, in the city of Alexandria to
i sell, at public sale, the three-story BKK K
M HOUSE and LOT OF GROUND. ot \\ liieli
John Tatsanaugh, diet!, seized. <»n the nor
side of Prime, hit ween Water and Union street',
: in the said city ol Alexandria.
MAIso. two BRICK 1 EKE MEN IS and
LOTS of GROUND, fronting on Wail* -
Aiiey, between Water ami Union street*, lb
mentions of proja-rty furnished at sale.
Tkumk oi Salk—One-tenth ol the purchase
mon**y to be paid in hand; the balance m tbiee
equal instalments at six. twelve, and eighteen
months, Mom the day ol sale—the deferred pav
meats to lie securer! by tlie bonds ot the pricin'
set. with good personal security, until the “in.
1 chase money is fully paid.
sep —oa\Vts» Commissioner of Sale.
ESTATE.—Bv virtue ot a deciee ol the
Ciicuif ( ouiI. tor the county ot Alexamli la. and
State of Virginia, rendered at the Niovrtiibn
j Term, ls >r>, in the suit of Davidson and wile.
against Rock and others, the undersigned. < on:
i missioimrs therein named, w ill proceed: 'Ihm >
j day. I lie IS th of 0‘'iol>fr, 1 ST»*». at 1’2 oclo*k. M in
| front of the Mayor's Office, in the city ol .Mo
! andria, and State aforesaid, to offer at public
; sale, a LOT OK GROUND, situate at the north
! western intersection of Duke and Union streets,
in me said city of Alexandria, on which then
is a Blacksmith's shop. The lot fronts 7u feet
on Duke street, and'10 feet on Union street tin*
back lines corresponding with those in front.
Tkums ok Sai.k—One-tenth of the pm chase
money to be paid in cash on the day ot sale, and
the balance in three equal instalments ot siv.
twelve, and eighteen months, with interest trom
the day of sale, secured by the bonds of the pm
chaser, with good personal security, and the ti
tie to be retained until the purchase money i*
fully paid. Property to be resold at then«k **!
the purchaser. ii|h»ii a failure to comply with the
terms ol sale. FRANCIS L. S.MIIH,
sep;{—\?awts Commissioners ot Sale.
/ virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court «•:
! Fairfax County, pronounced in the casern Mow
1 ard agt. Howard, at its June term. lSfoh we shall,
1on Monday, the Wth day of October. ISod. (Court
1 day.) in tront of the Court House of said County.
offer at Public Auction, to the highest bidder. ;♦
I TRACT OK LAND, situated in the county
; aforesaid, about three mile* south ol Burke -
Station, on the Orange and Alexandria K.ulro.i .
land now occupied by V\ m. B and Ihomas .!
i Siidifitth This LAND is verv accessible, h.i\
ing on the south side the Comity road lo Occo
j quail, which is seven miles distant, on the noith
; side the road to Alexandra, whicn is di*ta;-’
; fourteen miles, and on the west, the County roa I
; leading to ‘Burke's Station. ’ It i* "el! water
| ed. and of a soil very susceptible of improv e
! rnent. A considerable portion of the tract 's
valuable BOTTOM LAND. It contains by ,-»•
cent survey 4b9 Acuks. *5 roods, and 13$ pob .
andean be advantageously divided into two .»•
more farms, and will be sold in one or tn«uc
parcels as may be found desirable.
Tkiiiis ok Silk—One-tilth of the purchase
money will l»e required in hand as a deposit. lia
ble to lie forfeited and the land resold at the ris.%
and expense ol »he purchaser. iifsiii Ins failure to
comply with the terms of sale; the residue in
dire** equal payments at six. twelve, and eig.:
te*m months from the day ol sale, with interes*
therefrom—the deterred payments to be secured
b\ the bonds ol the purchaser, and the title to be
retained until the last payment shall be made
A. W. MACHKN, (oiiiin'rs.
sep lb—‘Jawts
(btl or tons) eargoot Schr. "Yankee
Doodle,” tor account of whom it may concern
This UUAN’O w as slightly damaged on the v« \
age from New York to this port The atten
tion ot our tanners and dealers is invited. I he
sale will take place, on Friday next. With out., at
\2oflotk. on Central Wharf, Alexandria,
sep j.t—d lt* S. J. McCORMICK. Auct.
1 py—I will sell at public auction.on Wed
nesday, 8fh ol October next, (if Ian, it not, the
next lair day tlureaft«*i) at Mountain View Fair
lax Co.,residence ot the late Dr. ( alter. thel<d
lowing property viz: 1 •' hesd ol Hoiihui, ’
head ot ( ultle. I‘2 ol tliern Deei. yoiie i/xen, \
head ol pen Hogs, and a lot ol .Mutton. Also a
bout .Ju.j buMieL ol Outs. 100 burhels old Coin,
and the growing crops on 80 acres. A luige
and splendid lot of bay, straw, \c. All the
Fanning utensils, consisting ol wagons, curt',
plows, a new Fan cornsheller,a new and im
proved Wheat Reaper. The household ai d
kitchen furniture and various articles immeii
A credit of nire months with bond and good
security will be given on all purchases except
♦ he fat cattle, lor which a credit ot ttOdays w.il
he given. For all s.uns under $10. t' e cash
will be required. W. H. i HORN ION,
Adin’r ol Cassius Carter.
N. B.— All j ersons having claims against ’he
estate of Cassius Carter, and all inbebled to said
estate, are requested to come forward and settle
the same. W. H. THORNTON, Adm'r
of Cassius Carter
Prirce Wm . Co Va.. sep QO—eotx
] VFR. FOR SALK.—The undersigned is autho
j ri/ed to sell, on reasonable terms, a tract ot i»nd
1 containing ONK HUNDRED ami SlXl\-SIX
asl» TWO-THIRDS ACRES, lying immediate
• lyon the river Potomac, and about :tj miles be
j low Alexandria. '1 here are no improvements
j on the property, but the land is believed to •»<*
i naturally of superior quality to other lands in
the neighborhood, and, from the facility ol the
access to market, could, at a small cost, be
brought to a state ot the highest fertility. 1 he
situation for beauty cannot be surpassed by fny
place on the river, commanding a lull view oi
the cities ol Washington. Alexandria and (ieorg**
town. ai d the surrounding country of Maryland
and Virginia There are about GO acres Well
timbered, and an excellent landing for shipping
wood and timber, which, i? is believed, can h*
made profitable. Beside the facility of getting
! to the markets of Alexandria by water, being
I only about three miles distant, there is a chatter
obtained foi a turnpike road, which will proba
bly be built, and which will touch the land on i'.
i western border. For further particulars, address
sep20—eo2w [Nat. Int-d2wl Alex a. Va.
The undersigned otters for sale his OA K
! HILL PROPERTY, formerly owned by T. T
' Adams, esq., situated in Fauquier County, ud
| joining the residences ol the Jale Chiei Justice
! Marshall. J. F. Jones, and F. Lewis Marshall,
esqs.. and about two miles from Piedmont Sta
tion, on the Manassas Dap Rad Road. J
proi»erty consists of 1HIKM ACKI-S Of
LAND, more or less, a MERCHAN l Mil.L,
! aIM] Mrveral SHOPS for mechanics. 1 he DvV EL
j LIND HOUSE, in the Drove, formerly
.cciipied by the undersigned, is now rent
■ ed to the Rev. Mr. Shield, of the Episcopal
! Church. The Mill is in prune order, has two
: pair French Burrs, and the Machinery all new
j and capable of grinding from fifteen to twenty
I Thousand bushels ot Wheat. The lots nr* as
productive as any in the County: the rents and
his portion of the rroj>s will amount the present
i season to between six and seven hundred dollar-,
! nnd has amounted to eight hundred dollars. If
desired, I will sell the dwelling in the Drove
with a portion of the lots separate. Terms ac
commodating. For further particular# enquue
of the undersigned living in Upperville, Va., or
toJ.F. Jones, adjoining the premises, or H.
Shacklett, esq. 1HOMAS PHILLIP?).
Upperville, V#., <*t lb—lawtl

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