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'0 it I aiHi n & ft H s IT J SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER I Ir is s 1 i? i i?? ?7olui Minor Rotts, v as ai res oil on Monday last, at his residence fit Br&nd Kratiou. by the C ? ;f vIercavalry * and th W;ii 111 jrt wi Star thinks the arrest was mad ?i - a >..*I 0fi to the -eizrov by the federal troop of several prominent of (hilpeper whose names have been heretofore given, ari< who w.'iv '-eni to the OM Capitol prison n Wa>hiugu:m as "'dangerous men.'' Tin \v Ashing om ?**?i'-'V <1 *'0 says that I^uooh fXaes jun, delegate elect to the Union \ irginia Leiris 1 .? v.? * - lahivr\ ana Marshall Davis, both of Oeeoquan were arrested about three weeks since by Iviuch eioe's men, and carried to liordonsviHe.' ? ? ? ??? <* ? ? ? ~ The Prince Georgian speakingof the coming election in Maryland, sa\s that the { nion par ty is divided into two wings, ''which have put ii,co the field separate tickets, between which will be the contest at the .November Election. The laid between these, sufficiently marked of itself, is probably not rendered less exciting from the circumstance that there is no Demo cratic or Opposition ticket in the field, and probably will be none." . . ? Another of the oldest inhabitants of this place. Mr, William Devaughn. died yesterday, lie was a very worthy and respected citizen.? He was born in the neighborhood of Alexan dria, and resided here all his life, Scarlet will be the fashionable color during the coming winter, and even now an occasional scarlet cloak is seen in the streets in New York. These are called red riding hoods. The head dress will consist of a handsome jockey hat, with scarlet feathers. There was a storm of rain, lightning and thunder last night about 8 o clock. This morn ins the sun shone out brightly. Brough's majority in Ohio, over \ allandig- j ham. will probably I e more than one hundred thousand. ? i&joe??- ? Gold, in New York, vesterdav, 153*}. A foreign magazine oi fashions says two things strike one as particularly novel in ladies' costumes; first, the very pretty chamois-col ored leather boots, coming halt way up the leg, and either buttoned or laced at the side, the tops being ornamented with a siik ccrd and two small tassel^; and. secondly, the canes, or, in plain Kngli<h, walking-sticks. m?~?re or less carved and ornamented, with flat ?iit tops, and finished off, like the boots, with a cord and tassel. The charnrionshi p billiard march, fifteen hundred points up. between John Seereiter and I * 5.1 d!ey K avanagh. came off on rl h ursday at Irving Hall. New York, before a densely packed assemblage, and resulted in an easy vic tory for Kavamudi. he beating his opponent by eight hundred and eighty-six points in eighty-eight innings, the game at the close standing litteen hundred and one to S'K hun dred and fifteen. ! he d* achment ot Baker s Hangers which has been scouting the country in the neighbor hood oi Leesburg for some days past, returned to >\ asiiuigton yesterday. Thev brought with theiu S"tno prisoners. GEN. JUXivS'S DEPARTMENT, The steamer Columbia, from New Orlean | on trie 7Orb instant, has arrived at New York | She brings four hundred bales of cotton, am j i wo hunt*red hotheads of* suuar. I he onh ! military item in ib^ paper-is from the Miosis i Mppi lb*! el, which states thai the j4laterals oe I eupied .Hourop, L.-misimna, Oick Taylor re ; treaiing to Shreveporfc, on which place the | Federals would advance as .soon as reinforced. | The Federals had captured a large number of ! r.egroes. who went repairing the Shrevenort j and \ icksburg railroad. Several steamers j had arrived at New Orleans, from Lords, | bringing?having gathered ii on the way ? j tinrry three hundred and seventy bales and ! eight hundred and lifty-four bags of cotton. ? I Five hogsheads of new sugar had also arrived, I The Market this morning, was attended i ' by la >*ge numbers, an I the supply was tolera ble. Beef 12J-($15cts. Mutton 15 cts. Veal 12| cts. The prices of \ egetables are about the same as ia-t quoted. Butter and eggs with j out charge from last weeks quotations. Fresh i fish?-if ihat is the pror^r -,tyle? exorbitant!v i high. __ ^ Tiik Titans of Amfjuca.? A correspondent of tin American Phrenological Journal says: ?"While you have spoken of the Kentuek- < ians, Tennesseans. \\ est \ irginians and Mary lamb rs, as being so large and finely developed, permit me to say that the trueTitans of Amer ica have escaped \"our notice?men among whom, though nobody myself, I have walked, feeling myself among gods?physically sneak ing. of course?men beside whom the High landers are in a measure pigmies? men among whom six feet three inches, and a chest of forty five, forty eight, and even fifty inches is no" uni^iiiniion, I mean the baekwoodsmen's of ?daine, to whom three generations, spent for the mo I part in the open air, battling with the piny monarchs that girt the Umbagog, the Vloosehead and other lakes and streams ot that wild, bracing Northern climate, have giv n th.e most gigantic development of physical power which ( ever ^aw or had any authentic ' account oi NEGRO COLONISTS IX IIAYTI. Washington, October IG.?In April last ! President, Lincoln made a contract with cer tain responsible parties for the deportation of ! 500 negroes to the inland of Avashe. on the \ southwest coast ol Uayti. and tor their coloni zation on satisfactory oonclitions, but recently I information has reached here that these coi | onists were badly provided tor, and that many I of thorn died <>! disease, while others fled to ! more desirable localities. An agent will im ! mediatelv be despaiched to inquire into all the j iac-ts and report upon the present condition oi j affairs. in order that the President may direct I such remedial action as shall nescessary. I I John Dean, familiarly known as Jud<re ' _ " ' j Dean, well known to the citizens of Washing- J *ii it ? ?^ ton. in connection with tne defence of fusntive ? slaves, died in Washington yesterdav. H^s * * i was employed in the Treasury Department, j and Ins business was to examine the accounts I of I. S. District Attorneys. One of the most noticeable things at the Na vy Department is tne a use nee of naval officers. I who in other days thronged it-halls and offices. \ asking for favorite service or seeking to get | rid of the opposite. j S'tne of the newspapers are engaged in can vass; ne ?he qualities or the new fractional cur rency, D may be so split as to enable anv one to paste a fifty cent back on a ten cent front with the greatest ease, thus opening the door j fo oil lm.' -u !r b. I ! Commcnicatfd ! _ LIFE IN ALEXANDRIA. " Scene?King Street.?Time 10o'clock A ' j First Boy ? I say Jim?d .?) yon ' Se.fimil Boy.?What in the h 1 A, t j,,j > : want wi.h me ? I .1 hird Boy,? Well now. by 0?(] I nee(In t iiia ke sticli a d 3 noi.*e1 Foni tli Boy. ?Whoop ! hallo I what'* ??; on here. you d d inferred rowdie-! Lit tie Boy.?Oh you d d sons of 1^ why t i * > r j t you all el oar out from licvc ? First. Boy.?There goes a d d o!u i ? shv tin ovster shell ut ii11/j. * Second ? l'ass on ladies j ! v fi? 1 we let the iadi? > pass always f | Third Boy.?N. Y. Herald! Daily Morni I Chronicle !?II ! be d .1 it 1 wont sell sor | papers ro-day--<X:c.. Ac., kc, j A specimen of the polite arts?and poli; ed manneis, exhibited on the principal su iu Alexandria, by the "rising generation those who are to prow up to rnauli< od, $ become v?spfctt(l/h citizens hereafter! I A I parents lock at the picture and stand usha? 1 n j Crito. [( OMMUXlCATED There are two sisters, th( on. ol whom 5 I irot the other: and she wh > i; bog >tten pri? li ! ce& her who b?'.sot her. An answer reou&t^ A gentleman in advertising for a wife, say : *Ii would be well if the iaciy were p ?sse.^cd I a competency sufiielent to secure her again: ? excessive grief in case of aeeiuetu occurring! ? her companion. t\tt? Tl <>n Friday no.?n, October ]? ]i. after an | nc.'sot eicht. weeks, from apc.piew, \\ ILL1A' I Dfc:\ A L GH\\ in the 70th y.*;.r of hi- ;.?<? i P*'.. His relatives and friends are invited to at | tend his funeral to-morrow (Sunday) afo-rno.' I at o o'clock, from hi- late residence on Wfc* ington between Garner* n and Prince??; At Jus residence, near .Marlboro, JNi<i.. i W ednesday last, the 1 *th instant, after a : | but painful illness, ( t E <) K (r E \\ A S111 >Tf r'i < l HIL LEAK Y, Esq,, in thei>2d year of bis age rvw?? r ? ? ?? ?? ?*?* ? ? ? ? ' KEST A U E ANT , MKSSU's. MrCA RrjiY & jeXN [XGS. I I" A ino .Sir?t( Oj)j)osit? ike Pro*', U A VING fitted up this favorite rt-murar1 .1 I. ihe proprietor- he/N e spared no paii.^ i' make this the best RESTAURANT in Alexiin (i i in. I he E A i ? DLK will bo composed ?>t fbebes that the market affords and served up al - -horte-t notice. ^ I dinners and .supper for parties gotten up s the shortest notice by experienced c<?ok-, at cached to the Restaurant is a suit * .? i pio-*1 supper rooms. <spp 11 ?tf JUST RECEIVED! Large invoice of very line Mercer, 1W& V ? I>luw and */ackson W liite Potatoes. at -v' 8^ Prince street. Fowle's Wharf. Alexan^'* ^ irm'nia, ^? R? ~Corista n11y on hand a 1 arge anci .eral stock oi p.oduee consisting" of Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Beets, Turnips, Carroty ,Uay, A;c. And for sa'e at the lowest j >bbin?* and prices. Ijy v ,j\ \{ oDKEL, * ZLLI No. 8 Princejir^S E^-S i EA \.?Came to the premises of the sul ? l_j scriber, on the Little River Turnpike. alH'il? one mile from Alexandria, on Saturday the ;!l, a RED AND WHITE VEAiJEiN^ "ie ov* will cone forward p?rov<* proper..// a^v chartre-jiud take her awav. 0,;t GEOHGK S. COX :|