tin $*mt*
nn M ?!? Iiwin ?!? ??!>?!?iif aw-?rur?nr~i????tr^r??
We trust the effort now being made to re
plenish the Treasury of the Orphan Asylum
way be successful, as this is one of the oldest
and most popular charades ever started in
?*? T ( | 4 ?<* ?
this city. Bi^ore tne war a sufficient amount
was generally subscribed at the k 'Annual Meet
ing" for its .support, but as many of the most
liberal supporters of the institution are out of
the city, the ladies in charge are much embar
rassed to get along. The Ward Committees,
we have no doubt, will be successful, and we
bespeak for them in advance, the support of
our citizens.
The steamer Cumberland, captured off Mo
bile by the U. S. gunboat I>e Soto, is said to
be a splendid vessel with a luxurious cabin and
fault'ess machinery. The hull is iron, of extra
thickness, and she is a fine sea boat. Her
cabin sky-lights are emblazoned with the arms
of the EaiI of Enlington.
Among the regulations adopted for the gov
ernment o*" the "contrabands" on the Arling
ton estate, is the following: "Visitors are
much annoyed by irivolous complaints made
by inmates of the village, generally lor the
purpose of exciting sympathy and soliciting
alms. This practice mast cease."
Among the graduates of Jefferson College,
Philadelphia, who received the degree of Doc
tor of Medicine, at the annual commencement
on Thursday evening last, was Mr. Theodore
C>. Tfwt, ov/u kjL JuL. XKTey .f# cca . Af tliw oity
?team >m i.
The Washington Chronicle of this morning
says: ''ft yesterday became necessary to am
putate a .ieg of denator Hicks, of Maryland,
as a ust expedient for saving his life. His
disease is erysipelas, from which mortification
was about to ensue.
Kilpatrick's cavalry conmand, which reach
ed the Peninsula after the recent raid towards
Richmond, is arriving at this place in trans
ports, on its way back to the Army of the Po
tomac. _
A boat containing ten persons was swamped
yesterday, in passing from Fort Morris to
Kicker's Island, in New York harbor, and five
of the passengers drownedo
Capt. James Gay, of this place, was arrest
ed a day or two ago, whilst in his boat, some
miles below this place, and carried to Wash
Gen. Grant, it is said, was to leave Wash
ington yesterday, for the West, The Wash
ton Star reports him as wearied with the "show
Three or four Shad have been brought to
market this week. Herring were selling this
morning for 8 cts. a piece ! This will soon be
There was lightning and thunder, last night,
before the rain of the previous two days clear
All is quiet at Chattanooga, Gen. Palmer's
Federal lines, it is said, embrace Chichamauga
battle grouni, Ringgoid, Taylor'* and White
Oak liidges to Cleveland Gap.
Negro Troops?Jail Delivery.?.On
Tuesday a large body of negro _ soldiers, from
j the late camp at Benedict, reached this place,
and remained all night?taking possession of
the Court House. They were accompanied by
a considerable number of runaways, chiefly
women and children. Before leaving, a yquad
entered the county jail, and released twenty
one prisoners-?leaving only one white man in
confinement. Of these, eleven were confined
for criminal ofenees, awaiting the action of the
grand jury in April. One was under convic
tion for arson, and awaiting sentence. The
others were for various of her offences, such us
larceny, &c.?Marlborough (Md.) Prince Geor
? I I mgjfmm ? II
Another skirmish is reported between a de
tachment of General Sullivan's cavalry and
some of Moseby's troopers. The fight took
place near Snickersville, Loudoun county, and
the Confederates are represented to have been
superior in point of numbers. The Federal
troops appear to have retreated after having
lost several of their men, but how many is not
From the latest Southern papers, we learn
that on Saturday, the 5th instant, Hu Tie's
brigade of Confederate cavalry attacked the
Federal troops that were stationed twelve
miles beyond Ring-gold, and drove from their
position towards Chattanooga. A special tele
gram Atlanta, Ga., under date of the 7th inst.,
states that all of of Sherman's troops had
crossed the Big Black River. They burned
nothing at Canton, but destroyed many houses
and also provisions wherever found. They
carried off some few civilians and a large num
ber ef negroes. The Jackson and New Or
leans Railroad was again in running order to
within a few miles of Canton.
The Jbeuucu dtoirn Md. ijrazette says:?"Dap.
ing the past few days one thousand slaves
have stampeded from various sections of this
county, and quite a number of free negroes, we
iearn, nave joined them. Men, women and
children have been taken, and the "loyal" and
"disloyal" have alike been sufferers. These
negroes have been taken off in steamers and
are carried, it is stated, to Fortress Monroe."
The ratifications of the treaty between the
United States and Gteat Britain for the final
settlement of the clamis of the Hudson Bay
Puget's Sound Agricultural Companies, have
just been exchanged. All questions with res
pect to the possessory rights and claims of
those Companies, and of any other British
subject in Oregon and Washington Territory,
are to be settled by the transfer of those rights
and claims to the Government of the United
States for an adequate money consideration.
Captain Allen of the steamtug Lizzie reports
that the U. S. Consul at Nassua refused to
assist him in supplying his vessel, in the Fed
eral service, with coal, and that when threat
ened by two schooners he took no pains to
shield the tug from capture. The Lizzie
escaped in the night and arrived in due course
at Key West.
It is reported on the authority of the cap- j
tain of the U. S. gunboat De Soto that a Con
federate privateer bark rigged steamer is cruis- j
iog to the westward of:' Havana. j
The Commander of the U. S. revenue cutter
Miami has been ordered not to proceed to St,
John's for the Chesapeake prisoners.
Among the Federal prisoners recently re
leased from Libby prison, is Major White, elec
ted a Sta^e Senator of Pennsylvania,
Yesterday evening, about six o'clock"^
! dier nameii James Scotten, cf Coffloan* t
4th regiment, Delaware Volunteers 5,5^
dered, in the tunnel, under Wilkes'street.'?!
i twoen Fairfax and Water v
' - 1'lg ,v
I stabbed in the back or the neck five .
I cut severing tire jugular and -salting a m?i
erable incision in the windpipe, and one eniP^
ling the spinal colurcn. from the effects'4
which he died in a few uionxru* as M';. t.
J " '1 - ?? 1 . rj f I v
Wood, who was near and was attracted bv r)
groans, quickly repaired to the spot but ur,r,Q
reaching it found life extinct. Seotten it fe
said, entered the tunnel at about the inn-,
above mentioned, in company wiili anorh&r
soldier, John KasV, of Company G, T2?] regi
ment Mew York Volunteers has been arrested
upon suspicion of havingcommittea the crime,
and lodged in jail to await an examination,
The body of the murdered nwn was taken to
the Washington street Hospital (Fiallowoih
building) where a post mortem exaiuination
was held by Surgeons Bentley, Elliott and
Caruthers, the evidence to be used before the
Coroners Inquest which will be held to mor
row morning at 9 o'clock, a preliminary inqui
sition, only having been held this morning by
W. L. .Venn, acting coroner, Scot ten had
yesterday received four months pay, but had
only a small amount of money about liini at
the time,
..uga&KB^i ?
The Fish Benches, in the market were
rented, at auction, this morning, lor one year
from the ]5th inst. as follows:?"Bench No,
1, to John Travis, for $10; Bench No, 2,
to John Travis, for $31; Bench .No, 3, to
John Travis, lor ?99 ; Bench No, 4, to John
Travers, for $180; Bench No. 5, to Chapman
Hall, lor $250 "; Bench No. 6, to JuVm Horse*
man, for $225.50; Bench No. 7, to m. John
son, for $206 ; Bench No. 8, to Henry Jenkins,
for $131; Bench No. 9, to Iiobert V? iliiauis,
for $15 ; Bench No. 10, to Charles Elhou, lor
$30; Bench No. 11, to Frederick Studds. tor
$81; Bench No. 12, to Frederick 8tudd?,ior
$1.4; Bench No. 13, to Robert Williams loi
$51?total amount, $13,23.50.
U. s. District Court.?This Court met
-- is morning but adjourned without transacting
any business of importance to the public
1 be cause of the U. S. vs. Dr. 0. Fairfax, iss
been taken up, and some testimony taken, but
"? a^ion had- -^bie case is to be argued br
j Hr, Lradley for the defendant.
DojiiVn h t'le- "lstanfc ft the iletro
L ' h .Ute ' In, Washington, by the Key. J'
v\-' i. ' 1^i" JObKl'R (J. H li
I - *"? ASTOSW
: ^Cl 11 Itiiiio, by Friends' ceremony. a*
I l,.nttei u?ce.ot the bride's rather, in Leuduufi
I county Virginia, WILLIAM stiuJSXAiiEU
' ^ ANN JAjNNUY, daughter or
I Samuel M. Jannej. '
- "piuV FLOUiCF?ED. " ^^
? i^LorP mi-v' and bupernn
1;000 bushels line Middling
irown Stutff'
y. v? ' Corn und (Mts received, ano
tor sale by OA V 1' & KAK.UO>'.
iiiii 12?if corner of Prince unci Koyai
10 ,A ? ^ '?ncl tierces of IIA3I
J-^ard and Juried Beef, for sale by
L>:-i V Y HAlLU0\r
nili 12?tf corner of Prince and iioyal