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the obphan asylum. The Board of Managers of the Orphan A?y!?m are again compelled to call upon their fellow citizens to aid them in the charitable wnvk in which they are engaged. i'-sr more than 30 years this noble charity }!an been sustained and supported by the vol untary aid of our citizens, and now that if is sfru^srlin.s; under embarrassment, unpreceden ted in its History, it is earnesly hoped that a libera! and generous response will follow this at)peal. Baring the past year, as many desti tute orphni) children as the limited means of tb* institution would allow, have been fed, clothed and instructed, and received the assid uous care of the Matron it: charge. These destitute ones appeal to us for aid.? Shall that appeal be answered and their simple wants supplied, or shall they he separated from the moral and re ligious influences of the Asylum, and returned to fcli5 cold charities of the world, with no <ne to care for or instruct them? The ladies in charge of the Institution are encouraged to believe that in a community so distinguished for its benevoieaee this will not be allowed, but the means necessary for their support, will be promptly and zealously supplied. In these days of sorrow and deep affliction, when orphan ? ageand distress seem the common lot of all. it is Well to be reminded that "Pure religion and uadefiled before God and the Father is this? to visit the fathe.defs and widow in their afflic tion, and relieve them of their distress." Sf3f Committees are now being formed in the respective wards to call upon the citizens for aid. When organized their names will be duly announced. In the mean time donations in money or provisions will be thankfully received by Dr. Henry Cook, at his drug store, No. 224, King street. Gold, in New York, yesterday, H2f?Vir ginia 6's are quoted at 49@50. The Norfolk Old Dominion, March 10th? ?say,-:?c "The Confederates attacked the Feder al cavalry yesterday, near Suffolk, and forced them back in disorder, cipturing in their re treat several of the fugitives." The funds which have been raised for Mr. Vallandigham in Ohio now amount to twenty thousand dollars, according to the Boston Courier. ~ NOTICE. Mayor's Office, ) March 7th, 1864. j fTIO ALL whom it may concern:? I hereby JL notify all parties who are in the habit of congregating in the streets and alleys and other places within the Corporation, and behaving disorderly, throwing stones and cursing ana swearing, that th^y will be arrested by the p6 lice, and dealt with according to law. iNow Boys, I hope you will observe this no tice. and save me tile disagreeable necessity of enforcing it. C. A. WAKE, Mayor, mar 7?Iw PtA.NO FORTE.-A magnificen t R osewo o d overstrung, seven octave r I AM U t i , entirely new, made by celebrated New or Manufacturers: on exhibition at Dc\aughns furniture store, No. 130 King street, or wnere it is for sale at GEO. E. WHITE & CO b., _mh 0?lw 80 and 91 Cameron st. COAL! TO ARRIVE from Philadelphia, csrgo of superior LORBSRRY RED ASH, and locust MOUNT WHITE ASH coal. J NO. LEATHERLAND, mh 11?-lw* No. 26, King street, M A R I NI'S Fashionable Dandng Academy! ODD FELLOWS HALL, COLUMBUS ST. PKOF. MA KIN" I takes pleasure in inform ing the citizens and his friends of Alexan dria, that at the request of his pupils he has moved his Dancine Academy to the above Hall. The next, and last quarter of the season will commence on Tuesday next, March 8th. 1861. This will oe the preparatory quarter for the Grand Floral Ma/ Ball. Days and hours of tuition for ladies, misses and masters, every Tuesday and Friday, from It/ %/ 4 3 to 5 p. m. For gentlemen, from 8 to 10 p. m. For particulars apply at the academy, durirg fiehooi hours, or by letter through the Post Office. in h 5?2 w * A T T H E BOIL A B STORE! No, 438 Pennsylvania Avexttk, Between 4V and 6 streets, W ASHINGTO Nf D. ?. You will Sod a Full and Beautiful stock ot JEWELRY AND SILVER PLATED WARE I Consisting in part of: Ladies' Setts?1,000 Styles, Guard Chains, JSeck Chains, Bracelet**, Lockets, Rings, Ear-Drops, Pencils, &c, in endless variety, as also, almost every article of Jewelry that can be desired, either for La dies' or Gentlemen's wear, together with a full assortment of SILVER-PLATED TEASPOONS. For which 3 ou can make your selection for only ONE DOLLAR. feb 29?1 m* 1864 (864 "COSTAR'S" RAT, ROACH, &e. EXTERMINATORS. *'15 years established in N. Y. City."' "Only infalible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." 1 "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of tlieir holes to die." 4??f*Sold by all Druggists everywhere. 45^ ! I ! Beware ! ! ! of all worthless imitations, "Cos tar's" Depot, No. 432 Broadway, N. Y. Kg* Sold by LEADBEATER & CO., | feb 29?Lm Wholesale and Retail Agents, Alex'a., Ya. , GEO. E. WHITE, & CO. Geo. E. White, N. Y. J. M, Coughlin, Alexa. (Successors to John Davison.) Theatre Building, 89 and 91, Cameron Street, ALEXANDRIA, VA. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and WHOLESALE and RETAIL dealers 12$ GROCERIES\ FISH, HAY, GRAIN; FEED, WINES, and LIQUORS, Sole agents for WASHINGTON BREWERY ale. mar 8?2vv THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR BARGAINS, \ is at henry schwarz'S, 132, King St. THAT'S WHITS TIfE MATTEK! mar 5?tf Garden seeds? We have just received our nrst supply of Landreth's tresh and genuine gakden seeds. LEADBEATER & CO. 2m 8?tm No. 7, S. Fairfax st Fresh garden seeds. A full supply received and for sale by HENRY COOK, feb ??..Iroo* 39 and 224 King street ' ! * PKOjj . JL OU1S Vv Tj IN JD jR, A JVC' S i CELEBRATED HE SB MEDICINES, \J*OW for the first time introduced ihto tl is j Xi country, have been succor !\v used for : twenty-six years in Germany, and iHerestof Eu ? tope, and are particularly efficient in the ~vq .?*? all chronic diseases. They it re imporv'i o i ??-*?"% to lhi& poi*t by the undersigned, and their el : ciency -md safety b<? relied up<>n with con fidence. They are : ^- V SG?TAft,LS PILLS hnd P<) WDERa, t (ae best o 1 ooa p urifyi ? i g n i e u i c i n e -* v%?ni, &i) d ! uneou:i!led fur the cure of Tetter, Asthma, i Headache, Sore Lyes, Catarrh. T\un m the . Breast and Sides, Spoiled Fever, Chills and | Fever, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Salt Sheum, Op i cei\ Jaundice, Biliousness, Eruption? of the j Skin. Files, Worms, L^ropsy, Erysipelas, Swells ] ings, 0pcn vV oi?ndy Cho!ic, axi<1 ir- f\.-r-.t p 1 ] J]-> i senses caused 03" impure blood or imperfect ! digestion. [ PROF, "WrNDRAM'S RIIUEM ATIu j POWDERS, a sure cure for all Rheumatic J complaints. Gout in particular. j (PROF. WITJSfDRAM'S E PILEPTIC REM EDY, the only safe and reliable remedy for the certain cure of this terrible complaint. PROF. W U N I) R A M? S VEGETABLE ELIXIR, an invaluable remedy against A:stb~ ma, Biliousness, Pain in the Breast, Cough,^Dy^ j sentnry, Red and White Flux, Headache, Diar 1 rhcea. Cramp Cholie, &c. j PROP. W UlfDRAM'S HERB TEA. a ' pleasant and wholesome beverage, for sick and i convalescents, also for Dispeptics, and chose : afflicted with nervousness. PROF. WUNDRAM'S TAPE-WORM EXTERMINATOR. PROF. V? UNDEAH'S TOOTHACHE ; DROPS. Full directions accompany each remedy. For further particulars, apply to JULIUS DIESfiLT, Dentist, 145 Prince st., nearly opposite the Post Office,. | between St. Asaph and Washington sts., Alexandria, Va. For sale also by IS A A C ENT W13LE, 94 King1 st., Alexandiia. J. R. PI ERPOINT, S. E. corner King and Washington sts., Alexandria, Va, j And' H. L. PAULl, No. 62, Prince st., I mv 23?tf Cor. Fairfax. Alexandria, Va& I ' NOTICE.?Drs. Sigesmoxd & Hayward, would most respectfully inform the citi zens of Alexandria and vicinity that owing to the pressure of business at their Dental office, 200, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, I). C., they are compelled to close their branch office at 211, King street, Alexandria, jis they are unable to devote any of their personal time at thi* office. We would caution ail agaJnst any imposter claiming to be in any way connected with our office, 200, Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, D. C., as we are in no way responsible for work done out of our main, office, and which is the only office where our new method of inserting Artificial Teeth can be done. feb 10?tf \ VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, five Xjl miles from Washington City, and two from Alexandria Ferry, situated in Prince George's j County, Md., near Grimesville?ONE HITN I DREO AND TWO ACRES, with a fine and I ilj]^ c0m1110^ious D WELLING HO USK, a 11 I lithe necessary out houses, and a spend id I ORCHARD?Well wooded an:l watered. The soil is adapted for a Market Garden, Wheat, Corn, Tobacco, &c. The subscriber, residing thereon, will show the premises to persons wish ing to purchase. G. M. FINOTTI, mh 9?1m "Washington, Post Office, JAMES MOLAN, I No. 15, King Street, | ALEXANDRIA , V A . COMMISSION MERC IIA N T, AND AGENT FOR CHAMPAGNE, SHERRY AND PORT WINE. BRANDY, WHISKEY, &c. SUTLER'S SUPPLIES. feb 23?tf I. ,1*. PEVERILL, EMBALMER AND UNDERTAKER, No 60, South Fail fax street, Keeps constantly on hand aii kind of Wood en and Metalic Coffins, at the lowest cash prices. Night calls attended to at No. 54, Prince iec 20-?tf