OCR Interpretation

Alexandria gazette. [volume] (Alexandria, D.C.) 1834-1974, August 05, 1865, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Virginia; Richmond, VA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025007/1865-08-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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Marriage notices are not inserted in this
paper, unless sent or handed in by a known and
responsible person.
Quite a stir has been raised in Petersburg,
by the arrival of the government agent for
confiscating property. He is taking down the
names of those who are supposed to be worth
The issue of rations to needy people iu
Raleigh has been stopped.
Bishop Soule is in feeble health. H 9 desires
the election of delegates to the general confer
' encein!866. .
The County Court of Shenandoah was organ
ized on the 10th ult. George Rye, esq., was
elected presiding justice.
There are two candidates out to represent
the First district in this State?Messrs. Joseph
Christian, of Middlesex, and Robert Mayo, of
Westmoreland. Mr. Christian was formerly a
member of the Virginia State Senate, which
office he thinks will not disqualify him for a
seat in Congress. In the Third district, there
are four candidates?B. Johnson Barbour, of
Orange, (who lias not yet announced himself,
but will do so, his friends say, in a few days);
Dr.: Uriel Terrill, of the same county; Hon.
John S. Pendleton, ofCulpeper; andA.Judson
Crane, of Richmond. In the Fifth district.,
Robert Ridgway is a candidate.
The Fredericksburg Era in announcing the
death of the late W. Roy Mason, of King
George county, says he was the father in law
of Major Genls. Dabney Maury and Field.
Brig. Generals Stevens and Alexander, also, of
Colonel Collins?all ex- officers of the late Con
federate army; besides having three sons him
self there.'
The Petersburg Express under the head of
"Not so bad, after all," says ?"Confederate
notes were in demand yesterday at fifty cents
for a thousand dollars. The enterprising
individuals who were hunting up the Confede
rate promises to pay, are supposed to have been
agents for paper mills."
Messrs. Winans, of Bait., have entered into
another contract with the Russian Govern
ment to work the railroad line from Peters
burg to-Moscow. Mr. Thomas Winans offers
very liberal wages to those who will go for a
term of three years; agreeing also to pay their
expenses out and back, and leaving a fuud of
$500 for the support of their families. Large
numbers of persons from Baltimore have
accepted, and will go.
The National Intelligencer says, that, "as!
heretofore, it aims to be, as its name imports, !
a national paper, maintaining the just eonsti- 1
rational powers of the General Government on !
the one hand, and the reserved rights of the i
States on the other?confident that the Union '
can only be maintained while the rights of
each shall be respected by both and not trans
cended by either."
A number of prominent Jewish citizens be
longing to tbe "Temple Emanuel.'' of New
York, held a meeting some evenings since for
the purpose of considering the proposition to
establish a theological seminary.
Mr. Walden a manufacturer in Philadelphia,
lately hid away in a rubbish box $32,000
worth of Government bonds. While he
was absent the workmen, in cleaning up,
burned up the rubbish, bonds a,jd all, in the
box. He has had several of the workmen ar
rested ; not being satisfied with their statement
about the burning.
The negroes in St. Louis celebrated the an
niversary of emancipation in the B ritish West
Indies. The negroes on the levee were driven
away by a party of discharged soldiers. Sev
eral of the former were beaten nearly to death.
The Glasgow makes the twenty-ninth steam
ship lost while plying between European ports
and this country and Canada, during the past
twenty-seven years?or an average of about
one a year since the commencement of ocean
sseam navigation between the two continents.
A hi an named Terrence Barns, living in
Chicago, has been arrested for the ,;murder of
his*own mother; an old lady sixty years of age."
who was visiting with her son. The- circum
stances indicate that he destroyed her life by
poisoning. The case is now being legally in
The -French Consul at Shanghai, in China,
has sent to Paris, for the wonder amusement
of the Parisians, a polypus which manufactures
vinegar, and a turtle which is eccentric enough
to wear bright green whiskers.
During a rehearsal at a New York theatre,
one of the spectators suddenly jumped upon
the stage and declared his purpose to chastise
one of the actors for a fancied affront. The
actor ran for some foils, seized one, the spec
tator seizing the other, and a combat ensued.
The actor finding his antagonist too much for
him darted aside, pulled the prompter's bell,
stamped and, as jhe intended, descended on a
trap door. The baffled spectator rushed for
the stairs leading to underneath the stage and
hastily deseended them while the actor slowly
reappeared on the trap and hastily made his
way over the foot-lights and out of the theatre.
It is thought the new census they are now
taking in New York, will show the population
of that city to be one million. This would
give the city 28 (instead of 17) of the 128
members of the General Assembly. The Sun
thinks the effects of this increase will be truly
deplorable, as "an increase in the number of
rascals is generally followed by a corresponding
increase in roguery." The Tribune differs
from the Sun, and thinks that though the
number be doubled or trebled "it will not be
possible to render the average more mercenary,
more profligate, more unprincipled and dis
graceful than it. has been for the last five or six
?MWgSri. -
The United Service Club, of New York, gave
a complimentary serenade on Thurday evening
last at Delmonico's to the U. S. Generals now
in New York, and also to General Ortega and
sundry Mexican officers. After the serenade,
quite a number of the members of the Club and
of the Mexican Club, together with the U. S.
! and Mexican officers already mentioned, held a
i symposium at which toasts were drunk and
speeches were made, of which the assertion of
the Monroe doctrine formed the text, and the
liberation of Mexico from Imperial rule the
principal theme of discussion. In the course
of the evening Colonel Hillyer read an extract
from a letter written by Gen. Sheridan, in
which he strongly advocated the interposition
of the United States in Mexican affairs.
The late elections in England were attended
with a considerable amount of disorder and
rioting. The English papers contain full ac
counts oi knock downs aud drags out?and in
some cases people were killed in the mobs.
A daughter of Mr. N. P. Willis, the poet
and editor?Miss Imogone Willis?was married
this week, in New York.
I offer for sale TWO LOTS, on the west
side of Pitt street, between Gibbon and Frank
lin streets.
1st Lot fronting 113 feet 4 inches on Pitt st.,
and running back 113 feet 5 inclies.
2d Lot adjoining, fronting 52 feet 1 inch and
running back 113 feet 5 inches Both lots
fajjjil have fram e dwellings thereon. If not sold
at private sale they will be offered at public
auction, on the 6th day of September. 18G5, at
12 m., in front of the Mayor's office. For terms
apply to C. W. WATTLES,
aug 5?2awts Attorney at Law, 127 King st.
partnership heretofore existing between
been dissolved by mutual consent. The busi
ness will in future be continued under the firm
of HANSEN & CO. an? 5-31
rnOBACCO. &c.?Just received 10 1 Boxes
i Lynchburg TOBACCO.
18 3 Boxes Lynchburg TOBACCO, bcxi qnctl
50 Bushels POTATOES.
For sale low bv
aug 4?3t No. 21 North Union st.
FAMILY FLOUR?The undersigned is the
sole agent for Welch's Celebrated FAM
ILY and EXTRA FLOUR, in Alexandria,
and will sell to dealers on the same terms they
can buy in Georgetown. Also. MILL FEED
for sale. COM MISSION BUSINESS attended
topromptlv. No. 9. Kin a: street, Alexandria.
aug 3?1 in SAMUEL HA RTLEY.
d. AO, 130, KING STREET\
(Old Stand,)
Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds of
FURNITURE. which he is prepare 1 to sell as
LOW as it can be bought in any lipase in the
city. He would invite those in want of Furni- i
ture, to give him a call before they purchase.
^,'H-AIR, Husk, and Excelsior MATTRES- |
SES, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Pillows, made ;
to order at the shortest notice. aug 3?Gm
The sub scriber, in order to accommodate the j
public, has established an OMNIBUS LINE, ;
to run from the Washington Ferryboats to any ;
part of the city; also to connect with the trains
on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad.? |
Fare to any part of the city. 10 cents.
,'^ugB?tf JAMES F. TAYLOR.
HPHIS is to give Notice that I have reduced j
X the price of my Stork ot BOOTS AND SJ10KS. All of i
those iu lit will rjo woll to cy.ll ot N<?. SO. Kinir .-tr<'ot.
ie 13?2m .101IX T. KVAXS.
The Temperance Convention at Saratoga,
N. Y., has adjourned sine die, after adopting
several resolutions looking to the advancement
of the cause of total abstinence. Among
| them is the following :
j Resolved, That homemade wines, bitters
and beer are a too common means of educating
children and others into a taste for strong
alcoholic drinks, and always the occasion lor
j the fall of partially reformed men, and should
j be discountenanced by all friends of tern
p era nee. ^
| Meerschaum is made on a large scale in
Philadelphia by saturating carbonate of mag
nesia and silicate of soda or soluble glass; care in
selecting a good quality of magnesia and
silicate being the only requisite for success.
A Washington telegram to the Philadelphia
Ledger states that many of the articles in the
Raleigh Progress are severely condemned in
Washington, because of their unwarrantable
nature, and tendency to mislead.
The coroner's jury in the Manchester (Conn.)
murder case has returned a verdict charging
the death of Mrs. Starkweather and her
daughter Ella, upon the son and brother Robt.
L. Starkweather, He has confessed the
The yellow fever prevails at Matamoras.
\r E W Y <)R K ACCIDEIn TAL lis SU R
Cash. Capital 8250,000 00
Insures against ACCIDENTS of all kinds.
General accidents include the Travelling Kisk,
and also all forms of Dislocations, Broken
Bones, Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Gunshot wounds.
Burns and Scalds. Bites of Dogs, Assaults by
Burglars, the Action of Lightning, or Sun
Stroke, the effects of explosions, Floods and
Suffocation by Drowning or choking. For
full particulars applv to
JAMIESON & BKO., Agents,
au?r 4?1 v
The undersigned have opened an office in
the Farmers' Bank Building, So. 109, Prince
.street, between Pitt and Royal streets, for the
transaction of a GENEKAL IXSITKANCE
They have been appointed agents for the
following well-known and long established
Companies, in place ot the former Agent, An
drew Jamieson; viz:
of the City of New York;
Cash Capital $2,000,000 00
Assets nearly 4,000.000 00
of Hartford, Connecticut.
Capital $1,000,000 00
Assets 1.300,000 00
of Baltimore, Md.,
Chartered Capital $300,000 00 1
Losses will be liberally adjusted and prompt- j
ly paid at this Agency.
Kates as favorable as those of any other in
stitutions of equal responsibility and standing.
All persons desirous of obtaining first-class
insurance, are respectfully invited to call.?
Office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
JAMIESON & 33110.,
aug 1?ly Farmers' Bank Building.
of Baltimore.
Active Cash Capital $200,000.
of Baltimore.
The undersigned lias been appointed agent
in Alexandria, for the above reliable com
panies, and is prepared to issua policies against
loss or damage by lire, on all descriptions of
property in the city or country, on terms as
favorable as those of any other company of
equal strength and responsibility.
Applications in writing or by person made
at my house, No. 101, Prince street, will re
ceive prompt attention.
jo 10?Gm I. THOMAS.
I. 0 y B A L T I M 0 R E .
Per sons desi rous of eflectin g 11ST SUE AN C E I
in this substantial and reliable company, can |
do so, on favorable terms, by applying to me,
their a gen t. at m y office in 11 e M >?. r k at B u i 1 d i n g j
my 4?tf It. JO H In ST ON, I
B . 3 M I T H ,
And Dealer in
Parkersbuiig, West Va. ,
Kpeps constantly on hand the best brands of j
Flour ; also, Bacon, Lard. Butter,
Cheese,. &c,
Agent for the sale of best brands of Petroleum, 1
Cannel Coal, Carbon Oils, and Oil Lamps.
Parkers burg, July 20?tf
SOKKKL MU LKS. The owner will come tor- 1
ward, pay charges, and take them away._ En
The Negro Convention in Alexandria.
[Correspondence of the Northern Associated Pros.-.]
i . Washington, Aug. 4?The Colored Mens1
| Convention to day at Alexandria, Va., adopted
another address, setting fourth the reasons why
they are entitled to all the privileges of freemen.
In the course of a discussion, Governor Peir
point was roughly censured and accused of'
selling out the negroes at auction when he
removed the seat of his government to Rich
mond. A delegate said that Mr. Peirpoint, as
the Governor, ought to be respected, when
anothor replied that no man was entitled to
respect who did not respect the rights of colored
An anonymous letter was read, postmarked
Washington, and threatening among other
things, to put the principal leaders of the
Convention under the sod, before the falling of
the autumn leaves, if they persisted in their
object. This caused a great excitement and
fierce debate. The speakers, however, said
they were not to be intimidated, and finally
disposed of the subject by throwing the letter
under the table.
Curious.?The Boston Courier makes the
following statement:
It will be remembered that when General
Grant gave a public reception at the Astor
House, New York, some time since, some
fellow made an attempt to wrench the General's
arm out of joint, by seizing his hand with a
vice-like grasp and twisting it around in
a painful manner. A similar attempt to injure
j the General was made at the Faneui! Hall
reception in this city on Monday. While
the throng or ladies and gentlemen were
paving their personal respects to him an
individual approached him and seized his
hand in the same manner that it was grasped in
New York, attempting to give it a sudden
twist, which the General succeeded in prevent
ing only by forcibly withdrawing it. One of
the aldermen who witnessed the operation
seized the man by the neck, but the rascal
escaped from him, and was quickly lost in the
crowd that was hurrying past.
Buying Kates. J Selling Kates.
Gold. U2 144
Silver (Am. quars. ? halves. 12S
Mexican Dollars, 141
Virginia Bank Notes, 020.a2S
Alex. Corp. Notes, O.OoaCS ?
Gold, in New York, to-day, 143^.
7un Rises 5.05 I Moon Sets
Schooner ChiliIr-- E. Raymond. Iliircins, 13a-ton. ! M
Eld ridge ? Co.
Steamer E. C. Knight. Mason. New York. EI-Avers ^ i;
Ai Si. James' Church, Richmond; August 2, lvo5. by Re*
Dr.- Minnegerode, Dr. W.M. M. PAG-12, of Clarke c
Va., to EMILY C., youngest daughter of the late Dr. Ri
A. Carringron. of Richmond.
In Piseataway, Maryland, at four o?cl ?ck, ou Sunday after
noon, the oOtii ultimo, after a lintrorinii' ii. .1AMKS
HARVEY GRIFFIN, in the seventy-first year of Li
leaving a wife ami four children to mourn their losi. li '' -
an affectionate husband. a devoted father, humane r.; ?- -r.
and faithful fi iend. lie wa- a consistent Christian, hitvin _
been a member of the M. E. Church i< r nearly liny
years. lie calmly passed away, lon&in;: to depart and i ?? will
Christ, "Mark the perfect man, Behold the upright man, for
the end of that man is peace."
kwmw.vjrw m m ?mw u iiii ? rf.^rwwfuni m.w-nycw
mO WATER-TAKERS.-Notice is hereby
JL given ths.it in all cases where water rents
shall remain unpaid, on Thursday, the 10th
instant, the water will bo cut oil'. Payment
must be made at the office.
au# o-3t R. JOHNSTON, Treasurer.
Yy T\T~S M 0 o~t~
F () i I \Y A Jt DIN G & (' O.M M I > >10 >'
No. 21, North Union Street,
.VLEX ANI) 1U A. \ ? '? ?
V:~cVcjua11y rrodace B >i:gl:i and Sohi.
aug o?-jiii
A lot of Fresh Batter and Kggs: also a
<>f live Chickens from Loudoun County, "i :>?
jy 19?if cor. of (^*?" t: and St Asaph st
L?OPv KENT.?A l:r-t rtUv and conn nod:
V STOKE, t:: i? property of Isaac Georg&t
estate, k\iown as N?>. 17'J Kings:rees. x or i:ifo'*"
mation apply oo ri. 0. Clakk^ N'o. . l-j Iv.iii2i
or JOii Queen street. jy 14- -:
O TILL ^ BE IT El I IN D U C EM li N TS. -N o
JO that j oseph Kaufmann has ex peri-nee'
in at ilia easterner? wiil call on him wherevc
he moves to. he extends the time for two we*
longer, selling his stpek at a discount of 10 V
coni. j?nu iurthermore olfers to .sell hi? stock *
OH 1LDRENS SfiOES positively at ""**
cost. Remember, JOS." KAUFMANN
aug 4?if cor. King and St. Asaph
\tew aGtRIoultural! impieSnt
The subscrib r respectfully invites the attciitioa of farim-'
and the public ^-ncrally to his hew an I complete
iiiCiit ol FAhMIV(; and (rARDEX IMi'i.EMKXT^. of
latest imj'rovenu nrs. consisting iu part <if Plows. Harro^--"
Cultivators. Hur.se Hakes, ?<tra\v Cutters. Cider Mi'
.Scythe-', Sneatli.s. Forlis, Hoes, a)id many other articles t"
numerous to mention, ail of which ToftVru: the lowest rftt^
'?<r Cash.
#?-! oftVr my servicer f.r the <iie f.i.y PJiODVCE
tvhich r::.\y be ? i ed u me. iiEN'OXi WIIKAT.
S?tl N'u. r. c it.' r ?" ivette Al'ey aud the nyr' ?

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