Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL NEWS. ? : o: The Market, this morning, was very r abundantly supplied with country produce, and there was a large attendance of buyers.? Vegetables remain without much change from our last week's quotations, but with a tendency to a decline on account of their abundance. Corn 15a20 cts. per dozen; tomatoes 10 cts. per half pack ; cabbages 5al5 cts. per head ; Lima beans 20a25 cts. per quart, &c. Peaches are coming in, in quantities, and sell, according to quality, from 10 to 20 cts. per quarter peck. They will soon be very cheap. Watermelons ought to be lower than they are. Fresh meats are as last quoted. Butter and Eggs, also, as before?but both "coming down/' A most delightful moonlight excursion to G-lymont, was made last night by a party of ladies and gentlemen, from this place, on board the steamer Wawaset. A fine band of music ;vas on board. Dancing was kept us at the Favillion, under the efficient direction of the Floor Manager, all night, and as "Aurora, fair daughter of the morn." (but not fairer than the ladies who graced the occassion with their presence,) usprinkled with rosy light the dewy morn," the steamer started for "home again," with as delighted a company, as ever assembled. Everything was conducted in the most agreeable manner,' and the only regret :?as that the hours were so brief, and the pleas are of the party so soon over. We were shown yesterday at the livery stable of D. S. Lent, by the owner, Mr. F. R. Wind sor, as fine a specimen of horse flesh as we re member to have witnessed. It was a mahogany bay stallion, fifteen and a half hands high, of exquisite form and symetry. "Refugee," so called from the number of times he has been moved during the war to prevent his being captured, is a thorough bred animal?his father being the Hon. J. M. Botts', celebrated "Revenue" and his mother the famous Moun ;ain Maid. Refugee is now in training and will be entered for some of the fall races. The vexed question of "where watermelons should be landed," was definitely settled yes terday, by Mayor Ware, who decided that as the Quartermaster's Department had rented UiUCt illii held possession of the wharves for meriy used for receiving watermelons and fish, and as he had no legal right to compel the present occupants to supply gratuitous wharf age, watermelons should be landed wherever ;heir owners thought proper. The United States Telegraph Company are maturing arrangements for extending their "wires from Washington to Richmond, via the Alexandria Aqueduct and this place. As soon as the arrangements are completed an office will be opened in this city. Captain J. G. C. Lee, U. S. A., depot quartermaster at Alexandria, has been brevet ed a lieutenant colonel in the regular army, "fcr faithful and meritori ous services. ' - The Calvary Baptist Church, in Washington, have contracted with the celebrated organ builder. Henry Erben, of New York, for a first-class eight thousand dollar organ. The boatmen of the fleet of coal boats just arriving* have been behaving outrageously on -'he line of- the canal, from Georgetown to tiarper* Ferry. President Johnson's health is better, and he will probably resume attention to official busi ness on Monday Mr. H. Latham, is no longer the carrier of "he Mail in Washington to the railroad depot. VP H E AT SEEDING W RHODES' STANDARD SUPER PHOSPHATE. Our fall supply of this old established STANDARD MANURE. {flt demand for which'is reduced to a question of is now ready for delivery. 'Ve suggest to Dealers and Farmers to apply ea-y. ' B. M. EHODESV& CO|, Office. No. 82 South street, Baltimore, Md. t. A . BR EW I S . ^7. Sole Agent, Alexandria. Va:. V iio will supply Commission Merchants and jy20-2m " Planters. V j j? I S H . ?? i } : ! ^?Wi5. 25 half bbls.: and 20 Kits of No. 1. |Mackerel-,-and 10 bbls of Eastern Ale ves, for sale -bf . ? ? ? NATHANIEL BOUSH & CO. J ^ -1 No. 3 Strand. POSTSCRIPT! Death of Captain Drayton. Washington, Aug. 5.?Captain Percival Drayton, of the United States Navy, and Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, died in this city at a late hour last night. The Philadelphia Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company are now doing a large busi ness in bringing peaches to market from Delaware. During the past six days, 45,000 baskets were sent over this road to New York, and 40.000 baskets were delivered in Philadel phia. Over 40 cars are required daily for this trade alone. Maj. Gen. Hancock has issued orders prohibiting paroled prisoners, who have riot been specially pardoned by the President, from visiting Baltimore city, without permission from his headquarters, or higher authority. A man with large placards, having the word "thief," in large letters, written thereon, fastened to his breast and back, was paraded through the main streets of the city this morning by the provost guard, and then made to leave the place. Boots & Shoes. HHHE war being over, the subscriber would J_ address himself lu the ^leasing auk oi furnishing his friends of the city and country, with goods in his line of business, and would call their attention to the following leading articles, viz: Gent's Calf and Kipp Boots. Gent's Calf, Kipp and Buff Boots and Shoes. Boys Boots and Shoes, in their varieties. Ladies Gaiters. Morocco Boots. Calf Seal Misses Morocco, Seal and Calf Boots. Children's Shoes, of all kinds used. And in short every article usually found in a well assorted shoe establishment, all of which are offered at fair living prices for Cash. HENRY L. SIMPSON, Agent, iy 19?If N o. 8 Boyal Street. J7J L Y L E S , ' BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, No. 11, South Alfred St., Alexandria, Va. figs'* The best quality of SEWED and PEG GED BOOTS made to order. Repairing neat ly executed. je 28?tf jy M. FURLONG, * BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, No. 14, South Fairfax St. Notice to Shoemakers.?I am pre pared to furnish BOOT LEGS of the finest quality ; Home Made at S4; French S4.-50. jy 12?lm J ROSENTHA L, Manufacturer and Denier in ? and 8 Leather, Findings, Uppers, &c. No. 98, King Street, my 12?3m ' ALEXANDRIA, VA. Segars and Tobacco. no and try E . S . .JUSTH'S FIVE and ten CENT SEGARS, AT BRADLEY'S C 0 K X E ]? , No. 205, King St.. corner Alfred st. Alexandria, Ya. N. B.?Segars wholesale at manufacturing (peace) prices. jy 27?tf BUCKINGHAM & YOKE., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in TOBACCO, SNUFF, CIGARS, PIPES, &c., No. 71 King Street. WM. BUCKINGHAM. CHARLES A. YOKE. je 15?tf qhaiTles a. GLADKE"; 91. KING STREET, ( T II E A T II E B U I L I) T X G .) I am selling a splendid CI G A R , For S2.25 a hundred. Call and see them. jy 22?tf "VfOTICE.? All persons having claims against jLN the estate of the late John T. Johxson, are requested to present them immediately, and those indebted to the estate are requested to make payment to CAROLINE JT. JOHNSON, au 4-2aw4w Admx. of Jno. T.Johnson, deed. received. 5 Hhds. Brown Sugars. 30 Bbls. Refined a 5 "> Molasses 3 t: Golden Syrup-' 3 Tierces Plain arid Sugar Cured Hams. 10 Chests Tea. J. CLINTON MILBURN, Corner of Cameron and Royal streets, jy 17?lm Opposite the Market. 1 A Barrels - Pure ^ Cider VINEGAR, just 11/ received and for sale by jy 5?tf J. E, DOUGLASS T^ULFOKD FEMALE SEMINARY, _L Sandy Sprint P. 0., Montgomery co., Md. The undersigned desires to inform the public that be intends to open a BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOE GIRLS, at the above named place, on the 2d of October next. ^ For farther particulars, apply to the under signed, either in|person or bv letter. J AS. S. HALLO WELL, Post Odice Department, 7th mo3- In# Washington, I). 0. BOY'S SCHOOL.--Tiie undersigned having, as is well known, a large experience in school teaching, designs opening a lirst-class MALE DAT SCHOOL, in Alexandria, on the i 1th of September. aug 2-dtd * THORS TON_ TRIPLETT. ; jl/riss MARTHA A. IvELL. will resume : IVJL the duties of her School on Monday, 41, h | day of September, 1805. aug 2?td BE L M () N T ~ FEMALE " BOARDING SCHOOL.?The subscriber will open on ! the 2d Monday, in beptembf-r, a BOARDING i SCHOOL for Young Ladies, at Belmont, ! Loudoun county, Ya. An assistant of 12 or 14 ! years' experience has been engaged. The course of instruction will be thorough. The situation is pleasant, healthy, and easy ofaccess. i being 5 miles from Lees burg, and 28 from I Washington city. Persons leave Baltimore in 1 the morning and reach Belmont in the after noon. by way of Point of Rocks and Leesburg. Terms:?For board, washing and tuition, $200 per scholastic year?payable half yearly in advance. Extra Branches. French and Latin per year, $20.00 Mu-:ic ;i 11 40.00 Use of Piano " 2.00 Painting 14 t: 5. CO Persons wishing to send pupils please apply at once. For fuller particulars address MISS EIJGENIA KEPHART, aug 1?1 m* Belmont, Loudoun co., Ya. "VTEW MALE SCHOOL.?The undersigned, JlN formerly Associate Principal of the Alex andria Eclectic Academy, will open a school at Lyceum Hall, in this city, on Monday, Septem ber 4th, 180-5, for the education of boys. Circulars can be had at Entwisle's Book Store, or at the store of Robert L. Wood. King street. WM. E. BAKER, aug 1?lawow&dtf YXTENT WORTH FEMALE SEMINARY, VV Pr ince street, opposite the Post Office. The duties of this institution will be resumed on the 11th of September. Circulars may be obtained from the principal. jy 31?tf ALBERT E. BASSFORD. 3MALE SEMINARY, Iv. Kemper, Principal. Tiie undersigned, who has had large expe rience in Teaching, takes pleasure in announ cing to the citizens of Alexandria his purpose ! of opening on the 11th of September, a First j Class Female School. Terms and other par I ticulars in a future advertisement. X. KEMPER, at Mrs. Jordan's corner Prince and Washington streets. jy 21--tf gELEOTSCHOOL ~ BOYS AND GIRLS, Th'3 undersigned who has boon engaged as a teacher in Moravian Schools at Bethlehem and Nazareth. Pa., for ten years, purposes starting in this city, a SELECT SCHOOL, for BOYS and GIRLS, on Monday September. 4cA, 18G5. By railing at Leadbeater & Co's Drug Store, No. 7 South Fairfax street, c-irculars^ and further information can be obtained, until the undersighed removes to the city. jy 15--dtscpl* C. EDWAKJj KUMMEE. PELLE HAVEN INSTITUTE, 13 alexandria, VA., Mss TJ. J>. Gavber as Announces that this Institution will be re opened for the reception of Pupils the 18ih day of next September. It is proposed to offer ever}7 advantage. Full particulars, as to terms, references, &c., will be given in a future ad vertisement. jy 18?tf MISS FANNIE V. GAVIN will open school on Monday, 18th September. I8G5. All English Branches taught. Particular attention will be paid to Music and the Languages.? Desired information given at 40. south Fair fax street. Reference, C. C. Bitting, jy2y-td ]\/riSS HELEN M. NEYETT, having re ly jl turned to Alexandria, will give lessons in MUSIC, to a limited number of pupils.? For terms, apply at 179, west Gibbon street, near Alfred, or to Miss Mary Entwisle, No. 102, King st. jy 2o?Ini "T7XGELSI0R." ' "EXCEL SI OR'' "AMONIATED SUPER PHOSPHATE,"' E. Frank Coe's SUPER PHOSPHATE. A N D SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, For Saie by T. A. BREWIS. jy 18?tf BREWIS & DAVIS. I C T 0 R B E C K TC "R a J Jl! V PIANO TUNER & REGULATOR, Will attend promptly to the Tuning and Re pairing of Pianos, Melodens, Accordeo-ns, &c.: &c. Orders will be received at Mr. Robert Bell's Book Store, No. 01, King street; with Mr. John H. Parrott, and at V. fi's. residence, 241, King street. Y. Becker also offers his services and long experience in the business, to persons wanting new Pianos, and wishing the advice of an able and disinterested juudge. ap 4?tf WOOL purchased by , . ,v Tf , " B, WHEAT, jo $?if Xo.'4. rr,m< ? :.Vfp*u A11 ac& the RIvct. Auction Sales nrVRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE. A PROPERTY. By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Thomas W. Smith and wife, we will olfer foi sale at public auction, a lot of ground, in the City of Alexandria, beginning at a point or. ea-t side of Water street, 98 feet south of Duke street on the south line of an 8 foot allay, run ning east with alley 90 feet parallel with Duke street, to its intersection with an alley 9 feet wide, then south with stiid alley 28feet, then west to Water street: and then North *28 feet to tlie beginning. Terms?Cash. Sale" will take place on Wednesday. the 0/A day of September, 1865, at 12 in., in front of the Mavors Office, Alexandria. J. P. SMITH, [ T . na C. W. WATTLES, j Jlll^e3 jy 14?2a wts )Y virtue of a deed of trust executed by Kichard C. Smith, and recorded among the land records of Alexandria County, in Liber T, No. 3, page 41: I will offer for sale A LOT OF GROUND in the city of Alexandria, Va., bounded as follows : Beginning on Strand street 93 feet 31 inches, to the south of Frank lin street, running thence southwardly with the Strand, and bounding thence 40 feet 75 inches, to the lot of James Keith, thence with that line eastwardly into the river Potomac, crossing a landing place 30 feet wide, covenanted by the proprietors of the wharf, of which the premises were apart, to be left forevor open on a pas sage along the wharf and Landing Place, then northwardly with a line parallel with Strand Street, 40 feet, 7it inches and thence westward - ly in a straight line to the beginning. Terms Cash. Sale will take place on Wednesday, the Cdh day of Scyst ember, 1865 at at 12 31., in front of the Mayor's Office, Alexandria. Va. iy 1-1?2a wts J AS. P. SMITH, Trustee. VALUABLE GARDEN LOTS FOR r SALE. I have some four LOTS of the Clish Farm: yet to sell, containing from 20 to 32 acres each, running from Cameron Run to Fori Lyons, within one and a half miles of Alexan dria, Va., well situated and valuable for garden p ur p os as. * I will also sell a BUILDING LOT in Alex andria, on the west side of Fayette about 100 feet from King street, 20 by 125 feet?running back to an open court 25 feet wide. For further information apply to ELIZABETH HABRISON, Executrix of JOHN D. HARRISON, Deceased, at 36 Queen Street, iv 15?2aw Alexandria. Va,. /^O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE.?The Book \J and Stationery business heretofore conduct ed by James Entwisle, at No. 110, Kino- street, will "be continued by the undersigned, from and after this date, under the name and style of J. & W. J. ENTWISLE. JAMES entwisle, WILMER J. ENTWISLE. Alexandria, Ya., August 1st, 1665. J A S. ENTWISLE. WILME3, -7. EXTWISLE. J & W. J. entwisle, C I T Y BOO K S T 0 11 E , No. 110, King Street. Dealers in BOOKS, PAPER, ENVELOPES, SHEET MUSIC, MUSIC BOOKS. &c., &c. A general assortment of stationery", SCHOOL BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, and juyenile BOOKS, BIBLES, Prayer and Hymn Books, Photograph Albums, together with all articles usually found in a first class Book and Stationery Store. Prices low, and for cash only. aug 1?lw y\LSSOLUTION^FGO-PAKT^ERSHIP U ?The partnership formerly existing be tween the subscribers, under the firm of R. H. MILLER, SON & CO., was dissolved on the 1st of July. 1804. The Senior partner will attend to the settle ment of any claims against the firm. Either partner is authorized to collect the debts due the firm, and receipt for the same. E. H.' MILLER, E. J. MILLER, ? F. WEST WOOD ASHBV. A1 exand: i a, Ya., May 24. 1865. my 25?eo3m A B THEN WARE, CHINA. GLASS ij WARE, &C. The subscriber will continue the same busi ness heretofore carried on at Ne. Co, King st., where he oners a good assortment of goods in his line, and solicits a continuance of the custom of the public, and tr e friends of the old firm. [my 25?eo3m] E. J. MILLER. T^ISS0LU"n0N~0f l'AR?>i '-/iisiilpr The partnership heretofore existing between W. and A. Murray, under the firm name of VS. A, MURRAY, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent. A. MURRAY is authovixpd t? cAo>( ^'i^e'n "W" MURRAY, A. MURRAY jy 22?tf N< . 19, Fairfax st., Alexa* quelling out at and bel >w cost.? jO The advertisers having had their store damaged by the storm of Saturday, intend to sell their stock of clothing, BOOTS SHOES, HATS, &c., &e., at private sale du ring the day, and at public auction at night, at their new place of business,. No. 2t6, Kin a street, Mr. Wolfe's former Baker's Stand.? The Goods will be sold at the lowest rates ? Great bargains to those who call in the day time. [aul-Lw] CHAS. BAUM & CO., * rno'MB"STORES, MONUMENTS, &c. ? W . OWE N , Comer of Alfred and Duke streets. Alexandria, va., Offers to the public hi? stock of marble at very reduced prices. Call and examine for yourselves. Lettering done, in first rate style, at S3 per hundred. jc 2*2?2m rpULQ'mTSKED." ~ 25.Bushed primeTimothv Seed, for sale by jy 21?t* B. WHEAT.