Newspaper Page Text
yOL. XCI-NQ.M ALEXANDRIA, VA.. MONO AT EVENING, APRIL 7, 1890 PRICE 2 CTS. MEDICINAL. mniniiiimiiiiiiiniiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiinj 13 Preparations: : Alterative,! AND Expectorant ORE CURE FOR IMPURE BLOOD, CONSUMPTION, I RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS, DYSPEPSIA, SCROFULA, i I TUMORS. I E SOLD BY ALL_DRUGGISTS. = : Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases - z by mail free. Address - I A. B. G. CHEMICAL C0.J : !7S. 12th ST., RICHMOND. VA. S ?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinaiiiiiS FISH DEALERS. GEORGE E. PRICE CO., DEAXESS JN FRESH AND SALTED FISH, Have perfected arrangements for their extensivo Fish business furthe spring:of 2880 They will receive Fish daily from the shores of tho Poto mac, and will supply consumers in quantities to suit, either fresh or Baited, by experienced packers. t iiunty oiders solicitc 1 and satisfaction fjuaran :eed. Ourl.rand of BARRELED FISH has always stood No. 1 in tho markt t. Terms?C. (). D., or best lef'-rcnees. Ofr). E PRICE & CO., Stall No. 1 at Fairfax street entrance and No. 3 at Eoyal-trcL-t entrance City Market, and Fish llouso No. 1 Corporation Fish Wharf. [mhG 2m BUILDING MATERIAL, &c._ SlVIOOT & CO., Steam Floormg&Planing Mill Manufacturers of . )< (OK Mid WINOOW FRAMES, MOLDINGS, ? Doalors in ? Iii'BBS, SHINGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, I CALCINED PLASTES and CEMENT. NO. 25 NORTH UNION IT.. ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. /W*Lumber delivered in the rlty f.-oe. ESTABLISHED 13227" JOSIAH HD. SMOOT, DIALER HI Lumber, NAILS, LJME, CEMENT. CALCINED PLASTER &c. Jtn. &c. KAKurACTesEB or ORING, DOORS, SASH; BLINDS, FRAME? MOULDINGS, MANTELS, BRACKETS AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK. Office and yard No. 21 north Union st. Factory ftos. 13 and 15 north Leo sr., Alexandria, Va. ??"No chaTgo for delivery in city. jan2S ?OMMliWI?S MERCHANTS. J. a. MILBURN, C0MLII8SI0JS MERCHANT, AKD DEALER IX FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES. PROPRIETORS OF Pi >TOMAC BRAND OF FLOUR. doc2G Which is nnoxcollcd. _ w. A. Smoct g. s Fssatin H . A . S H O <> T A CO. , Coal, Salt and Piaster, AT.UVL'.KDEIA. Vi.. Office?timcot's V/harf. ?p4 special attention pr.d to forwarding._ CHARLES ?fXti ?fc St?S, WHOLESALE GROCERS, 217.223 NORTH LEE fcuiLET, t?\ipo3;.to Hili'c Crackor Factory) i2S9~SOLE AGENTS FOR SATISFACTION TO? BACCO and H \ZARD ROW DEB._ cct2U A. johnson & CO.. w. WHOLESALE GROCERS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT'S, And Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, Have on hand GIBSON'S XX, XXX. XX XX, and PURE OLD RYE, OLD CABINET and MONOGRAM WHISKIES; also BA . THOMPSON'S PURE RYE WHISKIES, to which thoy invito tho attention of tho trado. Ordors from tho country for merchandise shall rocoive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country i'io> duco solicitod. for which they guarantee the high tat market prices and prompt returns. Northeast corner of Camorou and Royal stroots sepll Alexandria, Va. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. WASHINGTON DAXEKHOWEK, (Successor to Dancuhowor & Son, RealEstate andlnsnraoce Broker NO. 1115 F STREET N. W., Washington, D. C. Eoal Estato Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Money Invested, Bents Collected and tho Caro of Proporty of Residents and Non-Residents. Building Houses for Investment a Sped I Agent American lire Insurance Cumpaicj of fialti n*re, Md. /o'J-i ly S PBLNG IMPORTATION OK CROCKERY. Wo have just beon notified of the arrival of tho steamship Carthaginian from Liverpool, Eng., at the port of Baltimore, Md., on board of which is our spring importation of JOHNSON BROS.' CELEBRATED ENGLISH STONE CHINA, which will be on sale after Wednesday, March 20, and which we will sell at former prices, notwith- j standing tho recent advance in English Waro.i--.. j mh2l E. J. MILLER & SON. ! PUBLISHED DAILY AND TItMVEEKLY AT THE : Gazetie Building-, 310 and 'M t Prince st. i DaiK-oueycar_.?6 00 '? Six months?.-.3 00 i " One luonlli ~-. 50 Trl-Wcekly one year.4 00 Six months. 2 I'll Three msntbs. 1 00 I Contract advertisers will not be aliowed to exceed their ? cpace unless the excess is paid formt transient rates, : unit under no circumstances will they be nllowcd to ' advertise oilier than their legitimate business in the j ."pace contrneted for. ? All transient advertisements must be paid for in ad I vanee. Mdrriase and dcxth notices moat bo paid for In ad? vance Resolutions in manorial)!, of thanks, tributesof respect, resolutions adopted bysoeietic:. or persons, unless oi public concern, will only be printed In this paper as advertisements. The Gazers otlicc Is connected with the Telephone Exchange, Advertisements, orders for the paper, news, or any informal io:> or business tun be sent by telephone. [Entered ?i the Po^toflicc, Alexandria. Virginia, as second-class luailer.J Pkincks Fight it our,?Court circieeare or joying a ecund&i it; little pi incipality of Sobwatzbarg S-jndersbaurea. Pi ince Leopcid. tho brother of (be reigoieg scver eigr, PiincfeCba.ies, ;tmoved uli his potsfs | eiooB from the pa'ace where he has been riving for years, nod bus taken lodgings in a hotel. Hitnertr, the two princes, who ure both P.'U3siuu gi-uera;!?, mid aired respective ly eixty eight anri fiftj-^lgbt, bnve been great chumr, their intimacy even going-o far ae to inemde the keeping of a small ha rem on tqua! shares as to expenses. Prince j Charles, although married, childless. Prince Leopold beinc a btchelor it was de ciJed, .'or reasons of State, that he bad bet tor marry. So, two or tfc-ree Sundays ago, tb< twopriuces taikt/,1 mat r<-rs over while at aopperin the Casino Cubat Sondershausen. Prince Leopold demanded that in case of his marriflge his allowance of $5,000 per an? num should bt> increased, The elder Prince did not take kindly to the propcsiiioo, and said that if Leopold could not afford lo sup part a princess as bis wife he t-houid try to marry a rich girl of iesier rank. Tbij offended Prince Leopold, and be lef; the club abruptly. Ho was on bis way home to the castle when he waa overtaken by Prince Cbnrie who sneeringiy repeated his advice. PiinceL"cr.'iiid viciously turned on his brother, hit him in the face, nr d a fi=tic battle then ensued between the brolhers, who wi re both iu mufti. The sentries who were pu'.ing the road to the cattle did not ilnre to interfere, but some officers arrived opportunely; and iht-y, iy shit-lding the reigning prince with their bodies, succeeded' in lulling the -torm. Then everybody re tin-d to bed. lathe morning both princes hail black eyes and remained invisible to !hn people of the littio capital. The reason for tho decision of the Ccuncil of State lies in the fact that Prince Charles, who was married to the Princess Matie of Saxe Altenburg in 1SGU, has no issue, and conse quentiy the danger threatens tho little principality of having no direct succession in the case of both brothers dying childless. Prince and Duke Quarrbl ?All is talking about the quarrel between the Prince of Walts and tho Duke of Marlbo rou?:b, which occurred there lust week as [ the Prince pas=ed through on his way from [Berlin to Cannes. This quarrel resulted from nu interview which was held in the Prince's drawing-room at the Hotel Bristol. This interview was solicited by the Duke. It lasted longer than the usual visit of court eey or a friendly call. It was, moieover, held strictly tete a-tete. On Welneeday the Prince, after lunching with B iron Hirsch, was crossing the Rue Fuuboura; St. Honoru, in foot to go to the E'ysee. Ho was within ten yardB of the principal entrance of th* palace when the Duke of Marlborough passed on the thorrughfare It was then seen, to the uuiouisbrneat of everybody who knew of the friendly relations on which the P.-iiieo and tho Duke u-ed to be, that when Harlbcrongb raised his hat to salute the Prince tho latter turned away bis? head without giving the slightest sign of recogni tior. und walkod or, cutting the heir of the hero of Bie obeini dead. Such ie the story iold evorywhere in :;aris. Various sup positions as to the cause of the quarrel are tfloat. Religion in Politics ?Bishop Viocent, of Buffalo, N. Y , considers the Bennett law issue in Wisconsin the most important event of the year. '"Before long," says the bishop, "the Catholics and German Lutherans will condemn the compulsory education law in Illinois and other States. I have watched the progress of this i^ue in Wiscorslo ever since Mr. Bennett framed the law which haB become fumous, and I believe the Issue ofj compulsory education will supersede at the next Presidential election all tariffand other political interes-ts. The great question as to whether Americans or Roman CatholicB shall control this country has reached a point where an open fight is inevitable. While the American* have been sleeping the Roman Catholics have been laboring with untiring energy, and their efforts have not beerj futile. They are building up a power in this country which tbreateus to prove disastrous to the United Stales. Not only do most of tb? Roman Catholics pat their children in parochial schools, but they place Catholic teachers in the public schools to exercise an influence over the children of other denominations." IJrrckieu'* Arnica Salve The Best Salve in tho world for Cuts, Eruisea Soro3, Ulcors, Salt Bhoum, Fovor Sores, Totter, Chappod Hands, Chilblains, Corns and ail Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Pi)e3, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis? faction, or money rofunded. Prico 25 cents por box. For sale by E. S. Loadbestor & Bro. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING STB?P, for children toothing, is tho prescription of one o? the best femalo nurses and physicians in tho Unitod States, sud has beon used for forty years with nevor-failing success by millions of mothers for their childron. During tho process of teething its value is incalculable. It relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhcea, griping in tho bowels and wind-colic By giving health to the child it "Mi the mother. Price 25 cents a Ivoitln. M OOEE BEOS'. GENERAL COW DEINE! For garget, maw bound, bloating and fevers, Milk fever and abortion preventiv test received and for sale by foh2S _ W. F.CBSfGHTON&CO. Z^OKN AND BUNIONS. L> IMPEBIAL COEN AND BUNION SOLVENT. Eight hours sufficient to removo any corn or bunion. For sale by BBOA DUS & SMITH, mho 301 King street. MEDICINAL. Take Simmons Liver Regulator One Dose WORTH 100 Dollars Dear S. L. R.? Friends: I consider one dose of Simmons' Livor Regulator worth $100. I was constipated, had headnche, could rat nothing with ratisfaciion or appotito; had the hlues and feit altogether out of sorts. I resort'd to blue mass, calemcl, quinine and all remedies suggest cd, but only obtained temporary relief, One dose of 3. L. R. did mo moro good than the $100 worth of doctors and doctoring R?sp:rtful!y, T. C. M a It k LEV. I have been a teacher for twenty yoaw, and during that time hsvo had repeated attacks of | headache, producod by torpid liver, rmI I havo been entirely cured by tho uso of Simmons' Liver Eegulator. I found it to bo of so mild a character I in its setlon as not to interfere, in the least, with I my duties in the school room. To those similarly I situated and subject to samo, I cannot tco highly recommend Simmons' Liver Regulator. E. A. Cheek. Camphcllsvillc. Ky. _LEGAL. NOTICE?The hooka of tho late firms of TER? RY, SMOOT & CO and J. R. SHOOT & TER? RY have toon placed in tho hands of Mr. GEO. UHLER for settlement. Thoy 6in l;o found at tho ofiico of Smoot (St Co., and Mr. Uhlor is author? ized to settlo ell accounts. Prompt payment of J all indebtedness to the abovc-nmno l firm is re? quested. PERRY, SMOOT & CO. mbl2 tf J. R. SMOOT & PERRY. INSURANCE. 1843 1880 THE OF JfEW YORK. ASSETS OVER ? ? ? $120,000,000 SURPLUS. 8,000,000 t&- EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF POLICY ISSUED. ITS NEW DISTRIBUTION POLIC Y Is tbo most liboral over offbrod by any company. Wm. H. Lambert, AGENT FOR ALEXANDRIA. C. POWELL, M. D., Examiner. my!3 ly | FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, ?c. 7E ARE NOW OPENING A SELECT STOCK Spring and Summer Soods AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, * And ask our friends and tho public to call and ex-1 aminc for themselves at AM OS R. SLAY MAKER'S, 429 KING STREET, mh2G Alexandria, Virginia. TOBACCO. TO THE CHEWEIRS W. T. HANCOCK'S Maritana Rough & Ready 10s It having come to my notice that thoro is a piece of Tobacco on tho markot called Maritaxa, put up by somo othor manufacturer, I dosiro to caution my patrons to bo sure and sco that thoy got my shield tag on their Tobacco. I hereby caution all dealers not to sell any To? bacco branded Maritana not having my shield tag thereon, as I shall bring suit for damages against all dcalors handling my brands nat up by other manufacturers. W. T. HANCOCK, mh21 lm Richmond, Va. DILL'S BEST An old-time acquaintance, a particular frioud of | mine, Is DILL'S BEST TOBACCO, tho BEST you can find. Always the samo, this OLD RELIABLE FRIEND, Giving comfort and solaco from beginning to end. As handsome as a dream, excellent in taste, Adorned, as usual, with throe tags on its face. PARTICULAR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO OUR OTHER LEADING BRANDS: Exposition, Iwl Mi Sill For sale in Alexandria by CHARLES KING & SON, 217-223 NORTH LEE STREET. Factory?2020 oast Franklin street, Richmond Va. mh3 eo3m ^BTI8T8' GOLD PAINT. Just received, complete in ono box, saucor, brush, ono bottlo liquid and ono of gold. Price twenty-five cents. For sale by mh21 W. F CREIGHTON & CO. ACABLOAD OF LAMP CHIMNEYS. A carload of 8T0NE PANS AND FLOWER POTS. The former just roeeived and tho latter to ar? rive this week and for sale at very low prices by mh24 E. J. MILLER & SON. RED WARRIOR CHOPPING AXES, wholesale and retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal st. dss8 J. T. CREIGHTON & SON. stockholders' meetings. ?^OTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Annual meeting of the stockholders of the JANNEY CAB OOTJPLIhG COMP ANS" will be htld at tho tfii ?(? of the compaur. No. 304. south Fairfax street, on W?DNE:DA Y, Anril 23d. at 12 o'clock m. E. H. JANNEY, apl codtd President. AfOTICE?The annual meeting of tho ALEX? IS ANDBIA PEEPETUAL BUILDING FUND ASSOCIATION will bo hold on THUBSDAY, March 20th. 1390, at 7:30 o'clock p. m , at the roil citato cfb>e, on Fairfax ttrect. mhlO td JUSTUS SCHNEIDEB, Scct'y. ggf The aboro meeting has bees postponed till APBIL 27th, at the samo hour and p'ace. mh21 ootd N OTICE. Tho anuual meotiug of tho ALEXANDRIA MABI'.'E RAILWAY AND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY will ba held TUESDAY, April 8th, 1890, at 11 o'clock a. m , at No. 2 Kin* street, _apl_lw_J. SCHNEIDEB, Secretary. IAlexandria, Va., March 29,1890. N ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY vested In in as Pr-sdouti rev.e-tively of tho Alexandria and Frcdei icksbiirK Railway Company and of the Alexandria end WashingUu Railway Company, by io;o'utious d.., i ?. .1 t.y tho stock? holders cf each of said companies, arc-pting the act of Assembly authorizing the consolidation of the Alexandria and F;cdericksburg Railway Com? pany and the Alexandria and Washington Rail? way Company into one company, under the name of tho Washington ^cuthcrn Railway Company, and ratifying tho coutra-t entered into between said compat.i.s for the purp so, wo hereby uotify and request the stojk holders of tho Alexandria and Fredericksburg Railway Co npany and of tho Alexandria and Washington Bail way Company, who have beiomo stockholders of tho, Wa3hingtcn Southern R-tilway Company, a< abovo rtcited, to meet at the olhcc of tho company, corner of Camer? on and Fayette Mroctp, in tho citv of Alexandria, Va , on WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of April, 1890, at 12:30 o'clock p. m.. t> adopt such meas? ures as may ho ncr, s?ary and pmpor in tho prom? ise?, and for tho transaction of tuch business a? may bo brought before said nioit ng. GEORGE B ROBERTS, President of In Ah x u di ia and Fudcrkk-burg Eailway Company. .7 N. DtjBABEY, President cf tho Alexandria and Washington Etil way Company. mh31 td OFFICE OF THE WASHINGTON SOU IHERN RAILWAY COMPANY, Cameron and Fayette strcots, Alexandria, Va., March 29, 1890. A general meeting of tho stockholders of this company is bciohy called to ho hold at this office on WEDNESDAY, tho thirtieth day of April, 1890, at 12:30 o'clock p m., to approve or disap? prove of tho execution of a mortgago by this com? pany and tho i suanco of bjud3 secured thoroby to tho amount of two million liva hundred thou? sand (2,500,000] dollars, and for tho transaction of any other business that may bo properly brought beforo tho said meeting. Bv order of the Board of I/iieetor?. mh29 dtd ALBERT I! EWHON, Secrotary. "for"sale and rent." F !OB BENT, THE FRAME HOUSE No. 413 south Loo street. Tho honso is in per? fect order, and to a good tenant the rent will bo low. Apply at febl tf_504 PRINCE STREET. JjlOE RENT. TWO NEW and CONVENIENT BBICK HOUSES, No3. 413 and 415 north St. Asaph street, containing six rooms and n bath room each, with good yards. Applv to JOHNS BEACH, sopl9 tf 423 north St. Asaph street. FOB BENT?The THREE STORY BBICK WABEHOUSE No. 113 King stroet, recently occupied by CS. Taylor, jr. Po.;sossion .given immediately. Apply to augl9 C. C. SMOOT & SONS. po? os BENT. THIBTI ACEES OF LAND, lying immediately in front of tho Thoological Seminary, adjoining tho farm of Wm. Cloaveland. Apply at this office._sep!5 tf books and stationery. -AT French's, 417 & 419 King St. Have you scon tho latest crazo? "LA GRIPPE PUZZLE'.' Nothing to equal it. Way ahead of the famous ' Pig-in-CIover Puzzle. Don't fail to purchase, Only 10 cents. Also just received all the latest FASHION BOOKS and MAGAZINES for spring and summer. 1000 paper back noveh by tho best authors. Tho remarkably low prices asked for those books will 8umri3e you. 500 Folios of Music. Vocal and Instrumental, very latcsi danco music, &c. Our lino of EASTEE CARD I and NOVELTIES is tho prettiest over shown in this State. The greatest variety and lowest prices. mh25 GEO. E. FRENCH. NO MOBE BOUND SHOULDEES. THE IMPROVED KNICKERBOCKER SHOULDEB BBACE. Shouldor Brace and Suspender combined; pre? vents childron becoming stooped or round-should? ered ; physicians all recommond them ; a gontloor ] powerful brace obtained; oasily adjusted and worn with comfort. For salo by mhl E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BBO. EEFECTION WOOD STAINS, imitating Oak, Antiquo Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Bosewood and Ebony, prepared in dry powders, only roquiring to bo reduced with water to bo I ready for uso. For staining floors and all kinds of woodwork thoy arc tho most economical, cheap? est and handsomest stains over produced. Ten cents a pickago. For salo by oct22_ W. F. CBEIGHTON & CO. BEECH AND MUZZLE LOADING GUNS, in GBEAT VABIETY OF STYLES AND PBICES j Just received at 328 King, corner of Boyal street. Will be sold at very low prices Call and see. No charge for looking. BoplO J. T. CBEIGHTON & SON. FABMEBS, BEAD X. O. DUST ! X. O. DUST! THE NEW AND GBEAT DISCOVERY, X. 0. DUST! For tho relief from the Texas or Buffalo Fly on Cattlo, just received and for sale by _scp9 _ _W. F. CBEIGHTON & CO. "/-^BYSTALINE GLASS," \J A brand-now departure in Glassware. Something ontirely new, rich in color, beautiful indesign and, best of all, VERY CHEAP. On exhibition and for sale at our store. Call and get prices beforo purchasing elsowhere. feb20_ E. J. MILLEB & SON. ^YEE'S VITA NUOVA, A Life-giving, Health-renewing Cordial and Tonic, lust received by aug31_E. S. LEADBEATEB & BBO. J D. H. LUNT, Agent for the Celebrated ASHLEY BBOMIDE OF ARSENIC WATEB. _[sep25]__ mBY LUNT8 COUGH SYEUP FOB COUGHS AND COLDS. Price 25e: sample bottle 10c _declS FRENCH NECK MEBINO SHIETS extraheavy Sep26 At A. B. SLAYMAKEB'S. DRY GOODS. 51 IDS DAILY AT Hunt NEW DRESS Gl ODJ, NEW GINGE \ MS, , in puro Mohair Tannires at 50 and 05c per yard. NEW SATEENS, NEW OUTING PL' NNEL9, Gonts' Catsimercs for suiting and pataloon pat NEW SHIRTING PEFCALS NEW PRUT]torus, a superb lino just opened. NEW WHITE GOODS, sumo rare targiins in Gents'Outing aud Flannei Shirts, a largo va Eemnanta in this department. New Hamburg and Swiss Embroidrrie3 rioty of Etyles just received. Also a beautiful line of GENTS' NECKWEAE, A largo lino of 27 in. and 15-in. Flounces. Four-in-Hand, Text and Windsor stylos, in Silk New Vandyke Point Laces tnd Embroidery. Pongees and Washables. Gloria Silk Umbrellas from $1 up. A largo lino of STEAW MATTINGS. BLACK GOOTS?Cashmeres and Henriettas in , A groat many other novelties, all at lowest all-Wool and Silk Warrs; two special good values i prices. Givo us a call. D. Bendheim, 316King street. See Pretzfelder & Go.'s Spring Stock. A Handsome Line of Dress Goods IN LADIES' R ,;OAD0LOTH, SERGES, HENRIETTA CLOTHS, ETC. BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT. Wo mako a specialty of this branch of our busiucs?, and have in stock a fino assortment of Silk Warp and all-Wool Henriettas, Mthairs, Diagonals, etc., AT SELLING PRICES. Our White Goods Department Is comploto in all its details. Wo would call particular attontiou to our Nainsook Chocks at 5, 8 and 10 cents por yard. EMBROIDERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. REMNANTS Wo ofl'or especial bargains iu Remnants of Whito Goods and Ginghams at Icj? than half their value BOOKS AND STATIONERY. DYSON'S LITTLE STORE Ha3 on exhibition ono of thu largest and prettiest lines of EASTER CARDS AM) JVOVELTIES That has ever been in Alexandria. Come and look at thom. No charge for looking, and only a small charge for taking thom away with you. Dyson's Bookstore, mhlo 508 King st., next to Opera House. CONFECTIONERS. D. HARRY APPICH, (Successor to David Appich) W.HOLESAEE AND EETAIL Confectioner aud Fruit Dealer, 525 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA FINE FRENCH CANDIES AND FANC CAKES A SPECIALTY. jaaO tf COAL AND WOOD. T. W. B03E. GEO. S. SMITH. T. W. Rose & Co., North Fairfax st? bet. Queen and Frince Alexandria, Virginia. COAL, COKE AND WOOD. Coal put in cellars without extra charge by cliu'c car In this wo are tho pioneers. In use elsewhere for five years, nono darod to introduce it until wo led tho way. 8ond in your orders. 2240 pounds to the ton. Cheapest and bo3t in town. Orders left with B. B. Smith, 505 King stroot, will re? ceive prompt attention. Tclephono No. 92. ianlO_T. W. ROSE & CO COAL! _ COAL! We invite the attention of dealers and con* sumors to our large stock of CAREFULLY PRE. PARED COAL of tho following variotios: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LORBEERY and SHAMOKIJN RED A8h. WHITE ASH (free burning and hard) of steam er, brokon, egg, stove and and nut sizes. Also GEORGE'S CBEEK, CUMBEBLAND and KAN AWHA SPLINT, from West Va. Making Coal a specialty wo aim to keep only the HIGHEST GBADES. Yards floored, and all Coal sent out WELL SCREENED AND FBEE FBOM IMPURITIES. J. R. Zimmerman, WHARF AND YARDS FOOT OF QUEEN 8 [aug22tf] EW OPEN STOCK DINNER AND TEA WARE. Wo will receive and have for sale this wcok an entirely now lino of Tea, Breakfast and Dinner Waro in open stock, which you can buy piece by piece at tho samo price as if you bought tho entire set in ono lot. Thi3 is a groat convenience and it is well worth your time to csll and examine this pretty new ware. A new lot of Chamber Seta, beautifully decorated, at from $3 to $20, at mh2-i E. J. MILLER & SON'S. JgALD HEADS, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE! If your hair is getting thin and you want to thicken it up, Horgan'sVegetableHairToniG For sale by J. D. H. LUNT, Alexandria, Va., will do it. Price $1 per bottlo. All wo ask is a trial feb26_ SMITH'S BILE BEANS, the new popular reme? dy for Biliousness, Sick Headache, &c.; also PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND, so well adver? tised on tho first page of the Gazette, are for sale by angl7_E. 8. LEADBEATER & BRO. AINT YOUR BUGGY FOB ONE DOLLAR. P Another supply of CROWN CARRIAGE GLOSS PAINT; ready for use; only one coat necessary. For salo by sopG W. F. CREIGHTON A CO. BUTCHERS._ HELLMUTH BROTHERS, Butchers and Green Grocers, N. W COB. KING AND COLUMBUS ST8., AND STALL NO. 20 MABKET BUILDING Aro always receiving fresh supplies of primo Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausago, Bacon, Lard and Salt Meats of all kinds. On hand and aro receiving daily fresh supplies of Shafer's Smoked and Frankfort Sausago. Pud dings and Choose. Try thorn and you will liko them. Pure Lard a specialty. novl2 " WATCHES AND" JEWELRY. Henry Wildt ?S&_ n?aadmits -^1___ Jl , MANUFACTURING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 318 KING 8TBEET, ALEXANDEIA, VA. Having all tho room and facilities at my now store now for manufacturing purposes, I am pre? pared to do all kinds of now work. I have engaged a competent workman Jeweler, and all work will bo dono horo iu my workshop. EYES TESTED scientifically with tho most improved instruments without charge. Watches, Jewelry, Silvorwaro, Clocks, Specta? cles, &c, for salo and repair. aug.'JO 318 King street. STEAMERS. To Norfolk and Fortress Monroe. THE POPULAR EOUTE. STEAMER GEORGE LEARY From Prince street wharf MONDAYS, rr?? _ WEDNESDAYS and FEIDAYS at 5:30 p. ru., landing at Boston wharf, Norfolk, and having EXCLUSIVE CONNECTION WITH BOS? TON and PBOVIDENCE STEAMEES. For tickets and rooms and further information inquire at company's office on tho wharf. Telephone call No. 16. novl8_PHILIP B. HOPE, Agent. Inland&SeaboardCoastingCo. NORFOLK AND FORTRESS MONROE. Connecting at Norfolk with the OLD _r?im K DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. F0EJ5__________ NEW YORK, and with the CLYDE LINE FOB PHILADELPHIA, and via these linos to all points North and East. STEAMER LADT OF THE LAKE Leaves TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SUNDAY at 5:30 p m., from Bood's wharf. For further information apply to novl8 F. A. REED & CO., Agents. F ISH. 200 barrels Potomac Herring. 100 " Gib Labrador. 80 " Split " 200 half barrels Lake Fish. 100 barrels Mackerel Cut Fish. 50 half barrels Pickorol. In store and for sale by novl6 CHAS. KING & SON. D R, HORTONS MIASMA ANTIDOTE. THE ONLY INFALLIBLE EEMEDY FOR MALARIA AND FEVER AND AGUE. It nover fails to effect a apoedy and permanent euro. For salo by octl3_WARFIELD & HALL. HY SUFFER WITH COLD FEET? Use tho WILSONIA MAGNETIC INSOLES. They relieve coldness, numbness and rheumatic pains. Price 50 cents per pair. For sale by EBNEST L. ALLEN, feblO Cor. King and Pitt sts.. Alexandria. C1A8T STEEL and IRON GARDEN RAKES, ) Garden Trowels, Garden Sets, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes and other Tools in the same lino at 328 King street. my!5_J. T. CBEIGHTON & SON. GUN8, PISTOLS, CAP8, WADS, SHELLS.J&c., just opened at 328 King street, coiner of Royal, and for sale at reduced prices. oct23_J. T. CREIGHTON & SON. BLACK-EYED PEA8, Green Peas, Dried Sugar Corn, just received by dec26 J. C. MILBURN. GELATINE?Swinborne's, Nelson's, Coxo's and Chalmers' Gelatine just received by mh25 J- C. MILB?BN,