Newspaper Page Text
MEDIZINAL. .. 11,111111111 1111111111111111 i 11111 > I III 11111 II 11 ? ?""iS Preparations" " ?lteralive, I ^Expectorant I A SURE CURE FOR IMPURE BLOOD, CONSUMPTION, RHEUMATISM, BRONCHITIS, BYSPEPSIS, SCROFULA, ! CATARRH, i = SOLD EY ALL_DRUGGiSTS. = - Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases = - bymailxree. Address - I A. B. C. CHEMICAL CO.- \ I I7S. 12th ST., RICHMOND, VA. E ?niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* FISH DEALERS. ~ GEORGE E. PRICE CO., DEALERS TS FRESH AND SALTED PISH, Have perfected arrangements for their estensivo Fish busiius3 for the- spring of 1SOO They will receivo Fish dui.y from the shores of the Poto? mac, and will supply consumers in quantities to suit, either frc3h or salted, by experienced packers. County orders solicited and satisfaction guaran? tee!. Our brand of BARRELED FISH has u!way3 Stood No. 1 in tho market. Terms?C. O. D., or bc;t rcferoncea. ?SO. E PRICE & CO., Stall No. 1 at Fairfax street entrance and No. 3 at Royal street entrance City Market, and Fish House No. 3 Corporation Fish Wharf. I mh(J 2m .Dl.DlKO MAT'; H1AL, etc. S$800T & CO., St ea mFlooring&Plaiiiiig Mil .Manufacturorc of DOfiB and WINDOW FRAMES, MOLDINGS, so Dealers in LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PJ.a:: 'LR ana CEMENT. NO. 25 NORTH UNION ST.. ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA. ?0~Lumber delivered in the cltv free. "ESTAiyLISKED 1822; JOSIAH ill). SMOOT, OJCALE? IS umber, Shingles, tils, NAILS, L1ME.CEHENT.CALCINED PLASTER &c. &c. &c. MANUFACTUKEE OP FLOORING, DOOBS, SASH, BLINDS, FRAMES irLDINGS, MANTELS. BRACKETS ALL KIN DS OF WOOD WORK. Orhco and yard No. 21 north Union st. Factory Nos. i:j and 15 north Lee St., Alexandria. Va. .i?**No chargo for delivery in city. jan2S COMMISSION MERCHANTS. j. a. avriLBXJi^jNr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IS FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES PEOPEIETOBS nr POTOMAC BEAND OF FLOUR. ?\oc2G Which is unexcelled. ?V. A. Smomt G. 8. P3SJrcst. W . % S M O O T ? CO., Coal, Salt and Piaster, AEEXArTDSXV, Vs.. OiftricE?Smoot's Wh:.*:. ap4 Special attention paid to forwarding._ CHARLES ?LESitJ & SWS, WHOLESALE SRO OERS, 217-223 NORTH LEE STELLT, tOpposito H?i's Cracker Factory) ;3t-SOL? AGENTS FOB SATISFACTION TO? BACCO and II V7.AED POWDER. OCt26 W. A. JOHNSON ? CO., WHOLESALT GROCERS. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LIOTJOR3. Havo ou hand GIBSON'S XX, XX>". XXX a. and PURE OLD EYE. OLD CABINET and MONOGBAM WHISKIES; also BAKER'S an? THOMPSON'S PURE RYE WHISKIES. t,> which ahoy invito tho attention of tho trade. Orders from tho country for ruercbar.aiae shall recoivo prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Pro? duce solicited, for which they guarantee iha high? est market prices and prompt returns. Northeast comor of Cameron and Royal stroots sopl4 Alexandria. Va. HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. WASH 1X ?TOS DA X EX HO W E K, (Successor to Dancnhower & Son, RealEstate and Insnraiice Broker NO. 1115 F STREET' N. W., Washington, D. C. Eeal Estate Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Money Invested, Bents Collected and the Care of Property of Residents and Non-Resident3. Building Houses f?r Investment a Specialty. Agent American lire Insurance Company of Baiti more, Aid. /e24 ly gPELNG IMPORTATIUN OF CROCKERY. Wo havo just bcon notified of the arrival of the steamship Carthaginian from Liverpool, Eng.i at the port of Baltimore, Md., on hoara of which is our spring importation of JOHNSON BEOS,' CELEBBATED ENGLISH STONE CHINA, which will be on sale fffter Wednesday, March 2G; and which we will sell at former prices, notwith? stauding the recent advance in English Ware. mh2 i E. J. MILLER 6i SON. . PUBLISHED DAILY and TPJ-WEEKXY AT THE Gazette Building-, 310 and 312 Pi ince st. Daily one year.-.56 jjjj " Six months?.. ? JjJJ : " One month ?. 50 Tri-Weeklv one y???.4 00 six months. 2 (Hi Three months. 1 00 ' Contrnet advertisers will not i>e allowed :o exceed their j apace unless the excess is paid for at transient rates, and under no circumstances will they be allowed to advertise other.than their legitimate busine.-*? in the space contracted for. All transient advertisements must be paid for in ad? vance. Marriage and death notices must be paid for in ad? vance tionsin memoriaiu. of thanks, tributcsof respect, resolution* adopted by societies or persons, unless ot public concern, will only be printed in this paper as advertisement*. T>m- GAZKm otHce 1* connected with the Telephone Exchange. Advertisements, orders for the paper, news, or any information or business can be sent by telephone. [Entered at the Poslofllce, Alexandria. Virginia, as gccondrclass iiintlcr.J Letter from Fauquier [ of tho AlexandriaGiazelto.] Marshall, Va , Apr. 7 ?The average small boy, as well &s the old t ne, is ever hap? py ou tbe return of Easter, for both the sport of fishing. Bince the departure of winter our community bee begun to enjoy better health ; farm and garden work, the repsiis uud construction of new houses go on vigorously and everybody is up and doing. Mr. Lifuyette Puyne is going around re? adjusting the assessment roll. Ho thinks there id a more hopeful outlc-ok for an in orease of the Siate revenue. Fauquier county is one of the mos: popu loua ^ud weuithy counths in the State. The duii ie productive, cattle, t-heep and stock of every description abound and then the suc? cess of public education is visible among all classes Oi Wednesday of next week, Rev. Dr Diowiddie, so avorably known as an evan? gelist throughout Virginia, will commence a aeries of religions r-ervices at the Presbyte riau cburob. As the Episcopel buildiug? trinity church?is undergoing ex'ensive re paii?, the usual Lenten services were held to the Baptist church. Lately the wiiter w&b privileged to attend a cii.fiiiii! of the Young Men'd Christian Association at Bethel Academy. This as (.'iation has been in existence) at Bethel for 15 years and has a goodly number of the cadets in active membership with it. Duriog the prefect session, there has. been a ?eries of interesting lectures drlivered. Ea passant, it may be added, that the aca emy was nev? er more prosperous. Among the pupils are several from Alexandria, Mr. Zimmerman and others from the vicinity of your city. lo connection with the late notice io the Gazette of the death of Mr. Fairfax H Whiting, it may he added, that this excel ietit gentleman was born at "Morven," near Alexaudria, arid was descended from Mr. Whiting, who was one of tho commissioners appointed during the revolution to organize the Virginia navy. His father was Carlyle Fairfax Whiting, who was married to Sarah M. Little. Mr. Whiting married Miss Margaret Douglass, of Alexandria, who died at Mar-hall some years ago aud is buried at "Meadow Grove," the Carter homestead. Iiis son jg a merohaut ut Marshall. According to "Burke'a Landed Gentry" of England, the Whiting family of America are descended from ihree brothers who came 'torn England cne year after the settlement of Jamestown?in 160S, two of the brothers settled in New England and one at "E! miugton," the family residence lo G'.oucea >er county, Va. The M Di. here are mourning over the collapse of their medical orga-i, The Virginia Medical Advance. Tue natrons of medical tore hope that it it? only a condition of sus pended animation, especially as its editor, Dr. H. M. Olarksoo, has now on oyster diet. H. A Woman Scares Calikornians.?A moiilh ngo groat excitement was created irj Oakland, acro33 the bay from San Francisco, by a seties of revival meetings conducted by ?Jr?. Wood worth, better known as"iho mee :eric revivalist." Many persons, mostly young women, were thrown into trances during the services, and several became per? manently insane. Finally the police sup pressed these gatherings, aod Mrs. Wood worth left for Santa Rosa af;er predicting thedest ruction of Oakland and 3an Francisco by a tidal wave on April 14 One of her j chitf disciple?, a man named Erlckeon, also mado the sarr.e prophecy. Now that the alleged day of doom is near at hand the stroDg influence exercised by the woman is causing a great exodus from Oakland. A number of credulous people j have left for the mountains after selling their property for nominal prices. Many Saa Francisco people have caught the contagion and are fleeing to the moun? tains. Shortly after midnight Saturday night a handsome young woman who had attended Mrs. Woodworth's meetings cre? ated a sensation by running down Washing? ton street, Oakland, e? deshabille, loudly screaming: 'I'm coming, good Lord! I'm coming! Wait, only wait for me!" ?he was taken to the police station, where she continued to beg the Lord to save her from the delugo foretold by Mrs. Wood worth. Bncklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salte in tho world for Cuts, Eruisea Sores, Ulcers, Salt Ehoum, Fovor Soros, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positive!v cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis? faction, or money refundod. Price 25 cents por ??ox. For sjiie bv E. S. Lead beater & Bro. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYBUP, for children teething, is the proscription of ono of the boat female nurses and physicians in tho United States, and has been used for forty years with never-failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During tho process of teething it3 value is incalculable. It relieves the child ?rom pain, euros dysentery and diarrhoea, griping in tho bowels and wiud-co!ic. By giving health ^e the child it '??is the mother. Price 25 cents a hOttiA. FAEMEES, BEAD X.O. DUST! X. 0. DUST! THE NEW AND GEE AT DISCOVEEY, X. O. DUST! For the relief from the Texas or Buffalo Fly on Cattle, just received and for sale by scp9_W. F. CBEIGHTON & CO. rjEY LUNT'S COUGH SYBUP FOB COUGHS AND COLD8. Price 25c: sample bottle 10c._declS ED WABEIOE CHOPPING AXES, wholesale and retail, at SS King, corner of Boyal st. dec3 J. T. CBEIGHTON & SON. MEDICINAL. Take Simmons Liver Regulator One Dose WORTH 100 Dollars DeakS. L. B.? Fbiends: I consider one dose of Simmons' Livor Regulator worth $100. I was constipated, had headache, could eat nothing with satisfaction or appetite; had the blues and feH altogether out of sorts. I resortid to blue mass, calomel, quiniuo and all remedies suggest? ed, but only obtained temporary relief. One dose of 5. L. B. did me more good than the ? JOO worth of doctors and doctoring Respectfully, T. C. Mark lev. I have Leon a teacher for twenty year?, and during that time have had repeated attacks of headache, produced by torpid liver, and I have been entirely cured by tho use of Simmons' Liver Regulator. I found it to bo of so mild a character in its action as not to interfere, in tho least, with my duties in the school room. To those similarly situatod and subject to same, I cannot too highly j recommend Simmons' Livor Regulator. E. A. Cheek. Campbellsvillo, Ky. HltTSURANCE. 1843 ~ 18S0 THE OF NEW YORK. ASSETS OVER ? - - $126,000,000 SURPLUS. 8,000,000 J6f EVERY DESIRABLE FORM OF] POLICY issued. ITS NEW DISTRIBUTION POLICY Is the most liberal ever offered by any company. Wm. H. Lambert, AGENT FOR ALEXANDRIA. C. POWELL, M. D., Examiner. myl3 ly ] FANCY G??DS>"N?TIONSt &c.~~ TI7E ARE NOW OPENING A SELECT STOCK or Spring and Summer Goods AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, And ask our friends and the public to call and ex? amine for themselves at AMOS B. SLAT MAKER'S, 429 KING STREET, mh26 Alexandria, Virginia. TOBACCO. TO THE CHEWERS W. T. HANCOCK'S Maritana Rough & Ready 10s It having come to my notice that there is a piece of Tobacco on the market called Maritana, put up by some other manufacturer, I desire to caution my patrons to be snre and see that they got my shield lag on their Tobacco. I horeby caution all dealers not to sell any To? bacco branded Maritana not having my shield tag thoroon, as I shall bring suit for damages against all dealers handling my brands pat up, by other manufacturers. W. T, HANCOCK, mh21 lm Richmond, Vs. DILL'S BEST An old-time acquaintance, a particular friend of mine, Is DILL'S BEST TOBACCO, the BEST you can find. Always the same, this OLD RELIABLE FRIEND, Giving comfort and solace from beginning to end. As haudsomo as a dream, excellent in taste, Adorned, as usual, with throe tsgB on its face. PARTICULAR ATTENTION 18 CALLED TO OUR OTHER LEADING BRANDS: ExDOsition, IHCl Cut-Plug Mu% For sale in Alexandria by CHARLES KING & SON, 217-223 NORTH LEE STREET. Factory?2020 oast Franklin street, Richmond Va. mh3 eo3m jyjOORE BEOS'. GENERAL COW DEINE! For garget, maw bound, bloating and fevers. Milk fever and abortion preventiv test received and for sale by fob28_W. F. CBEIGHTOH & CO. i^iORN AND BUNION8. ?o* IMPERIAL CORN AND BUNION SOLVENT. Eight hours sufficient to remove any corn or bunion. For sale by BEOADUS & SMITH, mh.3_301 King street. j^ETI8T8' GOLD PAINT. Just received, complete in one box, saucer, brush, one bottle liquid and one of gold. Price twenty-five cents. For sale by mh21_W. F CREIGHTON & CO. ACARLOAD OF LAMP CHIMNEYS. A carload of STONE PANS AND FLOWER POTS. ' Tho former just received and the latter to ar? rive this week and for sale at very low prices by mh24_ E J. MTT.T.'PT? & SON. FRENCH NECK MERINO SHIRTS extwheavy seP2G At A.B.SLAYMAKERU STOCKHOLDERS' MEETINGS. j VJ OTICE TO 8TOCKHOLDEE8. I Tho undersigned, stockholders of tho VIRGIN IA MARBLE COMPANY, and the owners of more than one-third of the capital stock, hereby call for a meeting of the stockholders of said company to be held at tho office of Messr?. Foster & Nelson, in Loesburg, Vs., on TUESDAY, the 22d of April, 1890, at 11 a ro. E. D. B. NOBBIS, H. C. NOBBIS, KATE E. CABTEB, B. F. CABTEB, Jr., ap7 10t_F. M CABTEB._ IAlexandei.v, Va., March 29,1890. N ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORITY vested in us as Presidents resi.o itively of the Alexandria and Frodorieksburg Bailway Company and of the Alexandria and Washington Bailway Company, by resolutions adopted by the stock? holders of each of said companies, arc pting the act of Assombly authorizing tho consolidation of the Alexandria and Frcdcricksburg Railway Com? pany and tho Alexandria and Washington Bail way Company into one company, nndor tho name j of tho Washington .Southern Railway Company, and rstifying tho contract ontored into between said companiis for tho purp..8o, wo hereby notify and reqneet the stockholders of tho Alexandria and Fredericksburg Bailway Co i.pany and of the Alexandria and Washington Railway Company, who havo hocorae stockholders of tho Washington 8outhorn Ecilway Cjrnp-iny, a- above r<cited, to meet at tho ..trico of tho company, corner of Camer? on and Fiiyet'.c streets, in the cit> of Alexandria, Va., on WKDNtJSDAY, the 30th day of April, 1890, at 12:30 o'clock p. m., t) adopt such meas? ures as may be necessary ana propor in tho prom? ises, and for tho transaction of su-.;h bu3iness as may ho btv.ught before seid mo t ng. GEORME B ROBERTS, President of ha Alexandria a;;d Fredoikksburg Bailway Company. J. N. DfBABBY, President of tho Alexandria and Washington Bailway Company mh31 td OFFICE OF Tri E WASHINGTON SOUTHERN BAJLWAT-COMPANY; Cameron ami Fayetto streets, Alexandria, Va., March 29, 1890. A goncral meeting of tho stockholders of this company is boiebv called to ho hold at this office on WEDNESDAY, tho thirtieth day of April, 1890, at 12:30 o'clock p mi, to approve or disap? prove of the execution of a mortgage by this com? pany and tho iisuanco of Innds secured thereby to tho amount of two million tivo hundred thou? sand (2,500,000; dollars, and for tho transaction of any other business that may bo properly brought beforo tho said meeting. By order of tho Board of I)i rectors. mh29dtd ALBERT HEWSON, Secretary. AUCTION SALES. By R. T. Lucas, Auctioneer. RECEIVEBS SALE OF VALUABLE BEAL j ESTATE, LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, &c?By virtuo of a docroo of the Circuit Court of tho city of Alexandria, Va., rendored on the 18th day of March, 1890, in tho chaucory cause of | John A. Marshall vs. tho Farmors aud Mechanics' 8avings Bank and others, tho undorsigned, as re? ceiver in tho said ca::so, will crpo;c for salo at public auction, in front of tho Boyabstreet en? trance of tho Market Building, in tho city of Alexandria, Va., at twelve o'clock noon on 8ATUEDAY, APBIL 26th, 1890, the following property ; to wit: 1st. A LOT OF GBO UND in tho city of Balti? more, Maryland, bounded-as follows: Beginning on the south sido of First street, formerly Den mead street, at tho distance of forty-fivo feot from the southwest corner of St. Paul aud First streets, and running thonco west on First street forty five feet; thence south parallel to St. Paul street tho samo width &s in front one hundred and forty j feet to an alley ten feet wide, with tho uso of said j alley in common with others entitled thereto. 2d. The THBEE POLICIES OF INSUBANCE on tho life of Andrew Jamioson ; viz: Policy No. 630, Equitablo Life Assuranco Socioty for $2,500; policy No. 7,661, Eijuitablo Lifo Assurance So? ciety for $5,000; policy No 13,519, Now York Life Insurance Company for $5,000. 3d. Tho ASSIGNMENT of Mrs. Catharine A. E. Spaulding, or so much of her intonst in property in Washington, D. C, (the estate of Samuel De vaughn) as will bo sufficient to pay tho sum of | twelve hundred dollars, without interest, until after tho death of Mrs. Brayfield, tho life tenant. Terms of Sale: Cash as to said lifo insurance ] policies and the assignment of Mrs. Catharino A. E Spaulding; and as to tho lot in Baltimore, Maryland, ono-half cash, and tho residue upon a credit of four months; the deferred payment to be evidenced by tho negotiable noto of tho pur? chaser, with satisfactory endorser, tho said note bearing interest from the day of salo ; tho titlo to said lot to be retained until the whole of tho pur chase money is paid LEONARD MAEBUEY, Receiver of tho Farmers and Mechanics' Savings , Bank of Alexandria, Va. mh27 w4w LEGAL. VIBGINIA: In the Clerk's office of the Corpo? ration Court of tho city of Alexandria on tho 31st dsy of March, 1890. Charles King & Son V Tregpaag on tho caso Rnd ? vr m vs'- c r> l attachment. EN.Tennison & Co.J Memo. The object of this suit is to attach tho debt or money due to tho defondauts, E. N. Ten nison and-Mathews, trading under tho firm name and stylo of B. N. Tcnnison & Co., by the | Mount Vernon Fire Insuranco Comp my, of Alex? andria, Virginia, and subject the same to tho ] payment of tho amount of debt due Charles King j and Frank T. King, trading under the firm name of Charles King & Son. Tho defendants, E. N. Tennison aud - Matthews, not having entered their ap? pearance and given security according to the act of Assombly and the rules of this Court, and it appearing by affidavit that thoy are not residents of thi< State: it is order? ed that the said defendants appear hero! within fifteen days after tho publication of j this order, and do what is necessary to protect thoir interests in this suit, and that a copy of this order bo forthwith insert? ed in the Alexandria Gazette, a newspaper published in the city of Alexandria, onco a week for four successive weeks, and posted at tho front j door of tho Court House of this city. A copy, teste: JOHN S. BEACH, Clerk. Marbnry & Armstrong, p. q._apl w4w NOTICE?Tho books of tho lato firms of PEE BY, SMOOT & CO and J. B. 8MOOT & PEB BY have beon placed in tho hands of Mr. GEO. UHLEB for settlement. They can bo found at tho office of Smoot & Co., and Mr. Uhler is author? ized to settle all accounts. Prompt payment of all indebtedness to the above-named firm is re? quested. PEEBY, SMOOT & CO. mh!2 tf _J. B. SMOOT & PEBBY. \f 0 MOBE BOUND 8HOULDEBS. X\ the impboved KNICKEEBOCKEB 8HOULDEB BRACE. 8houlder Brace and Suspender combined; pre? vents children becoming stooped or round-should? ered ; physicians all recommend them ; a gentle or powerful brace obtained; easily adjusted and worn with comfort. For sale by mhl_E. 8. LEADBEATEB & BBO. PEEFECTION WOOD STAINS, imitating Oak, Antique Oak, Cherry, Walnut, Mahogany, Eosewood and Ebony, prepared in dry powders, only requiring to be reduced with water to be ready for use. For staining floors and all kinds of woodwork they arc the most economical, cheap? est and handsomest stains ever produced. Ton cents a package. For sale by oct22_W. F. CBEIQHTON & CO. BBEECH AND MUZZLE LOADING GUNS, XH GBEAT VARIETY OF STYLES AND PEICES Just received at 328 King, corner of Boyal street. Will be sold at very low prices. Call and see. No chggfor looking. ^ ^ & ^ T D.H.LUNT, Agent for the Celebrated ASHLEY BROMIDE OF ARSENIC WATER. [sep25] DRY GOODS. mm Iff GOODS DIET AT BHBR NEW DRESS GOODi, NEW GINGHAMS, , in pure Mohair Tannires at oO and G5c per yard. NEW SATEENS, NEW OUTING FL \NNELS, \ Gents' Catsimeres for suiting and pataloon yat NEW SHIRTING PEPCALS NEW PBOTTS. I terns, a superb lino just opened. NEW WHITE GOODS, sumo rare bargains in Gents'Outing and Flannel Shirts, a largo va Romnants in this department. riety of styles just received. New Hamburg and Swiss Embroideric?. Also a beautiful lino of GENTS' NECKWEAR, A largo line of 27 in. and 45-in. Flounces. Four-in-Eand, Text and Windsor styles, in Silk? New Vandyko Point Laces and Embroidery. Pongees and Washablcs. Gloria Silk Umbrellas from $1 up. A largo lino of STRAW MATTINGS. BLACK GOODS?Cashmeres and Henriettas in A groat mauy other novelties, all at lowest all-Wool and Silk Warrs; two special good values prices. Givo ns a call. D. Bendheim, 816King street. See Pretzfelder & Co.'s Spring Stock, A Handsome Line of Dress Goods IN LADIES' BROADCLOTH, SEBGES, HENRIETTA CLOTHS, ETC. BLACK GOODS DEPARTMENT. We make a specialty of this branch of our business, and havo in stock a fiuo assortment of Silk Warp and all-Wool Henriettas, Mohairs, Diagonals, etc, AT SELLING PRICES. Our White Goods Department Is comploto in all its details. Wo would call particular attention to our Nainsook Chocks at 5, Sand 10 couts por yard. EMBROIDERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER. REMNANTS Wo offer especial bargains in Eomnants of White Goods and Ginghams at loss than half thoir valao BOOKS AND STATIONERY. LITTLE STORE Haa on exhibition ono of tho largest and prettiest lines of EASTER CARDS AD jfOTELTKS That has ever been in Alexandria. Come and look at them. No chargo for looking, and only a small charge for taking them away with you. Dyson's Bookstore, mhl? 503 Zing st., uoxt to Opera House. CONFECTIONERS. D. HARRY APPiCH, (Successor to David Appich) W.H01/ESALE AND RETAIL Confectioner aud Fruit Dealer, 525 KI.KU STREET, ALEXANDDIA, VIRGINIA FINE FRENCH CANDIES AND FANC CAKES A SPECIALTY. jaa9 tf COAL AND WOOD. T. W. R03E. GEO. S. 811 ITH. T. W, Rose & Co., North Fairfax st., bet. ?ueen and Prince Alexandria, Virginia. COAL, COKE AND WOOD. CoaZ put in cellars without extra charge by chute car In this we are tho pioneers. In uso elsewhere for five years, none dared to introduce it until wo led tho way. Send in your orders. 12240 pounds to the ton. Cheapest and best in town. Orders loft with B. B. Smith, 505 King street, will re? ceive prompt attention. Telephone No. 92. janlO_T. W. BOSE & CO COAL! _ COAL! Wo invito the attention of dealers and con* Burners to our large stock of CAEEFTJLLY PBE PAEED COAL of tho following varieties: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LOBBEBRY and SHAMOKIN BED ASH. WHITE ASH (free burning and hardj of steam er, broken, egg, stovo and and nut sizes. Also GEORGE'S CREEK, CUMBEBLAND and KANAWHA SPLINT, from West Va. Making Coal a specialty wo aim to keep only tho HIGHEST GBADES. Yards floored, and all Coal sent out WELL SCBEENED AND FREE FEOM IMP?BITLE8. J. R. Zimmerman, WEABF AND YARDS FOOT OF QUEEN 8 [aug22 tf] NEW OPEN STOCK DINNER AND TEA WARE. Wo will receive and have for salo this week an entirely new line of Tea, Breakfast and Dinner Waro in open stock, which you can buy piece by piece at the samo price as if you bought tho entire set in ono lot. This is a great convenience and it is well worth your timo to call and examine this pretty new waro. A new lot of Chamber Sets, beautifully decorated, at from S3 to $20, at mh24 _ E J. MILLEB & SON'S. JgALD HEADS, NOW IS YOUB CHANCE! If your hair is getting thin and you want to thicken it up, Morgan'sVegetableHairToni For sale by J. D. H. LUNT, Alexandria, Va., will do it. Price $1 per bottle. All wo ask is a trial. feb26_ SMITH'S BILE BEANS, the new popular reme? dy for Biliousness, Sick Headache, &c; also PAINE'S CELEBY COMPOUND, so well adver? tised on tho first page of tho Gazette, are for sale by ang!7_E. S. LEADBEATER & BBO. pAINT YOUR BUGGY FOR ONE DOLLAR, Another supply of CROWN CARRIAGE GLOSS pa TNT; ready for tme; only one coat necessary. For sale by sep6 W. F. CREIGHTON A; CO. BUTCHERS. HELLMUTH BROTHERS, Butchers and Green Grocers, N. W COB. KING AND COLUMBUS ST3.. AND STALL NO. 20 MARKET BUILDING Are always receiving fresh supplies of prime Beef, Lamb, Veal, Pork, Sausago, Bacon, Lard and Salt Meats of all kinds. On hand and are receiving daily fresh supplies of Shafer's Smoked and Frankfort Sausago, Pud dings and Choose. Try them and you will liko them. Pure Lard a specialty. novl2 WATCHES AND JEWELRY Henry Wildt MA1TDTACT?RIKG JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 318 KING 8TBEET, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Having all tho room and facilities at my new storo now for manufacturing purposes, I am pre? pared to do all kinds of now work. I have engaged a competent workman Jeweler, and all work will bo done hero in my workshop. EYES TESTED scientifically with tho most improved instruments without charge. Watches, Jowolry, Silverware, Clocks, Spocta clcs, &c , for sale and repair. aug30 31-> King street. STEAMERS. To Norfolk and Fortress Monroe. THE POPULAR EOUTE. STEAMER GEORGE LEARY From Prince street wharf MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FBIDAYS atjfifi 5:30 p. ra., landing at Boston wharf, Norfolk, and having EXCLUSIVE CONNECTION WITH BOS? TON and PBOVIDENCE STEAMEBS. For tickets and rooms and further information inquiro at company's oflico on tho wharf. Telephone call No. 16. _novl8_ PHILIP B. HOPE, Agent. Inland&SeatoardCoastingCo. NOEFOLK AND FOBTBESS MONEOE, Connecting at Norfolk with the OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. FOBj_ NEW YOBK, and with tho CLYDE LINE FOR PHILADELPHIA, and via theso lines to all points North and East. STEAMEB LADY OF THE LAHE Leaves TUESDAY, THUESDAY and SUNDAY at 5:30 p as*, from Bood's wharf. For further information apply to uovl8 F. A. BEE!) ci CO., Agonts._ "TUSH. _ 200 barrels Potomac Horring. 100 " Gib Labrador. 80 " ?plit " 200 half barrols Lako Fish. 100 barrels Mackerel Cut Fish. 50 half barrols Pickerel. In store and for sale by novl6 CHAS. KING & SON. D B. HOBTON'S MIASMA ANTIDOTE. THE ONLY INFALLIBLE BEMEDY FOB MALABIA AND FEVEE AND AGUE. It never fails to effect a apeedy and permanent euro. For aalo by octl3_WABFIELD & HALL. WHY SUFFER WITH COLD FEET? Use tho WILSONIA MAGNETIC IN80LES. They relievo coldness, numbness and rheumatic pains. Price 50 cents per pair. For sale by EBNEST L. ALLEN, feblO Cor. King and Pitt sts.. Alexandria. C1AST STEEL and LEON GARDEN BAKES, J Garden Trowels, Garden Sets, Shovels, Spades, Forks, Hoes and other Tools in the same lino at 328 King street. myl5_J. T. CBEIGHTON & SON. GUNS, PISTOL8, CAPS, WADS, SHELLS,{&c, just opened at 328 King street, comer of Eoyal, and for sale at reduced prices. oct23_J. T. CBEIGHTON & SON. BLACK-EYED PEAS, Green Peas, Dried Sugar Corn, just received by _ dec26 _J. C. MILBUBN. GELATINE?Swinborne's, Nelson's, Coxe's and Chalmers' Gelatine just received by mB25 J. C. MILE URN,