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A.LEXANDEIA, V.A. WEDNESDAY EVENING. APBIL 9. The Bennett bill, the Bupport of which ha? just been the cause of the republicans of Wincorjein losing their large majority in that State, es?ays the vain attempt to dictate to the people thereof what they shall teach in th*ir private schools. The democratic citi zaas of the State, foreign and nutive not oppose the bill because it provides that nothing but the English language shall be taught in the public schools, as the republi? cans would have it believed, but because it attempts to control the management of the private schools, to the support cf which no body contributes except the parents of the children who attend Buch schools. The for? eign born citizens of the Btate are taxed to bupport the public schools. If, in addition to that tax, they are willing to tax them? selves?no body else?to support other schools, that is their own business, with which no other people have the right to in? terfere, as lODg r3 foreigners are invited to this country, and have conferred upon them all the privileges and immunities oftheirna live born fellow citizens. Notwithstanding the lact that Con pressman Kelly tells the people of Wash ington that a "white school girl is as good be a black one if ehe bebaveB herself,"the white people referred to who live near the negrt school bouse in that city called the Mioei school, not only refuse to 1st their cbildrer associate with the negro children of thai school, hut have actually petitioned the Echool board to remove the Echool house tr. a more suitable 1 >cality. To be eure, tbf petition was not granted, for the peboo b jard is composed of such men as Mr. Kelly Iadeed, in their report thereon the board say the assigned reisen for the petition, tbf 6 atemeut that the echool is a colored school should be "frowned down.'' But for al that, the fact that the properly owners ir tbe vicinity, irrespective of their politica ? (filiation or of their birthplace, petitioned for the removal of the school, solely because it is a negro school, shows plainly thougb ihat they do not agree with Congressman Kelly. _ President Harrison removed an effi cient white man from the place of recordei of the general laud office in the Interior De? partment and appointed a negro preachei mimed Townsend from Indiana in his stead in order to pay the negroes of Indiana for voting for and tberebysecuring him the elect? oral vote of that State in 1SSS. Mr. Noble.tbe S. eretaty of the Interior Department,has just dismissed one of Townsend's subordinates for detected crookedness, in which, in a pub lie statement, he says Townsend was iropli rated and"violatedthe rules that should have c '.at rollt d him." How, with this statement of Secretary Noble's before him, President Harrison can retain Townsend, is what no body except himself can tell, unless it be that before Adam was created, and before Africa was raised from the bottom of the sea, Townsend was predestined to be record? er of the general land office at Washington, aud that bis preordained term in that office must be lilted thoueb tbe heavens fall. And now It is proposed in Richmond? which, for absurd propositions, is becoming as noted aB Boston?to invits a regiment of northern soldiers to take part in the cere monies incident to the coming unveiling of She Lee monument in that city. Have the Richmond people eo soon forgotten tbe af? front put upon them by the northern troops at the unveiling of the Pickett statue, when those troops refused to march because tbe lieg Pickett fought under was in the line ? Southern soldiets can go North and gush at the unveiling of Grant monuments, but northern soldiers cannot understand bow any reciprocity should be expected. The gushing must be all on one pide. Intelligence from Washington is toihe e?-iot that Mr. Rindall's lifd is rapidly reaohing its end, and that probably before to-morrow's Gazette shall be issued he will have joined the great majority. The fact that bis death has been long expected will not diminish tha regret it will evoke. It never was necessary for Mr. Randall So eay ' I am a democrat," for all kaew that he was. Ha was also the efficient friend of the South in Congress when she needed a friend there, and he will be held in grateful remembrance throughout all her border?. On one point only did heditier with the ma? jority of his party?-tbe tarifl.but even on that he said that a tariil' imposed solely for pro? tection was unconstitutional. FROM WASHINGTON. l?peolal Correspondence of the Alex?. iU^n-rsi Washington. D. C. April 9,1890. The House committee on agriculture to? day re-opened the hearing on the Conger lard oompounl bill and the Butterwo anti-option bill, both of which have been re? ported to the Houie with favorable recom? mendation. For the first name! bill A. Graves representing the colored Georgia ag ricnltnral association and J PennoyerJones 1 representing the oolored cotton farmers and planten of Arkaneas, both colored men, made arguments agaiost its passage. To pass this bill, tbe former asserted would be tbe entering of tbe wedge which, when driv? en home, would separate the colored pejple from the republican party. And this bill, stripped of all guise, resolves itself into this' condition. Tbe western bog against the southern negro; which will win ? Mr. Counselmau, of tbe Chicago Board of Trade, opposed the Butterworth anti-option bill. Before tbe bill creating tbe Territory of Oklahoma bad paaeeJ either bouse of Con gre3S, Senator IogallB and other leading re? publican congrts-inen asked the President to appoint friends of theirs to positions in that Territory. The President told them the elate of officer for that Territory had been tilled, and implied that be bad fi led it with his personal iriends. When the bill Cime up in the Senate Mr. Ingalls had it amended so as to provide that the officers of the Territory should be appointed from tbe cinz -ns thereof. Tbi3 amendment wbb also adopted bv the House. But as there were disagreimints about other sections of the bill it wao referred to a committee of con? ference and the members of that commit? tee in order to make themselves ?olid w ltb the President, agreed this morning to Btnkt out the amendment referred to, assigning as the reason for doing so that it was uncon? stitutional to restrict the Presidents power la tbe matter of making appoiotments. The taritl oil! will probably be reported to the House to-morrow as both the majori? ty and minority reports on it are ready. The democrats have determined to offir no substitute. When the bill shall come up for action it is understood Mr. Brower, republi? can of North Carolina, will offer an amend? ment to repeal the whole tobacco tax, but the Speaker, who is opposed to that repeal, will sbut him olT. The Waddiil-Wise contested election case will come up for actioD in the House to? morrow, Messrs. O'Ferrall and Cti?p will speak for the contestee. They will also try to obtain extra lime in order that Mr. Wise may talk. If they shall succeed tbe republicans are likely to hear something that will stir them up quite lively. The following changes in tbe 4:h c!a?3 postoffiees of Virginia were made today: Cowardin, Bath county, Maggie A. ?win appointed postmaster vice C. Richardson, removed ; Speer's Ferry, Scott county, Lee Todd vice G. W. Bait, removed; Sun Rise, Bath county, R. A. Hi;kman vice L. E Hickman, deceased. 1 It is reported at tbe Capitol to-day that ? Mr. Randall's condition has changed rapid , ly for the worse since je3terday, when it was bad enough, and that bis life cannot ' now ba prolonged many hour.-*. The an? nouncement of his death is momentarily expected. His family have been informed by his physicians that bis span of life is nearly ended, and they are prepared for the worst. As Petersburg has no commerce, the col? lector of customs there draws no fees, and ' consequently no salary. The collector is ) Mr. T. J. Jarratt, who is also cuBtodian of r the customs house. Representative Vena? ble called at the Treasury Department to? day, represented tbe caee to Sacretary Win 1 dom, and asked tbat a salary he paid Mr. ? Jarratt for his dual offices. The Secretary > promised Mr. Venable to look iDto tbe cose and, if possible, to comply with bis reqaeet. Gen. Banks, obairmao of the eut-sowmi - ' tee of tti<> Hous3 fisheries committee, to . whom was referred the bill to prohibit li-h i inK in the wattrs of tbe District of Colom , bia, reported that bill favorably to the who.'e committee thiimorning, witn an amendment ' providing for paying tbe owners of reparlan I rights on the Virginia side of the river such i sumsastheirfi-hingsboresordinarilyrentfor. I Brforo the whole committee acts ou this re ? port tbey will consult with tbe parties inter* ested and liod out if such an amendment ? will be satisfactory. i The c'H?e of the civil servica commissioner l against Vereer, of the O.d Dominion Re? publican League, of this cily, was called in the police court here to-day, but was post . poned until Saturday. In a similar case . against Newton the fids were admitted but argument prsponod. A bill providing for t! <? construction of oight ? battle ships of 7,600 to 10,000 tons each, two armored coast defence vessels, three gunboats of i 800 to 1,200 tons escb,and fivo tirst-class tari elo boat.", whs reportod by Senator Halo to-day from the naval stlairs com mi I ton as an amcadmont to tbo naval appropriation biil. ? From talk to-day in do rooms of the military commit tti- of tbo llouso and tho appropriations cctiiniittoc of tl i Senate, to which committees tho l Mt. Vornon A\i'iue bill Iihs bei ii refer rod, it is judp 1 that both thoso committees think tho p'ana and est imates of the engineer uro ou an ua tii oly t jo largi a scale, and that a moro moderate appropriation than that asked for would stand a mncfa hotter chance of success. Tho House military committee yesterday acrood to report adversely upon Gen. Banks' bill to aban? don Fort Washington, below Alexandria, ami sell tho propelty, us the fcecrotary of War is opposed to such a proceeding. In response to a resolution adopted somo daj.-> ago, tbo Secretary of War to day sent t j tho Son Hto a largo buiidlo containing all tho papers in tho possession of tho War Department in rofoi oiko to tbo late Joseph H. Muildox, of Alexan? dria, and thefclaim bis heirs havo against tbo government. Elections Cransteu and Jamestown, Rhode Island, elected republican Representatives yester? day. North Smithfiaid and We3t Green wich failed to elect. If the sitting Representative holds over the Legislature will hihihI : Republicans 52, democrats 47, with nine to be elected from Providence. Tbe republicans will then need to elect two to coutrol the grand com mittee, while tbe democrats have to elect eight to accomplish the same object. The democrats will, it is com..*led, contest the Lf?islature and elect tbe Governor; The charter election was beld in Albany, N. Y , yesterday. Hou. James H. Maonlne, managing editor of Ihn Albany Argus, the democratic candidate lor Mayor, has a ma? jority ol 7, 1385, a democratic gain on the vote for Mayor two years 8go of 4 555 O.esles Cleveland, democrat, was elected Mavor of Jersey City, N. J , yesterday by 1993 mt*j irlty. The returns of Mon lay's elections for towrabip trustees in Indiana, New York aud Ohio, show phenomenal democratic success? es throughout the States, even the most prc nounoed republican counties sharing in the general disaster. The gainB of democratic trustees in Indiana seem enormous. The democrats were successful in Ksokuk, Iowa, on Monday. JSo Duel It was rumorod in Washington last night tlut it wasprobablo a dujl would bo fought batweon Congressman Phelan. of Tonnessee, and Johu H Fleming editor of the Kno.willo (Teuu.) Sentinel The difficulty it appears grew out of a reply to some criticisms of Colonol Fleniiug on a school history published by Phelan. Fleming refused to accept the challenge, and exactly what further stejs, it* any, Congressman Phelan n ay take, are not known. Col. Fleming, instead of sending his announcement of tho roceipt of the communication I by wire, published it in tho Sentinel yesterday, aud in his reply says in timos p.tst rbe men who have specially commanded his admiration were thoso who had thecoarago to treit with contempt rhu demand of the duelist, while recognizing and insisting ou tho manly right of self-defense. The negro politicians in Norfolk county, Vs., are giving the republican leaders more tronbio than ever. At a convention Saturday night, com j posed largely of negroes, resolutions were endorsed which protested against the appointment of William McMabon as foreman of laborers in the navy-yard, and requesting Congressman Bowden to remove him. at the same meeting, Colonel George B. Martin, chairman of the republican committee in theounty, was requested to remove every member of the committee iiot in sympathy with him as chairman. It turns out that Congressman Cowles' son, whose death in North Carolina was mentioned yesterday, committed eaicide. The bank of Fort Morgan. Co! . ha* made an assignment with $40,000 liabilities. NEWS OF THE D AY. Judge Wright, of Baltimore, has decided that a poker debt cannot be enforced at law. Benjimin Darling, inven'or of the re? volver, died in Woouaockct, B. I., yesterday. Samuel Strong and T. Humphrey Brooke, charged with conspiracy in the S:rong fjut. ler cate. io Washington, wero relep.itd on bail yesterday. The last day's session of the i^ew York Methodist Conference was helr\ yesterday, and resolutions favoring federal aid to ne? gro education were passed. The protest of the Baltimore Shoe and Leather Board of Trado against provisions of tbe McKinley bill was tiled with tbe ways and means committee yesterday. Thirty cases of trichinosis have been re? ported to the health authorities in Aurora, III. Six of the cases report? ed resulted from eating bologna sausage. Ex Senator Flatt is out in an article on the general infamy of Tammany Hall poli? tics and complimentary of himself for hav? ing defeated the world's fair scheme in New York. Eight thousand unemployed men got to rioting in Vienna, demolished a police sta lion, sacked several stores kept by Hebrews, and the mob was not broken up until fired upon by the troops. The U. S. Senate yesterday, with but one dissenting vote, passed the.anti-trust bill re? ported from the juficiary committee April 2. The House spent much of the eession in de bate on the naval appropriation bill. Ths death of J. 8. Morgan, of Drexel, Morgan & Co., makes his son J. Pierpiont Morgan, of New York, one of the richest men in America, the bulk of the deceased's fortune, estimated at not less than ?50,000, 000, going to him. When Isaac Morris, a Hebrew butler, was arraigned in the Tombd Police Court in New York yesterday on the charge of larceny,the fact was revealed that the prisoner had ac compliebed tbe very remarkable feat of elop? ing from Florida with two wouien at the same time. Mr. John W. Thompson, of Washington, yesterday purchased from several individual owners something over twelve thousand square feet of ground at tbe corner of F and Thirteenth streets northwest for ?1125,000 Tbe price paid for the corner lot, containing about 1,500 equare feet, was j-?i) a Fquare foot. Tee price paid for the larger part ol the ground was more than double what was paid for it about four years ago. A man named Willard Williams, nick named "Crazy Kelly," went to the hou^e ol Judge Clinton Textor, of Medford. Wie., yesterday, and addr?s?ing Miss Maggie Pritchard, a niece r?f Mrs. Textor, said "Are you Maggie Pritchard?" She said "Yes" and then he said "You must die," and drawing a revolver lired at her, killing her instantly. He then phot himself, He it still alive but will probably die. Wedding Bells Again. The beautiful chapel at the Theological Seminary was crowded last night with guests who had assembled to witness the nuplials of Miss Grace Feulon Nelson, daughter of the Rev. Dr. Kinloch Nelson, tc the Rev. Edward Trail Helfenetein. At i o'clock the well known strains from "Lo? hengrin" heralded the approach of the bri? dal party. The bridegroom appeared with his best man, Mr. Jas.L. 1'nt ton,nt tho chan? cel. Then came the groomsmen, Me?Brs. Massey, NelsoD, Ingle, Hohenstein, Morton, Smith, Carter and Payne. The ushers were Messrs. Brown, Smiih, Mpem, Stires, Buck hart, of Virginia ; Rev. James Magruder, of Mississippi; John Johns, of Washington ; G Sherman Ricbarris, of New York. Tuen came the hridesoiairis, Miss Johns, of Wash? ington ; Mips McGuire, of Richmond, cous? ins of tbe bride ; Miss Helfenstpin, sinter oi the groom; Miss Brown, of New Jersey ; Miss Packard, of Baltimore?; Miss Belle Elliott, of Washington ; Miss Puoebe Elliott, Ol South Carolina J Miss Hoxton, of Semi? nary Hill. Next came tho maids of honor, Mies Mildred Nelson, sister of the bride, who carried tho hoi k of Common Prayer, bound in white calf, with the marriage vowp ; M.Bi Lydia Yeiiott. Tho bride eu tered on iiie arm of her undo, Mr. John McGuire, of Richmond, who gave her away. Being a fair, graceful brunette, with beauli ful eyes, the bride looked unusually lovely in her handsome wedding robes. Tho gewa was of faille silk, with sweeping court train, and the front draped with ganz*. The veil which enveloped her was fastened with sprays of lilies of the valley and orange hicssoms, and she carried a bouquet of roses and lilies of tho valley. The bride wore no jew 1-y. The nine pret? ty bridesmaids wore exquisite gowns of oream white mull, empire style, with broad silk sashes, long suede tan colored gloves, and carried big bunches of yellow roses. The chancel was handsomely decorated with palms and lilies. The ceremony was performed under an arch of laurel, in which was fusponded a wedding bell of rosebuds, edged with a row of j-tcqneminot roses and lined with full bloom t> ush io-cs ; tbe ton? gue of lilies of the vallev. The ceremony was performed by tbe R>v D.\ NelsiD, father of the bride, assisted by the Rjv. A. C. Hensley. In the chancel were the Seminary Professors, Rev Drs.Packard, Walker, Craw ford and Gramraer. During the ceremony soft strainBcf Mendelssohn's wedding March were rendered by the Seminary organist,Mr. Frank Earl Cooley. At the conclusion of the brief ceremony the bridal party return? ed to the residence of RiV. Dr. Nelson, where the happy couple received the con? gratulations of friends and relativfs An elaborate supper was sarved in the old dining room. Tbe table was ornamented with roses and supplied with all tbe delica? cies. Afier the suppsr the guests gathered to see tbe bride off. The Seminary Glee Club serenaded them as they were leaving. Wholesale Slaughter?A horrible story comes f.rorn Morocco. A large box was recently brought from the interior to tbe port of Mezigan for shipment. When opened a ghastly sight was revealed. In the box. packed closely together, were tbe bodies of sixteen young women, one man, and a negress. All the victims had been decapitated and their heads were missing. Their bodies were embalmed and bad evi? dently been in the condition in which tbey were found for a long time. The slaughter I had been, to all appearances, the work of some pasha, who thus visited vengeance on bis harem for unfaithfulness. Court of Appeals Yesterday. Bauserman vs. Hockmon. Appeal allow? ed and snpersedeas awarded to a decree pro nouoced by the Circuit Court of Shenandoeb county on the 5 h of April, ISS0. Hatcher vs. Crews. Argued and submit? ted. Tunstall's administrator vs. Withers and others. Argued and continued. I COMai?NICATRD. I The Gas Bills.?Please allow me to add ' my protest against the enormous gas bills presented for the last two quarters. Mine is simply an outrage, as I spent two months of the time io the eouatry and my bouse was closed. I tbiok there should be some; redress. A New Complainbr. I VIRGINIA ffEWS. r The business men of Riebmond will enter? tain the Pan-American delegates. A meeting of the State Board of Agricul? ture was held last night in Richmond. In Greenville county a day or two ago Wm. Gri/.zird, while drinking from a spring, had a tit, and was drowned. The stable of C. A. Ford, of dark county, was burned yesterday together with six head of hordes, two cowa and firming Im? plements, The Army and Navy Society of the Con? federate States in Maryland will take 1,000 men to Richmond to witness the unveiling of the Lee monument. The Warrenton Hunt Club's Eister races took place at the fair gounds on Monday. A large crowd was in attendance, and the races were unusually exciting. A favorable report has been authorized to be made to the Houbb of Representatives upon a bill awarding a gold medal to J. B. Wheaton, o.f Virginia, for rescuing three lives. The famous Seventh Regiment, New York State Guard, will be invited to be present and take part in tbe exercises incident to tbe unveiling of the Lee monument in Rich? mond on the 29.h of May. Tbe sentence of one month's imprison meut in tbe case of Vincent R. Griflio, con? victed in Virginia of illicit distilling, has been remitted by tbe President. Applica? tion for pardon has been denied In the case of Chas. Corwin, convicted in Virginia of selling liquor without a licenee, A negro man while ploughing for W. K. Cox. in Isle of Wight county, a few days ago. struck his plow against something and broke it. Mr. Cox got a hoe and went to work to Had out what it was. To his de? light it was hidden money. He is very silent on the subject, but the knowing ones say he found between ?500 and $1,000. About two weeks ago an engineer on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad from Hin ton, W. Va., named Leon 8chowalter, ar? rived in Lyncbburg in search of his wife, who bad eloped with another man, taking with her more than $2.S00 of her husband's money, and leaving three helpless children behind. From Lyncbburg tbe husband traced the guilty party to Wilmington, N. C, where he fonnd his erring wife alone and weeping. It appears that her betrayer bad tbe day before taken a large portion of the money and left her for parts unknown, Tbe husband and wife arrived at Lyncbburg and left yesterday for their home and cbil dren in Hinton. Terrible Storms. A cyclone Btruck Norwalk, Ohio, about 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and swept a track about half a mile wide from the east? ern limits of tho city and a long distance in the country. An umbrella factory was is the path of tho cyclone and a pari of tbe building in which thirty young women were employed was crushed like an eggshell. Many of the girls escaped, but otbern were cuugbt in the falling building. One was killed and several others were irjured. A large number of barns were blown down, and other email buildings were wrecked. Trees were uprooted and lences torn down in all directions. At 7 o'clock in tbe even? ing another terrific storm visited tbe city, the wind blowing a gale, and hailstones as big as hickory nuts tailing, smashing win? dows and demolishing green bouses. At Battle Creek, Mich., a tornado passed through tbe city Monday night, leveling buildings, fences and windmill Tne sum? mer cottages at Goguac Like, two miles south, were blown down. A cyclone passed over Kalama/.oo, Mich., yesterday morning and the roof of the Woodward avenue school was raised. Sheds and chimneys were also blown over. Mrs. Fred. Eberlein, of Fr?zer, Mich., was instantly killed by lightning which accom? panied the cyclone which passed over that neighborhood yesterday morning. A heavy rain storm visited Oberlin, Oiiio, last nigbt, Hooding cellars of business houses to a depth oi four feet. A cyclone struck the northern portion of Trowbridge township. Blieb., at .'5 o'clock yesterday morning, preceded by a high wind and rain storm. It destroyed tbe barns and fences and unroofed houses and barns and tore down fences in Watson town? ship. Tbe southern part of Allegan village was shaken up, and several were injured in Trowbridge. A tremendous hail storm struck Rennerts, III., at 7.SO o'clock last nigbt. Great slugs of ice fell. The storm continued about ten to fifteen minutes, and nearly all window glass on tbe west side of the houses was broken. Some of the slugs measured 7 to Si inches in circumference aud some weigh? ing seven ounces. A great electric storm passed over Eist Liverpool, Ohio, about 11 o'clock yesterday. Tbe Methodist Ep:scopal Church steeple was knocked dowu and thechnrchdamaged several thousand dollars. The Telephone CentralExcl ange was burood and tbeservice destroyed. The operators were compelled to fly frcm the room. a Baby's Skill in a Teapot.?a dispatch from Salem, Va., says: Daring tho thunder? storm on Sunday night tho oak tree In the Masonic >;ravoyai'd of this place was stiuck by lighlning and ront from top to bottom. While looking at the ruins next morning Matthew Turner, whohss charge of the cemetery, spiod an object which had fallen from the cloven trunk. Picking it up and cutting away the mass ofmofs, fungus and oarih with which it was crusted over, he found that it was a large, old-fashioned teapot of solid silver. Oponing it lie discovered that it contained the skull of an infant a few dsys old, and iurthcr in? vestigation showed the teapot to bear an i s rip tion, runniug, "From D. T. to R.L., 1^2.'{." Tho teapot has fouud no claimaut as yet, and, owing to tho groat length of tinio it had evidently been in tho tree, any clue to the the crime indicated by the skull will probably be undiacoverable. Tho teapot is most boautit'ully engraved aud qiite massive aud of groat value, 8' woll for its auti<ino doiign. Elopement?A dispatch from Montreal sajs: Isiio Amable quintal, the doyen of the notarial profo:sion of tho Province of (^uoboc, church warden of Notre-Dame, an ex-president of tho J-iaint-Jcau-Baptiste Society and ?eignenrof Saint Bruno?a titlo vrliich has desreuded to him from tho Louis of France?has set the whole Froch population agog by hU tlight to New York, ac? companied, it is HHsert.d, by a pretty young bru? nette, tbe wife of a commercial travoller named Jteaalieu, and victimizing hanks and creditors to tho extent, it is said, of nearly a quarter of a million. Quintal, who is a man of about eirty-fi ve, leaves a wife and three daughters behind him who are totally unprovided for, as before leaving he istaid to have rea i/.ed on every available security. MARRIED In th? Chapel of the Theological Seminary, neir Alexandria, Va , Tuesday eveni ig, April 8, 1890, by the Bev. Prof. Kinloch Nelson, D. D., assisted by the Bev A. C. Hensley, (the Bev.) EDWABD TRAIL HELFENSTEIN, of Maryland, and G?ifiE FENTON NELSON, eldest daughter of the otliciatiug clergyman. At tho parsonage of the Third Baptist Church, Washington, D. C, October 3d, 18-^9 by Rev C. C. Mendor, R. W. COLEMAN tj ANNIE A., second daughter of John R. Miller, esq., ioth of Alexan? dria. rpEY LUNT'S CO?OH SYRUP FOR COUGHS AND COLDS. Price 25c ; sample bottle 10c. dedS ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES. Proceedings of Congress. Washington, D. c, April 9. SENATS. Among tbe bills reported from committees were tbe foliowiog: Senate bills limiting tbe appointment of civil engineers in tbe navy, and for the retirement of a certain class of officers of the navy ; Senate bill to amend the third section of tbe interstate commerce act. Mr. Wilson offered a resolution (which was agreed to) instructing the Committee on Interstate Commerce to ioqoire what addi? tional legislation is necessary in respect to commutation and excursion tickets, so as to prevent abuses now existing in regard to in dividuals and localities. The House bill appropriating $75,000 to supply the deficiency occasioned by the de? falcation in the office of the late 8argeant at-Arms of the House was reported from the Committee on Appropriations (without amendment) and was passed. Tbe Senate then (at 12:45) resumed con -ideration of tbe Montana contested election case, and Mr. Pugh continued his argument in favor of tbe democraticclaimants?Messrs. Clark and Maginnis. house. In bis prayer this morning the Chaplain said: "O, Almighty God, our only hope, we commend to Thy fatherly care and pity Thy servant, a member of this House, and his wife, whose hearts are crushed by the un? timely and terrible death of their son, tbe son of their hearts and hopes." Tbe sub jects of his prayer were Mr. Cowles and wife, of North Carolina, whose son was accident ally killed yesterday. The Speaker having laid before the House the Senate bill for the improvement and maintenance of the National /. jological Park with Hou ?e amendments (providing that the D.strict of Columbia shall pay half the ex? pense) with tbe request from tbe Senate for a conference, Mr. McComas, of Maryland, moved that the House recede from its amendment. On this motion there was a prolonged dobate._ Executions. Bellkfonte, Pa., April 9.?Alfred James Andrews, 22 years of age, a native of Eog , land, was executed hereto day for the mur der, on Nov. 27, 1SS9, of Clara Price, aged 1 17. The inquc-at showed that she had been 1 shot and also disclosed evidence of attempt? ed or. n ge. EAcTO*. Pa. Iprii 9?William H. Bar? tholomew was haugea here to-day for the brutal murder of Aaron W. D.lliard on Sep? tember G, 1SS9. Btrtholomew bad pro posed an elopemsnt with Mrs. Dilliard, who declared she would not leave the place un? til after her husbaud'd death, when it was agreed to put D lliard out of the way. Mrs. Dilliar 1 wa- also convicted of murder, and sbe is now in the Eistern penitentiary, Johnstown, Pa., April 9 ?Charles Car? ter, colored, was hanged here to-day for the murder of a companion named 8immons io a bagnio in this city. George Clarke, his brother-in-law, suffered death a few weekp ago for the parae crime. WAYNESBORO, Pa., April 9 ?Zsck Taylor was executed here to day for the murder of a drover named Wm. McCausland. The Elections Kansas Cirv, Apl. 9.?Semi-official re? turns from every precinct show tbe elec tion of Holmes (dem.) for Mayor by about 1,900 maj ority. The democrats also elected the Treasurer, City Attorney, and Police Judge. Caruolton, Mo , Apl. f.?The democrats curled the municipal eleotion with tbe ex? ception of two councilmen. Indianapolis, Apl. 9.?The township election here Monday resulted in tbe eleo tion of tbe entire democratic ticket by ma joriiies ranging from 2,000 to .".,000. Foreign News. London, Apr. 9.?Mr. Gladstone's speech yesterday on the Balfour Land Purchase bill fails to eatUfy the I iah party. T. P.O'Con ner's paper, The Star, this afternoon pro? nounces it. disappointing. Tbe moment has arrived, the Star thiuks, when tbe leaders of the liberal party should declare clearly and explicitly that the Balfour bill cannot be ac? cepted. Berlin, Apr. 9?A railway train was thrown down an embankment at Frankfort to day and 27 workmen were iojured. Potomac Fishery. Washington, April 9 ?Among the bills authorized to be favorably reported by hi House committee on fisheries to day was tbe Stablnecker bill wih an amendment to continue in force tbe provi? sions of the act of March 2, 1885, to protect ths fish in the Potomac river In the District of Columbia, and to provide a spawning ground for shad and herring in the river. Crazed by Remorse. Buffalo, N. Y., April 9.?Aithur C. Padman, the young Englishman, who shot and killed a boy namod Manley 8trickland, in Ton a wan da woods last week,and was ac quitted by a coroner's jury, has become v olently insane frcm grief over the shoot? ing. His delusion is that tbe boy comes ont of his grave and appears to him. He has been sent to ac a-ylum. Declared a Draw. Chicago, Apl. 9 ?The long expected and muoh talked of fight between Ouey Coogle and James Djhoney, both of Chicago, for $500 a side Bnd 75 and twenty-five per cent of tbe gale receipts and tbe championship of Idinoip, came r i!" this morning at Shelby, Ind., and waB dec'ared a draw in the 33rd roand. Mr. Randall's Condition. Washington, April 9.?Representative Randall has experienced another relapse, and after passing a bad night, bis condition this morning is much woree then it was yes? terday. The Canadian Parliament Ottawa, Apl. 9?The debate iu l'arlia me?t oq the budget was ended at 2 o'oloi k this morning. Bir Richard Cartwrighl'd amendment was voted down, 97 to GO A | the Liberals voted for unrestricted recipro? city with the United States. Telegraphic Brevities. The President has approved the act for a road from Staunton to the Arga,ta ccuo y national cemetery. Arbor Day was observed in Maryland to? day by the schools in planting trees or in other exercises that have a relation to arbi r culture. Work has been begun ou the construction of a mammoth iron pier at the Pennsylvania Steel Works, Sparrow.s Point, Baluruore. The pier will be 700 feet h n ?. Mr. John B. Moore, Third AssUtan .-, retary of State was married in WashinRK n this morning to Miss Helen Frances Tolai ,i, neice of Mrs. General Ricketts. A tornado visited Julesburg, Co!, Big land Park and Bloomington, III., last night, doing much damage. At the last named place hailstones measuring six incites in circumference fell. A terriflo storm early this morning de stroyed half a dozen large barns in 8 land county, N. Y., and killed many cows, Toe hailstones which fell were very large and did much damage. At a meeting of the Board of the Boy - a Girls' National Home and Employment A soclatlon, held in Washington last night, committee was appointed to confer with the Maryland branch oi the association, respect ing the opening of a farm home for the caie of the truant, tramping vagrant and crimi? nal classes of the youth of Virginia, Marj land and the District of Columbia. In the Ottawa Honso of Commons to-day 6 John Macdonald said the government inti to renow the fishery modus vivendi with tho United 8tatoa for another year. A measuro v, - [ introduced to abolish or reduce tlio taxes inipoi i.1 I ou articles of necessity to farmers, minor* and nil other producers. Tho plummors strike at Chicago is over. A thousand journeymen and junior pluiuberi 11 cd work to day alter a striko lastiug barely h week. If. 0. Baif in l & Co., paper dca'crs of Pbilad? !? phia, havo made an assignmout. The liabilitici amount to over $100,000. A letter ha3 boon receive 1 from Dr. Potors, tlio Gcruiau explorer Iu Africa, saying that he is a?:. OFFICIAL. bo.VHl) of aldxbmen. Last night (April Sthi was tho regular in tot inj; niKbt of tbo Board of Aldermen. Wni. 11. Mar bury, esq , President, and Mover*. Burke, Bryant aud McKcu/.ie were present, but no quorum ap? pearing, it was dotormiuod that the board moot according to tho ruloa, on the next succeeding night. April 9, 18!?0. Teste: M. P. VlM BNT,Clerk. common council. At a regular meeting of tho Common Com of the city of Alexandria, Va., held on tho Stl day of April, 18!)<>, tboro wore present : .lohn T, Sweeney, esq., President, and Messrs. Wm. Mooro. Aitchoaon, Snowdeu, O. N. Moore, 1 hi i Ballenger, Jones, Harrison, French 8moot,Stridi r, Ohlor, Harry Smoot and McCnen. A petition from J. R. Zimroorman asking pel mission to lay a side track from the V. M. K R. into his pro|ierty, on tbe east side of Onion was referred to tbo Commiitoo on Street-. Tho board thou adjourned. Teste : Jno. T. Johnson, Clork. N CORPORATION NOTICES. OriCE T.) CITY TAX-PA YE RS. All perms who bava not paid their city taxes for 18S9 are notified that they will bocallui upon to make paymont. The timo in which to collort the billa now on baud ami make a set mint with tho city is flhort. It is hoped tho ? who have not aettlcd will ha prepare] to dn when called upon, us further indulgence can i granted. P. F. (MRNfAN. Col. N. Dis\ a|)9 A. F. COX. Col. S. Dist, QOMMIddlONER'S NOTICE. Having finished making tho sssessmonl for 11 city for tho year 18!J0, all propjrty-ownera wish? ing to examine tho eamo wilt call between thi hours of twj and six o'c o -k. ?EORUE DUFFEY, ap7 Commisaioner of tho Bevenuc. AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE, THUBSDAY, APRIL 10. Tho Merry Sons of Comedy and Song?Tin- Truo Monarchs of Progressive Minstrolsy, I* R I M ttOH I. A W E s T * s MATCHLESS MINSTRELS. Evorytbing Now, Brilliant, Refined, Excellent. A liorgeoua Crystal First Pan. THE GREAT CREMATION ACT. Evory Song a Oem. Every Ad a Nov. Reserved seata at Allon's drug store with tra charge. Prices?26, 35. 50 and 75c Look out for the (IRANI) STREET PARADE at 12 o'clock Thursday. ap5 ? FAIRS. RED MEN'S FAIR, Under the Auspices of Osceola Tribe, No. 1,1.O.R.M. A Fair will bo given at MCBURNEY'S HALL, COMMENCING MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 1 I And continuing for ton nights. Tho public are cordially invited to pal this most worthy object. JAMES GRIFFIN, Chairman Fair Committee. JAMES P. LASH, mh28t?pl4 Secretary. BOARDIX?. IjllRST-CLASS TABLE BOARD r at MI-S FANNY MASON'S, No. 818 King alrr Also PLEASANT ROOMS. apV 2aw3w RED WARRIOR CHOPPING AXES, wlioleualo and retail, at 88 King, corner of Royal hi. daofl_XT. CREIGHTON * SON. npOOTH BRUSHES?A very largo assortment of JL fine Tooth Brushes juat received by ian!7_WARFfELD A HALL "/CHLORITE" for chapped hands and lips. \J Price 20c per bottle at _ J. D. H. LUNT'S. ROCKWOOD & CO'S PREMIUM CHOCO? LATE, very fine quality, rtoivod to-day by ?p4_J. C. MILBL'RN. ANOTHER SOPPLYOF BLACK-EYED PEAS received to-day by mb!3_J. C. MILBURN. ROCKWOOD &CO.'8 BREAKFAST COCOA, a superior article, received to-day by ap4_J. C. M1LBURN. GOOD COOKING BUTTER at 15c per lb at ianlO J. C. MILBURN & CAPE COD CRANBEBBIESfor sale by dec26 J. C. MILBURN.