Newspaper Page Text
: . XCII-NO. 104. ALEXANDRIA, VA., TU ESP AT EVENING, MAY 12, 1891. PRICE a CTS. MEDICINAL. THE (TRADE I^RK.) IFE-WORKOFAN EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, [S AN INSTRUMENT FOR THE e of Disease Without Medicine Ii VSEDon new theories of the cause and care u'.lid ils with the electrical and magnetic ...! tin-Im..|v-iiinl ill.- ?a.vsurrounding . it im ".sphere, controlling these additions ii uui electricity. DISEASE I' simply impaired vltalltr. The constantly ndds to the vltoaty and uiuarc. in mil tire's way, to throw Kothlng i* easier of pr>>nr titan i h treatment, cur?? are made Milch by i.n >.v:i ini-ans un-InijK.HslliIe. ?. I I TE CASKS of all kinds ore fur.-d lu ? , r- i > 1:-. random its*;. ith the lutellljrehee and tiomcvprnnro de? in] i ? ordinary method* ?>f medication works CtlKUNM CASES. iiicxUauNtible home treatment, irstlmoulate from people \UV KNOW , r trtliur Information, call "ti or atkrvss ELECTROPOISE, '42"> N. y. Ave.. Washington d c t: grace St., Richmond., va notice. IILBIIM'S POSITIFE CURE tos chills?. fets:b aki> MALARIA BREAK UP Chi Is and Fever IN i: de of i W i NT V fo?bho?es. . - ac5 directly upon ths liver, and vili create ati appetite. Can Im- obtained of tho followine druggists in ? ... Va.. at 60c per bos. or of Lewis C. .* turn, B( i manufacturer, 701 (!th stroct n. w.. Wjrthington D. C.orwnt by mail upon receipt 1 .-c B*1J, E. S. Leadboater & . - on, John D.H. Lunt, L. Stabler c ??! w D Sad ia, Cbaa. t4. Lenncn ?nd W. T. Smith _feb!4 6m Ajxnnranteed Cure for Tiles of whatever :.: - degree External, Internal, Blind Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent or iry. ?100 nbox; 6 boxes, $">.00. ! :>.;:i', prepaid, on receipt of prioe. e to cure Bny c:ue cf Piles, tnteed find sold only by E. S. f J ABBElTERA PRO., _Alexandria. Va. 00 Reward! ~ ? \ t!-..- aboTO rrw.ird f^r any ra*? of Liver : . ; p*ui*8Icfc Headache,IndhtwtloD.OoB' ? i -: rencss we cannot cure with West's \?>? i !'iUs, when the direction!! art-strictly They are purely Vegetable, and rarer itisfacllon. Supap Coated Large boxes. ? ? i : ?. centi Beware of counterfeits 'II.?? genuine manufactured only bv. US ? VVES1 COSU'ANV, CHICAOO,iU>. FOR SALE BY c. G. I.KX\?\, ?0-4 Kingnlreet IL !NG MATERIAL, &c. smoot & c?lT irs to J. Rector Smoot * Co.,] t ing&PIaiiingMill .''anufactnrers of \V i :* DOW FRAMES. MOLDINGS. A Deslors in S [INGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME MED PLASTER and CEMENT. KO. 25 {fOHTJJ rjNWKCT.. A AN DEI A. VIRGINIA, ^i : i vi-:? ' ?? the city free._ M. B. PEBEY. r of Perry, Smoot & Co. inj ras. Boctor Smoot & Perry. PERRY & SON, LIB! ME OFFICE NO. 12? KIK6 ST., Alexandria, Virginia. : .ors, Sssb, Blinds, Moulding, Co mout, Calcined Plaster, Lime, Ji.-?ir, Nails, &c ed Lambor kept under cover._sep5 iESTABLISHED 69 YEARS.] !H.d.?moot.%so^ T>EAL3E 13 - :f .s.UME,CEMENT.CALCINKJ> PLASTER ?AyUrACTTTBER 0? 'RING, DOOR3, SASH, BLINDS, FRAMES OJ DINGS, NTELS, BRACKETS AND AX i. K1NDS OF WOOO WORK. and y>:.- So. \zl north Uniovi ft. factorj ?N'o<). 13 ?nd 15 t:.>rt,h i^os at.. Alexandria, Va, 3SJ~No iliar^e 'or nolivery m city. jan2S COCOA. COLD MEDAL, PAHS, lflg, W. Baker &Co.'s reakfast from which tlio excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure aud it is Soluble. No Chemicals tire used in ils prejiaration. It lias "lore than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot c Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a f"J'. It is delicious, nourishing, :s.'Inciting, easily digested, ??-ii admirably adapted for invalids : s Well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. VM KID HALLEUT for sa'o at W ^u*7 J. C. MILBOBN'o. PUBLI.snSD DAILY AND TRI-WERKLY At the Gazette S*ild'g.,310 & 214 Pi ince st. Pally uuo year_~_.._..86 00 " Sbc months_......-. 3 00 " One month._.?. 60 Trl-V. wkly one year.-.4 00 " Sir r': o.-.thf. 2 00 Three noulh*...._?. I 00 Oo-ttnie! advertisers will not be allowed to exceed their -I 'ace unless the oaeeea is paid fur nt transient rates, ,md under no circumstances will they bo allowed to advertise other than their legitimate business In the Space contracted for. All transient advertisements must bo paid for In ad? vance. Marriage and death aotioea must be paid for in ad VIIIICO. Be-ohitlons In sbeec+fttm, of than lea. tributes of respect, resolutions adopted by societies or persons, unless ol public concern, vlllon.y be printed in this paper as ndvertlsemeoto. The Gazette office !s connected with the Telephone ItanjfO. Advertisement*, orders for the paper, news, or any lotorCMtlou or business can be rent by telephone. (Entered at the Poitrffco, Alexandria. Virginia, M second-class matter.) Piloted hy a Ghost. I checked toy horse, and after one long, straining look around owned to rryself that I was it nt. I bad f-uapeoted thefsctecme lima since, but had eiubboroly fought down th ? sneplcior, thengh my horse evidently realz>d it. With patient endurance he plorideti a'onp, resignation plainly expre?fi ed in the droop of bin tail and ears. Ia place of the ranch, tbe hearty we! come, pleasant words, bad, enpperaod fire I hsd expected fo reach by aonset, there was noth log to be at en before, behind, on either hand tut tb-i dead level tf the plain. There were p=tbs iu plenty j iu fact, the trouble was there were too many?all narrow and windiov*, for wbot-e meandericg th*rese> med not tb<? slightest extu-e, except the genera! tecdency to cnji.kedo.baa most tblrgs aoi noate and inanimate, hltbe ponee.s But i; would have takea the I nstinct nf a blocd hccDd r?r a trailing IadUo to have paid which pj.rhs hsd been ucade by horees' feel or thctte of Cftttlo. Now 'hi! ihe sun waa f>cn?*, I fcutd my '?: ??? v. edge vf he point or the cctapa>8 gone with it. A-Ie-ti prrpKxtd and worried -he gloom of twti'gbt g<!b:red fa.t, and the chili of cons'Dg rain smote me through ni d throni'.h, while in the distance there was the roll of thnr dt-r. I. was now quite d*rl% vety dark at tha', though at thon tntervslscl'-ise to the botiztn a fair t g earn of 1 ?htnirg showed tcodis'sn' to ca->* btiihini v on m? path and only euf fioleot to intensify he blicknees about me. A!! e: once I shw & no en watkli r ebou: Bfl,r- feet in front of me Yen, I k^-w 1 =fti it w&S 'ateneely dsrk, tut nil :*e -oroe I re It. I b&W < ?*a Walking ic front o' m->, ac-'J, :ur;h>rmote, I coald rfec tLac he ? iariv. !E*i\ driestd in rough bu. weli ftttiog olotbe?; that he wor* a heavy rf-d beard, *oc! ihat he looked back at me from time to t)m?* with a') expression of keen anxiety on his otherwise relaxed feaiurea. ' Hallo I" I crM, but ae ho did cot halt I concluded he d;d not bearme. As a seoood bat! produced no result I spurred my wpaiy rtotee up ro eve r ake tho stranger. But, though the gray responded with an aleorlry moat commendable under the circumstances, I r-ocn found that ibis strange pedeBtrian did not Intend to let me catch up with hitn. Not that be harried himself. He seemed without an exer'.ion to keep a good fifteen feet between b3. Then I began to wonder how, with the intense darknesa shutting me In as four b'ack walle, I wae yet able to eee my strange c >mpaniou so e'early, to take In the detail? of hie drer-f, a d iven the expression of hie ? r.c-. and that at a distance more tban twice my norat's length, when I could hardly Bee bin head before ra^. I am not given to su? perstitious faociep, and my only ieellDg wae of curiosity. We went on in silence for nearly half an btur, wben an suddenly aa he bad appeared, ce wiP gone, I looked around for him, half afraid, from hi? instant and complete disappearance, that I had been dreaming, whf n I perceived that I was close to a ?mall, low budding of some sort. I reined in and shented several times, but not the ?lightees reeponee conld I bear, and at last I rode boldly up and tapped on the wall with the t.u t of my riding whip. Then, as this elioited no Bigu of life, I concluded that [ bad etnmblcd on some deserted hou-o or ibnt it was the abode of my eccentrio fiiend; ro, (i;smcunting a d tying the gray, Ire e^tved to spend the rest of the riahr. ur.dar a roof er to find ecme good reason for con tinning my j nrne-y. I fell my way along the wall til! I reached the dot r, and trying this and flbdlng that it yielded to me, I stepped inside, striking a match as I did Br>. Fortnnateiy, I carried my ma cheeiu an air-light cas\aad ae it wbb dry tbo one I struck gave me a light at once. I found myeeif in a large room oitse to a fireplace, over which a rnde ebe!f wae placed, a tic en this mantel I eaw an c it lamp to which I applied my match. On the hearth was heaped a quantity of a3bes, and ovt tbe e crocobed a child, e girl of 5 or G. At ihe er.d of tbe room, wbiob was. plainly and ecantllv fumlrhtd. lay a m^n errors a bed, and as I raised the lamp I eaw that be wns ihe seme I bad beet fotrowing, but there wbs FOrxething in b b a' tl u le and face tbat struck roe as peculiar, nt d I wan abont t.> go forward and look et him wtten the chi d, who bad at first eeemed dtzjd at the light, fairly threw hefEeif npco ' Have you at.ytbing for Nelly to eat?" rhe said, and then, ' Oh, Nelly so bontcry I" I ran my hand into my pecket and drew ?ctth what had been a paper bag cf ccioc candy, bnt was now a pulpy, unappetiz? ing mas--. I mast confess to a cbiicWb :ondneB8 for sweetB, whioh I usually csrry io some form abont me. I banded tte re? mains ef my day's eupply to tbe ciilid ano ? tea walked over to tbe bed. Yes, it was the same man, red beard, rongh clothes, but setting ofi the magcificent frame to perfec tioc ; tbe some man, but dead, long deed, I ..ok bis band only to find it stiff ana cold, w hile hie face bad the dull gray aspect never seen in the newly dead. Aa I stood gtz'.og dewe on him a little bacd touched mine. 'Nelly so hungry 1" said the cht'd. "Have you eaten all tbe candy ?'' I a;ked her. "Yes, yee ! Bat me hungry, for me bad no dinner, no brekkue, no supper, and papa wont get op." The house, which consisted of tbe large room, a smaller kitchen and a shed, where I found a qnantity of bay acd fodder, seemed quite bare of food, bot by dint of search in tbe hay I discovered a nest, which Nelly Informed me waB tbere, and In it two fresh eggs. These I boiled for her. When ehe had finished I soothed her to sleep on a bed I mad^ for her before the fire. Then, afrer I bad put my horBe in tbe shed room and fed him, I performed as well as I could a service for the dead, When day ds weed I was f,b'e to discern at pome distance f-oin the hoino a line of tele? graph polea, aid taking the co-Id with no I followed thrso (o the :.?-Btft.; ioWlt, where I . r.ctlfi d th? au ho i i: a ? f i otl r?-a h. The ; dead m?D'* r m - ? *p Fn n k B -m* s?ple. He wep ao Er-g'lr! m r. I f??o rf, a sfcent i arrival iu ;boF8 p-r ?? H - ?? - ?i, h r r waert i Btond to her family Fcroi* ihe w itr, nod I? i oow a pretty Rlr! of 17 I bave n.-ver tcld I thle story before, but f *rr> r< a ly to lake an i mffidavit lo its trmh. I ail happened about I 30 miles from DjHab. lenyroist elixir A PLEASANT LEMON DEINE? For billiooareis aim constipation, tako Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick aLd nervous hoadach s, tike Lemon Elixir. For sloepbtenoss and nerviusncss, ta?-:o Lemon Elixir. For kss of spretito and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fovors, chills and inalaiia, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mrzely'a Lemon Elisir will not fail yon in any of the above ramcd diseases, all cf which arise from a torpid or diteased liver, stomach kid neyB or bowels Prepared only by Dr. H. Kozlry, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and $ 1 00 per bottle, at druggists. LEH?i HOT DROPS. Cores all Coughs, Colds, Hoprsncss, SoroThroat, Bronchitis Pneumonia, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diaoa^na. An elegant and reliable preparation. 25 cents at drugciots. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mesley, Atlanta, Ua. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS. A? Old Ahd Well Tried Remedy?Mr?. Window a S o hicsr Syrnp b-s been used for over Fifty Year* by MiBionn of Mothers for their Chil? dren While Teething, with rerfeei Svcicss. It Soothes the Child. Soften* ihe Gum, Allays all Pain; Cure* Wind Colic and is the biat romody for Dlarrhaa. Hold by Drogjrjsts in cvory part of the world. Ita value is iicaiculub'o Be sure and ask for Mrs. Window's S^-othif.gSyrup, and take uo other si od. Twtnty-flvo ceuts a bott'e. AraJca s?*ive Thz Ruol Salvb in tho world ior''nir,, a.-.rt*. rjleera, Salt Bhuum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Ess?a. Chilblains, Coma a?d all Skin Eruptions, "ad poaHivelv euren Filet, or no pay required. It ia gcarantood to give parfoct satis fe-:tion, or money refunded. Price 25 centa per 0O7T. For K? t; fi. Laad beater <St Bro. MEDICINAL. A Doctor Bill saved by always keeping Simmons Liver Regulator ia the house. If you have eateu any? thing hard of digestion, or feel heavy after meals, or sleepless at night; if you lead a sedentary life or are weakened by tho strain of your duties; if you need ~ cathartic to relax tho bo wel s; i f you re? quire action on the Liver tc relieve Indigestion; if yo". require something to purify the blood ana regulat. the system ; if you are traveling in un? healthy localities, or food or watei does not agree with you, a doso of Simmons Liver Regu? lator will remove all trouble. Ex-Governor of tin., und U.S. Senator Joseph 1". ilrown Kaya : "You are at liberty to nso my name In praise of Simmons Liver ttegulator, nnd recommend il t<> everyone as the best preventive of Fovcr and Atruc. It super cedes Quinine it taken In time." C?R88T8. BKTC& HELP' *? in.. 1,...? t To take the place of a corset-if you won't wear! one-try the Ball waist.||?^5c; That's, just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three' weeks, if you wish,' jThen, if you're not satisfied,'you can! return it, and get your money.! For sale by ISAAC EICHBEKG. GROCERIES. &c. W M. P. WOOLLY & EON, Dealers in Groceries,Wines and Liquors, 8. W. corner Boyal and Wcdfo streets. Pure Old Hannisvillo and Cabinet WHISKIES BO BT. POETNEB'S VIBGINIA PALE and CAB? INET BEEB. Deliver to any part of the city. ap20 lm JACOBE BEOS'. GENERAL COW DRINK I For garget, maw bound, bloating and fevers, Milfr fever and abortion pr?ventiv Just receiver! and for sale bj fahaa_W. F. CRETQHTON A 00. PETEEMAN;8 ROACH FOOD, put up in 25c, 50c and 75c cans, is the best preparation for the extermination of roaches. From personal knowledge wo know it to he all that is claimed lor it. [apl8] E, 8, LEAD BEATER & BEO. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. ^LfcX ANDER SOTEB, > itu W oL'.i. Dstioi ho-vor, 13:b an! G sis. n. w, Wa>hin^toii 1 h?vu to?o>al 'A~ath ngto:i porcliASt rs for liou-os in Aioiacdris. V^., aud will bi p.esstid to hear I.O.d par ous htvii g d si kb*o hcmea t.> so.i. jny9_qt_ KXUX &liK_RM0i\r NO. 2..G KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, YIRG1XI?. DE8IBABLE CI1Y and COURTLY PROPER? TY FOR BALE. Correspondence solicited. ap30 DB. D N. BUST, I OEOEOE WIBB, I WORTH HULFISH, President. | Becretary. j Treasurer. -THE? MUTUAL REAL ESTATE COMPY., OFFICE 421 KING STREET. Parties having property for sale in city or coun? try will flud it to thoir interest to list it at this office. We deal in Real Estate and Stocks. A largo lot of Eoanoko Property for sale. fobl8 ly BREWERIES. ^MPASY'S BOTTLED BEE FOKJFAAIILYIUSF, -a. specialty. HARDWARE. D PEAKE, Doaler in DOORS,SASH, GLINDS, HARDWARE, FAINTS OILS, LEADS, CEMENT, LUMBER, LIME, CALCINED PLA8TER, SLATE MAN? TELS, HEARTHS Ac., Ac, Ac Cornor King and Pitt stroots. Alexandria. Va. John T. Creighton & Son, WHO I. KtiALKAND B J? T A t t. DIALEB3 IN HAKI>tfAKS AtfS> CUTLEKY, ??'.!. 88 KINO UORNEB OF ROYAL STREET Have on hand a very large and well assortod stock of goods in thoir line. Country merchants are invitod to call ;jnd ox amlno boforo purchasing. Satisfaction guarHi-.fc?cd. Call and s?o. [apl Wo bave on bsnd ho largest stock of NEW CALICOES AND rPSING WAGONS Ever nff-.rrd 'or ai!o in Alexandria, Which wo aro soiling ss low as c+n by u. ugh elsewhere, f'omo ai d ?ee. SUMMERS Sc 119 BOOTH PITT STREET. whll 3n_ AKDWAK?Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT 3'28 Ki gtt:oet,Al xaedri.?, Va., To be sold at very RrDUCED TEILES. Tho undersigned, in order to reduce etcck on hsnd, will (or the presont offer th???r largo stock of Hardware Par Iron, Farven Whec's. Gsrdeu Tools, Ac, at very low figures, a*d invite pur chaser? to c?.ll and cxamli e et abjve direction? 328 King street, eerier of Royal. The goods will speak for themselves. m> 4_J. T. CREIGHTON k SON. ISHOP'? RIRDHEALTH EESiuRER. B If your canary is sick and droopy, use the Re? storer. It can be found at_ _ ERNEST L ALLEN'S, febl4 Cornor King ?nd Pi t streets 0 MORE HEADACHE NOR NEURALGIA! PHENYO-CAF FEIN Gives quick relief in tho worst cases. For sale by mhl3 __ERNEST L. ALLEN. POR CHILLS AND FEVER Try LUNT3 AGUE CURE. feb26 Price 50c per bottle._ DRIED CHE83TES. Raieios, Currants, Peaches and Prunes for sale by aDa3_J. C. MILP.URN. "tA.NNED EARLY JU^E PEaS for sale by J a^a J. C. MILB?RN. BRISTOL, TENNESSEE. The Progressive South Where john IT. In max. President of the Ttlchmoml say* the next large developnlen Is to In-. "TheSouth Im the favored spot of tin- whole United State*; and the ur.-.,: Hi fur immigration when wo can (jet It, and the place for happy and couifortanle homes. 1 expect the next lanje development to be In tie- ltri.-t..i district?Bristol and l'.u-t Tennessee section, which baa practically thesame natural advantages Birnilnatham, but which have never (?-.?n worked up. This section will trow rapidly within the next fee. \. urx The railroad facilities are fcood now, and are bclnc uuproViJ all the time." RISTOL, TEMN. Ts in a country richer In cnnl und Inn tb.-.n any single State in Atnortra. It Li >i ? '. I city, hacked by unlimited resourcwl In en at variety, and i. u :ln? puabeil in tin fore bj n\\< nlzcd. systcmsUcally-w?rking Chamber of cuunaw. The outlook is favorablefor Itristol tu become the llttsburc of the South. Addnss t il.\";ii{;:;i I'HMMKltCK. DRY GOODS. OPENING ni boot u no in -AT p'fT Will montion p. few lato arrivals, which wo con sider cxcollo-1 bargains: 1 case of FINE DRESS GINGHAMS, 8c per yard. Two (2) Cases 5-4 BLEACHED MUSLIN. cxtTa good quality, in lengths from 1 to 5 yards at 10c per ysrd. One (1) r.830 4-4 ANCHOE PUANS BLEACH? ED MCSLIN, 1 to 6 yards, at 8c per yard. 250 yards OILED TA BLE DAMASKS, superior quality and choice pattens 50" per yard. 500 yards beautiful sty.'es OUTING FLAN? NELS, 8 to 12 yard lengths, 30c per yard. NEW DBBSS GOODS, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW FEINTS, NEW WHITE GOODS, NEW EMBROIDERIES. NEW LACES, NEW HOSIE? RY, NEW GLOVES, NEW CORSETS-in fact havo m.ilo new additUus to a'i of our varied de? partments, and havo marked the san e ntselling prices. Invite your inspection. No troubio to show goods. D. Bendheim, ?16 Kl.Vj STREET. _FURNITURE._ jle isj jbb inir :h: ?d xr Hei m. M.RUBBN&SONS Have tho Largest stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, REGRIOEEATOES, BAuY CARRIAGE?, &c, Ever shown. M. UUBEVASOXS, ap2f) lm 631 Kin:: street. CONFECTIONERS. D. HARRY ?PPICH (Succoseor '.o David Appic';J WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (Medioner and Frail Dealer, 525 KUG STREET, ALEXANDBIA, VIRGINIA FINE FRENCH CANDIES AND F?.NCY CAKES A SPECIALTY. aa9 tf MERCHANT TAILORS. WM, MUKKA Y NT TAILOR. 517 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Informs his customers that :ie >iaa received a Supply of Spriog&Snnimer Goods And is now prepared to furnish SUITS IN ALL THE LiTi> t STYLES and on roasonablo tormo. ap23 FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS. &c._ WE AGAIN p'aco our c-irl boforo tte public, inviting thim to inspect our carefully se? lected stock of i PBING AND SUMM EB PP.r G -ODS, GENTLEMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S FOE? ISH JNOS, NOTIONS, ?c Wo will fn^cs'or to ke> p np to < ur Standard o! tho lowest price:, for rciia1 le gocds. AMCS B.tiLAYMAKFR, uil,31 No. 1 JO King a:root. WHE BEST BEFRIGEBATOB 13 THE 1 "ALASKA/' We hio sole kr Alexandria. Jt'sar'ry co'd-ai.- ra'rigeratcr, and is acknowledged ine boat. It took the fiist prizo at the Now Orleans Exposition fir economy in ice. C'a;.1 and examine them. Pricw very kw. apV9 _E. I. MILLER & SON. C ARSAPARILlX-iLE, O 702 THE BLOOD, Fifty cents per bottle, at myl _J. D. ri. LUNTg. J UoT RECEIVED. A fro=h lot of BEAE LITHIA WATFE at J. B. H. LUNT'S. 25c per gallon._mh31 J D.H.LUNT, Agent fo tho Celebrated ASHLEY BB0?TDE OF AJUSESIC WATER [sep261 pAlNI YO?B BUGGY FOR ONE DOLLAR. Another supply of CROWN CARRIAGE GLOSS PAINT : rsvly for use; only one coat necessary. For salt by Bep6 W. F. ORETGHTON & CO. [?INE EALLY JUNE PEAS CHEAP?In order JD to close out balance of early June Peas, I cfibr thtm at tho reduced price of 15c per ein. myl J. C. MILL URN. AUCTION SALES. By R. T. Lucs ? Co., Auctioneers. pROPERTTSALE By ' irtuo of a power r>' at'orney duly ro corded am ing (In la::il ret ? at Fa'r.'ax Court House. I ?*id s< 1! at public .uotion on FRIDAY, May 15th 1601, at 10 a. m. tbo LO:^ *.i.t ; v l'MOVEMENTS thereon situated in Fairfax Connty, snd about 3 miles from tbo city of Uoxaudi i!, and kuuwu an "MOUNT PLEASANT". This tract of land con'aim 187 acros, 2 ro^ds, ?cd 13 polos moro or leia. Terms ot sale : Cash. Also all the HORSES and COWS and FARMIN?; IMPLEMENTS, on the farm. Tema of tale. Cash. myl eota_ROBT. W. BALLENGER. By B. T. Lucs?. Auctioneer. 1TRUSTEES' KALI; OF VALUABLE IM . PRO^FD PROPERTY I ' ALEXANDRIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, ovei !o-,ki:.e. the city of Waphington nil adjoining Arlington. By virtue of a doed of trust executed by Wi' liam F. ti av and wifo, dttod on tho 24th day ol Aujznit. A. D. 1HC!>, and recorded in the land ro corda of Alexandria county, Vininia, in deed bo< k .1, No. 4. p?.go 558, (bo i nb cribors, as trtis fcos in rm 1 (lf!?.d of trust, will, by the direction of the CKTty thereby s.>. ured, expose for *h!o tit | ab? lie aucti n. iii front ol the promises, o," THURSDAY, tho 21 ot day of May, 1691, at 4:30 p. m., tho property convoyed by said deed of trrrst; tt wit: A TRACT OF HIGHLY IMPROVED LAND of ;.b-ut four acrw, a 1 k.t.da o' ? h. 1 g .A FRAME DWELLING, brick barn an ?.. neces laty outbuildings thorten ins Id county of Alex incbia, Virginia, situated oo the 10 tb side of tha Arlington tamp ke, ?!??> t lw ? tnics 'rom the :ity 1 ( W**bi igtci, and adjoining tho Arlington sstatc, ic u< t.e premises on w!ii h t'io raid Wil iam ti Oray resided at tho time of bis death, [lie proposed Mount Vernon a venuo runs along; this property It commands a linn and extensive vi* w of tho city nf \Va' liington and tho snrrou tili? ng country. Terms of sale as prescribed in deed of trust: 2ash. A doro-it o;' $2CO required at 'imo oft [f tcrrrs of sa e arc not fully complied with v/ith n ton days, tho trustees roservo tho ri-r'nt to re? tell at tho ritk and cost ol j'anltii g part haser? ill conveyancing at purshast ALBERTiSTUA V ?, Vi. JOSEPH T. DY 1304 F at., Wash ngton, D. C., Tnutces. Mem. An airajgeuioat can bo mado with the isrties intotested for a liboral credit as ti) a part if tho pnrcha'c m mcy. ap21. 2awlm By E. T. Lucas A Co , Auctioneers. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Corporation Court of the city of Alexandria rendered 011 .ho 15th d*y of A pril, 1S91, in the chancery suit ihoroin depending, whorein Benofict Wb. who hi--, &c, is complainant, aid William I!. Smith, Sergeant, administrator, Ac, is defendant, ;ho ULdorsigncd, special commissioner thorel ippointed, will, on SATURDAY, tho23ddajrof May, 1W!>J, it 12 o'clock n'., at the front -'<>or ol said Corpo? ration Court r >om, nft>r lor 1 at public auction. ,ho followiug described ro 1 potato; viz: All that LOT OF GROUND situato in tho said :ity, h it u' n? tho west si'lo of West strcot, o.t which'stat.ds tho BRICK HOD E No. 21, and which lot is bounded and described as follows: Beginning about 90% foot north of 'he corner ot Priuco street, and running west jarallel to Prtnca itrcot 05 feet; thtnea north inrallol to West itroet 20 foot; titmice oast r^t 1II0I to Princo to West street 05 feet; iheuoo 'JO foot to tho 1 ciug ; topothcr with all the ri^ht' and appnrtou? incts to tho sr.ii lot belon^iti;; or in any wise ap? pertaining. Torms of Sale : Cue third of tho purchase mon jy to bo paid in CSSD on tho day of s lo, and tho ro3iduo in twoco/ul instalment* at iii*: ami twelve months, to bo seen rod by the bits da of the pur? chaser or purchaicr-i, wi'.n good personal socuritj: said bonds to bear interest from tho day of salo at aix per centum psr annum, and tho titio to bo re? tained until tho purchase money is fully paid. Conveyancing at the e s- of the purchaser. GEO. A. MU8HBACH, Special Commissioner. I, J)hn 8. Beach.Clork of tbo Corporation Conrt of tho city of Alexandria, do hortby certify that (Joorgo A. Mushba' h, special commissioner abovo i.atned, has exccut.d the bond wit':>. tutisfactory etenrity required by tho t>bov? mentionod decree. JOHN -. BEACH; Clirk. apl? w lw By J. T. Callaoak, D.C. FUK SALE / t*OR BALE OB RES P- NE S THREE 1 HTORY BR;CK HOUHE-t, B tuatod on the north side of Klag (treat, l>:tw en i'olornbtts and AL'nd. All modern improvements. IVeios;ion tiveu at orco Apply to J. CLINTON ?MQOT, ap30tf 5QO S W.i liinKton st. J^^R RENT. STORE 312 King street. KNOX ? HESNDON, myltf 21'! "t-ect. Y^i UABLE REAL E6TAJ E FOB 3ALS. ONi". TRACT OF LAND, 44? acrc% 2\ miica from ^loxaiiflria on tho Mount Vernon road, the ,-nrvoy of tno Mount VcrDon Areriuo passing tbtoUfih the place. Tbia pioporty is ?seil calcn? latcd for garlouir.g and il tiry purj osos, being wt!l wat^re-t, and has a frontage on the Potomao River of 2 miles; also ur.s,ir( 3.- .-o<5 scenery overlooking Uth tho citidd of Alexandria and Washington. Persons seeking investment'! w:! find it tj their advantage to cs:or.i:.- his 2a. 124 ACRES and snnthcr of ACEEH, about 4 miles from the city, nos far from tho above described property. Perhaps there is no hurl on the market it thia time offering greater advanta os to seekers of profit than tho alwvo narked property, For dc: Bcriptlon and terun api ly to Mtea KATIE K. < JOE 514 Cameron swrnoli O'NEAL & LUNT, Boai Estate Broi Or to No. 103 Fairfax St., bet. Ct I King ?ug27 T.T.& professional. rilHE PARl'l-EiSHlP HEKEi'CFOtti. EXIST JL inz botweeu us his been d.'a-ioi7cl v.j mutual ccn?ebt. A. W. ARMSTRONG. my4 lw_LEONARD MASj;r?B7. T EONABD MARBULY, ATTORNEY AT LA W. 2'2KiEg strcot, my4 1 it k\o.7.=.i...: i:. VfL .* N7 LIO>.Y W. ALMrliBOMG, A. ATTORNEY AT LA W 212 King street, myilrn Alorscdri?, Va CiUTLERY, SPOONS. ru:<- ?<??. ' ' r ' rant use, CHEAP. Call ?t328 .? troec. /^HOUl'-l UriE U * KAvA't-H, la-cat-tj OS, at deJ.9 AMOS 3. SLAYM A KKR'8,