Newspaper Page Text
% Tioil -SQ. 105 ALEXANDRIA, VA? WEDNESDAY EVENING,-MAY 13, 1891 PRICE 2 CTS. " DXOINAL. THE UK OF AN EDUCATED PHYSICIAN, IXSTKDMEXT FOR THE i] Disease Without Medicine ' ; theories or the ea?se and euro ?V; ? ? I"- electrical mid maun, t.e .1 the Kosen surrounding : ... controlling these ocnditiuiis H i? not electricity. .. . ... nnl) Impaired vitality. The . ??' : -: .: V.y adds to the vitality and nature, in mitti re'fi way. ti> throw N'uttUnK I* easier of pronf than .??it. cures are made fubich bgr means ar.- Impossible. ? Cl , |' ( \."?E?I "f all kinds are Fared In ? I i' random use. Intelligence and vcrBevemmv de. i et hods <>f medication works ( ii i:<>\ !( CASES*. jne\hau*tible home treatment, from people YOU KKOW Information, call on or address _L?CTROPOISE, 142 Y. ave., Washington, d. c. hace St., Richmond., va. NOTICE. HUOM'S POSITIVE CUE I on CHILLS, FKVEB AND MALARIA B/iU, . ? rely BREAK U? Chi Is and Fever IX , E . STV FOUH IIOURfl let direniy upon th* liver, and Wii! create an appetite. tainodof tho followinc druggists in j - . . Va., at 50c per box. or of Lewis C. ,i- go o ruiiniifacturer, 701 Gth atroot n. w., K gton, D. C, or srn*. by mail upon receipt of pi WarfieM & Hall, F. S. Lead boater & Bro Ernest L alien, John D. H. Lunt, L. Stabler _.(?? , W I) Hndson, Chas. (4. Lenncn ar.d W. T. Bj fpbl4 6m JAPANESE" \ tre for Piles of whatever I itemaL Internal, Blind r 1 ing, Chronic, Recent or tary. Si 00 n box; 6 boxes, $5.00. . prepaid, on receipt of prioo. - ntee to euro any ca?e pf Piles. Guaranteed and sold only by E. N. LKADBEATER A BKO., Alexandria. Va S500 Reward ! ? reward f>>r any eiwe of I.lrer SI '. ll' nda.;ln\ liidi?-.~tiuti.Con. . ? . - wo cannot cure witt West's I . Is, w hen t ho directions ai e strictly I at. purely Vegetable,and noyer !i. StiBarCoatcd Lartre boxes. ,23 rents. Beware of counterfeit* -. ttiiine manufactured only b? i ? I IKY, UUIUAUO.JJLL. mr. sale by ( . G. I.ENNON, ?04 Hiuu; street BUIL! LNG MATERIAL, &c. x BUSHED 69 YEARS.] JOSlAli ii aSMOOT?SON, mm DEAXSB IB ! > I UM ' , ?UIUH.IV?5 uu SA' ? CEM BN'f. CALCINE;: PLASTER Ac. At. Ac, - i R57A0TUBXB t>? PL IRS, SASH, BLINDS, FRAMES 1ANTEL8, BRACK1ET8 .:.!. KINDS OF WO\>T> V70BK. No. 21 north Union st. Factory | > 1 ??>..-. Loo at., Alexandria, Va. > ' - delivery in city. ian38 SklOOT & CO., iors to J. Rector Smoot A Co.,] ? >or i ng & Planing Mi 11 Manufacturers of :i 9: H )W FRAMF8, MOLDINGS, & Dealers lr. INGLES, LATHS, NAILS, LIME ' LOIN E D PLASTER and CEMENT. so. 25 nop.te rrroast.. ALEXANDRIA. VIRGINIA __??Lnrnber dolivoro-* the city free._ J<'HN PERRY,"" M. B. PERRY. Formerly of Perry, Smoot & Co. and J?s. Sector Smoot & Perry. PERRY & SON, OFFICE NO. 128 KING ST., Alexandria, Virginia. Dcaiors in Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Co mout, Calcined Plaster, Limo, Hair, Nails, Ac Dressed Lumber kept under cover. Bep5 AGRICULTURAL. Dosier in a iomplote lino of Agricultural Implements, WALTER A. YV..0D EABVEfcTING MACHIN ERY FRESH FIELD and GARDEN rEED3. B?SQ?EHANNA FEBTTLDIEBS, ?c, Ac Agent for tue HEWLING8 AU TOMATIC iCLK AERATOR at d COOLER, and tho BTAVER BUCKEYE FEED MILL and POWER, Your patrouat;?' respectfully solicited. Orders tilled promptly. XO. Ill KIXG STREET, ^hilib' 6m Alexandria, Virginia. QE<>. B. COCHRAN, Corner King and Loo streets. COMMISSION MERCHANT Am PURCHASING AGENT FOR THE FARMER3' ALLIANCE CF NORTHERN VIRGINIA. AI; culbailments and orders will receive my - M ention._fob!9 dlw&twAm BISHOP S CANARY SEED, JJ BIRD GRAVEL And all other Bird Preparations. . ... EBNEST L. ALLEN, t!tii___Corner King and Pitt streets. MOKED HALIBUT for sale at w J. C MILBUBH'S. S kante PUBLISHED DAILY AND TRI-WEEKLY At the Gazette Biild'g.,310 & 312 Prince st. Dally quo year...,.,,?,._....$8 00 *' Six month*-.~. 3 00 " One month ..-.?. 50 Tri-Weekly one.yew-.?._.4 00 six; month*. 2 00 1 Three'mailt hn._.?.?. 1 00 Contract advertisers will not be allowed to exceed their space unless the exmss U paid for at transient rates, and under no circumstances will they be allowed to advertise other titan their legitimate business in the space contracted tor. All transient udrurttoamunta must be paid for in ad? vance. Marriage and dooth notices most be paid for in ad? vance. Resolutions In meou>tSam, of thanks, tributes of respect, resolution* adopted by societies or persons, unless oi public concern, wUtonly be printed In this paper as advertisements. The Gazstttb ofice la connected with the Telephone Exchange. Advertisements, orders for the paper, newH, or any information or business can be sent by telephone. (Entered at the Fssttffice. Aiexanarla. Virginia, w second-class mattar.l OWSEB OF THE BULL RUN BATTLEFIELD ?A. M. Henry eaye: Although I am the OWoer of the property en which the first battle of Ball Boo was fought, I did not see (he battle. I returned from Alexat dria eoon after that event and witnessed the eocend battle at this point. Mj mother was killed in her bed by a eheil from a federal battery at tba firBt battle. Sbe was blind, aged and helpless at the time, and as the battle raged about the house it was on safe to remain in? doors as cn any otber spot. General Sher men and Senator Cameron visited here a few years since. Sherman bad not been on the field since the battle in July, 1861. He s-ked no questions. He eetmed to know every point of interest and tbe several poei tlons of troops. Daring his stay he made bat one wrong observation He said, "Mr. Henry, I was in your house daring tbe battle." I said, "No, General; tbe touee then Btandlog was destroyed." "Ob, yes," be replied, "I re? member there was a wide hall io the house, end (bis one bas ncne." I recl'e this to demonstrate Sherman's careful a'ten'.ion to detaiir. General Sherman atked me if I weald sell my property If I cared to part with it, be knew a man who would buy it. I'earned eobe? qoenlly that the intending tut chaper wsb Senator Don Cameron. Sen? ator Cameron's oncle was hilled at tbe bead of ibe Seventy nintb Highlanders, a few rods from my hou?e. Generals Bee and Bar tow, of South Caro?na, were also billed for? ty rodB distant, and a quarter of a mile dis? tant wan killed Colonel Fle'cher Webster, of (be Twelfth Massscbusetts Volunteers, son of tbe great Daniel Webster, in the sec end battle of Bull Kan. It is a singular coincidence tl at ibe second battle ended on the same spot that tbe first engagement ended.?St Louis Globe-Democrat. Leadership in Society ?Io a sketch of the late John Jacob Astor, the Rav. Dr? Morgan Dix, of Trinity Oharob, New York, said recently before the Genealogical and Biographical Society: "New York society is a living entity and has an existence of its own. Ia it, as in everything else, there is good and there is evil. In our sooiety there is no crown, no hereditary arislooraoy to set the fashion, but the leadership devolves upon those to whom the headship ie tacitly oonoeded. Mrs. As? tor was one of tbla number, and eo assidu? ously did she attend to ber duties that it ended in shortening ber life. Shekoew that she must set a good example to society ; tbat doors muet be closed against dubious women aid men with profligate tastes. She knew the extravagance, the low rivalry, and tbe secret or open sympathy with an ege which tended to corrupt tbe heart. It may be said for ber tbat society was rendered the purer for ber loftier ideals." Dr. Dix said that he bad good proof that Mr. and Mrs. Astor spent easily $100,000 a year in unostentatious charities. Mrs. Astor herself used frequently to visit tbe midnight miss'on which she had established, in simple garb as S ster Augustine, her identity being unknown to the Inmates. Ban Off With a Blind Girl ?M. S. Tyler, a leading business man of Damascus, Pa., had lived happily with his wife and family many years. Several years ago he disappeared, and ab:ut the same time a young blind girl, a daughter of tbe most prominent family in tbat part of the Dele ware Valley, was missed. A brother of the girl traced her to New York and back to Middletown, Orange county, where he found her living with Tyler. All bis efforts to in? duce ber to return home were of no avail. The girl recently came of age and secured $12,000, a bequest from ber father, who died a few years ago. No intimacy was ever known or suspected between her and Tyler. The families lived close neighbors. Tbe girl was always modest and retiring in dis? position. She is said to have turned ber money and property over to Tyler. LEMOU ELIZIE A PLEA8ANT LEMON DRINK. For billioueness ann constipation, tike Lemon Elixir. For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeph ssnoss and nervousness, tako Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, tako Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozaly's Lemon Elixir -will not fail you in any of the above named diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach kid? neys or bowels Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlky, Atlanta, Ga. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle, at druggiBts. LEJ??? HOT DROPS. Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoareness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung diseases. An elegant and reliable preparation. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mosley, Atlanta, Ga. WOE OXTER FIFTY YEARS. As Old Ahd Will-Tried Remedy? Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Yean by Jftflfens of Mothers for their Chil? dren While Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Sofimsihe Gum, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind CWto and is the best remedy for Diarrhcea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Its value is incalculable. Be sura and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing syrup, and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bott'o. Bacltlea's Arnica Salve The Best Saxvs in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis? faction, or money refunded. Price 26 cento per box. For sale kr* ?.S. Leadboater ABro. MEDICINAL. Wake Up. If you wake up in the morning with a bitter or bad taste in your mouth, Languor, Dull Ileadache, Despondency, Constipa? tion, take Simmons Liver Regulator. It corrects the bilious stomach, 8weeten3 the breath and cleanses the furred tongue. Children as well as adulta sometimes eat something that does not digest well, producing Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Restlessness, or Sleeplessness?a good dose of Regulator will give relief. So perfectly harmless is this remedy that it can be taken by tho youngest infant or ? the most delicate person without injury, no matter what the condition of the system may be. It can do no harm if it does no good, but its reputation for 40 years proves it never falls in doing good. C0R8BT8. It won't break -that's why Kabo is the only thing for corset "bones". If one of them breaks or kinks or shifts, within a year, you'll have your money back. More than that! Wear a Kabo corset for two or three weeks and see if you like it. If you don't you can return it to us and get your money. ? It's a hundred to one you won't do it, but you have the privilege. For sale by ISAAC EICHBEKG. GROCERIES. &c. TM. P. WOOLLS A BON, Dealers in AX-PAYEB8' NOTIOE Groceries, Wines and Liquors, 8. W. corner Boyal and Wolfe streets. Pnre Old Hannisville and Cabinet WHISKIES BOBT. POBTNEB'8 VIBGINIA PALE and CAB? INET BEER. Deliver to any part of the city. ap20 lm _ CORPORATION NOTICES. T All persons who havo not paid their taxes for the year 1890 will please do so at once, as the collectors will be compelled to mske settlement on the first of Jane. Respectf ally, Ac., P. F. GORMAN, Col. N. D. my8 lw * A. F. COX, Col. N. D. ?JTOTICE All persons wishing to examine their assess? ments for the present year will call at the Com? missioner of Bovenne't office, No. 1 Market build? ing, Cameron street wing, from Monday, May 4th, nntil the 20th of raid month, when the books will bs closed. GEO. DDTFEY, myl t20th CommiiBioner of Bevenne. PROPOSALS. M ABKET HOU8E SHEDS Proposals for BUILDING A MARKET 8HED will be received at the Anditor's office in the city of Alexandria until 12 o'clock m. on the 19th day of May, 1891. Plans and specifications can be seen at the Auditor's office. Bidders are re-1 quested to state their estimates of the amount of | lumber required for its construction. The com? missioners reserve the right to reject any or ail bids. Proposals to be addressed to E. E. DOWN HAM, Chairman of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. mj8 td ?F. PRICE, Auditor. PETEBMAN'S BOACH FOOD, put up in 25c* 50c and 75c cans, is the best preparation for j the extermination of roschefi. From personal knowledge we know it to be all that is claimed for it. [ap!81 E a LEADBEATEB A BBO. 0 MORE HEADACHE NOR NEURALGIA 1 N' PHENYO-CAFFEIN Gives quick relief In the worst caees. For sale by mhl3_EBNK8T L. ALLEN. PAINT YOUR OWN BUGGY?Just received the I following new line of Colors: Olive Fonce,! Ponceau, Ecarlate, and Jet Coach Black. Call for sample. For sal* by jag_W F. CBRIGHTON & CO. AFULL STOCK OF GARDEN TOOLS, such as Hoes, Bakes, Spading Forks, Shovels and Spades, just received at 328 King street, corner of Royal. For sale wholesale and retail. ap21_J. T. CREIGHTON A'.SON. rjTRY LTJNT8 COUGH SYRUP FOB COUGHS AND COLDS. Prioe 25c: sample bottle 10c_dedS PRIME NEW LENTILS received to-day by ap27 J. C. MILBURN. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. KNOX & HERNDOIf NO. 21G KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINI?. DESIRABLE OlTY and COUNTRY PROPER? TY FOR 8ALK. Correspondence silicltod. ap30 DB.D. N. BUST, I GEOBGE WISK, I W0BTH ITULFISH, President. | Secretary. | Treasurer. -THE? MUTUAL REAL ESTATE COJIPV., OFFICE 421 KING 8TBEET. Parties having property for sale in city or conn try will find it to their interest to list it at this office. We deal in Real Estate and Stocks. A large lot of Rcanoko Property for sale. fobl8 ly BREWERIES. BREWING COMPANY'S BOTTLED BEER, FORJFAHIIYYIUSF, HARDWARE. ESTABLISHED 1944. Jas. F. Carlin & Sons, 315 Hingst., Alexandria, Va. Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, WAGON WHEELS, NAIx8, 8TEEL ANDIRON) RTM3, SHAFT8, HUBS AND SPOKES, BARBED FENCING WIRE, BALING TIES, GEIND3T0NES, At. r lUp hone call 80._my9 tf F. PEAKE, Dealer in DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, HARDWARE, PAINTS OILS, LEADS, CEMENT, LUMBER, LIME, CALCINED PLASTER, SLATE MAN? TELS, HEARTHS &c.,&c.,Ac. Corner King and Pitt streets. Alexandria. Va. John T. Creighton & Son, WHOLESALE A It D BETAIL D E A L E B B I N HARDWARE AND CUTLERY, NO. 88 KING. CORNER OF ROYAL 8TREET Have on hand a very large and well assorted stock of goods in their line. Country merchants are invited to call and ex? amine before purchasing. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call and see. [apl CARRIAGES CARRIAGES! We have on hand tho largest stock of NEW CARRIAGES AND SPRING WAGONS Ever offered for sale in Alexandria, Which we are selling as low as can be bongh elsewhere. Come and see. SUMMERS Sc BRO., 119 SOUTH PITT STREET. nhll 3m_ HARDWARE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, AT 328 Kirg street, Alexandria, Vs., To be sold at very REDUCED PRICES. The undersigned, in order to reduce stock on hand, will for the present offer their large stock of Hardware, Bar Iron, Sarven Wheels, Garden Tools, Ac, at very low figures, ar.d invite pur chasers to call and examine at above direction? 328 King street, corner of Royal. The goods will speak for themselves. my 4_J. T. CREIGHTON & SON ?gISHOP'8 BIRD HEALTH RESTORER. If your canary is sick and droopy, use the Re? storer. It ean be found at EBNEST L. ALLEN'S, feb!4_Corner King and Pitt streeta. jj^OOBE BEOS'. GENERAL COW DRINK I For garget, maw bound, bloating and fevers. Milk fever and abortion pr?ventiv inst received and for sale by febSS W. F. CBE1GHT0N & 00. BRISTOL, TENNESSEE. The Progressive South When'Jons FT, Inman.PresidentofthofilchmondTerminal.says theneit largedevelopment Is to be. ?? The South In the favored spo; of the whole United Stute?: and is the met Held for Immigration ? hon we can cet It, and the place for happy and comfortable homes. I ??xpeot tli.' iii-xt lar-_.,. development to be In the HrLstoI district?Kristnl and Kast Tennessee Recti.wliieh ti:us pmcttmliy the same natural ad vantiures as Illrmlnchani. hut which have never been worked up. This section will rnpldlv within the next Sew yean. The ruUroad fuclliiles are nuw.and ure being Improved alt the time.'1 BRISTOL, TENN. I" In a country richer In coal and Iron than any stnete Stan- in America. It Is a solid city, backed by unlimited resources in crmt variety, und is being pushed to the forv by aweii-otv* systematically -ait!;"!.: Cbamherof Commerce. The outlook bi favorable for Bristol tu become the Pittsburg ot the Siutiu Address ClIA.tlliKK OV C?9?IBRCB? dry goods. opening New Spring Goods Daily ?AT? BENDHEIM'S. Will mention a few late arrivals, which, wo con aider excellent bargains: 1 case of FINE DEESS GINGHAMS, 8c per yard. Two (2) Cases 5-4 BLEACHED M?8LIN, extra good quality, in longths from 1 to 5 yards at 10c per yard. Ono (1) case 4-4 ANCHOB BBAND BLEACH? ED MUSLIN, 1 lo 6 yards, at 8c por yard. 250 yards OILED TABLE DAMASKS, superior quality and choico patterns. 50c per yard. 500 yards beautiful styles OUTING FLAN? NELS, 8 to 12 yard longths, 10c por yard. NEW DEEPS G00D3, NEW GINGHAMS, NEW PBINTS, NEW WHITE GOODS, NEW EMBBOIDEBIES. NEW LACES, NEW HOSIE BY, NEW GLOVES, NEW COB^ETS-in fact havo mado new additions to all of our varied de? partments, and havo marked the same at selling prices. Invite your inspection. No troublo to show goods. D. Bendheim, 816 KHG STREET. "cocoa. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, U8& ||W. Baker &Co.'s JlMeakfasi III Cocoa Inj I I . jlnl from which UiO excess of Rn I 11 I oil lm* beeu removed, is ffl I II \ Absolutely Pure ^amJ^jf/iand it is Soluble. No Chemicals arc used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa raised with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. _FURNITURE._ ^?wr ?nw n: sc tlt? je. M.RUBBN&SONS Havo tho Largest Stock of Furniture, Carpets, Matting, BEGBIGEBATOBS, BABY CARRIAGE;!, &c, Evor shown. M. RUBES A SOUS. ap29 lm 6?1 King street. CONFECTIONERS. D. HARRY APPICH (Successor to David Appich) WH0LE8ALE AND RETAIL Confectioner and Frnit Dealer, 525 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA FINE FRENCH CANDIES AND FANCY CAKES A SPECIALTY. aa9 tf MERCHANT TAILORST" wm, murray TAILOR, 517 KING STREET, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Informs his customers that ho nas received a Supply of Spring&Sniiiiaer Goods And is now prepared to furnish SUITS IN ALL THE LATEST STYLE3 and on reasonable terms. ap23 FANCY GOODS, NOTIONS, &c. ~ WE AGAIN place our card before tho public, inviting them to inspect our carefully se? lected stock of SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS, GENTLEHEN'8 AND CHILDREN'S FURNISH? INGS, NOTIONS, &c. We will endeavor to keep up to our standard of the lowest prices for reliable goods. AMOS B. 8LAYMAKEB, mh31 No. 429 King street. AUCTION SALES. By B. T. Luc*s A Co., Anctionoora. pBOPEBTY SALE By virtno of a power of attorney duly re cordod among tho land records at Fairfax Court House. I will sell at public, auction ou FBIDAY, May 15th 1891, at 10 a. m. the LAND and IMPBOVEMENTS thorocn situated in Fairfax County, and abont 3 miles from tho city of Alexandria, and known as "MOUNT PLEASANT". This tract of land contains 187 acres, 2 rocds, and 13 poles more or less. Terms ol sale: Cash. Also all the HORSES and COWS and FAEMING IMPLEMENTS, on tho farm. Terms of sale: Cash. myl eots EORT. W. BALLENGEB. By B. T. Lucas, Auctioneer. TBU8TEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IM PEOVED PBOPEETY IN ALEXANDBIA COUNTY, VIRGINIA, overlooking tho city of Washington and adjoining Arlington. By virtue of a deed of trust executed by Wil? liam H. Gray and wife, dated on the 21th day of August, A. D. 1899, and recorded in the land ro cords of Alexandria county, Virginia, In deod book J, No. 4, page 558, tbe subscribers, as trus? tees in ssid deed of trust, will, by tho direction of tho party thoroby secured, expose for sale at pub? lic auction, in front of the promises, on THURSDAY, tho 21st day of May, 1891, at 4:30 p. m., tho proporty convoyed by said : deed cf trnst; to wit: A TBACT OF HIGHLY IMPBOVED LAND of j abont four seres, all kinds of choicest fruits, good ! FRAME DWELLING, brick barn and all nocea - sary outbuildings theroon, In said county of Alex ! andria, Virginia, sitnatod on tho south sido of 1 tho Arlington turnpike, about two miles from the 1 city of Washington, and adjoining tho Arlington i ostato, being the promises on which tho said Wil \ liam H. Gray resided at tho timo of his death. The proposed Mount Vernon Avenuo runs along I this proporty It commands a fino and extensive view of tbe city of Washington and the surround? ing country. Terms of sale as proscribed in dood of trust: Cash. A doposlt of $200 required at time of sale. If terms of sale are not fully comnlied with with? in ten days, tho trustee! reserve tho right to re? sell at the risk and cost of dofaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at purchaser's cost. ALBERT STUART, Alexandria, Va. J08EPH T. DYEB, 1301 F st., Washington, D. C, Trustees. Mom. An arrangement can bo mado with the parties interested for a liberal credit as to a part of tho purchase money. ap21 2awlm By R. T. Lucas A Co., Auctioneers. BY VIRTUE OF A DECREE of the Corporation Conrt of tho city of Alexandria rondored on tho 15th diy of April, 1891, in tho chancery suit therein depending, wheroin Bonoiict Whoatloy, who suo', <&c, is complainant, and William H. Smith, i-'ergeant. administrator, Ac, is defendant, tlio undersigned, special commissioner thoroby appointed, will, on SATURDAY, tho 23d day of May, 1891, i at 12 o'clock m., at tho front door of said Corpo? ration Court room, offer for ralo at public auction : tho following described real estate ; viz: All that LOT OF GROUND situate in tho said city, lying ou tho west sido of West street, on which stands tho BRICK H0U8E No. 21, and which lot is bounded and doscribed as follows: i Beginning about 90b\ foet north of tho corner of : Prince street, and running west parallel to Prince : street 05 foot; tbecco north parallel to West ! si root 20 foot; thenco east parallel to Prince to ' West street 65 feet; thenco 20 foot to tho begin? ning; together with all tho rights and appurten? ances to tho said lot belonging or in any wiso ap? pertaining. Terms of Sale: Ono third of tho purchase mon? ey to bo paid in cash on tho day of salo, and tho rosidue in two equal instalments at six and twelve months, to bo secured by tho bonds of the pur? chaser or purchasers, with good personal security; said bonds to bear interest from tho day of sale at six per centum per annum, and tho titlo to be re tvinod until the purchase money is fully paid. Convoyancing at tho cost of tho purchaser. GEO. A. MU8HBACH, Special Commissioner. I, John S. Beach,Clerk of the Corporation Court of the city of Alexandria, do hereby certify that Goorgo A. Mushbach, special commissioner above named, has executed tho bond with satisfactory security required by the above-mentioned decree. JOHN 8. BEACH, Clerk. aplG wlw By J. T. Callahan, D. C. FOR SALE AND RENT. JjlOB BENT. Tho TWOSTORY BRICK DWELLING No. 1 Olfi west Princo street; 10 rooms; water and gas ; bath. Immediate possession. Apply at No. 1020, next door, on corner._my9 tf FOB SALE OB BENT?TWO NEW THREE STORY BBICK HOU8E9, situated on tke north aide of King street, batwoon Columbus and Alfred. All modern improvements. Possession given at once Apply to J. CLINTON 8MOOT, ap30 tf_500 8. Washington at. OB BENT. F STORE 312 King street. Apply to KNOX A HERNDON, myl tf_No. 216 King street. -yALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE. ONE TriACT OF LAND, 446 acres, 2^ miles from Alexandria on the Mount Vernon road, tho eurvey of the Mount Vernon Avonue passing through the place. This property is well calcu latod for gardening and dairy purposes, boing well watered, and has a frontage on the Potomac Elver of 2 miles; also unsurpassed scenery overlooking both tho cities of Alexandria and Washington. Persons seeking investmente will find it to their advantage to examine this land. 2d. 124 ACRES and another of 52'fc ACRES, about 4 miles from tho city, not far from the above described property. Perhaps there is no land on the market at this time offering greater advantages to seekers of profit than the above named property. For de' scription and terms apply to Misa KATIE M. G. JOHNSTON 514 Cameron street O'NEAL A LUNT, Beal Estate Brokers, Or to No. 103 Fairfax at., bet. Cameron and King aug27 T,T,AS,tf PROFESSIONAL. J^EONABD MABB?BY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 212 King street, my4 lm Alexandria, Va. A NTHONY W. ABM8IB0NG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 212 King street, myl lm Alexandria, Va rtUTLEBY, SPOONS, FORKS, Ate., for reatan U rar. KJ "rant use.' CHEAP. Call at 328 King street. Jfi use, caw. T^IGHT0N & SON.