Newspaper Page Text
/iLEXANDRIA. "V-A~ WEDVESDAY EVENING, MAY 13._ ThkbspKCIAL and peculiar restrictions im? posed by this cauntry upon the Chinese and the crowning intuit offered China by appoint iop. as minister to that country a man who had vilified and reviled her people on the ffjor of the U. B. Senate are producing their .'agitimate effect. a line of steamers has been established between China and British Columbia, and San Francisco is alarmed lest tho wbcie cf the valuable CbineBe trado of i hat port be speedily diverted to Victoria, England treats China with the earne respect Kho accords ether foreign nations. This country, on the contrary, treats her as an inferior entitled to little or no respect. The Chinese are peaceful people, but they are licnuu, and are wise enough not to resent ?ba insults effsred them by this country with fore1, but In a far rnoro effeotive way upon a ne.-?r>!e so absorbed In money making as those o!the Uclt^d 8 ates?a way that will restrict - heir trede, and consequently lessen t*eir prefix. Tex late killing of some railway postal clerks by a railroad accident has started talk about pensioning persons engaged In the pes tal89r?lc9. As this counry Is wild on the Bubj )0t of panslonB, it woold not be at all Burprisicg if f-u?h talk be material'zid. Bat whv a m?n who eftrives for a place, who bolds i' in the light of a pr'z >, and for which f.hiro ?r- 400m-? of applicants, aod who in por.'ocMy b c-* ite dangers before be ap? plies for if, should have a greater claim upon tie governmentfi:n*n 2oy otbor citizen cf toe country, is what few can tell. His work U entirely voluntary, and ho cen qnlt it at any time, with the certainty that at least a daz-n o ht m >o are ready and anxious to take the place, open the condition that no pea?bo eh?.!! r>e attached to it. Ths sams o mi of people who espoused vh t cause of Rdv. D a. Nawton and Ktice ford, of the Episoopal durch, for di-".>boy ing the orders of that church, are now de? fending Rev. !>' U iggs, cf 'be Presbyterian C iorob, for deoylog the tenets of that oou oh. T ifl c'a53 of man referred to are ?!??? wia-j. Told U a free country, and if tivr preaciers mentioned do no. like either rh? form i or i tu doctrines of the churches to which they celoog, they should relinquish their m<irob'-rs>)ip thereof and ]ain other churches wi'h which 'hey are more in ac? cord It is bid taste in them to remain Id chnrcbos with which they disagree, and wirse in outsiders who defend them for dc l:jgso. _ Ths becsnt decision of the U. S. Supreme Caurt to tho effect that a State is not pro? hibited from tsxing the Pullman cars that l uq thrsju^a i a territory, will probably in duje ail tho other Siatei to follow the exam? ple of Pennsylvania aai Impose a tax npoD suoa cars s3 tbo-<e referred to. Before the decision was rendered Mr. Pullman avowed his intt;i;;ioa of contributing largely to the fund to he used in the effort that will b> made to bay the renom'.nation cf Mr. Har? rison, aud bid reelection. If renomiaated, but whether h? will nuke that avowal good now that the highest court lo which he can ap? peal has ppok">n, has become a matter cf doubt. If Mk. Elaink, after all of Mr. Earrieon'e patant efforts to-eenre a renomination, ehall ol tain the empty prizs of the first place on the next tepuMicsn Trend j-ntial ticket, be will be compelled, either to repudiate the optnlcn he cxpreesrd of the McKinley bill when he emached bis hat to empbaszahis ol jtcticn to Ihht bill and ssid it wou;d not increaee Ibe ea'e cf a tan el of American pork ( r a fcu^hel of American com, or else he Y,Vl have tc m?ke the national republi? can convm'hn fr0me its platform eo n? to xccoid with l hope viewn. Ms. VcKlXLBY says: "The party to \ihicb I beioDg has declared that the tariff Bbonld be so levied aa to give employment to American labor." And yet the party re? ferred to permitn thousand* of foreign la? borers to come to this coun'ry almost every day in the year, to lake the p'arej of the America:: laborers wbo strike for incr. as d wages. A:id it aieo, by the bub tariff it impps3s on the necessaries of lifo, doubles the ptios of the srlicles which American I? borors have to buy in order to livo. In Pursuit. While at Sinebamton, N. Y., yas*erd*y Secre? tary Tracy stated definitely that tho Charleston lias orders to capture the IUta wherever sho may ha found upon the bish seas. This includes all water ou'si.le the three-mile limit or porta of f >reign conntri s Tho S?otetary did not antici vxte a fight. Iiut in ctso cf rosistance the United ?tatea ctoiser wonld car.-y ont her orders at all jNo news was received in Washington yesterday Irim the Itau or her pursuer, the Chariest >n. It was thought at the JNavy IXpart nicnt that both vo^seia will soon have to put into some p->rt for c< al. A dUpatch from the City of niexico reports the Iiata sailing nnder difficulty i nd the Charleston gaining on her. A Past.'k Dkmxs the Eiiile.?There is trou? ble in thf> Baptiit Church at Eochoster, Fa. Dur? ing the course of his s.rmou on Sunday Eev. A. J Bonsall declared Ida balief that there w nothing positive as to the authorship of the hooks of tho B he ; that bo did not bo leve St. Panl w*s in? spired : ihat be did not hoiave ihnst wnen on tu?rth was conscious of tu iog Oiod ; that the Bible should be putinacrucioloand the dross expunged At thus Aarou WiLou arrso aud e\ i that whiie he Jialievcd th^ pastor ro he honest, he conld not por mithia f?mily to i-teu to tuoh d"cirine. Tho )ms or retorted that ho s%w no other way out of iho tr'oub o thau to n-Sign. " he pastor has a ?strong following, which proposes to stand uith jiim when the tonsregatiou meets on Wednesday j x ijht tocousider tue icsigination. FKOM WASHINGTONS. [Special Correspondent* of the Alexandria Gazette.] WASErasroy. D. 0.. May lb\ 18S1 An intimate personal fiiend of Secretary Blaine, bere to-day, who Is well informed concerning ?he Recretary'a physical ccnli tion. says Mr. Baine is a sick man; that neither bis h<art, lange, liver nor kidneys ere sound, and that tbe only thoroughly per? fect organ in tin body is hia brain. He says Mr. B;h!i e w u'd bb bere at his desk now if it were possible, bb he knows there is every reason why he should he bere, but there is nc tolling when he will be wall enough to come. Tbe statement by a member ci Mr. Har? rison's cabinet, to the effect that tbe Presi dent would pay the expenses of his swing around the*circ:e cut of his own pocket, is said bere to indie Ue that Mr. Harrison's greed for fuvors has le3 him into another trap. It will be rernemberad that he .ac oep'el a cottage at Cape May Point and then had to buy It to stop the clamor the gift created. It is well known that he did not ezpect to p?y for the trip he baa taken when he starte 3 on ii, and if he shall do so, it will bo because ha fears the adverse criti? cism of tbe newspapers in case ha shall al? low anybody the to do so for him. Twenty seren acres of land just south and east of tbe Virginia end of the Aqueduct Bridge, In Alexandria county, has been sold at $1,000 an acre to a syndicate here for brick making purposes. It Is said to-day that so fir Is the Presi? dent from takiog tbe part cf Secretary Noble in tbe letter's cppcBltion to tbe manner in which tbe ptn'ion bureau is conducted by Commis loner Rsnra, that he actually eus taltjM the latter, and has intimated to Mr. Noble that his antagonism with Kaum and with other republican strikers is not on!y unseemly bat ot jec'.iocable to him, and must be abated. The d?crn<?s8 iu the value of the exports of trends.Ulis for the ten months endiog on tbe lit loBt. from that for the same period last yoer is Dearly twenty-nine million dol? lars, and that, tro, notwithstanding tbe in? creased price. Mr. Elaine was right when he caid tbe McKinley bill would not increase tbe export of n t-ing'e bushel of coro. The Russian Legation here recpived a ca? blegram Ibis morning from St. Petersburg which contains information to tbe eiloct that no bad re?ulte are epprebended from the ef? fect of the ?a!<ro cut received by the Czue wi'ob yesterday. Juden Mcptjirmery, of the District Su? preme Court, who hr>h been ill for sometime a^r^. ha? recovered eofficiently to be able lo no to h'n homo in Michigan. A unrlhcru dcmccratic <;nnprcacman hero to day saya Mr. Springer is still in tho field as a candidate for tho sponsorship of tho next House, ?nd is conducting a quiet, persona! campaign, wit"i no a". Btai c i from any body. Ho has writ? ten to ail tho democratic members of tho Houso informing thorn of his candidacy and tilling tbem ho wiil bo thankful forth- ir; apport. Mr. Spring? er, however, tho congressman referred tosrys, bus r ci chance of election, ts it is gonnrally con? ceded in hi* section that tho spiakorslrp wili go io tho South. VIRGINIA KiSWM. T-ir- iVlHSOnic B* 1 and Acedemy Builnlr.g at ET'okory Grove, N ;r':>!k cr-unty, were fjf.-ir yeri by ?n accidental fire yesterday. T"^ G ?vernor s ill p-cbah'y he prevented r>y i (So *l business from Hccompaoyios: the vi-iti r- fr?m this State to Mount Vernon on Friday. Feed. D vip, w^i'e drouk at Cbsrlotie? viUe yesterday, c to. bad up a tree and went o b\w:t on a Iiiu'j. Tbe limb broke snd he e i, breaking Ins nkoll and dislocating b!e hi p. Dr. Wickliff, of Charlotte, has been exon? erated from ibo chaise preferred against him of crimiuailv h--h.u1 Idit a lady patient wb:!e Bne was ander tne L fl t-oca of chlorc f jrm. Dr. J. M. McBiydf, president of the South C-trrMina University, na-t accen'ed the dual po?iilori of president of the Virginia Agri cultorp.l n- d U.'-chHtiica! College and nirec - or of the experiment station at B.acksburg. L*rge qiantitles of dead blueflsh, killed byli'h traps, nr* fl'ating In the bay be? tween th? Htppahannock and Pot-^mao rivers. Fishiu?-%macks teem New York have followed O-.e bluetish into the Chesa? peake, sod ara a* hing for them bv trolling t>el ween the Piurkatank and the Potcmso. Irt the cri-o of. E. Buford Grymee. charged In eight indictments with rrisappropriating "ity bond' r.nd torgerv, Judge Aiken. in R canior.d, yesterday eustR'ne-l the demur? rer as to the lailer. Trm aocased i iI be tried now on tbe ch?tg? of mlenppmpiia tion aio.-ie. Much difficulty was found iu obtaining a jury. Mr. T.iom&s McGill, penerel agenr of the Georgia associated iraflic lines In Indian? apolis, di-d there yesterday from the efleote of irjurlen rrc-ived iu a renjnc rallrcad ao cideiir. He kr-* a nativeoi Fred ricksburg. He war?, also, a bravs ex-^on ft derate so> dier, a nt.-tjifi?r of th^ Toirtieth Virginia Regiment. His wi'e, who survives htm, was a Miss Ligbtner, of Stafford ooanty. Thomas Fostrir aDd Jipeph C&ldwtil.oi Amberst county, bad a recent diihcnlty about a hor8ft. i'he men met cn the public road yesterday. Csldwell drew a pistol end fired at Faeier CWic, mUeir>g both tlmop. As be was aoom to fire a thud time Foster drew his pistol and shot Caldwe'l in th? eb dornen. It is hs?oved the wound is fats!. Foster waited three miles and surrendered to a magistrate Owing to (be d'ffieuHy r>h] expense of malotaioing the ''torn of tbe channel bell bnoy," Chesapeake Br.y, it having been run into and eur;k, or barl y damaged, three timeR wilhin thy pa"t t welve months, and it btMng also of ems!! va:ue ss a guide to navigatior, it tat been decided to discou tinue it, end the ir,pp"ctor of the district has so recommended ta the Lighthouse Boord. This buoy was aeain run into and sunk cn (be night of the S b instant. Deep interest is felt inRichmoid espec'a! ly in official and financial circ:ei, (a ifccla-k of a dent settlement. Tde question peemK to b? h->w rou'h. if rh?, better terms than the Ri Idleberger bill the Br^te will a^ree to It Is not prob?hle<hat the rttit'nontiH'j ?^ili commi' th mtelves tj any proposal in ad? vance i f the tn^etioi? of t.L>e Lsgislatore. I-: looke very moob Mx? t{i? ma?ier wid have to be rend;ted to thr hjgis!a:nre elected t.hie fa!'. A. BDDCTED BT A BltAE ?A UOUt rehTUk eh e oiroamstanee ocourred near E igewstr-r, Va , two weeks ago, wnicb bids fair to fur? nish fl^nbhtior??! item? fjr eorne time to come. Mha LiHiun Yon^g, a fair ar.d promising girl of 20, daughter of Jaho T. Y >nng, of thar pinc?, was c*u?.bt by ? brown bear, which bad been lurking aronnd tho neigh? borhood for eome ticrtp, ani c*rried awuy to the mountains. Traces of her bave been found as far up as Rip 8oin creek, but noth? ing further can he beard. The aolmsl had foimeriy been in ecsae snow and badeeveral t:m? beeil s?*erj by oersor.s rrossiots Iron Mouutain. Lillian's father la greatly trou? bled oy-?r bis dangbter'c? di??ppearance from hi? bom3, nnd spe-ikn of cflTjring a reward for the return of his dAtighter r>nd the cap tore of the beer. It i* rerorted in L<iiisvil!o that much dissatis? faction exists in -ng the members of the ordor of Railway Lonductora whish may disrupt the entiro ordor. The British Parliament l u?dingi are *o be fj migated with sulphur to destroy grip microbes. ?EWS OF THBDAY. Ii is sariou?ly believed in Washington that Justioe Bradley will give President Harrison tbe opportun;!} to appoint bis suc? cessor. Jobanca Maller ?i id at S:. Franke' Hos? pital, New York, yesterday of trichinosis. Her basband is at the hospital tfllicted with the same disease and Is expected to die. A cloudburst washed away a party of campers near Liberty, N. M.. Monday r.uht. The water came down the draw several feet high, drowning E J. Wilcox. The others bad a narrow escape. Governor Hill is expeoted to hold on to both the Oovernorship of New York and the United Spates Benatorehlp indefinitely, til? ing unwilling to let go bis control cf the State "machine." A denial Is made of the story cent from Chicago that George Pullman, of palace car fame, is raying the expenses of President Harrison's trip through the West. The President Is paying his own way. John W. Linck, apecinl agent of tbeTrea? sury Department, has found that sines the operation of the McKinley law, Cuban cigars aro made looser and smaller, saving from two to three pounds in every thousand cigars. A committee appointed by Secretary Fos? ter to examine the management cf tbe Bu? reau of Eogra?Iog and Printing in Wast ington by Coief Meredith, found that all tbe charges brought by tbe knightH of labor were unfounded. The opinion in Washington i-j that Gov? ernor Boyd, of Nebraska, made a big mis? take in yielding to the decision cf tbe Su? preme Court of that State declaring him in eligible. It is thooght bis case was one for legislative action. Oa Monday night discovery was made in | a foul smelling but. in Moniclalr, N. J, of ibe body of a woajao, who had evidently beon dead several days, and bar eight-year old son, who for nearly a week bai inno? cently s;ept beside the corpse. A dispatch from Centrcville, Md., fays: "The two hundred colored residents nf the town of 1,-100 inhabitants are talking of ven? geance for the lynching of Asbury Green, colored. They hav9 no leaders, but are ready to do mischief. One hundred white oitlzsne are patrolling tbe streets. Ex-P.-eeldenl Cleveland was tte guest and i speaker at the opening of the new and ele ; ganf club-house of the Cleveland democracy | of Buffalo, N. Y, !*8t nigh'. He made a. ppeech In wbicii be denonoced tbe big ap ipropriaiicn* of the Billion Dollar Congress, aod fonnded tho battlo cry of tbe democrats i for 1892. j The New York P:e bytery yesterday adopted tbe majority report, by a vote of frrty-four to thirty, condemning Rev. Dr. Briggs for herosy, and authorized the moderator to appoint a judiciary com mtttes to try ten case. A' the next regular meeting of tbe Pretby ety, iu Jane, it will probnb v be determined ween ioe trial eball begin. Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the electrician and InveDtor, sayp h? will have ready for ? he Chicago World's Fair a combinasion of phofoeraphy and electricity whereby a min can sit in bis own parlor and pee depleted upon a curtain the fr.rm" cf the players iu opera upon a distant ?tage acd hear the voices of the sinperj. Earh movement find color will be plainly reproduced. Thrsys lem can b9 applied io pr!z>-fight8, the noise, b!ow=, talk end everything being trans? mitted. The Southern Bapliet Convention ad? journed at EirmiBgbam, Ala , yesterday, to meet next year in Atlanta, Ga. A resoiu tlon condemning tbe Louioiaoa Slate Lotte? ry was unanimously adopted. A renoir.Mori of sympathy with Atlanta in be"- fi.:ht Hg?tnst the HaJoons provoked rcn-idero:>ie diecneslo", hut wa=? finally ailopted. The convention pdopfed the e> bitratton overture sent by tbe PreehyterUo GjoeraI Assembly, acd appointed President Ha'ahon a dele Rate to tbe generil. meetiDg for which it provides. Mr. flonld rcntemplato? the building of 54 miles of additional track f>r rapid transit iu New York city at a co;t of $10,000,COO. So f-ir this week $1,000,100 in gold has been ordered in New York for shipmout to Europo. Sickness Among Children, Enpeoiaiiy infants, is prevalent more or less at all limes, but is Urgely avoided by glvinc proper nourishment and wholosome focd Toe mis', sacceppfol and reliable of all ip the Gaii Borden "E?glfc" B'and Condensed Mlik. Yoar prnner and drueeist keep it. Fits, pparm?, Sf. Vitus dance, hysteria, headache, neuralgia and nervouj prostration cursd by Dr. Miles' Nervine-. Free pamplo? at drnggtfl'9, by mail 10j. Miles Mkl>. Co , Elkbarf, Ind. 8HILOH'S VITALIZES i3 what yon need for Constipation, Los3 of AppHito, Diszines, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Prico ~~> conta per bot tie. For talo bv E. S. Lcsdbeator ? Uro., agents Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho warning. Tho signal por bapa of tho sure approach of that moro torrible disease Consumption, Ask yoursolvcs if you can afford for tho sako of saving 50&, to nn tho risk and do nothing for it. Wo kuow from erperionce that Shiloh's Cure will euro your cough. It never fails. This explains why moro than a Million Rottles wore sold the pastjear. It ro lioves croup and whooping cough at onco. Mothers, do not ho without it. For larje back, side or chess u?e thiloh's Porous Plas?or. Sold by E. o. Leadbontcr& Bro., Agents. Forthat dnll lazy fe?l;ng ca'led S.itiug Fever t?ke A. B c. Tonlo. A*k for a bottle of "Virginia Estrs Pule," Th? best purely vegetable Spring mpdl cine I? A B. 0. Tonlo. Spring ptirs np the bile. Yon lo=? yonr appetite, feel week, too bor. aod Oil bo (red. Take Bimmon* L'war Regulator. Try the new b?*r??'V'rKtnlfi Extra Pale." 8pring ptirs op th? bile. Yon lope your appetite, feel weak, too hot. and Oa! bo tired. Take Simmons Liver Regulator. SHILOH'S CATABRH EEMEDY. A marve? lous euro for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, and Headache. With each bottle there is an in Konions nasal InJeMor for tho moro successful treatment of theno complaints wi'.bour. extra chaigo. Price ?O?. Sold by E. S. Leadoeator & I Bro., Agcat\ Spring stire up the bile. Y^n lo.-<>? your appetite, feei weaK, too not, aud Ou 1 bo tired. Take 8<mmon8 Live-r Rsgaia'or. A Wonder Worker. Mr Frank Huffman, a young man of Burling? ton, Ohio, states that he had been under the care o/two prominent physicians, and med their treat? ment uatiJ he was not able to get arouad. 1h*.y pronouucod h ? case to bo Consumption und in? curable. Ho was persaaded to try Dr. King's fiew Dif-covery for Consumption. Coagha and Colds and at that time was not able to waik serosa thctrce wi'hout resting. He f nnd. hefoie he had used half cf a dollar bottle, th-.t hs was much bettor; ho continued to use it and, is to diy en jrymg gooc health. If you h ye any Throat, i.ung or Che? Trouble try ic. We guarantee 9it is faction. Trial bottle free at E. P. L?jalbcater ? Bro's drugstore. ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES!" Foreign News. Pabis, May 13.?Tne Siede saya thit in apit i of tbe rar. t are of negctUtionfl btt veen Preeidai t Balm aceda and t be Congressional pait/ of Cbill, France, tie Unit-dgt t s and Brazil ktand tj fa'fill tie t isk of arb! t Et og the m>tt ira In dlspt t i b: t seen tue t no fait .n-. London, May 13.?Mr. Wm. Bcyle Bar bour, member of Parliament for Paisley, 8oot!and, died lo-diy. London, May 13. ?There row saveoty members of the House of Commons euffar log from icfl osnza. Pabis, May 13.?A number of the Portu? guese Legation in this city deolarea that the present criefs in Portugal ia purely of a financial nature, and that po.i'.ical sen i meat baa nothing to do with it. Roms, May 13.?It is announced that tbe Pope will hold the next consistory on June 1. mas30wah, Ejypt, Ma7 13.?Dariug a storm which swapt over this town yeaterday, a building used as a barracks suddenly col* hpsed killing six aoldiers outright and seri? ously irjarlog ten other3. Ehanghai, May 1^?An anti-European riot has tc.kon placo at Woo-Hoo, a treaty port of China. The natives attacked and horned tho Catholic mission and a cumber of other European dwelling hoases. The Europeans have taken re? fuge npon tho hulks anchorod in tho rivor. Her Majesty's ship Inconstant has boon ordered to proceed immodiatoly to tbo scene of tho riot. The Attack on the Czarewitch St. PKTEBdBU?GH, May 13.?The newB papars of thi3 city warmly praise tb9 ga' lantry of P.ince George, oi Greece, the com i panion of the C/.trewitoh in his travel8, who felled the latter'n assailant at 0;eu, Japan, by hitting him ovar tho head with a heavy1 walking e'ick and thus prevented the fa oatic from Ii II cting a second and possibly mare severe wound upon the heir to tbe Russian throne. Tho newspapers j )in in sayint; that : hi Rosetan n-?op!e will never forgot ibis action upon tho part of Prince Gsurge. Tbe nows of the d.mger in which iha Cztrawitoh lud bereu placed created mich ex:icemsjr. throughout this city and thero was greit rtj^iciDg when it was an? nounced that he was not dangerously wounded. Paeis. May An ofScitl dispatch received hero to-dFy fnin Tokio, Japsn.says that thoCziro witch had croseed Lake Biwa, r.oar Kioto, snd had landed at OtEti. Shortly after a policeman named Tttida 8anzo, belonging to tho Samurai eccf, noted for their fanatical hostility to foreign crs.ap'roachod tho heir to tho Eu-sian throne and dealt him a sabre cut at rjBS tho head. Owing to tho th'cknefS of the inn-ho!met worn by the C/.trcwitch, the sabro only indicted a wom.d throo inches in length and did not penetrate doop ly into tho head. Before tho policeman coald re? new his attack ho was oveipjwerod and placed in confinement.. _ A Bishop's Views DAVaNP?Br, la., May 13.?The annual [convention of tbe Episcopal churoh of the diocese of I>w?j op-toed hure last even og. I Bishop Perry delivered hi-< annual address. Among other things be said : '?We should countenance In this land no organizations of Englishmen, Scotohmen, Welshmen, 1 ish | men, Scandinavians, Garmsne, French, or Italians. Mush less sbou d wa consent !o the growth among na of eecret tribunals with their crimis and assassinations, or of the binding together of foreigners who seek an asylum in our free land that they may bet? ter pursue their aohemss of interference with other nations." Thass utterances, coming frrm so bigi rt source in the churoh, created qilte a sensation. The Charleston and the Itata Ban Fbanciscj, May 13.?Tho Mexican Cjnsul G moral at this port says that Aci puloo being a neutral p;rt tbe Charleston wiil not !> ? permitted to -v'z ? the Itata there. But if the Itata enters wifh oontra bind goods on biard, it fa probable the Mexican effijorj will tra'n tbe gunB of th9 fort on her and se'zi her i bemselves. Th3 steimir Crescent Ci'y, wblcb arrive;! here tc-diy, reports having sighted the Obar;f8 on s-.naming awav to the south ws?'. Nothlug was seen of the Lata. Allegations of Fraud St. Paul, M*no., May* 13 ?There wis filed in th? district court yesterday a suit by Gaorge M. Tonma?, Jomss Thnmas. jr., and Clarence W. Tnomas, against A. R. Cape hart. plaintiff-t are tbe hebe at law of Sarah C. Tboroae who dhd in Bs. Mary's C3un!y, Ml, In F-bruary, 1SS5, in'esfate, leaving a large estate. I is clsijitd that there waj a frtulu'eot Metrie belwaen Jas. Tnomas, (hf> father,and Capebart to diveet the plaintiffs of tbe M;!o to the real esta'e. Conciliation Suggested Nnv Orleans, May 13.?Sig. Corte, tbe Italian consul bere, says that a meeting of prominent members of the Italian colony in this city was held at tbe consulate Monday evening end thattbe Beh-te of the meeting was that nil tilff.rances should bo amicably settled &?bocu ?9 possible. Fire NEW Yo?k. May 13 ? A'-ou: 3 o'.ricck this moroi- g fire broke cut in tho old "S*i t ore' Excr)8r>??e." a four s ory browaatCLe front stroctcrc on Cnerry street. Tne tuiluiog svas c-mt.-itfCiily gutled ami the loss is es!i mated it frcm $75.000 to $100 000 TELEGRAPHIC BREVITIES. Toe ir.qaeat ou the body of Carrie Bowl or "Soaktepeare," tbe victim of "Jick the R;ppet" w?e begun !n New Yjrk tc-:lay. The bu'l fever ?as ou this morning in the Chicago grain market end saterittlty high? er prices w^re BCcrect in aii o> the pilp, A big fi e B'arted today in the pina woods back of Asbnry park, N. J , and is spread? ing r*ni<l!y toward west E heroa and Long Braicli. F-ur*rea hnnir.-'l ?.-d "-r, iaT'f^-t?, i mrs-'y Lilians, w?re ?j. dcd ot N:*z Yjrk i tc-Jay, bat rxany arc d;'a 't^d on srjfp'clon 1 of beiDg contract labcrsre. i Tne epsclal agent of treasury at Chicago saya that the government considering a reciprocity treaty with Spain whereby Cu? ban tobacco may be edmitted into this country free of duty. The grand jiry In N*w Yoik to-day tied an Indlcment, against Car! W. Harris, the young runiical student, for murder in the first degree. They charge Harris with mur deiing his wife He'.en Mary Nelson Potts, by giving her morphine. Toe Alumni Association of the American College in Borne began the annual meeting in Baltimore to-day. Cardinal Gibbons at? tended by Invitation and was given a most enthusiastic receptioo. Dispatches of devo? tion and congratulations were exchanged be? tween the association and the Vatican and alma mater. Secretary Biaioe Is reatiog comfortably to- lay at his daughters resld?noe In New York. Dr. Donnis called this morning and bad a consultation with Mrs. Biaioe win j It was deoldsd t'oat it would be ju? dicious for Mr. Bialne to resale in New Y\,rk for the rest of the week, before pro? ceeding to Washington. C-ihles to Flint & Co., of New York, from Valparaiso state thit several of the directors of the revolution whose names have recent? ly appeared, affixed to so called decrees and manifestos of the insurgents given out from Paris, are kaowj to bavo gone down with the ' B anco E joalado," nearly a month ago. Torre is uvxed indignation and amusement io Cnlll over these resurrections. Naar'y evaryboiy In Cantrevllle, Md., de? nounces tha lyaoblog of Asbury Green, the ravlsher, but at the same time there is nn disguise on the part of many that they feel that the ciroumatanoaa justified the crime> and these are dUpoaad to oondema the ac con?, however much they may deplore the sc. There wai not mach fonodation for the sensational dispAtobaa published about in condition of affairs thare. Some negroes, jist as did some whites, denounced the ; lynching, but: there were no gatterlogs of colors! people resolved upon revenge aad making n?c?ssary the presence o.' a white patrol. Tbe authorities are exerting tbem j ;elya? to fitidont the persona engaged in tbe j E lynching. [ Miss Li;Iio Bheehan wa3 yesterday morning j fousd boand and gagged and almost lifeless on tho floor in her room, in Springfield, II!. A burglar entered her room during tho night and after tying hor hands and stopping her mouth with a towo', threatened to kill h jr if 6hs garo the a'arm. The Presidential party arrived at Hastings, 1 Nob., this morning. A large crowed wore gath? ered at the station and the President appeared on tho roar plaffjrm and mado a speech. Cnaton and Walkervillo, Mich , towns of 100 inhabitants each, are aided to tho list of those burned by forest firo?. At present there is little | hope that tho fire can s e n bo stayed. It is reported that tho yacht Halcyon, loaded with ono million dollars worth of contraband opium, is on her way to the Pacific coast of the United States. Botarns from Tue on, Nogales and four othor products of Arizona indicate that tho ontiro re? publican ticket Is elected by a majority of from 50 to 100. The Indians in tho Okanogan co: ntry, Wash., aro in a slate of cjnstoination owing to tho pre? valence of grip. One hundred or more have diol. This is Derby Day at Louisville, Ky., and 20, 000 people have gathered there to i * tho races. Teomor has challenged Gaudanr to row throe racos for >J 5 .'() a Bid .% bort two out of tbrco. OFFICIAL. BOABD OF ALDEBMEN. At a regular meeting of tho Board of Aldermen held May 19, 1801, there wero present: Wm. 11. Marbury, es<i., President, and Me&srs. Lind sey, Burke, Bryant Hinkon, McKonzie and Good? rich. Tho fol'owing wore received from the Common Council and their ac.icn concurred in; viz. 'J he report of tho Finance Comm:tteo recommending tho additional appropriations for courts and jails $300, streets $00), chain gang $200; also tho tamo committee's report upon tbe resolution to [ have Oronoco, Princess, Qaeon aud West streets ' mado ready for curbing and guttering; also tbe ramo crmmittoo'd report upon tho request of tho Cot miiteo on Stroets relating to tho sower in tho southwest section of tho city; also the resolution directing the Collector of Taxes of tho Sou thorn Dist'ict to sell at public auction on Jnno 20, 1801 C3rtain proierty in his district, and direct? ing the Corporation Attorney to enter suit to re covor the amount due the city for ground root on tho ground on which the Pioneer Mills stand ; also tho communication from his honor the Mayor n-jtifying Councl of the vacancy in tho ollioe of tho buperintendont of Gas occasioned by the doi'-hoftho late Jacob Boxbury;also tho com? munication f?n tho Clork of tho City School Boa. d, notifying Council of a vacarcy in said board caused by ilu retiremMit of T. D. i\-ud.*il, who has romo7ol from the First ward ; al;o tho c imniunication from G. Eichor, relating to the fencs between "Penny Hill" aud his property ; also the communication from W. H. May calling attontion to the alloy rim.i eg through tbo square bounded by Eirg, Cr miron, Pitt aud ft. Aaasb streets; also the resolution directing the Market Master todoliverto W.Shock all w .-whts and meas? ures belong iag to the city and now in his custody; also tbe petition tbo appointment of a Harbor ?Master; also "an Ordinance for imposing and col? lecting licenses within the city of Alexandria foi tbe year commencing on the 1st day cf June, 1891, and ending on the 31s5day of May, 1892;" also "an ordinance for imposing and collecting taxes on persons, property, income, etc , within city of Alexandria, V?., for the year commencing on tho Jut of Juno, 1891, and ending on tho 31at of May, 1892." The hoard thon adjourned. Teste: M. P. VINCENT, Clerk. COMMON COUNCIL. At a regular mooting of the Common Council of tbe c.ty of Alexandria, Va., held on tho 12th day of Mar, 1801, there were present: John T. Eweoney, etq., President, and Messrs. Aitchescn, C. N. Moore, fcnowden, Fiaher, Davis, Harrison, etrider and Uhler. The following wero adopted; v'z: The Finance Committee's recommendation noon the resolution in reference to the gradiag of Oronoco, Princes?, Queen ar d VVcst streets, "that action on tbo mat t?-r ba dcf.rred tiil the annual estimates a:o mado;" also the same committee's recommenda? tion upon the petuim of A. W. Armstrong and I. (J O'Neal, administrators of B. G. Violett, in ref? erence to tho cxteLsion of ?ho Henry street sewer, "that tho work be done, provided no money bo c diel for nutiI after July 1,1891;" also tho re-1 commendation of ihs sam i committee "that the j foilowiug appropriations he mado; viz: Courts! at d j ti), $30b; streets, $C0D; chain gang, $,;0J; j 1 aho too following resolution, sabmiitud by tho sine committee: ' Bj'olvod, Taat the (Vlettor of Taxoo o' the Southtro. District, under the supervision of the Ci:y Auditor, bs, and is hereby, directed to pro cod to sell at public auction all the property in the city of Alex ndria (-xcept the Pioneer Mills " prcpariyl bokugiu? to iho Vireinia Iron Ship bunding Ciwpai;y on wfafch taxes aro d-oaod ? unpaid to June 1st, 1831, n conformity to tho chartor, said sv? to take p:a:e on June 20,180'; I aod ba it further j Besolvod, That the Corporation Attorney be | ? and ii ho.iby, directed to enrer suit to recover the amount duo the city for ground rent cn the ground on which the Pioneer Mills stand ? A C m ?uunication in refernne* to t' o Collector jf T-?xes of ihj SouthernCf^titrict wm received - from tue Finance C mmittcu -n 5 laid ovar. The follow ng, presented by the Finance Com- ' uittee, weio read tho fir-t tiaie aud rtfoiroi back b to the same committee : "An oidiiui r posing and collocttng taxes on petsors n ira incomo, etc , within tin city of AlM?n5I??e.,.tJ'i for the year commenci and ending on the ordinance for iinpjsing and collecting within the city of Alexandria for the re, "" mencing on the 1st rlav.f jQna jog ?? ing on the 31rt day o' M iy, 1 ^-9i> '': - The following were received : A comma,,;, from his honor the Mayor calling hu!V vacancy in tho office of Bnpeiintei d Dt of a '" 1 ciaioned by the death of the late Jacob Box-!"0*' also a commnnicaiion fmm the (' erk of tbe&Si' Board r?questing Crancil to fill the caused by the retirement of vir T. D. K J A communication frcm G Etcher 11 . to the fenco betwoen "'Ponny Bill" ftn and his propsrty was referred to tho on Public Property. A cooemmication from W 11 Mare., . sontion to tho condition of the alle; ! 1 from Pitt to St. Asaph sirs. t. b Ueon C*moron Streets, was referred to the on Streets with Instructions to repjrt u rsgular meeting of Council It was resolved that the waiehts und n belonging to the c. ty now iuth ; cast Maik-jt Mastor be turned over to Hr. Shre*, who hss bson appointo.l ?lea . and Measuros. A petition from F. A. CiJaies n; i] others ow ers aud mastersof voesals, requesting tbei ment of a Harbor tfaiter was referrtd -.. >v committee of five?three from the Coma cil and two frrui tho Roa'd of a! lerraen ceived, and Messrs. O. W. Fisher, J. r Harriaoa and C. N. Mooro wero appoints! un ; this beard. "An ordinance to provid i for the eh City Engiaoor and to define hin dui ? ? . or?,'' was called up, amended aud aga Tho board then adjourned. Teste: JNO. T. JOHNSON, i DRY GOOLks. Woodward d 10th, 11th, and PSts. n.w. SPECIAL SA L /?: OF Ladies' Imitation Alligator Bags. These Bags sre well mad , strong double lock.*. The low prices named do not pr convey the extraordinary ?alue : these goods when quality is I into consideration Pre s GSe to 85c. CANVAS EX COSIOM C vaE With leather c n;ere. 50c tt> j>1.40. CANVAS SHAWL BOLLS. Leather bound. $1.20 to Si.95. G2AIN LEATHER CLU3 BAGS Full si/, leather lined?patent i hinge forkee: ine hfu open $l.!>5 to r:5.65. Also complete lines of Trunks and Bags of every descriptor. Hampers, Coat Cases, Hat Bi xes. Chair Cushions, Shawl Strap- 5 (Fifth floor, 10th-st elevator JAPANESE UEPARTMKNT. STOOP SEATS. Seunthiug every one should h >v< 500 at 10c tac!:. A full lino o' Punch Bow ? $:j to $8 <-acb. 500 B; mboo Scrolls. 25c grads. 10c o*ch. (Tlii.-d floor, first annox.) g?lT DEPABTMent. Wt? 1 a7o a roiuoloto liuo of L^:. ? "Va?sar" and "Doiby" Shirt W?i its in til thi now materials ?nd styles. 1 lot of fancy dottod Percile "Vasio Waists with seeding collar?p.; ting?ail sizes. $1 o*> h (Third door, 11th at. building. DEDWEAR DEPARTMENT. TWO SPECIAL ITEMi 500 5 1 Muslin Pillow Cs^ 18c o*?h. $2 10 a d< sen. 500 9-1 Blr.nhed Muslin flue I fJSc osch (Second fhwr, 11th st b lild Ii i jyj^EN'3 FURNISHING DEPABTM EN C Men's Fine Fast Black JialbriggM Eli i and Drawors, |3a?nit. (First floor, first annex.) jS&~ GOODS DELIVERED IN ALEX? ANDRIA WOODWARD & LOTHROP, CORNER 11th IffTJ F ST2ES 'S N. W., W^sarwriTorf. D. C. P ALNI YOUR BUGGY FOR ONE DOLL A B. Another supply ot CROWN CA BRIi PAIN'l : toady for ose; only on-j ?<-. For saU by aop6_W. F. CBEl'?iT ? CDRACOA BITTERS WILL K r.F.P OFF MA LA BI a. For sale at LOUT'S; 50c per bottle._ ?' ^NOIHEB NEW ONE: SOAP WONDERFUL *oa CLEAMN? - -i; P/ico 10c per box at mh9 J. I). B ? -- pEERY'S HARNEeo OIL o?JAP. Three eisea?$1, 50 and 2& , ?rticie in the world for h*ra?d t?h&T W. F. ?RETGB [ON . ? "? . WHIT5: WAull BRUSHES of jii;--no lya^d cheaper grudes for tale ? ?cd retail at 32S Eii k strc::. Caliacdi Prices lew. ?P21 . J.T. CEEfGHTON * iFa?NDRY WAX-An elcxani LJ gioKy finish pat on your Unen bj Laandry Wax. Five cento a cake EfiNKST L. ALLE? foUO_Oornor ging and Pitt rtree? . A CAB LOA D OF M A80N 'S FRi UT J a i;;; ci. received and for raio at iowe-f | ry merchants will do w ;:1 to wi ito tor - ?eforrt pia^ing their oidc-rs. ap29_F. J. MILLER s -0v_ rocking BIRD FC D Pot np In boxes and bottles, r.t 25c e tuNBaT L. rAA.Eh, fual2_ftorcer hire and P^jjtreet^, DYsPEPoiA CCRE. AR' 'U ' SN*. Just rocclv^d ? teppTy'of tie ?bovecelebrsUd -reparation, it never fails. Price 2.5c. For tt?t -J oltaa W. F. ?^BEI(4HT(J.'- g 1 L ARSAPARlLLLt.'E, ' FOR THE BLOOD, fch26 J P. H. LUNT3. ?klME aUa-C!LRaD DUhD Ai'L'iHH v> ^^tnis scascn. Two 7 [ruLlj j- c. MILBL?M