Newspaper Page Text
THE GAZETTE. WEDNESDAY EYEBl:-:--,MAY13 FOOTPBIN/8 ON THE ?AN1>S OF TlMS? The Pdftcb Spring? (?.r!z.) Champion le re? sponsible for the following startling tale: Two miners who have just retamed from Grand Canyon report & raoet m&rvelcu? dis? covery. Ia the basin of the canyos, which waB ouco a eaudbed, and probably thons snds of ye&rs ago a broad !*vel plain, they Cams upon the perfeo imprint of a human foot in ! be bard sand rock. I was u^rn'8 takflb:y a humv.i foot, for :at? toe-i, heel avd every portion wer? pl?in'y oQ'ltned, tbe im prlDt bsine Rpi'sreri i> mad* when tbwsa'd Of whicr. ttie ruck Is comp b- 1 wk= I? a pine tio statr. It aj'.'.?sares 26 inches i;s lei ftth nr.d nearly 12 lo width. Whi e> they were puzz 'ngover this corloBity one ot the inai*- drivers found several ortiern, ah ihi- same a z ; as tie ? 8* They weie d:d.icc:iv^iy and eveuly 18 fuel aparr, euowiag the great durance wotcb that tnocB er with s> huciaQ loot could step at a sieglestride. I h tbe Intention jo re turn in n few days a id takf? out eotne of thene aigaotic fi.ot|)MoiB ai d put them on exhibition as evidenco of the exi fceaos of huminonsu r- la tiar part of America thou-.ii ids of yiarr- before Columbus appear? ed before the coart of Spain. I-ESiNOTOH, Va? Jan. 17,1890. Jfr.L4- K.Havita: Dear Sir?Whon I require tho use of glasses I wear your Faitiacepic Crvstalizod Len-os. In re Bpoct to brilliancy and clearness of vision they are superior to any glass I have ever usod. BcapectfaU*. Fitzhcgh Lie, Ex-Govornor of Virginia. Those famoos lebaes adjusted to defective vision ltho drug storo of L. STABLER & CO., doc!9 eoly Alexandria, Va. Opening and Closing of the Mails. Northern mails olo?o at 7:30 and 10:01 a. si and 12:45 and 0:16 p. m. and 9:00 p. m Open at 8:30 a. rc , 12:(HJ m., and 6:30 p. m. Southern mails, via Oharlotteevillo Virginia, Dloso at 8:20 and 12 00 a. m. and 9:00 p.m. Open at 8:30 and 2:30 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Managuas Division mails close at 8:20 a. m, and 2:20 p.m. Open at 10:35 a. m and 7:30 p.m. bo at hem mails, via Eichmond Va, closes at j 10:00 a. m., 4.45 and 9:00 p. m. Open at 8:45 a. m. and 12 m. Alexandria and Eoand Hill, Va., mail:; closo at 8:30 a. m. and 4:10 p. m. Open et 9:00 a. m and 8:30 p. m. Closed mails to Falls Church, Vienna, Fairfax CEL., Hcrndon, Leocburg, Purcollvillo aud Round Hill.Va., clo3o at 4:10 p. m. and opoaat 9:00 a.m. Western mails close at 10:30 a. ni., 12:45 and 9:00 p. m. 0;>on at 8:30 and 10:00 a. m., and 3:00 p. m. Waahington.D.C, malls cioae at 7:30 and 10.00 a. m.. nc 12:45, 4:40 and 6:20 p. tn. Onen at 8-3 nd 10:00 a. in., 12:00 w.. und 3:00 and 6:30 p. m. Office Hours?Open at 8:30 s. m. Closo at 5:30 | p. m. Open at 6:30 p. m. Closo at 7 p. m. Sunday Houra?Open at 9:00 a. m. <Jio3e at 8:30 a. m. caebikb8' Schedule.?Collections made on 5 trip routes?0:30 and 10:00 a. dj., 12.-2C 2:00 and 5:45 p. tu On 3-trip route?6:30 and 10:00 a. m. and 5:45 p. m. Delivories made at 8:00 a. a>.. 12 m. and 5:00 p. m. Sunday?Carriers window od*o at *nrt Cl09< At 9:30 a- ?n. COAL AND WOOL'. BERRY & GROVER, YARD FOOT OF FRANKLIN ST., (8hip Yard) DEALERN IM BEST QUALITY GEORGE'S CREEK CUMBERLAND COAL, 2240 lbs to tho ton gaarantoed. OAK A X D PINE WOOD, Specially preparod for family use, SAWED AND SPLIT. oct30 Gm?_ george s. SMITJeTaVs?N, DEALERS IE WOOD AND COAL, NORTH FAIRFAX STREE1 Alexandria, Virginia. Cbol stored in cellars tcitlwut extra charge, an guaranteed free from impurities. fSTBEE OUR NEW WAGON._ang7 COAL! _ COAL! We invite the attention of dealers and con? ?tuners to our large stock of CAREFULLY PRE? PARED COAL of the following varieties: LYKEN'S VALLEY, LORBEBRY and SHAMOKLN BED ASH. WHITE ASH (free burning and hard) of stuun er, broken, egg, stove and and nut sizes. Also GEOBGE'8 CREEK, CUMBERLAND and KANAWHA SPLINT, from West Va. Making Coal a specialty we aim to keep only the HIGHEST GBADES. Yards floorod, and all Coal sont out WELL SCREENED AND FREE FROM IMPURITIES. J. R. Zimmerman, WHARF AND YARDS FOOT OF QUEEN ST [aug22 tfj rrtllE BEST REFRIGERATOR IS THE A "ALASKA." We are sole agents for Alexandria. It is a dry cold-air refrigerator, and is acknowledged the best. It took the first prize at the New Orleans Exposition for oconomy in ice. Call and examine them. Pricos very low. *P29_E. J. MILLER & SON. gAESAPABTT.TNLE, FOB THE BLOOD, J Fifty cents per bottle, at J2i_J. D. fl. LUNTa U8T EECEIVED. A fresh lot of BEAR LITHIA WATER at oc ? J- D. H. LUNT'S. 25c per gallon,_ J D. H. LUNT, ~ Agent fo the Celebrated ASHLEY BROMIDE OF AB8INI0 WATER | _fsap25]_ INE EARLY JUNE PEAS CHEAP?In order to close out balance of early June Peas, I offer them at the reduced price of 15c per can. royl J. C. MILBURN. medicinal. Natures own Spring Invigorates and Tones up the System, Purifies the Blood, and gives you a good Appetite. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS, '$ 'ei $1.00 per Bottle, or Six for $5.00. If you can't get it send us the monejr, and we will send it by Ex? press. WRITE FOR BOOK, FREE. A. B. C. CHEMICAL CO., P, O. BOX921. RICHMOND, VA. FINANCIAL. ENDOWMENT BUILDING ASSOCIATION. SHARES, PAR VALUE, $100. Subscription fee, $1 per share Monthly dues, 80 conts per share. Shares to mature in about six years, making 23^ per cent, interest per annum upon the amount invested. This association has so'd nearly one thousand shaies in this city, and all tho money piid in has been loaned here. It is a bran -h of tho Lifo in? surance Company of Virginia, which wa? (barter? ed by tho t-tate in 1871, and now ha* asiets a- cu'jtinc to nearly one-ha:f million dollars, which guarantees the payment of all its obliga? tions. It is a home company, well msnaged and perfectly reliable. For stock or information apply to F E Cf>RBETT, ap30 Corner Eine: and F. irf ix stroots. OFFIC IE OF THE "FIDEL/TV" BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, of Washington, D. C. [Incorporated under tho lawj of tho 8tato of Va.] Best plan dovised for securing a homo or for saving money. ^NO AUCTION OF MONEY. Any amount loaned, repayable $13 per month on each $1,000 advanced. ($13 per month in? cludes the monthly dues on 5 shares.) Shares $1 per month, maturing in 102 months, for $200. Profit $98. NO BACK DUES REQUIRED. Six per cent, interest allowed on special pay? ments. Paid-up certificates for $100 isinod at $50 per share. 5 per cent, por annum paid on purchase price semi-annually. OFFICERS. Harrison Dingmsn, President. George W. Leach, Vico Presidont. O. T. Thompson. Troasuror. Alonzo Twoedalo, Secretary. Andrew Wall, Managor Gen. J E. Smith, Attorney Trustees?American Security and Trust Com? pany, A. T. Britton, President. Depository?Cen? tral National Bank. SAMUEL POLLOCK, Superintendent, N. E. cor. King and Fairfax sts. (up stairs). mh4_ ALEXANDRIA BBANCrF OF THE Southern Bniiaintt and Loia Association OF KNOXVILLE, TENN. J. S. B. THOMPSON.Presidont DXBBOTOBA Harrie Smoot, John F. Tackctt, Laurence Stabler, Milton B. Porry, Goorge H. Hinken. R. F. Knox, Sec. & Treas. J. K. M. Norton, Atty. This branch is strictly under local manag, mont. Tho money paid in by local members is guaran? teed to bo loaned in Alexandria. 'J bo shares of stock represent $100, par value, and tho cost iB$l por sharo for the first month, and 60 cents por share monthly thereafter. Dividends are declar? ed quarterly, and tho stock will pay out in six years at the rate of dividends now being mado. This association also issnos paid-up stock at $51 per share. A cash dividend of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually, will ho paid. At tho end of six or seven years the stock will have matured, and the member then draws $100 from tho association for each $50 he has invested, be? sides the annual six per cent. Tho company will cash such stock at any time with 6 por cont. int? erest thereon. For stock, or information as to this association, apply to B. F. Knox, 128 south Fairfax street. feb20 tf_ 'A PENNYSA YED IS A PENNY GAINED." Alexandria Savings Bank OFFICE 421 KING STREET. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS, pay? able semi-annually in CASH. Deposits of 10 cents or more received. Money to loan in small sums on real estate or other good security. MANAGERS. John R. Zimmerman, Julian T. Burko, E. S. Leadbeater, George Wise, Worth Hulfiab, D. N. Bust, L. E. Uhler, B. W. Avery, octlO tf Charles King._ FIRST NATIONAL ALEXANDRIA. VA. COBHEB LEE A5TJ PRINCE STREETS 8. FERGUSON BEACH, 7 f CHAS. R. HOOFF, President. j [ Cashier. Prompt attention given to all business, includ? ing collections throughout the United States and Europe._ap4 BHMOITI WHEAT, ) IWM.H. T.ABTBBBT, President. j \ Cashier. |UUUi Mm^iu? wuwjv COLLECTIONS MADE AND PROMPTLY RMM21TED parNLu KINDS 01 IjTYKSTJCKNT SECURITIES' A SPECIALTY. Dirxotorb?Bi Wheat, E. L. Daingerfleld, P. B. Eooe, John Perry, F. L. Smith._ap4 Burke & Herbert, DXAXXBS IH GoveramentBonds LOCAL STOCKS AND ALL FIRST CLASS RAILROAD BONDS AND OTHER GOOD INVESTMENT SECURITIES. myO BURKE A HERBERT. CHOICE VERMACILLI, in 1-lb packages, re? ceived to-day by [ap27J J. C. MIL BETEN. Richmond and Danville E. R. VIRGINIA MTDLA'TD DI7HOS, COND?.N'33D B?HSD?I^, IN 2F720T May 10, 1891. Sooth Bockd akrivk Charlotttsvllle Lynchburg naoMo Jnnc. Danville Grcermbciro... Raleigh . Salisbury . . Asherllle. Chnrlottc. Colninl'la.... . Aii^uHta . Atlanta. No. 13, Dally. 8 SO a n. g r>"> t\ d 9 5S a u 10 :C a c 11 O'j a b il 55 a n J 15 r c 3.1 pa No. 15, Dally. 4 OS p a 5 0i p D. CK ai G 35 i> in 7 '.tl j, ru 8 05 p c 9 10 |j i? 0 30 a ui No. 9, ! No. 11 Dally. I Dally. ) II 15 am :il 00 pm ' ti 40 a m 111 23 pm ? 2ii p m jl- 12 act j 115 p m 3:1 am 1 50 p m I I 09 am ! 2 23 s m ? 1 37 am 3 20 pm 5 40 p m 7 17 pm S 2: d m 10 20 p m 7 is a m 12 2 ? m ti 2''. a m ?> 10 a m 0 .0 a m 10 20 a m 1 15 p m 37 am 2'i am i> am 55 am 62 am 28 pm 47 am 13 pm 2 ' pm 3) pm 10 pm 69 pm NOBTH Bot KD. No. 1G j Dally. leavb. Atlanta. Augusta.?. Columbia?. Charlotte. Asheville. Salisbury. Raleigh.^ Greensboro. Uanville. Franklin June. Lynchburg. AEUrVE. CharloUesville Orange. Culpcper. Cal verton,. Manasaas. Alexandria. Washington-., No. 11 Dally. No. 30 Dally. No. 12. Dally. .! 600 ;_! 7 00 ...... II 00 _. 5 SO .?.. 12 65 ,.?I 7 CO . 130 . 855 .11 02 .J2'J1 710 am 1 35 p in ::!> p m' 9 10 ami 3 40 fl 1 ]i in 1020 am 1 5-r' 7 20 i> 111 11 ( 9 a m, 5:)0 S 1 0 j> in 11 57 ? m ; 6 07 8 30 p m 12 30 p m 8 35 9 27 pm! 1 25 p mi "26 U 50 p m I 1 60 p m "50 Baltimore.ill 25 p m ( 3 lr> p m H -25 Philadelphia... 8 CO a ni; G 00 p m; 3 20 New York.1 6 20 am. 9 10 p ml 6 45 p no* 7 nail) pm: 2 a m. 7 am; 2 a mi 8 a mi ' am 10 a m 12 am 1 3 p in p m p m p m P m: p m p m p m p m B in a m 10 am 45 am 00 pm 00 . m BT> pm 45 pm 10 pm 40 pm 35 am 38 pm 10 am 6 35 am G Id am 7 20 ara 8 21 am 8 55 am il'JOO am 10 25 am 12 05 pm 2 20 pm 4 50 pm Wa-hington and Southwestern Vrstibnlod Lim? ited, operated daily between Washington and At? lanta. Leave Washington, No 37, 8.40 p. m.; Charlott< svfle 11 55 p m.; Lynchburg 1:40 a.m., arriving Danville 3.35 n. m ; arrive Atlant? 2 v5 a. m. Returning, leav> Atlanta, No. 38,12.25 a. m.; Danville 1.40 p. m.; ar-ivo Lynchburg 3:35 a. m.; ( harlottesvilio 5:20 0. m.; Washington 8:30 a. m. This ir.iin i3 compo3od entirely of Pullman cir , on which an extra firo is chaiged. MA NASS AS BRANCH. Eastwauo. Daily, except Sunday._ STATIONS. Westwadd. Daily, excoj t _Sunday. 9 50 p in 10 47 am Ar. Wash ag. le 2 26 p m 8 SO a m 8 03 p in 10 20 a m Ar. Alexu. ar.; 2 18 p m ! 8 55 a m 7 15 p m 9 OS a m Ar. Manas, sr.: 4 00 p m j 9 53 a m 4 57 p m 7 to a mi Ar. Fi. Roy. at G 14 pm; 1 02 p m Uli pm 6 40 a tu Ar.Kivortn. ar 0 31 p n 1 22pm 3 20 p 111 6 15 a m Lv..StrasbK. ar| 5G p m | 2 00 p m WARRENTON 1 rains Nos. 9, 10. 12, 13^ 14 and 15 connect daily to and from Warren ton, and No. 16 "aily except Sundav. FRANKLIN DIVISION?Daily,oxcoptSunday. Loavo Rocky Mt. 7:25 a. m., arrive Franklin Junction 10:20 a. m.; leave Franklin Junction 5:50 p. m, arrive Rocky Mt. 8;40 p. m. WASHINGTON AND OHIO DIVISION. ALL TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Loavo Alexandria from dopot at 9:00 a. m and 4:45 p. m.; arrive at Round Hill 11:30 a. m. and 7:20 p. m. Roturning, trains leave Round Hill 6:00 a. m. and3:"t0p. m., arriving at Alexandria at 8:23 a. m. and 5:35 p. m. Loavo Washington at 6:25 p. m. and arrivo at Loeslurg at 8:10 p. m. Loavo Loesburg at.5:25 a. m., and arrivo at Washington at 7:09 a. m. The 9:00 a. m. train from Alexandria connects at Bound Hill with stago for Bine Bidgo, Berry villo and Winchester, and at Leosbarg with Btagea fcr Aldie and Middloburg. Tho 9:00 a. ra. train and 4:45 p. m. train frcm Alexandria connoct at Vionna with stagos for F ;irfai Court House. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. On trains Nos. 9 and 10 Pullman Buffet Sleen 0:3 botwoon New York and Atlanta, and At? lanta and Now Orloans, and Atlanta and Memphis via Birmington. On trains Nos. 11 and 12 Pullman Bnffot Ves? tibule Sloopcrs between Washington and Now Orloans; New Yurk, an;l Washington to Knox vilie via Salisbury and Afheville, and through cosc-jco bjlwoou Now York aud Atlanta. On trains Nos. 15 and 12 Pullman Sleepers botwoon Washington and Memphis, via Lynch? barg and Bristol. Through tickets on salo at tho principal station! to all points. For rates or information apply to any agent of tho Company, or to J. S. B THOMPSON, 8upt., Aloxa, Va. C. M. BORUM, D. P. A., Lynchburg, Va. W. H. GREEN, Gen Mgr., Wash , D. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, G.P.A., Wash.,, D.C. SOL HAAS, Traffic Mgr., Eichmond, Va. " "bWksand: stationer v. J^STABLISHED 1848. ROBT. WVPRENCH, enccossor to Goo. E. French, Bookseller,Stationer&Priiiter 417 6.419 KING ST., ALEX4.NDBIA, VA. Wholesale and rotail doaler in all kinds of STA TIONEBS' GOODd. I carry a larger and more I varied lino than any other house in tho South of I Commercial and lino Stationery, Envelopes, Shipping Tags, Bill, Note and Letter Heads, State? ments, Paper Bags of all si/.3s, Slates, Pencils, Penholders, Inks, Mucilaeo, Tablets, Toys, Fancy Goods, &c, &c. An indispensable lino of attract? ive and quick soiling goods for dealors. HEAEQUAKTEBS FOB EVEBYTHING IN THE MUSICAL LINE. sheet Music, Music Books, Music Folios and every variety of Musical Instruments. Agont for the celebrated Estcy Organs and Pianos, the Boyal St. John Sewing Machines and tho Remington Standard Typewriter. Lowest prices for the highest grade of goods. Your patronago cordially solicited Tho bright facet of my new and beautiiul goods will greet you, and my salosmen will show you every at? tention. [ap8j KOBT. W. FRENCH. ~ bricks. BRICKS! BRICKS] THE ALEXANDRIA BRICK WORKS, Situated on Hunting creek, are now prepared to receive ordors and deliver Bricks of all kinds Dsed in the trade on the shortest notice. Apply to M. B. HARLOW, mh28 * Secretary and Treasurer. FARMERS, READ X. O. DD8TI X. O. DUST! THE NEW AND GREAT DISCOVERY X. O. DUST! For the relief from the Texas or Buffalo Fly on Cattle, just received and for sale by Bop9_W. F. CBEIGHTON & CO. IF YOUR CHICKENS ARE SICK, TBY LUNTS CHICKEN CHOLERA CURE. Sold bv all druggists and grocers mh31 TOOTH BBU8HES?A very large assortment of I line Tooth Brushes just received by jaul?_WARFIELD & HALL CANNED PEACHE8, APRICOTS and EGG PLANTS for Ealo by ap8_ J. C. MILBUBN. DIAMOND DYES?40 different shades in stock and for sale by apl8_?. 8. LEADBEATEB & BBO. SOD EN MIN EB AL- PASTILLES, for Sore Throat, Bronchitis and Lung Troubles, for sale by [ap!8j E. S. LEADBEATER & BBO. GOOD UNBLEACHED COTTON, 36 inches wide, at ?^c ,?_ febl6 BLAYMAKEB'3, 429 King street. NO CURE. NO FEE! Cured myself. DR. HAMILTON, JUUUI ^lTllWLwemEred?ille..Bi::~=i,jMd. mh2S3ml _SAiliSOAP*._? The Great Pennsylvania Route to the NORTH, WE8T AND SOUTHWEST Double Track, Splendid Scenery, Steel Rails, Magnificent Eouipw.' In offset May 3d, 1891 Trains leave Washington from mijon. corne of Sixth and B streets, a* follow^: For Pittsburg and the West. Chicago Limited ICr preas of Pullman Vestib?len Cars at 10:50 a. m. daily; F.sst Lir-\ 10:50 a in. daily to ? bic&y.o. Columbus and St. Louis, with Parlor Cars from Harrisburg to Indian* pol is, Pittabnrg to Columbus; Altoona to Chicaro. St. Louis, Chi? cago ?nd ! i; riuiiati Itxprt^s, 3:30 p. m. daily. P*r!or Oar Washington to Harrisbcr^, and diet pins; f'ars Harrisburg to St. Louis, Chicago and Cincinnati, and Pining Car Harrisbarg to St. Louis. < hicag" and <'incinii'-.ti. Western Exprcs- at 7:40 p. m. duily, with Sleeping Carj Washington t> Chicago and St. Louis, con necting daily at Harrisbarg with through Sleepers for Louisville and Memphis. Pullman Dinitg Car Pittjbnrg to Bicbmoud and Chicago. Pari3c Exp-csa, 10:0) p m. daily, for Pitts burg and tho Wet, with through Slojpor to Pittsbnrg, and Pittsburg to Chicago. ? BALTIMOEE AND POTOMAC BAILBOAD. For Kane, Canardaigna Rochester and Niagara Foils daily Sunday 8:10 a. m. For Erio, Canandaigua and Rochostor daily for Buffalo and Niagara daily excopt Saturday at 10:00 p. in., with Sleoping Car Washington to Rochester. For WillUmsport, Rochester, ard Niagara Falls, 7.40 p. m. da'ly, oxcept Saturday, with Sleep? ing Car Washington to Rochcsior. For WilLamsport, Rcnoro and Elnur* *t 10:59 a. m., daily, except Sunday. For Williamsport daily at 3:30 p. m. For Philadelphia, New York and the East, 7:20 9:00 and 11:00 a. m., 12:15,2:10, 3:15, 4:20, 5:40. 10:00 and 11:35 n. m. On Sunday 9:00 r.n 1 11:00 a. m, 12:15, 2:10, 3 15, 4:20, 10:00 and 11:35 p. m. Limited Express of Pullman Parlor Cars, with Dining Car New Yo'rk, 9:40 e. m? daily, excont Snnday. For Now York only Limited Express, with dining c-ir, 5:00 p. m. daily. For Philadelphia only, fast express 8:10 a. m. week days, and 4:00 p. m. daily. Express, Sunday only, 5:40 p. m. For Boston, without chango, 3:15 p. m. overy day. For Brooklyn, N. Y., all through trains connect st Jersey City with boats of Brooklyn Annex affording direct transfer to Fulton street, avoid' Ing double ferriage across Now York City. For Atlantic City, 12:15 p. m. weak days, 11:3" p. m. daily. For Baltimore 6:35,7:20,8:10,9:00,9:40,10:00 10:50, 11:00 and 11:50 a.m., 12:15, 2:10, 3:15 3:30, 4:00, 4:20, 4:30, 5:00, 5:40, 6:00, 7:40 10:00 and 11:35 p. m. On 8unday, 9:00, 9:05,10:50 and 11:00 a. m., and 12:15. 2:10 3J5, 3:30, 4:00. 4:20, 5:00, 5:40, 6:00, 7:40 10:00 and 11:35 p. m. For Pope's Crook Line, 7:20 a. m., and 4:30 p. m daily, oxcept Snnday. For Annapolis 7:29 and 9:00 a. m., and 11:5C and 4:20 p. m., daily except Sundays. Or Sundays 9:00 a. m. and 4:20 p. m. ?WASHINGTON B0DTHEBN RAILWAY. In Effoct May 8.1891. For Aloxandria, 4:30, 6:35, 7:45, 8:40, 9:45 anr! 10:47 a.m., 12:01 noon, 1:00, 2:10,3:30,4:25 4:55, 5:25, 6:15,8:02, 10:05 and 11:3!> p. m On Sunday at 4:30, 7:45, 9:45, and 10:47 a m.. and 1:00, 2:43, 6:15, 8:02 and 10:05 p. m Accommodation for Quantico 7:45 a. m. and ex press 6:05 p. m. wook-days. 7:45 a. m. Sun days. For Eichmond and the 8outh, 4:30 and 10:57 a m., daily. Accommodation 6:05 p. m. woci days. Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6:01 7:05, 8:00, 9:10,10:15, 11:17 and 11:44 a. m. 1:20, 2:06, 3:00. 3:50, 4:55, 5:45. 6:13, 7:05 9:20, 10:50 and 11:08 p. m. On 8unday a 9:10, 10:15, 11:17 and 11:44 a.m.;2:06, 1 55 7:05, 7:40, 9:20 and 10:50 p. m. Tickets and information at tho office, Northeas corner of 13th street and Penna. Avenuo, and a the station, where orders can be loft for the check Ing of baggage to destination from hotels ani residences. J. R. WOOD, G. P. A. C.HA5. E. PUGH, G. M. GO MM I WIUM MERCHANTS J. W. CABB. C F. BWETNAM. ^ARR A SWETNAM, 0 20CERY, LIQUOR AND COMMISSION MER? CHANTS, Cornor King and Washington streets, McBurr.oy's old stand. We luvo just opened ai tho above stand with ar o tiraly new and varied stock of Stap!e and Fine Groceries, Liquors, &c, and solicit a share of :;:< public patronago Fine Liquors of all kit ds for familv nse a spc :?Ity._ J". C_ MJ^L.T3XjiR,lNr7 COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER IN FANCY .AND STAPLE GROCERIES. peopbiztom of POTOMAC BRAND OF FLOUR, doc26 Which is unoxcollcd. CBABLES KING & SWS, WHOLESALE GROSSES, 217-223 NORTH LEE STREET. (Opposite Hill's Crackor Factory) ??*SOLE AGENT8 FOR 8ATI8FACTIO TO f. ACCO and HAZARD POWDER._oct2(i W. A. S*ocrc 9. S. F'lWii. W. A. SjffOOT <fc CO., Goa'? Salt and Plaster, AucttirDazA, YA. CWjgb??moot's Wharf. i/>4 Special attention paid to forwarding. yn" A. JOHNSON A CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, GENERAL COMMISSION MEECHiNPc And Dealers in ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS, Have on hand GIBSON'8 XX. XXX, XXXX. t:id PURE OLD EYE, OLD CABINET and fc ONOGRAM WHISKIES; aleo BAKER'S and THOMPSON'S PURE RYE WHISKIES, to which they invito the attention of tho trade. Orders from the country for merchandise shall ? -ceive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Pro* dice solicited, for which they guarantee the high- j t.t market prices and prompt returns. Northeast corner of Cameron and Royal streets sspl4 Alexandria, Va. FLITS* COCKROACH, BEG-BUG AND EAT PASTE Just received by WAh. HELD A HALL jyl_ Corner Prince and Fairfax Btreets. j"~yX)K AT THIS! Best granulated Sugar, 5c. ?* Cut Loaf, 6c. " Powdered, 6c. For sale at apl_J. C. MILBUBN'g. piSH FOOD For aale by ERNEST L. ALLEN, febl3 Corner King and Pitt streets. P ARROT FOOD, Efpecially prepared by Bishop for thoir,"uso. Try it for your bird. ERNEST L. ALLEN, fehl 3 Corner King and Pitt streets. 8TEAMEBS. Daily Line to Norf ilkanfl Fortress Monroe THE NORFOLK AND WASHINGTON STEAM? BOAT COMPANY will run a DMLY LINE, commencing on Mon? day, March 30, with their new and powerful iron steamer? "WASHIITGTON" AND NORFOLK, leaving the wharf at the :ootof street at 7:30 ;>. m Returning, will loavo Norfolk at (J:-:<) p. m. Siegle faro fS i>ou::r! trio P. U HOOF, Agent, mh30 No. 2 Prin?M? atreo1: Inland&SeaboardCoastingCo. NORFOLK AND FOLTR&SS MONROE, Cmnoetir.g st Norfolk with tho OLD -a"""^1, DOMINION tiTEAMSEIP CO. FOR.&KlaSBK NEW YORK, and with the CLYDE LINE FUS PHILADELPHIA, and via these lines Co all points Vorth and East STEAMER LADY OF THE LAKE Loaves TUESDAY, THURSDAY and E UN DAY at 8:30 p m., from Reed's wharf. Faro $1.50 Ron- d trip $2.50. For fnrthor information apply to novlS F. A. REED <Se CO.. Agents. LEGAL. HAVlf?G qualified as administrator en the es? tate of CHARLES C BE.?HY, deceased, no? tice is hereby give:; to ?11 persons having claims against s-?id ojtato to prcsont the same to mo for payment, and all persons indebted to said estate to sctt'o such indebtedness at onco. HENRY C. WJNSHIP, Administrator, ?p221m Box 57 ?eorgotown, D C. VIRt-HNIA: InthoClork's ofiice of the <. orpo ration Court of the city of Alexandria, on the 16th day of April, 1891. Ihc Citizens' .National Bank of Baltimore, Mary? land, vs Goorgo W. McCleish, trading and do? ing business nndor the firm namo and style of MeixB -1 ?(.o. Memo Tho objoct of this suit is to recover o( tho defendant, Goorgo W. McUleisb, trading and doing business nnder tho firm name and stylo ol Meix-.el & Co., tho sum of two thousand and five hundred dollars, with interest thoroon from the 7th day of February, 1891, till paid, and to at f tach and tubjsct to the payment of the same al! & the right, titlo and interest of the said Gooigo W 11 Mct:iu:sh in and to thu following roal estate, situ ? ; ato in tho c'ty of Alexandria, Va; to wit: (I.) A ' lot of ground in the t>aid city bounded as follows [to w:t: Beginning on the west side of Unior ? Jstreer, 123 feet 2'fc inches south of Priuco street ? at the south side of an alloy ten feot wido, iuti' nin? from Uuion street west parallel with Piiuce 130 feet; then south with Cnion street 24 feo! 1 inrh to the sou:heait corner of a brick house staiding upon tho hereby gruntid grouur! ; then west with the south face or tho south wall of 6aid b'juso 30 f?ct 1 inch to a projection of said wall then south parallel with Union street 4 inchei t'> tho end of said projection; then west parallel with Prince street and with tho south faco of the south wall of eaid hcusa 60 feet 1 inch to tho poin' whero said wall is mot by another wall; thor. south with tho oast faco of last mentioned wal and parallel to Union street 33 foot 4 inch-" ?< tho ond of said wall; then west parallel wal Piinco s'roct 69 fi-ot 10 inc <c8 to tho middlo o tho equa-e between Union and Water streets; tber north parallel with Union stroet 56 feot 9 inchei theuco to and along the north faco of tho noitt woll ol said houso and parallel with Prince street 150 feot to tho begining, (on which ground thorc a o a throe-story brick houie and other building; now used as a plastor and grist mill; with the Tight of way over the said alley in comrron with tbo grantor, his heirs and atsignr, tenants of the ground b tiding thereupon. (22.J A lot of ground t J in tho town of Alexandria aforesaid, boginning on tho west eido of I'nion strtot 114 feot 2 inches to tho sonth of Princo stroet; thou south on Un ? I ion street 19 feet 8 inch s; then west pata?ol to Pi iccj street 150 feet; then rorth parallel to Union tho samo breadth as ia front; tbonco to tho boginning (3) Alt that brick tenement and lot of ground in tho city of Alcx*ud?ia, and titato of Virginia, tituato on tho south side of Luke streot, butween ?oyai and Fairfax strocts, bounded a follows; viz: BeginLing on tho south sido of of Duko street at a point 41 fo"3t 6 inches esst of Rjyal street, and running theuio south parallel t'i Hoya! stroot 74 feet; thence west parallol to Dako ttrcot 11 feet 6 inches to Koyal stroet; tlienco north with Roy-1 stiect 22 feet 2 inches; tlicncccast parallel to Dukostreet 19 feet? inches north parallel to Koyal street 51 feot 10 inobes to Duko street, and thence eist with Duko Street 22 feet tc tho point of beginning I ho defendant, George vV. McClotbh, trading and doing business nnder tho firm name and stylo Heixsel Co., not luving entered his appearanco : given security according to the act of As? sembly and tho rules of this court, and it appear? ing by affidavit that ho is not a resident of this State: It is ordered, that said defendant appear here within fifteen days after duo publication of this order, and do what is neces? sary to protect his interests in this suit, and that a copy of this order bo forthwith inserted in tho Alexandria Gazette, a newspaper published in the city of Alexandria, onco a week for four successive weeks, and posted at the front door of the Court House of this city. A copy: test: JOHN S. BEACH, Clerk. Francis L. Smith, p q. ap!7 w4w VIRGINIA : In tho Clerk's otlico of tho Corpo? ration Court of t e city of Aloxandria on t!.o22dday of A, 1S91. Louis S. Fiskc, Frank H Kcon and John Dobson, tiading as Louis S. Fisko and Ccmpmy, vs. Maud T. Baxtor Cooke, truling as Arctic Wool? en Mills, D. F. Cooke, her husband, and tho Alexandria Insurance Company. Momo. The object of this suit is to recover of tho defendant, Maud T. Baxtor Cooko, trading as Arctic Woolen Mills, $1 055.55, with interest on $527.53, part thereof, from April 6th, 1891, and on $528.02, tho rcEiduo thereof, from April 18th, LE91, unt'l paid, and to attach and subject to tho taymcnt thereof tho debt due to said Maud T. Paxtor Cooke, trading a3 Arctic Woolen Mills, by tho Wexacdria Insuranco Company, and also any other estate of the said Maud T. Baxter Cooke In the city ol Alexandria, Virginia. Tho defendants, Maud T. Baxtor Cooko, trading as Arctic Woolon Mills and D. F. Cooko. hor husband, not having entered their jppearancj and given security, according to the act of Assembly and tho rules of this Court, and appearing by affidavit that thoy aro not residents of this State: It is ordered that the said defendants appear here within fifteen days af? ter due publication of this order, and do what is necessary to protect thoir interests in this suit; and that a copy of this order bo forthwith inserted in the Alexandria Gazette, a newspaper published in tho city of Alexandria, onco a week for four suc? cessive weeks, and posted at tho front door of the Court House of this city. A copy?teste : JOHN S. BEACH. Clerk. By J T. Callahan. D. 0. Mushbach, and Martury, & Armstrong, p. q. sp22 w4w FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. W. S. MOORE, Machinist, Iron & Brass Founder, 8HIPBKIXH A.ED 3 LAC K8H ITH , (OLD DOMINION WORKS') Noa 59 and 65 Union street, Alexandria, Va. Will furnish and repair all kind* of Machinory Iron and Brass Castings, Wrought and Cast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and BLacksmithing. Edgt Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Hammers, and all kinds of Mill Work nude and repaired at tho shortest notice, and at reasonable prices. The highest market price paid for Old Wrought and Cast Iron, Brass and Copper. jo2l \yfl AR8CHING8, JAPANESE and Our Favorite iYJ. Gold Paints for decorative and guiiding pur? poses. For sale by mv8 _WARFIELD A HALL. LYMOUTH ROCK PHOSPHATED GELA TINE for sale by ?._ \_ ap8_J. C. MILBUBN. fpULLTJNE OF-GENTLEMEN'S NECKTIES ' COLLARS and CUFFS in latest styles at fabl6 8LAYMAKER'S, 429 King street. LARGE LOT OF EXTRA QUALITY COUNTRY-KNIT SOCKS Just received at aowUa _AM08 B SLAYMAKER'S. NOTHEB SUPPLY OF POTOMAC FLOUR received to-day by doc 27 J. a MILE URN. CHINAWARE, ic. j We show you I by thfse ctit3 . aamrl; s of the : newest s<y'c3 in G ass* i w.we fn u; tb# factory of tn. Fostoria Glai : Co., and a-.'.ui yon. after . rxrefnl ezr.m' Dation of tin productions of j the beat man I ufacturer3 in ? his country, mh2S t?at uutnicg exce'a this ware in its Snish and i . "iarcy We nro the - igeuts for the fact rj in this city, an?! ran offi ryon vi ry rtason:,b e pi icsf. f he i:fO-emb'a";P a'i the useful -rticlos for tt:e Ubio, i f which wo mention h few: I ra< ker Jar?, Kerry B< wir. Milk Jugs, Cream Pitchert ? *lts and Peppers, ??..., Rottie?, Tumblers, etc., ov. Wo shall bo pleased ti b w tho-o goods and invite hn early call. E. J. MILLER & S N j DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &tc. ESTABLISHED 1792. KDW. 8. LEADBEaTEB. THOB leadheatep. E.S. Lead beater & Bro. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 105 & 107 SOUTH FAIRFAX STREET, Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stu'Js, Spices Druggists' Faiiey Goods and Specialties. Wholesale agents in Northern Virginia for J. C. Ayor's Medicines, John Lucas & Co.'a Tinted Gioss and Prepared Paints, &c. Manufacturers of Standard Pharma.,..' , Preparations. We have made largo additions to our stock and are buying leading ProprietaryArticles.l'hemicals, etc., ?sc., direct from too manufacturers. Wo aro thoroforo enabled to supply the trado with ail goods usually carried by a woll-appointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUSE at prices as low bs those givon by the best houses in larger cities. All goods forwardod by first freight or express after receipt of order. Promptno6s is our specialty. We guaiintee tho purity of all drugs furnished. Correspondence invited. dec31 TARNEST L. ALLEN, (Successor to 8umnsor3 & Allen) DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICI N? And ail articles found iu a woiLappoinUsi Drug Stort>. Physicians' Proscriptions will rocclvo persona! attention. mh25 WIM. T. SMITH (Successor to Samuol H. Lunt) DEALER IM DRUGS, MJ;?I( INi:N, Chamoi Spongos, Brushes, Porfumory, Toilet Articles, Cigars, Tobacco, Ac, &c. ^?"Proscriptions carefully filled, day or night. COB. KING AND FAIBFAX 8T8., decl41y_ Alexandria, Virginia. w. F. CBEIGHTON & CO., Wholoealo and Botail Dealer in DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, PATENT MEDICINES, OILS ,DYE STOFFS, GARDEN SEEDS, &c., Ac. Corner King and Royal streets, Alexandria, Viboiwia. Physicians' Proscriptions carefully compoiu.iW. Ordors will receive prompt attention. mh24-tf_ JOHN D. H. LUNT, (Successor to Lunt A Davidsou,, DCALEB IN DBCG8. CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES AND FANCY ARTICLES N. E. corner King and Washington HreeU, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Physicians' Prescriptions a specialty. |jnu 10 f STABLEB A CO., Successors to B. H. 8tablor; DBUGGI8TS AND CHEM IST ? N. W. Corner Kin? and Washington bittet Dealers in Patent Medicines, Drugs, Cigars ir.A Oigarottce, Fine Tocth .'Jrushes, Nail Uroshos, German and Domestic Cologno, Hair Bi Sponges, Flosh Straps, <Jtc. Espocia! oar? ?; proocr ?tions. w A RFIELD <St HALL. DRUGGISTS, Corner Prince and Fairfax street, Prescriptions a specialty. English, French German an<? Domostic Toilet Soaps; Genuin? F*rina Cologne ; Magnolia, Hodyosmia, Gorar.inm and Florida Wator; Gonuino Lubin'o Extracts; Sponges, Hair Brushoa and Combs; boot Ei. >?:.?? Tooth Brushos ; a full assortment of PatontModif olnes, Coxo's Gelatino, Corn Starch ; Soa Moss Fai rine; Spices of all kinds, and a select stock of all articles sold by druggists at prices as low as the tame quality can bo obtained elsowhore. doc 1 THE GAZETTE IS PREPARED TO DO AT THE SHORTEST NOTICE AND ON THE MOST REA? SONABLE TERM8 All M of Bool aid Jl Pratt SUCH AS Cards,Tickets,Briefs,Poste^ CATALOGUES, BILL HIUDb, 4c