Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. SaTUBDaY EVEKING. NOV. 17. 1894. | . ln rj?es to-morrow at 7:0S ; aud seta High w.nter 11:36 a. m. and^ (i i^O _ Weather Probabilities.?For this .. ,.,'ihowcrs to-day; fair Sunday; moder i ware. Tli- temperature will fill to freezing to-night; winds shifting to _ Chcrch* Services, &c., To-morrow ,t church ?Services at 11a. m. aA : 30 p. m. by Rev. H. Suter. v paul's Church.?Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. by Rev. P.P. Phillips. irch.?i a. m. litany and in 30 a. m. Sunday school; 11 a. jj0jj communion; 3 p.m. Mission r 7:30 p. in. eveniug seivice and - bject : "Religious Training c> Chi! Iren." by Rev. C. E. Ball. \ './. .'? Church.?First mass at 7 ra ch"ildren'smas3 9:30a. in. High ;5s al ' 1 m- by Rev. Father Cutler, yespius at 4 p. m. ian Lutheran Church.?Sunday I at 10 a. m. Services at 11 a. m. English) by the pastor, Rev. S. Ciaser. Presbyterian Church.?Ptcach U a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. T. H. Rice. . Church.?Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:3'? p. m. by Rev. J. H. Butler. Meth. Epis. Church.?Preach a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by Rev. \V. H. McAllister, i/. Epis. Church South.?9:15 a. m. - hool; 11 a.m. and 7:30 p. m. preaching by Rev. Thos. E.Carson. 1 ; ige < hapel.?9 a. m. class meet? ing: 2:30 p. m. Sunday school. ? Prot. < %urch.?Services at 11 a. : 7:30 p. m. by Rev. F.T. Benson. ( ristian Endeavor service at 7 p.m. yin us at Midland Railroad reading . 9i 4 p. m. Service of prayer and t -. with a short address. Alms House service at 2:30 p. m. hertsi 'hapel, M. E. Church (colored) hing at 11 a. m. and S p. m. by Rev. Alfred Young. . O. O. F.?There was an unusually large attendance at the regular weekly t Potomac Lodge of Odd Kollow- last night. Besides their own ers delegations were present from il other lodges, the oecasiou be ._? the official visitation to Potomac L . ?? of State Lecturer Major E. B. Branch, of Petersburg. After the usual neof lodge work the degree stall : (erred the lirst degree in good style, n:vr which the silver-tongued orator of Pol mac Lodge, Grand Representative Stansbury, in a neat aud appro little speech, introduced the ora'orof the evening, Major Branch, who, after expressing his pleasure in eting si> large a number ot Odd Fel I ws and coinplimenting the degree work, proceeded to deliver one of the eloquent and instructive addresses on I1 Id Fellowship heard in Potomac ge for a long lime and was listened :' with rapt attention thoughout his address which lasted about an hour. Al tho conclusion of his speech Major branch exemplified the unwritten work of the order in a manner seldom equal? ed and never excelled, aud thereby t:ilidited a good many of the members at branch of Odd Fellowship. His visit was highly appreciated as was at tested by the hearty welcome acorded After exemplification of the uu written work the lodge resolved itself into a social gathering at which anec il ites aud speech-making were the pre dominating features. The recitation "The Old Man and the Odd Feliow's Parade," was well rendered by Mr. P er < E. (.'lift, as was also "The Duch man and the Barrel," by Mr. J. Fred. Birrell. Short speeches were made by Messrs, Strider, Giesendaffer, Watkins, Bradshaw, .Latham, Bontz, Swaiu, Delia. Cook and W. W. Sherwood, of SareptaLodge, The State Lecturer paid an official visit to Falls Church Lodge on i ursday night and was warmly wel? comed there. He will go from here to visit the Leesburg aud Warreutoo Odd Fellows. He is doing much good for the order in this sectiou. Police Court.?Mayor Strauss pre? siding.?The following cases were dis? posed of this morning: Isaac Freeman, colored, arrested by otlicer Bettts for assaulting Sarah Alex? ander, also colored, was Jiued $5. Loh Von, a Chinaman, arrested by Officer Bettis for assaulting a boy named Charles Ayres, was fined $7. Israel Cheeks, colored, arrested by Officer Webster lor insolence toward the police, was fined $2.50. Lester Williams, a colored youth, ar? rested by Officers Smith and Beach for j earn ing concealed weapons, was lined , *<. Robert Williams, colored, of Wash- j ington, arrested by Officers Webster and Sherwood charged witb insolence toward the police and for assaulting of? ficers iu the discharge of their duty, was lined i?L'n. William Scott, colored, arrested by Officers Hall and Griffin for disorderly conduct and for resisting the police, was fined $10. Simon Liudsey, colored, arrested by Officers Smith and Beach for interfer? ing with the police and for contempt ol court, was fined $10. William Thornton, colored, arrested by Officers Griffin and Sherwood for in g with the police in the dis Charge of their duty, was lined $10. A man, arrested by Officer Fergusou for being drunk in the street, was fined ?2.50. William Gallery, colored, arrested by Uffia ra Smith and Beach for assaulting -Nettie Quill, colored, was fined $5. '., w'"te maD' arrested by Officer for assaulting a boy, was fined *-.->". Kebeeoa Quill, colored, arrested by ? racer Howson for keeping an un ?ecsed clog, was dismissed with a rep? rimand, it aunearintr the animal be appearing the animal be jruswi to a member of the family and Me promising to dispose of it. , , \ 1 Report.?Last night was clear i , mi?. Ten prisoners and nineteen ?^cn were at the station house. D?C-bperat a Ball.?During the bopessofa ball at the colored Odd ^.iows" Hail last night a tall cohortd S, u-al -Uamed Roberfc Williams ' m Washington became disorderly JJa was told by Officer Webster to be JJ.V* himself. Instead of obeying the der insu,ted him and was put uu ful arrest" W illiams, who is a power sJPeci<nen of African product, resist? ent officer and undertook to use a 3ef i him. Officers Hal!, Griffin, and took" ''fl -?ame t0 the re"vue and lt bac'-! i?.f lbem lo keeP lho crowd throV "Vbncp Williams through the \Kll7f' three of whom. Simon Lfndsev, ?n? f ottand William Thornton S ? ?k to prevent the ?"est. Wfi m:5 was eventually landed in the sta tion house, after which the officer? went after the three who had interfer? ed with them. They were found aud locked up. This,- morning Mayor Strauss lined Williams $22, and Scott, Thornton and Lindsey $10 each. The latter was not satisfled wilh the judg? ment and said he knew he had no show in the court and was fined $10 ad? ditional for contempt. While the row was going on in the hall a negro from the Driving Park had a crowd around him iu the street where some disorder was in progress. Officers Smith and Beach approached and found Williams with a murderous-looking knife and put him under arrest. He was fined ?7. While Officer Webster was looking for one of the parties who had assault? ed him iu the hall a negro named Israel Cheeks began to abuse him and was arrested. He was made to pay $2.50. The policemen who made the arrests in the hall had thrilling experiences, and were compelled to keep their pistols drawn in order to protect themselves from the fury of the negroes. It is be? lieved the majority of the male partici? pants in the ball had pistols and razore. The Races.?Five favorites and a second choice took first money at the St. Asaph track yesterday. Two re? cords were made, and a dead-heat marked the six furlong event. The betting was brisk, and the number of books was swelled to twenty-three. The second race proved an exciting event, as Little Billy and Old Domin? ion were so close at the wire that the judges would not separate them and called it a dead heat. In the run-off Old Domiou led all the way, but only succeeded in defeating Little Billy, who pulled out lame, by a head. Twenty-three bookmakers and about 2,500 persons were present. After the Gazette's report closed yesterday the two last races resulted as follows: Fith race, 5 furlongs.?Oily Gammon, won ; 0? let second ; Moderocio third. Time, 1.02}. Sixth race, 1 mile. Marshall, wou ; Leonardo second ; Little Tom third. Time, 1.42*. To-day the races resulted as follows: First race, * mile?Dreiband won, Mi ley second, Tuscan third. Time :50. Second race, } mile ?Darkness won, Gleesome ...cond, Polydora third. Time 1:16}. Third race, 11 mile?Song and Dance wou, Miss Dixie second, Bess Macduff third. Time 1:56}. Fourth race, A mile?Maurine won, Festival second, Iroglen third. Time :50J. The following are the races for Monday : First race, j mile? Robusta, 107 ; Black Hawk, 101; Clarus, 106; Blue Garter, 105 : Senator Vest, 105; Lorri mer, 103 ; Westehester, 114; Gallatin, 110; Gov. Fifer, 103; Half Mine, 101 ; Economist, 105; Charter, 102; Jack Ruse, 102; Plenty, 103. Secoud race, i mile.?Phoebus, 96; Lo Bengula, 104 ; Flush, 103 ; Doggett, 10S; McKee, 103. Third race, U mile ?Miss Dixie, 99 ; Star Actress, 102: Baroness, 94; Mar? shall, 102: Nero, 103. Fourth race, A mile.?Elsie Morrison filly, 94 : Iroclen, gelding, 91; Appren? tice, 100; Etesian, 100; Mariugo. 91^ lewd, 94; Benefactor, 97; Elizabeth filly, 98; Lady Richmond, 91; Velvet Rose, 100. Fifth race, 5 mile.?Iola, 110: Wal: cott, 90; Mclntvre, 102; Philaddphia, 102; Will Elliott, 102; Polydora, PS; Flirt, 106 ; Sandowne, 106. Sixth race, 1 mile.?Ed Kearuey, 103: Galilee. 103 Prince George, 112; Aurelim, 103 Major General, 103; Prig, 103 : Our Jack, 103. Seventh race, gentlemans' race 1 mile.?Cracksman, 160; Vancluse, 160; Sherry, 135. The Youno Peoples' Union of the Second Presbyterian Church held its regular monthly meeting in the lecture room of the church on Thursday night which was large ly attended and its prot pedings were of an interesting character. The newly elected president, K. Kem? per, after announcing the committees for the Coming year, tendered hisresig uation, stating that whilst he highly appreciated tho honor aud the good will evinced by the members in placing him iu that position, hp believed it would be better to have one of the young men at the head of the society ; he promised, however, to continue to do all iu his power to aid in the societj-'s work. Mr. Kemper's resig natioa was accepted and the thanks of the Union were unanimously given to him for the great interest he had always shown in its af? fairs. After the transaction of the usual routine business the Union was most charmingly entertained with in? strumental and vocal music under the direction of Mr. G. B. Kennedy, the new chairman of the committee on music. A Question of Jurisdiction.?A negro named William Gallery, who owed a lodging bill to Rebecca Quill, colored, last night told herif her daugh? ter Nettie would accompany him to the riverside where a sand scow on which he was employed was stationed he would pay the "bill. When he and the girl reached the spot he made an as? sault on her and picking up a brick in each hand told her if she didn't get out of the neighborhood he would kill her and throw her body overboard. She left and procured a warrant for his ar? rest. Officers Smith and Beach went after Gallery and found him on the ?and scow, and when be was told the nature of their business he said ho did not care for their warrant, as he was outside of-their jurisdiction. The offi? cers made no further reply but conduct ed him to the station house. This morning, when brought before Mayor Strauss, he did not denynhe assault, but again insisted that the authorities had no Jurisdiction in 'the case. The Mayor thought they had and fined him $7, and if he fails to pay that sum he will go on the chain gang. Personal.?Misses Mai and Annie I Uhler, of this city, are attendants at ! one of the tables at the bazar given un , der the auspices of the ladies of the ' Church of St. Michael and All Angels ? at Willard Hall, in Washington. Mr. Peter Wakins, who has been con i fined to his home in Fairfax county for j the past six weeks with a burned foot, ! is able to be about again. Capt George Young and Mr. John S. Beach have returned from a pleasant but not very successful hunting trip to Faiiquier. Mr. Clan nee Howard, the general bookkeeper for LeodheaUr & Sons' left this < vening on s visit to his friend, Mr. Alex. Firzhugh, of Fredericksburg. Mrs. Taylor and Miss Mable Taylor j left this morning for Keswick, Ya., 1 where they will attend the marriage of I Miss Minnie Purvis to Mr. P. H. Stone | man. Judge Win. E. Lipscomb, of Prince William, and John M. Johnson, esq., of this city, have recently entered into partnership for the practice of law. Real Estate Saxes.?Mr. R. F Knox, auctioneer, sold to day at public auction for Mr. Francis L. Smith, com? missioner of sale, in the chancery cause of Sullivan vs. Sullivan, a tenement and lot of ground situated on the south side of Gibbon street, between Wash? ington and Columbus, fronting 15 feet 8 inches by 100 feet in depth, to Mr. R. O'Sullivan for $500. The same auctioneer also sold for Messrs. Leadbeater, Green and King, trustees, a lot of ground, with improve? ments thereon, situated on the west side of Fairfax street, between Princess and Oronoco, 45 feet in front by 68 feet in depth to the Old Dominion Perpetual Building Fund Association, for $2,000. Rapid Transit. - The Southern Rail? way will inaugurate its winter schedules to-morrow. In addition to the Wash? ington and Southwestern vestibuled limited and the United States fast mail trains, the schedule of which will re? main unchanged, a new train called the New York and Florida short line limit? ed will be inaugurated, leaving New York 3:20 p. m., Washington 10:05 p. m., arriving at Jacksonville at seven o'clock next evening, carrying Pullman sleepers from New York to Augusta, St. Augustine and Tampa. A Severe Castigation.?Some boys threw shot in the Chinese laundry on Royal street last night and ran. A native of the flowery kingdom named Loh Tun started after the tormentors, but was unable to capture them, and seeing a little son of Mr. George Ayers at the entrance of Market alley he pro? ceeded to revenge himself on the luck? less youth. He knocked the youngster down and lashed him unmercifully with a strap. Tun was arrested this morn? ing and fined $7. I. O. of R? Potomac Tent No. 89, I. O. of Rechabites, held a grand rally last night. A visit was paid by the Grand Tent officers and members of diflerent tents of Washington. Speeches were made by G. C. R., Belt, Messrs. Harris, Johnson, Foley, Coulta, W. Jones. Medford, Clancy, Spilman, Coakley and C Jones, all of Washington, and Messrs Brawner, B. R. Foley, B. Murray and Langley, of Potomac Tent, of this city. -?-?**-< You Don't want to put your pur? chase off to the last. How to get the full value for your money is explained in the advertisement of I. Schwarz & Son, 518 King street, and by the re? markable reductions they have made you are getting the most value your money can command. LOCAL BREVITIES. Mr. Thos. Burroughs, of this city, has been granted a pension. The Gazette publishes for the Vir? ginia Humane Education Society in to? day's issue, "Reformed by a Rat." The stringing of the wires for the electric railroad from Columbus street to Payne, was commenced this morning. Officers Ticer and Young found a buggy in the street last night and turn? ed it over to, its owner, Mr. Cliff Car? penter, A wagon belonging to Woodward & Lothrop, of Washington, broke an axle on St. Asaph street, near King street, ^his morning. A large white ark, the property of the Filter Company at New Alexan? dria, is now anchored in Hunting creek aud attracts some attention. Private Watchman Lee Genzberger found a horse astray in the streets last night and returned it to its owner from whose premises it had strayed. The firm of J. H. D. Smoot h,as been awarded the contract for furnishing the lumber for the new residence Mr. W. H. Hellmuth is erecting on north Al? fred street. In a carload of bones brought to this city to-day to be ground up as fertilizer were two human thigh bones. The bones were secured by a merchant and now decorate the walls of his office. A pocketbook containing a number of private papers and supposed to be? long to W. A. White, of Baltimore, was picked up on the floor of Henry's Thea? tre after the prize fight there on Thurs? day night. A Washington paper say3 several matches are likely to grow out of the McMillan-Campbell fight at Alexandria on Thursday night, and the pugilistic atmosphere is heavily charged with challenges. A passenger car on the Washington Southern Railway ran off the track at the corner of Fayette and Queen streets yesterday evening and delayed for about half an hour the departure of the 5 o'clock train for Washington. Mr. R. T. Cook, Clerk of the Gas Works, to day, by order of the com? mittee on light, ordered 3,000 feet of new pipes, to be used in the northwest? ern part of the city, on north Royal and cm south St. Asaph streets. The city market was again well sup? plied with everything in season this morning, and the attendance of coun? try people who brought the\r produce ? was good. Prices, as a rule, were rea? sonable apd, as a rule, were the same as those of last Saturday. A marflmoth oandje now on exhibi? tion jn the window of Mr. J. H. Raines' china store on King street, will be lighted on the first day of December and the person guessing nearest the time it will burn out will be given a handsome set of china. Guesses are free. It has be?n thirty-nine years since the fire iu Turner & Dowell's china store on King street when seven men were killed by a falling wall. John Dogan, a well-known resident of this city, who wa3 caught under the falling wall, is the only survivor of the catas trophy, Rev. Father Came, formerly of this city, but now of Richmond, is being voted tor at a fair in Richmond as the most popular priest in a contest for a handsome gold pyx, and his many friends in this city propose to send such a contribution as well secure the prize to Father Came. A handsome headstone, five feot high, to be erected at the graye of the late Rev. Father O.'Kane, formerly of this cry, at St. Thomas Manor, in Charles county, Md., was shipped to Chapel Point from this city to-day by the Alex? andria Marble Works on the sjteamer Wakefield. The stone is a donation by Mr. M. B. Harlow and other members of S.t. Mary's Church. The winter schedule on the Washing? ton Southern and the Richmond, Fred erick8burg and Potomac Railroads will I take effect to-morrow. There are few changes, as the present one is most ex? cellent and covers most of the require? ments of our traveling community. By the new schedule the train which for? merly left this city for Washington at 9.15 p. m. will hereafter leave at 9:10 p. m. This is the only change that af? fects Alexandria. Mr. R. H. Havener has received a consignment of fine New York cider. Juce Murray, a colored boy of this city, was tried iu the police court of Washington to-day for Btealing ?8.50 from Aleck Matthews, a colored fireman on the ferry steamer Colum? bia, and committed to the work house for thirty days. After the adjournment yesterday of the Baptist General Association, a number of the members went to Mt. Veruon on special cars provided by Supt. Holden, of the electric railway company. The Young People's Union of the Baptist Church met last n;ght but postponed the elec? tion of delegates to the Bichmond convention until next Wednesday night. For a pain in the side or chest there is nothing so good as a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on over the seat of pain. It affords prompt and perma? nent relief and if used in time will often prevent a cold from resulting in pneu? monia. This same treatment is a sure cure for lame back. For sale by L. Stabler & Co. On Monday morning D. Bendheim & Sons start the greatest Sacrifice Sale of Dry Goods, Notions, Blankets, Coats, Underwear, &c., that has ever been your fortune to at? tend. When they advertise a sale they mean to sell; cost or profit is not taken into con? sideration. That has beon clearly defined by their farmer sales. It will be a memorable salo for Dry Goods buyers. A Three Weeks' Loss salo ou all goods throughout their es? tablishment. This firm has by judicious ad? vertising, and giving what they advertise, es tablished a growing healthy business. Last season they opened a new Toy Department and met with immonso success. This season must exceed last season's business. They have purchased an immensee line of Holiday Goods, and will be crowded for room, and therefore they inaugurate the Loss Sale. If you havo not provided yourself with Cloaks, Dresses, Blankets or other winter necessaries, or perhaps useful presents for the holidays, now is your chance. Their list of bargains will be found iu another column. _MtYjGOODS._ NO. 316 KING STREET. POSITIVE UNPARALLED 8ACBIFICE SALE OF DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, UN? DERWEAR, HOSIERY, BLANKETS CLOAKS, AC, TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR TOY DEPARTMENT. Wo received notice trora the manager of our Toy Department that he must havo at least one-half, if not more of the space now occupied by Drj Goods for Toys. What he says goes, and so the Dry Goods stock must go, and quick at that, II low prices will move desirablo goods, our stock will move at double quick time. A THREE WEEKS' LOSS SALE. A great SACRIFICE SALE will hold full sway, a sale that will add hundreds of new friends to our large list of old ones, for we have marked down every article in our large establishment. During this sale we are will ing to lose for wo are compelled to have the room. These are prices that will swing v> ay down below your most economic expectations. Salo opens MONDAY MORNING,. 6c Aprp.n Qinghama for <\%c. 5c Light and Dark Calicos for 3^c. 10c ahirting Percals for 4a4c. 8c Indigo Blue Prints for 5-^c. 1 Oc Outing Flannels for 5*jc. 8c Androscoggin Cotton Remnants forB^jc. 10c Fruit of the Loom Remnants 7*oC 5c Unbleached Cotton for 3%c 8c Heavy Sheeting Cotton for 5c 8c Mourning Prints for 5c. 12^c Indigo Blue Percals for 7%/S. 8c Apron Ginghams for 5c. 12%c Fast Black Satin'e for 7a^c. 10c Plaid Dress Gingham6 for o%o. 15c Figured Satines for 9^c. 8c Heavy Canton Flannel tor <>^c. 12^0 Canton Flaniml for r\c. 12^c White Cambric for 734c. 8c Check Nainsooks for 4a4C 12%c Check Nainsooks for l^c. 5c ToUot Crashes for 3'^iC. 8c Curtain Scrims for 4;i4C. 8c All Linen Crashes for 4*.c, 12V Bleached Pillow Casing for 9*jc. 25c*Ble?chod 10 4 Sheeting for lGc. 15c Brown and Gray Flannel for 10c. 20c White Wo.3l Flannel for 1 lc. 8c Shaker Flannel for 4^c. 25c All Wool Scarlet Medicated Flannel for l(5c. 15c StifF Canvas for 9c 20c Fancy Linings forl2*<>c. 10c Solisias for 7a4C 6c Lining Cambrics for -lifec. 30c Turkey Bed Damask for 21c. 60c Oil Green and Red Damask for 33c. 10 Turkish Towels for 5c 12tyfi Linen Towels, fancy borders, for 8c. 81 Linen Table Covers fpr 69c, 25c Best Quality Qfi Cloth for 19c. 75p Largo'Double G ray Blankets for 39c. 98c Double White Blankets for 59c $1.50 French Satino Comforts for 98c 10c Plaid Dress Goods for 5c. 45c All Wool Tricots for 25c 35c Henriettas, 30 inches wide, all colors, for 19c 75c 54 inch Ladies' Cloth* for 49c. $1 Black Brcftdclotb, Satin finish, for 69c. Gu^ijc Silk faced, All Wool Henriettas for 35c 15c Cashmeres, all colors, for ?^c. 50c Blue and Black Storm Serge for 35c. 50c India Silks for 25c. 25c Ladies' Heavy Vests for 15c. 25c Ladies' All Wool Cashmere Gloves for 15c. 10c Ladies' and Children's Fast Black Hose for 5 c 10c Gents' Seamless Socks for 5c 50c Baby Blankets for 25c - 39c Gents' Gray and White Undershirts for 21c. Buttermilk Soap for 8c. CLOAKS AND CAPES. The gTeat Cloakmaktrs' strike his not affect e 1 our stock. Our orders were p a "ed with the manufacturers early in the season and they were bound to deliver. We have to day more Cloaks and Capes in our stan all the houses in the city put togethor. Wo charge no advance in prices. Ladies' Brown, Black and Bluo Coats, big sleeves, full length. $3.49. Ladies' Black and Blue Chinchilla Coats, perfectly plain, large sleeves, fuU length, $5.98. Ladies'Black and Blue Beaver Coats, per? fectly plain. 42 inches long, $9.98. Ladies' Tailor-made Coats, 42 inches long, perfectly plain, large sleeves, $11.98. Ladies' Fine Quality Cloth Coats, velvet collars, large pearl buttons, big sleeves, 44 inches long, $12.49. Ladies' Cloth Capes, double collars. S3 98. Astrachan Cipcs, 33 inches long, if 8.93. s-eal Plush Capes trimmed with fur and jet, $14.98. Ladies' Golf Capes, $7.99 Misses' Jackets, sises 12. 14, 16 and 18, $4.98, Children's Gretcheus, $298 jSS-NO GOODS CHARGED AT SALE PRICES. j^*8pace will not permit to enumerate the bargains in fuller details. SEE OUR HAND BILLS. 316 KING STREET. CHOICE CAPE COD CRANBERRIES re oeived to-day by J. C. MILBURN. DRY GOODS. You don't want TO POT YOUR PURCHASES OFF TO THE LAST. Now is the time to buy yonr FALL AND WINTER GOODS. How to get the full value of your money is explained right hero. We aro better prepared than ever to show you a lino of goods unsurpassed in styles and values. We have selected the latest things in the market and feel that we can please the most fastidious. We study our patrons' interest, as their interest is ours as well. Tho crowds that daily visit our establishment are ample proof of that. Tho inducements offered are unparalleled. We are giving our costumeis the benefit of a quick sale system throughout our house. I. SCHWARZ & SON, 518 KING STREET. $4.50 Chenille Portiers, our price $2.99. $5.50 Chenille Portiers, extra heavy, our price, $3.99. Large Barnsley Towels, 8c. 75c White Bed Spreads, 4Sc. $1.00 White Bed Spreads, 75o. 4-4 Chenille Covers, 48c. 6?4 Chenille Covers, 98c. 35c Tidy Towels, 22c 35c Ladies' Merino or Bibbed Vests, 22c. Roady-made Pillow Cases, good cotton, 10c. Re^dy-mado Sheets, good cotton, 49c. $1.00 ladles' Bleached Gowns, G9c. 75c Ladies' Bleached downs, 49c. 35c Felt Tablo Covers. 24c. $1.00 Ladies' Wrappers, blue, black and fancies, 69c. 35c Infants' All-silk Embroidered Caps, 24c tic Bleached or Unbleached Crash, 4^c. 25c Changeable Dress Goods, 17c, 50e Sorge, blue or black. 35c. 20c Double Width Skirting, 14c. A Good Black Sateen, l\c. 45c All-wool Fireman's red medicated Flannel, 25c. 25c Bed Medicated Twill Flannel, lGc. 10c Doll's Sun Bonnets, 5c. 25c Gingham Aprons, 14c. CARPET DEPARTMENT. l&fa Fancy Mattings, S'V 25e Fancy Mattings, jointless, lGc. 75c Velvet Hassocks, 48c, 50c Cocoa Doov Mats, 34c, 35c Home-made Bag Carpet, 24c. 50c Ingrain Carpets, 35c. G5c Ingrain Carpets, over half wool, 49c. 75c Ingrain Carpets, guaranteed all-wool 59c. 35c Good Floor Oilcloth, 25c. Don't fail to visit our CLOAK DEPART? MENT. Large Stock, new styles and low? est prices. You will notice where wo could drop a price we have. Snap at those reduc? tions, they aro hargains and buy. The others believing that you are getting the most your money can command. SCHWARZ'S, 518 KING STREET. JJST-AH Goods delivered free, daily, to West End, New Alexandria, Del Ray, and St, Elmo. This space has been reserved for the trus? tee of Pretzfelder & Co. I have just com? pleted an inventory, and find their stock complete and well as? sorted with desirable and seasonable goods, which must be dis? posed of at once in order to carry out the trust assumed by me. To do this I will, be? ginning on Thursday next, offer these goods at less than half their value until disposed of. Our offerings will be from day to day, and it will pay you to read their future an? nouncements and at? tend the sale. M. STRAUSS, TBUSTEE for PBETZFELDER & Co I DRY GOODS A ? DRY GOODS. DISSOLUTION SALE OF A LARGE IMPORTING house puts us in possession of some extraordinary values in DRESS GOODS. Six colors fine imported Jacquard dress goods, regular 90c quality at the low price of 60c. Two colors 46 to 48-inch fine French broad cloths, regular $1.25 value, at 75c. Our values in serges at 39, 50 and 75c are fully 25 per ct. less than last season's prices. If you want an attractive plaid for a waist or dress come to us. Prices from 37j^c to $1. Don't miss our 39c dress goods counter. Many 50c values placed on it. A large line of plain colors in dress goods. All-wool goods now being sold at about the prices formerly asked for cotton mixed fabrics. A marking down of all the cotton mixed Cach miers of 20 per cent. SILK STOCK. A large line of light colors in drapery and dress silks and figured drapery silks. Special values in plain colored taffeta silks for linings and combinations. UPHOLSTERY STOCK. A new arrival, in silks, tapestries, gobelins, jutes, tapestries, &c. Special value in tapestry suitable for upholstering and drapery. Fine 36-inch figured satines for drapery, upholster? ing, etc. NEW VALUES IN BLANKETS. Look at our 11-4 Leland at $4.25, an extra value last sea? son at $5. Our 10-4 all-wool at $4 and 11-4 all-wool at $5 are the best in the market. Fine California Blankets at from $6 to $10. CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Cloth and plush capes, cloth jackets and cloaks. All gar? ments in stock are strictly first-class as to make and style? no old styles from last season. The big cloak strike makes cloaks scarce and hard to get, and values we now have in stock will not be duplicated. $^=*ONE PRICE.<=^$r TACKETT&MAESHALL GROCERIES. AH! 200 cases Forest brand Tomatoes Good goods, 7 cents a can. Royal Red & Abbsco Tomatoes 8c. Honey Drop Corn 12i. Gortner's Corn 8c. INectarina Corn 6c. G. ?m. Ramsay. Fancy Malaga Grapes, Florida Oranges, Cape Cod cranberries. G. Wm. Ramsay. Quail Griddle cake Flour and Quail Oats. G. Wm. Ramsay. Atmore's celebrated and Keystone brands Mince Meats. G. Wm. Ramsay. _ DRY GOODS. A BLIZZARD Will soon be on us. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY YOUE LADIES' ADD CHILDREN'S COATS LARGE STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS. ISAAC EICHBERG.