Newspaper Page Text
UTUBOa? 1 YfNING. J LLY LG. l*-t?F. Twelve Telegrams at Once.? Experiments are beiun conducted ou the Pan.-; Bordeaux liue with sjtne very intertsting machines, which the inventor, AI. Mercadier, has been working on for many year?, cays the Electrical World. With ;be.?<! instruments, called duo decaplex, li' Morse transmitters cau work simultaneously ou a single wire, each sending its siguals to the proper receiver at the end of the liue. This re.-ult is brought about by the use of al ternating or, at auy rate, interrupted currents. Each transmitter receives its current through a tuning fork having a special nofe, its vibrations being electrically maiutaiued. These vibrations furni.-h a i urrent of the proper period to cause resonance at each application in the proper receiving circuit, which has it? Bell induction and capacity adjusted for this result. This receiver is a telephone (a mono telephone, as it is called by M. Merca? dier), so constructed und arranged tn?t the acoustic resonance uuulities also help to damp out from the signals re? ceived everything not intended for v.. These signals arn read iu the ordinary way by ear. aided by rubber tubes like those used on phonographs. The sifting out of the signals, it seems, is very perfect, each receiver giving do evidence of those signals not intended for it except a slight mur? muring very indefinite and not at all bothersome. A Narrow Escape. Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada E. Hart, of Groton, S. D , "Was taken with a bad cold which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi? nated in Consumption. Four doctors gave me up spying I could live but a short time. I gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could uol stay v ith my friends ou earth. I would meet r y absent ones above. My husband was advised to get Dr. King's New Dis? covery for CoD-umptiou, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial took in all eight bottles. It has cured me, and tnank God I am saved and now a weli ami healthy woman.'* Ttial bottles Jree at E. S. Lead beater & Sons' Drag Store. Regular size 50 cents and ?1.00 guaran? teed or price refunded. The Chief Burgess of Mileeburg, Pa , says DeWitt s Little Jbany Ri-ers aic tho best pills ho ever used in his family during torty years of house keeping. They cine constipation. ; sick headache und stomach and livortroubles. Small in size but great in results. ? harks (1. Leunon Delightful Summer Tours. The Pennsylvania Bailroad Company has arranged two delightful touts to the North, under ihe personally conducted tourist sys? tem. Ju<y 26 and August 3<l The points in? cluded in the itiueiary aio Watkin? den. Niagara Fad-, Thousand Islands. Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable rhasm, Lakes Champlain ana.George, Saratoga and the Highlands of the Hudson. Bach lour will be in charge o: the company s tooriit agent, assisted by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial chaige will be unescorted ladies. Tho rale of $100 from Washington covers railway and boat fare lor the entire round trip, t-ailor-car seat", meala en route, cotel entertainment, transfer c: arges, carriage hire?iti fact, every item of necessary expense. For any addi? tional information, address Geo. W. Eoyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Biuad Street Station, Philadelphia. ARNOLD'S BROMO-C?LFRY. 1 ait unrivaled romody for Headaches. Neui?lgia, Sleenlecsnee*. 10 cents. Colonial Beach?Somerset Beach. Feason opens Saturday, .lut.e 18th The steamer Jane Moseley leaves Beed's whaif at 0 a. m. daily except Monday, returning about 9 p. m. ?n Saturday at 7 D m. Foi staterooms charters, &e, apply to F. J. Don? nelly. Gazette office Through ParlorCur to Atlantic City. Commencing July 1st, a parlor car will b< attached to the 12:45 p. m. Pennsylvania Bailroad train from Wasbiigton, arriving at Atlantic Ci;y at 5.:H? p. m. via Delaware Bridge Route. Returning, leave Atlantic City at 10:25 a. in. and arrive at Washington at 3:30 p in. Troops al Camp Alger. For the accommodation of friends of the Alexandria Light Infantry, the Southern Railway has on sale tickets from Alexandria to Dunn Loring. Va. (Camp Algcr), at one! tare for the round trip, limited t" date <d sale. These tickets will remain on -ale while j the Third Virginia regiment is encamped at that point. $5 Excursions to i be Seashore. For Atlantic City, t ape May, Ocean City and Sea Isle City, tickets on sale via Penn? sylvania Bailroad, for 11 a. m. and 12:45 p. in. trains Fridays and Saturdays until Sep? tember 10. good to :etl!rn iinli: 'he following Tuesdays at the rate of S5, including trans? fer of passengers in Philadelphia. Coin i on< - ing June 24th. Opening and Closing of the Mails. Northern mail*, week days, cioso at 7 31 Rnd 11 45 *. in. and 1 15, 2 50, <> 50 and 8 30p.m. Open at 8 Of) a.m.. 12 00 m. and 5 00 p. m. On Sundays Northern mails close at 11 34 a. ni. and 7 20 p. m. Southern mails via Chariefte?ville, close at 7 50 and 10 55 a. in. and 215 and 8 30 p. in Opoa at 8 00 a. m. and 2 30 and 4:30 p. m. Southern mails, via Richmond, citao at 10 40 a. m. and 3 13 and S 30 p. m. Manassas Division mails cIobc at 7 50 o. m. and 3 45 p. m. Open at 1 p. ru. Alexandria and Round Hill mails close at 8 40 a. ru. and 4 00 p. ?u. Open at 9 uu a. m. j omd 3 30 p. m. i Chesapeake and Ohio nails close at 2 15 rm. and 8 30 d. m. Ope.? ?* 8 00 a. tu. and 30 p. m. Washington mails closo at 7 rfO and 31 45 a. m., and 1 15, 2 50, 0 50 and 8 3( ?p.m. Open at 8 00 a. m., 12 00 in. and 3 OO and 4 30 p. m. Office Hours?Open at S 00 a. m. Close at 6 00 p. m Sunday Hours?Open at 0 00 a. m. Close St 9 30 a. m. Carriers' Schedule?Collections made on lasido routes?0 30 and 10 00 a. m. and 3 00 and 5 30 p. m. Full route?0 30 a. m. and 5 30 p. m. Sunday collection 5 (Hi p., ' Carriers' window open Sunday 9 00 a. ni. close 9 30 a. m. Deliveries made 8 00 a. ru.. 12 00 m., and 5 00 p. m. All mail should be in office ten miDute? !>eforc hour indicated for closing. AN THER bale of that extra heavy L'N BLEACHED COTTON to run at 5c Best value ever offered at price. Just re? ceived at _A. r'. Sl.AYVTAKBKs ANTITOXIN, received fresh direct from manufacturers every week. Also a sup? ply of Antitoxin Syringes constantly on hand. _E. R. LEADREATKP At SONS. BUTTER?Fresh Virginia Butter 35 , choice do. ISc. Virginia Creamery Prints 20c, Elgin Creamery Prints 23c. _J. C. MILB?RN. ANEW THING?NO DUST?Will polish your floor and prevent any dust from rising. For sale by E. 8. LEADBEATER A SONS. GOOD COFFEE cheap, freshly roaned at my store, 12c per pound. J. C, MIL-BURN, AUCTION TRUSTEE'S SATE OF LAND IN FAIR? FAX ( OUNTY, VA. By virtue of a deed of trust from Ro/i>-r F. Brown and wife, bearing dato the 30th day of April, 1890. and duly recorded amongst the laud records of said county. 111 liber W., No. 6, folio 248 et *cq., the unoei - find tiuftee in said died, being thereto re? quired by the party thereby secured will ot fei for sale at public auction in front of the premises, on SATURDAY, the 23rd day of July. 1S9S at 12 o'clock meridian, the following c scribed tract cflaud with the improvements there* n, being the same described in and cooveved by sui 1 deed of trust; viz: ALL THAT TRACT OR PABCFL OF LAND situate lying and being in the said county of Fairfax and State of Virginia, on tbe north side of the Little Biver turnpike, about one ruiie from the city of Alexandria Virginia, and bounded as follows; to wit: Bog'uning ata gate post i.n the edge of the road corner to John W Brown, formerly Padgett's and running with him N. 11 de grei-s E ?r>2 poles to Bloxhain's lot, tuutinued N 70 degrees with him to B., a stone and hickory at the angle of a fence comer to i; ox ham aud Watkins's line; with rt'atkins's ine N. 48; degrees W. 13: poles to C. a post of the fence coiner to Watkins and Chauncev r'y Windsor's), with Chauncey N. 79 a grtes W. 29 jioles to D., another corner, to ? bauncey ; thence S. 11 degrees W 81J poles to E a briar bush in the edge of 'he road; down the road S. 70i degrees E. 40J poles to tbe beginning, containing twenty acres, being the same property conveyed to the said Bo zier F. Brown by Joseph L. Sanford bv a deed dated on the 23rd day of May, 1S92, Hiid of record in the land records of the said county of Fairfax, in deed book M, No. f olio 345. The improvements consist of '.welling and outhouse. Terms of Sale: Cash. Conveyancing at the cost of the purchaser. ZORO HILL, Trustee. jv9 ts J. MACHINERY. 6i H. ATTCHE80N, Practical Machinists and Engineers And Buiidan of MARINE AND STATIONARY ENGINES Biaexainithing and 8team Fiiting. Er? ginuers' and Machimsu' Supplies, and all sorts of mill work and tnat connected with brick* work promptly executed. Repairing prompt* Vy done. J. &. H. AITCHESON, aiylO 116 King ft.. Alexandria, Va. YV JH. B. MOORE, Machinist, Iron and Brass Founder, SHIPSMTTH AND BLACK8MTTH. OLD DOMIKIOl? WOBJCBl SOUTH UNION 8TBEET, ALEXANDRIA Will furnish and repair all kiuds of Machine? ry, Iron and Brass Castings, Wrought and Cast Iron Fences, Mill Work, Ship and Black smithing, Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Ham? mers, and ali kinds of Mill Work made and re paired a: the shortest notice and at reaaonabis prices. 5ZT* The highest market price paid for Old Wrought and Cart Iron. Braas and Coppar COAL. AND WOOD. W. a. -moot. (i. S. FBEKCH. W. a. SMOOT, jh WM. A. 8M0OT & CO. QOAL! COAL! On oar wharf and to arriva durinj the seat von a full stock of ANTHRACITE, CUMBERLAND and SPLINT COALS of the beat quality and well screened. We will be pleased to supply our friendi *nd customers at lowest market price per ton of '2240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars oi boats. Telephone Cai.i. 57. COAL!_ COAL 1 WHITE AND RED ASH, SHAMOKIN AND LYKEN'S VALLEY. From the famous mince of the ?USQU EH A NN A COAL COMPANY. Burn Coal, well screened. 2240 lbs to the ton also CRUSHED COKE. CUMBERLAND, NEW RIVER AND SPLINT COAL. l amilies. Public Institutions, ?nd Mann fsctrirer*, supplied at lowest market rates. Ail orders ioft at office. 114 south St. Asaph street, lolophouod immodiatoly to yards. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, MHinrf and Yards, foot of Qnoen streot. FOR SUMMER. A CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK -0F Dry Goods, Notions ?AND? General Furnishings FOE SPRING USE. FI LL LINE OF MEDIUM AND LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. HANDSOME LINE OF LATEST STYLES NECKWEAR. A. C. SLAYMAKER, Successor to AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. 42'' King8treet - - - Alexandria. Va KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. Half dozen SILVER-PLATED TEA SPOONS at $1.75. Half dozen SILVER-PLATED KNIVES at $1.75. Hn.i dozen SILVER-PLATED F0RK8 at $1.75. These goods are all of the] finest quality silver-plate, each pieco stamped with my name and the amount of silver in each guar? anteed. HENRY W. WILDT, JEWELER AND OFTICIAN, 106 N. Royal street. KIDNEOIDS! KIDNEOIDS! For tho cure of all Kidney Diseases Shattered Nerves aud all diseases arising from thin, watery aud impoverished blood. Price 50e. For sale only by WARFIELD & HALL, rv,^,?r Prinon and ?>>-.?>.-?. BICYCLE CHAIN BBUSHES will clean your bicycle chain without removing it 10 and 15c each. For sale by _E S. LEADBEATEB St SONS. IpREE SAMPLES FOR ONE WEEK OF . KIDNEOIDS, tho Great Discovery for ail Kiduey Disorders. Call at _WARFIELD & HALL'S. AFETY RAZOR once usea you will nover do without it. For sale by HENBY W. WILDT. 106 N. Bnra' ?t^-cot HITE ORGANDY REMN 4NTS to run at 10c, extra value, at A. a SiiAYMAKE?'S, S w TELEPHONE EXCHANGE. jg^ELLO! HELLO Wo wish to call rour attention to the ALEXANDRIA TELEPHONE EXCHANGE AND ITS ADVANTAGES. Instant communication by any subscribe; with any other is furnished any moment, day or night. Each is heard in his own recognized voice, and business is transacted with the utmost saving of time. Communication is also had with Washing ton. Baltimore. Philadelphia. New York and many other points, thus annihilating distance and time. Ixnc Rntth. The expense Is but a few cents a day and in many cases very much less than the service performed is worth to the subscribers. More than forty Ci asses of business are to be found among our subscribers. If your namo is not enrolled consult your own interest by subscribing at once. Call on the manager or send him word by postal or telephone, and he will call on yon. WYTHE WHITE, Manager. C. E. McCLTJER, District Supt.. Eichmond, Va. Agricultural Supplies. Herbert Bryant, R H Wattles. Brick Manufactories. Aloxandria Brick Company Books and Stationery. RW French. Beer and Groceries. O'Sullivau A- Co. Breweries. R Portlie:-?. Bank*. Burke & Herbert. First National Bank, Citizens' National Bank. Butcher*. Hellmuth Brothera. M. Sch?ler. Courts. County Court. Corporation Court. Commisiio'i Merchants. Fisher Brothers. W A Johnson A Co. J T A J G Beckham. F S Harper. F. E Lawler A Co Harlow Brothers N Lindsey A Co <'has King ? Sen. r Broders, (i H Robinson & Sons Dentists. J. H. Bit/er. Druggists. W F Oreighton A Co, E L Allen. C G Lennon, E S Leadbeatei St Sons. John H Janney. Northwest Pharmacy C M Lennon, " Richard Gibson. Dry Goixh. Isaac Eich berg. Driving Parks. Alexandria Driving Park. Express Companies. , Adams Express Co. Feed and Grain Dealers. T F Burroughs, J Brcdors. J B Watkins, Ballenger & Bro. Florists. J L Looso. Mrs Frcd'k Kramer FoMulries. Curtiu A Butts. Glass and Ci.inaware, E J Miller St Co. Grocers. G Wm Ramsay. Fisher Brothers, O'Sulhvan & Co Barlow Bros. Ahem & Co, F8 Unrpor, N Lindsey A Co. H F Robertson, W A Johnson & Co .1 Broders, Norton Entwisle. Grocers and Liquor Dealas. T F Burroughs. W A Jol nson & Co, Harlow Brothers. J. Broders. Ahem A* Co. Jlutels. Fleischmann Hotel. Darawart. Jas F Carlin & Sons. Tnfirmarivi. Alexandria Infirmary. Ice Dealet . Wm M Reardon. Junk Dealers. J Dreifus A Co. Lumber Merchants. J R Smoot A Co. J H I > Smoot Aitcheson A Bro. Lawyers. James B Caton, CCCarlin, JKM Norton, F L Smith, S G Bront. K Kemper, Marl.ury St Armstrong Livery Stahles. Patterson As Brother, B L Mvors A Co. Lime Plaster and Cement. GeoH Bobinson A Son, W A Smoot & I ? J HJD Smoot, Jas E Smoot A Co. Merchandise Brokers-. Wm Fowle Brookes A Co, A D Brodten Co. Ml. Pernod on the Potomac. H H Dodge. Supt. Mumdpal Offices. City Treasurer, Police Headquarter*. The Market. Jfanu/acfurers of Soda and Mineral Waters. James McCuen. Machinists. W S Mooro J I'd! Aitcheson Millers. T F Burroughs. Newspapers. Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Times Evening Star Bureau. Notions, Furnishing Goods, JiC MrB. Bernhoimer, King street. Oif Companies. Standard Oil Com pan Physicians. Dr W M 8mith. Dr H P Howard, Dr Julian Miller, Dr M W O'Brien. Dr T M Jones. Dr Hugh McGuirc Prirofe Residences. Charles King, R ? Knight, Mrs M A Wood, W White. B Wheatley, W H Demaine, J R Zimmorman, Mrs S G Brent. Herbert Bryant, Laurence Stanler Miss M V Smith, E L Daingerfield, W B Daingerfield, ChasSTaylor. R W French, A D Brockett. R F Knox, W H F Reek ham, J M Hill, Ashby Miller. W M Smith. Railroad*. Southern Railway?Freight. ?Local Freight, Washington Southern Railway, Baltimoro and Potomac?Freight, W, A & Mt Yernon Railway Co. 11 2 A W, A & Mt Vernon Eailway, 1 12 i; Real Eitate. Harlow A Co, Knox A Robimon, Robert Elliott. Schools. Episcopal High School, Seminaries. Theological Seminary, Spoke Factory. Mt. Vernon Spoke t.ompany. Steamboat Companies, Potomac Steamboat Company, Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co, Washington Steamboat Company. Ship Chandler*. H Kirk, N Lindsey A Co. Stationers and Printer*. John H Stridor, R Bell's :>ons. J M Hill A Company. Telegraph Companies. Wertem Union Telegraph Company. Postal Telegrsph Cablo Company, Tanners and Jlidr D,r.'- r>. 0 C Smoot A Sons. ?. S. Offices. Postotiice. Undertakers. B Wheatley. W H Demaine, Wood and Coal Dealers. DeW. Aitcheson, J R Zimmorman, W A Smoot A Co, J P Agnew & Col Knox A Robinson. Wholesale Cake and Cracker Manufacturers and Confectioners. The George R. Hill Co. Wholesale Grocers. Chss King ?,8on, N Lindsey A Ce, Fijhsi BjiXtmMmm^ J Broders, fa.Harpejr, _ TELEPHONE EXfH ANGE. JXOME TELEPHONE COMPANY, ALEXANDRIA, VA.. EXCHANGE. 309 KING STREET. $3 A MONTH FOR BUSINESS. $2 A M< >NTH FOB HOMES. F. F. MAEBURY. Manager. E P. MATTES, Electrician. sUBCRIBERS' LIST. 193 A?a ..s >xpri_ss Couipauv 11 Appich, D H 15 Appii h, Geo A 115 Alexandria Inrinnary 30 Aitcheson ix Bro 95 Aitcheson. D W 11 Adams, F M !??! Aloxandria Bottling Co, Jas McCuou "JO Alexandria Steam Bakery 37 Alexandria Gas Works !'?>'.> Alexandria Times 7 Alexandria Gazette 1!?1 Allen. E L. Druggist 2O0 Alexander, E .1 30 Anderson, E M J 9 Baader. H 25 Beach. Jos S 134 Burroughs. T F (> ? i (i R R Co 29 Bain St Paxou 170 Brill, Louis ?10 Baggitt. Oscar F. City Market 104 Baggett, Oscar F. Residence L70 Beckham, J T ,v J? 83 Farley, L C, residence. 72 Barley, L C, olli :c. 80 Carlin, J F Sons ?fc Co 180 Carlin. Mrs M J Crilly, T H Chatham's Stahles, K L Myers & Co 120 City Engincor 105 City Tieastirer L07 Columbia Kusine House 14.4 Carter Bros 111 < ogan. J A ?: W W. Plumbers 1!?7 ("hilin, C C, residence. -7 Chalmers. A C ?-'?J Denielt, J A. Residence :?7 Drciftts, J it Co 40 Eiitwitie, F L L23 Episcopal High School I ?T Entwisle, J W. Druggist 132 Economy Grocery. ?27 Fisher Bros 45 Fondall, W E 47 Fannon, T J 88 Fleischmann House II 8 Fianigon, Jos R 1 42B Francis. Peter 102 Grilbortzer. A F 52 Garrett Monroe 50 0 raves. W P 16GB Green, Andrew J 58 Hinken & Sou 75 I?ullmuth Bros 31 Harlow Bros 70 Hill. Geo R Co <;2 Howard. T Clifton 11 Hamilton & Co 1<?>>' Hydranlion Engine House 1 7> Hainen. R L 146 Jamiey.J H (L Stabler St Co) 64 Jail 26 Janney. Dr Chas 1 :;7 1 Jackson, Wash 2S King. On as St Son L3 Kirk. H, jr I? Lindsey, N & Co i>7 Lindsey. N, Residence !' Leadbeater iv Sons 128 Matthew, J 66 .Marshall, J A 70 .\uv. W II vvSon 181 Milburn. J C 99 May, J W, Residence U4 Mushbach, Capt G A, Besidcuce 54 Mushbach, Cajit G A, Orhce 38 Matter. E P, e;ei trici?u. 55 Maxbury, F F. Mgr L16 Norfolk .M Washington Steamboat Co L37 B Neale. J Stnnley 91 O'Brien. Dr M W 168 0*Sullivan <? Greono, 160 Pullman. S M 53 Pollard, F J fi I Pollard, F J, Boflidonne 85 I'u II man, P .V Co 49 Portner, Robert 1 Postoffice 1 1 Fol ice Headquartci - 103 Postal Telegraph Co 33 Pennsylvania R ? Co 112 Peltou, CC 129 Pelton, C C SG Quinn Ed 8 Ramsay, G Wm 50 Beardon, Wm M lo5 Relief Truck House 93 Boberteon. H F 89 Roberts, Walter, Office L39 Roberts, Walter, Residence 140 Sobers, .1 W 63 Bammel's Hotel. 71 Smoot, C C Sons & Co. Tannery 90 Smoot, C C Sons St Co, Warehouse 92 Smith, B B 96 summers. C J W 57 Smoot, W A <st Co 98 Smith, Francis L 122 Slaughter, Dr R M 15 1 smoot. J C, Residence 152 Smoot. Jas R ?X Co 155 Steuernagei, W H 32 Strider, J H, Residence 2 Southern Railway Company (W <S 0) 133 Southern Railway Company (VM) 42 Simpson, H A 3 Standard Oil Ca) 101 Schuler B*-*f Co 137 Stevens, Moses, (Hacks) 182 Simpson, (ico L, Mayor 113 Sopcr, ? D 103 Virginia Glass Works 05 Vanaelstyn, (Lunch Room * IM Warficld, E, jr 165 Wartield St Hall 39 Washington Steamboat Co l!is Wood. Mrs M A 185 Weil Bros 186 Weadon Bros 35 Wise, Ueo <x Co 61'Wise, Geo. Residence I 42 Wallace. J S. harness. 190 Woolls, W P. Wolfe and Royal 153 Woolls, W P. Queen and Henry li !? Wools ?v Son, W P, Queen and Fairfax. 147 Weidernian & Kelly Iis Zimmerman, J K Annandale?Mslono, J n. Fairfax C H.? Adams, Ohas. < eiitreville?Uttorbsch, B. C. Manassas- Cannon House. Wellington ?Lcechman, C. H. Hay market?Hultish, Geo. A. Waverley?Jannoy, E. H. TOLL RATES OUT OF CITY 10 CENTS D. Harry Appich, 525 King Street, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CONFECTIONER AND FRUIT DEALER A, s the seasons comojand go ^Provident of all, JPlenty of fruits, and nuts, and^sweots, I have at your call. C^andios, cakes throughout tho year, EL Ij Appich's stock will make good choer <arSPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOB THE COUNTRY TRADE.-1*5. dec2 tf_._ ~ laurence stabler, NO. :01 KING STREET. INSURANCE AGENT, Beprasenting the following flrst-claas flra insurance companiiC.? LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE. HARTFOBD. PHOENIX, of London. WESTCHESTEB, of New York. HANOVER. PHOENIX, of Brooklyn, And others of same grade. Soliciting the patronage of the public, I promise tho most careful attention to any bus AMC- TOOTH BRUSH with a box of Myrtle Tooth Soap for 25c, and a tooth brush with every box Antiseptic Tooth Povr der, at ?, 8, LSAPBEAIgg k jQHB, " RAILROADS. I TD EN NSYLVA NIA ! JL RAILROAD. Schedule in effect Mnv 31, LS9S. TRAINS LEAVE ALEXANDRIA. For Washington 7 23 ; ml S O'l A. M. 12 14 3 23 7 20 and 11 12 P. M weekdays. Sundays 7 23 and 1144 A. At., 7 20 and 11 32 P M For Richmond and the South?Atlantic Coast Line Expn.I 4S 4 M . and 4 02 P. M. daily. For Richmond only 11 33 A M. week days .' < ants | >?< i i v s Ri< hmond and Seaboard Ui Lint 5 00 P M. daily. Accommodation lor Quantico H 07 A. M. daily, and 4 45 P. M. w< ek days. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON. I STATION CORNER OF SIXTH A.ND B STREETS. For Alexandria 4 30, 7 45 end 10 57 A. M? 3 46, 4 25 and i 40 P M. Sunday 4 30 and 7 45 A. MT. and 3 46 and 1 40 P. M. I 7:50 A. M. Week Daya PITTSBURG EX? PRESS.?Parlor and Dining Cars. Harris burg to Pittsburg. 10:50 A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED? Pullman Sleeping, Dining, Smoking and Observation Cars Harrisburg to Chicago, Cincinnati. Indianapolis, St. Louis, Cleve? land and Toledo. Budei Parlor Car to H;:r risburg. 10:?o A. M. FAST LINE?Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Uarrisburt?. Butl'et Parlor far Harrisburg to Pittsburg. 3.30 P.M. CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS EX? PRESS -Sleeping car Washington to St Louis, and sleeping: and Dn.iugt ars Harris burg to St. Louis. Nashville, via Cincin? nati and Chicago. 7-MOlP. M. WESTERN EXPRESS?Pullman Sleeping ''ars to Pittsburg, Chicago, and Harrisburg to Cleveland. Dining Carte ('liie.'lgO. 7:20 r M. SOUTHWESTERN EXPBESS Pnllnian Sleeping Car;. Washington to PittsLnrg and Uarrishurg to SI Louis and Cincinnati. Dining Car. 10:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXPRESS?PoJlmai Sleeping Car to Pittsburg. 7.50 A. M. for Kam;. Canandaigna, Rochestei and Niagara Fails daily, except Sunday. 10:50 A. M. for Elmira and Renovo. daily, except Sunday. For Williamsport daily at 3:30 P. M. 7:2^1 P. M. for Williamsport, Bochestor, Erie, Biiilalo and Niagara Falls daily, except Saturday, with Sleeping Car Washington . re Bochestcr. 10:40 p. m. for Erie, Canandaigna, Rochester, Buffalo and Niagara Falls daily. Pullman Sleeping <'ur Washington to Rochester sat urdays only. FOB PHILADELPHIA, NEW STORK AND THE EAST. IKK) iJ. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED.' daily. :tl! Parlor Cars, with Dining Cur from Baltimore. Regular at 7 00 Dining Car). 8 00, 0 00. in (Ml (Dining Car . and 33 00 (Dining Car from Wilmington) A. M. 12 45, 3 1"?. 4 20, (Dining car from Baltimore), 6 50, 10 00. and 115?) <J. M. On Sunday 7 00 (Dining car .. 8 00, i> 00, and 11 oo (Dining Car iron: Wilmington) A. M., 12 15, 3 15, 4 20. (Dining cir from Balti? more) 6 50, 10 00 and 11 50 P.M. roi Philadelphia only. Fas-;. Express 7 50 A. M. week days. Expn-.- 12 1 5 !?' M. week days, 2 01 and 5 40 :\ M. daily. For Boston, without change, 7 50 A. M. week days, and 4 tin !'. M. c;. p,->r Baltimore 6 20, 7 00 7 50, S 00. 9 Oo. 10 00. 30 50, 11 00, A. M., and 1215. 12 45, 12 58, 2 01. 315, 3 30, 4 De? limited). 4 20. 4 36, 5 40, 615,6 50 7 20,1000, 10 40, il 15 and 13 50 P. M. On Sunday 7 00. 8 00, 9 00,9 05. 10 50 and 31 00 A. M.. and 3 215. 115, 2 01, 315, 3 30. 4 00 limited; 4 20, 5 40, >i 15. ti 50, 7 20,10 00, 1C i< an i 11 50 P. M. For Pope's Cnick Line 7 50 A. M. and 4 36 P. M. week day-, and Sumiajs '?> Of? A. M. For. Annapolis 7 oo A. M., and 5 4n P. M. daily except Sued..-?. Sunday 9 00 A. M. and 4 20 P. M. Express for Florida and points on Atlantic Coast Line. 4 3ii A. M. and 3 46 P. M. daily: Ricninond.only, 10 57 A. M. week days: Atlanta Special, via Richmond and Seaboard Air Line, t -H> i\ M. daily. Ac? commodation for Quantico, 7 45 A. M. daily, and 4 25 P. M. Week days. SEASHORE CONNECTIONS. For Atlantic City (via Delaware river bridge, all rail route; 11 CK? A. M . and 4 00 ("Congressional Limited") and 13 50 P. M. daily; 12 45 P. M. weeK days through Pullman Bullet Parlor Car) via Markot Street Wharf, LO OO and 11 oo A.M., 12 15 P. M. wiiok day.-, ami 11 50 )'. M. dailr. and 12 1 .r> P. M. Sundays only. Saturdays only :i A. M For Cape May 1000 and 11 00 A. M. and 12 45 P. M week days, 1 I 50 P. M daily. Saturdays only 0 00 .\. M. Ticket office, cornel 15to and G Streets and at the station) Sixth and B Streets, whore orders can be left for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels ami roeidoncos. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. >V(x?b. General Managet General Passenger Ageni WHOLESALE AL- RETAIL GROCERS JOHN AHERN & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS AND DEALERS IN PURE WINES & LIQUORS. We hold largely in U. S. bonded waronoiiscs and cairy in stock various brands of the best l^UKE EYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE. ._* in store sii|*rior grades of Forcigu and American WINES. ALES. BROWN STOUT. ,2*?-Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Price and Quality. "tE^ Corner Prince and Commcrco Streets. QHARLES KING At SON, WBOLESALE GBOCER9, North Lee Street, Alexandria, ?AND? South Street, Charlottesville. Sole agonu for LUCY HTNTON TOBACCO ?uid HAZARD POWDER. J C. MI LB URN. dxaleb in FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, 113 North Royal Street, Alexandria, Va Proprietor of the Potomac Brand of Flour which is unexcelled. Codecs Freshly Roasted ?.t Siore. W. A. joh-nson it co.. WHOLESALE GROCERS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in iLL KINDS OF LIQUORS. Have oa hand Gib-on's XX, XXX. XXXX and pare Old Rye, Oid Cabinet and Monogram Whiskies; also Baker's and Thompson's Pure Lye Whiskies, to which they invite the atten? tion of the trade. Orders from the country for mercandise snail receive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour. Grain and Country Produce solicited, for which thoy gnarantce tho highest market prices and prompt returns, N. E. corner Cameron and Royal streets. W. A. 8M00T. G. 9. FEENCH. A. SMOOT A CO., COAL, 8ALT AND PLASTES, iJtraniru. "Vs. Offlc*?Srooof ? -wharf. Special atwmion paM to .'erwardinj. PURE CALIFORNIA HONEY in one and two pound cans, at 20 and 35 cents per can. For medicinal and sabie use. Qusran teed absolutely tree from glucose Forsale by_r's. LEADBEATi>R dfc S< ?Na. O K ??OSS FBUIT JARS?Pint Jars ^ KJ 55c a dozen, 'Hiart do. 00^ hail gal? lon do, 80c, J. C, M1UJURN. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILROADS RAIL "W .A. Y Scnodulo effective May 1. 189 s, subject to malice without notice to the i No. 37, D?lly. 10 I'ipnj j 1 m'ipci J 5tum 3 41'nin 5 5u.ii? 7 OSmu 'j M in rii 11 37arii 8 12am - 35pm 3 S2pm 7 20pm 11 35pm No. 35. Daily. THEOUOH SCHEDULE. No. 3C, No. ;>* Dally. Dally, i) 15am Leave.Washington.-....Arrive 11 .'i-saui " .Alexandria..- " 2 15pm " .Charlottesvllle. " 3 .i5p?i " .Lynchourg. " ? 10pm " .JJauvtlle. " 7 ^Opm ArriTe...Greensboro.Leave 8 oOpui " ... .Winston-Saiem. " 1 l"ani ".R^I**lt;b. " ? 41pm 12 11'Hill 1 iMauj 4 18am 7 40a cq .....Salisbury.,. . ..Abbeville. " .Hot Springs. " ....Kncxrille.Le?ve ..('hattanroga. " 9 vipm 9 Upm 5 18pm 3 5opm 1 50pni 12 HJpni 10 oilam H5Iam 1" 47am 5 15am 4 00am I 15am 10 ?Upm C 4J?,;j 6 I7atzi 3 35am 1 5.inrr. 11 Sdpui 6 lOpru 3 <0po ?S4pni 1 25prc II 46ac. 8 2'arr 4, 9 lilaiu 12 45pm 4 ISpm 4 25pm 9 30pm 7 r>r<am 3 55pm 10 10pm 7 40am 7 4<him lo uopm 1 37ani ? " ia m 5 00am 9 loam 0 35pm 5 IOhci .Charlotte .Columbia.. .Augusta. .Savannah. (Central Time.) .?Jacksonville? .Tampa. 12 20pm ' .. 10 20pm " .. S 10pm Arrive. .Atlanta. (Central T'tne.) ...Birmingham. (Central Time.) .Memphis. " (Central Tin e.l ...New Orleans.Leave 9 25am 5 3ram ?> 30pm 11 35pm 8 00pm 7 "??u. V.I..I1, 4 20pm 5 30am 7 50am ?i Ii-l I: 5 15pn 2 litpr. 12jn,,;il H I'm,, 7 3H|u, 1 Oupn. 5 55a n 9 00pD 7 50pn. (Central Time.) Trains Nos. .'15 and .'10 connect at Calverton for and from Warrenton. LOCAL SERVICE. 8:35 a.m. Train No. 9 for Danville, Charlotte and way stations. Connects atManasau for Harrisonburg ami intermediate stations dailv and also for Staunton daily except - at Calverton for Warrenton and at Franklin Junction for Roeky Mount and inter Kai ins returning arrives at Alexandria 1 55 p. m. 5:15 p. m. Train No. 15 for Ch&rlottosviile and way stations. Connects at Calverton for Warrenton, returning arrives at Alexandria 8.05 a. m. 4:23 p.m. Train No. 13 leaves Alexandria, daily except Sunday, for Harrisoc . intermediate stations, returning arrives at Alexandria 11:35 a. m. Trains for Round Hill and intermediate stations leave Alexandria 9:07 a. in., :1aih ! ' !7;. m. and 4:40 p. m.. except Sunday, and 6:33 p.m Sundays only, and t>:33 p a for herudou. Arrive Alexandria returning from Round Hill 8:28 a. m. daily, and 'J p. m. daily, except Sunday, and 8:32 p. m. fcuudays only. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE. Nos. 37 and 38, Washington and Southwesti-rn Limited. Through Sleeping Cars l*twe?i New York and New Orleans via Atlanta and Montgomery, New York and Mempl ? Atlanta and Birmingham. New York and Tampa via Charlotte, Columbia, Savannah hci Jacksonville, uniting at Danville with Pulimau sleeper from Richmond to Augusta via Columbia, New York, and Nashville. Tenm, via Ashevillo. Knoxvillo and Chattanooga and first-class coach between Washington and Atlanta. Dining Car between Gre< n and Montgomery. Nos. 35 and 30. United States Fast Mail. Pullman Sleeping Cars between New forX and New Orleans, connecting at At'anta for and from Birmingham and Memph and New York and Jacksonville, connecting at Salisbury with Pullman sleeper for and from Ashoville and Hot Springs. North Carolina. Knoxville. Chattanooga ami Memphis and at Charlotte with Pullman sleeper for and from Augusta. Solid train between Washington m i New Orleans without change. Connect? at Lynchburg for Lexington, daily except Sunday. Sunset Personally Conducted Tourist Excursion. Through Sleeper on this tram every Wednesday to San Francisco, without change. For detaiiod schedule figures, tickets, Pullman reservation, etc., appK to FRA SK S. GANNON, A. C. MOSS. Ticket Age?, Alexandria, Va 3rd Vice President &. General Manager. W. A. TURK, J. M. CULP, Trartic Manager. General Passenger Agi nt Washington, D. C. Washington. D. C. L. S. BROWN. General Agent Passenger Dept., Washington. D. i . 11AILKOADS. \\JASHINGTON. ALEXANDRIA AND VV MOUNT YEBNON RAILROAD. In Effect May 1. 1898. f<t. Washington. Leave Alexandria, corner King ami Boyal als., hi King ati<l Washington, Eii e and Payne streets, week days, at 5 55 6 25. (j 55, 7 2o (express), 7 45 (express), S 00,8 20 oxpressi, 8 30 (express), 9 00, 930, 1000, 11 04 and 1142 a. m.'ex ? - . and L225, loo (express), 107, j 00, 2 40.3 00 (express), 3 40, 4 15, 4 38 press), 5 00, 5 31 f express j, 5 45, 6 10 express . 6 25, 7 00. 7 15 icxpressj, 8 15, :>15, lo 15 ami 11 15 p. m. Sundays-7 00, 8 00. 9 oO. 9 40, 10 30, 11 15 a.m., 12 00 noon, 12 45, 1 SO, 2 15, 3 00, :: 45. 4 30, 5 15, 6 00. 0 45, 7 30, 8 15, 915, 10 15 and 1115 p. m. FOB ALEXANDRIA, l^oave Washington, from the corner o Pennsylvania avenue and l'.iK, street, week days, 6 30, 7 05, 7 35 (express), H(Hi, S35, 8 59, 1000,1100 and 1145 a. m. 12 05 (express) 12 20, 1 15, 1 45. 2 05 ? spress . 2 40, 3 00 (express), 3 25, 3 59 express), 4 15 (express). 4 5(), 5 05,5 20 exnress . 5 40. 6 05 (express), 6 30, 7 06, 7::'."? I runs to Payne street only), 8 00, '.) OO, 10 00, !1 20 and 11 5!? n. no. Sundays?7 45, 8 45,!? 45, 10 30, 11 16 m., 12 00 noon, and 12 45, 1 30, 2 L5, 3 00, 3 45. 4 3D, 5 15, 600, li 45, 7 30, 8 15, 9 00. in 00and 11 20 p. m. for mount vkrnun. Leave Alexandria for Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 02, 8 35, 10 3.2, 1132 a. ni. and 12 32, 1 47. 2 32, 3 32, 4 43, 7 10 and '?> 32 p. m. Sundays-7 30, 8 20 and 1020 a. m., 12 35, 2 :>0, 4 35, 7 16 and 9 32 p. m. Leave Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 40, 914 and 11 14 a. m. and 12 40. 1 33, 2 40, 4 10. 5 05, 5 33,8 20 and 10 20 p. m. 1 save Mount Vernon. Sundays, at 8 lO, u Od and 11 25 a. m. and 1 40, 3 55, 5 20, S oo and 10 20 p m. Leave Arlington Junction for Arlington and Bosslyn hourly. Baggage (150 pound free checked from all stations. Parcels carried on all trains at the follow? ing rates: Under lO pounds. 5 cents: 10 to 25 pounds, 10 cents; over 25 to 50 pounds, 15 cents Freight canied daily, morning and even? ing, in each direction at freight rates. Tickets are sold at the offices of the Bail road Company at tho following rates: bare, Alexandria to Washington, 15 cents round-trip. 25 cents. G. E. Abbot, Geo. B. Phillips. General Manager. (ienera! Passenger Agt, SJLrLAMEKS. ?fVTASHINCiToN STEAMBOAT COM VV PANY (LIMITED.) CHEAP AND PLEASANT EXCURSIONS. Bound Trip, 3 5 Cents. Until further notice the following ferry schedule will be iu force: Leave Washington i Leave Alexandria. A. M A. M. Columbia. 6 1o Belle Haven.... 6 00 Belle Haven.... 0 40 Columbia. 6 50 ( olumSia. 7 3o Belie Haven. 7 30 Belle Haven.... 8 oo Columbia. 8 00 Columbia. 8 30 Belle Haven.... 8 30 Bcllo Haven. !' 30 Columbia._ 9*30 Columbia. 10 30 Beile Haven... 10 30 Belle Haven.... 11 30 Columbia.11 30 i P. M , P. M. Columbia.12 30 , Belle Haven... 12 30 Belle Haven.... 1 30 , Columbia.1 30 j Columbia. 2 30 Belle Havou.... 2 30 Belle Havon..._ 3 30 Columbia._ 3 30 Columbia. 4 30 Belle Haven. 4 30 Belle Haven.... 5 30 Columbia ..._)i5 30 Columbia. <> 30 jjcile Haven.... 0 30 Bebe Haven. 7,30 ia. 7 30 N. B. Same schedule Sundays, commencing at 8 30 a. m. POTOMAC RIVER LANDINGS?STEAM EB V.'AKEFIELD leaves Washington Mon? days at 7 00 a. m., and Alexandria at 8 00 a. m., for landings as far as Nomini and on Wednesdays and Saturdays at same bourn for St. Clemont's Bay and Loonardtown. C. W. RIDLEY, General Manager. JOHN B. PAD1 .-ETT. Agent._ ALLY LINE TO NORFOLK AND FOBT BESS MONBOE. 1 lie Norfolk and Washington Steam boat Company Will run a DAILY LINE, commencinr on Mcnday, March 30, with tbelr new and pow ?rial iron steamers NEWPORT NEWS, WASHINGTON AND NORFOLK, Leaving tha wharf at the foot of Prince itra? at 7 03 p. m. Betuxning will leave Norfolk at 5 45 p. m. Suijlo fare ?3. Bound trip $5. C. W. WATTLES, Agent, No 2 Prinr? ct-rani PE?CALE StllBTS.?Latest style-, sou or stiff bosoms also Naiusoox aud Silk fronts, just received at A. C &LAY.Y1 A K Bft'fl, DRUGGISTS. K STABLISHED 1792. K 8. Li'A.DHEATEB. 0. C. LEADHKATKH. E. 6. LEaDBEATEB. JB, J. LZADEZATER E. S. IEADBEATER U SONS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEI G 105 84.4 107 loath Fairfax ?reut. Dealers in Drugs, Chemicals, Patenl M&li. dues. Faints, ?, Dye Stuffs. Spices, ? gists' Fancy Go/is and SjKJcialties. Wholesale agei.'J? in Northern Virjf J. C. Ayer's Modie.nos and John Lue,- &Co.'i Tinted Gloss and Prepared Paints, Ac. Manufacturers of Standard Pharma Preparations. Wo have made large additions to oiu n ( and are buying leading Proprietor/ Art et Chemicals, Ac, direct fr.?ia the man ... Wo are therefore enable.I to supply tl e with all goods usually carried by s Wi pointed WHOLESALE DRUG HOUS prices as low as those gi*tn by tne best in largor cities. All goo<Is forwardod by i ? ft ilght or express after re. nipt of order. Promptness is our specialty. We gnai mi - the purity of all drugs tarnished, Coi snoudonce invited. w ARFIELD A HALL, DRUGGISTS. OOSNEB PRINCE AND FAIRFAX - Prescriptions a specialty. English, French. Gorman and Domutfa Toilot Soaps; Genuine Farina Coiojcim , Mag? nolia, Hetlyasimia. Geranium and F Water; Genuine Lubin's Extracts; Bl Hair Brushes and Onobs : Wit Engl:-!. Brushca; a full assortment of Patenl .oi; Coxo's Gelatine, Corn Starch, Si ?? 1 .nine. Spices of all kinds, and a select stock of all articles sold by druggists at prices as * as the same quality can !hj obtained claewhi '<? F. CREIGHTON A CO.. w. Wholesale and Retail Dealers b DECGS. CHEMICALS, PAINTS, ija> MEDICINES. OILS, DYE STUFF* GARDEN SEEDS, Ac. Csrasr Ring and Royal rtrMU. Alexandria Virg Ph sioiamr" Prescriptions carefully i pounded. Orders will receive prompt attentioi Kennebec Ice. I Carload lots and country order- a -; ? j Ordets from families solicited ami ; : attended to. ; Leave orders with drivers of REU WAG j ONS or by postal card or telephone. Prompt service and satisfaction gun inti i |WM. M. REARDOX NO. 6 STRAND. Between King and Prince streets, Telephone No. 5U. DJ -1 ? DR. J. H. LAWLER Has Removed From Cameron street. I -'J North Pitt Street. DR. J. H. LAWLER, D. V.S., GRADUATE OF N. Y. COLLEGE OF V?T ERINABY SURGEONS. Ringbones, Spavin and all Lam* d Horse Cured. Cows and Do?s Treated. Besidcnce 108 north Pitt street. Office at R. L. Myers A Co.'a stable-i. Boll 'phone No. 31-R Homo 'phone No. 30. Alexandria' c* TO? WILL KIN I) GRANDMA'S COUGH CANDY a carefully medicated drop, a great conil when suffering from throat trouble 01 effects of a cold, especially at bedtime, ? v iug inflammation and wooing elee;i. Spest' ers and singers are invite to try them. ??f Price 5c at all Stores. "TiC; The GEORGE R. HILL CO., ALEXANDRIA. VA. TRAVELERS' LUNC CUBAN HOT SHOT, NEW CBACKEBS AND CAKES J US I UPON THE MABKET. _ FIVE CENTS FOR A QUART OF - CRACKERS. Everybody can afford to eat Cracker- no*. Ask your dealer. JHILL BAKERY N. B Co . 1 PILLOW INHALERS cure w sleep by applying curative air to U gases of the nose, throat and longs ?11 D'r For catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, cos.j etc Ask for descriptive pamphleta E. 8. LEADBEATER ? SO>& Sole Agents for Alexandria ami Wast TRY A BOTTLE OF LEADBEAjE^ fc COMPOUND EXTRACT I >F b' R1LLA, combined with Iodide of l"00^, and Iron. Formula on every bottle.