Newspaper Page Text
SIKDICLWU A Maiden's Dream. .?and? of young omen dream lay drrams of the [youthful hero and .husband that : is to lead them to the altar $P of wed - lock ? dreams that are fated never to come true be? cause of the ill-health of the f a { r dreamer. Young heroes now-a-days are hard - beaded rather than hard - hearted. They know from reading and hearsay that a young v : in who suffers from weakness and dis t in a womanly way cannot we!! prove a . ? hi Ipful, amiable wife and mother. ? ucians tell young men that weakness - Ute of the feminine child-begetting :::nke women sickly, nervous ? . clem in spite of the best of nat .~::i?'tis. Dr. Pierce's Favorite iption makes these organs strong, v rigorous and elastic. It fits for I and motherhood. It allays in ? :; heals -.'lceration and soothes [( I me* and steadies the nerves, es away with the qualms of the period ? exi tancy and makes baby's advent . .... ad ?t painlesa. It frees rnater , ;, ; peril It insures the newcomer's ':>: Pierce is an eminent, and skill ? who, during bis thirty years' cs. ri*enc< is chief consulting physician l great Invalids? Hotel and Surgical I, . it Buffalo, N. V.. has treated s >f women. He will answer letters from women, free. v rj many women who have become [thy wives and mothers through Di Pierce's Favorite Prescript permitted their experiences, . ?-.-. addresses and photographs to be ? ' in Dr Pierce's Common Sense riser This great home med rk Now it is free, h atains i.ooS pages and over300illustra t : . Several chapters are devoted to the hvsiology of women. For '. "opy send 2t one-cent ?? mailing only, to the nsary Medical Association, i ; S V Cloth binding. ,11 stamps ' VIS0R?M Easily,Quickly, Permanently Restored MAGNETIC NERVINE w??"" ire to Cure Insomnia, Fits. Dizziness, Hvsteria; Debilitv, Lost Vitality, Losses, .; r>-?the result of Over-work; Worry, K.rro'rs <?'? V?-urd <>r Over-indulgence. Price 50c. and Si: $ boxes $6. isiiive and lasting results in Sexual itency, Nervous Debility and Lost \ dity, Blue Label Special-??'??'!?' trjve strength and tone to every part , :nt cure. Cheapest and best. 100 fillsby mail. FREE?\ bottlcof the famous Japanese Liver i' :sm een with a fi box or more of Mag? netic Xci . . Sold only by ? .ve ); 701 king sti:i:i:t. i ? ,. Salt-lwltcum und Eczema. itching and smarting, inci liseases, is instantly allayed | 4 Chamberlain's Eye and uent. Many very Lad cases 11 permanently cured by it. It ly efficient for itching piles nnd remedy for sore nip]?lfs. hands, chilblains, frost bites . Iironic sore eyes. 35 cts. per box. lb 1 ; d y's Condition Powders, are . * .1 horse needs when in bad Tonic, blood purifier and \ ? . They are not food but t* and the best in use to put a h ?? in prime condition. Price 25 For OverFtftr Years Ks 1 li.n \si> Well-Tried Remedy.?Mrs ilhing Syrup has boon used for tj years i y millions of mothers for ? hi -tr.?ii wliilo toothing, with perfect ? soothes the child, softens the cams, ?v , pain, eure? wind colic, and in the ilj f'ir l>iarrh<n?. Is pleasant to tho laste. Be 1 by Druggists in evory part of tho world, Twenty-five cents a bottlo. Its value i ilahlo. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wins uw'i Soothiug 8yrup and uka no other kind. "I think I 'Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo i* the ?ration on tho maiket for pi es." ^ C Dunn, of Wheeling, W. I and you will think tho same. ? ?> ? ? ? oczoma and all skin diseases. Charles O. Leuuoa. ^TfENl ion, farmers AND GRAIN de ale's. GLOBE IVCIXiXiS, OF alexandria, virginia, fu ly equipped with the latest mod lo dato uiachi.iery to mike FLOUR : \ M KA L, and will use sumo 500,000 bus] cb of train The buhest cash maike*'- price will In paid ? II ship or bring their grain to ?ur min. persons sending us simples will re best ;> ~s b e b'da by return mail. ? Mills will h? .*? ond t ? none, and *< he glad to have yon ex mine aud rices on on diff< rent brands of Hour, ' ' sal and mill feed; ? lers received by wiro. telephone or ?"nil promptly fillel Vo pwtfullv. .1 W. EMME' T & CO.. _ ? 23 I' ?lex Midrit. Va 'NO. !'. ROBINSON, GEO. S. FRENCH pTKsiilout. Socrotary. Alexandria Fertilizer and Chemical Company, MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Fertilizer Materials and Blue Windsor Ground Plaster, princess street, between union AND LEE, . ?nl4 ALEXANDRIA. VA._ 5,000,000 POUNDS SUMAC WANTED, For which I will guarantee tho highest mar in rtASH, and furnish bags for snip? 's ng free, Write for quotations. H BAADER, -11, 213, 'Jl.r> mid 217 Kins street. "-"?"? M< xaiHria. Virginia. rpE*8.?Having a large stock of TEAP, * bought befoie the duty of 10c per pound ??w placed 00 Tea, 1 will to'l for some timo ! Prices _' C Mil B'TRN. 1> lk MILLEK'3 INSECT powder? Mni ^l r' l' V,',t * f'Mn supply of poLK M1L1.k..S ITAI IAS IXSK'W ! O VDE8 at _ 'V\;th- r> ? f.'T.S A ?Ecf/<*wfaUy ***** J.CVJiTLBUBN, fUBUHHED DAILY AWD TBJ-WKKKLY AT Gazette Building.810 * 812 Prince at TEEMS: Daily. I Tri-Weekly. ? Year.$5 00 1 Yoar.$3 00 6 Months. 2 50 6 Months. 1 50 5 Months. 1 25 3 Months. 75 1 Month. 43 1 Month. 25 1 Week. 10 Ul tranaient adverasomanr? mast be paid /or ni advance. 'ontract advertisers will not be allowed to ex? ceed thoir space unloas the excess is paid for at transient rates, and under no circum stances will thoy be allowed to advortise othor than their legitimate business in the space contracted for. Carriage and death notices must be paid for in advance. Resolutions in memoriam, of thinks, tributes of respect, resolutions adopted by sociotios or porsons, unless of public concern, will Ionly be printed in this paper a? advertise? ments. i he Gazette office ii connected with the Telephono Exchanges. Advertisements, or <!-.!!> for the papor, nows or any infoimation or f? can be sent by telephone. Entered at the Postoffice Alexandria, Virgin, j la. as soeond-class matter."! I LAW'S FOR SANTIAGO. The following State paper was issued last night by direction of Pret-i lent Alc Cinliy, providing in general terms for the goveruoient of the Province ol Santiago : Adjutant Gkneral 'a Office, 1 Washington, July is, istis. } General Sbafter, Santiago, Cuba : I The following isseut you for your iti toruiaiion and guidance. It will be published iu such manner iu both Eug lish aud Spanish as will give it the ?vidtst circulation in the territory under your control : Executive Mansion, ) Washington, July 18,1S9S. / To the Secretary of War : Sir :?Tne capitulation of the Spanish forces in Santiago de Cuba and iu the eastern part of the province of Santiago, ?nd the occupation of the territory hy tb? f trees of toe United States, reader i' necessary to instruct the military ??oiruander of the United States as to i ?- conduct which he is to observe luring i.'i<> military occupation. Tile first ? licet t i the military occu !?> i;.n i>l ibe enemy's territory is the severance of the former political rela ious ol the inhabitants, and the esub i hment of a new political power. L*.ider this changed conditiou of tbiugs, aie inhabitants, so long as they pei ortn their duties, are entitled to se? curity iu their persons and properly, md iu all their private rights aDd rela? tions. It is my desire that the inhabi? tants of Cuba snould b.< acquainted wi h the purpose of the United States to discharge to the fullest exteut its ou isjatioiis in this regaid. It will there lore be the duty ol the commander of the army of occupation to announce tml proclaim iu the most public man? ner that -.?ecome not to make war upon the inhabitants of Cuba, nor upon any party or faction among them, but to protect them in their homes, in their employments, aud iu their personal and religious rights. All persons who, either by active aid or by honest sub miasioo, cc-operu'.o with the United StaU s in its etlorts to give efl.-ct to this beneficent purpose, wnl receive the re? ward uf its support and protection. Our occupation should be as free from se? verity as possible. Though the powers of the military occupant are absolute und supreme, and immediately operate upon the po litical condition of the inhabitants, the municipal laws of the conquered terri tory, such as t-H'-ot private rights of person and property, and provide for the punishment of crime, art? cousiler ed as continuing in force, so far as the\ are compatible with the new order ol things, until they are suspended or su perseded by the occupying belligerent, and iu practice they are not u.-ually ab rotated, but are allowed to remain in force, and to be administered I y the 0' - diuary tribunals, substantially as they -.vere before the occupation. This en ligbtcued practice is, so far as possible, 11 tie adhered to on the present occa s on. The judges aud the other olli cials connected with the administration of justice may, if tbey accept the su? premacy of tne United Slates, continue to administer the ordinary law of the land, as between man and man. under the supervision of the American commander-in-chief. The uaiive constabulary will, so far as may be practicable, be preserved. The freedom of the people to pursue their accustomed occupations will be abridg? ed only when it may be necessary to do so. While the rule of conduct of the American will be such as has just been defined, it will be his duty to adopt measures of a differ? ent kind, if, unfortunately, the course of the people should render such meat i r !S indispensable to the maintenance of law :uid ortler. He will then pos sess the power to replace or expel the native officials in part or altogether, to sibs i ute new courts oi his own con? stitution for those that now exist, or to create t-uch uew or supplementary tri? bunals as may be necet-sary. Iu the exercise of these high powers the com? mander must be gu:d d by his judg? ment and his experience, and a high sense of justice. One ot the most important and most practical problems with which it will be necessary to deal isthat of the treat? ment of property and the collection and administration of the revenues. It is conceded that all public funds and securities belonging to the government | of the country in its own right, and all arms aud supplies and other movable j property of such government, may be seized * by the military occupant and converted to his own use. The real property of the State he may hold and administer, at the same time enjoying the revenues thereof, but he is not to destroy it save in the c+ae of military necessity. All public means of transportation, such as telegraph lines, cables, railways and boats belong i ig to the State may be appropriated to his use, but unless in case of military necessity they are not to be destroyeu. All churches and buildings devoted to religious worship and to the ans mid SC i-CK-ej, all school houses, ar , .->> far a-* possible, to b ? protected; ami all tie strucliou or mtentioual delacenient of such places, or historical monmaeuto ox archives or of works of science or art is prohibited, save when required by ur? gent military Drcessily. Private property, whether belonging to individuals or corporations, is to be j respected, ai d can be confiscated only as hereafter indicated. Means of traus portatiou, nucb as telegraph lines and cubits, railways and boats, may, al? though they belong to private indi? vidual- or corporations, bu seized by the military occupant, but uulessdt Stroyed under military necessity, are uot tu be retained. While it is held to be the right of the conqueror to levy contributions upon the enemy iu their seaports towns or provinces which may be in his military possession by conquest, and to apply the proceeds to defray the expense of the war, this right is to be exercised within such liini'aii ns thai it may not savor of confiscation. As the re? sult of military occupation tue taxes ami duties payable by the inhabitants I to the former government become pay I able to the military occupant, unless he sees fit to substitute for them other I rates or modes of contribution to the j expenses of the government. The moneys so collected are to be used f ?r j the purpose of paying the expenses of the government under the military oc? cupation, such as the salines of the judges and police, and b>r the payment of the expenses of the army. Private property taken for the use of the army is to be paid for when pos sihle in cash at a fair valuation, and when payments in cash are not possible receipts are to be given. All ports and places in Cuba which may be in the actual possession of our land and navi-1 forces will be opened to the commerce ot all neutral nations, as weil as our own, in articles not contra band of war, upon payment of the pre? scribed mu s of duty which may bo in force at the time ol the importation. W illiam McKlNl-EY. By order of i be S. cretary of Wat: H. C. C'OBBIN, Adjutant Geuerul. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E Ruckten & Co., Chicago und gi t a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trill will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in the cure ol Constipation and Sick Head? ache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proven invaluable. Tbey are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. Tbey do not weaken by their action, but 1-y g v iug tone to the stomach and bow? els great!) invigorate the Bystem. Rj?? gular size 25s. per box. Sold at E S. L9adbeater A- Sous' Drug Store. Win your Lattice against disease by acting promptly. One Minute Cough Curo produces immediate results. When takon early it pre? vents consumption. And in lat'ir stagos it famishes nronmt relief. Charles G Lennou. pit's GOODS. MEN'S SILK Outimr Shirts. Will open on Saturday, July 10, ?mother new assortment of Men's Silk Outing Shirts. These Shirts are made expressly for summer wear and cannot fail to porforra tho functions rtno to their construction and 'o keep limn cool. Prices $1 and $1 50. O. M. ADAMS. MEN'S FANCY HALF HOSE. A n(\v line of Men's Half Hosu in small, medium and largo polka dots, U. S. flag design, figures, etc. The body of tho hose is navy hluo, double sole with extra high double heel. S'zes 9J to 11. Price 25c. C. M. ADAMS. AMERICAN LADY CORSETS. The American Lady Corsets tit liko no other i orset*. It's the nniy inado Co'Set for comfort, stylo aud durabil? ity A fault is a thing unknown to wearers of the American Lady Cor soti Why experiment with worth loss imitations'.' Sizes 19 to 30. C. M. ADAMS. SUSPENDERS Suspenders that will wear for one year without a break, rip or any signs of deterioration must be some? thing above tho oriinary frail Sus? pender sold by ret-ul stoics. The Atwood Suspenders will wear longer than any Suspender made and it's wearers will substantiate this state? ment. Why risk a pair of fiuo fitting pants with a Snspeaoer with no mer? it? Prices 25c and 5(>c C. M ADAMS. 411 Kiiig street. AC* 1 DETAINS -Handsome assortment _oOc 75c, $1 to $L25 per pair, just -od ni A. C SLAYMAKKK'S. i gfdaived it r?KY GOODS. BRILLIANT ?IN? Wc have concluded to sell, beginning with this week, Lawns and Mulls, India Linen 5 Batiste, Bicycle Suit ings, Percals, Duck? ings and colored and white Piques as fol? lows : 12Jc LAWNS.NOW 0( 12c VEEoNA MILLS.NOW Cc 10c INDIA LINEN.NOW 6< 10c PEECALS, 36 in. wide.NOW 74? 12c BICYCLE SUITING.NOW lOi 25c " .VOW 12 15c 40 in. Wido BATIPT LAWN. N< I V 74 All colors in PIQUE.NOW 12? :57c Brocaded BUCK GOODS.NOW 20? BIG REDUCTION IS OUR SIL DEPARTMENT. PLAID SILK SEDUCED TO 39c LA DIES' SILK PUFF SCABFS, former!) 39c, now 25c. There are lots of other goods which we havi not tho space to mention. The DIX E HOSQUITO FE AM 58 and NETS, although just introduced, are bcine adoptod at the best residences, hotels and hospitals in every city where they are shown They require no Stopladdor tr> put them ur and they are always in working order. Come in and ask for a circular which es plains all about them. GREAT EEDU< ITON IN MATTING-' TRUNKS! TdUN*8! TRUNKS! All sizes, styles ;.nd prices. We have this day reduced all of our 12^'' and 15c Lawns to 10c. 8c and 10c Lawns reduced to 5c. Also 25c and 37c French Orga' dies, choice 15c :>00 yards of Remnants of Organdies at I ? White, Blue and Pink Pique bhirt Waists just received. I. Eichberg & BUILDING MATEBIAIi. QMOOT & 00. (Successors to J. Rector Smoot & Co.) STEAM FLOORING & PLLNING MILI, Manufacturers of WX)R AND WINDOW FRAMES, MODI D INGS, &c. 0 ? ALERS IN LUMBER, 8HINGLE6, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PLASTER and CEMENT No. 25 north Union street, Alexandria, Va. ?? ? hf?r dnlivnr<vl frfn? in tho '-Hi [Establishes 1H?2.J IuxiaH H. D SMOOT LUMBER, ?hinglaa, Lathi, Nails, Cement, Calcined Plaster. &c. MAirUTACTUaEBa 0? FLOORING, DOORS, SASH, 3LIND8 FRAMES, MOULDINGS, MANTELB, AND ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORE Office and yard No. 21 north Union street Factory Nos. 13 and 15 north Loo st., Alex? andria, Va. No charge for dolivary in city. FOR SALE OK RENT. jpi.OK SALE AT A LOW PRICE?THE MOUNT VERSOS COTTON FACTORY At ALEXANDRIA, Vft. Address R. F. KNOX, my3l 210 King Street. F OR RENT OR LEASE. The BUILDING on tho northeast cornel of King and Union streets, tho best stand in the city for a grocory. Possession givor. on the first of May. Apply at this office. apl tf F OB RENT. SIX ACRES OF LAND at Lochabor, just north of the city limits. Good ulaco for a profitable market garden. Apply at thil offion dec23 tf w WANTED. ANTED? EVERYBODY TO BE THEIR OWN (JAS WORKS. Call at 319 King street and see the greatest invention ever on the market !or LIGHT? ING, COOKING aud HEATING?A SAV? ING OF SEVENTY-FIVE PER CENT. THE VIRGINIA AUTOMATIC je25 1m GAS MACHINE COMPANY CASTILE SOAP and Turkish Bath Cloth This soap is made from pure Olive Oi pressed from prime fresh olives, retaining the natural color of the fruit. Price 10c TT- o T.PAnRKATFP. k SONS ANOTHER bale of that extra heavy UN BLEACHED COTToN to ruu at oc Best value ever offered at price. Just re? ceived at * r -;r.AY'.r VKEgg MALL WINTER CUBED HAMS for sumaier use, very fine, for aalo at 12c by J. C. MLuBU?N. s DItY GOODS. our midsummer Clearing Sale Begins This Week. EVERY PIECE OF SUMMEB STOCK MUST BE SOLD, NO MATTER WHAT PBICE8 THEY BBlNG. ?2-&-CALL EARLY, f-OMK OF THE LOT8 ABE SMALL. Figured Lawns, sold for Sc, 10c and 12h2c, at 5c j?er yard. Percals and Batisto3, 40 inches wide, worth 1 2 <?_,<?, at 5c. 8iilid Color Grenadines, all ovoning shades, worth 1 2'?>'?, at 5;:. Duck Suitings in so'id navy, black, also ligurod, worth l'^Ci at 5c. Remnants Pino Figured Lawns, worth 10c, at .1c. Solid Color Lawns 3c. Odd Lot Assortod Try Goods Bemnants at lie Shirting Prints, worth 5c, at 27;6c. Good Quality Apron Ginghams at 37/ac. Hest Quality Indigo Prints at 3%c. Shaker Flanuol at 3"dc. White W ool Baby Flannel at 15c. All onr 25c >nd 30c Figured French Or gaudics at 35c. Yard-wide White Cambric, worth 30c, at Gc. Yaid-widc Fruit of tho Loom Cot.on, full pieces, fi'kc. Androscoggin and Wirker Mills Bleachod Cotton, full pieces, tt 5"ac. Pride of tho West Cotton Bemnants at 6%c. A Yard Wic"e Hloached Cotton 3"'?c. In iia Linens, 40 inches wide, lUc quality at 5c. White and Colored Piques, worth 35c, at 8 :. Fast Black Plaid Lawns, worth 32<fcc> Hi 5%c Assorted Lot of Iudia Linons and Check N"aiiisook at 3c. Swiss and Cambric Embioideries, worth 5c at 2~nr Valenciennes Laces 3c, 2c and 3c per yard Another Lot of those Oc Laces and Insert ings to mat -h. Ladies' Kumrnor Corsets 2?c. All our ?Oe Wash 8ilks at 25c All our 25c Do'.tod Swisses at 35c. Crash Suiting, worth 12H2c, at 7^c. Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists t 25 : Ladies' White India Linen Shirt Waists at 12>.2c. Ladies' $1 Wrappers d r 59c. Gouts' Washable Ties lc. Ladies' 10c Vests for 5c Geuts' Heavy Unbleached Joan Drawers ?t21c. (tents' Bleached Joan Drawoia, double seat, at 25c. We luve reduced every grade of Matting. Diu't buy until you get our pti es. Ladies' Muslin and (otton Corset Coveia at 10c Ladies' Tucked Muslin Drawers 19c, L-tdies' Muslin Drawers, cambric rulllos, it 20c Ladies' Princess Gowns, embroidery triin ?ned, sailor collar-:, 50c. Ladies' Chemise, embroidery and lace trim tned. 29c. BIG Bl ANKET SALF. 20) PAIR SAMPLE BLANKETS TO BE SACRIFICED. $7 50 Blankets for $5. 15 " 83.25. 54 ?' $2.75. $3 " ?2. $2 50 " $3.75. $2 " $1.25. SI.50 " $1. 75c " fi9c. SI " 09c. 50c " 37V. White Spreads, hemmed ready for nso, 47c. BOOK9, STATIONERY^&C^ French's Bookstore, 417 A 419 KING STBEET. ?>UR BICYCLE AND SPOBTING GOODS BUSINES3 THIS SEASON will bo on tho most comprehensive scale, tfot one point has been overlooked to make ours the most interesting Bicycle and Sport? ing Goods Department in this State. Our pi ices mean a b'g saving for yon. Wo have now roady for your inspection tho ,l98" viODELS of tho "IMPKB1AL WHEELS," the-KO lightly-kind. Price $50. Tho. New Thomas Bicycle, price $50, and the Arabian Wheels, price $40, known tho world over as the American beauties. The high grade, the great popularity, tho excellent reputation of these three loading makes are unquestioned. We invite comparison with othor wheels ad? vertised at much higher prices. If you fail to inpect '"The Imperial," "The Thomas" and ?The Arabian" boforo purchasing, don't blame your bad luck on us. BICYCLE SnNDBIES. A large assortmont of standard brands very lowest prices. BICYCLES FOB HIBE by the hour, day, wcok or month. No rattle? traps. RoiiERT W. French. Carne's Bookstore, 703 King Street A FULL LINE OF FINE 8TATI0NEBY ALWAYS ON HAND. Wo soil PAUL'S INKS which are non. spillablo and non-evaporating and cost only 10 CENTS A BOTTLE. Orders takon for Music at Washington Prices. BOOKS CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. LEGAL NOTICES. I^XECDTOR'S NOTICE.?Persons having j claims against the estate of the late Mrs LOUISA ?NOWDEN are lequested to present them duly authenticated for pay? ment, and those indebte 1 to her estate are requested to make prompt payment, jyl HUBEfcT SNuWDEN, Executor. BUI THE NEW FRUIT JAR. Tuo Machino Made Fruit Jar is the Best Jar Made. Smooth Tops Like Table Tumbers. No Bubbles or Glass Threads. No Higher in Price Than the Old Common Kind. E. J. Miller and Co., Sole Distributors for Alexandria, Va. "NDIA LINENS?Another lot, 40 inch?a - wide, extra, at 10c; 36 inches wide at 8c. _A. C. SLAY vAKEB. EOSCOKO, something new, just received, for sale by J.C.MILBUBN. P URY GOODS. DRY GOODS. CHAPMAIT'S, 424 and 42(5 King Street. MIDDLE OF JULY SALE. This, of course, means an a!l-arounl bargain sale. True, our stock has been very much reduced by au unusually good Juue trade, but this fact places us in a position to offer to our customers fresh new goods at SPECIAL PRICES from wholesale men who are willing at this season to make grjat sacrifices in order to reduce stock. Among the specials this week will bo found ? 12 pieces Linen Effects in Dress Waist aud Skirt goods, just tho thing you want for comfort at this season. Sold the first i f the season at 10c. July for this lot 1c per yard. 1 lot of Men's Colored Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. Worth 50c. July price to close 25c. Manhattan Cob red Shirts after July 15th $1.25. Ladies' Lislo Thread Stockings, drop stitch? ed, double heel at.d toe. July price 25c. Ladies' White Duck Skirts. Manilla nouuee, very pretty, $1.39. Ladies' Shirt Waists. July price -lit >. Men's Lisle Thread Half Hose, plain, tan and black, also fancy. July price 25c. Ladies' Corset Covers. Special July price 13c. Ladies' Lawn Wrappers, very pretty and up-to-date in style and finish, $1.19. j L' dies' Summer Corsets. July price 39c. I One lot 4-4 Percale, 8Jc quality. July price 5c. j One ease 4-4 White Cotton, same as wo ? cleared out so quickly too weeks ago. Only 1,200 yards in this case. In it you will find Pride of the West, Now York Mills, Fruit of the Loom aud fine Cambric. July price <><? 40-inch India Linen. July prico 84c , 20 dozen large size Towels. July prico 10c 500 yards White Goods for Aprons. July price 5c. 9-4 Sheeting, very cheap at July prico ISc. ?JO inch Brown Cotton. July price 4Jc. 100 Silk Gloria Umbrellas. July prico 98c 1 lot I adies' Shirt?. t::ped neck a: d arm July price 5c. 1 lot Ladies' Lis.e Thread Bhirts. July price 25c 1 lot 72-iuch Table Damask. July price 50e ^serAOENTS FOB THE STANDARD PATTERNS.tS^ CHAPMAN'S, 424 and 426 KING STREET. FLO CR. FLOUR. Far ahead of all competitors! Tho Flour that gives peafect satisfaction! How oft n you have blamed tho oven ; thought it was too hot or too cold, when all tho time tho fault lay in the tlour. There is no em h trouble // with "SENATOR," because it always bakes alike And such dolicious biscuiti aud cakes as it makes ! Don't lot your grocer sell you something elso that ho wants to get rid of. Insist upon having SENATOR. CHARLES KING & SON, ALEXANDRIA, VA. _JJHINA, GLISSWAKK, &v. Seasonable Bargains D : AT: MILLER & CO.'S :0: We invite jour attention to aotne big re? duction ou certain goods that we pish to close out for OaSH : TERRA COTTA J?RDINIERES, 7 inches, were 50c, now 35c each TERRA COTT?. JARDINIERES, 8 inches were GOc, now 40c each TERRA COTTA JARDINIERES, it inchos wore 75c, now 50c. 2 PRINTED DINNER SETS. 100 pieces ? ne or two small pieces chipped, were $8 a set, now $4. IMPORTED LEMONADE SETS with H' rered Tray, wore $1 75, row $1. Half crate of BEST EN(4LI?H WHITE PORCELAI^E at comrir i: ware price. Very low prices on TABLE TUMBLERS, JELLY GLASSES and FRUIT JARS. 'nothorlotof WIDE MOUTH JARS for large fruit. ?*TASK TO SEE THE-E AND GET OUR PBICE?.-153& EJ.Miller&Co. 317 King Street. F?RNIT?RE. The Furniture House?li?l King street Cash and Credit. SummerGoods 0: Mattings from 9c up. Refrigerators and Ice Chests from $4 up. Lawn Settees from 90c up. Pictures Framed on Short Notice. 1 Men and Sons. FINE LINE GENTLEMEN'S DRESS SHIRTS, best material and perfect fit, at all prices, at A.O RT.AYMAKKR'?. TT.T) CREAM CHEESE just received by J.O. MiLBURN CLOTHING, furnishings, &o. Our i) And Have Passed a Rigid Examination. SERVICEABLE SPBING SUITS, all sizes at $4, $1.50 and $5. ALL WOOL SUITS at $0 and $6 50. Our lino of $7.50 ALL WOOL 8?TT8, French faced and well tailored in a dozen different patterns, are ready for the fray and prepared to test tho issue with any $10 lino shown by others. Wo are justly proud of our $9, $10, $12 and >14 REGIMENT, as it has proven in? comparable and invincible A small army of B'?Y8' KNEE PANTS 8riT8 frodi $1.25 to $G, and a battalion of separate KNEE PANT8 from 25c to $1 50. BICYCLE SriTS and separate PANTS in golf and blocmera as low in price as tho low? est. SUITS TO ORDER from $13.50 up. A full liHe of GENTS' FURNISHINGS. GOLF HOSE. BELTS, ETC A Nii-kle Vest Pocket Cup given with every purchase of $5 or over. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIG AND Y0?B MONEY BACK ON DEMAND R. Lee Field, ONEPRICE CLOTHIER Si FURNISHER NO. 304 KING 8TBEET. SAILING IS EASY Whon the tide is with yon. Our tide is Al workmen. Al goods and hundreds of styles to choose from. As special inducements wo have on sale a fico line of IMPOETED CHEVIOTS, BLUE, BLACK and GBAY SERGES. Suit3 to order $1S. Trousers $4 Don't spoil your good suit by old stylo or cheap looking neckwear. Tho kinds to match our suits aro all here under one roof. ROBERT T. GRIMES, MERCHANT TAILOB a w d GENT8' FUBNISHEB. 322 King Street. : Alexandria, Vs. "IiHEINGOLD," "MONBIJON" and "CAM? EO WARE in Salads. Cakes, Nut Dishes, A. D. Coffees, Chocolates, Celeries, and other fancy pieces. We invite your inspection of this ware Nothing iike it ever offered in Alexandria and imported direct to our order. E. J. MILLER A CO., 317 King Street : Alexandria, Va. J~Tm3.?B. C. WILLIAMS'S SUPERIOR JAMS, various fruits, 15c in 1-lb glass jars. 10c in 1-lb cans, at _ NECKTIES, handsome assortment, at 25 and 50c; latest styles, at CAMPBELL'S ?OCPS, various kinds, for / sale at 10c per can, by J. C. MILBURN.