Newspaper Page Text
TUFSD ? EVENING, JULY 19, 1? 98. Child's Abductok Slain.?Samuel B. Taylor, a traveling salesman for L. Lowenthal & Son, clothiers, in St. Louis, uilo., Saturday r ittht met B J. Sandys' th*- abductor of his little 9-year-old gin' oc Olive street, and shot him to death' Taylor hud separated from his uite and had nlaced their child in the Epis copal Orphans' Home. Last Sunday the mother and Sandys met the child on the street coming from Sunday school, and after overpowering the matron in chaise succeeded in board ing a street car and getting away with the little girl. The news reached Taylor, who was at that time in Oswego, Kan. He at once came to St. Louis and instituted an unsuccessful search for his child and her captors. While passing alone Oiive Btree", at Eighteenth, Saturday night, he met Sandys, and without a word shot him deed. Saudys was a brother of Mrs. Fred? erick Dennison, of Toronto, the wife of the Police Magistrate of that city. Mrs. Taylor's maiden name was Mattingly, and she belonged to an old family of Ztforganfield, Ky. The Chief Burgess of Milesburg, Pa , say? DoVUtt's Little Kariy Ri-ers are the best pills he over used iu his family during torty years of house keeping. They euie constipation, siek headache aud stomach and liver troubles Small iu size but great iu results. Charles G. Lennon Delightful Summer Tours. The Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arracgod two delightful toms to the North, under the personally inndu'tcd tourist sys? tem. Juiy 2<> and August Hi l Le points in? cluded in the itmeiary are Watk ? (ilen >iagara Falls. Thousand 1-lands. Quebec, Montreal, Au Sable ' ba-in, Lakes Cham plain aac. George, Saratoga and the Highlands of the Hudson. Fach tour will be in charge oi the compauy's touri-i agent, assis'ed by an experienced lady as chaperon, whose especial charge will bt? unescorted indie?. The rite of $100 from Washington covers railway and boat fare for lho entire round trip. carlor-car seats, meals en route, hotf-1 entertainment, transfer c! arges, carriage hire -iti fact every item of necessary expense. For any addi? tional information, address Geo. Vv. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger /gent. Broad Street 8tation, Philadelphia. AENoLd'8 BBOMO-CLLEBY. 7 jis nnrivaled remedy for Headaches. Neiuvlgia, QlocpleMneM. 10 canti ColoTiial Beacb?Somerset Beach. season opens Saturday, Juno 18th The Btenoier Jane Most-ley leaves Heed's whail at 9 a. m. daily except Monday, returning about 9 p. m. on Saturday at 7 t> m. For staterooms charters, Ac , apply to F. J. Don? nelly, Gazetto office Through Parlor Car i<> Atlantic City. Commencing July 1st, a parlor car will be attached to the 12:45 p. iu. Pennsylvania Bai 1 road traiu from Wasbh gton. arriving at Atlantic City at 5:3<> p. m. via Delaware B.-dge Bou*e. Returning, Icavo Atlantic Citv at 10:25 a. m and arrive at Washington at 3:30 p m. Troop-; nt Camp AlgCT. For the accommodation of liicuda of the Alexandria Light Infantry, the Southern Railway has on sale tickets from Alexandria to Dunn Loring. Va. (Gamp Aiger), at one fare for the round trip, limited to date ol sale. These tickets will remain on sale while the Third Virginia regiment is encamped at that point. Jj?5 Excursb >ns to the Seashore. For Atlantic City, Capo M?y, Ocean < ity and Sea Isle City, tickets on sale via Penn? sylvania Railroad, for 11 a. m. and 12:15 p. m trains Fridays and Saturdays uutii Sep? tember 10. good to return until the following Tuesdays at the rate tf $5, including trans? fer of passengers in Philadelphia. Commenc? ing June 24th. Opening and Closm;; of t li<- Mails. Northorn mails, week days, cioso at 7 30 and 11 45 > m. and 1 15, 'J. 5<?, 6 50 and 8 30 p. rr. Open at 8 00 a. m., 12 00 m. and 5 00 y. m. On Sundays Northern mails close at 11 14 a. m. a;.d 7 2U p m. Southern mails via Charloitesville, close at 7 50 and 10 55 a. m. and 2 15 and 8 30 p. nx Opon at 8 00 a. m. and 2 30 and 4:30 p. m. Southern mails., via Richmond, close at 10 40 a. m. and 3 13 and 8 30 p. m. Mana&sas Division mails close at 7 50 a. : and 3 45 p. m. Open at 1 p. m. Alexandria and Round Hill mails close at 8 40 a. m. and 4 CO p. ?o. Open at 9 00 a. m. ftnd 3 30 p. m. Chesapeake and Ohio nails cioso at 2 16 rm. and 8 30 p. m. Ope;? ? 8 00 a. ru. and 30 p. m. Washington mails close at 7 dO h:k! 1 1 45 a, nx, and 1 15. 2 50, 0 50 and H 30 p. n. *D?en at 8 00 a. m.. 12 0?) m. and 3 00 auo 4 30 p. m. Office Hours?Open at 8 00 a. m. ttlose al 6 00 p. m Sunday Hours?Open at 9 00 a. m. Close at 9 30 a. m. Carriers' Schedule?Collections made on Insido routes?0 30 and 10 00 a. m. and 3 00 and 5 30 p.m. Full route?0 .'tt; a. t... and 5 30 p. m. Sunday collection 5 00 p. Carriers' window opou Sunday 9 00 a. m, close 9 30 a. m. Deliveries mado 8 00 a. in.. 12 00 m., and 5 00 p. m. All mail should bo in offico ten minute. before hour indicated for cloiint. _ FINANCIAL. JOS. BRODEBS, ) J CHAS. ?. HOOPF, PRESIDENT. J ( CASHIER. First National Bank, ALEXANDRIA, VA. Designated Depositor)- of the United States. CAPITAL. $100,000 SURPLUS AND I, ,( 0Q UNDIVIDED PBOFITS. J * ?U?UW Prompt attention given to all business, in elndiug collections throughout the Dnitod States and Europe. BURKE & HERBERT BANKERS, ASD DSAXXSS I? iNVESTMENT SECURITIES. A General Banking Dullness transacted. Deposits received subject to check at sight. Collections made. Letters of Credit and Foraijrn furnished. BX?OJU WHEAT. 1 I WM. H. LAM2RBT President, j J Cashier. Citizens' Nat'l. Bank. CAPITAL $100,000. SURPLUS $-JO,ii!>0 Oollecilonj made and promptly remitted AU kinds ef investment Kcuritiei a ape daily. Directors?B. Wheat, E. L. Dalnjtorfiela F. L. amllth. W. B. ?moot. W H. Lambert. BUTTER?Fresh Virginia Butter 15c, choice do. ISc, Virginia Creamery p.ints 20c, Elgin Creamery Prints 23c. J. C. M1I.BURN, j _AUCTION SjAlxKS._ TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND IN FAIR? FAX ( OUNTY, VA. By v rtue of a deed of iruat from Bozier F Brown and wife, bearing date the 30th d iv of April, 1896, and duly, recorded amongst the land records of said c<)uuty, in liber W., No. 0, folio 248 et seq., the uuoei s gned trustee in ?aid died, being thereto re quired by the party thereby secured will of? fer for sale at public auction in front of the premise!, on SATURDAY, the 23rd day of July, 1898 ;it 12 o'clock meridian, the following dc -< nbed ti>ct i f land with the improvements there* n being the Fame described in and ? onvcyod bv sai 1 deed of trust; viz: Al :. THAT TWAGT OR PARCEL OF LAT D situate, lying and being in the said county of Fairfax and State of Virginia, on tho north side of the I.ittlo Biver turnpike aNmt one mile from the city of Alexandria Virginia, and bounded as follows; to wit: Bog'uning at a gate post in the edge of the re d comer to John W Brown, formerly P.idgett'e and runniiig with him N. 11 de g CPS K ;*>2 polos to Bloxham's lot, (ontinued \' 76 degree with him to B., a stone and hickory at the antle of a fence corner to B oxbani and Watkins's line; with rt'atkins's line N. 48J degrees W. 13 j poles to C. a post ol the fence comer to Waikins and Chauncev : formerly Windsor's), with Chhuncey N. 79 degrees W. 29 poles to D., another c> roer, to hauncey ; thence S 11 degrees W 81J poles t i tl a briar bush iu the edge of 'he road; down the road S. 763 degrees E. 40i poles to ti e bc^' nmuK. containing twenty acres, being ; he same property conve> ed to the sa:d Bo zic-r F. Brown by Jiseph L. Sanford by a .'cid dated on the 2.3rd day of May, 1892. and of record in the land records of the said co mty of Fairfax, iu deed book M, No. 5, folio 345. The Improvements consist of a dwelling and outhouse. Terms of Sa'e: Cash. Conveyancing at the cost of the purchaser Z )R0 II ILL, Trustee. jjO ts J. MACHINERY. & H. AITCHESON, Practical Machinists and Engineeis And Builders of marine and stationary engines Buvkxmithing and Steam Fitting. El < gineera' and Machinists' Supplies, and all sorts o? mill work and that connected with brick* work promptly executed. Repairing prompt. Vj done. J. ? H. AITCHESON, mylf 116 King St., Alexandria, Va. w* S. MOORE, Machinist, Iron and Brass Founder, EHIP3MTTH AND BLACKSMITH. 'OLD DOSURIOK W0SBJB) SOUTH UNION STREET, ALEXANDRIA Will furnish and repair all kinds of Machine? ry, Iron and Brass Castings. Wrought and On*: Iron Fonces, Mill Work, Ship and Bbtck smithing. Edge Tools, Mill Picks, Facing Ham. tk'^e. and all kinds of Mill Work made and re? paired at the shortest notice and at reasonable prices. The highest market price paid for Old vVTc.rtgbt and Cast Iron. Brass and Copper CO^LJLND WOOD. W. A. SM00T. G. S. F&ENCH. W. A. SMOOT, JB WM. A. SMCOr & CD. OOAL! COAL I \y ? On oui wharf and to arnvs durinj ins sen son a roll stock of iNTHEACTTE. CUMBERLAND and SPLINT COALS of the best quality and well screened. We will be pleased to supply our friends *ad customers at lowest market price per ton jf i240 pounds, delivered at houses, cars oi boats.'Honk Call 57, COAL! ~~COAL! WHITE AND RED ASH, SHAMOKIN AND LYKEN'S VALLEY. From the famous mines of the 8U8Q?EHANNA COAL COMPANY. Pnro Coal, well screened, 2240 lbs to the ton ALfiO CRUSHED COKE. CUMBERLAND, NEW RITER AND SPLINT COAL. Families. Public Institutions, ?nd Mann fdcturor?) supplied at lowest markot rates. All orders left at office, 114 south St. Asaph street, telephoned immediately to yards. J. R. ZIMMERMAN, Wharf and Yards, foor of Queen Btrwt. FOR SUMMER. A CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK ?OF? Dry Goods, Notions ?AND? General Furnishings FOE SPRING USE. FULL LINE OF MEDIUM AND LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR. HANDSOME LINE OF LATEST STYLES NECKWEAR. A. C. SLAYMAKER, Successor to AMOS B. SLAYMAKER. 4'2:< King Street - - Alexandria. Va KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. Half dozen SILVER-PLATED TEA SPOONS at $1.75. Half dozen SILVER-PLATED KNIVES at $1.75. Half dozen SILVER-PLATED F0RK8 at $175. These goods are all of tho\ finest quality silver-plate, each piece stamped with my name and the amount of silvor in each guar? anteed. HENRY W. WILDT, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN, 106 N. Royal street. Kl DNEOIDS! KIDNEOIDS! For tho cure of all Kidney Diseases .^battered Nerves and all diseases arising from thin, watery and impoverished blood. Price 50c. For sale only by WARFIELD & HALL, t^iraor Prirtfn and PiW?r ??n??tt BICYCLE CHAIN BRUSHES will clean your bicycle chain without removing it 10 and 15c each. For sale by E. 8. LEADBEATER & SONS. Ij^REE SAMPLES FOR ONE WEEK OF KIDNEOIDS, tho Great Discovery for ail Kidney Disorders. Call at _WARFIELD & HALL'S. AFETY RAZOR, once used you will never do without it. For sale bv HENRY W. WILDT, _lOfilJJ???' ?rroat H1TE ORGANDY REM? 4NT8 to run at 10c, extra value, at A. a SLAYMAKER'S, S w JJELLO! HELLO Wo wish to call your attention to the ALEXANDRIA TELEPHONE EXCHANGE AND ITS ADVANTAGES. Instant communication by any subscriber with any other is furnished any moment, day or night. Each is heard in his own recognized voice, and business is transacted with the utmost saving of time. Communication is also had with Washing? ton,Baltimore. Philadelphia, New York and many other points, thus annihilating distance and time. Jam Batet. The expense is hut a few cents a day and in many cases very mach less than the service performed is worth to the Riibecribcrs, More than forty Ciassesof business are t? 1" found among our subscribers. Ifyournamois not enrolled consul; your own interest by snbscribing at once, fall on the manager or send him word by postal 0? telephone, and he will call on von. WYTHE WHITE Manager Q E. HcCLUEB, District Supt.. Richmond, Va. Agricultural Suppliet. Herbert Bryant, R H Wattles. Bricib Manufactories, Alexandria Brick Company Books awl Stationery. R W French. Beer and Groceries. O'Sullivan k Co. Brtueries. R PortnePs. Banks. Bnrke <s Herbert. First National Bank Citizens' National Bank. Butchers Hellmuth Brotbors, M. Schiller. Courts. County Conrt, Corwration Court. Commission Merchants. Fisher Brothers. W A Johnson k Co. r T & J G Beckham, F S Harper, S E Lawlcr & 0?. Harlow Brothers N Lindsey & Co Cbas King ? Son. I Broders, G 11 Robinson At Sons Dentists. J. H. Bitzer. Druggists. W F Creighton & Co, EL Allen. C G Lennon, E S Leadboatci ?kSons. John H Janney. Northwest Pharmacy C M Lennon, Richard Gibson. Dry Goods. Isaac Eich her?. Driving Parks. Alexandria Driving Park. Express Companies. Adams Express Co. Peed and Grain Dealers. T F Burroughs. J Broders. J B Watkins, Balicnger & Bro. Florists. J L Loose, Mis Fred'k Kramer Foundries. Curtin A Run-. Glass and (Xinairart. E J Miller & Co. Grocers. G Wm Ramsay. Fisher Brotbors. O'Sullivan k Co Harlow Bros. Ah era & Co, Ffi Harper, *J Lindsey & Co. H F Robertson, W A Johnson & (o J Broders, Norton Entwisle. Grocers and Liquor Dealeil. T F Burroughs, W A Jol nson k Co. Harlow Brothers. J. Broders. Ahem & Co. Hotels. Fleischmann Hotel. Baraiearr. Jas F Carl in At Sons. Infirmaries. Alexandria Infirmary. Ice Dealer Wm M Reunion. Junk Dealers. 3 Dreifu: A: Co. Lumber Merchants. J B Smoot & Co, J H D Smoot Aitchoson k Bro. Laioyirs. James R Ca ton, ( C Carl in. J K M Norton, F L Smith, S G Brent, K Kemper, Marbiiry & Armstrong Lirery SlaJiles. Patterson & Brother, B L Myers k Co, Lime Plaster and Cement. GeoH Robinson &Sou, W A Smool ,t Co. J H;D Smoot. Jas R Smoot k Co. Merchandise Brokers. Wm Fowle Brookes k Co, A D Brodten k Co. Mt. Yernon on the Potomac H H Dodge, Supt. Municipal Offices. City Treasurer, Police Hendlnnrtors. The Market. Manufacturers of Soda and Mineral Waters. JamcA McCuen. Machinists. W S Moore J St H Aitchoson Millers. T F Burroughs. Newspapers. Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria Times Evoning Star Bureau. Notions, Furnishing Goods, ci'c. Mrs. Bernheimor, King street. Oil Companies. Standard Oil Compan Physicians. Or W M Smith. Dr 11 P Howard, Dr Julian Millor, Dr Id W O'Brien. Dr T M Jones. Dr Hugh McGuiro Private Residences. Charles King, R E Kiii^iit. Mrs M A Wood, W White, B Wheatley, W H Demaine, J E Zimmerman, Mrs S G Brent. Herbert Bryant, Lauren, o Staoler Miss M V Smith, E L Daingorfiold, W B Daingorfiold, (.has S Taylor, B W French, A D Br?ckelt. B F Knox, W H F Beckham, JMHill, Ashby Miller. W M Smith. Railroads. Southern Railway?Freight, " " ?Local Freight, Washington Southern Railway, Baltimore and Potomac?Freight, W, A & Mt Vernon Railway Co, J12 A W, A & Mt Vernon Railway, 112 B Real Estate. Harlow & Co, Knox & Robinson, Robert Elliott. Schools. Episcopal High School, Seminaries. Theological Seminary, Spake Factory. Mt. Voruou Spoke Company. Steamboat Companies. Potomac Steamboat Company, Norfolk and Washington Steamboat Co, Washington Steamboat Company. Ship Chandien,. H Kirk, N Lindsey & Co. Stationers and Printers. John H 8tridor, R Boll's Sons. J M Hill k Company. Telegraph Companies. Western Union Tolograph Company. Postal Telegraph Cable Company! Tanners and Hide Dealers. C C Smoot k Sons. ?. 8. Offices. Postoflice. Undertakers. 3 Wheatley, W H Demaine, Wood and Coal Dealers. DeW. Aitchoson, J R Zimmerman, W A Smoot & Co, J P Agnew k Co. Knox k Robinson. Wholesale Cake and Cracker Manufacturers and Confectioners. The George R. Hill Co. Wholesale Grocers. Chas Xing &J3on, N Lindsey St C?, Fisher Br?s,^? J Broders,' I" 3 Harper._; TELEPHONE EXCHANGE^ "PJOM K TELEPHONE COMPANY, ALEXANDRIA, VA? EXCHANGE. 309 KING STREET. ?3 A MONTH FOE BUSINESS. $2 A MONTH FOE HOMES. F. F.M4BB?RY, Manager. E. P. MATTER, Electrician. SUB CRIBERS' LIST. 193 Ada na Express Company 11 Appich, D H l.*> Appfi b, Geo A 11"> Alexandria Infirmary l(i Aitchesoh <t Bro !?"> Aitcbeson. I1 W ! 7 A?HIl;.-. I' M 94 Alexandria Bottling Co, Jaa McCuen 'Jo Alexandria Steam Bakery 37 Alexandria Gas Works Alexandria Times 7 Alexandria Gazette 1!>1 Allen, E L. Druggist 200 Alexander, E J 30 Anderson, E M 1!? Baader, H 25 Beach. Jos S 134 Burroughs, T F <! B iOKE Co 29 Buht ,v Paxon 170 Brill, Louis 46 Baggert, Oscar F. City Markot 104 Baggett, Oso-.r F, Eciidonce 170 Beckham, J T St J G 83 Farley, L C, residence. 72 Barloy, L C, olli e. SO Carlin, J F Sons St Co ISO Carlin, Mrs M J AO Crilly, J H 36 Chatham's Stahles. R L Myers & Co 126 City Engineer 108 City Treasurer l< >7 Columbia Engine House 144 Carter Bros 1 11 Cogau, J A St W W. Plumbers 1!?7 Carlin, C C, residence. s7 Chalmers, A C 22 Deuielt, J A. Residence i>7 Dreifus, J & Co 40 Entwisle, F L 12:> Episcopal High School 1-7 Entwisle, J W, Druggist 132 1 < o.rir my Grocery. -7 Fisln.-r Bros 45 Fend,11, W E 47 Fannon, T J S^Fleincbmauu House. 11B Flanigen, Jos B 14 ?B F'aucis. Peter 1U2 Grilbortzor, A F 52 Garrett ?sc Monroe ?t> Uravoc. W P 1 66B (irren. Andrew J 58 Hinken St Son 75 Hollmuth Bros 31 Marlow Bros 7(t Mill. Geo B Co 62 Howard. T Clifton 41 Hamilton & Co Kits Hvdraulion Engine House 178 Harden. R L 14 6 Janney, J H t L Stabler St Co) 64 Jail 26 J annoy. Dr Chas I 37 1 Jackson. Wash 28 King, Chas St Son 13 Kirk. H, jr 48 Lindsey, N -.v Co (?7 Lindsey, >,', Residence 9 Lead beater & Sous 128 Matthew, J <;?; Marshall, J A 7(1 May, W li .v Son 18J Milburn, J C 99 May, J W. Residence II 4 Musbbach, Capt G A, Besidonco ;">4 .Musbbach, Capt G A, Ofbee 38 .Matter. E P, electrician. ;',.') Marbnry, F F, Mer L16 Norfolk St Washington Steamboat Co 137 B Neale, J Stanley 91 O'Brien. Dr M W los O'Sullivan St Greene, 1M> Pullman, S M 53 Pollard, F J 84 Pollard, F J, Residence 85 Pullman, P St Co 4!> Portaer, Robert 34 Postoffice 14 Police Headquarters 103 Postal Telegraph Co 33 Pennsylvania R R Co 112 Pelton. CC L29 Pelton, CC 66 Quinn Ed 8 Ramsay, G Wm 50 Eeardon, Wm M J<>~> Relief Truck Mouse W.l Robertson, H F 89 Roberts, Walter, Office 139 Roberts, Walter, Residence 14'i Bobers, J W 63 Rammel's Motel. 71 Smoot, C C Sons St Co, Tannery ?O Smoot, C C Sons iV Co, Warehouse 92 Smith, B B 96 Summon, C J W ~>7 Smoot, W A St Co 98 Smith, Francis T, 122 Slaughter, Dr R M 1"?1 Smoot. J C, Residence 1 r<2 Smoot. Jas R St Co 155 Steunmagel, W M 32 strider, J M. Residence 2 Southorn Bailway Company (W St O) 133 Southern Railway Company (V li) 4 2 Simp.-on, M A 3 Standard (til Co KU Schuler Beef Co. 13" Stevens, Moses, (Hacks) |S-J Simpson, (ieo L. Mayor 113 Soper, E D L63 Virginia Olass Works ()?'> Vanaelstyn, (Lunch Room 164 Warfield, E, jr Kl'. Warlield o: Hall Washington Steamboat Co 198 Wood, Mrs M A Im"> Weil Bros si; Weadon Bros 35 Wise, Geo <& Co 01 "Wise, Oen. Residence 1 42.Wallace, J S, harness. 190 Woolls, W P, Wolfe and Royal l?:> Woolls, W P, Queen and Henry 109 Wools & Son, W P. Queen and Fairfax. 147 Weiderman & Kelly 118 Zimmerman, J R Annandale?Malone, J H. Fairfax C H ? Adams. Chas. Centrcville?Uttorbich, B. C. Manassas?Cannon House. Wellington ?Lcechman, C. H. Hajmarket?Hultiah, Geo. A. Waverley?Jannoy, E. H TOLL RATES OUT OF CITY 10 CENTS D. Harry Appich, 525 King Streot, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL *c\.s the seasons come.'and go I^rovident of all, JPlenty of fruits, and nuts, and^sweets, X have at your call. C'andies, cakos throughout the year, LL Appich's stock will make good choor ^?-SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS FOR THE COUNTRY TRADE.-^ _doc2 tf_ ~ laurence stabler, NO. '01 KING STREET. INSURANCE AGENT, Beprssenting the following flirt-class firs insurance companies: LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE. HARTFORD. PHG2NIX, of London. WESTCHESTER, of New York. HANOVER. PHCENLX, of Brooklyn, And others of same grade. Soliciting the patronage of the public, I promise the most earefaJ attention to any bus* ANICE TOO'-EH BRUSH with a bos of Myrtle Tooth Soap lor 25c, and a tooth brush with every box Antiseptic Tooth Po^ der, a) ^ ?, 8, LfiADB?ATB k gOS& RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule in effect May 31, 1S9 ?. TRAINS LEAVE ALEXANDRIA. For Washington 7 23 und 8 00 A M. 1214 3 '23, 7 2<> and 11 12 P. M. week days. Sundavs 7 23 and 11 44 A. iL, 7 20 and 11 12 P. M. For Richmond and the South?Atlantic Coast Lino Express?1 4"? A. iL, and 4 02 P. M. daily. For Richmond only 11 13 A. M. week day.s Atlanta Special via Bichinond and Seaboard Air Line 5 (?<> p. M. daily. Accommodation for Quantico 8 07 A. M. daily, and 4 45 P. M. week days. TRAINS LEAVE WASHINGTON. .??TATIoN CORNER OF SIXTH AND B STREETS. For Alexandria 1 30, 7 45 Mid 10 57 A. V... :5 40. 4 -J? and 1 40 P M. Smidav 4 St? and 7 4". a. M and -i 46 and I 4<> P. M 7:"><?A M. Week Days. PITTSBURG EX? PRESS.?Parlo-and Dining Cars. Harris burg to Pittsbnrg. ID.5U A. M. PENNSYLVANIA LIMITED? Pullman Sleeping. Dining. Smoking and Dbserv&tiou Cars Harrisburg to Chicago, Cincininiti. Indianapolis, St. Louis, Cleve? land and To'edo. Bu'Jet Parlor Car to Har? risburg. 10:5(< A. M. FAST LINE? Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harrisburg. Buffet Parlor Cur Harrisburg u> Pittsbnrg; 3.80 P.M. CHK aGo AN !> ST. LOUIS EX? PRESS---keeping ear Washington to St Louis, and Bleeping and Dining Cars Harris bure to St. Louis. Nashville, via (hncin. nati and Chicago. 7:20,P. M. WES i'ERN EX PRESS?Pullniai. Hooping Cars to Pitt?burg. Chicago, and Harrisburg to Clevoland. Dining Carte Cnicago. 7:20 r M. SOUTHWESTERN EXPBESS Puth.ian Sleeping Cars Washington to Pittsbnrg and Harrisburg lo r Louis and Cincinnati. Dining Car. 0:40 P.M. PACIFIC EXPRESS? Pollmai Sleeping Car to Pitisburg. 7 50 A. M for Kane. Canandaigua, Rochester and Niagara Falls daily, except Sunday. 10:00 A. M. for Elmira. and Uenovo. daily, except Sunday. For Wiliiainsport dniiy at 3:30 P. M. ":20 P. M. for Wiiliamsport, Boci.cster. Erie, Buffalo and Niagara Fails daily, except Saturday, .vith Sleeping Car Washiugtoi ! 'o Rochester. ? 10:40 p. m. for Erie, Canandsigna, Rochester, Buffalo end Niagara Fulls daily. Pullman Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester Sat? urdays onlv. I FoR PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK AND THE EAST. . t:<><> I'. M. "CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED.' 1 daily, all Parlor Cars, with Dining Car from Baltimore. iogularat 7 CK) (Dining Car>, 8 00, 9 00. 10 00 (Dining Cari. and 1100 (Dining Car from Wilmington! A. M. 12 45, 3 15. 4 20, (Dining car from Faltiruore\ 6 60, 10 00. and 1150 P. M. On Sunday 7 00 (Dining car), 8 00, 0 00. and 11 On (Dining Car from Wilmington) A. M.. 12 15. 3 15, 4 20 , Dining c.r from Balti , more) 0 50. 10 00 and 11 50 P. M._ Fox [ Philadelphia only. Fast Express 7 50 A. M. week days. Express 12 15 P. M. week days. 2 01 and 5 40 P. M. <:? .. . .-'or Boston, without change, 7 50 A. M. week days, and 4 2') P. M. daily. ?oi Baltimore 6 2<?, 7 <x?. 7 50, 8 00. 00, 10 00, 10 50, 1100, A. M., and 1215, 12 45. 12 ~>. 2 01. 3.1", 3 :?>. 4 ?M limited), 4 20, 1 .:t>, 540, 615,650 7 20,1000, 10 40. 11 15 and 1150P M. tin Sunday 700, 8<>0. 900,905 10 50 and 11 00 A. M., and 1215. 115, 2 01, 315, 3 :!.?. 4 00 ilimited; 4 20, 5 40,6 15, 6 50, 7 21)?10 00, lO 4? and 11 50 P. M. For Pope's Creek Line 7 5? A. M. and 4 36 P. M. week days anl Sundays 9 05 A. M rj'or'Annapolia 7 00 A.M., and 5 40 P. M daily except Sunday. Sunday 9 00 A. M. and 4 20 P. M. Express for Florida and points on Atlantic ( oust Line, 4 30 A. M. and 3 46 P. M. daily; Bichmond only, 10 57 A. M. week days; Atlanta Special, via Bichmoud and Seaboard Air Line, 4 40 P. M. daily. Ac? commodation for Quantico, 7 45 A. M daily, and 4 25 I'. iL week days. SEASHORE CONNEITIONS. ror Atlantic City (via Delaware river bridge, all rail route) 11 <io A. M , and ?I DO ("Congressional united'') anil 11 50 P. M. daily; 12 45 P.M. weefc days (through Pullman Buffet Parlor tar; via Market Street Wharf, 10 00 and II 00 A. M , 12 45 P. M. week days, and 11 50 P. iL daiiv, and l? 15 P. M: Sundays only. Saturdays only !? A. M. For Cape May 10 00 and 11 00 A. M. an:1, 12 45 P. M. week days, 11 50 P. M daily. Saturdays only 9 00 A. M. Ticket othco, corner j 5tn and G Street? anc. it the station, Sixth and B Streets, when orders can be left for the checking of baggagi to destination from hotels and roaidencoa. J. B. HUTCHINSON, J. R. WOOD, (intrral Manager. General Passenger Agent WHOLESALE A RETAIL GROCERS JOHN AHERN & CO.. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GR0CE1IS AND DEALERS IN PURE WINES & LIQUORS. We hold largely in C S. bonded warehouses and carry m stock various brands of the bebt PJDBE BYE AND MALT WHISKIES MADE _ in Ftoro superior grades of Foreign and American WINES, ALES, BROWN STOUT, &C. /^?Satisfaction Guaranteed as to Price and Quality.-IKt. Corner Prince and Commerce Stroets. QHARLEB KING k SON, WHOLESALE GROCERS, North Lee Sired, Alexandria, ?AND? South Street, Charlottesville. Sole agents for LUCY BUTTON TOBACCO ,nd HAZARD POWDER. J C. MILBURN, DEALER I? FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, 113 North Royal Street, Alexandria, Va Proprietor of the Potomac Brand of Flour which isunexccllod. Coffees Freshly Boasted at Store. W. A. JOHNSON & CG., WHOLESALE GROCERS. aENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, And Dealers in A.LL KINDS OF LIQUORS. H.sve on hand Gibson's XX, XXX, XXXX ?ir.d pure Old Ryo. Oid Cabinet and Monogram Whiskies; also Baker's and Thompson's Pure iiyo Whiskies, to which thoy invite the arten? tion of tho trado. Orders from tho country for ruorcandise shall receive prompt attention. Consignments of Flour, Grain and Country Produce solicited, for which they guarantee tho highost market prices and prompt returns. N. E. corner Cameron f.nd Royal streets. W. A. BMOOT. G. h. FRENCH. A. SMOOT & CO* w COAL, SALT AND PLASTER, Alexandria, Va. Office?Smooi's wharr. bpeciai attention paic to forwarding. PURE CALIFORNIA HONEY in one and two pound cans, at 20 and 35 cents per can. For medicinal and lable use. Quarac teed absolutely I reo from glucose For sale . by_E S. LEA PRE a i .? :?: j: SoNa. : O GROSS FBUIT JAR>? 1 int Jars mm* O 55c a dozen, quart i";o. 00c, n-if gal- J Ion ao, SOc. J. C. MILBURN. 1 RAILROADS. __ |_^_RAILROADS s o XT t e ifi i>r jr. .a. i 'l w ^ Schedule effective May 1. 1898, subject to cnanee without notice to the nabiie No. 37, Dally. 10 I'.pni ilo?pru 1 SOaiu 3 l'iau. 5 50am 7 OSaru SSoaia 11 :!7h1!' 8 I2,.m ! - ipm 3 52pm 7 20pm 11 35pm '.?25am 1- 43pm 1 I5pm 4 28pm 9 30pm 7 55am 8 55pm 10 10pm 7 40am 7 4U*m No. 35. Daily. THROUGH SCHEDULE. No. 36, No. .'is. Dally. Daily. ?vAxrlve 11 15am Leave.Washington..... 11 3Sam " .Alexandria.?.." " 2 15ptu " .Charlottcsville. " 3 55pm " .Lyuchburg. " ? 10pm " .Danville. " 7 ^?pm Arrive?.Greensboro.Leave ... .WInKtoii-Saiem. " .K^lrlub. " 8 SUyni 1 li >am 8 11pm 12 I Ham 1 29am 1 I Sum 7 lOrtij ....Saltcburv. . .J?thevllle. .Hol Springs.... ....Kiiuxville... ..("hat tan? ??ga.. L<J?vc 9 i.*>pui 9 12pm 5 ISpm 3 5opm 1 50pm 12 10pm 10 30am 8 51am Id 17am 5 15am 4 oo?in 1 15am 10 00pm 6 42aii, 6 17a:. 3 35ai 1 53am 11 59pm lu^;;,i? :, 10pm 3 40pn 9 34pm 1 25pm 11 Kau in on,,m I 37am 8 00am 5 UU .in 9 IHum C 35pm 5 10am .Charlotte . .Colombia..... .?..AUKU!<Ui? ..Savannah.... (Central Time.) .Jacksonville. .Tampa. .Atlanta. (Central Time.) 12 2Upru ' .Birmingham.... (Central Time.) 10 20pm " .Memphis. (Central Tuxe.l 8 lOptn Arrive.New Orleans... .Leave 9 SSacn 5 Ham 9 tOpni 11 35pm 8 00pm 7eOani 1250am; 4 20pm 5 30aru 7 Mara j 8 2.': ii. 5 ISpn 2 l(l| ;. 13 20pru 8 ].'.?.. 130pm 1 OOpn. 5 55an, 9 00pn "? 5?Jpn (Centra! Time.) Trains Nos. 35 and 3U connect at Calverton for aud from Warrenton. LOCAL SERVICE. 8:35 a. m. Train No. 9 for Danville, Charlotte and way stations. Connects at Mai . .. . for Uarrisonburg and intermediate stations daily and also for Staunton daily except > ? at Calverton for Warrenton and at Franklin Junction for Rocky Mount and Intel Stations retumir g arrives at Alexandria 1 55 p m 5:15 p. m. Train No. 15 for Charlottesvilk .;nd way stations. Connects at Calverton for Warrenton, returning arrives at Alexandria 8.05 a. m. 1:23 p. m. Train No. 33 leaves Alexandria, daily except Sunday, for Harrison!.....; intermediate stations, returning arrives at Alexandria 11:35 a. m. "rains for Round Hill and intermediate stations leave Alexandria 9:(>7 ?. m !:"7p m. and 1:4(1 p. m.. except Sunday, and 6:33 p. m Sundays only, and 6:33 p ru d for Herndon. Arrive Alexandria returning from Round Hill 8:28 a. m. daily, und 2:52 p. m. daily, except Sunday, and S:.'s2 p. m. Sundays on'y. SLEEPING CAE SERVICE. Nos. 37 and 38, Washington and Southwestern Limited. Through Sleeping Cars betweei New York aud New Orleans via Atlanta and Montgomery, New York and Me:.:,: - Atlanta and Birmingham, New York and Tampa via Charlotte, Columbia, Savanna Jacksonville, uniting at Danville with Pullman sleeper from Richmond to Augost? Columbia, New York, and Nashville, Tenn., via Asheville. Knoxville aud Chat :-.: and first-class coach between Washington aud Atlanta. Dining Car between Green: and Montgomery. Nos. 35 and 30, United States Fast Mail. Pullman Sleeping Cars between New fork and New Orleans, connecting at Atlanta for and from Birmingham and Memphis; md New York and Jacksonville, connecting at Salisbury with Pullman sleeper for and from Asheville and Hot Springs North Carolina, Knoxville, Chattanooga and Memphis an: :,? harlotte with Pullman sleeper for and from Augusta. Solid train between Wast i ind New Orleans without change. Connect" at Lynchburg for Lexington, daily en i\ ?. Sunday. Sunset Personally Conducted Tourist Excursion. Through Sleeper on this train i vory Wednesday to San Francisco, without change. For detailed schedule figures, tickets, Pullman reservation, etc., app!> to FRAWK S. GANNON, A. C. MOSS. Ticket Age.t, Alexandria, Va 3rd Vice President ic General Manager, W. A. TURK, J M. CDLP. Traffic Manager. General Passenger Agent. Washington, D. C. Washington, D. C. L. S. BROWN, General Ageut Passenger Dept , Washington. D. ('. RAILROADS. WASHINGTON. ALEXANDRIA AND MOUNT VERNON RAILROAD. In Effect .M y 1. 1898. for WASHINGTON. Leave Alexandria, comer King and Royal ? eels, also stops at King and Washington, King und Payne streets, week days, at 5 55 25, 0 55, 7 20 (exprcs?). 7 45 (express', 300,820 (express), 830 (express), 9 00, 9 30, loot). 11 04 and 11 42 a. m. (ex ress), and 12 2"). 100 iexpress), 107, on. 2 40, :: hi; (express). 3 40, 4 15. 4 3? express), 5 00,5 31 (express), 5 45, (?10 express), ?> 25, 7 00, 7 15 (express), 8 15, > 15. K) 15 and 11 15 p. nr. Sundays?7 00, 8 oo.:? oo. U 40, 10 30, 1 1 15 a.'rn.. 12 <>,) noon, 3 2 45, 1 30, 2 15, 5 on 45, 4 3<>, 5 3 5, 0 00, 0 45, 7 30, S 15, 9 15, 10 15 and 11 15 p. m. foe alexandria. Leave Washington, from the corner o Pennsylvania avenue and 13^ street, week lays, 0 30, 7 05, 7 35 (express), 8 00, ??35, 8 59, 10 UO, 1100 and 1145 a. .i. 12 05 (express) 12 20. 1 15, 1 45, 2 05 ex] res? . 2 40, 00 express), 3 25, 3 59 express), 4 15 (express), 4 50, 5 05, 5 20 express), 5 40, 0 05 (express), 0 30. 7 on, ,':.;.") (rum to Payne street only), 8 00, U OO, i<> on, 11 20 ami 11 5!* p. rn. Min.iays-7 45, 8 45. !i 45, 30 30, 31 35 i. m., 12 <iO noon, and 3 2 45, 1 30, 2 15, 3 00, 3 45. 4 30. 5 15, 0(H), 6 45, 7 30, 8 3 5, 0 00.10 00 and 3 3 20 p. m. for mount VEBN0N. Leavo Alexandria for Mount Vernon, week Jajs, at 7 02, 8 35, 10 32, 3 3 32 a. m. and 32 32, 1 17. 2 32, 3 32, 4 43, 7 40 and :> 32 p. m. Sunday!-7 30, S 20 ami 10 20 a. m.. 12 35, 2 .?('. 4 >. 7 3<; ami it 32 p. m. Leave Mount Vernon, week days, at 7 40, 914 and 33 3 4 a. m. and 12 40, 1 33, 2 40,4 10, 5 05,5 33,8 20and 10 20 p. m. leave Mount Vernon. Sundays, at8 10, 9 00 ami 11 25 a. m. and 1 40. 3 55, 5 20, 3 00 arid 10 20 p m. Leave- Arlington Junction for Arlington ! end Rosslyn hourly. Hag.ago 1150 pound free) checked from all stations. Parcels carric i on all trains at the follow, j ing ialcs: lTnder lO pounds, 5 cents; 10 to I 15 pounds, 10 cents; over 25 to 50 pounds, . 5 cents Freight tar led daily, morning and even* ing. in each direction at freight rates. Tickets are sold at the offices of the Rail- I road Company at the following rates : i-are. Alexandria to Washington, 15 cents round-trip, 25 cents. Ii. L. Abbot, Geo. R. Phillips, ' icnoral Manager. lienerai Fas.-oiigor Agt. Jilf.A.UKltS. II7ASH1NGT0N STEAMBOAT COM- i W PANY (LIMITED, i CHEAP AND PLEASANT EXCURSIONS. . Round Trip, 3 5 Cents. Until further notice the following forry | schedule will be in force: Leavo Washington .Leave Alexandiia. A. M A. M. Columbia.(i 10 Belle Haven.... 0 00 Belle Havon.... 0 40 Columbia. 0 50 Columbia. 7 30 Belie Haven. 7 30 Bello Haven.... 8 OO Columbia. 8 00 Columb-a. 8 30 Belle Haven.... 8 30 Belle Haven. !> 30 Columbia._ 9.30 Columbia.10 30 Bollo Haven... 10 30 Belle Haven.... 11 30 Columbia.11 30 P. M P. M. Columbia.12 30 Bolle Haven... 12 30 Belie Haven.... 1 30 Columbia.1 30 Columbia. 2 30 Rolle Haven.... 2 30 Belle Haven..... 3 30 I Columbia.- 3 30 Columbia. 4 30 [ Belle Haven. 4 30 Bolle Havon.... 5 30 Columbia ,.?.'[5 30 Columbia. 0 30 t^eile Haven.... 0 30 Belle Haven .... 7,30 ia. 7 30 N. B. Same schedule Sundays, commencing at 8 30 a. m. POTOMAC RIVER LANDINGS?STEAM? ER WAXEFIELD leaves Washington Mon? days at 7 00 a. m., and Alexandria at 8 00 a. m., for landings as far as Nomini and on Wednesdays and Saturdays at same hours for 3t. Clement's Bay and Leonardtown. C. W. R1DLKY, General Manager JOHN B. PADGETT. Agent. YAAILY LINE TO NORFOLE AND FORT RES8 MONROE. The Norfolk and Washington Steam boat Company Will rnr; a DAILY LINE, commencing on Monday, March 30, with tneir new and pow srfui iron ?teamer? NEWPORT NEWS, WASHINGTON AND NOKFOLK, Leaving the wharf at the foot of Prince sires at 7 03 p. m. Returning will leave Norfolk at 5 45 p. ru. Single far* $3. Round trip $5. C. W. WATTLES, Agent, No. 2 Pnpm ?rr??> PEE0ALB SUiRla.?j^atcit style.-, noil or still" bosoms also Nainsook and fcilk 'routs, j oat received at A.C. BLAYMAKStt'ri, DKTJG GISTS. J^STAELISHED 179*2. E fi. .UiADBEATXB. C. 0. LEADEEATKH. E. E. LEJDBEATEB, JE, J. LEADBEATEB E. S. LEADBEATER U SONS, WHOLEsA LE AND RETAIL DBUGGIST6 105 ai.d 107 south Fairfax street DdMiera in Lrugs, Chemicals, Patent V eines,Paints, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, Spices, :'i .. gi.iUt' Fancy Goods ami Specialties. Wholesale agm.'-s in Northern Virgil j. C. Aycr'a Medit .tics and John Lin m? &0 i Tinted Gloss and Prepared Palate, Ac<. Manufacturers of Standard Pharmaceutical ?reparations. We have made large additions to our itot k and are buying leading Proprietor}- Aro'i les, Chomicals, &c., direct the manu/i i . We are therefore enablo I to supply th< with ail goods usually carried bj a wel pointed WHGLESALE DRUG HOD prices as low as those given by the best ho wi in larger cities. All g.wds forwarded by i fr ,'ight or express after re xsipt of order. Promptness is our specialty. Wo gaaranb ? the purity of all drugs furnished. Corro SjHiudonce invitod. "YyAEFIELD <s HALL. DRTJGGfriTS. CORNER PRINCE AND FAIRFAX 81 Prescriptions a specialty. English, French, German and Domestic Toilet Soaps; Gonuino Farina Cologne; nolia, Hedyoaimia, Geranium and Florida Water; Gonuino Lubin's Extracts; 8pnngca Hair Brushes and Combs : l>ost English 'J'ooili Brushes; a full assortment of PatentMedi? cos : Coxe's Gelatine, Corn Starch. Sea Mon I arino, Spices of all kinds, and a select stock of all articles sold by druggists at prices as low a? the same quality mn tx.? nbtai;:(?l olsewhore F. CEEIGHTON & CO., w. Wholesale and Retail Dw?in>s In DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PAINTS, ?ATEN1 MEDICINES, OILS, DYE HT?FFfi GARDEN SEEDS, A?c. Cornar Kin* and Royal lireeta, Alexandria, Vir-? ! Ph sioians' Prescriptions carefully com? pounded. Orders will receive prompt attention Kennebec Ice. Carload lots and country order- a spi Orders from families solicited and pn attended to. Loave orders with drivers of KEI> WAti ONS or by pos'al e-trd or telephone. Prompt service and satisfaction gnar WM. M. REARDON, NO. 6 STRAND. Betweon King and Prince. Streets. Telephone No. 50. my-l DE j. H. LAWLER Has Removed From Cameron street, to 10b North Pitt Street. DR. J. H. LAWLER, D. V.S., GRADUATE OF N. Y. COLLEGE OK VE1 EBINABY SURGEONS. Ringbonos, Spavin and all Lam. u Horse Cured. Cows and Dogs Treated. Residence 10S north Pitt street. Office at R. L. Myers ? Co.'a ttabies. Boll 'phone No. 31-C. Homo 'phone No. 36. A Ipxundris.- 1? YOU WILL FI NO GRANDMA'S CUUliJI ('ANDY a carefully medicated drop, a great when suffering from throat trouble or sim ?' effects of a cold, especially at bedtime, ing inflammation and wooing sleep. ? ers and singers are invite to try th<-nj. ^J?rPrice 5c at all Stores.-*5. TheGEORGE R. HILL CO., _ALEXANDER. va TRAVELERS' LUNCI i. CUBAN HOT SHOT, NEW CBACKERS AND CAKES CO? UPON THE MARKET. FIVE CENTS FOB A QUART UF 6WEE1 CRACKERS. Everybody can afford to eat Crackers now. Ask your dealer. HILL BAKERY N. B Co. Ales PILLOW INHALEBS cure wbil sleep by applying enrative air to ll ? sages of the nose, throat and lungs a For catarrh, bronchitis, asthma, consul etc Ask for descriptive pami hlets E. S LEADBEATEK ? 8 uNS, Sole Agents for Alexandria and Wasbn TRY A BOTTLE OF LEA DBEATEI COMPOUND EXTRACT OF bA I BILLA, combined Iodide ol Potassm? and Iron. Formula on every boitie. rrM 75 cents* JS, g. LEADBKATEE A SOA*