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MONDAY EVLMNti. BEFT. 12.1904 Arn:i: A??rr three moothe' laborMr. Bocaetell haaaeot foftb hi- letter ofac c-ptaiice ?a the candidatc of the repub lican party for President ofthe United gUtea. Its extreme length will Moea Barily latpalraay forceor logic it may be aoppceed to contain in this day ofboat |iu| aad activity, and the fact that the writet asaerta that, if elected, he will c.iitinue tbe poiicj be ia BOW piirsuing should be a sufficient reasou for tbe puhlicdeclitiing his servicea r.ext \ renber. The letter il emaaa ofaa* Himption from beginning to end, and ahotild have littlc weight with the niil lloOfl of Americans who have for the pait threeyears kept themselves posted in the freak* of the areaant occupant of tlie White llnu.-e. A synoj.sis of the neper will be found elsewhere iu the Gasette. This cootahuall there is in it. There are howevei Bome strunge utter Bncea in the letter, amoog them one to the effect tbat "no one can aecnte the republican party "l trickery aad laein cerity." The writet baeee his appeal to voters on what tho republicao party has dona and is doing and tbe atowaJ tbat it is the intcntioii ol that organization to oonduct thegovernment ui>on the same lioeain thefuture. Mr. Booaerelt,aamay bare been ar.ticipated, juatifiea tbe parl this country played in precipitating tbe war with Bpain and the acquiaitioo of tbe Pbilippine Ulanda, Porto Kico and tbe Sandwicb and Bamoan Islands, and ini. i tbe ludicrona aaaertton that "the adminiatration bebared tbrougbont the Panama incident with good faith." He s:i>- tbe adminiatration baa been tbe ok ject of miarepreaentation ia its procedure in the latter affair. Qootltiona from aneecbee delivered by Mr. Rooeereltoo recent oeeaaioaa add to tbe roluminoua* in-- ol his letter. The as.-ertion that "tbe ezpenditnrea of the naHon have been maoaged in n spirit ufeoooomy as far remoted froru waateaa from niggard neaa" in the face ofthe fact that In 1900 there waa a aurplua ol 190,000,000 in the treaaury and that now a delicit of more than 140,000,000 appeara, needa no oomment. Taken as a wbole, it ii an epiatle ofatraw and adda nothing to his tory or litcrnture._ It is generally nuderatood now that wben Chaiman Babcock, ofthe repub liean wngreaaional committee, came to Waahington recently, with tbe declara tion that tbe repiiblicatis would carry the presidency, but mlght lose the Uonae, be was pating the way for a campaign aaaaaament upon the corpora tiooa tbat enjoy republican tariff legiahv tinn. Daring more recent years, as the presidency has gone so has the House. During Grant'a aeoond term adminiatra? tion tcandaia ao abooked the country that in 1874 the democrats gained con trolof the House and made8am'1 Ii. lian dall 8[ieaker. C'liairman Babcock, wboia tborongbly oooreraanl with tbe tcandaia ofthe Rooaarell adminiatration, the poet ollice hmnda and corrnption, doobtleea had theae mattera in mind when be made his cry for boodle. BoflB kii.i; among the New York re? publican politiciana baa becomea recog i.i/vl fact and the comentions held in that State are BaBBPly to ratify the actioii Of the boaaaa, That this is true is ahown by theatatemeat thatGoternoi Odell offered tba republican nomination for Gorernor of New York to Heary W. T.itt, brotherof WarSecretary T.iit. laal Toeaday. Mr. Taft, boweter, declined theofterand would not allow hia name to be preaented to tba state eonvention. From the attitude of the Goternor there cati be little doiiht that he tegards hiui nelf as tbe omcial mouthpiece of his party, and azpecta to be ahle to control a majority ofthe delegatea, From Waahington. [OlWl ' the Alexandria Gaxette.l Waahington, 1>. C Bept 18. p, ,,:riii U loaetelt'a letter of ae oeptance movea cbainnan Oowherd, ol the democratic congreaaional committee. to worda of critictam Mr. Oowherd taya: "He aaya the party came in in and retained its place in 1900 on piedgea acrnpaloualy inlfllled. It came iu on the falea pledgc of international bimetalliam, which it never intended to carry OOt He talks about the demo? cratic party being 'shifty, uncertain, and changing its conrictiona.1 Rooae velt began political life as ? free trader and upheld the doctrinc in his numer oua works, notably tbe Life of Benton. He only cbanged his principlea as an nonnced in hia apeecb withdrawing from the Tariff Relorea dnb, becauae be COUld not get pr m >ti->n in the republi? can party on IhoM principlea He i.ot announce,becaaac he baa none, his policy in regard tothe tmsts. Not withatanding bUloogdiacnaaion ofthe tariff,ittaimpoaaible todiscover whatpo sitiou heoooopiestoday iu regard torevis (on. He exclaimi that expeadta-rea have not irjcreaaed under republican rnle. Then he ezplaloa why they have in ireased. He repeata the statement about hon booeatly the deparUaenta have l?een adminiatered, although be sent a aaaaaaae to Oongreat in which he ?<iid that frauds, forgeries, briberie.- and ?corruption, such as had never before been euualled, obtained in the postal service, ..ind when under, his direction, for ^the firat time in the history of this country 01 investigation of department? had been refused, although the existence of cor ruptioa has been shown. There are many other aaaoaapUoaa of fact in hia lettor, which the records will not ioe tain." Thc Japanese today made the cnarge ollieialv tbrough their legation here tbat ihe Russians have been using dum dum bullets. A dispatch from the Foreiga Office at Tokio received by Miniater Takahira this morning says: 'The Manchurian anny reporta that two kinds of dum-dumbulleta have been luind among the munitions ofwar cap tured after ~the battle of Liaoyang. They reseinble the oartridgea used in Iho noaalati rifleof the type of 1891. It is auppoead that the woundB received hv some of the Japanese in this battle w, re inflicted by this kind of bullet." Instrtictions have been aent by the N ivv Department to Rear Admiral tl io<lrich to kcep his fleet, the PaelrV o San Francisco to watch U?'0"ftU8'. r:ati transportLena. U"deri?,'vernation. r] law the latter haa the '',gnl to enter a port of a neutral uati'-;aand ren)ain there .,r twenty-four >;;ourg or to take on coa] ? ifflcleat t"'carry her to the nearest port r nationality or to make repairs "'' n ily for thepurpose of making her sea worthy. The collector of thc port at San FraaeJeeo will be expected to make a survcy of the vessel and determine the oxteol ol' thc necessary repairs. After thc repaira shall have been roade the I. >na will be allowed 24 hours in which eitber to leave thc port or to dismantle, ii which ldtter case she will be held till the elose of the war. The execulive coniniittce of the Amcr? ican Kederation of Lahor met herc this morning, the se.-?ions to contitiue throughoutthe week. Tbievts made a raid carly Sunday morning upon the effecta of the officers ol the Brown anny at the matieuver camp at Thoroughl'ure, Va., and rc lieved Iheni ofinore than $D>00 in cash, . lidea a qnantitv of gold watches and other jewelry. The fact did not become koowa genc'rally until today when some of thc offlcera returning from themaneu vers reported it at the War Department. There is no clew to the robbers. It ia said that Bcsirly every regiuiental head (piartcrs in the Brown anny was visitcd and tbat onch suflered to a greater or less cxtent. Acting P. M. (J. Shallenberger this morning officially designated Ward Bur lingame, chicf clerk of the dead letter office, as acting suporintendent of the diviaion to temporarily fill the vacancy cauaed by the auicide of Suporintendent Leibhardt. TURNING TO PORT ARTHUR. While (icneral Kuropatkin's soldiers are resting aud his engincers are Itreogtbeoiag the rear Russian pnsition at Tie I'ass, the commamlers of thiee JapaoOM artnies are reported to be plan nitig another flanking inovenient with a view to cutting ott" some ol the Kus siao foroea before they reach the Pass. Qeooral Koropatkin reporta to the CV-ar that there were no bO0tillttO0 8ab nrday "except laabjoineanl patrol en eotinters." The scene of active operations is once raore tranaferred to I'ort Arthor, where another general aaaanlt by the Japanese i- daily expeeted. The Japanese army before. the Roaaian Qibraltar numbers 80,000 ineti. It is reported that tlie Jap aneae aow cootrol Loaiaa Bay to the northweat and 1'igeon Bay to the eaat ot Port Arthor. Bti-sia is agaiti ready to nieet Japan on thc sea. The Raltic fleet, conaisting of nine battleships, iour cruisers and aereral torpedo boats and torpedo-boat deatroyera, in command of vice Aibniral Rojeatveosky, hassailed from Cronstadt. The fleet will touch at Libau, where it will bejoinedbyl2 tran.iporta, colliera aad stipplv ships, and procee<l thence to the far Kast. The Czar and Grand Duke Alexia, the Higfa Admiral aud other naval dignitarics saw the fleet depart aod wished thc oflicers and men good luck. Now that the war correspondents are eradiog both the Russian and Japanese ieii-ors by sending their descriptions of the great battle of Liaoyang from Cbina, the truth of tbe military coudition pre? vioiis to and dnring the seven-days'strug? gle is made public. Foreign observers and corre0poodent0 are of the opinion tbat the Roaaiaa rerarac was caused by demoralizatioo, -he result of four mootha' lallare ;n the field. Russian offlcera nadereatiaiatad the strcngth and Hghtiog abilities of the Japanese and throwlng aside responsibilities plunged into diaripaUoo in tbe city of Liaoyaag A "report from St. Petersburg statea tbat "in view of the paramount military , xigeaeea in the bv Kast" V'iceroy Alex ieff has teadered his resignation to the Cxar. It is belicved that the differences between him and General Kuropatkin have been revived. An offichd report of the Japanese losses at Liaoyang states that the killed aod wouoded aggregated I7,r>39, includ iog 186 oflicers killed and 404 wounded. Will I?e Asked to Iiitervene. A dispatch from St. Louis say- the powers of the world, signatory to The Hngue convention, will be asked by the [nterparliamentary Union at its twelfth confereuce to intervene in the Russo Japancse war ; Prcsident Roosevelt will be reqneated to call a second session ot I'he Ilague convention ; compulsory ar bitratiou will be advocated ; the use of mbmarioe mines in time of war will be ii, and many kindred resolutions will bepreaantedduring thedeliberations ? I next week. Broaaela, LondonaudCopenhageii will be recomtuended as the respective places tiir the conferetues of the uext threc reara by the exeeutive council. Thc decision to undertake to bring aboal intcrvention in the far eastcrn war was not rciiched until after a heated dis cuaaioa, at times bitter. When the propoaitioa was brought forward. M. Oo chery, n Frenoh deputy, was on his feet in an instant. He objected yigormsly to any attempt whatever t<> inject the matter into the conference. He was sup p>rted by Marquis di San Cueliano, ire? ideut of the Italian group. News has been received from German Nea Onlaea saying thatnativesattacked the Oatholk missiou and murdered Father* Baaahaa and Ruttar, Brothers I Bley, I'larschaert and Schellekens and l Sisters Sotia, Agatha, Annie, Agnes and I Angella. Thirty-six nativea were cap i turedand lrtofthem were executed for the ! crime. The deaign of the natives waa t ? iiiiirder all the whites, but this wa? | !;iistrated. News of the Day. Mr. Francis White, who was a direc tor in numerous financial, educational and charitable institutions of Baltimore, died yeaterday after a lingering illnesa. The Canadian Pacific west-bound Con tinental Expreas was held up Saturday night by fotir maskeu men, four and a half milea west of Misaion Junction, in a wooded district. They robbed the mail and expreascars and escaped. They secured $6,000 or more without firing a shot. The Russian transport Len*. carrv ing 23 guns, arrived at S??;, Francisco yeaterday from Vladivo?'l0|r. Her cap Uin declares she is *4 transport in need of repairs. Her arrival has been re? ported to W'^hington. An officer of the ship -admittcd she had been2on a cruisip-g expedition, hoping to capture ??Tje trans-Pacific vessel carrying con traband. Anti-Semitic rioting took place at Rovno, in the government of Volhynia, Russia, September 4, during which many persons were injured and shops were pillaged. A similar outbreak occurred at Sroeld, in the government of Kieff, where troops were ealled. Ninety-eight houses and 145 shops were pillaged, and several persons were seriously and many slightly wounded by the troops. Many of the rioters were arrested. The affair lasted two days, September 4 and 6. William J. Ferguson, 38 years old, a theatrical advance agent, is dying in a New York hoapiul from a pistol ahot .vound said to have been inflicted by Mrs. Gertrude Roberta in the Metropoli tan Hotel yeaterday morning. The woman says Ferguson attempted to as sault her.' There is some mystery about the affair. Ferguson at first did not ac cuse the woman ofshooting him, but said he shot himself. He subsequently reproached Mrs. Roberts for shocling him. Gertrude E. Roberta was arraign ed before Magistrate Moss today. and was committed to the Tombs without bail for 48 hours. A singular afl'air took place in Weat minister Abbey in London yeaterday. At the middle of the morning service of series ol loud exploeions came from the north transept and started the kneeling congregation to its feet, causing an al most dangerous rush for the doors. The Rev. Canon Duckworth succeeded in reassuring the people and in preventing a panic. It was discovered that the cause of the explosions wasafirecracker, tlic label attached to which showed tho outrage to be the work of a fanatical ad herent of the late John Kensit, the anti ritualistic crusader. The culprit es? caped in the confusiou following the ex? plosions. Virginia News. It is said in Charlottesville that pui - lic sentiment on the McOue murder has not changed, but the people are satis fied with what has been done for the present. The I). R. Midyette Company, capi tal stock 1100,000, to conduct in Rich? mond a southern agency of the Fidelity Mntual Lif'e Insurance Company, has been chartered by the Virginia Corpo ration Commission. Southern Railway detectiveshave cap tured, in Sussex county, at a station ealled Homeville, a band of twelve ne grooa somewhat similar in purpose to the "Before Day" clubs thtt are being rounded up farther South. This band styled themselves the "Rough Riders,,' and their object, it is allegcd by the de tectives, was to rob andburn houses and stores in the vicinity of Homeville. The twelve captives are charged with rob bing and burning the Southern Rail? way station at Homeville, and with plot ting to rob and burn the general store of Bert A Chapel, at the same place. The leader of the band is Bud Tucker. The negroes areconfiued in the Suseex jail, a wooden structure, and the dotectives fear they will make their escape. An eflort will be made to have the prisoners removed to Petersburg for safety. Jesse Jackson, a negrooriginally from Indiana, but recently following the rail road construction camps in Virginia, was shot and captured after resistance to arrest nearOrangeSaturday. Special Police Officer James Roach attempted to arrest him at Culpeper Thursday night about 11 o'clock. The negro re sisted, and when Officer Roach struck him over the head with his baton the negro, who was armed, drew his pistol and shot the officer. The bullet struck Roach'scollar button and passed en tirely through his neck. Officer Roach is still alive. and it is thought will re cover. When the oflicers went to the negro cabin near < )range wbcre Jackson had been located he attempted to escape, and fired at the oflicers, who returned the fire, wounding him in the leg. He has admittcd that he is the man who shot Officer Roach._ Eight Peraona Drowned. The Delaware river steamer Columbia, on its way from Philadelpbia to Bristol, Pa., last night, crashed into a steam lannch about ten miles north of Phila? delpbia, giinding it to pieees and caus? ing the drowning of eight of the dozen occupants of the amall boat. All of the party were Philadelphians. The acci dent was the tragic ending of a day's pleasure trip on the river. The launch was owned by Joaeph Fortescue, and the party had been made up from among a fewofhis friends. The day was spent in a cruise up the river asfaraaTren ton. The return trip was begun after nightfall, the pilot of the boat keeping close to the Pennsylvania shore on the run down the river. When a point was reached near Andulsia, the Columbia ?uddenly loomed up ic the darkness. Fortescue jammed his wheel to star board, but just a raoment too late. The big steamer struck the launch squarely in the middle and cut it in half, throw ing all the occupants into the water. A terrible shriek went up as tbe boat* struck, which almoet cauaed a panic among the passengers on board the Columbia. Dozensof lile-preaervers were thrown overboard to thoee in the water and a boat was lowered. Not withstanding the fact that Capt. Camp bell, of the Columbia, iuetantly reversed his eugine, the Columbia was some dis tance from the struggling people in the water when she came to a full stop. When the rowboat reached the spot only four persons could be found in the dark? ness. It ia believed that several of the victims were crushed by the paddle wbeela of the Columbia. The survivora of the launch claim the launch waa burn? ing the neceasary river ligbts, as doea also Capt. Campbell. The latter de clared last night that the accident was unavoidable LETTER OF ACOEPTANOE. The bong-looked-for letter of accep tance from Mr. Roosevelt haa at last appeared, and it may be tru)y aaid that the r.iountain has labored and brought for -a mouse. It conaista chiefly of aa suinptions and attempted depreciation of democratic principles. It is elongated, uvuking 62 pagea in 'pamphlet lorni. Oomparatively few will have either the time or patience to peruse it in its en fcrety. The lolicwing ia subatan'ially hat the writer deairea the people of the United Statea to swallow : No other adminiatration (then thepres ent one) in our hiatory, no other govern mant in the world, haa moreconsistently atood for the broadest spirit of brother hood in our common humanity, or haa held *a more resolute attitude of pro test against every wrong that outraged the civilization of the age, at home or abroad. Pension Order No. 78 (directing that any veteran of the civil war who has reached the age of 62 years ahould be presumptively entitled to a peusion of $6 a month) is justified, not merely on legal grounds, but also on grounds of public morality. The record of the last seven years proves that the party now iu powercan be trusted to take the additional action ueceasary to improve and strengthen our monetory system and that our op ponenta caunot be ?o trusted. The action of the Attorney-Oeneral in enforcing the anti-trust and iuterstate commerce laws, and the action of the last Oongreas have for the first time opened acbance for the national government to deal intelligently and adequately with thequeslions affecting society because of the accumulatiou ol capital in great cor porations. When they (the democrats) speak of protection aa robbery, they of course niust inean that it ia immoral to enact a taritl deiigned to secure to the American wageworker the beoefit ofthe highstand ard of living which we desiie to see kept up in this country. To speak ot the tariff in this senae aa robbery is on its t'ace falae. From time to time schedulew must un doubtedly be rearranged and readjusted to meet the shiftingneeds of the country. but this can with safety be done only by those who are conimitted to the cause ol the protective system. At no time in the hislory of thi- or any country has there been anera aopro du'ctive of material benefitalike to work ingmenand employcras during the seven year- that have just passed. Tbe army as it is now is as small as it can possibly be and serve its purpose as an effective nucleus. The expenditures of the nation have been managed in a spirit of economy, as far removed from waste as from niggard liness. The pnblic work of the UniteJ States has never been conducted with a highcr degrce of honesty and efficiency than at the present time. Wc have known no party in dealing with offenders. Any abindonment ol the policy which we have ateadily pursued in the Philip piae islands would be fraugbt with dis honor and disaster. Our government has been true to the spirit ofthe fourteenth atnendment in the Philippinea. There is not a policy, foreign or do mestic, which we are now carrying out, which it would not be disawtrous to re verse orabandoii. We hold ever before us as the all-im portant end of policy and administration the reign of peace at home and through out the world. The purchasing power olthe average wage received by the wageworker has grown faster thau the cost of living, and this in spiteofthecontinualshorteningof working houra. There has been an cnormous increase in the annual agricultural output and in the value of farm property. Thediminution in the amount ofthe siirplus is due to expenditures on ac count of such highly desirable improve ments as rural free dclivery, irrigation, pensions to veterans and the purchase of the Panama canal. There has been rigid economy in the administration of public business and all offenders have been held to strict accountability, no mercy being shown to wrongdoers, who have been hunted out and prosecuted with the utmost vigilance. The republican party's achievemeots in the past afford a prophecy for the future. THE MANEUVER8 OVER. The maneuvers and the third battle of Manassas are things ot the past. Train after train loaded wiih troops left thc camps for distant States yesterday, and by tonight all of the troops will have left these camps. Gen. Corbin left corps headquarters yesterday morning for Washington in an automobile. Mrs. Corbin and Mrs. Grant accompanied tbc general. The rcview on Saturday was not so large as had been expected, many of the meu being too much used up to mareh. Some of the Southern troops refused to parade with the negro militiamen of the First Separate Connecticut Infantry. The first actualminglingof thenegrocs and the whites came atthe review Satur urday, but instead of any trouble result ing the Sonthern mon simply wtthdrew. In addition to the SonthCarolinians the Third Tennessee Infantry was conspicu ous by their absence, while the other Southern commands paraded by bat talions instead of reginienta. Mauy of the individual aoldiers simply droped out of line and declined to take part in the parade. The North Carolina troops were abaent also. The Seventieth Virginia Reginient and the Richmond Howitzers fought with the Blues in the "battles." In double-time movement at the review on Saturday the artillery losta wheel, throw ing three men to the ground. They jumped quickly to the gun, replaced the wbeel and did it so quickly that the ac ? ident did not break the line. For this they received special commendation from the rciewiag oflicers. There were scores of prostrations, and the heat and dust combined to make hundreds of men sick, while sleeping in a blanket on the hard ground, with the sky for roof, is not the acrae of comfort but as a whole tbe maneuvers bave been notably successful. Aa a result of aconference with Judge Nicol and Maj. French, provost marshal Mayor Wagener of Manaasaa on Satur? day ordered all the saloons in the place cloaed till 10 o'clock this morning. A telegram from Monastir reports a new movement by the Bulgarian revo lutionary leaders. One of tbese leaders who started with forly membera has now a most formidable body. RTJSSIANS 8TILL RETREATINO. St. Petersburg, Sept. ^.-General Kuropatkin's army has agaia taken.up r^Mu^S^^^ ____"? 'JL, taea stated on several occa atns a sSnd will probably be made agaio'at any advance which the Japaneae might attempt. St. Petersburg, Sept. 12.?Lieutenant General Sakaharofl reports that the Jap? anese have not started north of the Yen tai in any considerable nurabers. They have, he says, several large camps on the railway south of there toward Liaoyang. St. Petersburg, Sept. 12.?An official dispatch received today denies the report that General Mistchenke, who command ed the Russians eaat of Liaoyang, was killed to the eastward of that city on September 3. The Maine Election. Augusta, Maine, Sept. 12.?Maine's voters will today choose a governor. four members of Congress, a State legis lature and county officera. The cam [iaign has been quite spirited and it is expected a large total vote will he polled. Politicians of both partiea agree that thc majority for the republicians will not be as large as it has been in recent years. Mr. Cobb, republican candidatc for governor, expects not less than l.r),000 plurality. Democrats as a rule are hope ful that the republican plurality will fall aa low as 10,000. The democrats expectto increaaetheir membershipin the lower brauch of the legislature by 30, and la the Senate by three. Portland, Me., Sept. 12.? Reports re? ceived from various pointa throughout the State indicnte uufavorable Jweather conditioua for today's election. It is leared that unless the conditions change later, the vote polled will be small. Laterthe skiescleared andeverything pointed to a heavy vote. The voting up to noon indicated that the republican plurality would not fall off from that of two years ago. heliei are Kepublicana. Wilmington, Del.,Sept. 12.?Addicks republicans are dismayed over the re? sult of the primary election as union republicans refused to vote. Out of nine tbousand registered republicans only 1,020 voted. Negroes refused to vote the Addicks ticket and former stal wart workers of the Addicks party were found inducin-r the voters to stay away. Pieaident Booaatalt and the national committee mtist now lake a band to straightcn out the tangle. The New castle county otlices are fat ones, and are filled by anti-Addicks republicans. With the Addicks ticket in the tield the eoaaty otteea will go to the democrats. The Addicks people are using county cuiditioiis to forcc the acceptance of (lonrad wr Governor. This would give the Secretary of State the patronage, in cluding voters assistants. There are men who make it po<siblo at election to bny voters._ Crown Prince tO Vlsit Kngland. Manchester, Eng., Sept. 12.?It is learned here that Crown Prince Fred erick William, of Germany, before his marriage to the Duchess Cecilia, will visit Kngland as the guest of King Ed ward. The prince is expected toward the aad of October. The Kaiser, it is aaid, wiU allow the prince$40,000 a year, aad the Reichatag will vote him 180,000 additional. It is also reported that the relatio-is betweeu Kaiser Wilhelm and King Leopold, ot Belgium, aro shained. The Kaiser tried lo reconcile Leopold and his daughter, the Countesa Lonyay, ?ad Princess Louise, of Coburg Leo? pold, in a discourteous letter, blutitly told the German emperor to mind his own business. AssaulttMl Hla Wlfe. Richmond, Va., Sept. 12.?John War renton, a painter and athlete, attacked his wite in the street in Petersbiir?today. He slashedthe back of the woman'sneck from side to side. It is expected that Mrs. Warrenton will die. On August 15th, the woman left her husband, of whom she was mortallyasraid, and went to livc with her mother. This morning Warrenton tried topersuade her toreturn to him. She refused, and when War? renton drew his razor, *he started to run. After his attack on his wife, Wareuton walked to the jail and cooly surrended. He refuses to talk. .lew balting Hiots. Berlin, Sept. 12.?Word was received here today of a fierce Jew-baiting riot in Poland. At Sosnowick the Jew-baiters, armed with revolvers, knives and stones, attacked the synagogues and many of the worshippers were wounded. The mob then proceeded to plunder tbe Ghetto. The authorities gave the Jews but half-hearted support. Ten persons were arrested. Another outbreak oc earred at Eoara, 1'oland. The soldiers of the town attacked the Ghetto and were not subdtied until the municipal fire hose was turned on them. Oaaaaaa Military Manenvrea. Berlin, Sept. 12.?One hundrcd thou aaad men, compose<l of two army corps, a brigade and several regiments, today engaged in military maneuvres. The area extends from the Baltic sixty miles inland. The emperor has ordered sev? eral of Germany'smost important battles reenacted for the instruction of the Ger? man oflicers. Crown Prince Frederick William will make his military debut at these maneuvres. Ihe emperor intends to entrust him with most difficult tasks. Sirlkeat Marsclllets Settled. Mareeilles, Sepi. 12.?The strike of the marine reservea, which has seriously blocked steamships traffic at this port for three weeks, past, is considered as ended, the shipowners having consented to modifications in their reply to the atrikers. It is estimated that the two Mtrikes have cost Marseilles an average dailv loss of $600,000 or a total of $12,600,. The N'ewr York Btoek Market. New Yr.rk, Sept. 12. 11 a. m.? Ontinued a.tivity eharacterited the stock niarkt-t this moralae;, hut tba eeataa af pricea developed ? msiderable irreiziilarity. Tbere waa a sensa lioaal awtaaea af atat alx aaiatalaWaw .lersey Central. hased upon a revival of the rumors of a dividend increase. The other hij?h priced anthrantf itatBY darJiaaa 1 I* r i?<-nt. Southern Railway acored an ad taaeaefaear a tH>'"t "" tne excellent corn prospeet rvfM.rtrsi hy the government. What isLlfe? In the laat analyais nobody kaawa, hut we do know that it i? under strict law. Abuae that law even slightly, pain results. Irrrx ularliving mean* drraiiKementoftheurirans, resulting in Coaatipation, Haadaehe ot Li\er troulile. Pr. Kinir s New I.ife Pills .tuickly raadjaail tliis. It's ttentle, yet thurough. Oal] ?? Bl B, BV Leadbeater A Sotm' drug ?faaa, T1.LEGRAPH1C BREVITIRS President Roosevevt and Senator Fairbanks will receive reports together at Oyster Bay, N. Y., from the Maine election thia evening. While a large steel plate waa being removed last night in the Homeatead Steel Works, at Pittsburg, Pa,, it atruck three men, one of them being so badly iniured that he died a tew hours later. Firo at ten o'clock this morning, de Btroyed the Block ice and cold storage plant at Manaaquan, N. J., in which was stored 1,000,000 pounds of fiah val ued at $80,000. The building waa valued at $75,000. The firet aeasion of the interparlia mentary union for the promotion of international arbitration, was held this morning, at the Worlda Fnir at St. LDuis. The Congress elected Congreas man Bartholdt, as its president. Nan Patterson, under indictment in New Y'ork for tbe murder of Caesar Young, today celebrated her 22nd birth day. Among her visitore were ber father andheryoungerbrother, of Waah iugton, D. C. The young actress re? ceived many letters of congratulation. The letters also wished her a speedy trial. The White Star line steamer Ger manic, which ran aground last night, off Sandy Hook, while inward bound, from Southampton and Cherbourg, was floated tbia morning and proceeded to her pier. The vessel sustained no dam age. The Germanic haa been running in the American line service in place of the New York, which was laid up for re pairs. The explosion of a bombin a house on Third Avenne, New York, at 1:40 o'clock this morning, cauacd consider able damage to the building, and great excitement among the reaidenta in that and neigbboring tenamenta. Flames followed the explosion but they ware soon drowned ont. Oniy one person was injured. An Italian who kept a barber shopon the ground floor of the wrecked building, was arreated ou sua picion of having caused the explosion. Henry O. Davis, democratic uominee for Vice President, held an important conference in New York this afternoon with Chairman Taggart, of the demo? cratic national committee, August Bel mont, former Senator James K. Jonea, William Rodie and other democratic leaders, and went over the situation earelully with the plain purpose of pro secuting a more vigorous campaign. SenatOf Arthur Pue Uorman, of Mary hind, will reach New York tonight and the conference will becontinued through out tomorrow. David B. Hill went to Iiosemonl today. He had lunch with the Parker faniilv and held a conference with the nominee. It issaid that Lieut. Gov. Higgins, of Olean. ?ill l.t> the candidate of the republican State eonveution for QofBtnot af (few York. FOltKIGN NKWH. The British steamers Inventor and Goolistan were in collision oft'Lisbon today. The Goolistan sank, and seven of tbose aboard her were drowned. The Russian consul at Nybcrg, to? day, sailed to meet the Russian Baltic fleet, which was reported yesterday as sailing from Kronstadt for the fu East. The Freuch mail steamer Tamise, bound for Haipheng, a port of Tonquin, has been wrecked on the east of Anram, and is a total loss. All on board were saved. The DoaainJou and the Canadian Pacific steamship lines announce a fur tbet rediKtioti in their steerage ratos from Liverpool to Quebec. from $15 to to$10. It is stated that genealogical research es which have been conducted lately, have discloscd the fact that Richard Wagner, the late famous Oe rman cora poser, was a Jew. The Right Hon. James Lewther, meinber of the British parliament since 1888, and a well known sportsman is dead. He was the oldest of the promi nent British protectionists. Max Rcgis, the lormer Mayor of Algiers, who has figured in a record number of "affairs d'henneur," fought another duel with sworda near Paris this morning. His opponent was a sportsman named Fontaine. Regis wounded his adversary in the forearm. The duel resulted from a quarrel during a production of a play. Two Japanese were arrested at St. Peteraburg to<lay. One of them had joined the Greek Catholic Church, and married a Russian lady. From docu menta seized at their residencea, both are believed to be naval ofBcers acting as spiea. Oemocratic Committee. State Chairman J. Taylor Ellyson has named his executive committee. It is composed as follows: J. Taylor Elly? son, Edward Echols, Staunton; E. J. Harvey, Stuart; John D.; Horsley, Lyuchburg; W. A. Jones, Warsaw; A. P. Thom, Norfolk; Henry I. Wiekham, Hanover; A. A. Campbell, Wytheville; Jaaaoa Hay, Madison; Thomaa F. Ryan, Nelson; A. D. Watkins, Farmville, and Joseph E. Willard, Fairfax. The chairmen ofthe distiict commit tees are as follows : First district, Lloyd T. Smith; Second, C. Fenton Day; Third, E. L. C. Scott; Fourth, A. D. Watkins; Fifth, R. A. James; Sixth, W. A. Glasgow, jr.; Soventb, R. T. W. Duke;JEighth, George S. Shackelford; Ninth, P. F. St. Clair, and Tenth, Joe. Britton. State oi, Oiiio, City of Toledo, I LlCAS C'OINTY, /?"? Frank J. Cheney makis oath that he is -.?iiiiir partner <>f tlie liriu nf F. J. Cheney & < .... dotng business in the eity ofTofedo, eoaaty and State atoresaiil and that aaid lirn, ?ill p'ay iliesu.nof (1NK IIINPKKP DOL l.Alts ibraaeh and artry case of Catarrh that eaanot he earad by tba use ot tlall's Catarrh Care. , FKANK J. CHENEY. Bwota to hefure n.e and subscrihed in my ureaaaca,tala 8th day of December, A. P. A. W. GLEA80N, (Seal ) Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally. ;iinl a<:ts directly on the blood aud maaoat surt'aces ofthe system. Send for testimoniala free. F. J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Pruggist, 78a. Take Uall'a PatniLv Pilla for conatipation. Has Sold a Pile of Chamoerlaln's Cough Remedy. I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for more than twenty years and i: haa given entire satisfaction. I have sold a pile of it and can recommend it highly.?loaeph McElhiney, Linton, lowa. You will find this remedy a good friend when troubled with a cough or cold. It always aflbrds quick relief aud is.pleasant to take. For sale by Gibson & Timberman and W. F. Creighton A Co. '_'_ Tbe Market. Georgetowa, Sept. 12.-Wheat yoa$1.0G. Grand Canp Confederate Veteran*. Arrangements have about beenoom pletedfor the meetingof the Grand Camp of Confederate Veterans of Virginia, the United Sons of the Confederacy and the United Confederate Veterans, Virginia division, in Lynchburg this week, and it is expected that 2,000 or 2,.r>00 persons will be in Lynchburg during Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the days of the camp. The parade will take place on Thursday afternoon. A german tendered by the Garland Rodea United Sous of the Conlederacv to the sponsors and their uiaids will take place on Friday night. On Wed? nesday night the Kirk-wood-Otey Chap ter, Daughtera of the Confederacy, will receive the sponsors and maids, aud on Thursday night the Old Dominion Chap ter will tender a similar reception. Tbe address of welcome will be de livered by Mr. N. C. Nanson, of Lynch? burg. Grand Commander George L. Christian, of Richmond, will respond. Gen. Thomas T. Munford will welcome for the Garland-Rodes camp aud Col. Williams H. Stewart, of Portsmouth, will respond. Tbe report of the history committee will be presented on Thurs? day by Senator John W. Daniel. Among others addresses will be those of Gen Irvine C. Walker, of South Carolina, on "The Women of the South," and Rev. Dr. Randolph McKim, of Washington, on a theme not yet announced. The parade of the veterans on Thurs? day afternoon will be reviewed by the oflicers of the Grand Camp, and it is expected that Governor Montague will be on the reviewing atand. Already a large number of business houses have decorated, the Confederate colors predominating evorywhere. Killed by Trains. Harry Stoner, aged 35, married, fell asleep on the tracks of thc Westem Maryland Railroad, on Main street, in Smithsburg, Md., Saturday night, and early yesterday morning was run over killed by an extra westbound freight train. The enginemau saw him ly ing on the track and reversed the engine, but could not stop the train in time. Stoner was the son of Peter Stoner, af Fairfield, and, with his eight-year-old son. was visiting Edward Millcr, in Smithsburg. Saturday night he becarr.e intoxicated, and instead of going hoaae with his host, waudered around towu. and finally fell asleep on the track. Tbomas Shroder, a partialiy deafnian, was almost instantly killed yesterday morning by being struck by a westbound freight train on the Westem Maryland Railroad near the Potomac avenue staliou, Hagerstown, Md. He was em ployed at the station fer many years. He wns about fortyeight years old. John Pardyke, aged twenty-two years, went to sleep on the track of theC'tm berland and Westernport Eleclric Rail? way at Eckhart, Md., early yeaterday morning, and was run over and killed. He was a niiuer and lived at Eckhart. He leaves a family. I'ur.e.i to Kiit iflaaarlf Given the choice of killing himself or being killed by an enr.iged brother. Ciaus Michael, a bookkeepcr living with his wife in New York, choso suicido, and late Saturday afternoon shot aml killed himself while thc enriiged brother waa stauding at the door. The man who drve Michaels to self-de*tructioii eecaped aa soon as the fatal shot rang out. He i now being sought by the police and the stiicide's frantic wife. She knows !iim only as the brother of the young woman who came betwecn her and her Doabaad. The tragedy occurred just after Mrs. Michaels had answered theriagofthe front door bell. Tbe man who cc.nIronted her asked if her husbaml aaa in, 0ad upon learning that he was, cried loadly through the hallway: "Have you fiuished that job yet? If you haven't I will." Instantly a shot rang out from within the house, and ruahing to thc parloi Mrs. Michaels found her husband lyiag upon the floor, a deep wound in his right temple and a revolvcr clutched in hishaod. Michaels was still cooaelooa when his wife cried out to him, asking why he had shot himself. His only uiiswer was: "I had to do so or he would have killod me." Thc Itao-e*. Brighton Beach, Sept. 12. ? First race. Collector Essup won, Duchess Ollie sec? ond, Adunlho third. Second race ? Walter Clary won, Paulaker second, Flyiug Buttress third. Third race?Pulsus won, Ostrich aec ond, Decuber third. Kenilworth Park, BulTalo, Sept. 12.? First race. Athel won, Ben Fenso sec? ond, Benckurt third. Second race.?Peggy won, Cungress second, Miss Morgan third. Third race.?Shrine won, Coiuml u second, Odel Trembler third. Hawthone, Chicago, Sept. 12.- ?Mad Mullah won, Dragon second, Julia M third. Seven business blocks wvre doatroyed by fire at Idaho Falls, I who, early this morning, causing a loaa of M0v,00O. In all, forty-fbur buildings burned. You are liable to an attaek of sonie forni of Bowel Complaint and should provide fOaraalf with the best known Kemedy, Pn. BBTB Aa noi.i.'s BaUUM. Warranted hy W. F. Creighton A Co., Warfield & Hall, F<lgsr Warfield, jr., Alexandria. FOIt SAIiK.?The famous LE1 < < ?AL at the loweat market prices. . _. W. A. 8MOOTA ?' SUGAR CORN.-W casea Caaaad Cota, newpack,juBtreeeive,lbyr M|J [!,.,,N .COX * OOBDON MissolTil HAMfl ??*-'*?.""V.V ? TwelvemaU very line OLD JAVA COf FEKjnat reoelred by J J. c. BflLBUSN, NORW'AYSIMOKKD SAKDINKH, jus,r,e,vedby .,.,..??.,., I:X. S.MAl.I. I1A.MS, winter cured and inibl cured, for sale by _J. C MILB DBN. 20 Ixwea High Grade ADAMAMINK C VNPI.LS (full weight^, just received l.v J. C. MILBHRN. ' QBEEN (.LNGLTi.-One barrel aalittad Graen Uinger just received by J. c BtlLBURN. A full lina of BBOOMB, HEATHB BRCOMS and WUISKS for rale low by .]. ( MII.BCML GALVANIZED TI'BS, BUCKET8 and 01LCAN8justre<.eivcs.b>(,Mu|i[,|:N 1 barrel afHEINZ'8 SWF.KT HIXED P1CKLE8 just received by 1 J. C. MII.IUKV M^'Mjttf BAKED BK'ANS, vegetarian plaiu anoWlth toinato aauce, r*?f,"???d-b? J. C M1LBIKN,