Newspaper Page Text
TrtDRSDAY EVENING. FEB. 18.1909. Local Matters. Sun and Tide Table. Sun rises tomorrow at 6 47 and set* at 6:41 High water at 7 00 a. m.; 7 19 p. m. ?.?>? Weather Probabilities. For thia'ection increasing clondioe*-* and warmer tonight with minimnm temperature about 40 degree*: Fridav rain; Ji,ht to mod orate -toutheaaterly winda BEAUTIFUL RECEPTION. _-rr-more, the historic hom*-' if B"tty Wa*hieig*"n L?-wi*, now ow .ed by Mr. Clarence R. Howard, wai Fridav night the scene ol ree of the most beau ifni rece p i ii b bel i in tha city for years, when Mr. acd Mrs. Hovard, boiboi whom (oi r bute no little lo th" soc'al life o' Frede ick-burg ad wbo both hsvs L"St- rf friend-, t'irew opsn the doers of (heir bistort* old mansion to their friend's. Kenn ore looked its best tod tbe guests might tave imagined them selves back io the time of W*?hicgon aod Mercer, surr-unded ai bey were with ancient family po traits, ii bararie* with ai air of aiclert learning, and china and furniture of tbe picturesque period that ma le Ihe old rity of Freder? icksburg fun; us. Mra. Howard, aasii-t ed by ber nt r, Mri Gibson, o. Alex? andria, Mrs. A R. Hoaa'd and Mrs. S. G Wallace received tbe guests in the parlor, while the library adjoioing made an elegant ball reo-n and the younger set damed to muBic by Djncb's Orcbeitie, of Washington. Io the din log room dainty tefreshment* were served under the direction of Mies Georgia Frencb^of Alexandria, sister of tbe hos'eMa. Mus French waa assisted in serving by a number of young 'a lies nf thia city, among them Miss Edith Barber, Miss Jennie Maitland, Miss Harris and Miga Kata Doggett. Ken? more is one of tbe most beautiful old Colonial mansions in the e'ats if not Ihe most beautiful. ? [Fredericksburg Jour? nal. _______ "TAG DAY." A fit celebration of Washington's birthday i* to bave our "Tag Day" on the Twenty-second of February as every one knows tbat the money collected by thia meaus ia to be used for tbe a-rang lng of a public play ground for the child? ren, therefore a splecdid commemora? tion of Washington's birth would be to benefit his smail countrymen who are to grow up and help direct the gov-rnmect of which be was ibe father-patriot. A comm'ttee of twenty gentlemen an to call at th'i pablo schools oo Friday aod arr inge to bave the childnw dispose of the individual taja?si look out for the youngsters and sce that they don't leave you out. The minimum price of the persona! tags is ten cents. Mit>a Mary Carlin ia the able chair? man of tha wagon and store tags. Trie minimum price for wagon tags is twenty five cents aod tbe minimum price for the ?tore tags if one de 1 ar. So to the front, all ye merchants, and help in tho good cause. Ci"zr.-*, too, are given the chance to aid and all wHo will, for asde from the et j ymeot it will famish ibe youngsters, il wi!! a'so help to beautify the city, in wbic'i we all have pride; so in helping th*-* urchins, one helps ones self. B ? p'et Jtr.-d, thep, for Tug Day, Mon lay, iheT-veniv-sfcrmdof February. ESCAPE OF PRISONER. Frank J hnson, wbo was arrested in this city on the 29th instant for the lar? ceny of a horse in Henrico county, and a large quantity of meat, several acts of baroeas aod other gooda from farmers in Fairfax county, escaped from Deputy Sheriff R C. Garnett, of Henrico county, yeaterd ey afternoon, by leaping from a rapidly ninvirg Washington ti mthern train at Franconia, aoout 7 miles south ol Alexandria. Lie-uterant Smith waa not fled of the man's escape by telephone from Richmond, about five hours after the occurrence, and at once communicat? ed with nil of the neigboriog t)wni. Johnsoei had been held fir the Henrico county authorities, bot a mild caae of smallpox io the city j iii, where he waa confined, deliyerJ his departure until the quarantine was lifted. Siorly after D?puty Sierifl Ounett left Alexandria with Johnson, yesterday afternoon, tbe prlooooi made an excuse ti have tho handcuff- removed from bia wrists, aird immediately made a dash for tbe platiform ofthe ta', from which be leaped while the train was traveliog st 90 miles an ii. ur. J ihris-n is about 28 yean old, aod bat been feigning iuiarry aiOee bis j.rres'. PGLIOEOOURT. [Justive H. B. Caton presiding.] The following case* wera disposed of thia morning: Arthur Gregory, c 1 nd, charged with atealing heness from P. I. Ba riogton, was fined $10 McPheraon Mason, cl arg-ni with s'esl? ing cider, waa dismissed for want of evidence. A white man, charged witb fighting, wa* fi iee) $,*>. Another mao, charged with a similar OJMSSQ, was dismissed. ENT-RrAlNMENi' AT~LY0EUM TONIGHT. I dm -rho do not a tend the mur-ieal and lltt.-rtry eutertainmeU a* the Young Meo'a Sodality Lyc-um Hall tonight will mis* tbe lime of their lives. Messrs. O'Siea aud Trodder, popular aod well known singers of Wssbington, will be at tbe Lyceum this evening, and all should hear them. Well-known local talent will rho take part in the enteitainment, and all the lovers of music should em? brace this opportun tv. FERRY BOAT ON MARCH 4. A* baa been stat'el in the tiitette, toe Washington and Potomac Steimboat dm*.any will place a steamer on tie route b 4jveen Alexandria and Washing, ington ou the fourth of March. The merchar.ts of Ibis city aod others are siil eaffgad io formulating plans by whic i a peinmnent ferry service cai be re-establish.d between tbe two cities. N i boat hns li en run on the line since the Si day of last November. For That Ten ible Itching;. F, tscna, tetter ant) gait rheum keep their victims ;>er-.e-ual torment, The application of Cl amtH,|,|_*a ilaire will instantly t-lky ibu itchio*, gmt many cases na^e beet cured by tia os* IVl sale by W. f. Creight r a Oo , and Rich-i rd Q bson. The cheap*- j, ?eTer the beal, but we bave tho he*- Footwear 'old io Alex? andr a. J -bo A. Mar?h?;l & Bro.. 422 *v?'g atreet. CIRCUIT COURT FDR COUNTY. [Judge J. B. T. Thoroton, presiding.] Nf baii^l Binks, colored, wai yei'.er imt indittd by the yrand j iry tot ttl > niously atsaulting Thou ai Aikens with a .-rick at Four-mile ruo Sar-day morn it_ laat, Btnks entered a plea of guilty and waa seoteoct-d to serve ooe year in the penitentiary. Com. vb. Campbell, appeal from a justice'* decision; decision sustained. The grand jory today presented a re? port concerning the reported frequent ?I'se-rdera oo the Falls Church electric road. The jury states that alter careful examination ioto the matter they found that the reports tre grealy exaggerated and were circula'ed with malicious in? tent and purpcs? to injure tbe railroad and to bring reproach upon tbe people of the county. The jury alao returned an indictment against Jobn Nelson fr gambling. The grand joiy wa* dis? charged and courtadjonrned till March 2. WASHINGTON PARK ASS03U TION. The transportation and rates commit t e of old Home Comiog Week met this morning in tbe Clamber of Oommerce noons. Chairman Preston called thn committee to order, acd Mr. 0 W. Wattles, ofthe Norfolk Steamboat Com? paoy, was elected vice cba'rrr-ao, aod H. E Gentry of the Washington South? ern Railwayaecretary. There waa discus? sion as to ratea of transposition facili? ties, and oommiltees were appointed ss fullowB. Messrs. G.-ntry snd Lube* on railral ratea within the State; C. W. Wattles, on rates and transportation on the Norfolk line; Messrs. Graham and Clift on electric traospcr'at'on and rates; Vf. M. Readon for ratea and t'ansporta tioo on the Washington and Potomac line; S E. Lindsay on Potomac Naviga? tion Oompany All committees inter? ested in trsnsportation and rate ques? tions are requested to communicate aa soon as possible wi'h Chairman Preston at the Chamber of Commerce. DELIGHTFULLY EN IERTAINED. About 1,600 people aooght the Opera j House last night ai a place of amuse? ment an \ they were loth to leave even after they bad witnessed the entire per? formance. It ia not saying to much when it is put in print that the musical Wilaons are the beat even seen in th's city. They make aoy kind of an old instrument fairly talk and tbe way they perform provea to those who know aod appreciate good music tbat tbe Wilaons are artistic musicians. Those who are fond ofa good melcdrama can bave their hearts desire satisfied by seeing Ihe Ben? netts. Cue would hardly believe tbat such a show aa tbat furnished by the management of tbe Opera House could be put on at tbe sma'i price of admission charged. It only provea tbat they bave established themselves in the hearts of the people aod are cateriog more for good will than the mooey taken in, TERRIBLE FIRE. The moat realistic fire scene ever pre? sented in motion pictures was tha* fur? nished laat night at the Alexandria Amusement Oompany. The engicea, aod truck companies were pictured aa natu? ral as life and the fire laddiea were strug? gling to save the entire block from de? struction. The scene was the most real? istic ever presented and was a credit to this popular amusement bouse. Besides this the talking pictures, especially the one by Harry Lauder, wbo sang "The Wedding of Lauohie McGraw," were grand. Tonight tbe roanegement prom? ises a change and one tbat will please all. Come out tonight and you will not regret it._ deaths. Mr, John F. Morrissey died at Ilia residence, No. 521 north Alfred street, last night. Tbe deceased was M years old. He leavea a widow and three child? ren?two sonr aod a daughter. Mr. Mor? rissey was a son of Michael abd Eliza? beth Morrissey. He wai a cigarmaker by occupation. Mrs. Annie M. Church, wife of Mr. Frank A. Ghurcb, died at ber residence, on Oommerce street, at 2:10 o'clock this morning. Besides her hosband abe leaves a son. The decrased was a daugh? ter of Eiward and Anna Day. Sbe was 49 yean old. _ A GOOD SINGER. ls enjoyed by moat every one. Such was tbe case at the Elite Oompany last night. Every one wbo heard Mr. J Wilber Davis wai more than pleased with bis songs; he ia a first class basso singer and if you fail to hear bim you ara missing a t-eat. Tonight there will be an entire change of picture*. These pictures will interest you. Mr. Davis wiil Biog to? night and wben yon see tbe pictures and bear him you will go away satisfied that you get the best entertainment oa earth for the money. Remember tbe Elite Company is the only 5 eant theatre in the city._ THE PETTEY SIGNAL. The apparatus for tbe purpose of sigoaling trolley care and announcing tbat a fiie alatm has been sounded and (hat fire companies sre pp their way, has been established at St'te and Platt streets. When No. 3 gets an alarm and tbe apparatus leaves tbe house tbe wheels of the cart touch a spring which' electrically sets oft* the danger signal in State atreet and trolley traffic in tbat street is held op until the Ore company is given time to pass, tio far a* it ba* hewn tested the device worka well.? [Rochester, NV Y., Democrat and Chronicle. _^^ The Red Cross Sooea for tender feet Tbe ladies who wt ar the Red Cross ??hoe* always wear a smile. Hold only by J. A. Marshall A Bro., 422 King street I vnnhavpncon baHshell Chaf L)flDUaVeD_ inK dishes Broiled oj toast, and BltlLl.'S Olehratvd rangle Fried at the OPERA HOUSE CAFE. Cherrystone and Little _Neck Clams._ life CAI (Mall VIKGIMA H8H R<5E IO cents. 3 fan* Pink Alaska Salmon.-86c 4 ?"an***-Iring Beans. ... 28? 4 Large Cane Bet-t Tom toes. ?5.' 4 Cans 8og?r Oaf*. 26c 3 Can? Early -Jone Pea*. 25c 3 lb* B??t Califoro a Ev r-oratel Peach** 25c 3 lbs Best California Prim a. :i?c 5 lb* Beat Cleaned Currants. tte W. P. KOOLI.*--. * se>.\, Roynl and Wolfe Streets, i?nl6 tf Q-ie?-n and Henrv _*aa*a. F~ OR RENT.--FRAME HOUSE. N. Duke street, lix rooms and hill. Twelve do'lsrs per ni-nth, including water r. ut. In* q-iire at 3 9 north Columbo* stree: ft aita*_ FOR R' NT.?Two nice office ROO US Re. 116 ?>uth F?irf*_ r>tre*t. a nply ks febln 3t TiiOS. COLLIKweWORTB. PERSONAL. Mr end Mrs Waiter Oiemmena have ret- rvd f-om Jacksonville, Fla. Mr G-orge Uhler, who haa been quire lick for the patt week cr two, is able lo be out icala, Mrs. Aadeison, of ibis city, is visit? ing her cousin, Miss Anna D. Carr, i-f Richmond. Mrs. Louis S. Greene baa recalled ber invitation* to ihe meeting of the Colo? nial Dames tomorrow, Friday, evening. Mia* Leon* S-illivm, Mus Erne Ine Talbott aod Mr. Clyde SoUivai were among the Alexandrians who a.teoded the midwinter dance given by the Faa qui-r County Club, at Casanova, Tues day evening. Among the mot charming of the win? ter'* entertainment* was the card P*-ty given yea;er?'av afternoon kby Mri. Wm. B. Daiugerfif ld at ber handsome resi? dence on Washington street. Six-band progressive euchre was played and the successful conteitan'a were Mra Car ence Leadbeater and Mrs. Hugh Mc-1 Gaire. Mis* Kittie Barret aod Miss Hattie D.*o.-las svp score. MA.SONIC BANQUET. _? Arrangements for the annual Twenty- j ?ecor-d of Febrmry banquet to be given by Alejtaudria ? Washington Lodge of Masoos have tata nearly completed. Tbe Young Peo? ple'* Building, in wbich the banquet will be aorved, is being decorated for tbe occasion and upwards of two hundred corers will be laid. On account of the limited capacity of the hall admittance will be by card only except to Alexan? dria Masons. The lodge will meet at thu Masonic tsmple and after a abort session, at which the guests will be re? ceived, will march in a body to the. Youug People's Building. Mr. R. W. Fuller, master of the lodge, wiil pre? side. The speaker* of tbe evening will be Senators Owen, of Oklahoma, and Johnson, of A'abama. Other a jdresaes will also be mate. "TRIP OF TAFT PARTY." Whoo William Jennings Bryan was in Alexandria November, 1907, he said to M-. Bul'a, "Git Mr. Ojopsr of W a consin to mike an addrec. in the Yoong People's Building," Hon. Henry A'l-n 0 oper, member of Congress from Wis? consin, is e-hairrrarj ofthe committee rn ins'ilnr affairs of the House of Represpr t-vi-ts, and wis a member of the Tat party in the trip to the far east. M . Cooper will deliver a lecture in th* Young People's Bjildin-r, tomorrow ?? e.veoicg, at 8 o'clock. No admir-sion | fee will be charged and tbe public rea f cordially invited to attend the lecture. I FIGHT. Some excitement nat caused at the in? tersection ul King and Pitt a rests yes terdar afternoon by a fight between two men, during which one of the combat taits was knocked down. Tbe la t-r who was ab jut 'o corni) out secood-beet, picked up a br ck sod burled it at hia antagonist. It mased itsmsrk, arel tb? man who bad beeo mado the 'a*git i toe m;?silo and waa ab>ot to ?brow it wh-o by-fanders succeeded in disarming bim. The bell g-reuts were made to faco tbe Police Court this morn log when ooe of the men was fined tb Tbe r ther was dismia.pd. MOTOR BOAT "GEORGE WASH 1 GtON. The committee wbo bo r-uctysifullv conducted the Masonic 'a r wh ch c'o?ed oo Saturday night hav** announct-d Va' the drawing for ihe mctor boat "George Washington" will tike pace next Tata riay night at Armory Hall. A dupli? cate of all the number* disposed of will bs placed in a barrel and rolled around Pie room and a number will thea be drawn by a little child to be selected from the audience. The public is cor? dially invited io witness the proceedings. THEFT OF CIDER. A few e-ays ago 48 quarts of bottled cider were stolen from tbe factory at the foot of Prince atreet. The police re coveted about twelve quarts in rn stable bounded by Wolfe, Wilkes, Lee aod Uoion atreets. A young oran, who live* in the neighborhood, was later ar? rested charged with the theft, and he was arraigned in the Police Court this morning. He waa dismissed for waut of ? vidence. _ DAMAO- SUIT. Mrs. Mary Zmm<-rman, through her attorneys, L?o P. Harlow and Lewis H. Mscben, ba-* brought snit io the C rent Court of Fairfax county araiost the Washington, Alexandria A Mt. Vernon Riilway Company, for $10,000 for in juries alleged to have brien receive! on the 10th ol O.tobrr Isst in rn edison near Hunter's st tlnn in Fa:rfax county. ORIGINAL LHT. Among thi recent contributions to the Confederate Museum in this ciy ls (he original list o' the vote-* eaat ia the First ward on May 23. 1861, on the qieaiiin ?f secession. Tne vote stood 235 for and 12 against seceadon. Tbe list is io sn excellent condition and was presented by Mr. F. J. Davidson._ Keep your feet elry. "Try a jairof the ce-lebre-.-ed" WalgjOver Shoes. J. A. Marshall A Bro . 422 King street. LOCAL BREVITIES The new schedule oo the der trie ta'l way, by which more Irains will be run, goes into tflt-ct on Thura'a-*, the 25th lo't. A marriage license we* issued io Washington yesterdsy to Gwge B. Bary and Mary A Di Vaughan, of Alex? andr's Three fine ahsd were caight in th? vicinity of 0 donia! R> a h a few daya ago aod nen', to Washington on inc of the river a'.eame-r-i. A mee-ting of Alexandria Division, Ho* I. A. O. H., wai held at S Mary's Hail last night bot only routine busi? ness waa traoaacted. About 25 Alexandriana will leave thia city on SMurder evening for N< rfolk to witne a '.be return of t.e A Berkan fleet wbich haa been on a cruise around th* world. The members of the Seventeenth Vir? ginia Regiment Chapter, D. D. C., are invited to alterd the faners! of Mis* Emily Mason from St Matthews Church, Washington, tomorrow morning at 9 o'clcck. Oyster* in all *t-fl?f. Fried CUma e?ery I day Mic. p r doian. Clam kotrw, Monday | Welrevlay and Fri.'av. C. H. Ziiu_er_ai , ? Mirke- Space. tt The Hess Hopkuia FOOT FOR* SHOES miks* life ? pba-ure. S .id only by J. A. Marshall A Bro., 422 _iog ?treet. I - o SB THE BUSY CORNER I Washington - - - - D.C. BLACK WAISTS of .silk or mull, BLACK TAFFETA SILK WAISTS; pin tucking, in Ve shape to form veit, new fitted long sleeves; tie attached to stock. Sizes 34 to C_ OK 44. Worth $4 50. Yet our apecial pri:e i* ?-.--- ? mt? **?*<* BLACK MULL WAISTS, with graduated plo tnckiug forming yoke; new long sleeves; tucked collar; fasten back. Sizes 34 to 44. efl f\{\ Worth I1.50. Special at.mO\.\3\S BLACK MULL WAISTS, unusually good quslity; long sleeves; balf*-^ iucb tucks front and back; fattened with black bolton* at front; C I CA tucked cuff-s. Sz a 34 to 44. Worth fi. co. Special - ? - . ?*7 ? *uv MUSrCaL AND LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT BY THE Young Men's Sodality Lyceum MI SULL, DUKE STREET THURSDAY, February 18th, 1909, Admission ,' . .25 cents. feblT . , The Fam? ily Liquor Store LOWENBACH ^ the place vvakefleld The Best Medicinal Whisky j King and Alfred on the Market. j_stbteetj._ WHEN YOU ISO TO MARKET TO-MORROW-REMEMBER IF YOU . WANTA ? ROAST ? OF BEEF I Go to T ll VOU WANT A ROAST OF VEAL Goto I IF YOU . IF YOU _ IF YOU WANT I WANT t Want Your Home Made A Home-Killed k MONEY'S SAUSAGE J MEATS - WORTH Go to f Go to T Go to AARON ODELL, i?_-4 City Market *__?*?? The Wagons We Sell Are strictly first elm lo every particu? lar. Experience tai tsugbt us tbat tr I?t a few dora's mure and get the BEST is tb* most economical way tr mpply our a. ed-i, and we ure not diffei* eet from other folk; then wheo you buy ?* wagin *hy not get the beat? Our Wi ber Fr. m Warona cin't bl beat. *V . Tbey are strictly ed, as is also V*i rvery kind ot (arming implemeats we ?$r\ hardie. M HYER5 BROTHERS 115 North Pitt Street ivrmiL bu \ I l.\ \NI>U1 i. VIRGINIA. OFFICERS : President, Edward L. Dalnt;rrfleld. Richard M. Oreen, Cashier. E. tr! Payne l>IRECTORS: Edward L, DalngarfUld J. C. Snoot. Worth hnlllsh. M. A. Ahern. RESOURCES Loans . - . U. S. Bonds to Vie* President, Carroll Pierce. Asst. Cashier. se? cure circulation . Bonds to secure U S. Deposit Other Monds and Stocks ? . ? Banking House & Real Estate . - Cash . . 46,130.96 Due from Banks snd Reserve Agents . 131,726 62 ?613,20426 100,000-00 42,000.00 32,004.48 52,856.97 J. w. Kobsrts. Carrall Pierce*. Urban S. Lambert. I HUH.lill H. Capital. $180,000 00 Surplus .... 50,00000 Undivided Profits 63,78845 Circulation ? . . 99 20000 Deposits .... 664,^34.84 U- S. Deposit * . 40,000,00 $1,(M7,923 29 178,857*58 $1,01^923.29 We invite the accounts of individuals, firms and corpo? rations Investment securities a specialty. Interest paid in our Savings Department Whea-rrsr Einttsin becnine r*-sl mgry, he had a greu habit of Rioting tli<- p cu. One day hi* daughter, who wss at collie, drought him home aa trish *or--in-!a**- n.mvl Ot e rem S*.'hnifl?nraa*er This male Kin*t-in i furioo-1, an! le "ho-it*-'l st Af hlu-liing I Inidegroom. "Of all der ?;ul vurdr* af ino n'o- j tonga*, is vy e'er tiffi I you vat ? et r hung. 'Int to tink r^ot Iv- ot lt) take you under iuiiu root and feed von on all deru delicious Auth ?au?agc*i lad Ham* Sylvan Blond hem the Amii BlaaeJ, City M*-rke-. Jackson Creek Oysters OF THE FINEST VAR IETY 50 bushels just received. Merchants'quick lunch-Hot Tur key with Cranberry Sauce daily. _At the Elkton Coke D mejftic C ke All kimi- ol Coal, Wood aud Cok* Host quality aud prompt delivery at bottom pri*-?B Phon*?*. DbW. AITrilF^OV. 107 ?o >.l Ba-_1 _____ NOTICE?The lueniiM-n - f M ?. RY CHSTIS LKE CHaPThR. 1T. D. C.. sre rt '-nc-ted ui attend eh* f'u.orti of ibe late Mia* Emily V.?aroa, whirh will take U m*.rrow morning st 9 o'cl**ck fiom St. M*t thew'* Church. Waibin ton, D C. lt Hit- MARY E. JoHNr-OV, Pre?idfnt. Aetna Health Policies pay full weekly idenmity if you dre ???-.. QUARANTINED, even tho' you are perfectly well Harrie White, Insurance aod Bmdie*;. Offics 119 Sooth Ftlti-i e uot. OHINA, GLASS AND HOUSEFURN ISHING GOODS. BIG Sale -OF Housefurnishing Goods To start next Thursday, Febru? ary 18th and lasting for three days See small bills for particulars. In? cluded in this sale will be White Table China Toilet Ware, Granite Iron Cooking Utensils, etc. ALL AT CUT PRICES. Don't miss this oppor? tunity. ELLIOTT'S, Cor. Pitt and Kin. Stn. Fine Paper Hanging. Pi'TCRg FRAMES mad* to ordr-r. H E WEBS, fcbll lo 931 King ri. mt. $c^ \_f^MMfM^ |M - M SWAN BROS. Genuine Holeproof Sox Now 25 Cents a Pair 1 You can now buy a box of six pairs of Holeproof Sox?formerly $2.00?for $1.50 Those who have always paid 25 cents a pair for inferior sox can now have tbe best at this price. Holeproof are the original guaranteed so* ? the first that were sold under a 6 months guarantee. e Tbe makers pay the top market price for their yarn?they buy only the finest and softest Egyptian and Sea Island cotton. But the top market price is now less than it was, so the makers are now saving you SO cents on sis pairs. Yet yon get the same sos as before. Come in and see what Holeproof are like. Judge if you mat ths genuine. Decide if any other braud is one-half so good. Learn what you save and gain when you wear Holeproof. r We are now sell mc ing the famous Holeproof Stockings ??rys Guaranteed for Six Months. When you buy six pair at a time?50c per pair or six pair for $3.00 aaaffiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaaaa-t Yoik Watch Is your meist constant companion?how important, then, that it should bea jkue and trusty. Whrii purchasing a watch only one of known Integrity- one proved by experience to be accu? rate and reliable. Wc carry the best makes of AMERICAN WATCHES, the kind that are satisfactory in every particular. You will makfc no mistake in buying WATCHES of us. Prices reasonable. Large stock t select from. 1 SAUNDERS B"d SON Sj 629 King Street. jg ?*^.^3_32a^aaaaaaaeaaaaa3& Roller Skating ArmoryRink Friday Nigh!?Relay Race. Wash ngton's rBiithday? RACES 5febl6: OPERA UOUSlA THIS WKKK. The Musical Wilsons. K he**d'ine failure muiexl act, introduc iug and perl'irrairiK nona roriu-U. coa-h horn*, french horns, xylophone*, chimes mi sleigh belli. THE TWO BENNETS, PrfS'ntintr * beautiful patkstie play, ''Cirouraitnn'ial Evidea Thi* piny but tell* a pitiful story showing how ulfiir nt ti',ie** is cin-uiistanti**! *vi eleuue. A story full cf hean intere-t an?i tear*. 3,000 feet of high rb*.** motion pietu'es. First perform*u't* 7 30. Alexandria Amusement COMPANY.; PIOnjRBf. Bon Uon Buddy (Q w t e. km hi ) Chancey's Boarding House Wishes Kiss Duet SILENT PK UK KS. The Nurse's Romance The Drunkard's Dream A Wooden headed Veteran LIT PICTURE COMPANY. SI MU, J. WILBER DAVIS, Ihe celebrated linn siLja-r, a | tooight bj special r*<( "THE BOLT e'lTYl" Entire Change of IPi- turfs Th" b**t maelii and mt ataei that p More th-n ao hour* e n tai pi Come early and *e* wo JEWKLKR ?nt for he, eseit. That you will make no mistake in having your WATCHWORD done here, the results will conclusively prove R.C. ACTON. SONS Jewelers and Silversmiths. LOOT-On To?*day, while on the w ?y froai 531 ?onth Lasstreertte the nilli' tebool oo Prince eur-et. a GOLD L <"<< ' T >-u-' CHA.IN with icirmUC. D. on lotket. 1h (loder ?i!l l-"*ve them tl the first narteil pl-w-e end re eire* ? S_tab'* reward. f.-h!7 3t_ FOB KENT?Toa KICK DWELLING Ko 511 -outh ttittmt >re t, fi ted with nil nio-'ern improve-** em* arid fo'Di'l-ed ready for rico ipply to -1 D. tv J?J11J. N*?. 208 Gib- op -*tr?-et._f-l-15 I -v NEW HOMINY QEIT.S *_t r-?i-*?-i by J. (J. Mli-bUUtt AOr-Bamtaj Ball* th-> I'rrf, * ISO Cox & Gordon's SUGAR CURED HAMS in the United Stat- s. 15 cents a pound/ Q.Wm.Rainsay 30CTibs. EXTRA LARGE 'FANCY MOORPaNK EVAPORATED APRICOTS1 12J? cents. 250"ibs. ? BRIGHT EVAPORATED; Peaches. IO cents.' Ramsay's Royal Red CA iiCans^for 25c ?at s Vi,' ANTED? Mm and wife io st ul a ->rs_ v* and po k near Bbiem*. ?, V. whit* ir colored) ?Hells ap ri -Werra* I hiii-e. Amwer ''T," care e. - fe?bl7Jt_ WtNTEO?Youm i-vJy *-Ki*iii*.' i STENOGRAPHY and B<JOK! Vii it-sir*-* position. Re ff re u ce. A! A,i- KWH, cars Ga**Ue otto*. f*o; 6 3**