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Evans Ale on llraughi. AND IN BOTTLES FOR FAMILY TRADE SELECT TANGIER AND P0C0M0KE OYSTERS All the Leading Brands of Wines and Liquors. Turlee y Sand? wiches Every Night THE PURE FOOD STORE Midland Butter 35c Pound Is the quality sort that appeals tt> those who are particularly discriminating ros to the merits of the hutter they buy. It's pure, sweet and appetizing. It Has A Reputation For years Midland Butter has been recognized aa the best that comes to Alexandria. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUTTER TRADE. Edward Quinn & Sons, Cor. St. Asaph and Oronoco Streets M I CHAS. R. HOOFF, President. GEO. E. WARFIELD, Cashier G. L. BOOTHE, vice-President. J. J. GREEN, Asst Cashier The First ialional Bank Of Alexandria, Va. CAPit^~TT^ Surplus and Net Profits $175,000 JO __ A Forty-five Years of 4 g\ f\ ?\ O04 inking" I"? DIRECTORS: C. R. HOOFF JAS. F. HUIR M. B. HARLOW GARDNER L. BOOT HE B. BAER, Jr. WALTER ROBERTS GEO. E. WARFIELD lhi*V?rik mihi- itu ergs ai z* Mop, wilh ar anita! of $100,1X0, wbicb btt irniiinfel thessme har* paid tf'i'.*-ii tlboldfr* ia divide nfl* 9409.100, ai <1 un nnnli-ied *u un? divided pre Iii ? reit*be db*listsboM*i?,wldslydistribs-ed. lu* directer* cte tn on ir her-vrcll-1 nevi tai ml Marti;;! buniici- men nf tin-city. Ht sertisrsclorr ee>fvio?* in ?11 iii i ttta inti I si mad* for it n rn j ti;, ndi 'll * t'*tr"i "ge cf th* rubiic it- -ol *??? iii I Corner King and Royal Streets. Capital $100,000 CENTRALLY LOCATED. Places at your disposal every facility land service offered by any Conservative Bank Considerate conservatism in banking is to care for many interests. We are prepared to properly care for yours. The Board of Directors of the Alexandria National Bank : Judpe C. E. Nicol, President. W. B -Sn-,-,-it. Vice President. Jobn A. Marslioll, Vice Preaident, ti. Russell Smith, Vice President. T. C. Smith, Cashier. C. C. Carlin. VV. A. Smoot, Jr. A. H. Rector. VV. A. Smoot. P. F. Gormin. E. L. Cockrell. Edward G. Portner. Invite your accounts, whether large or small, JJ _> both in the Commercial and Savings Department, with the assurance of careful attention. Customers in our Savings Department are requested to m bring in their books and have interest due October Isl en- 4* tered. We want your account whether it is large or small. + Virginia Safe Deposit & Trnst Corporation ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA. Authorized Capital Paid.'in Capital $1,000,000.00 $300,000.00 DIRECTORS.! \i J. Klxey, John P. Robinson, Thomas J. Fannon, C C. Leadbeater lenry K. Field, Henry Baader, George S. French, J. K. M. Norton-1 We act ss Executor, Administrator and Trustee. Issue Fidel? ity, Contract, Official and Judicial Bonds. General Banking and Trust Business Transacted. Interest paid on Savings Accounts We solicit the accounts of Hanks, Corporations, Firms and Individ? uals, and promise liberal treatment consistent with sound banking methods. Quality Established Our Reputation Rammel Bros. Caterers. DISTRIBUTORS Speers Medicinal Wines and Brandies Both*Telephones THE f nnn-tl meetintr nf the r-tor-khol le's nf tt-e JTl.ll ? UGH VUBNI TC RE AM) CARLET CO-, for Ibe ek-ction of officer* and transaction of ot htr businea**, ?ill be he-Id at Hoi el Fleischman*). Aleian* dria, Va, on WEDNESDAY, February -24, 1909. IRVIN H. HOLI.ANDh!.. f*b9 Ul Secretary-Tieaauier. BAN BLAS COCOANl'TS for sale at 5c omcbtl_ .1. c. MILBURN. Excelsior for i?c kine, by the bale, ton or t+Tte+A F..B t.VADREATFR <* RON*. Bast ass GRANULATED SUGAR rHfl ?a poud at J. C. MILBUEN'8, Desirable Improved And I nimproved Washington City Real Estate FOR SALE Or will exchange in part and give part cash for good farms or other especially good prop? erties. G. C. SPITZER HARRISONBURG, VA. Ja_U wter ?!?? _Urxft nb tia ^azrttf ? THTR^DAY EVENING, FEB. Its 1909. THE CRANBERRY. Least Understood and Mott Abu?*d of Our Don*i*?tie Fruit*. Th* cranberry il the- least under stexxl ami tin* mott abaser] of any of our domestic fruit--. Compara? tively few know tlifir possibilities. Quite as few know how to prepare them tn palatable form. Thc ox fm--ion ir* common, "You need a iarrel ol ingar for ? barrel of cran? berries." Thii ii not tm*'. Thev aro not sugar compared with most fruits. If naen will make the tai they will discover thal more lance with len rogar proportionately eau be maU-f from ii quart of .-ranl-erries than [rom ? quart of any other kind of berry and if properly made will Vie tempting and toothsome. A barrel of ingar will -weeten more than three-* barrels of cranberries. A (Tanberry shorttake will vie with a strawberry shortcake. Eaten ruw, cranberries are a laxative and liver tonie-. and*-, like the olive, one can cultivate a fondness for them. Cranberries are keepers, like the apple, and, like apples, require a cool, dry place. It is economy to buy good berries. Utter cook them in tin or iron ware. Um porcelain, earthenware or granite. Do not cov? er in cold Mater and allow to eim mer, steep and slew over slow fire. This make- tough skins, pale, sicklv pink ur 'lark, dull red color anil gives acrid flavor, Use boiling water, .cook rapidlv and not long. For a good since, to one quart of clean cranberries add one pint gran? ulated sugar and erne pint of boiling water. Place- immediately over brisk fire, stirring enough to mix sugar with water and coat berries. Cover as soon as berries begin to swell and "pop." Stand by nnd mash against kettle until every berry ii broken. Keep them boiling during thi? operation. Bv the time bel arc all mashed, or naring boiled for fifteen minutes, remove from stove and turn into china or carthe-nware dish. When cold this should be a beautiful rich red, jellied sauce. Their Baking Day*. Passing by a little shop tire other dav, one of those quaint little shop* wiieie rugs are made to order ont of old raj,'s, wh.-rc aged furniture is refurbished nml cured of creaks, a man's attention was attracted by a which read i "Mondavi, Wednesdays and Fri? day! China Fired.4' , he turned aside to in pleading intere>t in some of the ? urioi in ihe window. "That i- for the benefit of ama? teur artist* and some others, too," the woman in charge told bim. "People who paint on 'luna, wheth? er for imnsement or to earn a liv? ing, often lend their pited to di to have the colors firmly baked in. And as we have so much other work fte do we havo had to restrict our bak? ing days. As it is, we have all thc china work we can handle."?Xew York P Th* Unhappy Pott. The Editor?Didn't we give your verees a good place m the paper? The Poet?Yes, yes, but? Tho Editor ? And we printed every verse. The Poet?I know you did, but there is an atrocious blunder here in the sixth stanza. It's something awful. The lady's name is Maud, you understand. Listen to. this, ''She was by earthly dross unflawed. and men and angels called her Mud," What do you think of that t Can you blame me for protesting' Thc Editor?Let me have a look at that. Oh, I see! The rhyme is faulty. Then the poet falls down the of? fice stairs and never comes back.? Cleveland Plain Dealer. Put lt In Flgur**. Perhaps the moat amusing in? stance of typographical blundering occurred in a well known Scottish newspaper. A paragraph read as follows: "Some time ago a fiat in a not unfashionable quarter of the city was let unfurnished to 10 ants, who offered and paid a month's rent in advance." The explanation of this slip is almost as amusing as the misprint itself. It is a rigid rule of 6ome printing offices that, while numbers below ten are spelt in full, all numbers higher must, le in fig? ures, to save space. It is therefore really very difficult for a compositor to sjiell -tenants/' though "nine? pins" is child's play to him. Somewhat Negative. This writer once came across the Kentish multiplication of the nega? tive. He was asking the way of an aged laborer. "You go 'long ft the field and git over the stile to the right?no, the left." was the reply. 'Then you come to the 'ard road, and you go along till you come to the place where I used "to go to school. Then von go 'long, and you ain't got no call not for to ask no? body not afore you git to where Mr. Myan lays at thurham."?London Chronicle. Iteaa-on Rn tb ron ed, Beca-iie meals sre so tasty they are contnmed la great e xcr-n Thia lead* to stonich troubles, biliousness aad con? stipation. Revise your dist, let reason and not a pampered appetite conrol, then like a fee* doret of Ohamber'aln'* Stomach and Liver Tablets snd yon will ?ooo bs wtll stain. Tr* lt. Far ula by W. F. Creighton and Riobard Gibson ding stores. Samples free. \????????????????????????\ One Price Everything Right You are Invited To Inspect Our lift ?909 -OF Manhattan Shirts Ask to see our samples of cloth for Spring and -bummer SUITS AND PANTS Largest Line Ever Exhibited. , Kaufmann Bros ) Clothiers - - - Haberdashers. ?) 402-405 KING STREET. >????????????????????????i OLD HOLLY Old Fashioned, High Grade Genuine KENTUCKY Whiskey "Every drink a pleasure" $1.00 per Quart Gallon $3.50 6 Quarts $5.00 12 Quarts $9.50 Packed in plain wrapped packages, shipped express prepaid to any address in Virginia. JOEL M. COCHRAN & CO. AI.KXAMIKIA. VA. ATTEMPT TO KIDNAP. Ooe of tbe moat daring attempt* at kidrapping, brutal torlure, aid possible murder which haere ever beeo perpe? trated in Chicago mn fruUrated yester? day, when Ells Q ogle*, the eighteen Tenr old Irish lacrmsker, dow under in? dictment on a charge of stealing ber own handiwork from Ihe Irish lice shop in the Wellington Hotel, wu discovered unconscious, partly dressed, boond hand and foo', gagged, ber face ai d hand* gHtbcd, lind almost dead, in a bathroom M ibe foirb tl or ef thkt hotel. Physician* revived the girl ye*t*rd*y af teroom. In lie-r incoherent.raving* al? ters h'd the youngwoman repealed again ind again the t hum of the wemen, emong them tbat of Mi** A<oes B rreti, ber accuier, wiih whom che hrd been involved over the charge of steeling the rare Irish lane- which she make*. She ilso brought in the name ofa man prom? inent in national politics, anti the police ?re inclined lo believe tra', the later de? tails ol tbe clime w?re thc work of a maa. '__ DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY STOLEN. Adrien from Pinehurst, N. C., a winier rtsoit tot wealthy notthernen, ara to the (fleet that the offices of tbe Siathera Express Company there were robbed of diamonds and jewelry valued ??1200.000,00 Tueidiy, night, Febrn .try 9. Ibo valuable packages were tiken to the express office Tuesday afernoon, aid ih, robbery occurred thit midnight. An ll Mi * ai male to fire tbe office to bide be crime. Tbe Southern Express Oom nany and detectives rngsged on the case endeavored to keep ihe robbery asecret. The list of diamonds and other j?wt!ry tilen incladea a d'ansond bracelet with bree stoner1; one festooned necklace, erith t*erty-two large stones; 17 Urge ?iilia're d'amood ringa in one.bunch; 5 ltrge cameo rings, 5 large diamond iroocbes, 9 other large and costly brooches, aod several gentlemen's rings. The good* were shipped from Chicago, lil., by the J J. Rankin Company, who o induct lsrgej-welry stores ia Chicago, Roanoke, and at Pinehurst. Explained. "War," cried the pale visagejd rantlcman, ?_ i __ ano a disgracel Wtir is ia abomination?a blot on civilization! The very name of war is enough to make a decent, respec? table man go and hang himself out "f pure* disgust!" oaring thus d?-livered himself, he left the clubroom, his face distorted with emotion. '?ms to foti rather deeply on tho subject," said a member who had boon listening to the peroration. "Perhaps he lost some near rela? tive through war." "He did," chimed in another. I Mk who it wa-.?" "You may. lt was his wife's first husband." A Mighty Old Table. A wealthy man was once exhibit? ing proudly to a younger acquaint i table whkn he had bought. He paid it was ?" ld, "That is nothing." remarked his young visitor. 'T have in my pos pcssion a table which is more than 2,000 years old." "Three thousand year? old!" eaid the host "That "is impossible. When- was it tn; ably in India." "Tn India! What kind of a table is it'-" "Thc multiplication table!" Hiern grade mae-hine o'l*?oils' that will not erum V. tt. LEADBEATER A SO?????. 60 dosen BROOMS, bought before th* ad? visee for isis br J.C kILB ItNV LEGA^JJOTIOES. VIRGINIA.- In the Clerk'* Office of the ? Corporation Court of the city of Alexan dria, on the 17th dar of February, 1909. Lodi a A. Cut--haw j vs. ? la chancery. Emma B Cute-haw, ) Memo. The object cf tb** snit it to obtain for complainant a divorce from the bond of matri? mony frota dc-fondant and for g- nerti relief. It appearing bran eHHavit li'ed in thr* ceiui-3 thu the defeudsnl, Emma K. Cutibaw, i* a non-resident of thia ?tate: It ii Or-'ernl, Thst **tid d'fendant enatff here within fifteen d tja after due publication of thi* or? der, and do what i* nec*>a*arr to prot'ct her in.creal in thii rait, and thats copy of thi* ori'er be forthwith inserted in tbe Aleiar r-ii* Giselle a newspaper published in tbe City of ?Jexaod ie, euee a week for fair sue* ceuive weeks, and poete I a* the fron! door of the Court House of this Itv. L?wi? H. Mac hen, p. q. A ropy?Te' te NEVELL H. QRhfiNAWaY. Clerk. VtT,GINIA.-**-In the Clerk'* office of the Corporation Court of Ihe eity of Alexan? dr!*, rn the 26th dey of January, 1919. Darry A. Beach ) v?. f In chancery. Edith V Reach j To Edith V. Peach.?"-"axe notice that I shall on tbe 2-jth day of February 1909, at ihe office ol Herbert W. Knight, No. 76 \ Bro id Street, City of Newark, (sen Jersey, between the hour* of 10 a. ni, and 5 p. m , on that day. pro e^d to take tbe deposition* of Harry A. Beach. William W. Beach and Sarah A. Reach, et al*., to be read in evidence in my heh?lf in a certain suit in chancory depend? ing in tbe Corporation Co-jrt for the City of Alexandria, \irginia. wherein ycu are the defen lau and I am th* complainant, and if for any cause the taking of the said depo*: tiona bo not commence 1 on that day, or if commenced le not concluded on that day. the taking of the same will bs adjourned ana continced from day ti day and from time to time at the same place, snd between the same l;onr?, until the ??me shall be completed Given under my hand thia 2e>t), day of Jan? uary, 19 9. HAI-RY A. BEACH By Doremus, Lecour and E. B. Tailor, Solicitor* for Corapl' inant. It appearingby an affidavit filed in thi* cause that the defendant, is not now residing in the Slate of Virginia, having removed shire i-he was served witb orig n >1 process in thi* suit. Itisordeed that the foregoing n* tic- he forthwith insetted tn the Alexandria Gaiette a newapnper publisl ed in the City of Alex endri*, once a w*ek for four *ncce*sive week*, * nd posM st tbe frott door of the Court Houae ?-f this city. A Copv.?Tayrg: NOVELL S. GREENAWAY, Clerk. E. B. Taylor, p. q. jm26 w-lwtw VHGIXIA.?Tn the Clerk'* office of tbe Corporation Court of the city of Alexan? dria, on the tth day of January, 1909. Nellie Pindar ) v* > In chancery. Mervin Pindar I Memo. Tbe ol jed of this suit is to obtain a divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the defend? ant, with the right to resume her maiden name ot Nellie Deyo, and for general relief i It appearing by an affidavit flied io thi* 1 caune that the defendant, Mervin Pindar, ia a non-resident of thia State: It it Or? dered, That said defendant appear here with? in fifteen day* *fter due publication of this order, and do what ia cecessarv to protect ' bl* interest* in this snit, and that a copy o' thia order be forth with inserted in the Alexan dria Garotte, a newspaper published in tbe city of Alexandria, once a week for 'our t_e ceaaive week*, and poatad at the front door of the Court Houae of thi* city. A copy?Tiara NEVELL S. GREENAWAY, Clerk. Charles Be nd heirn, p. q. jan 12 w*w-tn VIRGINIA.?In the Clerk'* Office of ths Corporation Court of the city of Alexan? dria, on thc 5th day of February, 1909. Florence E. G.-llahsn ) v*. > Ia chanbry. Jesse M Callahan J Memo. The object of this snit is to obtain an ahaolut* divorce by th* pliintifl from tbe defendant on tbe ground of desertiou for more than three yesr* prior to the iuiritution of this snit. It appearing by ?n affidavit filed in thi* cause that tbe defendant, Jesse M. Gulla han, i* a non-resident of thia State: It ia Order ed, Tbat said defendant appear here within fifteen daya after due publication ol thia order, and do whit is leceaeary 'o protect bi* interest* in thi* snit, snd that a copy of this o'der be forthwith inserted in the Alex? andria Gazette, a newspaper published in the city of Alexandria, once a week for fonr tuc ce*aive week*, and plated at the front door cf the Court House cf thi* city. A copv?Turra. NEVELL 8. GREENAWAY, Clerk. Sam'l f). Brent, p q. feb6 w4w.?? Marji Ora*? New Orleans, Mobile Pensacola Extremely low rtund trip ratea via Sou' hi? ern Railway Dat** of *sle February lflth lo ?22, inrlo*i'e; finwl return limit Marih ! 1.9C9. Stop over* co route gring or returning or both. Fx-eniion of rrtam limit to M rch I3:h.19l9, by piymeut 1<* of fl.rt) ",*r ticket cod de? posit of nih; with sp-t-tal a^c<,t. For further InforojiiioQ cotumurjeat* with near* t coupon ticket agent, Southern Railway, or writ* L. 8, Brown, general sgent, Washington, D.C. _ liiifplions IN JEWELRY If you want a splendid Watch, Watch Chain, Fob, Neck Chain, Locket, Brooch, Cuff Button?, Stick Pin, Bracelet, Hat Pin, Ring, Manicure Set, Toilet Set, Gut Glass, Sterling Silver, Plated Ware, Spectacles, Eyeglasses, Clock, etc., visit our store. ILW.Wil&Soii JEWELERS. ! 06 North Royal Street. ^ROOEBIEi^ W. A. JOHNSON & CO., WHOLESALE OROCER8. 9KNEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT* And Dealers io ALL KINDS OF LIQUORS. Rave on band Gibson'* XX, XXX, XXX2 ind Pure Old By*, Old Cabinet and Mont Tra- Whiakiea; also Baker's and Thompson's Pure By* Whiikiee, to which they icvit* th* attention ofthe trade. Order* from the country for merobandi** shall receive prompt attentioa. Consignment* of Floor, Grain and Countr-j Produoe solicited, for whioh they guarantee* be highest market price* and prompt retarni N. E corner Cameron and Royal Street*. JOHN AHERN & CO., WHOLESALE AND BETA IL GROCER* And Dealers In PTJBE WINES AND LIQUORS. Country Produce received daily. Our itoei it Plain snd Fancy Groceries embrace* every thing to he had in thia lias. We hold largely in United State* bonder1 warehouse anet carry in stock various brandi cf the best PORE BYE AND MALT WHISKIES ?nade, Have also in store superior grade* es Foreign and American WINES. ALES, BROWN STOUT, fte). ^^Satisfaction Guaranteed aa to Price an* Quality.-** Corner Prince and Com meroe Street* QUALITY TELLS, J. C. MILBURN, 113 North Royal Street : Alexandria, Vs. Dealer in FANCY AND STAPLE GEOCERIES. Proprietor of the POTOMAC BRAND FLOUR, which i* unexcelled, /Hsr-ConYes Freshly Roasted. ****' H >m* 'Phone 181. Bell 'Phone 298 _FmANCIAL._ 2BAB. E. HOOFJT, pTOAFDM?B L.^eJOTHa r__ir?Kirr. ( 1 Vice President. 080. B. WARFIELD, OASHIHB. First National Bank, Aahxawdbu, Va. Designated Depository of tnt United States. CAPITAL ? flOO.OW ?IURPLUS AND UNDIVIDED PBOFrrS .... *!H,00< I>i rector*: CHAS. B. HOOFF, J. P. MUEEL 3. L. BOOTHE, M. B. HABLO V B. BAEB. JR. Prompt attention gitan to all barine**. In ilading collection* throat hon I th* Uttltri :t*-'*/>-i mn-'' Cn-otu*. ESTABLISHED 1852. BURKE SHERBERT Bankers. Modernly equipped for baasring in its tb -ions branches. Deposit* received subject to oheck st sigh ?Unctions made on all point*. High-grade investment securities bongil ind aold. Letter* of Credit ann Foreign Exebanrt furnished. Safe Deposit Bcxea for n_i. A Saving* Department in whioh interest ii allowed on deposit*. iHCRWOOD 'WHISKEY ?i ts $2.75 Per Gal. Our Mr,?rn Impr*o-f?<l VThlmtey ta r r tx-n.-r -mit mort* mellow tla-rorea ..ian any at douMo lu <_ _ -\t\ price per gillon of.9mmm%JtJ OLD OVEBHOLT, $2.75 Per GaL Oat Buena Ota u al*olni*-ly rmrm rna*l? ot th* flnetf gin ami lin. l.a l*-*?e?-hlgtay recommended lor eitn on*). iV'e ont price* on all ltnnora. Send for Drli-u Hu, Agfnti* wauuxt Plloo* MM Main. Instant (te'lTery. THE JOHN WEDDERBURN GO. Leading Wholeiaisrt, 616-618 F Stre-t N. W. <?__* a WASHINGTON, D. C. ' J. & H. AITCHESON, Machinists and Engineers. Agents Cray Gasoline Motors Engineers and Machinists Supplies, Pipe, Pipe Fitting!-, Valves, F- tc Blacksmithing and Repair? ing Promply Executed 0PEN1NQ AND^CLOSINoToP MAILS Northern mailf, week days, close st 7 10 s, tn. nnd 1130 a. m., and 200, 2 30, 8 15 and 10 16 p. m. Open at 8 00 a. tn., 12 00 m. and 6 00 p. m. On Snnday*Northem mail* dcee at 7 10 m. m., 2 30, and 7 20 'm. Southern mail* via Charlntteer-Hlle close at 7.10 and 10 30 a. m., and 3 20, 4 30 and 1015 p. m. Open at 800 a. m. and 6 00 p. m. Sonthern maila, via Richmond, cloae at 8 45 and 10 30 a. m., and 3 20, 7 15 and 10 30 p. m. Open al 8 a m., 12 ra and 4 p. m. Mar_**aa Dirision mail* close at 7 10 a, m. and 3 90 p. m. Open at 12 30 and 9 30 p. m. Alexandria and Round Hill malls cloee al 7 80 a. m., and 3 20 p. m. Open st 900a. m. and 7 0) p. m. Chesapeake and Ohio mail* cicse at 8 20 p. m. _*d 1015 p. m. Ooen at 8 00 a. m. and 6 00 p. m. Waahington maila doss at 710, m. m. 8 45 and ll 30 a. m., and 2 00, 2 30, 8 15 and 1015 p. m. Open at 800 a. m., 1200 m. and 5 00 p. m. and 830 p. m. Office Hoars?Open at 800 a. m. Clews ai 6 00 p. m. Sunday Hours?Opea at 9 00 a. m. Clo** at 10 00 a. m. Carrier*'Schedule?Collection made on ta? dd* route*?615 and 1000 a. m. and 300 and CJOp. m. Fr U route??15 a. m. and 5 30 p. m. Sunday oiloction 445 p. m. Carrier* window open 3nnday 9 0C a. m. sad cleat 1000 a. m. Delirerie* m*d> 800 a. m. 1 30 p. m. aad 5GO o.m. All mail should be in the office ten minuter liefer* oar Udieatsd Urns for c-tatU* rUfLROADfi! SOUTHERN RAILWAY Train* leave Union Station Alexandria Ia Eflect January 17th, 19C:j, N. B? Following ached ale fi-rn res publish* only aa information, and are not aroaraateed 7:47 A. M.?Dai ly Local between Wa*hing tou end Danville. 8*07 A. M.-*-Daily-Loo_ for Harrison burn, snd way station*,. 9.i7A.M.--Dailv-U.8. Fart Mall. Stop* only for pa**engers for points tooth at whirr schedule J to atop. Fir*' ela** coaches, sleep? ers to Birmingham and drawing-room alee-p er* fo Kew Orleans. Dining car aervioe. 4:27 P, M. Daily?Washington aad Florid* liruitad. Sleeping oar* between New Tork,Ae gusta Aik*n aao Jaekaon-eiiie. Through fir?t-o'? * co ches be tween Wssbington ?cd Jacksonville. Dini ng car tervice. Tourist to Califorr*' tri-weekly. 4:32 P. M.-Week Days-Local for Har* rieonburg aad way station* on Manana brunch. 5:12 V. M.-Dsily-Loeal for Warrantee an*l Charlottesville. 10-.27 P. M.?Daily?Waahlngton and Cha tanooga Limited (Tia Lynchburg;. Tint class coach and sleeping oars to Roanoke Knoxville, Chattanooga and Memphis. Sleep er to Birmingham and New Orleana. Waah inerton to Roanoke. Dining car service. ll^W P. M.-DaUy-New York and New Orleana Limited. All Pullman train, olnb and observation car* to New Orleans. Sleep? er* to Asheville, Atlanta,an New Orleana. Sleeper to Charlotte, Diuin - car servioe. Through trains from the South arrive ai Al exandria6:13 .ind 6:38 A. M. and! 12-21 P. M. 813, and 10:23 P. M. daily. Ha; mon burg 12:08 P. M. week days anef 9:1? P. M. daily, From Charlottesville 7-53 A. M. TRAINS ON BLUEMONT BRANCD. Leave Alexandria (W, AO. Station K-.22 A M. end 3.65 P. M. week clays, and 4 69 P. M. daily , r Bltementt; 6:36 P. M. week days for Leo buri*; 9:22 A. M- cn -Sunday* only for pi* * mont. For detailed sctedule figure*, ticket* Pull* saan reservation, etc., apply to WILLIAM 0. iExtKVf, Union Vicke Agent, Alexandria, Va, ACKERT, Vice Pres. and Gen. Mgr' 8. H. HARDWICK, Paw. Traf. Mgr. W. H. TAYLOE, Gen. Pasaenger Agent, L. 8. BROWN, General Agent. ^ Washing-tea, D. C^ Washington Southern Ry Schedule in effect Jan. 4th, 1909. Train* leave Union Station for VVaahfngrea and poiuta north at 8 02,8 23 and 8 33 a. nk, ll 1,280, 807,818, and 1133 p. m., week tea Sandays-8 23 and 833 a. m., 1201,8 07, 8 18 arr 1133 p. m. For Fredericksbnrg, Richmond sad points south at 4 22, 4 37, 9 22 and ll 32 a. m., -Wi, 517 (local), and 7 52 p, m., weVk day*. Sundays?4 37, 7 18, and 9 22 a, m. 4 03, 517 (local). ai>Al62 p. m. Accommoe-:..,on roi. rc-ieriektborg at 9 SA a. ra. week day*. Notb.-?Tims of arrival* acd departure-* and connections not guaranteed. W.P.TAYLOB. * _____ _j Traf. Mer, Washington, Alexandria <S Mt Vernon Raliway* L1ATB ALXXAHDkUt For Wuhington, fron corner Prince and Royal streets, week days, at 345, 610, 6 JJ 635, 645, 700, 710. 780,7 85. 750,800, 815. 8 20, 830, 8 50, 910, 9SO, 9 50, 10 10,10 30,10 50, ll 10, ll 26, ll 30, ll 50 a m., 12 10, 12 26, 12 30,12 50, 1 10, 1 25. 1 80 1 60, 2 10, 2 26, 2 30, 2 50, 3 10, 8 25, 3 40, 4 00, 4 20, 4 SO, 4 36, 4 60. 6 10, 6 20, 5 36, 5 45, 6 00, 6 16, 6 30, 6 60, 7 10, 7 80, 8 00, 8 30, 9 00,930, 10 00, 1030, 1110 and 1150p.m. Sundays?7 00,7 36,810,8 20,8 40, 9 00,9 20 9 40, 1( 0 ,10 20, lu 40, ll 00, ll 20 and ll 40 a. m., 2 00, 12 20, 1*.'40, HO 120,140,2 00 2 20. 2 40, 3 00, 3 20, 3 40, 4 00, 4 20, 4 40, 5 00 5 20,640,6 00,6 20,6 40,7 01 720,740,800 830, 900, 930, 1000. 10*. snd 1110 p.o. tOg MOUNT VBRJ.OS. Leave Alexandria for Mount Vernon, nett days, 5 45, 052, 832, 10 25, ll 25 a. ra,, lt 2$ 125, 225, 332. 436, 535, 705 aad * p. m. Sundays?7 00. 8 SO, 930.10 30, ll SO a. m., 12 SO, 1 30. 2 30,1 30, 480, 530, 6SO, 730 8 46 and 1'' 16 p. m. bCH_TJVL_ FOR ALEXANDRIA CITY OAR. NORTHBOUND. Leave Ferry Wharf 8 16. 8 41, 9 10, 9 90, 10 25, li 00, ll 35 a. m.; 12 30, 1 OS, 1 3ft 2 06, 2 45. 3 30, 4 ' 6, t Sh, b 0-'*, 6 i5. fl 30 7 05, 7 45, 8 25, 9 00, 9 40 p. m. SOUTHBOUND. Leave "pring Park 8 06, 8 30, 8 55, 9 85, 10 10, 10 45, ll 20 a. m.; 12 15. 12 50, I 1 SO, 1 60 2 30. 3 15, 3 60, 4 20, 4 60, 5 30, 1 6 05, 6 60, 7 25. 8 10, 8 45, 9 25, 10 00 p. m. ^TEAMEBK MARYLAND. DELAWARE AND VIS CINIA RAILWAY COMPANY. WINTER SCHEDULE. A Steamer of Tb ip Line Will Leave Alexan? dria on and arter December 29.1908, Every MONDAY at 4:30 p. m. 'OB BALTIMORE AND ALL IBi USUAL RIVER LANDINGS, (Cuisine and appointment* unexcelled, Freight for Baltimore, Philadelphia ajar "?few York solicited and handled with oare, Through rate* and bill* of lading issued, "ingle fare to Baltimore, J2.50; round bte. $8.60. -n-teenom*, one way, $1.50. Meela. CO*.*, REARDON A GRIMES, Agent*, Foot of Cameron Ktre<-t. Washington and Potomac STEAMBOAT CO. Cameron Stree** Wharf The winter schedule in eflect January 1, 190", will be a* follow*: The steamer Harry Randall will leave Alexandria Mondr-y., at 73o a. m. for rirer landings as far down as Nomiui, "ri W?d nesda-s st4:30p m.ssfardownaaOiiverson'*. On Saturdajs at 7.30 a. m. a* far down aa Wirt'*. Schedule subject to tide and weather and change without notice. REARDON A GRIMES, Genera' Freight and Pasaenger Agent* Alexandria. dec31 2m Main Office, Wa* hint ton._ ^ BUILDUIO MATEKlALa. SMOOT & CO (Suooeesor to J. Rector Smoot A Oe.) steam iimm MD PLiW HILL. Manufacturer* ct OOOM AND WINDOW FRA MES, MOULD. INOS, Ac. DEALERS IN LUMBER, SHINGLZS, LATHS, NAILS, LIME, CALCINED PIASTER and CEJiKNT No. 25 north Union street, Alexandria, V*. T,-*iTitw Delivered from in the dlr. [ESTABLISHED 1822U DEM K. FIELD k CO. Suoceeaor* to JOSI AH H. D. SMOOT, Lamber and Mill Work OF ALL KINDS, Lime, Cement and Plaster Office aad Yard 115 tt. Union street. Factory No. Ill N. Lee atreet, ?^Materlxl Delivered FREE In t>?? ??-*? E. S. LODBEATER & SIM, CLAUHd a UUDBBATIB. President. ?dwabds. lbadbbatbs, Vice rreetdeat, john utADBRATKB. Sec- and Tre***im ESTABLISHED fJOQ, |{IHCOBPORAT_>.) Wholesale Druggists Manufacturing Pharmacists md Dealers U Paints, Oils, window Glam, Djettntht.Spmoo, Droir-r'ats' Fancy Goods and l>pecialti*s. Ina. porter-! of Tooth Bnuhe*. Hair Brashes, Per. fi_ery, Oiiv* Oil, Ac. Agent* for John Lucas _ Co.1*. Tinted Gio** Paints, Masury's Licjmd Culor* and Devoe'* Lead ao*l Zinc Paint*, Good* ?hipped th* *J?7 ord*r; U reoetred. QaoUtion* furnUh?d Hy rete/a mail. Ooo rwpoadeaoe ?olicited. J