Newspaper Page Text
NE8DAY EVENING. JUNE 9, 1909. Local Mattera. Sun and Tide Table. rises tomorrow at 4.M and sets at 7.23 rater at H.ol a. m. and 11.40 p. m. Weather Probabilities. thia aection showers tonight and Thurs, ich change in lemis-nsture; light no lents variable winds, mostly easterly. ALLX ANDRIA AND THE DI itiier OF COLUMBIA. As heretofore stated Mr. Hayes, ol California, on May 27 introduced a bill in the House of Representatives lo ex tend the limits of the District of Colom? bia so as to take in ail of Alexandria county, but not Alexandria city or that part ot Falls Chutch which lies within the county. The bill was published in lull in the Gazette of Jone 1. Com? menting upon ibis the Gazette of June 1st suggested tbat Mr. Hayes should read the report made to the Senate- on this subject by tbe late Senator Hear. Thia report reads as follows and baa never before been published in full: Constitutionality of the retrocession of a certain portion of the District of Col lurabia ceded to the United States by Virginia. April ll, 1901.? Ordered to be printed. Ali: Hum:, Irom the committee on tbe judiciary, submitted the following ADI i i:-i- RXPOBT. The committee on tbe judiciary, to whom was referred tbe pint resolution (S. K. 60) directing the attorney-general to bring suit to determine the constitu? tionality of the retrocession of that por? tion of the original District of Columbia which was ceded to the United States by the state of Virginia, submit the fol? lowing report: The territory on the other side of tbe Potomac river, including the city ot Alexandria, which was originally a part ol the 10 miles square, was ceded by Virginia for the seat of government. It was retroceded to Virginia by act of Congress in LS46, accepted by Virginia, and thereafter Congress exercised no ju? risdiction over it, except so far as it con? trols the Arlington national cemetery, the experimental farm of tbe I "apart? ment of Agriculture, the military school lor cavalry, and Ihe signal corps, with the land aod buildings occupied by them. It seems to tbe committee that lt ia not expedient tbat this act of retroces? sion should be set aside by Congress, even if Congress have tbe power so to do, without the consent of Virginia. Virginia accepted the transaction, it being understood that it was at the de? sire aud for the benefit of the rational government. She has established in Alexandria the important and intimate relations wbich every state forms for ila own citizens dwelling on her own soil and the people, on the other hand, we pre? sume, feel the loyal and deep attach? ment which auth a relation aaa tea, Bkch a tia' ought not to be wantonly broken, and ought not to be broken at all with? out tbe consent of the parties, except in case of some paramount and overwhel? ming public interest. As to thee suggestion tbat the retro? cession was unconstitutional, it seems to us tbe answer is that from tbe nature of the case it is a political and uot a ju? dicial question, au! that it has been Hot tied by the political authorities alone competent to decide it. lt is like the question, What is tho true state govern? ment, the true and lawful government of a ata'.e lk? tbe question, What ia the true frontier'.' where any dispute exists as to whether territory belongs to us or lo a neighboring foreign country, and many like questions. These are partly eiueationa of law and partly questions eil tact. The questions of law may be settled by the highest court to whom, in the ooarao of prnceeelings, they may be taken, ii a less and until conn e-Uoose to reverse its previous opiuiona. Hut tbe tact must be ?determined in each caae, when it irises, by the jury or other tribunal authorized to find the fact. It would be Utterly in? tolerable lhat territory ahtiuld be held in one case to be a part of Virginia, and in another raaa lo tie a part ol tbe district ot t' ilumtiia, asst-onliiig hu might be held iu the individual csse. Si it seems to us the case ernst be deemee! settled by tbv ecqoieaeeaea in tbe act by Virginia and ot tbe United States, .os maniipstod by tbe conduct of tbe departments of government for than bait a century. Tbe consequences of holding that tbis retrocession bas been void from the beginning would be very serious. ll it be desirable that Alexandria be? come a part ol the' Matriel of Columbia again, the only way tu ncc mplish lt will be to open negotiations with Virginia and get fer eoaooat. (Stl? Luthir v. Borden, 7 How., 1.) Tbe committee, thrteforc, report sp versely, and recommend tbat tbe re-n.lo? tion be indefinitely postponed ALEXANDRIA LIBRARY. Tbe regular quarterly meeting of the Board of Managers of tbe Alexandria Library Association, eil which Mrs. S L. Monroe is president and Mrs. E. W. Howarei vice president, was held at the home of Miss K nil* Gibson, chairman of book committee, on Tuesday, June 8th, 1909, at 11 a. m., wben ma'ters of interest and importance1 to ibo future of tbe library were discussed and all transactions of a business naturo were unanimously sdjusied. With Mrs. Wil liam li. Smoet as treasurer, the finan? cial condition of the library always makes splendid reading for the members of. the board. The library is absolutely aetf-supporting, with about one hundred regular annual Hub^vibera, and has many volumes in constant and rapid circulation. Its reading rooms are open to tbe pubic three evenings in tbe week and it in tbe earnest hope anel desire ol the bnard of managers that all interested in books will spend as much time as pus. eible in these rooms in free di?. with th, ir literary friends. Ma. Alice Green, our librarian, is a'ways hapt>v tu entertain as many as wish lo OOrai on these evenings. In January 1909, 7M hook* were in ciuiiU'ion, il ruary 1909, 818 books sxj io March. 1909, 883 books were seal out, and in April and M-.y I909aboat SOI volume* were aided io the librsrv shelves. Maky Vii;'a \ tty. The Red Croea Sm** lor tender l,..... The ladle* who wear the Red *?hoea always wear a smile. by J- A. Marshall A Bro., 422 King street. AMUSEMENTS The vaudeville given at tbe Surprise Theatre Issi night waa great, every p*rt advertised exceeding the most eanguine expectation of the large audience. Fraeikiyo Lenox, the champion slack wire walker of the wot ld, thrilled tbe assemblage by bis wonderful feats; George Glenfield, the ventilcquist, was there with the goods and amused every? body, while the two Hermanns, the ex? ponents ot human strength, are marvels. The way they lift thousands of pounds in tbe air with the utmost ease is astonishing. Tbis act alone is woith the price of admission. The pictures exhibited at the Alexan? dria Amusement Company last night were of a character to excite admiratioc. Tbe house was lilied with people and all of them expressed themselves as well pleased with the show. Another feature of the Alexandria Amusement Com? pany's enter ainments is the awarding of a handsome prize at 8:45 o'clock each night._ FIGHT IN~THE OPERA HOUSE A scene, not previously announced on the bills, was a feature at the Opera House last night when Harry Van Matre assaulted a man named Joseph P. Downey. Van Maire and his victim were arrested by Officer Knight and each left $> for their appearance in tbe Police Court this morning. Downey was on baud, bnt Van Matre could not be found. According to Downey's state? ment and that ol a yoong man and a young woman, attaches of the Opera House, the assault was unprovoked. Van Matre, it was alleged, applied a vile ep? ithet lo Downey and struck him on the left eye with bis dst. Later, when his viet-m was seated, be kicked bim in the face. Justice Oaton dismissed the charge nf fighting agaiost Downey, de? clared Van Metre's collateral forfeited and issued a warrant for bis arrest for assault and battery. The case will come up tomorrow morning. police'oourt. [Justice H. B. Oaton presiding.] The following cases were disposed of this morning: George Mander, and Charles Joyce, charged with conducting business on - ini'nj forfeited their collateral by fail? ing to appear. A white mao, charged with drunken and indecert conduct, was fined tb. Two white men, old offenders, charged with being drunk on the street, were sent ti jul, one for ten days and the other for twenty. Harry Van Matre, charged with hs suiting Jos. P. Downey, forfeited t-b collateral by failing to appear, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Doa ney, wbo bad been charged with fighting, wss dismissed. Hugh Wiley, charged with using abusive language toward Eliza Pettttt, was dismissed, the plaintiff failing to appear. _ YOUNG MEN'S SENATE. One ol tbe social events of the ?eason WM given last evening in the Young People's l; eliding by the Young Men's Senate, it being the closing session for the Hummer. The hall was crowded by the friends of the senators and the pro? gramme rendered was a great success aud pronounced to be the beet ever L'iven by the Renata, After spending a pleasant hour with the programme, all repaired to the ball below where refresh? ments were served by the young ladies. The moonlight excursion to be given on the steamer St. John June 28:h promises to be a great success. FLAG DAY. Alexandria Lodge of Elks will cele? brate Mag day in their ball od Monday night next at 8 o'clock. The loth of June will hereafter be observed by Elks ss tbe anniversary nf the adoption nf the United States flag. An Interesting musical, literary and patriotic pro? gramme has been prepared for the .on. The principal address will be delivered by Hon. C. 0. Carlin, and a history of the American Hair will be given by Mr. 8. P. Fisher Mr. Jacob (trill will deliver the Elks' tribute to the flag. REMNANT DAY. As will be seen by an advertisement the prosperous dry goodet' boase of Swan Brae, in their remnant day sale tomor? row oller some choice bargains. The fact presents itself to the queen of the home that it pays to read tbe remnant advertisement, for it contains everything ueedful for the adorniaen' of nature's fairest and nt prices usually prevailing at this popular house. Courteous and obliging clerks will not only pay the buyers homage, but will anticipate their wants. The only store where Regal shoes can be had outside of their agency. John A. Marshall & Bro, 422 King street. To the Subscribers of the South? ern Hell Telephone Company. Wa have distributed, this month, a Tele oheat V- ree-inry in which are published (be ?asses of tba laban lliaia up to the d?te rt publication. Any subscriber that hos been i.verlis'iked in the distribution can obtain a ? ry hy notifying the manager's nili"e We would kindly ask, hereafter,(hal sll culls bo maia by number not hy name. Weean not give the quick service required until lhere is mi intelligent use of the volume by the subscribers, 'n an exchange of ov-? sobtcribera, il is impossible for the oper:it.,rs to nictnori/s all the numbers, consequently when ymi call by nsme the operator has frc qiienlly tn refer tu the direr-lory in order to accommodate you, in the wean time, other subscribers are getting impatient. lu e*BI t I h;i emergency, such as the Home Corning Weet, wne n lhere was a general complaint u :ln Berries.We could have aecored additional force and remedied tiiis difficulty but for the prevailing ceiiiditi.>ii.We sincerely ask theco ? MH-ntioii of the subscribers in order to give the service re-mired. WYTHK WHITE. Manager. Hard Crabs Deviled Crabs mba. Crab8alad HICADDOCK [Straight Rye] $1 QT, -JACOB BRILL'S Foot of Kino; Street. Open F.veninga Until 10 p. m._ t IOoOAMS BVftPORATBD MILK, ase, 4 cans Beat To-natos*. 26c I cans String Keans. 25c i bm a Ba gar Cora. -/6c li cans Farly June Peas. 25c A lsri:-- . sus Tears. . . 2f>c Apples-. . 2Sc 5 emia <'?-!?niel Syrup. -.'o' i'lsh Hoe. Freeh Ve. Boil Butter, lb. K gin Creamery Ruteer (I lb. print") . 'Ma < .ranulated Sugar . j _tV. P. WOOLLS A SON. I -l-l a| th- Young People's Building *? Tuesday night a lad j.' white .ilk ailv r ? Vangled FAN. The finder will please leave it at this cilice and receive reward, jed ii RICHARD PiNES" TRIAL Commonwealth Reata Can? Pines Placed Upon tbe Stand. Henry Smitb, colored, was on the stand in tbe Corporation Court when the Gazette's report of tbe trial of Rich? ard Pines, colored, one of the four meo indicted for tbe murder of Walter F. soul z, closed vesterday afternoon. Smitb stated that l'mrs wanted him to j in in au attempted delivery from the j-il while the two were confined in the Alexandria county jail. Pines, be said, tdd him when tbe jailer came in they would attack him aod then take hia pistol from him. Smith raid be declined to enter into negotiations with Pines, and at once wrote a note to tbe jailer in? forming him of the proposed attack, and asked the latter to write to Mr. Prent and Chief (roods informing them of Pines' designs. ? Smith was the last witne-s yesterday afternoon, and when he left tbe stand court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. Till- MUKMNii'S SESSION. When the trial of Richard Pine* was resumed this morning the police, by di? rection of Judge I'.arley, restricted tbe number of spectators in the courtroom. William J. Whalen testified that after the murder of Schultz he saw Pines with a ..'is-caliber revolver at Host's black? smith shop, and witness told Pines he bad better witch himself. Polieeman Sampson was recalled. He stated that Sunday morning, March 7, Pines went to tbe field snd viewed Schultz's body before it was removed. Pines had two dogs witb him, he ssid. The commonwealth then rested its case. Tbe first witness for the defense was Arthur Parker, colored, wbo testified that he would not believe Henry Smitb on oath and Wash Jackson, colored, gave similar testimony. Mr. Nicol objected to any reference to Jackson's testimony in the Midgets case and the court sustained him. C. W. ("'Meara said tbat Smith had a poor reputation for truth aud veracity, but that he thought be would believe him on oath. Mary Grayson, colored, testified tbat she was at Johu Eilis's house about 1 o'clock Saturday, March G, wheo Smitb arrived. The witness said Clara Ellis, a witness in the Johnson case, had gone to Reading, Pa. E. P. Purvis, a Southern Railway conductor, failed to respond to his name, and the court ordered a summons issued for him. Judge Muley added tbat bc wotild bold Purvis in Alexandria if it became necessary. John Eilis, coloreei, said that Henry Smith was at his house when he got home at 1:''.() S durday afternoon, March fi. Smith left about 7 o'clock and wit? ness walked lo the corner of '., leen and Payne streets. Witness declined to take a drink and returned home. Mary Esr!, colored, raid Henry Smith came to her house about 8 o'clock Sat? urday, March tl, and stayed there until 8 o'clock Sunday afternoon. When he left he ssid be was going to Waahing? ton for a few days, as he had knocked a white man in the head with a rock and he was afraid the police were after him. Smith groaned continuously in his sleep, .he said. Soe denied having given Smith 25 cents. She also testified that Smith's she,es were not muddy when he arrived at her bouse. James Earl, colored, corroborated his wife's testimony and denied having told Mr. Brent and ('hie! Goods tbat Smith told him Saturday night that he had knocked a white man in the bead anel wanted tn stay all night. William Willis, colored, who keeps a grocery store corner of Cameron and Fayette streets, testified that Beverley Diega, who works for him, was very much under the influence of liquor th's evening of March Ti. Willis flatly con? tradicted the testimony given by Digga yesterday. Richarel Pines, the accused, then took the stand. He traced his alleged move? ments from (i o'clock on tbe evening of March 6, anel said that after eating sup? per at home he went ii Ed. Green's and played pool. As he went in Green's, he said, he saw a woman nearby and spoke to ber. Pines claimed tbat he played several games witb Phil Tolrr, and then laid down and went to sleep. Someone cailed him about clodng time. Sunday morning about 7:80 o'clock he left home with bis two dogs and tbe first he knew of the murder was when Police? man Arrington told him a man had been cat. He said he went to the field and viewed the body sf Schultz. Pines told of having owned two pistols prior to the murder, and to'd tbe jury how he had disposed of them, but denied having owned a pistol on March G. AVTWAXOOt BMtfOX, At the afternoon s -saion of the court Pines was again caHul to the stand and Mr. Brent resume.i .bis cross-examina? tion for tbe state. Pines testified tbat Morris Harmon taunted him in the jail st Fairfax for befriending the Alexan? dria police, but be denied that he bsd threatened "to tell on Dorsey." Pu as also denied having tried to get Poiioe man sherwood's pistol during tbe police court trial to kill Smith. I'.n -s wanted to make a further state? ment, but Mr. Nicol olj cted snd tbe accused left the slant!. Henrieta Washington, Pinfs' mother, said "Dick" came home about 6 o'clock the evening of March tbe G and after eating supper left boase shout 7, saying be was going tut li play pool. Examined by Mr, Brent, Henrietta admitted thst she had marin a different statement as to "Dick's" movements. Mr. Brent offer? ed in evidence a copy of a letter written by Pines to bis mother with reference to bis witnesses, and Henrietta drn'ad Laving received it. Pines fae rr called and said tbat h? heil written such a letter. Ida Washirg? >n, a sister of the sc emu! told prac ic?l!y the same story as the mt ther I* th the mother and sister teetin?d, how. si r, (bat they bsd made mi*tak a when they talked to Mr. B-ent and Chief G mila shortly after Pines' ar? rest Under crois examination by a juror, Pines admits that he knew it was un? lawful >o carry a pistol. The jnror also lectured Pints for having gambled. Mr. Brent then took he witness. Pines admits tba', he wrote from the Fairfax jail to his mother, but did not mention Phil Toler until be told ber wben she went to see bim at Fairfax. I'inee denied baving said at Fairfax if Dorsey "didn't atop fussing" he would "tell on h'm," aod b?. also denied baving told J ai er Crack, ol Alexaudria county, tha: be alway* 3S__3n?3Cr \, TMIt BUSY COMNtie um Washington - - - - D. C. 500 MEN'S AND WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS $1.50 and $2.00 kinds. choice, 98c American Talieta Umbrellas and some Silk and Linen Umbrellas,with tape edges. These are made on steel rods and paragon frames, and nearly alf have cases to match. Very largo; range of fancy bandies, such as horn, German silver, some enameled and some dresden and gnu metal effects. The men's umbrellas are mostly boxwood, some horn and others sil? ver trimmed._ had a pistol. Mi. Brent suljected Pines to a severe examination, during which the prisoner denied ever having said he could put his hands on the mur* dorrrs in ten minutes. At 12.40 with Pines still on the atand court took a recess until 2 o'clock. George Rector, colored, ssid he went to Henrietta Washington's honan about 6 p. m. the night of March t', and Dick came in a few minutes later. Dick washed his face and hands, ate his sup? per and after smoking a cigarette went cut, probably about 7 o'clock. He said be did not see Dick again until the next day. Blanche R. Taylor, colored, aaid she lived two doors north of Ed Orren's poa! room and saw Pines going into the pool room about 8 o'clock tbe evening of March 6 She was clDaetf questioned by Mr. Brent aa to where she stood when she saw Pines. From the line of questions by Mr. Brent it was evident tnat he was trying to show tbat tbe wit? ness had changed her mind on certain points since tbe trisl ol Johnson. Isaac Thornton, colored, said he saw Henry Smith board a tar at King and St. Aiaph streets tbe afternoon of March ? i and Smith got oft at Cameron and Fayette streets, sayiog he must get a ticket but Smith did not get on the train again. Shortly after 1 o'clock the same a'tetnoon he ssw Smi.h again at the Mount Vernon station in Washington. Jul'a Brown, colored, daughter of Thomas Brown, Ihe undertaker, said she wss io ber kitchen between 7 and 8 o'clock the night of March G and heard nothing unusual. Dr. A. B Penn, a colored physician, repeated tbe testimony he gave in tbe trial of Johnson as to the physical con? dition ol Eugene Dorsey. Mr. Brent questioned the doctor closely as to bis knowledge of asthma, from which Dorsey is aaid to have been sudsing. Frank F. ll iat bad j ort been called to tbe atand when this r- port closed, and Henry Smitb had just been brought in? to the court room. LOCAL BKEVIIIc Tbe Seventeenth Virginia Ohapter, U. D. C., will meet tonight at i o'clock in Confederate Vuerans' Hall. We are lode-b ed to the la lbs of the W. 0. T. U. lr a beautiful bouquet sent to this office yesterday, their Flower Day. The membere of Oriental Lodge, No. 6, Knights of Pythias, last night visited Bsllston, where they paid a fraternal visit to Sir Lau ocelot Lodge. The members of the S?minole and Osceola Tribes of Red Men, of tbis city, last night nisited Tenlrytown, D. C., where a new tribe nf the order was in? stituted. The steamer Wilbelrnii a, from Port Tampa, Florida, with 1,600 tons of phosphate rock for the Alexandria Fert ilzer and Chemical Company, bsa ar? rived. The Ladies' Linen Suit and Princess Jumper Dress rale advertised in today's paper by I) 1*-ndbeim .v Sons is bound 11 ut tact alie oiinn, especially when the prices named ate hardly half the former price. Mrs. James W. Bales, chairman of the ladies' aoxiliary to the late Masonic fair, has tamed over to Mr. 0. il, Cillthan the sum of $28.r).G5 as the profits of the euchre and dance recently given at McBjmey's Hall. The lady board of managers ol the Children's Home will hold their regulsr monthly business meeting at the home Thursday afternoon, promptly at three o'clock. All members of the bosrd are nrzrd to be present, as thia is a very im? portant meeting. Two gentlemen left at this < dice today five dollars esch ss a nucleus nf a fund to pay the expenses nf securing an io janct'on to prevent Ihe city from paying the $800 appropriation by Council last night to ihe commi'tee, who managed the recent celebration here. Mr. Plateia ann ?tr Ding oe t narla the I'n on *tatinn U't Si|.|.i>\ .uti h certain jung lady <>o hia mm Gosh! slat wa ever going to have anv mo-e aaashioe, you may sing ef the flowers th it bi., i. ni the spring, bnt if thia infernal rain ?r-|.s na raining there won't be any Mowen to so..; "bon. fte. of conr?e we wont tell yoa her nnnie, hut if ynu will i-ome to the An'h .Stand nt e-isctly len minutes to ten tomorrow morning you will see l-er go "boy" thoa* irresistibly de heious Auth SsnsBge*. Smoked 'Isms, Fresh Chipped Beer, Imported Beawei tsar ana other seasonable food prod ucl- Sylvan Blond heirn, The Anth Stand, City eTarbaf Oyaters in all stj lee. I ried Haass every day ?(V. p.r tettm. IImm anna Monday Wedresday and Prittav, lYeab Porte on draft. C. H. Zimmerman Market Space, tf The latest styles of Suede Pumps and Court Ties at Joh" A. Marshall & Bro, 422 King street. Lynnhaven lyster*,n J1,1.,,, Cherrystone Clams. OPERA HOUSE CAFE. Frogs lind Soft Shell Crabs on Toaat. Deviled Crabs and Crab Salad. When boote cleaning is underway that il thetimeto ure LF.ADBKATKR'S KNO K (?BBCT POW Ii KR. lt will positively clean on' the ir??ct pesta._ A LA BASTI M. st L*ad heater's in fifteen dill rent tinta, is free from poisonous matter snd h?a strong disinfecting qaalhiea tai horonghly aanitary in eva rv respect. High grade machine oils?oils tbat will aol som. E.8. __40?EATE_ a SONS. PERSONAL. Among the graduates ot the George Washington University, in Washington, this morning, was Mr. Sidney F. Sher? wood, of this city, who received tbe de? gree of Bachelor ol Science in Chemis? try. Major James A. Long is attending bia class reunioo, at the Military Academy, West Point, New York. Mrs. Geo. H. Ls Hew with her daughter, Miss Roth, bas gone to Rich? mond to attend the weddings of her two nieces, wbich will take place within tbe week, Miss Sallie Sturt, who has been visit? ing Mrs. Bartlett Bolling near Char? lottesville, bas returned to her home in this city See those Queen Quality Ankle Strap PUMPS,necktie bow. They are the newest. John A- Mar? shall & Bro , 422 King street SOFT CRABS Deviled Crabs Crab Salad at SPUNK'S CAFE my 7-6mos CHINA, GLASS AND HOUSEFURN IS H ING GOODS. Alaska Ice Cream Freezer 1 gallon size . $2.49 The best freezer made. Exclusive Features: Aerating Spoon Dasher. Protecting Ice Guard. Novel Features: Self Adjusting ScraperBars Guarantee with each freezer, Elliott's. Cor. King and Pitt Sts. JEWELERS. "GROW or GO" Is the motto of this store. While no mediocre thing can get near us, no good thing can get past us. So we have put in another ar? ticle of staggering value, namely, the new Men's Model 16 Si*e LET US 8HOW YOU. Same moveman ia ,20 year gold-tilled esses, $ti.G0. & 629 King Street. LOST.?Oa Tuesday on Prior* or KiuK sire ts v et?een the Ua^i'e Office and the Y.iiitr Men's Senate haiMli g ? LEATHER Fem with gold raonogranie Ih?: r nu the in script ion V R G. Bail .hie reward for its re urn ta Itt Ki lg rtreet_jeri) St* I UK 1:1.NI-KfKShHEl). Two Die-el? furnished Kr < \S[ i oa, sooth Rossi at eet, between and Prince streets, tumbi- inr one or two jisraons. Ap? ply to JOHN D. NuKMoYLE, jef 3t_Kie?g and Royal rtreeta. "Tor sale. Desirable three story BRICK DWELLING No. 219 south Payne atreet with two tine building lot* adjoining this property on the souih. The dwelling contains U>n rooms snd all modern improvements, and ia well lo? cated for a dwelling ot boarding house. Owner leaving the chv the property will be sold at a very reasonable price. Inquire of JOHN D. NORMOYbE, jet 3t Han, and Royal streets. DRY GOODS. Swan Bros., _ng and Pift Streets Remnant Sale Every Thursday. We ofter some splendid values Thurs? day, onr Remnant Dsy, many good and usefal Remnants at very low prices, also special Bargains from our regular Stock. 5 pieces 12*: stripe seersucker, for dresses, reennant ^rice Thursday..9^0 1,000 yards Sc dress gingham, in short ' lengths, reypnait -price Thursday... 5c 700 yards Sc light and dark colored percale, remnant price Thursday... 6c 15 pieces 10c chambra gingham, plain colors, remnant price Thursday... 6Js We have just received another lot ot lfa union dress linen, plain colors, rerar.aoi price Thursdar. ll$c 10 pieces loo white linen tunah line nette, 'or skirts and suits, remnant price Thursday. Ile One piecj 50c tao silk pongee, rem? nant price Thursday. 39c Moe while dress linen, 3ti inches aide, remnant price Thursday. 27c Eive pieces fancy Foulards silks, rem? nant price Thursday... 39c lo pieces linen suitings, plain and stripe, remnant price Thursday. 9c 600 yards IS) stripe and check white goods for waists, remnant price Thursdsy. . 9c Six corsets, tb value, remnant price Thursday.$2 49 30 dozen ladies' 12A;: extra size vesta, remnant price Thursday. 9c We are closing out two styles of the O. B. $1.50 corsets, remnant price Thursday . 98c Six ladies' $1 whit* lawn waists, soiled, remnant price Thursday, each. 53s Wo have, purchased 1,000 yards of tine Valenciennes laces, with inser? tion to match, for our Thursday sale, 12 yards to the piece, 75c, |1 $1.25 value, ismoant piice Thurs? day, piece. 49c Fivo dozen ladies' gauze iii pants, with lice, remnant price Thurs? day. 15c Ten di zeu ladies' 50c corset covers. remnant price Thursday. 35c Twenty doz'ii 15c elastic belts, rem? nant price Thursdsy, each . Ile Ten dozen 25c black and while kimo? nos, remnant price Thursday, each 15c 100 yards 25 ami 35c wide embroid? ery banding, r 'mnaut price Thurs? day, ysrd. 12?c Ono di zn ladies' $1 gowns, remnant price Thursday, each. 69c Five hundred yards ti, 8 and Ul.; cluny lace and insertion, white and cream, remnant price Thursday. 5c Ten de<z?n ladies' 25c steick collars, remnant price Thursday. 10c Five di e-n ladies' Mo large shape sailor hals, black and while, rem? nant price thursday. 42c Twenty dozan all silk windsor ties, remnant price Thursday, each.... 10.3 Twenty dnz?n children's 25c black lisle ribbed hose, all sizes, subject to slight imperfections, remnant price Thursday, each. 15c One black $1160 silk dress skirt,rem? nant price Thursday.$8.4} Ten dozen boya' 12\ a Buster Brown hose, siz.'s ii, til, remnant price Thursday, each,. . 0$ DRY GOODA LADIES' NEW LINEN COAT SUITS $3.98 Value at $2.98. 0-0-o Ladies' Princess Jumper Dresses $2.98 Value at $1.98. Daily deliveries made to Rosemont, Braddock. Lloyd's, Del Ray, St. Asaph, St. Elmo, Ad? dison, Arlington and Falls Church. 0. AND Sons 316 King Street. BELL 'PHONE. HOME 'PHONB CI OARS There Is Solid Comfort in every El Ptilo cigar vou am-kr, mn.|l> Li? the finest Havana long-tiller torisomin skill ed cigar linkers. It ia ? meeka ttuti y?n ? il willingly pay a nickel more than the IO rents it costs. Ask For a El Slilo Cigar The Best 3 For 25c tend take no oth-r. There ia na other cigar I kn it and you will know thal 'wi ike minute you h gin ti pud on one of ibeaa. nure tried, the El t-'tilo ia allaya rn Hamilton & Co., 323 KING STREET. JEWELER.**. Present one of our FINE WATCHES to your boy or girl giaduette and see what a pleasant sur? prise it aili be. Silver - $ 6.50 Gold - $ir>.oo ???? R. G. Acton & Sods, Jevul.-rs- nm! Silversmiths. Flowers For Sale foul-inch pot.olGEKA-tf | AA per Nll'Mt* -"ornate at ? - *V ? ? W dozen. Also all varieties ol'CUT FLOWERS. Or lars for funerals a special'.y. D. G. GRILLBORTZER, 814 FRANKLIN STREET, my ll tm Bell telephone Ne. 281. FOP RKVT r*0?*>i th Patrick street, an a raini i|'>i>i; iii aseellasatcoadliion; ent ia only ri ' 0 !??da ling water. A rar rain for tic maa** laqaira 719 Waihi Ure*j._ieS :ti ? ONLY l.HOO CAHH Nff.leil to secure one e>f tl>- mon I ES-'KA. BLE KE-M DENCE* io the city. Address X. V. /. , ja2 1 w dre (Janette Offices LOST.-June 7, on Waahington street., a LOCK IT aod CHAIN, locket engraved R V D." Suitable reward for its return 11 _ S. DON! CHAN, Kin* and Co! u in han itreets. I-- :t FOR RENT KURNI-HKD -A seven room frame dwelling in good location: nide yurd; l?rge cellar. Own?r going to lease city. Will ital verj reasonable. Address "H 8." (2are lisattts Office:. jet ft, i AMUSEMENT.-**. SURPRISE THEATER. Matinee every Saturday tHom 2 to 5. Doora open fi-4o. Shows starts promptly ai 7 16. Monday Tawaday Wiiluewtay One ofthe finest ?et. Franklyn Lenox, Chsmpion slack wire valkl I of the world. Qeo. Glenfield VantrilcrniM. Difteienl fruin tlir ri M, The Two Hcrmanos Exponents of human strength, the liruii ol human dare, lifting tram two to three thousand pounds each Don't miss this aot; it is the greatest yet. Adalts lOo-Children u7i"r 5c 5c AHUSEMENTri. *f Alexandria ' Amasement Company. 3REEIA OVER 3,000 FEET I'lCTPRES. Good for Evil, A Story of Love among the saw mills of Florida. A Tax on Bachelors. A Marriage of Convenience. Black Princess. Special drawing for Prises? Wed ne*! av anet .Saturday Mattinee Drawing at i io p. m. Prizes?Baseballa.miU, camera*.roller skate* Drawing for prises tonight. Numher must. bs in the boase 8**5 a. m. when article ia drawn. Numbers good every night thia week, 1