Newspaper Page Text
fMiBao[)j?*?a,lH <S NfVl TSxA^DRLaTvAa SATURDAY EVENING. JANUARY 1, 1910 PRICE 2 CENTS VOLUMBCXI A Woman's Baok Baa many aches and palns caaaad 8* waakneasea and falling, or other dlsplace* ment, of the pelvlc organs. Other eyrap totni ot female woakneas are frequent haadacha, dlzzine?s, imagin&ry apecks or dark spota float/ng before the eyes, gnaw Ing sensation ln Btomach, dragglng or bcarlng down ln lower abdominal or pelvie reglon, dlaagreeable dralns from pelvlo organs,faintspeila with general weakneea. If any conaiderable number of the above ermptflms are preser.t there Is no remedjr thajt wl\gl ve qulcker rellef or a more per* than Dr. Pierca'i Favorlaa [t has a record of over fortr aaJaaft Jj 'ytl '"" tonlc ari'l^tP fwnadaa alcl? con ul, or jts ara and at tniva 'in'-. Eviry Ingrtdient entaring mto "Fa vorlu< Praa rlptloo* haa the written en dnrsement of tuo most eminent medical writers of all the sevcral schools of prao tlce?moro valuable than any amount of non-professlonal t???timonial8?though the latt.r aie aoi ladiing, havlng been con trtbntod rolnntarllj by grateful patienta In nuinbera to oxcwd tha endorsementl glven to any other incllcine eitant for thfj ?ure of womun's llls. You cannot alT'ird to accept any modlclne of unlcnown composition as a substltuta for this well provon romedy or ksows COMVoaiTinH. ivcn thongh tbe dealer may make 8 littk more proftt thcreby. Your t In rcgainlnjr health is paramoun* to ony aajllah lavereet of riUand Itlsan Inault to your tal rhlmtotry to palm off uj)on ;'iu a substltute. You know what you waot and lt is his bual naas to rapply the artlclo calicd for. Dr. Plerce'a Pleaeent Pelleu are tha O/lglnal "Ltttle Livr i'iils" first put np by old Dr. Pleroa over forty years ago, mucu imltau-a but n>?ver cqualod. Llttle ?ngar-coatad granoloa?eaay tc Uka as aandy. Ely'sCreamBalm ia quickl; abtorbed. CWes Reliel at Once. It cl< .in^ss, aooUaaa, - *.he dia d ::: and davca iwHV ? Ool i in tl:e ntadqnlckiy. Be ii'**/ ETIrTB . ' lil -I? ? 50 ete al l *oj l j. & H. A1TCBES0N, Machirists and Engineers. A^eots flraj Grsoiioe Motors Enginet-rs and Machinistn *?upplia?s, laff, ? t . 1 MM aw.H f/vaa FtC Black sirifHing and Repair ir{* Prr^r-?r?lv Pw #V tit*?rl Th?- Altxandris Iron works Foundry, Machinr, Bl; , kf-mith, and Mmc'ural Ii a Work Man?fHCtnreis of Power Turbine punipa: will llft wnter 28 fei-'. Agenta for Internatiorinl Coal Oil En ginr, a aafe and relia'.le power. We solicit your orde-o o i all kicds of Iron works. Bell Phone 53. (-o?? o WASHINGTON OFFICE 514 Bwaoa Bvildiy** - Phone Main 732 H. Bloeti Ready The Holi For . days Thia old rrlicUle hakerv and . <.fiCtionery nowhasonhandafiill Hm of ( HKISTMAH ( ?KF.^ aid CANDIE*, 'j Jii-y tre mad froru i ? pi.rted atxl telected frnita. All Bavoracf ICECRElM AND FANCY ICEScan be had during tiie hoiidays. Leave ynr cdere <n time and prompt de liveriss will b? ma-'e. H BLOCH 615 King Suvet Both phones VFRYUSEFUL HOLIDAY PRFSENTS Rags, Lice Curtains, Portitres, Ornamental Lamps, Pictures and Mirror*. Window Shrdes Xade S^er H.E.WEBB,?'fr???. nov-30 lm ONEFOURTH OFF Special Bargains in Ornaments & Pictures H. RUBEN & SONS j wOlKineSt. J 2d&attbna faaztttt. -???M - PUBLI8HBD OAH.T AOTJW-WD?^r AT eAZETTE BUILDING. 310 *318 A-INCB STREET. Entered at the Pcetomce of Ala_us__, f b ginia. ae seoond-olase _aator.l r__s. Uaily?i /eai, ?6:00 6 montns 12:60: 3 montha, *1_?: 1 month, ttcento; 1 week, 10 centa. _ __ Tri-waekly?1 year, 33.00; 6 montha, H.8C 8 montha, 75 cents: 1 month. 26 centa. Oontract advertiaera will not be allowed toex oeed theirepaoe nnleea theexoees u paid for at traneient ratea, and under no circnm ftanoes will they be allowed to advertise other than their legitimata budnaas in the space oontracted for. Marriajre and death notioes maat be paid for m advance. ___ Reaolutiona in mamonam, of thanka, tnpntaw of reapect, reaolntiona adopted by sooietiee ar peraona, nnleea of pnblio ooncern, will *ly be printed in ihe paper aa adTertiaa [COMMDNIOATKD. THE TOWN OLOOK. The old saylog "Foola rosb ln wbrre angels dare not tread," ia as true today as it waa wben first oitered Tbebolkot Aleaaodna's popnlation know aa little about tbe cooditioi' of aff-.irs lo and around the steeple ol tbe Oiiy Hall as tbe bomblest cltiten kcows of tbe ad? vance Ghrlstlaolty bas made In the Oongo. Oritics bave given vent to tbeir views concerniog tbe oid tlmepiece and every one recogoirsa tbe inconvenience to wbicb most people bave been sab jected by virtoe of its silence. Do those who poar forth tbeir pestilentisl rank aa: know anytbing about tbe condltion of at leaat tbat portion ofthe City Hall? Do ibey realiy know It wonld becriminal to tell the conditioo it was in before tbe committee on poblic property under tuok tbe taak of repsiriog it ? Do they know tb&t a bonos above tbe inliog wages bad to be paid meobanies to oo dertake the taak of improving? Io otber words, do tbey koow anytblog aboot it? Furihermore you cao oot htirry a clock maker or repatrer or a plumber, aod al ter tbey bave fiolshed their task yoo koow ss little aboot wbattbej havedooe as yoo did belore tbey begao. If there is aoyone at the mercy ol a mechaoic it is tbe ooe who does up against a clock maker or a plumber. Sptaklng of tbe old cl<ck, tbe committee oo poblic prop?ity bave beeo worklog bard to get thiogs io sbape aod bave bad to reoew ibe tntire fooodetlon nnder tbe clock aod the eteeple and it baa takeo a loog ime to accimplish what tbey deem oec eesary. If >be vt>rious critics woald ex amme coieiy, tbey would see tbat tbe people wbo ate cbarged with ibe duty of gettiog he old r-lock io order are do iog the best tbey cao, aod are willlrg aod aozioos lor tboeewho "know ttali" >o step lo and relieta 'bera of tbeir ardouos doiira and tbe) will gladly glve bIi ibe aalary and bonor coooected witb ine pcsitions they olw hold. H. EXOllEHENT IN A BE3TAU BANf. A tnioote or two btfore midnight last n tih wieri they wer^ g?-ttinj ready to c I 'at tb?' comi g of th* new year at M r in'? raetafaatMi a B o?dwy Ftfh a^>nu?- a d latM'i -Bxb airee', Niw Y <k, Hi>, Obarl<? E>l<8'acloiheacaui(hi oi li.. aid b fore he fl m?s were t-xtio guiHh d abe wa< Beveriy bnrned. M. tin'a ia alwaye one ot tbe resun r i a mr-Bi cl sely packtd wi h New Y at'eete. ajeltwiaat*, Laat nigbt tbe fl ora werecrowded witb dioera getting r ady to drink io the new year. In (he main dining room on tbe firat fl >or Mra. Ellia waa dining witb her father,braiber, aod sliter. Somebody at a near-by table atarted to ligbt a cigsr. H > acratcbed a matcb and the head flew off, laodtng in aome fl may hanginga. The cortaim fl >red up in an instant and tbe fire, eatlng at the nap of the clotb, ran npwsrd. Uveihead was a paper balloor. The ballon caoght fire and blai?d np. The striog with which It waa hnog to tbe ceilmg bnrned throogh and dropped on tbe head ol Mra. Ellii, wbo wai iit drg below P. Her gown canght fire and ihe Blarted acreaming to a wlndow. Mrr. Ellia waa aefzed and held baok Irom tbe wlndow ont of which ihe waa aboot to jomp. Two policemen aaw the flamea aboot pait tbe wlndow ln the restaurant and go cllmbing to tbe oeiling. Tbey got up the atairi on the jamp and ran to Mn. Ellia. Her gown, of aome suft atofi tha: made good food for tbe fire, wai itill fl >mlng and abe was doiog her beat to beat it oot with ber hands. The two policemen in a minute or two had the flamea eztingnlsbed. Moet of M'B. Ellia'b ooter garmenta were bnrned i fl and ahe heraelf wia badly icared. Tbe worat boroa were aroond the neck, sboolders and armr. ASBOWEBOFQEMS. Fearing tbat flimea, which were sweeplng tbrongh the Dyer block !n Provldence, B. I., yeaterday afternoon, would resch tbem, two men, Harlen Witcombe and Herman Bobineon, ompsd from thiid.itory windows aod tecelved ptobably fatal icjarlea. A third man, Dr. Taft, ao aged den tist, waa overcome by smoke and re moved to a bospital in a aeriooa eanai tior. Forty jswelry wirkere andclerka cn wdiog the windows io panio wben hf y aaw the flamea in posaesalon of tbe atalrway, were taken down laddera by the firemeo, all eacaping aerlnns It jary. At the beigbt of ihe fire, gemi and jsaela were blown by tbe hot air to tbe atreet, and a atrorg police goird was called to prevent looting. The damage to the block la estimated at $25,000. Flfty yeara'experlenoe ol an Old Nnree - Mrs. Winslow's r-'oothing Pyrnp ia the pre>crip!ion of one of tbe best feuiaJe phyaie una and nursea in tbe United States, and bas beeo oa?d for fifty years with never-fail ina aucceea by mill ona of mothera for their childr*n. It relievea the child from pain. cures diarrhtat, gripin? in tbe bowels, and wind colic. By giving hea'.th to tha ohild it resta the mather. Tweatyfiva oacta a botUe. daa 13x26* Laadbeater'a goaraateed Ot?ry Coug Bemely ?o care eoagha. We doa'l aay?or yoar taecey b*?k, btcaaa* tbere'a ao aaed. It oarea. 2t? battla. FARMER'S WIFE HAD HEAP TO DO Mrs. Shepherd Was'in Bad Shape When She Could Not Stand on Her Feet Durham, N. C-"l am a fanrier's wife " writes Mrs. J. M. Shepherd, Of this city, "and have a heap to do." "Four months ago I could not stand on my feet, to do anytiiine much, but at this time 1 dothe most ol my work. I took Cardui and it did me more good than all the doctors. "You don't know half how I thank you for the Cardui Home Treatment. 1 wish that all women who sufier from womar'.y trouble wouldtreatthemselvcsas I have. Ladies can easily treat themselves at home, with Cardui, the woman's tonic. It is easy to take, ind so gentle in its action, that it cannot do anything but good. Being composed exclusively ofvege table ingredients, Cardui cannot lay up trouble in your system, as mineral drugs often do. Its ingredients having no harsh, medicinal eftects, and being non poisonous and perfectly harmless, Cardui ts absolutely safe for you.ig and old. Ask your druggist. He will tell you to try Cardui. N. K?Wrttt to: Ladie*' Adviaory Dept., Oiatta tooga Medicine Co.. Chatumx>aa. Tenn.. lor Sptcia. Initructloru. and64-paae book, "Home ireitmcni fer Womca. aent in plain wrapper, on requcst _ FOR RENT TWO FINE FLATS Five room8 and bath Heat and water included RENT ONLY $20.00 TWO SIX ROOM AND BATH BRICK DWELLINGS $20.00 and $22.50 One King Street Flat SECOND FLOOR TWO BIG ROOMS FINE WINDOWS L& F. L. SLAYMAKER, & The distingui*hing fcalures of theOVERLAND CARS are me chinical accuraty, giaco of outline, luxurious appointments, and easy ridin^, ailem lunriing qu?lities Tbey are car* meant to be eeeo and not heard?as -hown by the manner in wbich noi*e i? elirainate 1. Have you SEEN our scmple? We give demonstrations every day. HYERS BROTHERS. 115 N. Pitt st. CilizcDS' National Baok CAPITAL.$100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - $120,000 0FFIGEB8 : President, Vlcs President, Edward L. Dalngerfiaid. Ctvroll Plare*. Rtcbard M Oreao, Casbler. 8. B Payne Asst. Caabler, i>I KKOTOR8 : J. C.Smoot, Edward La Dalagerflald, j. wttobe ll Worth Hulfish, Carrell Plerce M. A. Ahern, _ _ Urban S. Lambcrt THE CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANKhas been directly identified with the mcrcantile, man ufncturing and jobbing intercsts of Alexandria for thirty-nfre year?, and with its large capital, ample surpius, conseivative directorate, progressiveman age men a^d convenient location, is equipped to satisfactorily handle new accounts and to accord them t^at samecourteous attention which has been a vital factor in its steadfastand continuousgrowth E. S. LEiDBEATER k S03S CLabkhcb c lbadbbatxb. Preaident. BOWASD8. ijudsratm, Vic* Presidenl 70HW LaADBtATaTR. 8ec. and Treaamrar EBIABLISHED ?T9a. (TaooayoBATSS.) Wholesale Druggists Manufaetnring Pharmviats aad DeaJers ln Paints, Oils, Window Glase, Dyest"ffa. Bpicaa, Droggist's Fancy Goods; and Specialtiea, lm porters of Tooth Brnabas, Hair Bniabes, Per nme-y, Olive Oil, Ac. AgenU for John Lucas & O.'a Tinted Gloaa Painta, Maaory's 1 iqoid Co'.ora and DrTcVa Lead and Zinc Painta. Goods ahipped tbe day order is reoelved QaoaaMoa* fmraiabad by rvrarn mail. 8Jor> r?B>e?denoe aolieited. New Brick House For Sale. No.$12N.WashingtonSt EIGHT KOOMS, Receptius Hall, Pantry, Bath, Large Cellar with concrete walla and floov Sewer Connections Comhination Gas aod Electric Light*, Raoge, F:*:o?ce of extra capacity, Gas and Electric Con? nections for cookirg aod laundry ALL READY FOR YOU TO MOVE RIOHT IN APPLY TO DARRY AITCBESON 116 KING STREET. dee30 3t FOR RENT The RAVEN8WORTH FARaf; posawwioo aiven Janaary 1, 1910. Appiy on place or by mail U> M_ LKR. Bnrkes, Fairfaa oouusy, Virciola. eu5 if Just Received and on hand for sale Dried Beet Pulp in 100 pound bags, for cattle, at RICHARD H. WATTLES Ornca aao rKoaw '? 115-117 N Rotai. 8r Of all tbe baeltk onilders, fli>ah makera aod peiatocary raraaoie". acae ia ac? brtter than Leadhfetar's a_i-ia ef ?** _vsr Ofl, 30a aerbBRlt. DBY GOODS. Uotil furtber notice store will open at 8.30 a. m. and close at 5 30 p m, Woodward & Lothrop New York?Waahington?Paria a happyIsiew year to all We present our compiiments to the people of A'exandna and to our patrona, wherever they may be, and deslre to extend to them the season'a greetings and our most arrateful acknowled/onent ot the very liberal support accorded us durinaj the year just ended and for the manifeet approval of our buslness methods. shown in so many uomistakable waya-the greate^t of which is the continuous and increasing patronage- Your indorsement ilna stimulated us to do whit haa been done and what we mean to do. The policy that has proven so successful in the paat will be rigidly adhered to in the future. We shall continue to Btrive to be of the greatest po<eibleser vice to those who choose our itore to deal in, and you will always find us enterpriaing, progressive, and ag? ressive in eyerythmg per taining to business-libcal in our waya of dealing.and alwa> s ready to rigbt any wiong. How well we have scrved you is a matter of history; how well we shall do it is what concerns us 1 he look is always ahead. We accept the duty hopefuly, beiieving that greater success awaifs us if v/c deserve it. Our ihanks and a Happy New Year to our publ'c, which has so generously appreciated our endeavors. Don't Strike Your Friends For a low a' thia time of jesr. Thcy'II turn you down. Thev'll need sll tbeir i xtr* monay for Chris'm*s. Whynnre-'t a loan f'OTj the "OI D RFI IA!tl.'-." to m;>e tbia a "F,H. BY CMR STM*H ior youraelf and fa" il. f \(yoo ke?D haose we will len I w>u money sud ycu can ?et tbe n ooey today. Wri'e ? r 'pho-e MmId 3-Vfi if you oen't cal'. Offi e oieu Irom b a, ru. antil 6 pm. "TheOldReliable" W?8HIV-OTOV LOANCO., 610 F -t. N W., WaahiuK'on, 1). C. F. J.tfPHNF.IDF.R, Mgr , Loana made in Alexandria and vicinity. dec4 Ini J. Q. Henahaw 110 Soulh Waahington Street. Now rea<iy f ir t'.ill t'UMiie'.a. .ludgiag from tbe preiae I am rceivias the TRY MK mnst make )on f.'el good all over. Yes, it will do it every time, amurirj; you a comfurUbJe atvlinh acd a well balan el gnrnient. tde<3l TKY ME Rich Holiday Gifts are here in abundance Such an array of watchea, iockets, fobs, riogf, necklaces, brooches, etc ,you neversaw If you wantto makea lasting gifr, one that will remind the reci pient of you forever, buy jewelry. And buy it here in order to insure reliabilify as well as beauty and reason ableness in price. Select your present s now while our stock is yet com plete Make a small deposit on it and we will hold the article until wanted. Store open until 9pm this week. H. W. WILDT & SON - JEWELERS 6 i 166 NORTH ROYAL STREET BELL PHONE 315-J PARK AGNEW, Propriator. THE Bromilaw Brick Co. Building, Paving and Sewer Brick. Front and Building Sand. WORKS : Hnnting Creek. jyi4 iyr "r*tet)hmie 107. If a trnsa is properly fitttd, will not eaase diacomfort. Ycrn eaa get aeeb a lt if yee ae to LeadbMter'a, GENTS' FUI.NI-5HINGH HONEST AND GENUINE Reductions IN Clothing AND R.LEEFIELD No. 612 King St. Ball Phone 249. The Beat of EYerything Protect Your Tbroat TAYLOR'S BRONCHIAL LOZRNGES reliev* hoarsfneas, coughs bronchitis, etc. 10c BOX Taylor's Pharmacy THE RFXAI.L ST KR 616 KING STREET Kijtht Bell B,th Thoie? FTNANOIAL. E8TABLJJ3H12D 1862. BURKE&HERBERT, Bsnkers. Modernly eqaipped for banking in ita vari ms brancees. DepoaiU reoeivad snb|ect to chesk at sight Collertiona made oa all poinU. High-grade invaatment ascaritiea beaght aad sold. Lettera of Credit aad Foreign Exchange rnrniahed. Hafe Deposit Boxes for rant. A Bavings Departmeat in which intaraat la tllowad oa depoaav, DBY GOODS. A New Year Greet ing to All Our Friends And a siorere wish that the days of 1910 tdull he tilled etta Ue-lth, H?ppinesa aod Proa perity. and thu w? ?k?H ie aasociated atill more 1* I v in the rle amtnoodaof Mutual Intereat wbi b luve broagbt u* togethtr dur iog the je*r jj't pwd. WE APFRECIVE yonr pro-npt enden? tbaaiaitic reeogni ion of all our ?-ft >rts to pro td? ape iai inlucomeo'.s iu the maiter cf Quality if Goodsand Uu er..ticn rf Prioes. A Dollar'9 Worth of Merchin diae for Every Doll r Expended With ia baa been our mrt'o for a'l theae years. snd in the future you csn reet ssaureil that onr nethoda fhrli be the aameaa iu the piat Wd atll helieve in th ? oil adage, "To live and lel liv\" For the substantially erprssed approrsl with whirh you hav? crowned our p atru* rfeavors WE T11ANK YOIT. Aaturiiig you tbat each aucceedirg day of the New Xs?' will fiod ua striTiog juat a little h-rder lo uierit your eot fidene* and support by rur erer incre siog pn ticiency in earing for yonr merchandiae needa, Very reapectfully youra, WA8HINQTON. D. C. BROOBBIffi. ?Ramaaj Bells ths Best, Largest, Best, Chcapest Stock in Town. FANCY NAPLES Walnuts 18c RAMSAY'S V/t TONS CANDY 8c to 35c a pound AND \y2 TONS NU Good Mixed Nuts [- 12J?c Best Mixed Nuts - 15c ALL NEW CROP. RAMSAY'S Rne Soft FIGS Cheap at l!ulll.Sil!|'s FANCY Florida Oranges AND 25 Barrels Jliliilg Both Cheap. RuIllSujl's BUILDING MAT^IA1>. (EHVABLIriHKD laVi.? HEMi K. FIELD & CO. Haooaaeorv to iOSlaVH D O. 8MOOT, Luniber and Mill VVork OF ALL KIND8, Llme, Cement and Pla.ter Ofltaa aad Yard 115 N. TJaion atraal Factory No. 111 K. Lea atreet. _^ afaterial Dalivarad FRKF la ?*? Mfr, W. A. Smoot & Co., Inc. aaajaaaajajj to J. Reetrr rjmoot ? Oa.. JE1M rKrORlie AMIPyWML IrUuBaaactaran or DOUR AUD WINDOW FRAMX8, MCCLJB ING8. Ac DIAXEB8 IN LUMBF.B, dRtNGLZB LiTH8,NAlia,U?iE, CALCINBrTPLASl'lsB aad CXVIaTt bTo, 88 aorth Uoion etreef, AJaxaadria, Va, Leabar DaD?ered firaa la tha citj,