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MONIHY KVENINO, JAN. 3. 1?10. CoUMTLl n Chicsgoaos tr.ed to cor r, ' roaaO-atllan market Satorday, tl" *i!..'e3t oight 0/ worahipat tbeleet fo Eacchus tha'. city bas ever koown. F/om mid, ight nr.til dajlight tbcra waa bedliin io the dowotowo etieeta, and the Wfkir.g bc-uis wire msde bidcoos by all ?;ris oJ racket makera io tbe hande aod moo'ha of h*lf imoxicated revelere. It bjm %joa n,.l z.d by the p>lice that the/ w ra poweikss, aod no attempta were aade to u?e cbeck whetla on the revel lerc Xhe chief of police bad isaaed or dtta that ail marrymakir.g moat cease at oldoight and tbat tbe cafts tnd otber publ:c plKCta mnst be c'ostd at tbat hocr, but tbe ordfra of the Ohicago cbitf bad abcot as moch tflect on peo plP of tLat city as thoBe of tbe police dqaUtaaul of Altxaodriaforbiddiog tbe ns?;of pslole, caoooctrackers, e'C, in thia ci y no the a-?t F mnh of July. POflT A, ' HAVEI.I.RH PIIOTECTIVE A8 ,,,,!? m 'u a meetiog io Eiobmocd Tourjday mght aad weat oo recoid as nowilllog to indorae a bill which may be preaentfcJ to the legia'atare, because of its dr&a ic testtlctions oo the hotel aod boardiog hoose busineai. The bill calli for a niMie thoroogbsjatem of BacltalioD, loofcer sbeets, to be cbaoged after eatb gneat, individual towei?, and ooe hoo drad aod ooe o;ber thloga to raforna and rejalate tae laodbrds' bnsioesa. Wh?t'a the matter with Post A; don'i they ?an clean Bheoa aod towels? Tbe T. P. A. up brre do _ The iceome tax imposed by act oj Ojogreur, passed Aogost 6, 1909, be camo tfl:cu?e l?s'.Sa:urday, and ia retro atctive, proviuiog for tbe paymeot of tbe tax lor tbe year enrJiog Sitorday. Th* law U?ies a tsx of 1 per ceot oo the oe< ioomeof all corpoiatioos, piot stoek ?oaaoaaUe, aaEOoiatiooa and loaoraoce compauf) with a ntt Income in exce? of?/, iy. Itiscalcolated tbat tbe lai wili yield to the United Statea goferument an aonual reveoao of from tSS.OOO.OOO op._ II; -. i DTIONfl denoonclog the placiog ol a atatue of Uen. Robert E Lee io the Oapitol at Wtshiogtoo, "aa againat pob lic policy, against tbe fondatnentai prin ciplts of our rtpoblic, and'.Bgaioat the nonor and iotegritj of tbe yeterane who nobly tftV0 ?P "f0 8D(1 home t0 pre' uerfe tbo cjontry Robert E. L'.e at tempal t) des'.roy," wcte adoptsd at a raettiog o? Oaicago posts of the G. A# R on BaUrdey. Woat fools tbete ">jmb prjofs" be. foi evfry cltren martisge llcenses Ia ?ned io I hiUdtlphia io 1909 ooe suit for divorce was fi'ed. Tbis 1b not ooly nn incrta^eio tle nomber of diyorce *aits, B3 c mpared with tbe year 1908, toat it ll *l*o>i sligbt inaresse in tbe percenta^e of euils to the nomber ol tnarmgep. Ihe City of Brotberly Love ia tapidly btcomlnga Oity of Free Lo?e. Ifia Ai in i 11'-', ** *ctreeB, of Loodoo, who becsme the btide oo Ftl day io London of Frederick William L'oyd io the presence of the Eoglisb nobiliiy. acc:rjing to a Loodoo cable gram ii a granddaoghter of 0?oeral Robert E. L'-e. Aoother Lee heard irom wbom oooe of tbe Virgioia I*" ??er brard of _ Ki | 1'ay *ai ctlebrattd ln Par;a ty i ducriminste kleaiog between xe:a'iff? and ?veu mtti atqtaintances ln tbea r r, nstauiaita and Otber pbcaiof pablic reaatt. How naany Alexaodriata would :ike to bave been io gay Paree oo tbia ff<r.Jgp rrcaaloi '?' JrjsT bow much New York ipent on h>r eaia snd dtinke F.iJay nlgbt lb<re is nn way cf trlling, but it li cooeer?a tWelf eitimsted tfaa'.f l.SOO.OOO changed hand. ln thnt ti'.y, witb no otber excuie for th< prodigility tbao tbat anothtr day bad <:a*ned, tnat DecEmber 31 bad giveo way to January 1, a thlog fiat oaa breti tnking place rtgulaily fcr a great msny Tpatf._ From Wiwhiiigton. lCorra?p9tiJ>nyt ct the Alexandria Gautu ] Waahington, Jan. 8. Io a certnnny enebroudtd by tradi tioo aad ooiahle for its imprcaaiveneaB, Horace H. Luttoo wai today ioveited wifh thr r ?b\* of < Mi:e ai an auociate jaaticr of the U. S. Sapreme Oourt. The t,n>all c utt rocm waa crowded to it? titmo->t lualt t> witneta tbe ceretnony, httofbal iuioressivt'. At noon tbecrier ?nnoncpcd lha hnnorable tbe chlef jaa tice ind aeeodata ja?ticei of tbo Supreme Cou''. Ihe cbief juice wii at the brad, Rtid lha new juttlce at tbe end ol the fil ?. lbi jaittcea took their eeata, mhilw thp rrier prooonnced the time bon '>ed admonition. Judge Lnrton tn k a cbair io ftont of tbe bar, just be aide the deek of Cleik McKenoey. The-i Cbief Jostice Faller leaned forwsrJ itoJ aoDounced tbat fiorace B. Lnrion wss pteaent, havitg been ap polotcd an aaiociate j istice of tbe ria prttzse Churt of the laittd ?tatea, and ajria ready to take tbe oatb. Tbe clerk wai directed to ipread bii comaaiaiioD oi tbe recoidi, and to adtainiiter tbe O'tb, Immediately tbe coart and all aj> ctatori rcne t? tbelr fett, m Jodja Latton turned to fice the bsr aod C erk M;Keaney took tbe presctibed oath. Tne cbief jjitice apoke the . a h, and Jodge Lar'.oa repeated lt a!t-r h!m. Tbe cetemony haviog beeu conclud ed, Manball Wrigbt marched to tbe clerk'a deik, aod cooducted the new ioitice to hia aeat on tbe bench?tbe aeat fattheat on the left of ,<he chlef jaatlce. Tbe court then proceeded wi'h ita ncnal Monday buiinee*, tbe renderiog of opinione. riave Jaitice MooJy, all of tbe membera of tbe court were preaen*. Be ialllatbiibomeat Bayerbil), Mair, bot ia expected to retarn to Wasbiogton within tne next few weekr Accordlog to preieot proipccU, Sena tor Nelioo, of Minoeso'.a, will prp aide at tbe trial oi Bfcre ary of tbe Io terior Ballinger aod Cbief Foreater P.ncbot, which ia to be cooducted by a j)int committee of aix membera each from tbe Senate aod the Bonte. The rtaolatloo providingfor the iotcstigation wlll be introdnced aimultaceoaily in !>;th brancbei of coogreis M Wc-dnei day. Ohargei of conipirfcy made by both ildei to the coniroversy will mako the poaition of cbaimao of tbe inven'l gating committee difficolt to fil'. No matter what tbe dec'iioo, tbe mtoiberi of tbe commlt'.ee will be made targcti for criticiim by tbe looaing eide. The 6odiDga may drive titber Piocbot or Balllnger from the goffrnment eervlce, aod tbey are certaia to fi/jura pronai nently la next yaar'a coogrcuional eltc lioo?. A real war on h'gh food pricca, that wlll bit tbe food combinei wbero it will bart ia beiog planned io detail today by the ceoiral committee in Waahingtoo tbat propoiea tbe orginizttlon of a boy cott aaa-ciailoc of 1,000,000 famillea tt.rjngbout the connlry Tne firit 6ght will be foughi^gainit tbe beef troi>, ar cordiig to E. L. bcbarf, at whoie home 40 peraoca, leveialof them coagreiemen aod congrejsmen'a wi?ei mtt, yeeterday to plau tbe boycoit. The leaderi br lieve tbat in certain c ties, pricei are ressooable. Theae wlll be exeropt from tbe operation of tbe boyeott, which will be eaf.ned, whsrevertbeprice iiplalnly exorbltaat. lt ii tbe theory of tbe pio moteri tbat tbe auddeo dropplog cfl iu trale will denooraliz) tbe beef trade, and redocB tbe prlcea to the retailer. "Tbii |a a lrgdl bojcott which we propoae," said S:barf io d scoeaiog the bojott "li ii the r^ght aud priiilege of any oumo?r of citiz?ns to refuje to buy com moci lei wben tbeir cimmon knowledge coqvIdcb them tbat the price ii an ex tort'on " Anothtrcaie which may >iave an lm? porUnt bearicg on the fatare proieca tiooa by tha govercment of tbe augar truiti waa dockeieJ today. It waa tbe erjveroment'a appral In tbe cnei cf Oiatave K aael and Th mai B. Harned, charged by the governmer.t witb con spiracy which rciolted witb ths cloiioji w'.tb the Penniylvanla Bogar refioery, the bankruptcy of Adolph 8fg?l and ibe auicide of Fraok Bipple ln PbiUd^lphia three y?ua ago. Argument wai bpgon in the U. r. fijpreme Oourt today in one of the gov ernment'a biggest truit-buiting lults The \obacco truer," ia on trie', The government eieka ila desttjciion, ap pointment ol a receiver to legregate tbe aixty odd corporaliona now parilea to the combine, and ooce agaio reaore compe ti lon in the tobaccJ induitry, and ln yjkaa the arm of the !aw to prevent it dolng an interala'e busineai until the ?iolationa of the Sherman anti Iroit law ihall ha?e ceaitd, The gofernment'i biggeit lawyeri w:ll argoe the case. Special Attorney J.O McReynol Ia today opeoed tbe argoirent, aod Attcroey Ueneral Wickenibam will lollow. Tbe goreroment deiirea tbat the op'.nion of tbe Supreme Omrt iball go larther tbati that of the Oircuit Ooort at New York, wbicb adjadged all excep' a few foreigD corporaliona and ae?eral indivldoa'a guilty of illegal monopoly in restraint of trade, and itreogtben the ^herman aoti ttait law witb a aweepiog declilon against predatory comblnatlone. JamatN. H ? ?'"? formertreasurer ol the Unlted Statea, wai indicttd by the Federal grand pry, tbls afternoon 0d '.be cbarge of cooipiracy and frandalpnt uae of tbe maila. Toge'.bcr witb Ho ji'.oo are indicted Simuel Orabam, a w-altby broker of Monlreal, Oanadi, K/erett Dafoor, of thia ci'y and II r?ey M. Lewia, all coaqecttd witb the aame uon cern. Tbe appral of tbe 9'aodird O.l 0)m pany of New JerB?y from the declaina of Jadgei Binborn, Van Davanter, II ok, aod Adama of tbe Miaaonri Urcuii Oonrt aCjadgiog it a comblnaiion in r.? atraint of trade, waa fiiled trday In tbe U. 8. SjpremeOonrt. andamoiion made for adraocemeot of iis bearings by tbe goveromeot As yet, tbe Suoderd Oil Oompaoy his oot flled ita br'e' be'ote tne conr', altbougb Sjllcttor Gecer Bowers auaoujjctd that the compioyjs cr uobpI concnrred in lb8 goyernment's motloo to ad?ance tbe caa". Tbe ?ol ominooa conrt rrcord io tbe casee bow ever, baa aheady been receired by tbe 8arreme Ojort. Tne motion to nd ?aDce tbe case wbb taken nrder cansid ertt'on. The legal brawl between G >yernor Haskellaod8:aeAttoroeyGenaral Weat and Diatrict Jadge A H H ?ton over tbe Pralrie Oil and U.s Oompit-I b proaecotion io Oklahoma waa today dismissed by the U 8. 8opreme Ooort of the Unlted States. Without tj.:nion tbe orlgioal tas9 wss aired doriog tbe prealdeotial raitptim of 1908, aod becaose of Goveroor H tskeH'e p sce as treasurer tf tbe democra'ic oatiooal committete, eicited oo little commeot. The whole cootiovcr*y origioated io a proBecotloo broogbt by tbe a'toroey <reoeral before Jadge Has'.oo sitting aa Jadge of the 11th diatrict coart agaloat tbe Pralrie Oil aod Gw Oompinlee for impr iper use of the hlgbwar. Tne U. 8. Sopreme Ooort loday af 6rmed the j ldgment of tbe circnit coart in boldiog tbat the Miooeapolia city ordioacce of Febroary 9, 1907, which reqoired the Mioneapolls Street Railway Oompany to sell eix cartickets for a qua'ter, was DDCOoetitoliooal and io valid. Tbe I'rcet car comp ny ciaio a that the crdinaoce impairtd the cuotract with the city, implied io tbeir earller ordioaocee and francbisea (o tbe com? paoy, Jastice Dsj wbo rra 1 tbe opioioD of tbe coart, eteted btiefly that the court thongbt that tbe decision of the lower tribnoal was in eome respecta too broad and tbat it sboold be modiSed. Joseph A. McNalty, Heory Vao Vleet *nd Jamea Richmood, alias Herbert 8. L amao, the promotera of tbe defaoct Americao Oivil BtflffaM Ioetiio;e, were Indicted by the graod jary thia after ooon for false prettoses and vlolatioos of tbe poatal regalationa. Tbese weo rep rmoted themselrte ia adyertitemente to De desiricoa of appoiatlng fgents for tbelr compaoy or laiti|a(e io ygrlput paris of the UnitedStatea to snperiolecd the giving of ioatractioo to people whj wooted to take the ciril aertIce examl nationa for goveromeot rxMitlone, Furtber evideoce tbat formtr Preai deot Zlaya haa cot eotirely given op tbe h pc of retarniog to Nlcatagaa was contained in dispacbee received todsy at tba 8'ate Departmeot from Manigaa to tbe cffect that Madam Z'Uyaatlll remaioB at tbe cspitol and tbows oo dia posltloo to l.avr. Her cootiooed prea ence there gifeo rise to aowe sospicioo rf inlrigoe io tbe iotereslB of Z-lajr. Dispstches todsy iodicateaNo tbat t>rep aratioos to meet General Estrsda oo bia weBlward marcb cootiooe. Tbe emperoi of Germaoy, the kiog of Italy and tbe new kiog of Belgtam exchangcd New Year'i greetloga with Presidtnt T.f, aa aoooooced at tbe 6 ate Dtpartment today. Tbe lu at deairibS aeat on (be demo cratic a'da of the Bena'.\ flrst row, mid dle itlp, was held by tbe late Bsnator MiL'.urio of Mississippi. It wlll be occupied hereafter by Senator Saiyely of Indlara, who mada applica'.ion for it on the moroiog aftcr McLsorin'a dentb. F r selliog oleomargrrioe as botter, io yiolatioo of tbe oleomargertoe lav, aod for msnafucttiriDg olecmargerioe witbont a licecc6, John A. Harmoo, Tbomas J. Harmon aod William Har? moo were indeted by the g and jary thia afternooE). It ia chsrged tbat tb-s ? meo, wboss place <A bosioess waa 721 9 h atreet.r. e , purcbased a qaantity f f white eleomargerioe aod by aJdiog coloring matter made It to apjoar like botter aod eold it as socb. The traoaportatioo iotereats of tbe coantry ga?e their views on iolerstate c".mraerce law ameodmeot at tbe Whit* Hoose torfay. 8 x big railroad pr.'si deotJ repreaeoting wide iotereats dis ccssed with Prrsidsni Taft his proposi ticn for drasticiaUroad cootrol, aet fortb io hie meaaage which ia to go toOougrra* thia weer. Presideot L-.vett of the H?r rimao lioe, Bterof ths Readiofc, F.oley of tbe 8oathero, McOre* of the Peoo sylvaola, Browo of the New Y .rk Oen tral, aod Meileo of tha New Yorr.New H.yeo in1 Hartlord, were tbe railroad meo io a'tendaoce. It was se'tlcd early in the cooference that the prea! dcoi'a interstate commerce ameodmeot will probaoly not go to Ooogres< oo Wednesday as wsb planoed. I was b?lieved geoerally aboot tbe White Hoose thattodar'a confereuce was thr 'esult of the vifcit of J. Peirpont M >r gm, who made a batried call at the White H )CBi laat The tailroad presi'ienti tcd?y looked oycr tbe draft of tie piopcasd loteratate commerce law atmodm^ot, ai rs framed by Attoroe? Geaeral Wicfcei?h?m. The attorney gene? ral wsa talled in to explaln tbe nuaiare, ba' left before tbe confereoee was over. Ooof^reoce concladod at 11:80 and tne r i'rjsd meo left the White Hoose furrledly. Presldeot B o?n of the New Y?rk (J-jotra! said: "We came to m?k inme obj.'ctions aod wj were ltatencd to. Bayocd that I cannot discass tbe mat? ter." Jadg<) Loyeti, hcad of tbe Har rimai lioe, B*id that tbe dieoassioo woold pnbsbly be exp'ained in a state ment from ibe Wbite Hoose la'er, aod tbe railroad msgoates looklng ntber glum eotered their anlos aod rode away. The cooference tetweeo the railrcal meD aod Presldeot Vafl lasted two hoort aod a bal'. The railroad meo while re fusing to discusB the confereoee cpeoly, in imated that thoy hul failed eotirely io their niiiaioD. It ia oow certaio tha' deipiU oiraost eflirls of the railroad In t-r;B'?, Ibe propositione hr federal con rol ol stock isiues.federal incorpotaiiof, an.d lot?rstate commerce coorts wltb pUoaty piwerg, aq 1 tbe cthtr dras Ic claoaeB of ibe Wicktrsbam mta>ore, wi;l goto Oongreis thia wetk witb the on or q/jalltied lodorsemeot cf the Preai dent. News of the Uay. Rev. Richard 0. Grojao, a Oathollc pricat, attempted auicida by ehootlog hlmself at tbe Grao J Uoion, Hotel, New Yjrk, oo Satorday. Tbomas Waggousr, a Tesiacattle aod iand kiog, h?s giren e?ch of bia two ciilireo 100,000 acrta of Iand, 30,000 head of cattle aod 1,00" horaee. Presldeot Ta't wlll 'oday give a hear hg to the preuldeots ofalxblg railroad companifB io get tbeir tlews oa the prc. posed ameodmeoti to tbe lotcrsta'.irfom m?rce law. Foqr liyei were loit and ttree perionj, rereived orhoi hurti io a teoemcnt hoaae fire io Jereey Oity rarly yeaterday moroing. Tbe fire ii bel'.eved to bare been ol incejdiary orlglrj. Agnes Biotb, the famoni actrcia of two decadea or mire ago, wife of Joh 1 I!. .^jhotflel, maoifc?r cf the Treaoot Theater, B atnn, died al her home In Rrookline, yeiterday, aged 83 yeari, Bar-d io )eit by a mmpanloa to iboot himiel', Motton D. liodgef, ie?enteen yeari old taiaed a rifle and nh>t bimaelf throogh tbo btaiB in Oincinoa'.i jeatar. day, dying initantly. Dr. Fornoi Dlfi a mntnal frlend cf bttb Preaident Madrir, of Nic&rafcui, and General Eilndi, kader of tbe rev - lu'ionary forcei, ia teeklug Io eflto; to agreement between them. Ioformation from tbe White Home printi Io tbe probable nomicatloa of E, tl. Tbomaa as comroiisloner of the Die irict of (J >iuaibi?, aioog witb Cnno B. Rudolpb, air.ady lelected by tbe pree! dent. Wiil'am Keller, of Dtroit, wai rbot anl Inatintly kiiied laat night in a ittnggle wl:h an onknown amllant, who, wilh a companion, bad foilowed Keller'i wife aod ber aiiier-in-ltw, Mrr. Peter Keller, home from a5 cen'. theater. A diapatch from Ohicago tayi the American Federation of Ltbor wlll de maod an inveitga'ion by the Pure Food Oommiaaion of certiin breakfaU foodi which, it ii alleged, are adalterated with peaout abelli. The execntiie conocil of tbe Ameri? can Federarion ol Libor bai tent oat an appeal to all trade nnioniiti for 10 centa trom each ooe with whicb to figbt tbe ateel trnat fof tbe iron, ateel aod tin plate wnrkers. Eaatern Rumelia has been swept by the moat diiaitroni fbod In fifty yeari, and tbe wbole p'ain resemblea a va?t lake. M*ny peisom are reported drowne-l, wblle tbe lonea in cropa and lireitock will be very hea?y. The Yonog Torki, beiog in power, are aeekiog to moderolxs and to extend Gonatantincple. Hence tbe isiuing of an irade by the new inltan, aanctioning tbe demolitlon of a pirt, at leait, of tbe worlj-fimom B.zintine will* of tbe 1% The cmtoma tobacco I'orei, at Alex andna, Ejyp, conta niog tooacco tc tbe Taloe of ru.rly 15,000,000, wai gotted by nre cn S.tarday. Fi.emen incceeded Io rating aegreater part of tbe 'obtecr. Tbe lcsa ia eitirrated at $1,500,000. Preaident Tift bai completed the ipecial mettage be wlll aend to (Joogreaa urgiog legialation to make tbe antl- roit and ioteritatn commerce lawa more ef fective. Ojngreae will meet Tueeday and the meaaage will be lent In Wed nuday. The deminda of the railroad iwitcb men in tbe Oblcago territory for in crea?ed wagei were refcaed by the rail tJiAi in a propoiition preaented at a conference of repreeentativea of the awitchmen aod membera of the general macagera' conference committee. Mayor Gaynor, of New York, gare out liat nigbt hia liil of ?ppoiotmenti,io far aa he bai been able to ma':e them. Noue of the appoioteei are Tammany men, Th? only new offlcial who ii eren ilightly iffiliited with Tammany li Rhlnelaoder Waldo, the new fire com miaaioner. Ooopleting the Icngeit bridge ln the world, the laet iplke in the cooitrnctlon of tbe entire syatem ol tbe Norfolk and 3 uthero Riilway waa drtren Sanrday eveniog at 6 o'cl-ck. Tbe bridge orer Albemarle aoand, wblcb oonoecti tbe two branches of the rcad, ii aix miiei loog, aod coat aboot $1,000,000. WloBeld Gibaon, aged forty-elght yeara, a promineot reaident of Mnnball, a Pitiaburg lubnrb, ?hot and killed bia wlfo Saturday night, irriouily wonnded a eon, flred three ahola at bia daeing daogbter, and thro killed bimsel'. G.b aoo, who w'.s a former arjperintendent of tbe Carnrgie SteelCompaoy, ctme home la'.e Saturday aftormoa alt?r a day of drinking witb frienda, and Immediately began he killing. In abj'ct poverty, ihunnlng relatkei and frienda ol bia proiperoui dayi, with facultles Impared by yeari of dleiipation, H. Bartlett Llndley, graduate from the Uoited Blatea Naral Academy %\ Ao napolii, contribator Jo tbe Eocyclopedia B.ltanolca, newipiper writer, and a* ooe tlme a well-known atterney, died in theCookOouoty, II?., Hoapital,on8atur d.y. L'zcie E. Orenihaw 23 yeara old, ae verely wouuded John M. Jenninga, a b>okkceper, by cutting hls :broat io Naihtllle, Teoo., yeaterday. Later ibe banged heraelf ln a cell at the police itation, uiing ber apron itringa ai a rope. She wai dead when dlicotered by tho turnkey. Jennlngi may recover. Jeilooiy waa the came of tha womio'a actiooa. Jamei Middleton, a firmer and prin cipal wltoeaa Io a night rlder caae a?t for trlil In the Federal Oourt In Mobile tbie moolb, wai ehot and killed from ambotb near bia home ln Baldwin county, 8>t nrday night. Oitiz ne aided the aberifl yciterday In a fatile if.empt to capture tbe aisaiilo. The caae in which Mid? dleton wai to be a witoeia wai agalnet aix promloent men wbo are aald to baie killed ibeep bclonging to A. Oomitnck. J. Pierpont Morgan'i huty and ruya teriooa viilt to the preiident on Friday ii beliered to hare reference to tbe pro p:ied liaue by tbe treaiury of Panama canal bondi at tbe bigber ra'.et of Io terest provided (or by tha Aldrich tar.11 bill, notwithitmdiog oatcoaible efforts to create tbe impreaaion that the great New York finanoier waa merely aeeking io formatioo reipectiog conditloni Io Nica. ragua and other Oentral American re publica. Seoaior Albert B. Oammlna in a ipeech Satordaj nigbt in Drs Moinee, Iowa, at a "dollar dlonet" giren by the ao-callad progreiilverepnblicaosof Iowa, lerved no'.ice that tho fight for progrei aive prlociplca ii not at an end. He r-aid tbat he did not alteropt to obicure or tc minim;/ |f he extent of tbeir defeat io tbe recent ipecul teiiion of Gongrea*, but that II any one barbora the delusloo tbat the paaiage of the recent tariflla* endtd the figbt for falr and reaianablr protectire dtities It would be wiie for blm to at once reform hia conclmloo. Jndge Borace Harmon i.arion, of Tenoeuee, who waa today aworn in aa a juitlce of tbe U. 8. Sopreme Oour'. He arrlved in Waibtngton yeilerdiy moru irjg aod regiatered, with hia family, at the Willird. Preaident Taft, who ap pointed Judge Lurton, called at tbe W'illard, infjrmally and unexpectedly, Ute yeiterday welcome the newrat membcr of tbe natioo's higheit coort. Jndge I.orton and iin, Lurton, boweyer, were oot. Obarlea W. Moree itarled from Nnw York for A. ''anta yeiterday morning to u gin b!a term of io yeari In the federal priaon. Mra. Morse >aid good by to ber builaod at Ibe Tomba bef- ra Maribal Henkel took blm away. Hia two fooa, Harry and Ben Mon?, followed to tbe PencaylTania atation in Jeriey Oity, wbere Marabal Heokel allowed them tu enter tbe Pollman compaUmeut on tbe iiirmingbam ipecial and wlib tbelr fatber a aafe jogruey. Morae gare oot a ata'.ement bltterly deoouncing the j ry tbat convicted h'm and aald: "I am going to Ailinta to begln penal seryitudc under the moat brqtal lentcoce ever pronoonced aga'nit a citlzen In a clrl lized conntry," h hia openlng oentenc?. Virginia Newt. Tle annnal meeting of ths Virgin'a 3 ate Horticultnral Soclety will take place at Wlnobeater, Januar; 5 and 6. Joieph Ambroie Parker, one of Por ?? month'a moat p-omloent buiineaa mir, died at hia home, Saturday in the 68h yeari of ige. Frank Nicde Brown and Miia Hattie Huma Bike', danghter of Mr. and Mn. William E. Baker, of Ktng Gjorge county, were married Tburaday. Albert Kendall, of Alabama, and Miaa Irene Rawlett, of Kiog Oeorge county, were married at tha realdenca of tbe bride'a father, on Satnrday, ftif, H H. Fonea officlating Howard 3. Ciift and Miia I.iura New ton, daogbter of Mr. II jck Newtoo, all of KingG.orge county, were married Tburiday at tbe reaidence ol Rer. W. W. Oweoa, who performed the cere mooy. Charlei B. F.enner, a well-known farmer, 43 yeara old and unmarried, ahot himaelf tbroagh tbe bead on the farm of Grorge R. Eiaoa, nr-ar Barry t1 le, Ciarke coonty, 8atnrday eyenlog. He ia dylng. Renner had been on a polor.ged tj ree. Warneld B>ale Biyley, of New Pallz V, Y., acd Miaa ^allie Jackaon Michia, daugbter of Mr. Tbcmaa Q. Mieb<e. were married Satnrday at the home of tbe bride, 0 k Hilla, Albemarle county, Arcbdracon Frederick W, NeTtperform icg tbe cttenasoy, Aoooaocement waa made in Norfolk 8atorday that the 3 o'.h Amerlcaa Froit aod Stestnab p 0;mpaor, rrgaoind a'. Baltimore, with Mattio V. K. P*u!seo presideot, ondtr a capilal of (300,000, will eatabliib a iioe of paaaeoger, mail and froit ateamahipa betweeo N'.rfolk, Jamaica and Oaba in a abort time. The cffice aod atorage depot of the McWane Pipe Worka at Lyochborg wtre boroed ont Bitorday eotailiog a lou of $35,000, fally iosored. Tbe Weatern Uoioo Ttlegiapb Compaoy loat all of ita wlrea aloog tbe rfjuth era aad Oheupeake and Ohlo railwaya aod thoae lioea were tied op fot tbree hoors, Ii the democrata of ihe nlnth dia trict can have their wiahea complied with Jadge William F. Bbea, of Briatol, member of tbe Vlrgioia oorporation comm'8-lco, will retarn to bia old bome aod make the race for Congrees againat Repreaeotative Biacom 8iemp thia fall. Aa a reward for tryiog to pty the part of a peacemaker, Oharlts Oole, colored, now liea io Norfolk atabbed to dratb. Edward Lse, also colored, who ts charged with morderiog Oole, U at large. A woman nated Jaoe Jacksoo waa beiug beaten by Lee, wben Oole tried to atop the figbt, bat L?e toroed oo bim, aod, drawlog a locg kolfe, atabbed hiai repeatedly. Q)?, and Mra. Snanaoo on New Year'a ereoiog gaye their laat publlc receptioo io tbe execotive man?loo, the hoora being from 9 to 11 o'clock. Gor. 3*aoson, Mrr>. Bwanaoo, tbe membais of tbe goyeroor's staft aod tbe receiviog psrty took positloo ia the b'ae parlor. Io tbe receltlng Iioe were tbe goverocr and Mr?. 8wanson, Ool. Eugene O. Masaie aod wife, Ool. W. Payoe aod wif , Col. J. Bcott Parr'.a aod wife, OjI. Jo Laoe Btern, Adjt. Geo. Oosr'ea J. Andersoo. Today's TelegraphicNewa Condltlon ia Spaln. Madrid, Jan. 3? Geoeial Weyler ar riyed lo Burelona today to take te preesiye measorea agatost aootber threateoed revnlatiooary ontbreak. Newa from I'trcelooa is beiog ligldly censored, bat it Is koown tbat the re policao factioos tberr, hetetofore work Ing at crcsa porposes, have ooited aed are plaooing a more serioos outbreak thao that of a few mcntba ago. G.rersl Weyl-r baa been glven the iank cf cap'.aio-geoeral, and aathotiz d to take any eteps be seea fit to crosh col tbe rebellton. The goveromeot droied today that aojo.e was bart ia the foor bomb out rtges io Sarsgossa ycaterday, but from prieate soarces it ia l< arned tbat several wero aerioosly bart and mach property dettroyed. The aerlooa atabhlog of 8aperioteo deot Kiog ol the Marbella mloc, otar Malaga, is alio, si:rt to be due to politlcal agitatioo. Kiog is an Eoglisbman. Morse ia tbe PenUentiary. Atlaota, Ga , Jao. 3 ?Oharlts W. Morse, ooce cbaracter zcd as the wizard of fiuaoce aod the ice aod a'eamboat king of America, ia tblaatternooo a fede ral oonvict ia h cell in tbe magn'ficant federal priaon bere. He arrivid today from New York io charge of two New York depoiy marahah aod at once bfgan tbe aervlog of the aeotence of tilteeo years impr-sed oo bim for his part o maoipolatiDg the funda of tbe Ns tiooal Biok of North Amcric His bair was cot sbort aod he waa garbed io the prisoo noinrm for frcsh ariival*, which is ma'<e ol brown and wbito roa terla'. He w>8 locked Io a cell aod Io morrow will be aaslgoed to tbe work be is to do wblle a convict. Yeggmen at Work. BufLlk, Ya., Jan. 3 ?The towo of H il!?n, which waa tottlly wiped cot by fire Snnday, waa vislted by a duiog ga-g of yeggmen early today. Every tbing portable io tbe raioa were takao away aod two safea io ibe atnolderiog enoters of J. Y. Joaea & Oompsoy, aod J F. H)!iaVs stores were dynamited and their cootenustoler. The yeggmen heo ?otight to blow open the vault io tbe ruins of tbe Biok of Hollan, bot the ooise awakeoed re?:denta ia the towo ?nd a pitcbed rerolyer ught occorred, oq ooe being itjued. Ail the aafe blowers tscipsd. Saarchlog for W'oaadcd Robber. Ohiesgo, Jao. 3.?A posae of citzeos today are acoorlog the priiriea and tbe wooda of Norwood I'ark, a aobarb, io search of a wooorled rebber, ooe of two who attempted to blow tbe aafe in tbe poatt Uj :e tbere eaijy lo the day because his ccmpaoioo bsd "a grodge asjaioet the goyeromsct," Tae other banit waa eaptored. Tbe m's^lrg man U believed to bave brrn woaoded io a gun hat'le which followtd tbe discoyer/ of the rob bers at work by aulitaat poitmasler BalrJ. ______ Inluocilon Qranted. Buflalo, N. Y., Jao. 3.?Federal Judge HrE'l today anooonaed that he bad graoted a prelimloary Injunr.tlon to Wilbor aod Orville Wright.tbe ootad aviators of Diyton, Obio, reatraioing the Htrring-Oartlas Oompsoy, of Ham moodsport, N. Y , from ihe maoofac iora of tbe preaeot type of Oartisa aeroplane,_ Murderera Elccuocuttd. O-aloiog, N. Y., Jao. 3 - -Less lhao ten mioatea was rrqalred to shock to dealh two morderers fo the electrlc chalr io 8 og Biog prlion today. They were Wllllams Morse, who abot aod killel Pjlkemao Eiward J.Kavacaogb, Io Bro?klyo oo Ojtober 24, 1907, and Johi Barbnto, an Itiliao, who mardered Gib-'do Ficlylt Io Middietown, N. Y, on Janaary 20, 1909. Woman Murdered Oioclooati, Ohlo, Jao. 6 ?Two white meo aod a negro are noder arrest io coocectlon wi.h thu murder of Miss Aoca L'oyd, secrttary of the Wlborg. Uanna Lamber Oompaoy at Fairmooot, who on New Year'a morolog wai foood alaio near the place where abe had worked for IT years. Fire In Ooeton. Baetoo, Matf., Jao. 3?Big wbole sale airuc'.orea bere narruwlyeacaped de a'.ruction early toda/ wben fire deatroyed the Harrison areoae auxiliary power station of tbe Boeton ele?ated railwaya with a loaa of 150,000. On eitber aide of the boroiog boildlog wboleaale hoases took fire aod only afur a bard figbt of fonr hoors were they taved. Three thoosaod riiiss aod revolrers aod one milHon cartrldgea tbat were beiog smoggled into Fiolaod have been ?'^d by the 3asttans, TELEQRAPHIC BREViril-S. A d apstch from St. Petenborg aayi two Ruuian arrat cfficeri wlll a'tempt to reach tbe South PJe by meana of dingible balloona nrx; inmmer B.-cauie he conld not remember parl of an addreta which be waa to deliver a' a diooer ln Georgetowo, Ky., on Safur day eienlog, Jodge Jobo 0. Voyla com nrnted aulclde by ihootiog hlmaelf throogh tbe br.ij with a rerol?er. All bcpe bai been giren op for Saxuel K Oweoa, of Bitler, N. J , aod Paol K. Whltaker, of A-laotlo Oity. N. J., wbo left bere on Decmber 27, in a amall boat. for a day's fiiblng, aod hare not been heard of liuce. Wb'le tbe aurireona were preparing to operafp on liim for a'fractured apiaeeanatd by t*iug rnn down by a atreet car iu 8an Francisco oo Saturday night, F. H. Jermyc, theSoranton, Pa., millionaire eoil operator, died today. Thirteen peraona who were naroaued on a atrip of lind by the recent doode in tbe Santa Ana river reir Loe Angelea, Cal., have been reaoued, It wai auppoaed that they bad been drowned. Thirty peraona have been armtel in Bom? bay on au?picion of Ibeiog oarties to the con aolracy by which Arthnr M. T. Jackaoo, the Egyptian adrniniatrative head of Nank waa BMaasica'.el. Vew York Stock JVUrket. New York, |Ian. 3. -After the nnuaual atrength of the opening the market became weak with eharp deoliuta in price* throogh the remainderof the iirat hoor, Deoiinea in in pricea practically i II iaauea traded in ranged from one to 2 pointa during the for> ? lio-.n. In the early afternooa the tooe con tiuned weak,_ VIRQINIA 10VVN DE9TR0YED. Witb balf of Ita 220 it habltants home le?, the Majeatlc Theatre, poatoffioe and all but one of i'i 28 buiineaa placee lyfng in ro!n?, tbe barnlet of Holland, 12 milei from Sufblk, on ibe Boutbern Ktilway, bai been practically eriaed from tbe msp by a flre wbich began at 10 o'cltck Batnrdiy night and raged uoiil tbere waa no fucl to feed upon. The flatnea, Uoced by a brlak breeee oot of the eoutli, wblcb carrled flre brsinda bundreda of yarda abead, and nnhlndered by a 8re department, left in tbelr wake acenea of deaolatioo rarely seen in roral communitiee. Borae io habltants, conmmed witb comtcrnalion, fought fraoticslly toaate theiraubatance, white othcra, cbilied and balf-clad, hoddled in tearful gronps and wruog tbelr banda helpletitly. Neirly all of Maln atreet and tbe wbole of Railroid aveooe are flreiwept Tbe only buiinesa booie left Ia a store formerly owned by Bamoel Hardy, aen tenctd to deatb for killiog liberlua (iracbiui Jooea, wbcae cue U now pending before the Goort of Appeali, Tbe fire, of onknown orlgio, began in tho itore of Joecph Baz-lett, who bad jii't closed hia place. Tbere Ia no water aopply in Holland and appeali to out slde towos were wlthoot reinll. Oaly 21 homji are left, and theae are housior the homeleea, none of wbom ilept durine tbe nigbt. Tbe losi, iccloding $10,000 wnrtb of pcanula, ia $120,000; ioaurance 168,000. Fifly ypais'eiportencenf anOltl Nurae Mra. U'a ?oothing Syrup ia the nrojcriptioa of one of the leat feuiale phyiic ,i i% and nuraea iu the United tttatee, and h w beea m?d for fifty yea's with neyer-fail i ik aooMBi by mill om of mothers for their rhildr<-n. It relieves thi child from paiu. rurea diarrhuii, griping in the bowela, and wladeclle, Ity giving hea'th totbechiltit re ita tbe molher. Twtntyflve oenti a bottle. dea Uti5# am> The Liudner Shoe for Ladies fioe wear haa r o equal, John A Marstull & Brv* 422 K tne atreet __^^_^MI1BEMENT3. Opera Housl? TONIGHX *4 THE GL'Y J9HNS0N CO. WILL PRE3ENT "A Wild Night" and "The House of too Much Trouble." Two one-act farce comediei. THREE BEELS OF PICI17RES. Firat appearance of FLAMANSKI The mtdium who answere a ealed queationi prcaented by tha audienca. Pricei lOoand 15c A few choioest aeata at 20c. DREAM TFIEATER-down atalri-from 2 ln 5 and 7 to 10"?5 csnta, RESOLVED That by drinking our deliciooi Freoch DrJp Coffee That excelleat S.veei and Buttermilk and eating thoae ' -Mightyfioe" Sandwichea & Piea You t'eei battar and tSere'a no dark brown tiite the morniog after, 0?0-o Cameron Dairy Lunch 906 KING STREET. OPEN ALL NIGBT THE annual nieeting of the etocknrldera of tbe D1TLIN 4 MARTIN COkfPANY will beheMat the <ffi3?e of ajid company. R( and 2 Alexandria National i'ank hiii dlcu, Alexandria, Virginla, r? TrE8> DAY, Janmry 1?. 19 0, at 2.30 o'c'oik p. m? for the election of directon and for the tra ?? a^tion of auoh dtbar buaineaa aa may legally come before uaid roeetiog. janHtd_T. C. pnf,IN, Pearetary. THE annuil meeting ot the atockhrlierscf thel.Ai. <>/A.S C<?VfPANY, Incorpo rated. will be beld \l the officei of aaid com? pany, Rooma t and 2, Alexandria Natiooal Bank buildinir. Alexandria, Virginia, on IDrHDW, J?uuary 8.1910, at I oVock p. m., f.?r theeleotion of direetora and for the tranaaction of aaeh other buaineei aa may leiraliy come fce'oro aaid mee'ing. j xD3 til OEQROE C. REfD. 8eeretary. NOTICE?Tho annnal meeting of the atookbol lera of THREE RIVER8 MANHFACTrBINO COMPANY will b? hehl at room 8, A'exandrla Natiooal iiank Bu Mint, Alexandria, Virginla, on \SED NEtiPAT, the 19th day ef January, 1910, at ,0 o'elock a. m. J. M. aaILt,FB, ju3 td _Becretary. THE annual meetinK of the a'.ockholdern of the ATLAMTIC BITtLDINO COM? PANY willh? h 1J .t the officeof the com? pany. 12.1 aouto Royal atrcet.Alexandrla.Va., on THC1HDAY, January 20. 1910, at 11 o'oltxk a m., for tbe elcction of dire> t rt ai d ofheera for tbe enauing ye-tr and for the tranaaction of auch o'her bn^iness aa may propeilycome before the meetiog. M. M PARKER, Preadent. LOUI8 BEYER, Ja , 3tcreUry. jan3 w3w-m_ LO.^T -FriJay, Deo. 31, )90?, a black t-IIEPHERD 1X)0, white pawa and white apot on breaat. Keward if raturned to MS(jne>n atr et ; _u The late eummer and fall ia o-e of the hert timea in the year to piint yonr hoa^e. Oont forget that we are beadqnartera for eTiry thina in the pa'nt line. See ua before yOTt place your ordar. E. 8. Uadbeater A f ?oa fno ____^__?_ The fiiat minute after a tra atarta U the m oat oritlcal Ume, and the "Colooabta" Ei tingaiahar bdng alwaya raady for pa. ttaka yoa nraaiar cf tha aitnatfos, I, I. l*AD ?1ATGR 4 rJONa. i Grat illliiiilii' Iocorporate a promlae rtuoPg ycnr New Yeata reeolutiooa totest tbe claina of thia compaoy io regard to higb q 1 >lity aod low pricea. Yoor wants ?ill re eeive prompt coosideiaioo?840 aidt* tional brancb atorea are aervlog tbe pec ple of all aectlooB throughoat tbe couo try, and we are cpeniog o?tr 50 oew atorea each year. Dried Peaa. Sootch Peaa, 1b. 6a Ureen Bplit Peaa, Ib. 7o Canaed Peaa looa Peas, cao. 10a ?jl.ana Peaa, cao. 12) Dried Beans. Llma Bjans, Ib. 7<j RedK'dney, Ib. 7o Tomatoes. Victory Brand Tomatoes, car 'o Iooa Tomatoea, cao. 8; Special Reductioos Thia Week. Ohoioe Moir Peacbee, 3 Ibe. 25; Japan R'ce, 5 lba. for. 25<r Beeded Raisios, 3 psckagee. 253 Flaked Fiah, pkg. 8* Poiaih or Lye, can. 6a: Ohloride of Lime, can. 6a WaeMngSade, Ib.1 28* A. 8c P- Fi?ah Coffees Omtalo Aromi, 8-reagth aad Flaror. Repeat ordera bring yon tbe eame criap and delicioas ceflee that you flrit ot talned. 8snate Blend (5 Ibe for $1.15) lb. 25* Ooagreseiooal 0..ff ?e (3 lbs for $ 1) ih85a Otbergood grades, ib., 15c, 20c, SOoaod. 40a Finest Flour Reguiar i? lbbags. I5a Regolfr 7 Ib bags. 29a Regular 121 Ib bags. 43c: Regolar 24} lb baga. 86c Regnlar 491b baga. $1 70 Fullbarrel.16 75 Grabaoa Fiour, tack. 12c Plain Duckwheat. 10 lb. b?g redaoed to.Stka Pute MapleByrnp, boitle, L6j and.. 35c Lonialana Pute (Jane Hytop, can lOe, 15;, 20o, 85a. 65c H-OSeWRaising Backwhekt.ptg 17c A & P8e]f-Rai?log Bockwheat.pkr 10? Amo Firra Wb??t pkf.12$fr A & P B.ksd Beaiia, cau. 10* Saidei'a Poikaod I'oaos, 10c, 16a, 20a AsparagQB, cao. 253 525 KINQ ST. PHONE 277. GBOOBRIB8. jB_B-R?m.av3liJs ika Bl'V Largest, Besl, Cheapesl Sfock in Towo. FANCY NAPLES Walnuts 18c RAMSAY'S VA TONS CANDY 8c to 35c a pound AND 1J4 TONS NUTS Good Mixed Nuts ;- 12}?c Best Mixed Nuts - 15c ALL NEW CROP. RAMSAY'S n " o-o Fine Soft FIGS Gheap at Kaiiistiy's o-o- ? -o FANCY Florida Oranges AND 25 Barrels Malaga Grapes Both Gheap, Ramsay's ? i