Newspaper Page Text
?NO.3 ^l^XAN^DRlXvA^ EVBKINH, JANUARY 4, 1910. P&ICE 2 CENT8 VOLUME CXl" Women Who Weai Well It ls aa*aauahiaf how great } chango a few years of marrled llfo ofwn mako In the n; M-aranco and <}i>pocition of many women. Tho. freabneaa, the charm, tha like the bloom from a h which ls rudely handlod. Tba <oa Ia only a dlm sbudow, a f&lnt echo maMeo. Thera a/o two tor thia ehaoga, igoorance and Faw young women appreciate k to th? S7i>tem through the hieh comaa with marriage and to deal with ? draln ? and weak h too often come with mar not imderstanding ,' the chcok i and tho fonn of Its . i tha ronr-ra! hoalth auffera ? f tha health ? -.?. ao surely ^^x tablished In "??^t^Hrro witneaa ?iicTTT>?si^ .XearJj ? of Dr. Plerca'a Fa makea weak wotn ',1. Ingredl ? aleohol or I ' ' . Made Ican, medlc ? i -?: imendad by tof all ti.o sev :e for the curo of tboaebrokaa* requentbaarinffol for tlio coniing of Dt easy and cdlctna qulta o." It n of the Invlgoratlng : irvlne ulct !y m by a In thetreat nanta. ! by lettee Dr. H. V. j'K-ce, ? urgteal IojsUtuta, AR?e CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm is quickly absorbed. Caraa Relief atOnce. ! -'tothes, the diseasea naem> ? ? enltingfrona b and drivea Mwuy a Gald in tho Ji. 1 qntckly. Jie i HAY FEVER : 11. Fullsizo50ct8., atDrug ? by maiL In liqnid fonn, 75 centa, , 66 Warrea Street. New York* Vihe Clerk's ofiice of tne ?irt of the city of Alexan -, 190P. ? pf.rtBe' of W i am Demaine. 8r , ftad ely fadin* un ,i.., t emaineand ? r li I'rv (formerly ? |. i< mtrihnte to the e |. . i . | -i ?.? v , owa righ*. an i *la aaadmioist atrix of tha i aed; Mary D. beira or i Ifa d Ifnr, i Pauio, ,i nt s< ii of Mary Ps* aa, ? ! Frniik P-yne; John p.j i ? c, his trl i Payae, hla rK# y , otijct of thia sol latoooaTtwa th>- <? ? tfsof trah I'rv orme |y Barah luinia* U r X of n a de bj'Ptiog lli reel R i I > i on the Wl st inlJt-ton and I Al< x.ui iria.Vtr h roenl of tl <? ilehts ? iv nd bj lier estate, snd f 'T . i' ? r ! ? i in thincaute t'i t i M*> l> Mu-rny, tbe i r i Marray, <le eaaed; e P*T' e. the infant I.WUIla Payi e. I' \ c and-Payne, his t a?M def ti lai U ?pp?>ar t i doe pabtteanon o' 'h - ? to pts> thi snii, a- d that acopy Ia i ia th<?Aiex? per pobli* ed in the e a w ek for four at the front ! i- .ftiihcity. I aAY, Herk. e*0 w4w-w V/I "?f.iceot lie * C f ttl ?~itv of Alex .,! De ? i ? 'kIihui, " B !> "'. I* 4 'iniu l), . I: Fl imI w", i: i'ev>-rly i ' r?-Boaa Cliauctry i \',f ? . T ? is toobtala a |> ? 11 i ' ? i- !??" I d nfth r . i tha cit of 1 ?< b ands I ?? d di - .' -'reet, ?ix ! - ?? t, an ttutiing i - - i ii rti (?') i . ? e n il I ' u' ? .1 1 i Ii ? ?? i ee , ei rhty ; i U t 11 ; Ihea -e ? 1 n - \\ II ? iib .."t th r-y (.tO) th to il.e p i t i f b'gin in ppe ringh ai tli lav t fil-l In tbla ? i. Ko-- Kiikham, 11 aa, and hn baad: Mrs i 1 .v,l M. i? I - i, aud t sidaata s<id ^ays ii , o.-,..r pu i.->..- in in v ny Ol w ?k f r four ?? :i m il 1 i e front doo.-of the C?? \ II s i - i . KVaWAY, Clerk J. K p .j d cl7 w-lvr.i RESOLVED - oar dalieioai r.'e ch DripCoiltc That exctllent Sweet and Butferrailk BmI ? '?Mutvyfine" SandwichesSt Piea You f i m iars brown t o-te the ujerning after. 0?? fi 3 Cameron Dairy Lunch 905 KING BTBUT OP?N ALLN1QHT 2dtxanbtia (&azctte* P0BL18HBD DAILT AJTD _>_^'ki_L___| GAZKTTE BULLDINU. 810 A 812 PRLNCK STREET (Entered at the Poatofnc* of AJaxandrt* ??? glnia. aa aeoond-claaa matter.l i?KHij Uaily-l yeai, M*> * wouibe 12:60; 3 montha 11:26 1 >nf-tb 43 ^tnta: 1 week, 10 oenta, Tri-weekly?1 yaar, <S.0u. 6 montna. fl.M 3 montha. 76 oenta. 1 month. 26 oenta Oontract advertiaera will not be ailowed toex ?ed their apace anleaa theexceae ia paid foi tt transient ratee, and onder no oircom itenoea will they be ailowed to advertiae rther than their legitimate bnaineaa tn the apace contracted for marriage and '.eatb notioee mnai be paid for in ad7anoe. Re?olutiona in memonam, of thanka. tnoutea of reepect, reaolutiona adopted by eocietiee * peraona, anleaa ot publio oonoern, will ly be orinted in the paper *? advertiao ??M?ta_ KKOULAKrAOtlcS FOriMILim. 11 thH aonaal repnt of tbe cbief of tbedlriaioa of mlliUry affun of the wardepartment maie pablic SUarday, the following recom ncida iona are made by OMoael C. A D'-npaey, with regard u hn- matUri <n V'rgini*: "Woeoever the aallitia aod troopi of the regolar army are brooght together in cHoip, the militleman retoroi to hii oroe a heter eoldier aod more entbaied wttl tbe rnili ary apirlt. ?'I beg to reoear, aJao, my reaommen daiom of laat year in regard to order og retirrd ooo commiaiiooed atiff ofB cera (<t thia cao ponibly be done) to -ach state for the purpoie of -iaitirg home atatiooa of adjacanta, qaartermas tata, commiaaariea, and tbelr enliated sniataota for the pnrpoaa of ini'roctiog them io their datlea. Tbe lack of thia > ecceaary koowledge by militia cfficeia ia ooticeable locamp, and delava io get iog aappliea and forniahiog reporta c*u-e grr-at deal oi dinatiifactlon aod diacom fort. A competeot expert abonld be on daty in each a'ate at leaat a year or two to viait each organizition and remain for a raft time ioatractiog all membera of tbe j'ganizjtion preient io r fla abooting and endeavoriDg to intereet commanda io thla Impoitant part of a aoldier'a daty. "At leaat two gradaatea from Fort Riley cookiog achcol ahculd be aeat to each regimeot, wbeo incamp, toioitract ia the proptr prepara'ion of food, aa nothlng teoda more to the comfort and tiealth of tbe troopa thao well-cooked, wboleaome and nicely aeaiooed meala prepared for the men." PLANNED MURDEB AND SU10IDE. When Oregory Kelly, a walter oot of work, walked ioto Hlckey'a old chop honae in Joho atreet, New York-, yeeter day afternoon, he Intended to kill hlm. aelf ao tha the $325 inaarance on bia life might lave bii little daogbter frcm ourlal ia potter'a field. He bad plan ned, alio, to take tbe life of Frederlck Biacotte, tbe maoager of the reataoraot, and tboa, aa be believed, avenge tbe e <th of bia i-montha-old cblld. The bot from Kelly'a revolver mlaaed tbe maoager'a head by the faction of ao . cb, and be waa overpowered before he c ald kill blmielf. He Ia now io Belle vue Hoepital, pending an examinatioo ioto hia eaaity. In tbe morgae liei tbe o'iy nf tbe daogbter whoae tbreaUned Mrial io a paoper'a grive apparently bad driven hlm to deaperatlon. Keilv bad been dlacbarged from the r ataarant ahoot a year ago. Since then tbe cbophnoae bra cbaogcd banda, and Kelly bad applied regularly to be takeD back, When he entered tbe reataarant yee erday it wbb lull of dinera. Tbe '"ansger refaaed to give hlm work Kelly tired aod the boilet boried itaell to the wall. Kelly waa then overpowered. INNOOENT MAN HANGED. "I want to tell yon aomething I have had on my mlnd for a good many yeara. I caooot keep the terrible aecret any mger. It waa I and two foreignera wbo killed Oontrac'or Samael T. Ft-r gaioo, ne?r Waahington, Pa., on 8ep enber 25, 1903, and the man they haoged and the man who ia aerving 20 yeara in the penitentiary for that crime are inooceot," aald Joaeph Vaatello .?xterdaj. He ia a priaooer ln the M oodaville (W. Va.) peoltentiary. He made theatatement toOaptaln of tbe Gia d- G. G. Oawaon. M lovar Kevovic waa hanged fcr tbe aawalft of Fergoaoo and Mllovar Patro ?c U oow aarving a aenteooe in tbe ,? unMary at Pilt'burg. VaeMlo ii *erving a rcntence for an 0 .. r crim He waa arreated a few ? n ba atter F rguaon waamardered for t a r bb r- of tbe tallroad atatioo at Birtoa, W Va., and aeotenced toe'gfct veva' impr aonmeot. Hia term ezpirta next N v n ber. V.a.elio ii ea d to have told a detailid ao i cooaia ?-ot atory. All eflorta to make m c>otr?dict bimaelf were onavailicg. Va-tfliio implioated two foreignera wbo are b?lie?td to have retnroed to th. ir oative iand. TOGETNOOFFIOE? If aeveral Virginia repoblican lead era have their way, not a man who ran on the recent goberoatorlal ticket in that atate will get a federal ln fact, tbere ia a qalet little more ment among aeveral alate leaders to rai*e the b?re on thoae who made tbe "aacrifice" liat fall. Democratic attacka opon the repnb licao atate ticket laat fall, cbarging tbat the candidatee were rnnning for federal cffice and not for atate offioea, ii mainly reaponaible for the attitode 01 aome of the V rginia leadera. Tboae who will likely be affected by thia movemenf, ahoold it be carried tbroogb, are Oaptain W. P. Kent, who redgoed a coniul generalihip to ran for governnr, and Jobn B. Locke, of N-wpirt Newa, wbo wanla to be col lec:or of the p>tt of Newport Newr. Locke ran lof aecretary of the commoc wealth. Oaptain Kent baa not been oot acont* Ing fora federal j)b aince th* alection and it ia not knowa wbethsr he wiahea oow to retlre to prirate life. DRY GOODS. Until further notice store will open at 8 30 a m. and close at 5 30 p m Calendars, 5c to 50c Were 50c lo $2.50 each. Woodward & Lothrop New York?Washington?Paris Women's and Children's Undcrmuslins New nndern awlUwl anaWta earmoMs- ? wrmderful variety that we have collected to maka thia a niost notabN* event. Wnetber you wi.h a a.mple, inexptnaiye garinerit oradaintv embroidery ? r lace cre-tion. you are ataarat. of fi^dtaf a apleedid collecuoa from which tochoose. Tnr materiali, .rimminga. atylea and fio-jh are af uu.form excel leuce many of our o n jatle lb ?nd rie iga-, exrlneiv with H in Waahington. ChiMren'B Ui.dt-rrauOi aa-.dlof n's'GarnruU are a feature. __________ ThHtaeinlrVs . apleti lid roll- tion of el-c*nt imported noveltiee in di.nty Fre-rh Lingerie and Bridal sHa. manj cf are i.fferel at pr.oea neually aaked for the/ etter olaaaea of domestic goodi. Housekeeping Linens, White Goods??Bedding The'gooiaare the prodncta of lead ng I i>?>, Pcotch and German maken, and are either of "our ovrn dirtct i uiportation or from pronoin-nt New York importera. prfwit*low?lawarUWa Uteeanteo ditnniof t>e market would jurtify. Oer ordera wee place I many nw.ntia fgo iliMt from thi le.diug Europeau ?*nnfai:turere .which mikeaitp.aaible to quote tiguiei auch aa wearedoing fortuis Annoal (January) Linen Bala. HH WEIGBT IN GOLD. A recent leit*r from Calcotta says the Maharaja of Nepa! bai givcu away bls weigbt in g^ld, in accordsnc with the cust'im nf Iidao prir.cs, w^o o!:en make xows?' ir rzaaapia, oo rcmry from eoana |?aat illntea ?'roas which they liberate th;m?lve? by tne ce.-etnony called 'Tula;" the p*r;Ou weighs binv sclf in gold, or, it not vory riCi, in b aer metal or graio, and tbe tmount ia dia ttibnted among the pot.r. The MaharnjiolNtp"! per'ormeJ tbis ceremooy oo Novembtr 20 a1 a pUce ol piUritnage olled Pa?hnpa mit.-. He bad himself weighed in g"!d, which was loatsntly bougbt np by j*weler?, aod the ellxer coin paid fur it was diatribnted amoog an crowd of beggan ar.d pilgrims, who wnre alao Bompuously leJ by ibe Mahirajs, niveo a pece cf elotb each acd sent rejjiciog oo their ?*J-____ RAOE TROUBLrS IN OUBA. A Btroog race leeiiog has been ecgen derrd by tbe troobl* wLich art.-ee Sua night at the Hotel Piez*, an Ara?ricao booae, io Havana, over the refusal of t*ie barteodir to aerve drinks to two oegra ciogrea*me'\ Tbis rcsulted in a r!ot the clerk of tbe hotel was arraigoed io coott and Bcad |70. Af.rr the ad j>ornmeot of Ihe c .ur', tbe two Dfgro co igrtasnofn, braJ.rg a proc(B803 of 400 ofgrora, onarcl-fl to tbe ho'.tl cr Ing ? Vi?a Maaatl V?a Ia palritl1 Tbey deoiaoded drloke, which we?e eervcd The iacideot hr>B caoeed moch exciirmcnt and there are grare fesrs of a serioos race c'a;b. A gnyrrnaient oewspaper pablishtd a bilter cdltorisl tesieiday, declsrir.g thst a>l blarka aod wti es In Coba are on a , I .oe of ab-o lotaiqa?liiy, aod tl-itt ".be Amcricatia mast be laoght by the strarg arm of ibe law that thty thall oot bc p-rm! ted to ir troduce iuto Ouba the am aagroaaati' mema prevailiog io tlie Uai'.ed States." A TERRIBLE EXPERIENCE. A stcry of maltreatOiCat, terrib'e aof fprlng acd deaib airncg a par y of 600 G rmaoB wfcs Itft Hambtirg July laat to aaaist ia tbe cars'ruction of tbe Maderia aod Ma'amore R<ilroa1 in B-rzil h toM in Bcrlin nrwspaperj. Ninety-oiue < f the worktnpn h?Te jast reiorord to Eo'opr. Moat o/ them are said to be soflerlrg from tropicsl disases. Tbe ?ormore a-s^rt ihat more than 300 of iher/ormcr c:>mradee tre dead, while tbe remaindir are io tbe bospi al at Manaos Or of the party denlarrs that conditlone in Brtz I were eotirely d fier eot from whnt bad beeo oescrned to them. Othtrsasy tbe cantracora bf >ke -.11 the terma of tbe engsg?-m-n'. I. ia a'd ih-t fgen^a are eodeavoring tocn ir-pe 5,000 more Gcrmans to p'oceed to Brea1. __^___ Cocalne which tlulU'he nert-ea neyer yet cured Nasal 'Vt'irrb. Tn? heive fe?-ln? in th* foreh-ad, the nulle 1 un >eisttoaaud tbe witery dia-'ha-ge tro? *ve< t n 1 nose, alone* with al! th? oth?r mi eri"? attsnding thedisea-e, nr* put to rcut by Ely's Cream Belm. Pmell ani t*.'t-! are re?t r.d, breith iog it made noriml. I ntil y 'i try thia remfdv, 5011 can !o-m rn He? of th? itcoJ it will do you, h a: plied d f-ctlr to th*. aore spot All druxtci*'-, 601 M iNd by i ly Bros., 56 Warreu S teet, Npw York. a??????-^ ???*????A fONEFOURTH OFFJ ? 4) t Special ? j Bargains in ? ; Oroaments \ \ * \ & Pictures j ? 4 j H. RUBEN & SONS: { 401 KinK St \ \ ? ?4a-4?va>-a> ????*#??>? <>?#???? GBOOERlfcs. ?a^P.Biwv Sella tha B*? , Largest, Best, Cheapest Stock in Town. FANCY NAPLES Walnuts 18c RAMSAY'S ij_ tons CANDY 8c to 35c a pound AND V/2 TONS NUTS Good Mixed Nuts :- 12}_?c Best Mixed Nuts - 15c ALL NEW CROP. RAMSAY'S Fine Soft Cheap at Kanisay's 0-0-0 FANCY Florida Oranges AND 25 Barrels lalagafirapcs BothCh ap, Rainsay's Beain the Kew Year by atartiou ont with a new aet of Box Fi'ea. We aell the "Exeeleior" 2 pott file for 26 ceate. S- F. Dyson & Bro 508 KINH STREET. "Saddle Rocks Oo the Half Shell, Fried, Stewed. In fact thia celebratedabivalve will be scrved in all etylea at SPINKS'CAFE. Try Spi-ks' Celebrated Single Friet*. DBY GOODS. Buaineaa II oars?Pai'y. 8 30 a. .m. to 6 p aa. Seturdaj,9p. m. White , Silks. 36-irch Caahmere MVaecline: a veiy aoft and rirhly finiahei all ailk fabric. ?? *_"*? cream aud ivory. $160 value. <M JQ Special. * * 19-inch All-ailk 8itin Weaealine; a very luatrouj and h>gblr finiahed maienal, in wbite, cre*m sn.i ivo?y. 69c v?lue. ^Qq Special. 21-inch All-ailk Creoe de Chire; very be?vr aud ricblr fioiahtd quality. in wlute, cream atd ivory. $1.00 value n$c Special. yc,w 40-inch All-aiik Satio Met?cr Crepe; a beautitol, luatroua-fiuithed fabric; very aoft andclingy; white,creamrnd ivory. C9 25 $3 value. Soecial.,p_<.-*_? 3H-inch Mo're VeUur; very heivy md a beaatiful ailky finiah; i i white, cream and ivory. 11.75 value. C I ^Q BpCClftl.a ?????. 19-inch All-?lk Tr.fleta, in both the chif fon and heavv tioi?h- a fine quility for dro? akirt t nd liuinsr; iu whiti cream AQq aod ivoiy. ttt vala<>. Ppecial. -r^w T6iuch All-ailk Tftleta. iu the ol.itlon and akirtins fii i*h; a ven luatroui fnbric; wHie, cream and ivory. $1 25 value. Spec- Qflr iai. y"w 21-inch All-ailk Sitin de Soie; a aoft aud heaviiv fiou-hrd fabric: io wbite, (\Zr cream and ivory, $1 value. Steeial v*/w Laiisburgli&Bro WA8HINGTON. D. C. WALTER L. GAHAN FOLICITOlt New York Life Iosurance Co DROP ME A P03TAL. 522 South Alfred Street. Alexantrii._'_ ^'irjiinia. Get a H-oatbe-ri'e ahonlder brace for your bot or girl It w'll be of jrrea aauatance while jjoing ?o achoo', in maaing them ?ueathe <" MtBBtly and prevent rour.d abonld tp, Leadbeater haa them. 8 e wmdow. Prieeil U) per p?'r. FOR RENT TWO FINE FLATS Five rooms and bath Heat and water included RENT ONLY $20.00 TWO SIX ROOM AND BATH BRICK DWELLINGS $20.00 and $22.50 One Kiog Street Flat SECOND FLOOR TWO BIG ROOMS FINE WINDOWS ? F. L. SLAYMAKER, & F0CTNDEB8 AJJDJ^A0HINIST8^ T& H. AITCHESON, Machinists and Engineers. i^eats Gray fiasoline Motors Engineers and Machinists Supplies,, Pipe Fittings, Valres, Etc Blacksmithing and Repair ing Promply Executed The Alexandria Iron works Foundry, Machine, Blacksmitb, and Mruc*ural Iron Work. Mannfacturersof Power Turbine pnmpa: will lift water aS feet. Agenta for Internatiooal Coal Oil En? gine, a safe and reliable power. We solicit yonr otde-s on all kinds of Iron works. Bell Phone 53. o-o-0 WASHTNGTON OFFICE 514 F.vars Kuilt'.irc - I hcte Wain 732 B~D! LDING^AJTEJRLAIje^^ [E8TABLI3HED 18S?.) ma K. FIELD & GO. Paooaasort to /OfSAHH. D.8MOCT, Lumber and Mill Work O? &LL KINDS Llme, Cenient and Plaater Offlc* azd Yard 11.5 N. Union etraet, Faetorr No. 111 N. Lea straa*. Jaw^atateriAl Dalitrared FBKE la tha elty, W. A. Smoot S Co., Idc. (rjnnceaaor to J. Bectcr Bmaot * Oa.) ;.Eil FLOORING a.\d twm m. Maaonwtaren 01 DOOB AND WTKDO W FEA M18, MOULB INGB,Ar. DEALFBS IN LCMCEB, dHTNGLa?, LATH8. N AILB. LIME, _ CAWINEDPLASTEB and CEX1B7 He, 36 nonh Union rtraar, Alaxaadria, Va, ILaabar Dtil?v?d frae la lhe dty. 1 he distinguinhing features of the OVERLAND CARS are me chaoical accuracy, ?face of < utline, luxurious appointmeots, aod easy ridinfcT, sileni luntiing qmlitits. They are cars meant to be seeo and not heard? as shown by the raanner ia which noi*e ia Himinatel. Have you SEEN our aample? We give dernonstrations every day. HYrrRS BROTHERS. HSN.Pittst. Citizcns' National Bank CAPITAL.$100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - $120,000 OFFICEK8 : Prealdant, ? " _*____??a Edward L. Dalogerflaltf. f>"?" '*<?"' ? Ricbard M. Orwan^CrataUr. R. f; f ayne, ?.at. Caablar. DIBBOTOR8 x J. C.Smoot, Worth Hulflih, M. A. Ahero, Edward L. Calngerflold, J. w .Kob e rt CarrallPlerra Urbsn I, Larrbcrt THE CITFZENS' NATIONAL BANKhasbeen directly identified with the mercantile,man ufacturing and jobbing interests of Alexandria for thirty-nine yearp, snd withits large capital, ample surplus, conservativedirectorate, progressiveman agemen a^d convenient location, is equipped to satisfactofily handle new accounts and to accord them that samecourtenus attention which has been a vital factor in itssteadfastand continuousgrowth Birthday Presents are here in abundance Such an array of watcbee, lockets, f oba, ringp, necklaccs, brooches, etc ,you never saw If you wantto makea lasting giff, one that will remind the recipient of you forever, buy jewelry. And buy it here in order to insure reliability as well as bcauty and reasort abli ness in rrice. Select your presen's now wbile our stock is yet conv plete. Make a small deposit on it and we will hold the article until wanted. Store open until 9pm this week. H. W. WILDT & SON t JEWELERS j 106 NORTH ROYAL STREET BELL PHONE 31 -J ? FOR AN EVENINQ OF VISIT ?JOHISJ RILEY &2_t Try one of His Turkey Sandwiches. Additioaal Phone Service. We have installed the Home tele phone eervice for further convenience of our patrons. All calls given prompt attention. We earncatly lolidt yonr patronage. Banner Steam Laundry Bell 203. Home 133-R. jan3 tf Special This Week Japaneae Air Planta 15c Red Immortellea 15c Cut Flowers and Plants alwaya on hand. The Mra F. J Kramer FJoral Co. Bel ohoaetl71,3olJ 114 N. Fajett* 8i( dtc3 3t