Newspaper Page Text
TmT.TTMK CXI.--.NO.9 ALEXANDRIA, VA. TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11. 1?K> PRICE 2 CENT8 Fnrslng Kothers and Over-burdened Womea 1b ?n lUtlons of llfe, whoM Tlgor and Tltality may have been undcrmined and broken-down by over-work, exactlng eoclal dutlet, the too frequent baarlng of chlldren, or otber causas, wlll flnd ln Dr. Pleroe** Favorite Prescrlptlon tha mot\ potent, Inrlgoratlng rostoratlve atrength givereverdevised for tlulr ipoclal bene [IV. Nurslng^aothera wUUlnd iteapeclal* y valnable iV austainlng Ttorlr strength and promoting>an a"Vindant TKmrlshment for Ibe cblld. TxpWtanVjapttvcrs too will find It a prlcclessH^w/Wpispw the ?ystem for baby's coming ana rehdajlng Iho ordeal comparatlvely painleas. Jl cnn do nn h.-irm ln anyjtate, or CondlUot^ 1)< :;"e. 1i<f voiiS." weak women. who aunVr from frequent headachca, back acho, dragglng-down distross low down ln the abdomcn, or from palnfnl or lrrer ulnr monthly perloda, gnawlng or dl? 1 aensatlon in atomar... dlzzy or falnt spella. swvjmagin.iry ipecki or spoU floating before^byes have disagreeawe, iiolvl" caurrhal draln, prolapsus. ante vor-lon or retro-version or other dlsplace tnents of womanlv organs from wraknesa of parU will, whother they experlence many or onlr a fcw of tho above symp toTns, find rrllef and a pormanent cure by oslng faithfnlly and falrly prrsistenUy Dr Plerco's Favorite Prescrintion. Thh workMamod apedfie for v.-oman'a weaknessoa and pwullar aihnenU ii a puro glvcerlc eitract of tho cholcost nv five. niwilclnal r?>ts wtthout a drop of aleohol ln lts make-iip. All lts ingredi entaprlntod ln pialn Englteh on lts bottle wrapper and atu-stod onder oitth. Dr. ] ? thus fnvltea the full^st investlga tion of hls formula knowing that Jt wlll be f?und tocontain only tho t*st agcnta known to the m"St advaneed medlcal aolen'-o of al) the didcrrnt schools of prao tlco for tho r:ire of wornan's pecuilaf weakuossM and allmcnts. It you want to know morn about the ooniposltlon and profaaalonal endorse ment of tho " Favorite Prescriptlon." send Etal card reqnost to Dr. B. V. Picrce, ffalo, N. Y., for hla frc* booklet VreaV of same. You can't afford to aceept as a iunstl tute for thls remndy nfhmnmrampatUum % fteoret noatrum uf unkrwwn ovmpo* Jtwv Don't do It. A Reliable Remedy FOR CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm it quickly abtorfaed. C.iutt Reliel at Onca. {t <-Ieansi'?, soothe*, boiiU and protecta the diseawd mem ??rane resulting fr?m Catarrh and drives away a Cold in the Hf ?1 quickly. Kostorss tbe of Tanta and Siu.-ll. Full size &0 eta. at DroggWi or by mafl. Liquld Cr n'M Baba f>>r wseinatoiniz?'rs75 <'tr<. ?!,. v- ???? .'<?. Wony-Ti S'r?-t. In'.-w Vork. ' OENT8' FUl;NI8BIN08. HONEST AND GENUINE Keducttons IN Clothing AND R.LEEFIELD No.612 King St. Ball Phone 249. GKOCEBIEft. W. A. JOflNSON & C0? WHOLESAJiE OROCEB8. BK^KRAL CX)MMI86ION MEBCHANT Aad Dealera ln A.LL KINDS OF UQUOB9, R^te OB hind O.Mon'a XX. XXX, XiXX and Pore Old Hya, Old C&binet and Moue frim Wniikiw: aluo Baker'sand Thompson*! dr* Rye Whiskiea, to which the'/ inTlta tni attsntion of the trade, 0:i*n from the ooontry for n'erohandiw chiii reoeirepromptattention. Ooaaigani?nt? of Floar, Qrain and Ctmntry Proi'iM nolicited, for whioh they gnarante* he highent market prioea and prompt returni S. E eorner Cameron and Royal Btreatf, JOHN AHEKN & C0M fTHOLR5a.LE AND RETAIL QROTRBJI Ajr..' Dealen in PJ2B WDNES AND UQDORP. Oontry Proiao* reoalTad daUy. Our ?toca of Pi-Un ind Fhict Grooeri* ttmbraoea erary. tiic* to be had ln thia iine. W? &M.1 Urwiy ln Oaited SUtet bonded w%r*noi'? iaioirryin^oo* Tariow braiutt PORS PVS A?ND MALT WHISKip ioad* Hafo ^?o to ?tore roperJor gradaa o? For*ira and Ameriean WWEZ. ALS8, BROWN 8TOUT, Ae. mar^n'moion Qnaranteed m to Priot wU Qaalitr.'VBi fvmnw.Prlae* **4 ^<??timerf? Rtraati. Additioaal Phone Servlce. We have installed the Hjnie tele phone a^rv'ce for further convenience of our pjtrona All calls given prompt attention. We earnestly solicit your patrouage. Banner Steam Laundry. Bell 303. jHomt I33-R. jftQ3 tf D "n't worry a*K>ut ??ur enrog. LUCK ETi'd Ft)Or RB8T PLAPTER will take tbem o9 bke magie without oandjaging or 8TREET. f Entered at the Poetofflee of AJeiandria, Yii ginia, m iMPnd-clMt mattex.l Tkkmb ; IXOly-i year. $6:00 6 montiii f2:60: 3 montha, $li5; I month, Uoaata; 1 week, 10 oenta. _ Tri-weekly?1 year, $8.00; 6 montha, $1J? 8 months. 75 cenU: 1 month. 26 oenta. Oontract adTertisera will not be allowel toex OMd their?pace unleae theexcew u paid ?i at tranBient ratse, and under no ciroam ?tanoes will they be allowed to adYertue other than their legitimata buauwaa in the ?pece oontracted for. Beaolntion* in memonam, of thanka, tnpntiei of reepect, resolutiona adopted by someuei or peraons, unlees of pnblio ooncern, wilJ nJy be printed in the paper m edTertiae MONORAIL IESTED. The firs: txhibltioo ia thli ccontry of a gjrosta'.'c monor*ll ctr, wbich bas been beralded abroad ?? the aolotlon of tbe Monorail problem aod ranked anooog tbe wooder* of the preaent ceo tnrr, waa giten yesterdsy io a Brook lyo rlok by Richard Bcheri, the youofc ioveotor, who is a aon of tbe owner of one of Germauy's greateat newe ptpsra. Many of Atnerica'a beat-known railrvad engineera aod fioaociera were iotlted to tbis loit'a! exbibltior/. Tbe car wai brooght from Bjrlin, with a do?n txpert mercbaoiciaoa and with the yoaog iaveator ia cbarge, A tingle rail track had been laid oo the fl )or of tbe rlok in ? ctrc.V, with aboat 13 laps to a mile. Oo f xblbition the car, wbich aeata foor pasaeogera aod two operators aod whicb ia lntended solely for demooBtratbn parposea worked per fectly. Under tbe car are two gyroicopes, eich revolfing in a vacnam at the rate of 8,000 rerolntiona a minnte, onc opsratiog oo a perpendicalar and the olher on a hor'aontal axii. Thras gyroacopea, operated by an elec'ric car reat of 110 volta picked ap by "aboea" from wirea laid on either alde of the monorail, ao balanced the car, either ?tanding or wbile rnoniog, that ail tendency to Inclioe, nck or pitch waa couoteracted. The gyroscopea balanced the car in the direction oppoalte to that reaolticg from ceotrifagal foree and gravity, aod in takieg the curres It keeled o?er nlcely aod gricefully to a degree commeosorate with tbe apeed of tbe car. Tbe perpsndicnlar gyrosoope bslaoces the cir wben iia load is not ereoly die tribntfd. A half dcz3n of the mecbao ica piled on one aide of tbe car aod tbe gyroacope keeled tbe car orer io the oppoaite direction, tbos maiotainlog a balaoce. Tbe car exhlbtted yeaterday weigbed two and a half toos and tbe welght of the gyrocopsa wa? 5 j per csnt. of tbat. Mr. Bcberl believea that a speed of at leait 120 milea ao honr can be reached aod malntaloed by a gyro atatic monorail train of regolation eit?. FDGIT1VES LOOATED. Living &s father and daaghter, Ro berta Boiit de Jaooo, 17 jeara old, a Pniladelpbia heiress, aod Fredtritk Ooben, a former waiter at tbe Bellevae 8 ratford Hotel, wbo eloped December 29, from Philadelpbia, were foaod in Uhicago aod arrested iate ye?terday. They w?re discovered by detectlrea in a roomiog hoose on the north aide of tbe clty. They were taken to tbe folice station. Oohen at flrat protetted againtt arres'. He aooo admitted hia identity bowever, and Miss De Janon, aobbiog bltterly, pleaded with the police to re store her to ber pareota. Ooheo. reteeled to the offie?rs the ?tory of his flight with the girl from Philadelpbia, a flght extendlog for thonssnds of milei tbroogh the Uoited Ststes aod Oaoada, and in wbich a trip to Eogland was ioterropted at Balifax becanie the boat officer* woold not per mit tbe preseoce of Miss De Janon'a pet dog oo tbe vessel, Ojheo aod Miss de Janon reached Obicsgo on Tboraday and reoted n room in a boardiog hoose owoed by Mrs. Frank Perrio. Oobeo iotrodoced the girl as his dsogbter A'lce, He identf. fied bimself ss Robert Kioar, and said be was a barber jast arrlyed from Montreal in searcb of work. The girl wbeo qaestioned by tbe of ficers at the police statio i, after she bad admitted her identity, sald that sbe and Oohen bad reached Obicsgo with $1.60 and that ahe gare Oohen a bracelet aod a oecklace, whicb he ptwaed to procnre money to li?e or. Oobeo vebemently deoled that iny harm bad come to Miss de Janon air.ce abe fled with bim from her home. DINNER $100 A PLATK Oarnegie Steel Oompany cfBclaU to fbe nnmber of ooe hnndred sat dowo to a diooer at the Fort Pitt Hotel, ln Pitts burg, Satnrday nlgbf, which for laylsh ness haa aeidom or nerer besn eqaalled in tbat city The cost amonnted to more thsn $100 a plate. The dioner mi arraoged by Oolonel H. P. Bope, flce prtsident of the OaroegieSteel Oom? pany. Prealdent W. E. Oorey of the Uoited 6tates Steel Oorporation waa the chlef gnest. The dioiog room was arranged in tbe shape of a Qrecian garden, aod tbe fl )ral display was gorgeous. Presideot Oorey, in bia talk to the Caroegie meo, complimeoted tbem oo the excellent showiog msde by the Pitti bargers for tbe Steel Corporalioe. 6WIPr VENOEANCE. Dominick Alllo, promioeot amoog the Icaliao colooy in Dsyton, Oblo, aai shot drad Saoday nigbt In a quarre'. Snift frngeaoce for tbe deed waa wrecked npon Tomaso Villella, the slayer, whose body, s'.abbrd tbroogb, wss fonnd a iittle wbile later bwbind Al lio'a home. Alllo's wife, wbote haod wai badly oot, told the police that Villella came to their boase and after picklog a qoarrsl I with ber bnsbaod, shot bim. As to tbe j Ideotity of thepcrsoo who killed Villella ? ahe profeuel Ignorancr. A MISSiSSIPPI JNTHUSIAST Mrs. Lena Gresham, of Clinton, Miss., Has a Fcw Facts to Tell Our Readers About Cardui. Clinton, Miss.-'Thanks to Cardui, writes Mrs. Lena Oresham, of this place, "l hav\? been greatly relieved." "I suffered for three vears from female inflammation, and had taken medicine from four different physicians witliout much benefit. "I have received more benefit from seven bottles of Cardui, lhan trom all tlie physicians." Just try Cardui. That's all we ask. It speaks for itself. It has helped so many thousands, it must be able to help you. Trying Cardui won't hurt you. It is safe, harmless, gentle in action, and purely vegetable. If you are weak, tired, down and out, try Cardui. If you are sick, misernble, and suffer from womaniy pains, like headache, backache, dragging feelmgs; pains in side, arms, legs, etc?try Cardui. It is the medicine for all women. It is the tonic for you. N B ?Wrttt to: Lidies" AdvUo? D?P*. Chtbi D.).)E? Medicine Cn,Chillann1n;LTfnn..(r)rSp<-fMl Instructions, andb4-paiie book. HomeTrratment for Women, sent in plaln wracper, on requert. fJMrH. AUiuuid h'r hoabiod kllled an lalUn named Rrzzo ibe oight ol De cember 1, 1907, at the cbtivecing of a girl baby at their bome. Allio di?ap peared, bnt 8nally came back, waa ar. reated, trled and acqait edon the groond of selfdefenar. The police are now tr?ine to letro from the woman il Rmi wa* io any way Miociated with Villella, but Mrr Allio refuaea to make aoy atatement tbat m'ght clear up the myatery. The I5!ack Hand la auppoaed to be coooected wllh bo'h crimep. OHARGED WITH POISONING Effie Ssllaberry, auppoaed ti be on a traln neariog New Orleooa, U pongbt by tha police aa a witncas lo the mjBteiioni deatb of W. H. Helman, a j)?eler, ?rbo waa foond uneonac'oua lo a room at a botel io Terre Haote, Iod., yeiterday, and died bood afterward, evidently from the efiecti of polsoo. Tel'grema ha?e been aeot to the police of Memphia aod New Orleaos aakiog tbcni to detaio the woooao. Helmao rtturneJ to Terre HauteHan day nigbt from Oblcago. At the hotel he aent to tbebar for whlaky. A cbatu bermaid fouod bim lylng on the fl >or io hla room yea'.erday. He did cot regalo conaclouaoraa before he died, bot the coroojr foond io tbe room two letters. Ooe was addreesed to ibe chief of police and tbe otber (o a irleod of HelmaoV Io both he accnaed Etfie Sellaberry of biviotf admioii'.rred poisoa to bim in coflee tha' he draok io a reataurant io Ohlcago Saoday. The womao ia a atrp daugb er of Helmao. He was di?nrced from btr motber. who iived in North Dikots. A rare bargaio aod one that Is laat log cao be obtaloed at the sboe s'rre of Jobn A. Msrsball A Br s., 422 Klrg ttreet. Look at th*? wlndoa display. FINE PlOtURES. Ao noosoal nfler is beirg made ti ita readers by Tbe Pbiladeiphis Nortb Americsn In next 8and?y'< psper. Tbroogu tbe mediom of a coapoo tbe paper will gire to art lovers tbe oppor tuoity to s?cure a r'U pbotogrtvore of Luke Fildes' celebrated palntiog, "Ihe Dcctor.'' Pbolcgravures hsye bertto fare aold at bigh prices aod hi re beeo laxories a?ailsble ooly to tbose of mear?. Throngbspecikl arraugemeot whh tbcse who control the proiess by wbich these aitistlc worka may be prloted in large qnaotillea, Tbe Nortb Amerlcaa will faroisb cooies nf 'The Doctor," oo fioe art paper, 22x2^ icches in s'z\ fcr 10 cents in cish and a coopon cut from tbe paper for Soodiy, Jsnoary 80 A copy of tbe pictore b?s slreidy beeo rtceivrd at tbls cffice. 1'. is indeed a woik of the bighest artis ic m rit. r tONE-FOURTD OFF Special Bargains in i i ? ? ] Oroaments ? & Pictures I : Jl. RUBEN & SONS j 60lKingSt. ? $ WALTER L. GAHAN SOLICITOIt New York Life Insurance Co. DKOPME A POSTAL. 522 South Alfred S'.rcet. Alexsnlria .Virjioia. We are felliag rasny boule? of Cawrvy Ooagh 8yrap daily as tbe bctt remedy for ?ougti known. A food, proapt sere, 2Se. ?. I Leadbeatir A tfons. ELEOTRIOAL GOOD3. USF, AN ELECTRIC I LAT IRON; it will enable you todo better work, and faater, and will eliniinate that nnneces ssry beat in the sumnier time. Its heat is uniforni and transfers labor to pleas ure. For aale by the Alexandria Electric Co. 524 King Street_ MEETINm_ PURSUAKT to the requirements of tbe by laws, tiotire ie hereby given that the ?n nusl meetinnof the itocilv ideraof tl e NEW WA3HINGTON BltlCK COMPANY for the elfction r.f uine directors to iierve for the en suing year aud for the transactiou of aurh other busicn as may be browjbt before the niettinjr, will be bel I at the conipany i office, No. lllaouth Fairraz itreet, in the rity of Alezaodria. State of Viruiniit, on the thir teeoth day of Jsnnary, IftlO. at noon. Polls will be open from 12 o'cloek m. to 1 o\ lock p. m. T. L. HOLBR<X>K, Preaident. WM. M. MATTINULY, SecrtUry. decMtd_ ANNUA1. meetina; of lh? atorkhollera of the QKEUA N CO-OPER ATIVE BHILDITO ArVOClATJON No. 6,sll aeriea, will be held TRUR8DA Y, January 13. 1910, at 7,30 p. m., ai their office, 313 Kingstrtet. JLSrUeJ SCHNF.IDER. deo31 td_Secrctnry. Poetpon.?d Mtockboldera Mretfng of Iho Rntile Compaiiy r r Virglnla. The annual meeting; of the atoekbolders of the AMKRICAN RI'TJLE COMRaNY, noiice of which waa jriven to lie belii on the 3rd dsy o? January, 1910, will be re'd on the 15th day ifJinaary, 1910 at the office of the conipany, No 111 aouth Fairfm atreet, Alez andria, Va.. for the el-ction of directors, and for tb? traotartion ofinch other husicew as can be Uwfolly conakJered, The trsnsfer hnokswill he rlsed ten dsys prior to the 15th day of January. W. M. 8I.ATER, Preiident. ALBFRT HARPEB.Sec'y and Treaa. _an4.11_ THE annnal meetinn ot tbe ato-khc 1 iers of the DIPTRlCr OF COL'MKJA PA? PER MANUFAOTDRINO COMPANY will be bel i at the principal office ofths couipany, No. 111 r?utb Pairfaz atr?et Aleiaudria, Va., on MONDAY. January 17. 19'0, at one o'elock p. m., for the pnrpwe of el?ctin(r di? rectors and to tranaact auy businew properly before the meeting. R'JBERT D. MABSHALL, JanS Id fi*cr? tary and Treaaurer. THE (Uinual mretiug of the MockhoMera of the DUMN A MARTJN COVPANY will beheldat the ?ffi<xa of a<id coropiny, R'omtl aod 2 Alezandria National Hatik hui'dirg, Alexandri*. Virgim*, m Tt'ES DAY, Janu*ry 18.19 0, at 2.30 o'eVk p. m., for the aJaaalnai cf directon and for the trn a aotion ofaurh cther bnainesa aa may legnlly ccme btfure aaid me?<iog. janfltd_T. C. DTf.fN. Fe?r?t?ry. THE tnru 1 roetting ot the itockh' I Jera of tbeLAB O/AS COV1PANY, Inrorpo ra'ed, will be held ?t the ??ftices of uid com peny, Poomi l and 2, AlexacdH* National Raok huildiog, Alexacdrin, Yirgioia. on lHfSDAY, Jtnnary 11 ivl-i, at 4 o'c'ock p. m,, for theelection of diridora and for the transaction of forh < ther 1 u.-ines* aa may legaliy oome he'or- said tnee'in*. J<n3 td MEOBOB C. Rfi'P. Secrctary. NoriCE? The ?nnn?l meetirv of the storkhollert of THREE R TVER8 MANHFACTUBING COM PANY arfll be held at room 8, A'exanlrla National iUnk Bu I'linr. Alexan-iria, Vireinia, on \YED NKHPAY, the 19th day cf .Tanuary, 1910, at 10 o'clock a. m. J. M. MILi,* R, ju-3 td_Becretary. STOCKHOI.DER8* WEETING-Ndiee i? herev>y given that the annual meeiing of the itockh ddoioof the W. T. WALKER BRTCK (O. will be hrl1 at 11 o'clock e. ra., on WEDNFSDAY. .Tanuary 19, 1910, in the priaripal efKee of the cotiipany, Arlington, Va? for tbe pnrnoee of e'ecting a pretident and directora aid f-anaiction of other bnri neaa. Byorderofthe preaidect. CHA.S. J. WALKEB, Pecretary. jan6.13.18_, TlTEennual nifetint, of .he atockholdera of theMSHANTILK RAILWAY BITILD IXGand LOAN A^SOdATlOX of M-xan dria V? , wi 1 be beld at 10 a. m. THUR3 DAY, Janoary 20. 1910. )?n4 td LB WIX HOOOF, Secretary. FIE annuti meeting of the a'ockholdera of the ATLA^'ltC BdlLUINO COM PANY will b> h ld ?t the officeof the com p?ny, 121 aoutn Roynl ?treet,Alexandria,Va., on TUUUDAY, January 20. 1910, at 11 o'clook a in., fur tbe election of direct ra and officera for the enauing jcir aod for the tranaattirn nf such o:her hnaineaa aa may propeily come before th- meeliog. M. M PARKER, Prea d.nt. LOUI8 BEYER, Jr., 3 creUry. jao3 w3wm_ THE ANNHAL MEETING of the atock holdera of tbe CoLHMRIA GBANITE AND DREDGING CORPORATION will be h>l 1 at the orh-e? of ssid company, Rooroa 1 and J, Alexandr'a National Bank hnildiog, Alexandria, Virginia, on THUR8DA Y. Jan nary 30. 1910, at 12 o'clock nocn, for the el?c tion of directora and for the tranaactiop of B'ich other boa ne?e aa may legally coree he fore aaid meeting. G. A. BONNET. j-nllawSw _EecreUry. NOTICE TOSToCKFOLDER*.- The an niia" meeting <?'? th* atocthol lea of THE EMERsON8TE*M PFMPC MPANYwill l>e held attheir offiee in Al'x-ndria, Virginia, on UONDAY, .Unnary 10, 1909. ?t 11 o'clock ?. m. R BRUCE EMEB30N, Becretary. >Deting ad'onrned to THUR3DAY. Feb rnnry 10.1910, wbcn it will be held at the aame honr and place. dec23 td Saddle Rocks On tbe Half Shell, Fried, Stewed. In fact tbia calebraUd^biTalye will be eerved in all atyiea at , SPINKS'CAFEj Ti y Spiaik.' Celebnted SUigU Frltd T 0R008RIBH. r+r Baaaay Sella the Best. Largesl, Best, Cheapest Stock in Town. FANCY NAPLES Valnuts 18c RAMSAY'S \>/i TONS CANDY 8c to 35c a pound AND V/2 TONS NUTS Good Mixed Nuts - 12Jfic Best Mixed Nut? - 15c ALL NEW CROP. RAMSAY'S O-O-0 Hne Soft ?-0-O Cheap at .ays ?? FANCY FlorMa llraiiges AND 25 Barrels Both Cheap. Ramsflu's JTOUNDERS AND MACHINISTj^ J. & B. A1TCHES0N, Machinists and Engineers. Agenis 6ray Gasoline Motors Engineers aod Machinists Supplies, Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Vtlres, Etc Blacksmithing and Repair ing Promply Exeaited Tbe Alexandria Iron works Foundrf, Macbine, Blacksmith, and Strucrural Iron Work. Mannfactnrera of Power Tnrbine pomps: will lift water 28 feet. Agenta for Intemational Coal 011 En Hne, a safe and reliable power. Wr %ol i ci t your ordrs on all kinds of Iron works. Bell Phone 33. o-o-0 WASHINGTON OFFICE 514 Evana Buildirn' - Phone Main 73a K. S. LEADBEiTER k SOSS OLAUirci C. j.badbbatbb, Presldent. ?jjwabd e. lkadbbatbb, Vtoe Preaident, ?oh? lbadbbatbb. 8ec and Treararar KKIABLIBHKD 1793, (UtOOBPOBATB),) Ifanufactnring Pharmaciata and Dealers in PainU, Oila, Wiudow Olsaa, Dyeat-ffa, Bpicea, Droggist'a Gooda* and Hpecialtiea, Im porters of Tooth Brnahee, Hair Brushee, Per ume'y, Olire Oil, *<?. AgenU for John Lneas k Co.'s Tinted Gloss Painu, Maanry't Liqnkl Colors and Dcroe's Lead and Zinc Painu. Goodi ihipped the day order is reeeifed QuoUtions ramiabed by retnrn mail, ("or 'eapcndenne tollafuH. PARK AGNEW, Propriator. THE Bromilaw Brick Co. Building, Paving and Sewer Brick. Front and Building Sand. WORKS : Hunting Cretk. J714 ijr T*laphone 107. Citizens' National Bank CAPITAL.$100,000 Surplus and Undivided Profits - $120,000 OFFICERS : Preelde.t, ?'?? Praallao', edward L. Dalnrerflald. Carroll PUrce. RIchardM Qraaa, Ciablar. B P, Payaa Aeat.Caahlar, DI11ECTORS i J. C Smoot, Worth Hulfleh, M. A.;Ahern, Edward L. Daingerfield. ?. w.Kobe tx C?rrotl Plerce Urbao S. Lambert THE CITIZENS* NATIONAL BANK has been directly identified with the mercantile, man ufacturing and jobbing interests of Alexandria for thirty-nine years, and withits large capital, ample surplus, conservative directorate, orogressive man agemen aod convenient location, is equipped to satisfactorily handle new sccounts and to accord them thatsamecourteous atteotion which has been a vital factorin itssteadfastand continuousgrowth. ESTABUSHED 1870. RAMMEL BROS We eztend to all our kind thanka for ihe patrocaze accorc'ed os duribg ihe paat ycar wi h tbe aaan aice we ahall uae our grca'ei-t cndravor .0 ment he fatabliibed pa'ronge ynn btraao atly be.'ped oa to maimain. Wirb ng ?nu a brlght and happy New Year we are Keapectfullr, Rammel Bros. FOR AN EVENINQ OF VIS1T JOHN RILEY &??$ Try one of His Turkey Sandwiches. * The distinguishing features of the O \ ERLAND CARS are me chanical accuracy. grace of outline, luxunous appointmeots, and eaay riding, silent ' ium:ing qnalities. They are cars meant to be seea and not hoard-as *.hown by the manner ia which noi*i' i< eliminated. Have you SEEN our sample? We give demonstrati>ns every day. fiYfcRS BROTHERS. 115 N. Pittst. BUILDING MATEBIAL8. [E8TABLISHED 1833.] HENRT K. FIELil k C9. flan&WK rs to J051AHH. D.8HOOT, Lamber and Mill Worh OF ALL KIND8 Llme, Cementand Pla?ter Ofloe aad Yard 115 N. Union street, Factorr No. 111 N. Lee street. JB?--llaterUl DallTered KRRK in ?>?? rtfr W. A. Smoot & Co., loc. (Baooeasor to J. Rectcr Snoot A Oi.> :im FL00RLW Mannfacturers oi OOOR AND WINT>OW KKAMEP, MOTJLI INGS, Ao. OXALER3 IN LUMBER, dHINQLM, LATHB.NaILS, LIME, CAl/'INED fl^HTWB and CKMHT No, S5 north Union atreet, Alazaadria, Ya, ?L?mb*r ))eli??"*^ tn* in the Mf, Just Received and on hand for sale Dried Beet Pulp in 100 pound bags, for cattle, at RICiUARD B. WAHLES Office akd STOtw: 115-117 N. Rotal 8t. The Srat minate after a fire atarU ia tbe raoat critieal ume, and tbe "Colnmbia" Ez tingaiiher belng alwaya ready for nae, raake yoa raaaUr of'th* aitnation E. 8. LEAD BKATK8A80N8. The Beat of Every hinj. a) THEREXALLBODYa Exerciseir: Developes every pait ^ of the body a) SPEClAL 89c: Taylor's Pharmacy h\i, King Street. ? ?????????????*???? Receptions, Church Festivals, at Homrs And all other sociil functions will find "Quality" Ice Cream of absolute purity. Special rates for large quantities at H. Bloclr 615 King Street Both phontt OTTERBURN Litflia and Hagnesia Spriip WATER. Greateatknown Water for Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Kidncy and Liver Troubles. I.eadinif Physicians endorse it and teatify to ita great merit. FsANi WAIFIELD, Drifgbf Saoeeesor to WARFIELD A BALL. 10NE 144 SOLE AGEN.,' %W. Cxtrmmr fejrfl*' *mtt Priaea Rtraal \Fbcn you i.egm to think of tbe nice thir ew ;liat you inieu'i ojaking tor tbe Thankagiviog dinner, rtcatmbrr L?adbeii?r'a flavoia ar? nw-eaaary ia order te make the parly i akea^ Aa. Just rifbt.